
Project 1
The first assignment in this course is actually an ongoing project that you should continue throughout the period of time that you are working on the course. In a notebook reserved exclusively for this purpose you should keep a “creativity diary.” You should note your creative ideas, instances you observe of innovative problem solving, your feelings about the assignments, your goals with regard to developing new ways of thinking and doing things, etc. You might wish to keep track of your intuitive insights, making note of them and then returning later to indicate whether your intuition proved correct in each case. It is a very good idea to record your dreams, as they can provide useful insight to your subconscious, more creative mind. Just remember not to write anything personal that you do not mind your academic advisor reading.
If you have specific goals in mind for this course, you should write them at the beginning of the diary. When you have completed the course, review those initial goals. How close have you come to meeting them? Are you satisfied with your progress? Have your goals changed?
It would also be a good idea to write your list of creative people at the beginning of the diary. When you have completed the course, see how many new names (and categories of creativeness) you can add to the list.
Remember to write your name, student I.D. number, course code, and the title “BNU 101– Project 1” on the outside cover of your diary.
Copyright © 2002: American Holistic College of Nutrition

学生のI.D.の名前を書くことを忘れないでください日記の表紙にある番号、コースコード、およびタイトル「BNU 101– Project 1」。
BNU101.08 / 99-01


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