
法 (仏教) Law (Buddhism)

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法 (仏教) Law (Buddhism)







大日如来(だいにちにょら いMahāvairocana

大日如来は 法を印象かされたものもである。


In the Buddhist era, “law” came to have a very high position. The reason may be that Buddhism is in a position to avoid metaphysical things and try to reveal all the truth in reality. “Law” became a very important word, a thought, and a practice for all Buddhism.

It is clear that in Buddhism, “law” became the center of teaching because Sakyamuni Buddha was aware of “law” and its mission was the transmission of “law.” The Buddhist doctrine that “life” is the life of the Buddhist is the source of Buddhism, and it is often found in scriptures.

For Buddhist believers, the law is respected as one of the three treasures, and is valued with the Buddha who preached the law and the monks who live on the basis of the law. There is no Buddhism without this treasure.

“Law” meaning truth

In the Hoguryo, “A grudge never stops by a grudge. It stops only when the grudge is thrown away. This is the law of the ancient Buddha.” is there.

Dainichi Nyorai (Dainichinyora Izumi: Mahāvairocana

Some of the Dainichi Nyorai were impressed by the law.



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