

今日の運勢  4月29日 Today’s fortune April 29




破壊の週  壊の日

Normal position … Awakening. Wonder. Transformation. Significant change. Completion of purpose. Immortal spiritual power and faith. Acquire ideas. success. Playback. recovery. Reborn love. Motherhood.
Reverse position: unstable. Lack of mental strength. Undecided. Postponed. Disillusionment of love. Indecisive. separation. Azamuki.
Weight commentary
Normal position: Change in position. update. result. According to another interpretation, the loss in the proceedings.
Reverse position … weakness. Lethargy. Simple. Be careful. Decision. Judgment.

Five Yellow Saturn Day
The small ego is easy to break. We receive visits from people who are desperate. Leave your name and cultivate your feelings toward heaven.

Week of Destruction Day of Destruction
A day of various disasters.
Things don’t go well, you feel depressed, and you feel lost and anxious.
Even if you try to change the status quo, it just spins idle.
Let’s spend all this day passively and feel like being swept away

梵字 阿字  he A-ji  Sanskrit character   siddhamātṛkā, シッダマートリカー

すべての尊をあらわす(通種子)阿字を、実際に書いてみましょう いままで練


Let’s actually write the A-ji that represents all the honors (seeds).
We will combine and compose the basic dotted line art that we have learned. First, write a point (⑥ in the shape of a horizontal diagonal line f) by striking the point in a square.
Next, write ⑧ Bay line art P.



Then, ③ draw both vertical lines and continue to draw the warbler without pulling out the brush.

ぼんじ 梵字 Siddha

梵字(ぼんじ)とは、インドで使用されるブラーフミー系文字Brahmic script)(インド系文字Indian script))に対して、日本東アジアで歴史的・伝統的に用いられてきた総称的な漢訳名である。「梵語サンスクリット)を表記するための文字」の意だが、起源であるブラーフミー文字が「ブラフマー梵天)の創造した文字」を意味するので、それを意訳したものとも解される。

Siddham script (consonants) sample.svg
類型: アブギダ
言語: サンスクリット
時期: 7世紀頃-現在(仏教儀式に残る)
Unicode範囲: U+11580–U+115FF
ISO 15924 コード: Sidd
注意: このページはUnicodeで書かれた国際音声記号 (IPA) を含む場合があります。

一般的には仏教、特に密教と結びついて7-8世紀以降に東アジアに普及した悉曇文字(しったんもじ、siddhamātṛkāシッダマートリカーSiddhaṃ script)のことを指すことが多く[1]、本項でも主にそちらを説明していく。

表1 摩多
番号 字母 音写 南天音 中天音 字義[要検証] 半体

01 Siddham a.svg a अ 本不生
02 Siddham aa.svg ā आ アー アー 寂静 Siddham aa halfmark 1.svg
03 Siddham i.svg i इ 根本 Siddham i halfmark 1.svg
04 Siddham ii.svg ī ई イー イー 宍禍 Siddham ii halfmark 1.svg
05 Siddham u.svg u उ
譬喩 Siddham u halfmark 1.svg
06 Siddham uu.svg ū ऊ ウー
ウー 損減 Siddham uu halfmark 1.svg
07 Siddham e.svg e ए エイ Siddham e halfmark 1.svg
08 Siddham ai.svg ai ऐ エイ
エー 自在 Siddham ai halfmark 1.svg
09 Siddham o.svg o ओ オウ 瀑流 Siddham o halfmark 1.svgSiddham o halfmark 2.svg
10 Siddham au.svg au औ オウ
オー 変化 Siddham au halfmark 1.svgSiddham au halfmark 2.svg
11 Siddham am.svg aṃ अं アン 辺際 Siddham aM halfmark 1.svgSiddham aM halfmark 2.svg
12 Siddham ah.svg aḥ अः アク 遠離 Siddham aH halfmark 1.svg

13 Siddham r.svg  ऋ キリ 神通
14 Siddham rr.svg r̥̄ ॠ キリ リー 類例
15 Siddham l.svg  ऌ リョ
16 Siddham ll.svg l̥̄ ॡ リョー 沈没
表2 体文
番号 字母 音写 南天音 中天音 字義 半体

17 Siddham k.svg ka क キャ 作業 Siddham ka halfmark 1.svgSiddham ka halfmark 2.svg
18 Siddham kh.svg kha ख キャ 等空
19 Siddham g.svg ga ग ギャ
20 Siddham gh.svg gha घ ギャ 一合
21 Siddham ng.svg nga ङ ギャウ
支分 Siddham nga halfmark 1.svg
22 Siddham c.svg ca च シャ 遷変 Siddham ca halfmark 1.svg
23 Siddham ch.svg cha छ シャ 影像 Siddham cha halfmark 1.svg
24 Siddham j.svg ja ज ジャ Siddham ja halfmark 1.svg
25 Siddham jh.svg jha झ ジャ 戦敵 Siddham jha halfmark 1.svg
26 Siddham ny2.svg n̄ ञ ジャウ
27 Siddham tt.svg ṭa ट Siddham Ta halfmark 1.svg
28 Siddham tth.svg ṭha ठ 長養
29 Siddham dd.svg ḍa ड 怨対 Siddham Da halfmark 1.svg
30 Siddham ddh.svg ḍha ढ 執事 Siddham Dha halfmark 1.svg
31 Siddham nn.svg  ण ダウ
32 Siddham t.svg ta त 如如 Siddham ta halfmark 1.svg
33 Siddham th.svg tha थ 住処
34 Siddham d.svg da द 施与 Siddham da halfmark 1.svg
35 Siddham dh2.svg dha ध 法界
36 Siddham n.svg na न ナウ
名字 Siddham na halfmark 1.svg
37 Siddham p.svg pa प 第一義 Siddham pa halfmark 1.svg
38 Siddham ph.svg pha फ 不堅 Siddham pha halfmark 1.svg
39 Siddham b.svg ba ब Siddham ba halfmark 1.svg
40 Siddham bh.svg bha भ Siddham bha halfmark 1.svg
41 Siddham m.svg ma म マウ
吾我 Siddham ma halfmark 1.svg

42 Siddham y.svg ya य Siddham ya halfmark 1.svg
43 Siddham ra.svg ra र 塵垢 Siddham ra halfmark 1.svgSiddham ra halfmark 2.svg
44 Siddham la.svg la ल Siddham la halfmark 1.svg
45 Siddham v3.svg va व 言説 Siddham va halfmark 1.svg
46 Siddham sh1.svg śa श シャ 本性寂
47 Siddham ss.svg ṣa ष シャ 性鈍 Siddham Sa halfmark 1.svg
48 Siddham s.svg sa स Siddham sa halfmark 1.svg
49 Siddham h.svg ha ह 因果 Siddham ha halfmark 1.svg
50 Siddham llaM.svg llaṃ ラン ラン 都除
51 Siddham kss.svg kṣa キシャ Siddham ksa halfmark 1.svg
表3 弧合半体
名称 意味
Siddham virama.svg 怛達 脱母音記号。





悉曇文字の字母(じも)は、母音記号である摩多(また。サンスクリット: mātā[要出典])と、子音記号である体文(たいもん。サンスクリット: vyañjana)から成る。#表1に摩多の、#表2に体文の、一覧をそれぞれ示す。

摩多のうち、最初の12文字を通摩多(つうまた)あるいは通の摩多と称し、残り4文字を別摩多(べつまた)あるいは別の摩多と称する。通摩多の最後の2文字、アン aṃ およびアク aḥ はそれぞれ、ア a にアヌスヴァーラ記号(空点)およびヴィサルガ記号(涅槃点)を付加したものだが、悉曇文字では独立した摩多として扱われる(この2文字を別摩多に含める説もある)。別摩多の4文字は流音性母音を表すものと考えられるが、現実の文献で用いられることはまれである。体文のうち、ラン llaṃ とキシャ kṣa は切継(後述)によって構成される文字であり、単独の子音を表すものではない。しかし、多くの字母表に含まれる。

摩多と体文を合わせた字母のそれぞれに字義(後述)を与え、まとめたものを字門(じもん)と呼ぶ。別摩多を含めるかどうか、またラン llaṃ とキシャ kṣa のそれぞれを数えるかどうかなどによって、いくつかの字門が伝承されてきた。日本でもっとも一般的に行われるのは、表1、表2に挙げた字母すべてを含む五十字門(ラン llaṃ は字母に含まれるが数えない。ラン llaṃ とキシャ kṣa を含めないと四十九字門となる)である。また、別摩多を字母に含めない伝承もあり、この場合はラン llaṃ を含めるか否かによって四十六字門ないしは四十七字門となる。


a ra pa ca na la da ba ḍa ṣa va ta ya ṣṭa ka sa ma ga tha ja sva dha śa kha kṣa sta ña rtha bha cha sma hva tsa gha ṭha ṇa pha ska ysa śca ṭa ḍha

ṅajhaha」がなく(『大般若経』では rtha と bha の間に ha があり、43文字になっている)、また ysa のように通常のサンスクリットに存在しない音があるため、本来はサンスクリットではなく別の言語のための配列であったと考えられる。リチャード・サロモンは四十二字門がカローシュティー文字で書かれたガンダーラ語の文字配列に由来すると考えている[12]

文殊菩薩の真言「oṃ arapacana dhīḥ」は、四十二字門の最初の5字に基づく。

The Bonji script is historically and traditionally used in Japan and East Asia, as opposed to the Brahmic scripts (English: Brahmic scripts) used in India. It is a generic Chinese translation name that has come. It means “characters for writing Sanskrit”, but since the Brahmi script, which is the origin, means “characters created by Brahma (Brahma)”, it can be understood as a translation of it.


Type: Abugida
Language: Sanskrit
When: Around the 7th century-present (remains in Buddhist rituals)
Parental script:

Brahmi script

Gupta script

Unicode range: U + 11580–U + 115FF
ISO 15924 code: Sidd
Note: This page may contain the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) written in Unicode.

In general, it often refers to Buddhism, especially Siddhaṃ script, which has become popular in East Asia since the 7th and 8th centuries in connection with Buddhism. [1] This section will mainly explain that.

See also “Egakugaku”
Table 1 Mata

Number Letters Letters Southern Amane Central Amane Character meaning [Verification required – Note] Half body
Many 01 a अ A A book
02 ā आ Aa Ah Quiet
03 i इ Good root
04 ī ई Eee Eee Shishi
05 u उ u
Ou metaphor
06 ū ऊ Wu
Ou loss reduction
07 e ए
08 ai ऐ Ai
AA Free
09 o ओ Ou waterfall
10 au औ
Au Oh change
11 aṃ अं Ann
On the edge
12 aḥ अः Aqua distant
Many 13 r ̥ ऋ Kiriri Shinto
14 r̥ CLK ॠ Kiri Lee
15 l ̥ ऌ Ryo dyeing
16 l ̥ CLK ॡ Ryo sinking
Table 2 Text

Number letter letter letter copy southern sky sound middle sky sound character meaning half body
Voice 17 ka क
18 kha ख Kaka etc. Sky

19 ga ग Gaga line

20 gha घ Gaga Gaga

21 nga ङ gau
Gyo branch
22 ca च Sasha transition
23 cha छ Sasha image
24 ja ज The ja raw
25 jha झ The Ja Battle Enemy
26 n CLK ञ The Jau
Satoshi Jou

27 ṭa ट Tata pride
28 ṭha ठ Tata Choyo

29 ḍa ड Dada grudge vs.
30 ḍha ढ Dada Butler
31 ṇ ण Dow
Dough theory

32 ta त Tata
33 tha थ Tata residence

34 da द Dada grant
35 dha ध Dada Hokai

36 na न Now
Know surname
37 pa प Haha First Righteousness
38 pha फ ha ha stiff
39 ba ब Baba tied up
40 bha भ Baba Yes
41 ma म Mau
Mou Goga
Voice 42 ya य ya ya ride
43 ra र Lara dust
44 la ल Lara phase
45 va व Baba discourse
46 śa श Shasa nature loneliness

47 ṣa ष Shasa blunt
48 sa स Sasa Satya
49 ha ह mosquito causal
50 l laṃ Lang Lang Lang Metropolitan Exclusion

51 kṣa Sakisha 盡
Table 3 Arc combination half body

Name Meaning
Reita devowel symbol.

The Shittansho is a chart for learning the phonological structure and writing method of the Sanskrit characters. It consists of more than a dozen chapters, starting with a simple glyph, and explaining complex writing with each chapter.

What is commonly known in Japan as the “Syddha” is the 18th chapter, which is modeled after Tomohiro’s “Syddha” (also known as “Syddha”), but it was introduced to Japan or created in Japan. There are various structures in things, from chapters 12 to 18. [7] Also, among the monks who visited India, Xuanzang has twelve chapters [8] and Yijing has eighteen chapters [9]. It is probable that the Buddhist emblems with different compositions were disseminated depending on the times and regions.

In addition, a simple list of characters (jimo) may also be called a syllabary [10], but it usually refers to one that includes explanations of writing and phonological organization.

Letters and gates

The character of the Siddha script (jimo) consists of the vowel symbol Mata (also. Sanskrit: mātā [citation needed]) and the consonant symbol (taimon. Sanskrit: vyañjana). #Table 1 shows a list of Mata, and #Table 2 shows a list of body sentences.

Of the Mata, the first 12 characters are called Tsuumata or Tsumata, and the remaining 4 characters are called Betsumata or another Mata. The last two letters of Tsumata, Ann aṃ and Aku aḥ, are a a with the Anusvara symbol (empty dot) and the Visarga symbol (Nirvana dot), respectively, but they are treated as independent Mata in the Siddha script. (There is also a theory that these two characters are included in Bestamata). The four letters of Betsumata are thought to represent liquid consonant vowels, but are rarely used in actual literature. Of the body sentences, run llaṃ and kisha kṣa are characters composed of cuts (described later) and do not represent a single consonant. However, it is included in many alphabet tables.

A character meaning (described later) is given to each of the characters that combine Mata and the body sentence, and the summary is called Jimon. Several folklore have been handed down depending on whether or not to include Betsumata and whether or not to count each of Ran llaṃ and Kisha kṣa. The most common practice in Japan is the Five Cross Gates, which include all of the characters listed in Tables 1 and 2. (Ran llaṃ is included in the characters but is not counted. If you do not include Ran llaṃ and Kisha kṣa, 49 It becomes a character gate). In addition, there is a tradition that Betsumata is not included in the character mother, and in this case, it becomes a 46-character gate or a 47-character gate depending on whether or not the run llaṃ is included.

A completely different arrangement of the 42-character gate (the first 5 characters are also called Arapachana) can be seen in “Daiwakakei” and the like. [11] According to “Avatamsaka Sutra Gandavyuha 42 Character Gate” (non-empty translation), the order is as follows.

a ra pa ca na la da ba ḍa ṣa va ta ya ṣṭa ka sa ma ga tha ja sva dha śa kha kṣa sta ña rtha bha cha sma hva tsa gha ṭha ṇa pha ska ysa śca ṭa

Because there is no “ṅa ・ jha ・ ha” (in “Daiwakakei”, there is a ha between rtha and bha, which is 43 characters), and there is a sound that does not exist in normal Sanskrit like ysa. It is believed that it was originally an array for another language rather than Sanskrit. Richard Salomon believes that the 42-character gate is derived from the Gandhari character sequence written in Kharosthi. [12]

The Manjushri mantra “oṃ arapacana dhīḥ” is based on the first five characters of the 42-character gate.
















一方、中国では「道教」の人気に押され、密教自体が廃退していきました。 また、インドでも文字は別の物に変化していきましたが、日本では悉曇文字を神聖化したり、修業体系に組み入れたりしていました。



日本独自の文化として発達した悉曇文字は、五十音文字にも影響を与えました。 悉曇文字が今も日本では、「梵字文化」として、生きているのです。






自分自身の干支の梵字を 身につけることで、その梵字が現す守護仏に守られるのです。 干支の梵字とはどのような文字で、どのような力と意味があるのでしょうか?










一字金輪仏頂 One-character gold ring Buddha summit

一字金輪仏頂 (いちじきんりんぶっちょう)、梵名エーカークシャローシュニーシャチャクラ (एकाक्षरोष्णीषचक्र [ekākṣaroṣṇīṣacakra [1])は仏頂尊の一尊。深い瞑想の境地に至った如来が説いた一字の真言ボロン(भ्रूं [bhrūṃ])を神格化したものである。






Ichijikin Rinbucchi, Brahma Ark Shark Shnee Shachakra (एकाक्षरोष्णीषचक्र [ekākṣaroṣṇīṣa]. It is a deified version of the single-character Shingon Boron (भ्रूं [bhrūṃ]), which was introduced by Nyorai, who reached the state of deep meditation.

One character comes from the fact that Boron, which can be represented by one Sanskrit character, is the true word. Kinrin means the most excelling King of the Wheels of the Holy Wheel, and is a reminder that the Buddhist priest’s spiritual test was extremely excellent. Therefore, in the one-character Kinrin Mandala, the seven treasures (Kinrin, Ruyi Orb, Female Treasure, Horse Treasure, Elephant, Main Treasure, and Main Guard God) are drawn along with the one-character Kinrin Buddha.

According to the sutras, two figures, the Nyorai-style Shakakinrin and the Dainichikinrin, are explained.


サンスクリットと梵字  Sanskrit and Siddhaṃ script



サンスクリット( 梵 :   संस्कृत 、 saṃskṛta 、 英 :   Sanskrit )は、 古代 インド・アーリア語 に属する 言語 。 インド など 南アジア および 東南アジア において用いられた古代語。 文学 、 哲学 、 学術 、 宗教 などの分野で広く用いられた。 ヒンドゥー教 の 礼拝用言語 でもあり、 大乗仏教 でも多くの経典がこの言語で記された

漢字表記の 梵語 (ぼんご)は、中国や日本など、 漢字文化圏 でのサンスクリットの異称。 日本 では近代以前から、 般若心経 など、サンスクリットの原文を漢字で翻訳したものなどを通して、梵語という言葉は使われてきた。梵語は、サンスクリットの起源を造物神 ブラフマン (梵天)とするインドの伝承を基にした言葉である。












梵字(ぼんじ)は、 インド で使用される ブラーフミー系文字 ( 英 :   Brahmic script )の総称的な漢訳名である。ブラーフミーは「 ブラフマー ( 梵天 )の創造した 文字 」を意味する。また、単に「梵語( サンスクリット )を表記するための文字」とも解される。日本では、歴史的・伝統的に 悉曇文字 (しったんもじ、 英 :   Siddhaṃ script )を指すことが多い。

梵字(ぼんじ)は、 インド で使用される ブラーフミー系文字 ( 英 :   Brahmic script )の総称的な漢訳名である。ブラーフミーは「 ブラフマー ( 梵天 )の創造した 文字 」を意味する。また、単に「梵語( サンスクリット )を表記するための文字」とも解される。日本では、歴史的・伝統的に 悉曇文字 (しったんもじ、 英 :   Siddhaṃ script )を指すことが多い。


梵字(悉曇文字)は一字一字が諸仏諸尊をあらわしており、ひとつの梵字が複数の仏を表すことがほとんどである。これを 種子 (しゅじ)または種字という。一つの仏でも 金剛界 、 胎蔵界 で違う文字を使う場合もある(例:大日如来:胎蔵界: a /金剛界: vaṃ



Sanskrit (梵: संस्कृत, saṃskṛta, English: Sanskrit) is a language belonging to ancient Indian Aryan. Ancient language used in South Asia and Southeast Asia such as India. Widely used in fields such as literature, philosophy, academics, and religion. It is also a Hindu worship language, and many scriptures were written in this language in Mahayana Buddhism
The Kanji word “Bongo” is a nickname for Sanskrit in Chinese character culture areas such as China and Japan. In pre-modern Japan, the word 梵語 has been used through the translation of Sanskrit original text in Chinese characters, such as Hanwa Shinkei. Jingo is a word based on Indian tradition with the origin of Sanskrit as the artifact God Brahman.

Sanskrit is an ancient language belonging to the Indo-Iranian group of Indo-European languages.
Its origin is the Vedic language used in the Vedic literature, including Rig Veda (the oldest part is around 1500 BC). The oldest layer of Vedic language is very close to the Avester Garser language (Old Avester), a classical language belonging to the Indo-Iranian Iranian group.
Sanskrit was originally a language that had no letters, and until that time, it continued to be a culture mainly of reading rather than clerk. In contrast, Sanskrit brought various notations that differed by period and region [40]. Sanskrit is written in character after Brahmi, the ancestor of Indian characters, was used in Sanskrit notation around the 4th century. A character developed for liter notation, and a new notation was developed for accurate notation [41]. Furthermore, the Sanskrit written in Brahmi characters was propagated to Southeast Asian countries along with Indian culture, creating a variety of Brahmy characters in this area [42]. Traditionally, the Japanese characters have been used in Japan (a kind of Siddharma tricker character, the so-called “梵 character”), and in South India, the use of Granta characters has been reported, although the number of users has been reduced. 43].
Today, writing Sanskrit using Devanagari across India, regardless of region, has only recently happened [44]. IAST is common as a transliteration method using Latin characters.

In Buddhism, it was first practiced using Placrit, an everyday language, and the scriptures were also written as Purali scriptures in Placrit. However, in the 4th century, when the Gupta era promoted academics and made Sanskrit the official language, Sanskrit was also used in Buddhism due to disputes with other religions and the development of doctrines [53]. Has been translated into Sanskrit. This movement became particularly popular in Mahayana Buddhism, and since then Mahayana Buddhism has become the mainstream of Sanskrit scriptures. During this process, there was a temporary chaos in the language, and a mixture of Sanskrit and Prakrit, called the Buddhist chaos Sanskrit, emerged and used for a period of time in Buddhist scriptures [54].
While theravada Buddhism extended the teaching line toward Southeast Asia while retaining the scripture of Purakrit (Pali), Mahayana Buddhism reached East Asia around the North Silk Road, along with the propagation of Buddhism Sanskrit was communicated to these countries. However, it is believed that the original Chinese translation of the original Buddhist scriptures was not necessarily Sanskrit, and may originate from Plakrit like Gandhara [55]. However, as Buddhism spread in China, so-called priests of solicitation began to appear in India, the birthplace of Buddhism in search of pilgrimages and scriptures. During this period, the Mahayana Buddhist scriptures in India were mostly Sanskrit, so most of the Buddhist scriptures brought back by them were Sanskrit. [56] The 5th-century Hoken and the 7th-century Gyojo are known as priests, but the most prominent of these monks is the 7th-century Tang Dynasty, the vast Sanskrit Buddhist Han brought back The translation made a breakthrough in translation history. His later translations of Buddhist translations were called new translations in the history of translation [57], and they were classified as old, often not from Sanskrit [58] old translations [59].
Through China, we have introduced knowledge and words about Sanskrit along with Buddhism and Buddhist scriptures. At that time, you can go back to Kaigon Kukai of Shingon sect at the latest. Many Buddhist terms are transliteration in Sanskrit Kanji, such as “monk”, “Sanran Bon”, “Shoutou”, “Nammu, Amida, Buddha [60]”. Some of them are translated into everyday language such as “Dana”. In addition, mandala, mantra are not translated into Chinese, but are written in Kanji characters that sounded Sanskrit and read directly. Mandala appears in several literary works in modern Japan (such as Kyoka Izumi, “St. Takano”). For the characters drawn on the turret tower and talisman, refer to the characters. The Japanese syllabary arrangement is thought to be influenced by the arrangement of Sanskrit’s traditional phonological table, and is derived from Sanskrit phonology.

“Bonji” is a generic Chinese translation of the Brahmic script used in India. Brahmi means “characters created by Brahma”. It is also understood simply as “characters for expressing Sanskrit”. In Japan, it is historically and traditionally often referred to as “Shitanmoji” (English: Siddhaṃ script).
“Bonji” is a generic Chinese translation of the Brahmic script used in India. Brahmi means “characters created by Brahma”. It is also understood simply as “characters for expressing Sanskrit”. In Japan, it is historically and traditionally often referred to as “Shitanmoji” (English: Siddhaṃ script).

Each 梵 character (悉 cloud character) represents various Buddha’s various buddhists, and one 表 す character often represents multiple Buddhas. This is called seed or seed. Even a single Buddha may use different characters in the Kongo world and the brewery world (eg, Dainichi Nyorai: The zoo world: a / Kongo world: vaṃ)

Revealing that the human gray matter increases when the mantra is recited in Sanskrit  サンスクリット語でマントラを暗唱すると、脳灰白質が増加することが明らかに



Cognitive shift noticed in Sanskrit translation

When you remember the mantra (a word that is said to be a true word in Japanese and have mysterious power) in the Sanskrit language used in ancient India, the gray matter of the brain increases. -The results of such a survey have become clear.

The team studied is a team led by Dr. James Harzell, who conducts post-doctoral research at the Basque Cognitive Brain Language Center in Spain. Dr. Hazel was originally a translator from Sanskrit to English.

However, when translating from Sanskrit to English, I realized that the cognitive ability of the brain “shifts deeply”. Other translators also had the same feeling. He became curious and wanted to study this language more. It was the opportunity to study the relationship between Sanskrit and the brain.

According to an article written by Dr. Harzell himself on the blog of the American scientific journal Scientific American, the experiment memorized a Sanskrit mantra from an early age, and the traditional classical scholar who has been reminiscent of Indian It was held in Delhi with several people.

Using the MRI at the National Institute of Brain Science in India, we compared the structure of the brains of a classical scientist and a control group that gathered participants with the same attributes (sex, age, dominant hand, etc.) as the classical scientist.

Classic scholar brain gray matter was increasing

The result was obvious. Compared to the control group, the brains of Sanskrit classical scholars were 10% larger in gray matter on both the left and right sides, and the cerebral cortex was considerably thicker.

The hippocampus on the right side of the hippocampus, which controls long-term and short-term memory, also had a larger gray matter of classical scientists than the control group, accounting for 75% of the hippocampus. Dr. Harzell explains in the Scientific American blog that the hippocampus on the right is responsible for “patterns”, especially sound, space, and vision.

According to the Australian Public Broadcasting SBS, Dr. Herzell said, “I have never seen research showing how the hippocampus has expanded so far.” It will help you understand what to do.

Also effective for diseases such as Alzheimer?

Dr. Harzel calls this Sanskrit language effect on the brain the “Sanskrit effect”. However, he told SBS that it is unclear whether these effects are from memorizing a large amount of sentences or are unique to Sanskrit.

According to Dr. Harzell, Sanskrit has long been said that mantras and sounds themselves have a different effect than other languages ​​such as Hindi, English, Tibetan and Pali.

Prof. Rama Jayasundara from all Indian medical universities, who also studied the effects of Sanskrit on the brain, told SBS, “Sanskrit is a language developed in a very scientific way. Sound in Sanskrit Is the most important part, so pronunciation is very important, and intonation, tone, stress, and rhythm can be said to be science of sound. ”

Dr. Harzell wrote on the Scientific American blog about the question that the “Sanskrit effect” might make Sanskrit classical scholars less likely to have memory illnesses such as Alzheimer’s disease. Yes. The survey is just the beginning and is currently raising funds for further research.

















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Popular Sanskrit Mantras With Lyrics – Devotional Chants

Daikokuten   梵字  大黒天


おん ま ら か きや や そわ か


Daikokuten (same seeds as Machi support)
梵 The name is called Mahakala,
It means “darkness”.
In Japan, it is counted as one of the Seven Lucky Gods
For the first time, carry a large bag and wait for a small gavel in the right hand
It is loved by the appearance.
However, it was originally an incarnation of Shivua, and it was a battle
It is also considered the god of Sunpu.
仏 In Buddhism, it is devoted to the temple kitchen as a god of bliss.
Buddhist monks are encouraged to practice without worrying about food
So that you can get what you need
To protect the temple.
From the place where Daikokuten was hung on a pillar of a restaurant,
Daikoku Pillar is the thickest pillar that can be offered
It became like that. In general, the god of virtues
And pray for business prosperity.
Onmaraka Kiya and Sawaka

種子のもっ深遠な哲理  Deeper philosophy of seeds



種子を用いた代表的な観法が[阿息観] です。これは、氷轍(満月)の中にヽ森羅万象の始源とされ大日如来の種子でもある阿(アご字を描いた画像を仏の象徴として用います。またヽ出息、大息するときに、ひたすら阿字を観ずるのを[阿息観]、出息に阿字、大息に吽

Deeper philosophy of seeds
Seeds with meaninglessness and virtue
A symbolic lion that represents each precious character with a single letter is called a seed.

Usually, the name of each prestige or Iyu taken from the true word is the seed. Ataka
In order to obtain many fruits from plant seeds, Buddha ’s symbolic form and true words
It is said that it was named as a seed because it can obtain Buddha fruits such as Buddhism and Satori.
】 Thus, the seeds that represent Akason have insignificant meaning and virtue.
It is said that if you transcribe it, you will get a bounty promptly.

Buddhist meditation
Now, in ancient India, there was meditation as one of the practice methods of Brahman before Buddhism started
It was. Buddha is reported to have obtained the highest level of meditation. Buddhist meditation is true
Because it is a practice that aims at reason and acquires true wisdom, it can be said that it is the basic and most advanced practice of Buddhist practice.

Species types
In Esoteric Buddhism, this meditation method is called “viewing” and is a mandatory practice. In front of the symbol of Buddha
One of the things that are used as a symbol of the Buddha is the Kanji seed.
A typical way of using seeds is the view of Aso. This is an image of the Ago character that is the origin of all things in the ice ridge (full moon) and the seeds of Dainichi Nyorai as a symbol of Buddha. When you do, watch [Asakan] just watch Aji, Aji
Watching the characters is called the jail haiku.

梵字に親しむ 安田梵字教室』安田倫子著




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『梵字に親しむ 安田梵字教室』安田倫子著

第一章 日本人のための梵字入門
五佛 金剛界と胎蔵界の佛さま
第二章 知っておきたい梵単語小字典
第三章 私たちを守って下さる梵字
第四章 安田梵字教室へようこそ