

シュタイナー Steiner Steiner is an educator, artist, philosopher, intellectual, theologian, historian, cultural critic, シュタイナー は 教育者、 芸術家、 哲学者、 知識人、 神学 者、 歴史 学者、 文化 評論家、


壁   さまざま な 理由 で 才能 が 見いださ れ ない こと が ある とは いえ、 才能 が 見いださ れ ない まま で 良い という 理由 は あり ませ ん。   シュタイナー は 教育者、 芸術家、 哲学者、 知識人、 神学 者、 歴史 学者、 文化 評論家、 そして 精神的 指導 者 という 多彩 な 経歴 の 持ち主 です。 しかし、 これら の 経歴 を 描い ても 彼 の 業績 を 余す こと なく 説明 する のは 容易 では あり ませ ん。   一見 シュタイナー は、 宗教 的 指導 者 で ある とか、 オカルト 信仰 者 で ある とか、 不可解 な 人物 という 印象 を 与える ため、 軽く み られる こと すら あり ます が、 決して 宗教 的 権威主義 者 などでは なく、 むしろ、 自ら の 権威 性 を 強く 否定 し、 自ら 生み出し た 人智 学 を 当初 から「 自由 への 哲学」 だ と 唱え まし た。 人智 学者 の 中 には シュタイナー に対して 必要 以上 の 敬意 を 抱く 人 たち も い ます が、

フィヒテ や 特に ゲーテ など といった 思想家 たち の アイデア リズム( 観念論) と 深く かかわっ て い ます。 これら の 思想家 たち は ドイツ語 圏 では よく 知ら れ て い ます が 、英語 圏 に 住む 人 たち にとって は あまり 馴染み が あり ませ ん。 これ は、 ドイツ 的 理想主義 の 精神 が、 英米 の 実証的 で 懐疑 的 な もの の 見方 とは 全く 異なる こと にも 一理 ある でしょ う。   シュタイナー は 物質主義 の 絶頂 を 迎え た 一 九 世紀 の 終わり までに、 大学 で 哲学 研究 を通じて 自己 の 確立 を 目指し まし た。 その後、 労働者 の 教育 運動 に 携わる こと で アイデンティティ の 確立 を 図り まし た が 、その 頃 には ドイツ語 圏 にも 英米 と 同様 の 懐疑 的 な 見方 が 強まっ て い た ため 敢 え 無く 失敗 に 終わり まし た。   今 で こそ 広く 理解 さ れ て いる 無意識 や 感性 開拓 の 存在 は、 シュタイナー の 若い ころ には 異端 的 な もの でし た。 やがて 彼 が 関わる よう に なっ た 前衛 的 芸術 サークル の メンバー たち でさえ、 自分 たち の 殻 に 閉じこもり 自然主義 に 走る だけで、 シュタイナー の 考え に ついて行く こと が でき ませ ん でし た。 しかしながら、 シュタイナー の 精神 芸術 世界 は、 その 二 〇 年 後 に 台頭 する ブルー・ライダー( 青 騎士 の 芸術 運動) といった 表現主義 運動 の 先駆け となり まし た。   シュタイナー の 考え方 に 唯一、 積極的 な 姿勢 を とっ た のは、 神智 学徒 たち でし た。 シュタイナー は 神智 学徒 たち の 講演 に 招か れ、 最終 的 には「 神智 協会 ドイツ 支部」 が 設立 さ れ た 際 に 事務総長 に 選ば れ まし た。   一 九 〇 三年、 シュタイナー


超 感覚的 認識 を 持つ こと が できる こと を 発見 し まし た。   シュタイナー は、 人類 が 単なる 信仰 という もの を 超え、 まずは 知識 そして 最終 的 には 超 感覚的 認識 を 持つ とき が 来 た と 主張 し まし た。 それ が 人智 学 を あえて「 精神 の 科学」 と 呼ん だ こと の 所以 です。 人類 史上、 科学 と 宗教 が 分断 さ れ た こと による 痛み を 感じ て いる 人 にとって 人智 学 は 非常 に 興味深い もの で ある 一方、 長い 間、 科学 と 宗教 の それぞれ の 立場 を 譲ら ない 人々 にとって それ は 招か れ ざる こと かも しれ ませ ん。

Walls There are reasons why talent may not be found for a variety of reasons, but there is no reason why it is okay if talent is not found. Steiner has a diverse background of educators, artists, philosophers, intellectuals, theologians, historians, cultural critics, and spiritual leaders. However, it is not easy to explain his achievements in full by describing these careers. At first glance, Steiner is not even a religious authoritarian, even though it may be lightly seen because it gives the impression of being a religious leader, an occult believer, or a mysterious person. He strongly rejected the authoritative authority of the, and advocated the anthropology that he created from the beginning as a “philosophy of freedom.” While some anthropologists have more than necessary respect for Steiner,

It is closely related to the idea rhythm (ideal theory) of thinkers such as Fichte and Goethe. Although these thinkers are well known in the German-speaking world, they are unfamiliar to the English-speaking people. It is logical that the spirit of German idealism is quite different from the empirical and skeptical view of Britain and the United States. By the end of the 19th century, when Steiner culminated in materialism, Steiner sought to establish himself through philosophical research at the university. After that, he tried to establish his identity by engaging in the education movement of workers, but at that time, he had a skeptical view similar to that of Britain and America in the German-speaking world. I got it. The existence of unconsciousness and cultivating sensibilities, which is now widely understood, was an atypical thing when Steiner was young. Even the members of the avant-garde circle of arts, who eventually became involved, could not follow Steiner’s ideas simply by staying in their own shells and running to naturalism. However, Steiner’s spiritual arts world pioneered expressionist movements such as the Blue Rider (the Blue Knight’s art movement), which emerged 20 years later. The only positive attitudes of Steiner’s thinking were the theosophical students. Steiner was invited to give lectures by the Joso students and was eventually elected as Secretary-General when the “German Branch of the Jichi Society” was established. 1903, Steiner

We discovered that we can have transsensory recognition. Steiner argued that it was time for humanity to go beyond mere belief, to have knowledge and ultimately transsensory recognition. That is why I dared to call anthropology “science of the spirit”. Anthropology is very interesting for people who have suffered from the separation of science and religion in human history, while it has been an invitation for those who have not relinquished their respective positions of science and religion for a long time. It may not be possible, but probably not.


「眠りと死」 シュタイナー “Sleep and Death” Steiner

輪廻転生とカルマ   シュタイナーは晩年になってからようやく、西洋にもふさわしい形で輪廻転生とカルマの現実性を伝えるという彼の二番目に大きな使命に全霊をかけられるようになりました。


彼が神智学に取り組んでいた時よりずっと後になってからこの仕事に取り掛かったのは、偶然の事ではありません。シュタイナーの主張は、多くの東洋の教えにわずかな類似性しかみませんし、誤解を招くようなことも望んでいませんでした。しかし、これに関する素晴らしい(そして必要な)序論は、『神秘的科学』の「眠りと死」という章の中に見ることができます 。



これと同じように、私たちは死後、次に生まれ変わるまで精神世界に触れ  、生まれ変わる間際に、忘却の川と呼ばれるレテ川の水を飲んで精神世界でのことを全て忘れてしまうのです。





Reincarnation and Karma Steiner was finally able to devote himself to his second and greatest mission to convey the reality of reincarnation and karma in a manner suitable for the West only in his later years.

It is no coincidence that he set about this task long after he was working on the theosophy. Steiner’s claim showed little similarity to many Eastern teachings, and did not want to be misleading. But a great (and necessary) introduction to this can be found in the chapter “Sleeping and Death” in Mystic Science.

It may be a trivial metaphor, but it is true that sleep is a “small death” and we leave the body and touch the spiritual world every night we sleep.

But when you wake up in the morning, you forget those experiences.

In the same way, we touch the spiritual world after death, until we are reborn, and just before we are reborn, we drink the water of the river Lete, called the Oblivion River, and forget everything about the spiritual world.

As William Wordsworth says, human death and reincarnation are merely “sleep and oblivion.”

Getting a new birth at birth is no different from waking up from sleep in the morning.

Reincarnation makes sense for the evolution of consciousness, and vice versa.

ニーチェ 「超人」 Nietzsche “Superman”

すると、今しがた引用した部分の主旨は次のように読みとることができる。  「人間はそのままで人間だというわけではない。人間というものは、常にきのうまでの自分を乗り越え、今またさらに自分を新しくしていく潜在力を持った存在なのである。はたして、きみたちはそのように自分を超克してきたのだろうか ]
「超人とは自己を常に超克していく存在になった人間のことだ。だから、超人とは大地の意味と同じだ。なぜならば、大地は刻々と変化していくものだから。大地は土の中から新しい芽を伸ばし、花にしてから実をつけさせ、そして死を与える。しかし、死を抱いた大地は死なない。その死から再び生命を結び、また新しい大地となる。超人もまた、その大地のような存在なのである」 ③「人間は、食って生きるだけならば、動物と同じである。しかし、食って生きるだけではないから、動物そのものではない。そしてまた、これまでの自己を乗り越えて新しく生きることができるのだから、超人になることに向かってもいる。しかし、その道は安易ではない。

Although Tsaratustra is a narrative form, the meaning of these expressions is still difficult to understand.
Because it is expressed by metaphors and metaphors. And again, the term “superhuman” gives us a specific image, so that we can’t wipe away the afterimage of something special human or superman. However, it is not difficult to read, given that Nietzsche’s peculiar expression is filled with poetic metaphors.
Then, the gist of the part just quoted can be read as follows. “Humans are not humans as they are. Humans are people who have the potential to always overcome themselves until yesterday and to renew themselves. Now, you are like that. Have I overcome myself?]
“A superhuman is a person who has always been able to overcome his self. Therefore, a superhuman has the same meaning as the earth, because the earth changes every moment. From the inside, new shoots grow, flowers form and bear fruit, and death is given, but the dead earth will not die, and death will bring life again and become a new earth. It is like the earth.” ③ “Human is the same as an animal if it only eats and lives. However, it is not an animal itself because it does not just eat and live. I am also trying to become a superhuman because I can overcome the problem and live a new life, but the road is not easy.
Because it’s like crossing a rope. There is also a risk of crashing.
However, humans try to balance and manage to cross the dangerous rope.

霊的身体について  About the spiritual body

























『シルバーバーチの霊訓(8)』(潮文社)  p.95


『古代霊シルバーバーチ 最後の啓示』(ハート出版)  p.51~52




とは言うものの、シルバーバーチ自身が、人間には多くの身体があって、死後それを脱ぎ捨てていくというような言い方をしている箇所があります――「あなたには沢山の身体が備わっています」『シルバーバーチの霊訓(8)』(潮文社)  p.104)


私達は、シルバーバーチの次のような別の言葉に注目しなければなりません――「あなたは常に、その時点での霊格にふさわしい身体で自我を表現しているわけです。死後の身体はそういう過程をたどります。それが無限に続くのです『シルバーバーチの霊訓(8)』(潮文社)  p.104)「一連の身体があり、それをアストラルだのエーテルだのと呼んでおられますが、それも一個の霊が顕現したものなのです。用語に惑わされてはいけません」『シルバーバーチの霊訓(8)』(潮文社)  p.106)



シルバーバーチは――「そしてさらに進化すると、昆虫が脱皮するようにそれを脱ぎ捨てます」『シルバーバーチの霊訓(8)』(潮文社)  p.104)と言っています。この言葉をそのまま受け入れるならば、霊界では、霊的進化につれて古くなった霊体を脱ぎ捨て、新しい霊体をまとって次の界層に行くということになります。



『シルバーバーチの霊訓(4)』(潮文社)  p.128下線は筆者記)

ハート出版『不滅の真理』の218頁には――「人間には幾つもの霊的身体が備わっているわけです」とあります。この原文は、“You have bodies.”であり、文脈から判断すれば霊体と肉体の2つの身体と考えなければなりません。それを幾つもの霊体としたのは、明らかな誤訳です。






【図1】 霊体と肉体の分離





【図2】 同一体(霊体)の変化







【図3】 地上人の身体構造



【図4】 地上人の睡眠中の身体状態

【図5】 死後の霊体と幽質接合体の分離









【図6】 高級霊の仮の霊的身体の着脱





















『古代霊シルバーバーチ 最後の啓示』(ハート出版)  p.55





とは言っても、『シルバーバーチの霊訓』の中には、チャクラを連想させるような記述が全くないというわけではありません。例えば――「いにしえの賢人が指摘している“第3の目”とか“太陽神経叢”などを使用することもあります。そこが霊と精神と肉体の三者が合一(link up)する場なのです」『シルバーバーチの霊訓(6)』(潮文社)  p.39)とか、「そこから(ヒーラーのエネルギーが)患者の松果体ないしは太陽神経叢を通って体内に流れ込みます」『シルバーバーチの霊訓(6)』(潮文社)  p.40)といったようなことが述べられています。








Misconceptions about spiritual bodies and chakras

1. Misconceptions about the spiritual body
The four soul theory of old Shinto and the physical view of Shinchi studies

One of the most often misunderstood problems in spiritualism today is the view of the human spiritual body. In “Old Shinto,” the human body composition is explained by the “four-soul theory”, but there are people who think that this four-soul theory is consistent with the body view of spiritualism. The rough soul (Aramita), the Japanese soul (Nigimitama), the soul of luck (Sakimitama), and the odd soul (Kushimitama) of the four soul theory are the body, ghost, spiritual body, and body It is said that it corresponds to. In the four soul theory, there are three spiritual bodies in addition to the physical body, but it is well known that Kasaburo Asano claimed this four soul theory. The influence of Kasaburo Asano has been inherited in the current spiritualism of Japan.

Also, some spiritualists still believe in the physical view of “theosophy”. In the theosophy, it is assumed that there are multiple spiritual bodies other than the physical body, such as the ether body, the astral body, the mental body, and the causal body, which overlap with the physical body. It is said that different “aura” are emitted from the “multidimensional body”.

* Furthermore, R. Steiner came out of Theosophy and created another view of the body. Like Steinology, Steiner also preaches a multidimensional view of the body. In addition to the physical body, Steiner insists on the existence of spiritual bodies such as the ether body and the astral body, but they use the same name as the theosophy, but are different in content.

In addition to this, various religions preach a unique view of the body.

At first glance, “Theological view of the theosophy” and “Body view of spiritualism” are similar…

It is the theosophical view of the body that affects the most of these spiritualists, causing misunderstanding and confusion. In the books related to spiritualism, the theosophical “multi-body view” is sometimes taken up and explained. The theosophical view of the body is unconditionally introduced as correct. As a result, many spiritualists have come to the illusion that the spiritualistic view of the body and the theosophical view of the body are the same.

The important conclusion is that the theological views of theology and ancient Shintoism and the spiritualism (*especially Silver Birch’s view of body) seem to be similar at first glance. Is that there is. Clarifying this difference leads to a deeper understanding of spiritualism.

In the following, I will use the explanation of Silver Birch as a clue to see the correct physical view of spiritualism.

Relationship between “spiritual world” and “spiritual body”

The body is one of the forms of expression for the human “spirit” that is the spirit of God. The body is a unique form of expression for the intangible spirit called spirit, and if the spirit is a seed, it is thought to be the fruit that wraps it. There are two types of bodies for terrestrials, and as we already know, the spiritual body and the physical body correspond to that. It is common knowledge in spiritualism that the body used in the post-mortem world is a spirit body. It must be wondering what more needs to be said about the spiritual body, but this view of the “spiritual body” is causing misunderstanding and confusion among many present-day spiritualists.

Everyone who has learned spiritualism knows that the world after death (the spiritual world) is made up of various world layers. The spirit world is made up of many world layers with different vibrations. And in each layer, the spirits who have achieved the spiritual growth suitable for the world live. In other words, the spirits that have evolved spiritually live in the higher world, and the spirits that have a lower degree of spiritual evolution live in the lower layers of the spirit world, so that there is a clear segregation. The spiritual body of the higher spirits has a subtle vibration that matches the higher world, and the spiritual body of the lower spirits has a rougher vibration that matches the lower world.

Now, in the post-mortem world of the spirit world, some say that the spirit world is largely made up of three world layers and another is made up of seven world layers. Others say that it is made up of nine layers. The most believed of these is the view that it is made up of seven layers. Myers and imperators say that the world consists of seven layers, including the physical world, and theology also comprises seven layers.

* Strictly speaking, the imperator says that the world is divided into three, and each world consists of seven layers. And the earth is the world at the top of the seven world layers at the bottom. In other words, assuming that there are two worlds, including seven more, above the world where the earth is located, we assume a total of 21 world layers.

Conan Doyle also describes the existence of ten post-death world layers, saying that there are three world layers, a ghost world, a spirit world, a god world, and a transcendental world.

The spiritual body used in the spirit world is considered to be a body made of a material compatible with each layer of the world. So if you have 4 layers of the world you need 4 different spiritual bodies, if you have 7 layers of the world you need 7 different spiritual bodies. These views feel like a very theoretical and coherent explanation. In fact, most spiritualists think so. But there is a big contradiction in this view.

The spirit world is a world with gradational changes

The question here is whether each boundary layer in different states is clearly separated or has a clear boundary. The seven layers of layers usually tend to give the image of seven separate layers, stacked one on top of the other. Imagine a state in which the layers are geographically layered, such as the larger Baumkuchen. Many people unconsciously think that there are divisions in these seven layers.

On the other hand, many spiritual communications related to spiritualism say that the boundaries between layers are not clear. Even if there are seven worlds, it is said that the upper and lower layers of the world are mixed and continuous like a rainbow. “There is no clear boundary between the upper and lower boundary layers, but overall there are divisions such that the rainbow consists of seven colors,” he says.

Spiritualism uses the word “boundary layer”, but it is used for convenience only forever. The reality is that-“the spirit world is one world, and that is a gradationally changing state.” Silver Birch clarified:

“Some people say that the spirit world is divided into seven worlds, but it’s not like that, but they are all fused together.”

“Silver Birch Spiritual Lecture (8)” (Toshibunsha) p.95

“I don’t know that “seven worlds”. I don’t know the numbered worlds from 1 to 7. I know that there is only one world. And that means it’s an infinite hierarchy.”

“Ancient Spirit Silver Birch Last Revelation” (Heart Publishing) p.51-52

A spirit body is a body that undergoes gradational changes

If we call the fields of different states in the spirit world the world layers, it means that the spirit world with gradational changes consists of innumerable world layers. It is not like three, seven or nine, but that there are innumerable layers of boundaries. In the myriad layers of the world, spirits of a spiritual level commensurate with it live. So far, you should be aware of the contradiction of the idea that humans have three spirit bodies and seven spirit bodies.

If the spirit world is a world with a myriad of gradational changes, the human spiritual bodies that live there must also undergo a myriad of gradational changes. The human spiritual body can adapt to infinite changes in the spirit world only after infinite changes. This is the number one principle and most important point when thinking about the spiritual body. The point is that there are not multiple human spirit bodies such as three or seven—it is one body that changes in gradation.

That said, there is a point where Silver Birch himself says that humans have many bodies, and that after death they take off them-“You have many bodies. (“Silver Birch Spiritual Training (8)” (Toshibunsha) p.104)

If we take this literally, the view of silver birch’s body will be the same as that of the theosophy or the ancient Shintoism. However, “Silver Birch’s spiritual lesson” is a big misunderstanding when only a few words are swallowed, as was the case when understanding the view of God. You must make a total judgment, including other explanations. This is exactly the case again.

We have to pay attention to another word from Silver Birch: “You are always expressing your ego with a body that fits your spirituality at the time. The body follows such a process. It continues indefinitely.” (“Silver Birch’s Spiritual Lessons (8)” (Shiobunsha) p.104) “There is a series of bodies, which are astral ethers. It’s called the No., but it’s also a manifestation of one spirit. Don’t be confused by the terminology” (“Silver Birch Spiritual Lessons (8)” (Shioubunsha) p.106. )

Silver birch does not affirm the existence of multiple independent bodies such as three or seven.

What is the true meaning of the word “strike off the old spiritual body”?

Silver Birch says: “And if it evolves further, it will be stripped off like an insect,” (Silver Birch’s Spirit (8) (Shiobunsha) p.104). If you accept this word as it is, in the spirit world, you will take away the old spirit body as you spiritually evolve and wear the new spirit body and go to the next world layer.

If you do not understand the basic principle that the spiritual body will change in various ways, it will be confused by Silver Birch’s expression of “getting off the spiritual body”, and here again a big misunderstanding Will end up doing In order to understand the true meaning of Silver Birch’s word “throw away the old spiritual body”, it is necessary to know the following explanations correctly.

“It grows naturally and evolves naturally. It gives up its place to elements with a low degree of highness. It dies and is born again and again. It is not lost in the same process as the death of the. It is purified and becomes subtle as the low-grade ones disappear. It is the death of the ghost. Death is change and resurrection in the first place. , From low to high.”

“Silver Birch Spirit (4)” (Shiobunsha) p.128 (* Underlined by the author)

* On page 218 of Heart Publishing, “The Immortal Truth,” it says: “Humans have many spiritual bodies.” This original text is “You have bodies.” and should be considered as two bodies, a spiritual body and a physical body, from the context. It is a clear mistranslation to make it a number of spirit bodies.

The exact same original text is on page 195, line 2 of Shiobunsha’s “Silver Birch’s Spiritual Training (3)”-“It has several bodies.” Here is the correct translation.

The difference between “body death” and “ghost death”

Here, “Silver Birch Spiritual Lessons (4)” p.128, explains “Death of the Ghost”. Silver Birch clearly states that “dead death” is different from “dead body.”

First of all, it is “the death of the body”. Needless to say, this is because the spiritual body is “the physical body (cloth)

法 (仏教) Law (Buddhism)


法 (仏教) Law (Buddhism)







大日如来(だいにちにょら いMahāvairocana

大日如来は 法を印象かされたものもである。


In the Buddhist era, “law” came to have a very high position. The reason may be that Buddhism is in a position to avoid metaphysical things and try to reveal all the truth in reality. “Law” became a very important word, a thought, and a practice for all Buddhism.

It is clear that in Buddhism, “law” became the center of teaching because Sakyamuni Buddha was aware of “law” and its mission was the transmission of “law.” The Buddhist doctrine that “life” is the life of the Buddhist is the source of Buddhism, and it is often found in scriptures.

For Buddhist believers, the law is respected as one of the three treasures, and is valued with the Buddha who preached the law and the monks who live on the basis of the law. There is no Buddhism without this treasure.

“Law” meaning truth

In the Hoguryo, “A grudge never stops by a grudge. It stops only when the grudge is thrown away. This is the law of the ancient Buddha.” is there.

Dainichi Nyorai (Dainichinyora Izumi: Mahāvairocana

Some of the Dainichi Nyorai were impressed by the law.



三位一体の如来 これは最高This is the best of the Trinity Nyorai








三身(さんじん、または さんしん、trikāya)は、大乗仏教における、の3種類の身のあり方(法身・報身・応身)で、仏身観の一種である。三身説



三身 説明 三徳 仏(如来)
法身(ほっしん) 宇宙真理真如そのもの、仏性 法身 毘盧遮那仏
報身(ほうじん) 仏性のもつ属性、はたらき。あるいは修行して成仏する姿。 般若 阿弥陀仏
応身(おうじん) この世において悟り、人々の前に現れる釈迦の姿。 解脱 釈迦牟尼仏






もっとも一般には、同じ報身・報土であっても菩薩の智慧の程度に応じて、感得できる報土には上下の隔てがあると考えられていました。しかし少なくとも愛憎の煩悩を断ち切り、真如の一分をさとる智慧を開いた初地以上の菩薩 (天台宗では初住以上の菩薩) でなければ感得することができないというのが仏教の常識でした。初地とは、五十一段階に分けられる菩薩の階位の第四十一位目をいい、見惑 (邪師や邪教によって後天的に起こすようになった煩悩) とか思惑 (生まれつき持っている極めて根深い煩悩) といわれるような、無量の煩悩を断ち切って、もはや迷いの境界(三界)を輪廻転生しなくなった菩薩ですから、これ以上を聖者といいます。

このように初地以上の菩薩が、それぞれのさとりの、さとりの程度に応じて感得する報土を他受用報土(他の菩薩に受用させる報土・天台宗では実報無障礙土) といいます。仏が完成された仏界としての報土は仏陀だけが受用されますので自受用報土 (天台宗では常寂光土) と呼んで区別されていました。ですからたとえ弥勒菩薩のような最高位 (第五十一位) の菩薩であっても真実の報土 (自受用報土) は窺い知ることはできないといわれていました。このような通説を完全に破って、信心の行者が往生させていただく報土は、真実報土であって、ただ仏と仏とのみが知見することのできる無上涅槃の境界であるといい、往生はそのまま成仏であると言い切っていかれたのが親鸞聖人でした。



Dainichi Nyorai (Dainichinyorai, Bonn: Mahāvairocana

Shaka Nyorai or Shaka Munibutsu means the Buddha’s founder, Buddha (Gautama Siddatta, Gautama Siddhartha, and Shakudani Tadata) Buddha)

Jundai Kannon is one of the bodhisattvas who is a religious object in Buddhism.

Sanjin (or Sanshin, San: Sankaku:) trikāya) are the three types of body of Buddha in Mahayana Buddhism (Holy body, sacred body, and body), which is a kind of Buddha’s view. Three-way theory.

Volume 3 of “Tenjikyoron” states that “There are three kinds of Buddha in every Buddha. First is a Buddha, second is a Buddha, and third is a Buddha.” Usually, this three body theory is often used.

The correspondence is as follows.

Description of the three bodies Santoku Buddha (Horai) Hoshin: Truth of the universe, truth itself, the Buddha nature. Hojin Bi Roh Buddha Hojin: The attribute of Buddhism and its function. Or a figure of practicing and becoming Buddha. Hanwa Amitabha Buddha (Ojin) The figure of Buddha who is enlightened in this world and appears in front of people. Liberation Sakyamuni Buddha

What the three bodies embody is called the first three bodies, or the third body Enmitsu.


Buddhist Buddha (the Buddha as it is the truth itself) refers to the realm of indiscriminate wisdom of the Buddha, which is the body of the Satori of the Buddha. There is only one person who knows and knows there, and it completely transcends the dual confrontation of life and death, self and others, love and hate, good and evil, and there is no time or space restriction. , Is an area that cannot be expressed in words, which is characterized by targeting things, separating them, and distinguishing them. Although it is also called legality, legality, Buddhism, Buddha, and legal soil, there is no life or death there, and there is no difference between traffic and traffic.


The Buddhist Buddha is a Buddhist Buddhist statue of Mantoku Enman who was completed by his long-term training as the Bodhisattva completed his own satori and at the same time made a vow to save all sentient beings. It realizes an infinite amount of desires and virtue, so it has eternal “life” (infinite life) and infinite light of wisdom (infinite light). The territory of such a Buddha is called Hodo, where the true world of truth is realized, as promised when he was a Bodhisattva.

However, it was generally considered that even the same body and body, there was a gap between the top and bottom that could be felt, depending on the degree of bodhisattva’s wisdom. However, the common sense of Buddhism was that at least the Bodhisattva above the first land (the Bodhisattva above the first residence in the Tendai sect), who at least cut off the anxieties of love and hate and opened up the wisdom of the true heart, was the only common sense. Hajime is the forty-first place of the Bodhisattva’s rank, which is divided into fifty-one stages, and is used for confusion (anxiety caused by evil teachers and priests) and speculation (born naturally). It is a bodhisattva that has no longer reincarnated from the boundary (third world) in which he is lost by cutting off an infinite amount of anxiety, which is said to be extremely deep-rooted anxiety.

In this way, Bodhisattva above the first ground is said to have received the soil that each Satori feels according to the degree of Satori. I will. Only the Buddha can accept the Buddhist information as the Buddhist world where the Buddha was completed. Therefore, it was said that even the highest-ranking Bodhisattva like the Maitreya Bodhisattva (the 51st place) could not know the true Hodo (self-supporting Hodo). It is said that the hodo that the devotee’s devotee revives after breaking such a popular theory is the true hodo, is the border between the Buddha and the Nirvana, which only Buddha can know. It was Shinran Saint who was said to have been a true Buddha.


The Buddha who has continued to burn the anxieties of love and hate, and the Buddha who has been able to control his anxieties and is no longer appearing in the table, but who has appeared according to the mind of the practitioner who has yet to open his true wisdom. Says. Among them, there is a Buddhist shrine that was eradicated at the age of 80, like Shakyamuni, who appeared in this poem according to human beings.




常楽我浄 Joraku Gajo





  • 無常であるのに常と見て、
  • に満ちているのに楽と考え、
  • 人間本位の自我は無我であるのに我があると考え、
  • 不浄なものを浄らかだ

と見なしていた。これを四顛倒(してんどう、さかさまな見方)という。 釈迦は成道した直後にまずこの四顛倒をただし、この世は無常・苦・無我・不浄であると説いた。これが諸行無常一切皆苦諸法無我などという仏教用語の基となっている。


  • 常 – 仏や涅槃の境涯は、常住で永遠に不滅不変である
  • 楽 – 仏や涅槃の境涯は、人間の苦を離れたところに真の安楽がある
  • 我 – 仏や涅槃の境涯は、人間本位の自我を離れ、如来我(仏性)がある
  • 浄 – 仏や涅槃の境涯は、煩悩を離れ浄化された清浄な世界である


When the Buddha came home, many of the sentient beings lived in this world of the human world,

Seeing to be always but always,

Thought to be painful but easy,

The human-oriented ego is selfless,

Purify the unclean

Was considered. This is called the four stories. Immediately after Buddha’s passage, the Buddha first wrote these four stories, but preached that the world was imperfect, painful, selfless, and unclean. This is the basis of the Buddhist terms such as impermanence, affliction, and lawlessness.

However, when the “Nirvana Sutra” was reached, even though Nyorai was extinct, he inhabited the world, preaching that nirvana was the real pleasure, and that Nyorai was (Buddhism) beyond human beings and pure. , And it is.

Everlasting-the life of Buddha and Nirvana is permanent and immortal

Raku-Buddha and Nirvana have a true comfort away from human suffering

I-Buddha and nirvana leave the self-oriented ego, there is Nyorai me (Buddha nature)

Pure-The life of Buddha and Nirvana is a pure world that has been purified away from anguish

This is Joraku Gajo.


The end of Mahayana Buddhism Chapter 6 真の「修行法」



4 4貧蔽

















だがI、 誤解しないでいただきたい。わたくしは、真言密教をいたずらに批難し、訥膀しているのではない


































第六章 大乗仏教の終焉



































要なのだ。                               。


















The end of Mahayana Buddhism
Chapter 6
4 4 Poverty
This is a practice of praying and memorializing the thirty-seven gods, a symbol of the Thirty-seven Bodhi Method
That is, with the Goma etiquette, conclude the seal and enter into contemplation.
“Look, look at my nine knowledge and become five wise. The so-called ninth somara changed and became the legal physique. No.
Changed into eight senses and became a great circle mirror. The seventh knowledge turns to equality. The sixth knowledge turned and there was a mysterious observation Satoshi. Previous five
Changed into knowledge and became Naruse Sakuchi. Into these five wisdom all five religions and saints (that is, thirty-seven gods)
Pass Also, my body, all gods. Watch this well. 』
で The 37 saints are now sacrifice, and the thirty-seven sons, that is, my dress, are considered.
Everything is completed in my body.
な ん What is this not stylization? In my book, “Introduction to the Secret of the Esoteric Education,
It is at this point that he warned that there is a fatal flaw in the religion known as the Kannon sect. This is the main point of the Kannon sect
Or, even if it is said to be opportunistic and good, there is no word to return.
It is natural that esotericism is left-handed and corrupt. There is no practice. Hind. -Education and folklore
It would be a natural consequence that they would disappear with disappearing from their backs. ’

True “training method”
But I, I hope you do not misunderstand. I criticize Shingon Esoteric Buddhism unnecessarily and I am not blunt
It is.
Even if it was symbolized as the “Buddha” and raised it, the Buddha’s practice was brought to the forefront
That is a wonderful thing. Abandoned since early Mahayana
Buddha’s practice was resurrected here. In that regard, I believe that esotericism has become Buddha’s teaching.
It is intended to frog.
Unfortunately, since this practice was symbolized as a Buddha,
加 A stylized Kayari prayer method has been completed as the “training method”, and training it is training.
It has become.
If you think about it, creating a system by symbolizing the thirty-seven gods is nothing but a genius feat.
Things. The group that created or organized this was actually practicing 37 courses of training
It is. Probably the most effective expression, considering Hinduism and other forms of religion at the time
It may have been organized this way as a form. Behind this expression is pedagogy practice and theory
It had been done.
However, as time passes, the meaning is lost, only the expression remains, and the practice of prayer style
Only the law has been accepted.
Indeed, they learned the three schools of commandment, stipulation, and wisdom, and practiced the thirty-seven courses, or the practitioner sometimes looked in front of the Kongokai mandala, which encircled the thirty-seven gods. How wonderful it is to enter meditation
That’s what the experienced person knows.
However, I, the progeny, the stylized training method that was modified by the stylized and end-of-leaf manner, was called “Let’s depend on the practice method.
Call me the “tradition of the law”, and with it I am satisfied with myself and others as the essence of esoteric teaching
If so, if it were, it was nothing but nonsense,
Is it an exaggeration to say that is no longer esoteric?
However, in order to break the deadlock of the early and middle Mahayana,
Given the philosophies and passions of the founders of the first era of Shingon, everybody as a esoteric hangs his head
Isn’t there anything else?
Shingon Esotericism must restore its philosophy and passion again.
て Even if it is symbolized by the Buddha, clearly show the Buddha’s teachings and practices in the world
There is no other Mahayana Buddhism except esoteric Buddhism.
Pull down the thirty-seven lords from the seat of the Buddha and return to the original practice.
That is the true essence of the 37 Buddhas, including Dainichi Nyorai.
上 When worshiping, memorializing and praying, the thirty-seven gods should give the highest and highest interests.
Will be.

Chapter 6: The End of Mahayana Buddhism
へ From “Salvation” to “Satori”

い う That may mean that Buddhism should be replaced by “exodus religion”.
で は It is not so.
The times are different.
In Buddha’s day, there was no way to practice other than to go home. It was ancient two hundred hundred years ago.
It was impossible for the general public to practice in search of the way even during the two major divisions, emphasizing mercy
However, the practice of cloth enforcement had no other role than religion.
大 The same was true of Mahayana Buddhism during the Kamakura period in Japan.
民 For people who cannot even write their own names, preach “salvation” rather than “satori”
It was almost nothing but connecting the people to Buddha.
The Meiji Restoration began to use the feudal system of the Shogunate as a means of maintaining the reactionary forces.
Until the end of the Second World War, when the Religious Incorporation Law was amended, it became immobile and fixed. Teaching
The group also ヽ と 安 む 反 反 反 に よ り こ と こ と に よ り に よ り に よ り に よ り に よ り.
時代 The times are now different.
The degree of education of the people is high, and the economic power is incomparable. Mechanism of information transmission has advanced endlessly. I
Anyone can do “training”. Also, it is a Buddhist finger that organizes training so that ordinary people can do it.
Isn’t it a mission as a leader? I think that I cannot do it because I cannot do it
If so, it should be a serious rise.
In such a highly developed society, the ancient Buddha, 500 years or 1000 years ago,
“The preaching of salvation L is nothing but an insult to society and the people.
Now, we do not seek the salvation L by the Buddha’s mercy, but by the Buddha’s philosophy
L must be obtained. In Buddha’s teachings, mercy has always been of secondary significance,
The first is the “Satori” by wisdom. We need it now.
It’s no longer a good or bad problem. This is exactly the demand of the times.
人 Human society has caught up to the point where “salvation” and “help” by the Buddha ’s mercy cannot be helped
It has been lost. Conversely, what caught up to that was the religion so far?
For they were all wrong.
According to a report in today’s newspaper (Nihon Keizai Shimbun 11/4), the US Senate is finally coming. Opening of neutron bomb
It is said that it has passed a bill for expiration. That’s what’s called the “devil bomb.” And then
Is a Christian country, and Christianity is exclusively about “Love L.
に お い て In the west, Christ’s “Love L” is preached; in the east, the Buddha’s “mercy” is preached.
And now both the west and the east are on the verge of ruin.
Buddha preached more than “Love L and” Mercy “. The Buddha’s preaching is now a must
It is important. .
You need love and mercy, but you need more. Buddha has been screaming for 2000 years
It is. What do you think of it?

再 Restart from Buddha
The unhappiness of mankind is above all for its neglect. Not because of love or lack. Lack of mercy
It is not. Because of lack of wisdom. It is the Buddha who preached the need for “wisdom” to save humanity.
That’s right.
When love and mercy are considered true and stand on a high level of wisdom, it becomes true for the first time.
It becomes love without love and mercy. No, when you are true and have a high degree of wisdom,
You will be in the heart of endless mercy and in love. But because of the heart of love and mercy,
They do not always have high wisdom. However, when waiting for a high degree of wisdom, a person is inevitably boundless
You will be sad. I as the Buddha once was.
But I, such wisdom cannot be obtained without training. Buddha was naturally a sage, but it
I couldn’t be Buddha alone. He became a Buddha through bloody training. We are Buddha
You may not be a da, but you can become a sage by training Buddha’s remaining teachings. In any case, a sage who does not perform killer, hurt, or rivalry folly II. And then again
A wise man who extinguishes such folly and creates an advanced and generous society with endless love and mercy.











Intimacy of relatives
Again, this is basically attributable to the decline of family luck.
The cause of this relationship is that relatives and relatives hurt each other
They are dispersed.
元 Reverse the lessons of Mori Motonari’s “Three Arrows”, help each other and cooperate
Those with close relatives should be separated, isolated, and gradually fall.
This is exactly the appearance of the declining family.
Because of this connection, the story of blood relatives, such as parents and siblings living together, is inconsistent throughout the year and fraud is constant.
No. This is because the relatives lose their fortune (life force) and hurt each other,
They repel each other unconsciously and fight. In this case, it is necessary to
It is not always the case that fights are superficial. Just living under the same roof,
This impairs the opponent’s fortune (life force). It’s just like something invisible rays
It seems to hurt the opponent’s vitality by radiating something unusual. Human life
Have a self-defense instinct to protect themselves,
To rebound against the opponent. As a result, actions or actions
The words are very disturbing (because they are nervous). That is where the quiet begins. Relatives
He is unusually unfriendly with him because of this. In addition, if there are interests such as property,
It is a very serious battle.
家庭 In a family with this connection, if the family members living together do not conflict, there will always be somebody in the family who suffers from illness all year long, or who is extremely unfortunate and unlucky.
な が ら Although you have considerable talent and skill, you always miss a chance,
The person who has been sick for a long time, or the person who has been sick for a long time
You should be suspicious that your fortune (life force) is being harmed by “the cause of conflict”
is there. If you have either kind of connection, you will keep spinning no matter how much effort you make unless you cut it off
It just gets.
人 Everyone who has this connection (or a family with this connection) must be
There is a serious obstacle. In other words, before the third or fourth generation, he died strongly against the house (also ぱ)
There is a photo of a grudge.
場 In addition, most of the eclectic meals are affected by the death of a person who has died sideways.










The cause of frustration

人 No matter what you do with this connection, no matter what you do, it will go smoothly until seven or eight minutes,
It’s always useless at one or two minutes. It never grows. One of the reasons for this connection is that the life of the imaginary flower is the same as the flower of Yamabuki, an old song that says, “ Nana, Yae, flowers are blooming, but Yamabuki is one of the fruits. Instead, they all come from waste flowers. It looks gorgeous to the eyes, and the inside is empty. Struggled
After all, the harvest of the ladder is secretly brought to the people.
Many people with this connection have strong luck (life force), and if they fail on the way, they will get up and work again, and they will be frustrated on the 7th and 8th streets, Many people live up and down their lives, rising and frustrating.
And in the end, you end up frustrated.
Generally, there are two ways in which the connection can be expressed. There are cases where the prisoner appears in the person’s ecstasy as it is, and cases where it does not appear in the character at all.
も In the case of the cause of this halfway frustration, the character of this cause is manifested in its own character, and there is a very weak-willed and weak-willed type.
薄 The weak-willed type is immediately open to whatever you do and does not continue. I feel sick. Academic, occupation, everything is so and it changes. It is a type of literally frustrated, weakly weak line.
On the other hand, the opposite is completely opposite, with a strong personality, a strong will, and a hard worker.
However, their strength is incompatible with others, they collide with the superiors and cannot cooperate harmoniously with their colleagues, failing and frustrating. Or, in the most important places here, we make mistakes that are always stupid, misunderstood, and hindered. In addition, there will always be some obstacles, such as sickness or injury resulting in a mistake
It is.

In the case of the light-weaker type, the company changes from one company to another immediately because of a sudden change or a change, but in the case of the strong-willed type, it is more likely that you will work hard to change the company yourself. It is not, but it has to be passively changed. Regardless of the person’s inferiority, attitude, etc., the result is almost the same, but it is scary, though related. I’m sorry to be a bit of a spiritual person, and I’m sorry to have this connection. External conditions do not allow.
Always frustrated.

場合 If the cause of this halfway failure is further strengthened in this way,

Causes of uncertainty and ups and downs

It becomes the connection.

This is because there is no root in fortune, so it does not stay up and down.
It is a life of rootless grass. The residence and occupation are not determined, and they change. Even if you get good luck, it is not permanent. Lifelong, homeless or near-boundary.
Women cannot keep a proper marriage. No matter how many remarriages, marriages, or marriages, you can never have a stable married life.
If there is a “kin of emotions”, it is a miserable cause of falling into an affair or prostitution.