






亜梨子の住むマンション隣室の夫妻の一人息子である小学生。名前の由来は母(声 – 川島千代子)が“輪廻”から付けたもので、『やがて死んでも、次の時代で会えるように』との意味がある。




両親が不思議な力を持っている蓮は、不思議な事が当たり前で学校で「嘘つき蓮」と呼ばれていた。幼馴染の日路子(かちこ)と色々な不思議な事件に遭遇する。 「ぼくの地球を守って」の次世代ストーリー編。




白鬼院凜々蝶(しらきいん りりちよ)


















魔法や異世界といったファンタジー要素がありますが、主人公が変身したり技の名前を叫んだりとかするシーンはありません(笑) 主人公は前世であるベロニカ姫と自分を割とはっきり別人と認識してますが、

周りの同級生達は記憶が戻った途端に今まで生きてきた16年間がまるで無かったかのような別人ぶりです。 (後にとあるキャラがそのことについて少し触れていますが…) そこに少し違和感を感じますが、前世や転生ものが好きな方ならきっと気に入る作品だと思います。

三位一体の如来 これは最高This is the best of the Trinity Nyorai








三身(さんじん、または さんしん、trikāya)は、大乗仏教における、の3種類の身のあり方(法身・報身・応身)で、仏身観の一種である。三身説



三身 説明 三徳 仏(如来)
法身(ほっしん) 宇宙真理真如そのもの、仏性 法身 毘盧遮那仏
報身(ほうじん) 仏性のもつ属性、はたらき。あるいは修行して成仏する姿。 般若 阿弥陀仏
応身(おうじん) この世において悟り、人々の前に現れる釈迦の姿。 解脱 釈迦牟尼仏






もっとも一般には、同じ報身・報土であっても菩薩の智慧の程度に応じて、感得できる報土には上下の隔てがあると考えられていました。しかし少なくとも愛憎の煩悩を断ち切り、真如の一分をさとる智慧を開いた初地以上の菩薩 (天台宗では初住以上の菩薩) でなければ感得することができないというのが仏教の常識でした。初地とは、五十一段階に分けられる菩薩の階位の第四十一位目をいい、見惑 (邪師や邪教によって後天的に起こすようになった煩悩) とか思惑 (生まれつき持っている極めて根深い煩悩) といわれるような、無量の煩悩を断ち切って、もはや迷いの境界(三界)を輪廻転生しなくなった菩薩ですから、これ以上を聖者といいます。

このように初地以上の菩薩が、それぞれのさとりの、さとりの程度に応じて感得する報土を他受用報土(他の菩薩に受用させる報土・天台宗では実報無障礙土) といいます。仏が完成された仏界としての報土は仏陀だけが受用されますので自受用報土 (天台宗では常寂光土) と呼んで区別されていました。ですからたとえ弥勒菩薩のような最高位 (第五十一位) の菩薩であっても真実の報土 (自受用報土) は窺い知ることはできないといわれていました。このような通説を完全に破って、信心の行者が往生させていただく報土は、真実報土であって、ただ仏と仏とのみが知見することのできる無上涅槃の境界であるといい、往生はそのまま成仏であると言い切っていかれたのが親鸞聖人でした。



Dainichi Nyorai (Dainichinyorai, Bonn: Mahāvairocana

Shaka Nyorai or Shaka Munibutsu means the Buddha’s founder, Buddha (Gautama Siddatta, Gautama Siddhartha, and Shakudani Tadata) Buddha)

Jundai Kannon is one of the bodhisattvas who is a religious object in Buddhism.

Sanjin (or Sanshin, San: Sankaku:) trikāya) are the three types of body of Buddha in Mahayana Buddhism (Holy body, sacred body, and body), which is a kind of Buddha’s view. Three-way theory.

Volume 3 of “Tenjikyoron” states that “There are three kinds of Buddha in every Buddha. First is a Buddha, second is a Buddha, and third is a Buddha.” Usually, this three body theory is often used.

The correspondence is as follows.

Description of the three bodies Santoku Buddha (Horai) Hoshin: Truth of the universe, truth itself, the Buddha nature. Hojin Bi Roh Buddha Hojin: The attribute of Buddhism and its function. Or a figure of practicing and becoming Buddha. Hanwa Amitabha Buddha (Ojin) The figure of Buddha who is enlightened in this world and appears in front of people. Liberation Sakyamuni Buddha

What the three bodies embody is called the first three bodies, or the third body Enmitsu.


Buddhist Buddha (the Buddha as it is the truth itself) refers to the realm of indiscriminate wisdom of the Buddha, which is the body of the Satori of the Buddha. There is only one person who knows and knows there, and it completely transcends the dual confrontation of life and death, self and others, love and hate, good and evil, and there is no time or space restriction. , Is an area that cannot be expressed in words, which is characterized by targeting things, separating them, and distinguishing them. Although it is also called legality, legality, Buddhism, Buddha, and legal soil, there is no life or death there, and there is no difference between traffic and traffic.


The Buddhist Buddha is a Buddhist Buddhist statue of Mantoku Enman who was completed by his long-term training as the Bodhisattva completed his own satori and at the same time made a vow to save all sentient beings. It realizes an infinite amount of desires and virtue, so it has eternal “life” (infinite life) and infinite light of wisdom (infinite light). The territory of such a Buddha is called Hodo, where the true world of truth is realized, as promised when he was a Bodhisattva.

However, it was generally considered that even the same body and body, there was a gap between the top and bottom that could be felt, depending on the degree of bodhisattva’s wisdom. However, the common sense of Buddhism was that at least the Bodhisattva above the first land (the Bodhisattva above the first residence in the Tendai sect), who at least cut off the anxieties of love and hate and opened up the wisdom of the true heart, was the only common sense. Hajime is the forty-first place of the Bodhisattva’s rank, which is divided into fifty-one stages, and is used for confusion (anxiety caused by evil teachers and priests) and speculation (born naturally). It is a bodhisattva that has no longer reincarnated from the boundary (third world) in which he is lost by cutting off an infinite amount of anxiety, which is said to be extremely deep-rooted anxiety.

In this way, Bodhisattva above the first ground is said to have received the soil that each Satori feels according to the degree of Satori. I will. Only the Buddha can accept the Buddhist information as the Buddhist world where the Buddha was completed. Therefore, it was said that even the highest-ranking Bodhisattva like the Maitreya Bodhisattva (the 51st place) could not know the true Hodo (self-supporting Hodo). It is said that the hodo that the devotee’s devotee revives after breaking such a popular theory is the true hodo, is the border between the Buddha and the Nirvana, which only Buddha can know. It was Shinran Saint who was said to have been a true Buddha.


The Buddha who has continued to burn the anxieties of love and hate, and the Buddha who has been able to control his anxieties and is no longer appearing in the table, but who has appeared according to the mind of the practitioner who has yet to open his true wisdom. Says. Among them, there is a Buddhist shrine that was eradicated at the age of 80, like Shakyamuni, who appeared in this poem according to human beings.




准胝観音  チュンディー  Cundī)

Oṃ cale cule cunde svāhā





龍樹(りゅうじゅ、नागार्जुनNāgārjuna 大体 紀元0のインドの人です。




Oṃ cale cule cunde s vāhā


On Shaley Shrey Juntei Sowaka

It has the meaning of a clean Buddha,


Ryuju, Brahma: नागार्जुन, Nāgārjuna, an Indian person with approximately 0 AD.

He is a great priest, but he says about Shukan Kannon.

If you believe in quasi-kannon, it will protect you.

The Buddhist stupa is the same.


















白米 82mg
玄米 94mg
パスタ(乾麺) 140mg
そば(乾麺) 170mg
カツオ 310mg
マグロ赤身 270mg
豚ロース 280mg
鶏むね肉 270mg
木綿豆腐 98mg
豆乳 53mg





 豆腐のドライカレー (豆腐:トリプトファン)+ごはん(炭水化物)
★ 豆乳ビシソワーズ  (豆乳:トリプトファン)+鮭のムニエル(鮭:トリプトファン、ビタミンB6)+ごはん(炭水化物)
★ 塩麹の野菜パスタ  (パスタ:トリプトファン)+サーモンのマリネ(鮭:トリプトファン、ビタミンB6)
★ パスタ エファジョーリ(パスタ:トリプトファン)
★ 鮭と具だくさんの粕汁(鮭:トリプトファン、ビタミンB6)+酒粕(ビタミンB6)



Spring is a season when the physical and mental balance is likely to be disturbed due to changes in the climate and environment.
In order to not lose out in the spring, take “tryptophan” to increase the serotonin, a brain hormone that controls mood and emotions and stabilizes the mind.

What is Serotonin?

Also known as the Happiness Hormone, it is a hormone in the brain that, along with “noradrenaline (excites nerves)” and “dopamine (amplifies pleasure)”, is one of the three major nerves that are deeply related to important human functions such as emotion, mental aspect, and sleep. It is one of the transmitters. When the brain feels nervous or stressed, it secretes serotonin, controls the actions of noradrenaline and dopamine, and tries to balance the autonomic nerves. It is because serotonin increases and noradrenaline decreases when you take a hot spring or perform gymnastics that have a relaxing effect when stress is accumulated. However, when stress and fatigue accumulate, the amount of serotonin secreted decreases and the function is restricted.

To increase serotonin …

Serotonin is made in the brain, but requires the essential amino acid tryptophan as its material. However, tryptophan cannot be produced in the body and must be taken from the diet. Tryptophan ingested from food changes into serotonin in the brain during the daytime and into melatonin, which promotes sleep at night. Therefore, a lack of tryptophan can cause insomnia and poor sleep quality. Tryptophan also synthesizes vitamins (niacin), which are necessary for metabolism and decomposition of sugars, proteins and lipids.

What ingredients contain a lot of tryptophan?

Ingredients that contain a lot of tryptophan are mainly soy products such as tofu, natto, miso and soy sauce, dairy products such as cheese, milk and yogurt, and grains such as rice. It is also contained in sesame, peanuts, eggs and bananas. Also, meat and fish contain a lot of tryptophan, but the amino acid BCAA contained in animal protein makes tryptophan less likely to be taken into the brain, so it is recommended to take it from plant protein. However, when animal protein “carbohydrates (grains, potatoes, fruits, etc.)” and “vitamin B6 *” are taken together, blood sugar rises and BCAA acts on muscles, so tryptophan synthesis in the brain. Will be promoted. In other words, tryptophan required can be taken by eating well-balanced staple food, main dish and side dish.

* Vitamin B6: Abundant in fish such as salmon, mackerel, and saury, lean meat such as chicken breast and chicken, sake lees, matcha, and sesame.

アーサー・ケストラー Arthur Kestler


1967年哲学者アーサー・ケストラーが著作『機械の中の幽霊』の中で提唱した概念で、ギリシア語で全体を意味する ὅλος holos に部分を意味する -on をつけた造語

















機械の中の幽霊 (ちくま学芸文庫)

機械の中の幽霊 (ちくま学芸文庫)

(2020/4/24 20:05時点)



(2020/4/24 20:07時点)


Holon is a concept that represents the structure of an object. It is a part, but it also has the property of the whole, and it is a unit that works in harmony with the hierarchy above and below. One whole as an element (part) when the elements that make up the whole have the structure as a whole. Also called the whole child. For example, cells, which are elements (portions) that make up the entire human body, each have a structure and function as a whole, and can be said to be holons.

In 1967, a concept advocated by philosopher Arthur Kestler in “The Ghost in the Machine”, a coined word with Greek as the whole meaning ᅅ λος holos with meaning-on

The first proof of genius is
Not perfection
Originality that opens a new frontier.

The more original discoveries
If you think later
It seems obvious.

Excerpt / Omitted

Reach the true truth
Up to that point
Everything is wrong.

Excerpt / Omitted

What is courage
To your actions
Not to have the influence of fear.

Free translation / summary

Losing even illusions
No more sadness.

Free translation / summary

Result is
Justify all means.

Free translation / summary


Ghost in Machine (Chikuma Gakugei Bunko)

Ghost in Machine (Chikuma Gakugei Bunko)

Second hand price
From ¥ 8,942
(As of 2020/4/24 20:05)

Holon Revolution

Holon Revolution

Second hand price
From ¥ 2,291
(2020/4/24 at 20:07)

如意輪観音  Cintāmaṇicakra

如意輪観音(にょいりんかんのん)、梵名チンターマニチャクラ (चिन्तामणिचक्र [Cintāmaṇicakra])は、菩薩の一尊。観音菩薩の変化身(へんげしん)の一つであり、六観音の一尊に数えられる。


如意宝珠は は因縁解脱を指し、紅蓮華は死せるのも全て霊界をいだかせる。








Nyoirinkannon and Bonna Cinta Manichakura (चिन्तामणिचक्र [Cintāmaṇicakra]) are the bodhisattva’s sons. It is one of the transformations of the Kannon Bodhisattva and is counted as one of the six Kannon.

The three-dimensional shape is Ruyi Jewel, Gurenhua. Kyreek (ह्रीः, hrīḥ)

Ruyi jewel refers to the unraveling of affairs and Gurenhua kills all spiritual worlds.

The right first hand shows a thought phase by touching it on the cheek, the second right hand holds the Ruyi Orb in front of the chest, and the right third hand hangs outward and has beads. On the other hand, the left first hand spreads the palm and touches the ground, the second left hand holds the unopened lotus (bud of lotus), and the third left hand supports the Falun with the tip of the finger.

This means having humans, solving desires, worries, and joys.

On Hadma Shindamani Jibala Eun

前提としての月輪観  View of the moon as a premise




View of the moon as a premise

The view of Aji is set with the view of the moon ring. There is also a hanging scroll with only the moon ring without a letter, so beginners may only watch the moon ring. Rather, that is preferable, and it is more effective to proceed to Aji after learning the moon ring.
A simple way is to open your eyes and look at the moon ring. Close your eyes
Then slowly pull the moon ring into your chest. Repeat until the moon ring is clearly set in your chest. Thinking that the white moon of Shirajo is shining in herself, she returns the moon ring to the hanging scroll again. You’re done.
What is human nature? Good or bad? Although opinions are divided, Buddhism says that the true nature of one’s mind is clean. Based on this, the image of a concrete full moon is the image of the moon ring. I wonder if Hirai’s knowledge is to always have a full moon in my heart!
In addition to the view of the moon ring, there is a wide view and a new view. The wide view is to gradually inflate the full moon ring drawn into the chest. The size of the first moon is about one elbow, but make it big enough to fit your body. As I settle down, I expand this moon to the size of a room (dojo) and eventually to the size of a house, and further expand the scale from the land to the size of the earth, solar system, galaxies, and the universe.
Is there a limit to the human mind? We are dwarfed with our own hearts, and we are constantly delighted with the immediate future. It might be good to try the feeling of space universe in this way.
The perspective is the opposite of the perspective. The endlessly enlarged moon is restored to its original size.
In addition, as a sequence, it is customary to perform a number of breathing views prior to the moon ring. This is a way of breathing, it only counts breaths consciously. There are various methods of counting, but the number of breaths to be exhaled is counted to one, two and ten, and again to be one and two, and the interval between breaths is gradually lengthened.

瞑想法の伝統には、シャマタとヴィパシュヤナーの二つがある  There are two meditation traditions: Shamata and Vipashyanah.


1. 「内なる平穏を見つける:シャマタとヴィパシュヤナーの旅」
2. 「マインドフルネスを解放する:シャマタとヴィパシュヤナー瞑想の探求」
3. 「静けさに包まれる:シャマタとヴィパシュヤナーの実践を探る」








◆ Stop and view

There are two Indian Buddhist meditation traditions: Shamata and Vipashyanah. They are translated as “stop” and “kan”, respectively. The two are collectively referred to as “Taikan”, and the “Tendai Magi-Tankan” is famous as a systematic thing. However, in general, “Tankan” is somewhat difficult and seems to be a special training. There is a mystery that has been broken. However, even in Nanden Buddhism, these two meditation methods (in Pali, called “Samata” and “Vipassana”) are extremely orthodox meditation methods, and it is no exaggeration to say that they are still the alpha and OMEGA of training. .

Shamata is essentially calming. This practice is not about thinking or focusing on something. That’s true in most Buddhist dictionaries, but it’s not true. This should be called a kind of abandonment of the subject (a practice of “selfishness” in the Buddhist style), and in concrete terms, it means just breathing.

Stretch your back, relax your shoulders and deep breath. No other special effort is made. This is the practice of Shamata.


It is an essential premise for the next Vipashyana practice
The original meaning of Vipashyanah is “observation.” What to observe is the Buddha’s law, the Buddhist law. For example, in Nanden Buddhism, we observe each doctrine of the doctrines that have been emphasized since primitive Buddhism, such as “Permanence”, “Bitterness”, and “Self”. That practice is all about training. In this way, Buddhist doctrines are not unconditionally believed dogmas, but all must be conceived through the practice of meditation.
When it comes to Mahayana Buddhism, Vipashyanah is exclusively about the sky. This is called “Kankan”.
Naturally, even in esoteric Buddhism, Vipashyanar is emphasized. Rather, it was esoteric Buddhism that culminated in the practice of Vipashyanah. The practice system consists of numerous Vipashyanahs corresponding to the various mandalas, but the Ajikan has been emphasized as the most simple and independent view that can reach the extreme of esoteric Buddhism.

◆ Overview of Aji

Ajikan is a meditation method of contemplating Aji in Sanskrit. Normally, you sit in front of a dedicated hanging scroll.
The hanging scroll is dark blue. In the center, there is a white circle with a diameter of about one elbow (about the length of an elbow, about one shaku), that is, a moon ring (gachirin), in which a golden A character is placed. A lotus flower pedestal of Yaba is added to this, but there are two types, a moon ring on the lotus stand, a pattern with an A in it, and a pattern with an A on the lotus stand. It is said that they are based on the placental method and Kongo method, respectively, but the latter pattern is more common.

There are hundreds of biographies in the works and manners, including “Ajikanshinkoukoujutsu” written by Kukai and written by Takaki’s younger brother, and several “Ajikan” written by Kakuru. Absent. However, since the basic rules are based on the usual esoteric Buddhist law, it is desirable to receive guidance from an orthodox teacher when practicing.

In summary,
First, scoop out your mouth, then enter the hall.
The seating method is either Yagi or Semi-Legit.
After signing the Self-Defense Law, he recites the Bodhisattva Shingon and the Sanmai Yakai Shingon, chants the Five Great Wishes, and recites the Dainichi Nyorai’s Five Characters (Shingon). This part is the correct line for Ajikan (described later).
The shape of the hand is the Hokai seal or the Mida seal. When it’s over, I’ll make a decision, recite the power of three strengths, and if there’s a prayer, I will pray, and finally I will throw five bodies again and go out.
At that time, it is important to “have compassion for the heart.”
You will need to be directly informed about the traditional fine manners and knowledge. However, the Indian meditation tradition does not always choose time and place for meditation. Once you have received all the instructions, you should have the comfort of being able to carry it out anytime, anywhere, for example on the train, as a daily routine. If you don’t have a hanging scroll, it would be fun to go to the real moon.

◆ View of moon ring as a premise

The view of Aji is set with the view of the moon ring. There is also a hanging scroll with only the moon ring without a letter, so beginners may only watch the moon ring. Rather, that is preferable, and it is more effective to proceed to Aji after learning the moon ring.
A simple way is to open your eyes and look at the moon ring. Close your eyes
Then slowly pull the moon ring into your chest. Repeat until the moon ring is clearly set in your chest. Thinking that the white moon of Shirajo is shining in herself, she returns the moon ring to the hanging scroll again. You’re done.
What is human nature? Good or bad? Although opinions are divided, Buddhism says that the true nature of one’s mind is clean. Based on this, the image of a concrete full moon is the image of the moon ring. I wonder if Hirai’s knowledge is to always have a full moon in my heart!
In addition to the view of the moon ring, there is a wide view and a new view. The wide view is to gradually inflate the full moon ring drawn into the chest. The size of the first moon is about one elbow, but make it big enough to fit your body. As I settle down, I expand this moon to the size of a room (dojo) and eventually to the size of a house, and further expand the scale from the land to the size of the earth, solar system, galaxies, and the universe.
Is there a limit to the human mind? We are dwarfed with our own hearts, and we are constantly delighted with the immediate future. It might be good to try the feeling of space universe in this way.
The perspective is the opposite of the perspective. The endlessly enlarged moon is restored to its original size.
In addition, as a sequence, it is customary to perform a number of breathing views prior to the moon ring. This is a way of breathing, it only counts breaths consciously. There are various methods of counting, but the number of breaths to be exhaled is counted to one, two and ten, and again to be one and two, and the interval between breaths is gradually lengthened.

● Aji’s method and significance

Once you have become accustomed to the moon ring view, place the A character inside the full moon ring and move on to the A character view.
There are three views: voice, letters, and reality.
The A sound is not only the first sound in the alphabet, but all the Sanskrit characters basically include the A sound, so it is regarded as the original sound and the fundamental sound.
So, first of all, I would like to look at Aji in the voice. At first, she utters quietly, slowly and long. Gradually reduce the vocalization, and at the end, keep in mind. The sound that comes out of himself fills himself, and eventually he permeates the entire universe.
Next, look at the shape of Aji with <view of Aji of character>. The point is that you can see the full moon ring, the lotus flower of Yaba, and the three letters of A in the heart.
Finally, we will examine the meaning of Aji in <Actual view of Aji>. Traditionally, the theory of “book immortality” is as follows.
First of all, as mentioned above, “A” is the basis of all speech sounds, so it becomes a symbol of the root of all things. From there, it is considered to be the “A” in the Sanskrit word “Ardi”.
Next, in the Sanskrit, “a” is also used as a negation. There are various types of denial, such as permanent, selfless, and unbreakable, but they are generally regarded as the “A” in the Sanskrit Anutupada, which means “immortality.”
Buddhism does not preach the creation of the world. Therefore, the creator cannot accept it. All things are created by the edge and destroyed by the edge (Lingus theory). Every occurrence has a book. A book also has a book, because nothing comes from nothing. Then what is the original book? Of course someone didn’t. If the original book came about, why did it come from?
So it wasn’t “caused.” But if they haven’t occurred, why are there so many things? In the end, the original, beyond-thinking situation, which can be asked whether it has occurred or not, is called “honsei”, and it is expressed in A and is called “Ajihonsei.”
The origin of all things will be the universe itself, just as all things are there. And the mother universe of all things will be full of compassion like the mother of life.
It is not the dark cold material space that modern physics depicts. The universe that created us as spiritual and spiritual beings cannot be like that.
If so, it is no wonder that Mother Universe is a Buddha. Furthermore, it may be called Dainichi Nyorai as the highest honorific name.
Thus, Aji becomes a symbol of Dainichi Nyorai, the universe Buddha. To think about Aji and keep it in my heart is nothing but to experience the essential and essential identity between myself and Dainichi Nyorai.
Note that it should not be an ego expansion. Of course, the fact is that you can’t realize it without deceiting yourself.
If this is adapted to us, consider the book of our own life (soul). Everybody leaves the hometown of life and continues the journey of this life, and when the journey ends, he returns, a longing for the place of its origin. For old songs,
“The child of Aji stands out from the hometown of Aji and returns to the hometown of Aji.”
In other words, to think of your roots

27宿曜占星術   27 night astrology









栄親(栄=自分が栄えさせる関係、親=相手から親しまれる関係 発展する関係、 お互いに親しく栄える関係)


友衰(友=相手から友情をもらう関係、衰=自分の運命が衰退する関係 友達になりやすいが似たもの同士で障害も発生しやすい関係、与え合う関係)




危成(危=相手から危険を及ぼされる関係、成=自分のすることが成就する関係 異質なものに惹かれ合って発展する可能性のある関係、依存しない関係)






[Characteristics of each of the 27 inns (Katakana in parentheses is the Indian name)]

Kakushuku (Chitler) … A bright and happy work person
Koshuku (Spaachi) … Justice who pursues ideals without gaining or losing
Ushijuku (Visaga) … A realist with a dynamic and keen sense
Boushuku (Anurada) … A flashy, fortune-rich popular person
Shinshuku (Jesitor) … A commoner group who is full of affection
Oshijuku (Mura) … A stubborn hero who strictly regulates himself
Minshuku (Pool Vasharda) … A master skin with a courage to raise children
Tojuku (Uttarashada) … a wisdom challenger who can become the originator
Nyoshuku (Shravana) … A leader of ambition and curiosity.
Kyushuku (Kunishda) … Foresighted and rugged wisdom
Kyuku = Shatabishak … A pure urban fighter with an aesthetic sense
Muro-juku (Silshuk = Purava Badu Baders) … An all-rounder who can rise with wisdom and ability
Hekishuku (Woodla Badr Padders) … Sober and innocent and solid
Keishuku (Levati) … An idealistic multi-human with many hobbies and curiosity
Roshuku (Ashvinii) … A refreshing active group full of ideas from friends.
Gastro-inn (Balany) … Strong charisma with strong ego and curiosity.
Bushuku (Kurichka) … Saints who are profitably complemented by others
Hakushuku (Lohini) … A noble worker who accumulates immorality to serve others
Shushuku (Murigashirasu) … A proud and proud leader
Sanshuku (Ardora) … Innovative idea man with sharp tongue
Ijuku (Punarvas) … A cool rationalist with a family feeling
Kisuku (Pusha) … A pure pioneer with a good-hearted and thin desire
Ryushuku = entrepreneur with long-suffering ambition
Hoshijuku (magur) … Awesome individuality who sat courageously
Zhangjuku (Purova Farguni) … A large flower that masters human talent
Tsubasa (Utara Fargute) … Political house of morality with overseas luck
Shinshuk (Huster) … A calm and delicate wife who does everything

● The secret of the relationship and compatibility of Shukyouyo (Thirty-nine Law)

The relationship of the stars that you see in Sudoku is shown as various relationships. It is a very good scry when it comes to looking at interpersonal relations, coping strategies, and Japanese luck. In “Sanku’s secret method” that sees human relations, you see each relationship with your own home star as “life”, the 9th counterclockwise as “work”, and the 18th as “womb”. Starting from life, work, and womb, “prosperity, decline, security, danger, succession, destruction, friend, parent” will be placed in succession. From life to work is the “1.9 law”, from work to womb is the “2.9 law”, and from womb to life is the “3.9 law”. “. If you divide the relationships, you will find exactly the same inn star (life lodging), the same group (womb, work), a relationship that prosper each other (prosperity), a relationship between similar things (friend decline), a relationship that you can win. There are six types of relationships: losing relationships (annuity) and heterogeneous and non-dependent relationships (dangerous). I have a relationship.

◆ Bunkyo (a person who has the same lodging as you)

It’s hard to get along with each other because you can see each other and see their strengths and weaknesses as if you were looking at yourself. I feel pain when I’m together for a long time. It is important that you take the advantage of your opponent and your weakness as your weakness. There are also cases where you can compete with each other. However, in the case of Wazen-juku (Shin, Kaku, Tassel, Kei) and Anjujuku (Wall, Doo, Tsubasa, Tsubaki), the people with a calm character do not make a big wave.

◆ Womb, work (same group, relationship with one’s reincarnation, previous life and next life)

A relationship where people gradually get closer and gradually leave. It’s okay if you meet on a regular basis at intervals, but it’s not so good if you’re face-to-face for marriage or joint ventures all the time. It is also called the form of one’s previous life and the next life, and is related to the previous life and the next life.

◆ Prosperous parents (Sakae = relationship that makes you prosper, parent = relationship that is favored by the other person, relationship that develops, relationship that mutually prosperous)

If you’re too close to each other’s “prosperity”, you’ll be in touch with each other from the moment you meet each other, but you’ll be too close to be polite, and you’ll have to worry about private issues. In the case of medium distance “prosperity”, it is balanced, the most problematic, and a close relationship continues all the time. In the case of a long-distance “prosperity”, although they are not close to each other, they do not come close to each other. It may not be suitable for joint ventures and marriages.

◆ Friend decline (friend = friendship from the other party, declining = relationship in which one’s destiny declines; relationship that makes people more likely to be friends but more likely to cause disabilities, relationships to give each other)

A good relationship as a friend or lover. It tends to be difficult to have a deep relationship of actively working together and doing something. Although they often share the same interests and interests, it is likely that different areas will be highlighted. The key is to be able to fully understand the different worlds and parts. Relationships become distorted when joint projects and money transfers occur.

◆ Defeat (defeat = win, defeat = loss)

The worst combination. The casual behavior of “cheap” is very heavy on a person who “breaks”. You can’t win even if you fight against “destroyed” opponents. In this relationship, there are cases of close friends, and it is also interpreted that the combination of luck is bad rather than bad relations. Even if you start a business because of “anxiety”, there is a high possibility that you will fail due to unbalanced luck. In the case of short distances, there are cases where it becomes a great combination. There is no problem if they are mutually independent. At medium distances, the more you get acquainted, the stronger the repulsion. At long distances, destructive work is slow, but once it does, repair becomes very difficult.

◆ Crisis (danger = relationship in which danger is exerted by the other party, success = relationship in which one’s actions are fulfilled: relationship that may develop by being attracted to different things, relationship that does not depend)

A completely different kind of inn that is attracted to each other because of their unique characteristics. Basically, I don’t go to a level where I feel familiar. An interdependent relationship that clearly separates and respects the roles of each other is an interesting combination. The long-distance danger, which is the opposite of the favorite, suddenly exerts suction power when it encounters, and in many cases, it suddenly burns up in a man and woman’s romance. However, since they are different people, if the heat cools down, they may break up. It’s a good idea to take a moment to get acquainted with the other person before pushing things forward.

* The most important thing in compatibility is to be able to have a smooth exchange with all the inns after knowing the human relationships of these night astrology. By asking yourself questions about how you can match yourself with other people, and improving the results by looking at the appraisal results, you can make human relationships smoother.

● Day luck as seen in night astrology

Shukyouyo decides the star lodging based on the lunar calendar month and lunar calendar day based on the operation of the moon, and looks at the good luck of Nikkan every 27 days. It is characterized by the fact that it shows good fortune, and it is very effective for choosing a lucky day and being careful of accidents and injuries due to human relationships. For example, for a Honjuku star, the day when it is cheap is a good day to travel, and if you want to get rid of a person you don’t like, choose a day that is broken. If you want to get along with other people, it’s a good idea to choose “Parent” or “Friend” days. The day of “break” (the day of destruction) is the time when it is easy to get caught up in unimaginable troubles or suffer accidents. In “Tenchijin’s 27th night sculpture”, you can view the daily good luck calendar, basic luck, and Feng Shui calendar as a certificate. If you are interested, please apply for an appraisal and feel the way to good luck.

宿曜占星術 Nightly astrology








































































Shushyo Astrology is a very common horoscope, and due to its accuracy, it was sometimes banned for a period of time. For that reason, Shushyo Astrology may have been something that we are not familiar with today.

But if the hit rate is so high, why not try to fortune?

In particular, Shushyo Astrology is good at human relationships, which we are not good at. It can be said that the key to happiness in life is how smoothly human relationships can be carried out.

This time, let’s take a closer look at how to use Shukuyo Astrology.

How to put out on a night

There are two ways to find the favorite inn for night astrology: using the lunar calendar and using birth time.

The preferred lodging often differs depending on which one you use.

Determining the “favorite lodging” from the day of birth

With shukuyo astrology, you can find your favorite inn from your date of birth. By using the astrology board to place the main inn at the position of the inner life, the relationship with the surrounding inns directly shows the compatibility of human relationships.

Characters, good luck, and compatibility depending on the combination are fortuned by the inn

Shushyo Astrology not only tells you about your fortune and the luck of the day, but also tells you the affiliation in human relationships. Especially, it can be said that he is good at divination of compatibility by combination.

If you want to see the compatibility, check the accommodation of the other party and see the compatibility from the relationship

In shukuyo astrology, you use the astrology board. When looking at the compatibility, you can examine what the other person’s lodging is and see the compatibility in detail from the relationship.

Which of the 6 compatibility

The relationship of each lodging is classified into 6 according to the arrangement on the astrological board. With shukuyo astrology, you can tell by looking at which of the six categories the intimacy of inns belongs to.

“Distance” indicating whether the edge is deep or shallow

The distance on the astronomical disk shows whether the relationship is deep or shallow. By dividing the astrological board into three, you can combine the positional relationship (distance) and relationship (compatibility) between your favorite inn and other inns for detailed fortune-telling.

Calculation of nights

There are several ways to calculate the number of nights, including 27 inns, 28 inns, the lunar calendar, and the time of birth. Your favorite inn may differ depending on the method you used to calculate it.

There are several ways
27 inns

The white road, which is the way the moon looks, is divided into 27 equal areas. It is sometimes called Kōho to distinguish it from Nijyukujuku. It was completely abolished in 1685 of the Edo period.

28 inns

Twenty-eight inn represents 28 stars and is divided into 28 constellations along the ecliptic of the sun. Originally it had an astronomical meaning in China, but when it arrived in India, it came to represent the good and bad of the sun.

Use the old calendar

We are currently using a new solar calendar based on the movement of the sun, called the Western or Gregorian calendar. Unlike the new calendar, the old calendar is based on the movements of the sun and moon.

Birth time included

If you are unsatisfied with your favorite inn by night astrology, try finding your birth time.

However, some people may not know their birth time. In that case, you can narrow down to less than 3 inns by examining inns at 0:00 and 23:59 on the date of birth.

You can look it up from the list etc.

There is a list of the favorite lodgings in Shushō Astrology. Once you know your date of birth, this list will give you a quick idea of ​​what your favorite lodging is.

In addition, since computers have been developed in modern times, you can quickly find out your favorite lodging and fortune.

How to put out on a night with a look at human relationships and compatibility

In order to check the compatibility of the fortune-telling of the night, you can divide it into 6 patterns by the secret method of 3-9.

The six relationships are “life,” “work,” “prospect,” “friend decline,” “rising,” and “assurance,” and can be seen in detail in human relationships.

See which of the 6 compatibility is the secret of 3-9

When we dig into the detailed human relationships in Shukuyo Astrology, we need to use the Shokuban board to find out which type of 6 compatibility is possible using the 3-9 secret method. Fortune telling as a 27-day cycle.

See compatibility with one’s favorite inn as “life”, counterclockwise as “work”, and 18th as “womb”

In shukuyo astrology, the shukuban board is used to derive the details of human relationships.

The shukuyo board is divided into circles in detail, and one’s favorite lodging is placed directly above the innermost life. The counterclockwise 9th is “work” and the 18th is “womb”. Let’s see the causal compatibility of.

From life to work

Using the Shushaku board, you will be fortuned from life to work with the unique concept of the nineteenth law. The 1st to 9th law is also called a vibrant week, and it is a period in which students actively work toward the challenges and goals in front of them.

It’s also a week where you can play an active role in your efforts and achievements.

From the work to the womb

From the work to the womb using the Shushakuban, it is called the 2.9 method. During this period, you must deal with past failures and problems. Therefore, luck is on the decline.

From the womb to life

From the womb to life, using the Shushakuban, it is called the 3-9 method. This period is a week of destruction and is a period of preparing for the dynamics by regenerating the exhausted mind and body.

6 compatibility

In shukuyo astrology, human relationships can be categorized into 6 patterns according to their compatibility. In addition to the six patterns, there is a short-distance, medium-distance, and long-distance relationship between pregnancies, prosperity, friend decline, and destruction.

Life: The same inn. Compatibility changes depending on the nature

Life is a person who is similar to each other in the same inn, so if you fall into the state of looking in a mirror and stick to each other, you may be hostile.

However, in the case of Wazen-shuku and Ajushi-juku, the personality is so mild that they are said to be compatible with each other.

Work place: the same group as fate lodging, a relationship that can become after becoming familiar

Since the work place has a deeply related relationship such as the previous life and the next life, it gradually happens that after becoming familiar, it gradually separates.

Prosperity: Prosper each other

Honor is characterized by the fact that we have been together since we first met. In the case of a horoscope, if it is a short distance, there is no problem because it is not too close if they are independent of each other, but if it is a long distance, it is said that it is not suitable for marriage etc.

But for medium distances, it’s well-balanced so you can maintain the best relationship to prosper each other.

Tomoyo: Similar people

Since friendship decline is similar to each other, it is a good match for friends and lovers.

However, it is not suitable for collaborative work, and it can be said that it is unlikely to have a deep emotional relationship.

Crisis: heterogeneous, independent relationships

Crisis has a completely different nature, so it is a relationship in which they are attracted to each other. Therefore, they are in a relationship that does not depend on each other.

Also, in terms of the relationship between men and women, since it is a type that easily heats up and cools down, it is often successful to take the opportunity to look at each other calmly.

Ankai: Win / Loss Relationship

Ankai is considered the worst of the six types because it has a winning and losing relationship.

However, there are exceptions, and if you can avoid the danger of heavy pressure on each other in the case of short distances, it may be a good compilation.

How to make a smooth relationship? Summary about how to put out the night and the formula

There are several ways to calculate your favorite inn for night astrology, such as 27 inn, 28 inn, old calendar, and birth time.

Depending on which method you used, your favorite inn may differ, but it is also one way to decide which of the 1 to 3 inns you found is the most suitable.

In addition, to see the compatibility of the fortune telling on the night of the night, divide it into 6 patterns according to the secret method of 3-9, and tell the relationship between yourself and the person you want to fortune.

If you can learn how to interact with familiar human relations by adopting Shukuyo Astrology, you will be able to improve your relationship with the other person.

On night astrology