
Revealing that the human gray matter increases when the mantra is recited in Sanskrit  サンスクリット語でマントラを暗唱すると、脳灰白質が増加することが明らかに

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Cognitive shift noticed in Sanskrit translation

When you remember the mantra (a word that is said to be a true word in Japanese and have mysterious power) in the Sanskrit language used in ancient India, the gray matter of the brain increases. -The results of such a survey have become clear.

The team studied is a team led by Dr. James Harzell, who conducts post-doctoral research at the Basque Cognitive Brain Language Center in Spain. Dr. Hazel was originally a translator from Sanskrit to English.

However, when translating from Sanskrit to English, I realized that the cognitive ability of the brain “shifts deeply”. Other translators also had the same feeling. He became curious and wanted to study this language more. It was the opportunity to study the relationship between Sanskrit and the brain.

According to an article written by Dr. Harzell himself on the blog of the American scientific journal Scientific American, the experiment memorized a Sanskrit mantra from an early age, and the traditional classical scholar who has been reminiscent of Indian It was held in Delhi with several people.

Using the MRI at the National Institute of Brain Science in India, we compared the structure of the brains of a classical scientist and a control group that gathered participants with the same attributes (sex, age, dominant hand, etc.) as the classical scientist.

Classic scholar brain gray matter was increasing

The result was obvious. Compared to the control group, the brains of Sanskrit classical scholars were 10% larger in gray matter on both the left and right sides, and the cerebral cortex was considerably thicker.

The hippocampus on the right side of the hippocampus, which controls long-term and short-term memory, also had a larger gray matter of classical scientists than the control group, accounting for 75% of the hippocampus. Dr. Harzell explains in the Scientific American blog that the hippocampus on the right is responsible for “patterns”, especially sound, space, and vision.

According to the Australian Public Broadcasting SBS, Dr. Herzell said, “I have never seen research showing how the hippocampus has expanded so far.” It will help you understand what to do.

Also effective for diseases such as Alzheimer?

Dr. Harzel calls this Sanskrit language effect on the brain the “Sanskrit effect”. However, he told SBS that it is unclear whether these effects are from memorizing a large amount of sentences or are unique to Sanskrit.

According to Dr. Harzell, Sanskrit has long been said that mantras and sounds themselves have a different effect than other languages ​​such as Hindi, English, Tibetan and Pali.

Prof. Rama Jayasundara from all Indian medical universities, who also studied the effects of Sanskrit on the brain, told SBS, “Sanskrit is a language developed in a very scientific way. Sound in Sanskrit Is the most important part, so pronunciation is very important, and intonation, tone, stress, and rhythm can be said to be science of sound. ”

Dr. Harzell wrote on the Scientific American blog about the question that the “Sanskrit effect” might make Sanskrit classical scholars less likely to have memory illnesses such as Alzheimer’s disease. Yes. The survey is just the beginning and is currently raising funds for further research.

















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