ホリスティック栄養学  量子思考 BNU 101

Quantum Thinking
BNU 101
Optional Projects
You may choose to do all of these projects if you like. They should all prove fun and interesting. Just remember to use the same heading that you place at the top of your required projects and label them “Optional Project I,” “Optional Project II,” etc.
Optional Project I Observe a child or group of young children playing at a preschool, playground, church group, etc. Children, especially preschoolers, are wonderful people to learn from new to them and they have not yet incorporated the “rules” that sometimes stifle creative approaches. Note their innovative uses of objects, such as wearing bowls for hats, using pots and spoons as drum sets, etc. Children will play with almost anything in often anything in often very surprising ways. They may engage in other creative activities such as making up songs, calling things by the “wrong” names, etc. Think about why they do they things they do and what you can learn from them.
Write two or three paragraphs about this experience describing the children’s activities and your impressions of the experience.
Optional Project II Close your eyes and spend a few minutes drawing on a piece of paper. Don’t peek, and don’t try to draw anything specific! When you finish drawing, open your eyes and look at the shapes and squiggles you have created. What do they look like to you? Label the drawings with as many interpretations as you can come up with. Remember, there is always more than one right answer.
Optional Project III Listen to a piece of music and while you are listening, write down your thoughts and feelings. Does the music make you think of a particular time or place? Does it seem to tell a story? You may choose any music you like, but it should not contain words. The ideas that come to mind should be your own– not those of a singer.
When you turn in this project, be sure to include in your heading the name of the piece you chose.

BNU 101


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