

























You begin to hear sounds deep within your brain.

I felt a sensation similar to an electric shock, but this time there was no pain.

A morning star twinkles at the top of my head.

Abnormalities occurred in the hypothalamus.

The hypothalamus is the secret origin and controls the endocrine glands.

The hypothalamus is prama randra and sahasrara chakra.

The sahasrara chakra is the hypothalamus, not the pineal gland.

The hypothalamus controls endocrine organs through the pituitary system and is controlled by nerves.

Using postures and mudras from ancient yoga, we stimulate the hypothalamus and focus intense thoughts.

In order to reach the ultimate supreme, three methods are necessary: rows, Japas, and tapas.

tapas are necessary to receive the highest ideals.

An example of tapas is the experience of training from “esoteric Buddhism and the secrets of psychic powers”.

Explains the secrets of Gumonjisoumeiho


に頭の深部にある音響が聞こえはじめた。私は、またさっきの電撃に似た 痛覚を頭の一角に感じるのかとひそかにおそれつつ、少々、「おっかなびっ くり」にそれをやったのであったが、今度はぜんぜん痛みもなにも感じな かった。そうして頭の内奥の上部に明星”がふたたびまたたいた。

まさに、私の脳の内部に一大異変が生じていることにはまちがいは なかった。しかし、それはどういう異変であろうか?


しんおう ししようか

脳の深奥、「視床下部」に異変が起きたのである。すべての秘密は、 間脳 この内部の視床下部にあった。ここが秘密の原点だったのである。

私がさきの章で内分泌腺の機構について図までかかげて説明したのは、 これを知ってほしいためであった。専門学者はさぞかし片はらいたく思わ れるのにちがいなかろう。それを承知でおくめんもなく素人の私があえて それをしたのは、この視床下部の秘密を読者に知ってほしいためであった。 すべての内分泌腺を統御しているのは視床下部である。そしてここが、

ヨーガでいうプラーマ・ランドラ (梵の座)であり、サハスラーラ・チャク ラなのである。 今までのヨーガの指導者のいうように、それは、松果腺、 松果体ではない。視床下部が、サハスラーラ・チャクラなのである。もっ とも、視床下部のすぐそばに松果体があるので、それを見あやまったので あろう。もっとも、松果体自身もある重要な役わりを受けもつ。けれど も、サハスラーラ・チャクラそのものは松果腺ではなく、視床下部であっ た。

視床下部はいまいったように、下垂体系を通じて全内分泌器官を統御す る。それでは、なにをもって統御するのかというと、もちろんそれは〝神 経〟である。したがって視床下部には重要な神経がたくさん集まってい る。私は、古代ヨーガのなかから、この部分を動かすポーズとムドラーを 創案してここにつよい圧力をくわえ、同時に、強烈な思念(念力)を集中し ていた。百日のあいだ、たえまなく、私はここに、物質的、精神的、両面 にわたるつよいエネルギーを集中した。その結果、ここの神経線維に

これは、チベット密教だけではない。世界中のいかなる宗教でも、究極 至上



しかし、究極至上のものに到達するためには、この三つだけでは不十分なの である。欠けているものがある。なにが欠けているのか? さきにのべた練行 Japasである。

だが、そういうと、一は最高理想のものなのであるから、他のなにものも必 要ないのではないかといわれるかもしれない。そうではないのである。その最高 理想のものを受けるために、 tapas は必要なのである。









修するは求聞持聡明法。 三度目の修法であった。

最初は真言宗教の行法に拠った。 完全な失敗であった。それは集中力 を高めるという効果はあったが、それ以上のものではなかった。 つぶさに この行法を検討して、私は、しょせん、真言宗密教の求聞持聡明法に、大 脳皮質の構造を一変するごときシステムはないとの結論を得た。すくなく とも、従来のままの行法に、それだけの力はない。 求聞持聡明法を成就し 悉地を得たという弘法大師空海は、あとにのこしたこの行法以外に、 必ず、なんらかの秘密技術を体得しているのに相違なかった。彼ののこし

求聞持法の行法は、その秘密技術のヒントになるべきもののみをつらね たに過ぎず、その秘密技術はおそらく、自分自身の訓練努力によって みずからが発見せよとつきはなしているのにちがいなかった。それを発見 するだけの努力をし、発見できるだけの資質のあるもののみがそれをわが ものとする資格があるのだ、と、つめたく未来を見すえている不世出の知 性の目を、私は行法次第のなかに感じた。それゆえにこそ、宗教者として ゆたかな天分を持つ興教大師覚が、七たびこれを修して失敗し、八度目 にしてようやく悉地成就を得たという難解の行法となっているのである。 そうでなければ、覚媛ほどの才能が、 なんで七たびも失敗しようか。


二度目の修法に、私は、古代ヨーガの技術をとり入れた。ひしひしと感得 するものがあった。五〇日のその行で、求聞持法の成就はみられなかった が、私の考えのまちがいでなかったことがよくわかった。 この方法で、求 聞持法はかならず成就する。 つよい確信を得た。 この技法を積みかさね、

延長してゆけばよい。 これしかない。 ぜったいの自信を得た。

この、私の技法によれば、従来のごとく、山にこもって五〇日ないし 一〇〇日、明星を拝しつづける必要がなかった。 常住坐臥、閑寂の部屋な らば、時ところをえらばなくてもよいのであった。 ただ、最初の三日な



七日間、山居して明星とあい対し、これをふかく脳裡にとどめておけ ばよかった。あとは、三〇日、五〇日、一〇〇日、よしんば一〇〇〇日か かろうとも、日常の生活の行のうちにトレーニングを積みかさねてゆけ ばよいのであった。 この発見はすばらしいものであった。 これでなくて は、法はついに民衆と無縁のものになってしまう。五〇日、一〇〇日、特 定の山にこもらねば成就しないというのでは、ごくかぎられた人たちのみ しか参加することはできない。民衆と無縁になってどこに法の存在価値が あろう。私は、このシステムによって、この法を完成せねばならぬ。法の ために、民衆のために、どうしても。


それは、ほぼ一〇〇日目、私の法のシステムでいって百度目のトレーニ ングのときであった。真言宗に伝わる求聞持法の九種の印明、 それに、古 代ヨーガに伝わる特殊な呼吸法、古代ヨーガの秘法から私が創案した特殊 な手印とポーズ、この三つによるトレーニングで、私のからだと大脳皮質 脳髄は、微妙な変化をおこしつつあることが感じられていた。 チャクラ の開発も順調にすすんでいた。機が熟しつつあることを、私の六感は感じ ていた。

まどろんだような感じであった。しかし、ねむりではなかった。 しびれ の感覚であった。 かるい失心、めまいに似ていた。忘我の一瞬であった。 その刹那、

私は苦痛の叫びをあげていた。脳髄の一角に電流がながれた感覚が 走った。落雷があったと感じた。目の前を紫電が走った、つぎの瞬間、眼

前でフラッシュをたかれたように、私の視野は真っ暗になった。失明! という考えが、チラリと脳裡をよこぎった。と、そのときであった。 頭の

内奥深部に、ポッカリとあかりがともったのだ。そして、それは、私の脈 とおなじリズムで、しずかに、しずかにまたたきはじめた。ちょうど、 この修法をはじめる数十日まえ、山にこもって見つめたあのときの暁けの 明星のようにそれはつめたく、黄ばんだ白さでまたたいた。


「そうか! これが明星だったのか!」

As I delved deeper into the recesses of my mind, I began to perceive a curious phenomenon—a symphony of sound echoing within the confines of my brain. Initially, a sensation akin to an electric shock coursed through me, yet this time, mercifully, it was devoid of pain. And then, like a morning star twinkling at the zenith of my consciousness, an anomaly unfurled within the chambers of my hypothalamus.

Ah, the hypothalamus—a clandestine nexus of control, governing the very essence of our endocrine system. It is here, in this enigmatic core, that the secrets of our inner workings lie concealed. With each pulsation, it orchestrates the dance of hormones, a maestro conducting the symphony of our physiological responses.

In the annals of ancient yoga, they speak of the hypothalamus as the Prama Randra, the Sahasrara Chakra—not the pineal gland as commonly misconceived. Through the intricate web of the pituitary system, it reigns supreme over our endocrine organs, a nexus where nerves converge to wield their influence.

Drawing upon the wisdom of ages past, I embarked on a journey of inner exploration, employing postures and mudras to stir the depths of my hypothalamus, channeling my thoughts with unwavering focus.

Yet, to attain the pinnacle of transcendence, mere practice alone would not suffice. Nay, it demands a trifecta of disciplines—sadhana, japas, and tapas. Of these, tapas, the fervent pursuit of the highest ideals, stands paramount.

Allow me to share a glimpse into my own odyssey of tapas, drawn from the esoteric teachings of Buddhism. Immersed in the quest for enlightenment, I found myself ensconced in a regimen of rigorous practice, delving into the secrets of Gumonjisoumeiho—the method of profound inquiry and discernment.

For countless days, I delved into the depths of meditation, seeking solace in the silent embrace of introspection. Yet, it was not until I integrated the ancient techniques of yoga into my practice that I felt a profound resonance—a palpable shift within my being.

In a moment of transcendence, as if touched by divine revelation, a surge of energy coursed through my veins, illuminating the recesses of my mind with a radiant light. It was as if the morning star itself had descended into the depths of my consciousness, guiding me towards the path of enlightenment.

And thus, with each passing day, I nurtured the flickering flame within, stoking the fires of my innermost being. For in the crucible of tapas, amidst the trials and tribulations of the soul, lies the essence of true transformation—a journey towards the ultimate supreや














You begin to hear sounds deep within your brain.

I felt a sensation similar to an electric shock, but this time there was no pain.

A morning star twinkles at the top of my head.

Abnormalities occurred in the hypothalamus.

The hypothalamus is the secret origin and controls the endocrine glands.

The hypothalamus is prama randra and sahasrara chakra.

The sahasrara chakra is the hypothalamus, not the pineal gland.

The hypothalamus controls endocrine organs through the pituitary system and is controlled by nerves.

Using postures and mudras from ancient yoga, we stimulate the hypothalamus and focus intense thoughts.

In order to reach the ultimate supreme, three methods are necessary: rows, Japas, and tapas.

tapas are necessary to receive the highest ideals.

An example of tapas is the experience of training from “esoteric Buddhism and the secrets of psychic powers”.

Explains the secrets of Gumonjisoumeiho


に頭の深部にある音響が聞こえはじめた。私は、またさっきの電撃に似た 痛覚を頭の一角に感じるのかとひそかにおそれつつ、少々、「おっかなびっ くり」にそれをやったのであったが、今度はぜんぜん痛みもなにも感じな かった。そうして頭の内奥の上部に明星”がふたたびまたたいた。

まさに、私の脳の内部に一大異変が生じていることにはまちがいは なかった。しかし、それはどういう異変であろうか?


しんおう ししようか

脳の深奥、「視床下部」に異変が起きたのである。すべての秘密は、 間脳 この内部の視床下部にあった。ここが秘密の原点だったのである。

私がさきの章で内分泌腺の機構について図までかかげて説明したのは、 これを知ってほしいためであった。専門学者はさぞかし片はらいたく思わ れるのにちがいなかろう。それを承知でおくめんもなく素人の私があえて それをしたのは、この視床下部の秘密を読者に知ってほしいためであった。 すべての内分泌腺を統御しているのは視床下部である。そしてここが、

ヨーガでいうプラーマ・ランドラ (梵の座)であり、サハスラーラ・チャク ラなのである。 今までのヨーガの指導者のいうように、それは、松果腺、 松果体ではない。視床下部が、サハスラーラ・チャクラなのである。もっ とも、視床下部のすぐそばに松果体があるので、それを見あやまったので あろう。もっとも、松果体自身もある重要な役わりを受けもつ。けれど も、サハスラーラ・チャクラそのものは松果腺ではなく、視床下部であっ た。

視床下部はいまいったように、下垂体系を通じて全内分泌器官を統御す る。それでは、なにをもって統御するのかというと、もちろんそれは〝神 経〟である。したがって視床下部には重要な神経がたくさん集まってい る。私は、古代ヨーガのなかから、この部分を動かすポーズとムドラーを 創案してここにつよい圧力をくわえ、同時に、強烈な思念(念力)を集中し ていた。百日のあいだ、たえまなく、私はここに、物質的、精神的、両面 にわたるつよいエネルギーを集中した。その結果、ここの神経線維に

これは、チベット密教だけではない。世界中のいかなる宗教でも、究極 至上



しかし、究極至上のものに到達するためには、この三つだけでは不十分なの である。欠けているものがある。なにが欠けているのか? さきにのべた練行 Japasである。

だが、そういうと、一は最高理想のものなのであるから、他のなにものも必 要ないのではないかといわれるかもしれない。そうではないのである。その最高 理想のものを受けるために、 tapas は必要なのである。









修するは求聞持聡明法。 三度目の修法であった。

最初は真言宗教の行法に拠った。 完全な失敗であった。それは集中力 を高めるという効果はあったが、それ以上のものではなかった。 つぶさに この行法を検討して、私は、しょせん、真言宗密教の求聞持聡明法に、大 脳皮質の構造を一変するごときシステムはないとの結論を得た。すくなく とも、従来のままの行法に、それだけの力はない。 求聞持聡明法を成就し 悉地を得たという弘法大師空海は、あとにのこしたこの行法以外に、 必ず、なんらかの秘密技術を体得しているのに相違なかった。彼ののこし

求聞持法の行法は、その秘密技術のヒントになるべきもののみをつらね たに過ぎず、その秘密技術はおそらく、自分自身の訓練努力によって みずからが発見せよとつきはなしているのにちがいなかった。それを発見 するだけの努力をし、発見できるだけの資質のあるもののみがそれをわが ものとする資格があるのだ、と、つめたく未来を見すえている不世出の知 性の目を、私は行法次第のなかに感じた。それゆえにこそ、宗教者として ゆたかな天分を持つ興教大師覚が、七たびこれを修して失敗し、八度目 にしてようやく悉地成就を得たという難解の行法となっているのである。 そうでなければ、覚媛ほどの才能が、 なんで七たびも失敗しようか。


二度目の修法に、私は、古代ヨーガの技術をとり入れた。ひしひしと感得 するものがあった。五〇日のその行で、求聞持法の成就はみられなかった が、私の考えのまちがいでなかったことがよくわかった。 この方法で、求 聞持法はかならず成就する。 つよい確信を得た。 この技法を積みかさね、

延長してゆけばよい。 これしかない。 ぜったいの自信を得た。

この、私の技法によれば、従来のごとく、山にこもって五〇日ないし 一〇〇日、明星を拝しつづける必要がなかった。 常住坐臥、閑寂の部屋な らば、時ところをえらばなくてもよいのであった。 ただ、最初の三日な



七日間、山居して明星とあい対し、これをふかく脳裡にとどめておけ ばよかった。あとは、三〇日、五〇日、一〇〇日、よしんば一〇〇〇日か かろうとも、日常の生活の行のうちにトレーニングを積みかさねてゆけ ばよいのであった。 この発見はすばらしいものであった。 これでなくて は、法はついに民衆と無縁のものになってしまう。五〇日、一〇〇日、特 定の山にこもらねば成就しないというのでは、ごくかぎられた人たちのみ しか参加することはできない。民衆と無縁になってどこに法の存在価値が あろう。私は、このシステムによって、この法を完成せねばならぬ。法の ために、民衆のために、どうしても。


それは、ほぼ一〇〇日目、私の法のシステムでいって百度目のトレーニ ングのときであった。真言宗に伝わる求聞持法の九種の印明、 それに、古 代ヨーガに伝わる特殊な呼吸法、古代ヨーガの秘法から私が創案した特殊 な手印とポーズ、この三つによるトレーニングで、私のからだと大脳皮質 脳髄は、微妙な変化をおこしつつあることが感じられていた。 チャクラ の開発も順調にすすんでいた。機が熟しつつあることを、私の六感は感じ ていた。

まどろんだような感じであった。しかし、ねむりではなかった。 しびれ の感覚であった。 かるい失心、めまいに似ていた。忘我の一瞬であった。 その刹那、

私は苦痛の叫びをあげていた。脳髄の一角に電流がながれた感覚が 走った。落雷があったと感じた。目の前を紫電が走った、つぎの瞬間、眼

前でフラッシュをたかれたように、私の視野は真っ暗になった。失明! という考えが、チラリと脳裡をよこぎった。と、そのときであった。 頭の

内奥深部に、ポッカリとあかりがともったのだ。そして、それは、私の脈 とおなじリズムで、しずかに、しずかにまたたきはじめた。ちょうど、 この修法をはじめる数十日まえ、山にこもって見つめたあのときの暁けの 明星のようにそれはつめたく、黄ばんだ白さでまたたいた。


「そうか! これが明星だったのか!」


第三の発見 視床下部の秘密




I started hearing sounds deep inside my head. I did it with a little bit of “surprise”, secretly fearing that I would feel a pain similar to the electric shock in a corner of my head again, but this time I didn’t feel any pain at all. It wasn’t. Then, at the top of my head, the morning star flickered once again.

There was no doubt in my mind that something major was going on inside my brain. But what kind of anomaly is that?

It was a kind of shock caused by a chemical reaction.

Shall we do it?

An abnormality occurred deep within the brain, in the hypothalamus. All the secrets were in the hypothalamus inside this diencephalon. This was the secret origin.

The reason why I explained the mechanism of endocrine glands in the previous chapter, including diagrams, was because I wanted you to understand this. I’m sure experts in the field would like to know more about it. The reason why he did this, even though I was a reluctant amateur, was because he wanted his readers to know the secrets of the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus controls all endocrine glands. And here is

It is the prama randra (the seat of Brahma) in yoga, and the sahasrara chakra. As previous yoga instructors have said, it is not the pineal gland. The hypothalamus is the sahasrara chakra. However, since the pineal gland is located right next to the hypothalamus, he probably misunderstood it. However, the pineal gland itself also plays an important role. However, he also realized that the sahasrara chakra itself was not the pineal gland, but the hypothalamus.

As mentioned above, the hypothalamus controls all endocrine organs through the pituitary system. So, what controls it? Of course, it is the “nerves”. Therefore, many important nerves are concentrated in the hypothalamus. I created poses and mudras from ancient yoga that move this area, applying strong pressure to it, and at the same time concentrating intense thought (psychokinesis). For a hundred days, I concentrated my intense energy here, both physical and spiritual. As a result, the nerve fibers here

This is not just Tibetan Buddhism. The ultimate supremacy of any religion in the world


There are only three ways to reach this.

However, these three alone are not enough to reach the ultimate supreme. There is something missing. What is missing? It is the training Japas mentioned earlier.

However, one might argue that since the One is the highest ideal, there is no need for anything else. That’s not the case. In order to receive that highest ideal, tapas are necessary.

What is line?

So, what is this training tapas?

The only way to do that is to tell you about my training experience as an example.

Let’s have a look at it.

This is an excerpt from “Secrets of Esoteric Buddhism and Psychic Powers,” published over 40 years ago.

The secret of Gumonji Soumeiho

I was determined.

I was in a strict system.

The way to cultivate is to seek wisdom. This was my third time practicing the method.

At first, it was based on the practices of the Shingon religion. It was a complete failure. It had the effect of increasing concentration, but nothing more. After closely examining this method, I came to the conclusion that there is no system in the Shingon Esoteric Buddhism’s Gumonji Someiho that can completely change the structure of the cerebral cortex. At the very least, the traditional way of doing things doesn’t have that much power. Kobo Daishi Kukai, who is said to have attained complete power by achieving the Gyomon Ji Simeiho, must have mastered some secret technique in addition to the practice he left behind. his legacy

The practice of Gumonjiho was merely a collection of hints for the secret technique, which he was probably waiting for himself to discover through his own training efforts. It had to be. I have the eyes of an unparalleled intellect that gazes dimly into the future, believing that only those who make the effort and are qualified enough to discover it are qualified to claim it as theirs. I felt that it depended on the method. That is why it is a difficult practice that Kokyo Daishi Kaku, who had great talent as a religious person, practiced it seven times and failed, but finally attained full fulfillment on the eighth time. It is. Otherwise, why would someone as talented as Kakuhime fail seven times?


For my second training, I incorporated ancient yoga techniques. There was something that struck me deeply. Although I did not see the fulfillment of Gumonjiho in that process on the 50th, I was able to see that my thinking was correct. With this method, Gumonjiho will definitely come to fruition. I gained a strong sense of confidence. Keep practicing this technique,

It can be extended. only this one. I gained a lot of confidence.

According to my technique, there was no need to stay in the mountains and worship the morning star for 50 to 100 days, as was the case in the past. He was always sitting, in a quiet room, so he didn’t have to choose a specific time. But the first three days



He wished he could stay in the mountains for seven days, meet the morning star, and keep this deep in his mind. All she had to do now was to train for 30, 50, 100, or even 1,000 days as part of her daily life. . This discovery was amazing. If this were not the case, the law would finally become irrelevant to the people. If you have to stay in a specific mountain for 50 or 100 days in order to achieve your goal, then only a very limited number of people will be able to participate. What is the value of the existence of law if it has nothing to do with the people? I must complete this Dharma through this system. For the sake of the law, for the sake of the people, by all means.

And I was on my third desperate attempt at training.

It was almost the 100th day, and the 100th training session in my legal system. My training is based on the nine types of Gumonjipo that have been passed down in the Shingon sect, the special breathing techniques that have been handed down in ancient yoga, and the special hand seals and poses that I have created from the secrets of ancient yoga. It was felt that subtle changes were occurring in the body, cerebral cortex, and brain spinal cord. Chakra development was also progressing smoothly. My six senses knew that the time was ripe.

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Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis

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日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis   sサイト

大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 “Kongokai” expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai


胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai












四、強短息呼吸法 (火の呼吸法)







1. Long breathing breathing method
Second, long-breathing breathing method
Third, anti-breathing method
4. Strong and short breathing method (fire breathing method)
To put it simply, one long-breathing breathing method is to breathe out and breathe in, both.
Breathe as thin, long and deep as possible. Take 20 to 30 seconds, 1 minute, time for one breath
The second long-breathing breathing method exhales only the exhaled breath as thinly and long as possible, and inhales normally.
Sea urchin sucks.
The third anti-breathing method, unlike normal breathing, retracts the abdomen when inhaling.
Inflate your abdomen when you exhale. It’s just the opposite.
The four strong and short breath breathing methods are called “fire breathing”, and one nostril is pressed with a finger to close it, and one piece.
Breathe strongly and shortly through your nostrils.





1, long breathing breathing training
Whether it’s the Lotus Position or the Half-Sakiza, the head and head are very natural.
Immediately take a proper posture. However, I was too nervous and overpowered or stiff.
Don’t do it. It is important to relax and relax.
To do this, in order to relieve tension in the head and neck, put the forehead forward and lower it.
It’s a good idea to pull your head in a little and lower your head a little. At the same time, front chest
Make sure that the part is small and retracted, the abdomen is slightly forward, and both shoulders are not stressed, giving a natural appearance.
Take. Bend your back forward to increase the volume of your abdomen.
The mouth and sword close naturally and lightly. Both eyes close lightly, but the outside light is faintly felt.
Leave a streak in the garden. That is, with a half-eye, hold the line of sight at the tip of the nose and the tip of the nose.
Tighten the anus tightly and pull it up.
First, take a light breath, then pursed your mouth and exhale with all your might. While putting all your strength into the lower road and looking at the festival to the east a little, you spit it out.
At this time, as I wrote before, I spit out all the unclean feelings because I am all over my body.
I feel like I’m going to get stuck on my back. Vomiting
Once you’ve made it, suck it up again and repeat this.
The important thing is to always feel the first thing to stop breathing.
NS. First of all, one breath begins when it is cloudy.
Da lightly engages, passes through the liar land, and slowly exhales.
In the shade of the night, you should never mourn.
Naturally, it shifts to the long-entry breathing method.
First, take a light breath. (It is a call for reception.
When you have finished exhaling slowly through the garden, close Da and join properly.
Let them handle it slowly.
“Slowly take time, squeeze through your nose.

By the way
At this time, in order to reduce the amount of air coming in from the nose as much as possible,
Make the nasal cavity narrow. This will not only reduce the amount of incoming air
The narrow wall of the nasal cavity is crushed by air, and the stimulus is sent to the brain or the brain.
It also has the effect of calming excitement.
Also, when inhaling, the tip of the tongue should be on the upper jaw (slightly above the upper front gums).
Attach it to the part called “eye contact”).
Then, I breathe in naturally.
When you have finished inhaling, take a light breath again, drop the epigastrium sufficiently, and Kawamon.
Close tightly and lightly apply force to the lower abdomen.
When you apply this force, be sure to breathe a little through your nose at the same time. This is very important
If you don’t do this, pressure will be applied from your chest to your head, which may hurt your body.
NS. This is what causes abdominal breathing and causes headaches and suffers from visceral ptosis.
Because I don’t know.
When Zen Buddhist master Harada Daiun Sogaku performed the extreme lower abdomen input god of Hara Tanzan, his head rang.
And of the heart. Also, it is written in a book that I want to know because the rank of the pigeon is the target
If you squeeze this and put um on top, it will be done a couple of times.
Next, let’s go to the source.
Set it down and put it in the bottom, and keep your stomach strong.
The lower abdomen that had been entwined with the crab gradually began to grow and was collected.
At this time, while breathing out, I talked about the story that I had attached to the first part until then, and Yamaki
With a feeling of warming up in the mountains, he plays a mantra with a low voice.
I’m going to breathe out while I’m new.
You can.
Slowly spit out as thin and long as possible into the city. I’m out of breath
When I do, the lower limit is dented, and I feel like my history is sticking to my spine. I mean, yes
It spits out with such a feeling.





After exhaling, gently inhale with your nose again. When sucking, put your tongue on your upper jaw
It is the same as before.
After inhaling, exhale with the same movement as before. Exhale like before
Then, recite the mantra.
This submitted breathing method does not matter the time for one breath. As thin and long as possible
It makes you breathe in and out for a long time.
2, long breath breathing training
The previous long-breathing breathing method is to breathe as long and thin as possible, both in and out.
It is a thing. Just because it’s as thin and long as possible, how long does it take to make it thin and long?
It doesn’t matter how long you breathe.
However, the long-breathing breathing method this time is time-consuming.
Generally, adult breathing is usually once a minute in a healthy person’s calm state.
153 Revolutionary thoughts of the brain and mind



Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis


新のゲーム PC カメラ 家電 健康






ブータン仏教からの法脈継承   Dharma inherited from Bhutanese

ブータン仏教からの法脈継承   Dharma inherited from Bhutanese












– ジェケンポ(ブータン仏教最高指導者)からテンジンテンドップ大僧正猊下への法脈継承
– テンジンテンドップ大僧正猊下から秘法の伝授と法号「ンガワン・ゲルツェン」授与
– 過去の密教灌頂経験(ニンマ派、サキャ派)と今回のカギュ派伝法灌頂受け取り
– 三種類の仏教の存在:北伝仏教、南伝仏教、東伝仏教
– 北伝仏教の特徴と南伝仏教の特徴についての説明
– 東伝仏教の定義と特色(主に密教)
– ブータンにおける東伝仏教の重要性と霊力の継承
– 完全仏教の理念と阿含宗における位置付け
– ブータンにおける輪廻転生の秘法とその信仰の根底






このブータンにおいて、ブータン仏教の最高指導者として第六十八代のジェ ケンポを務められ、現在、世界のチベット密教界で最高の法脈を継承されてい テンジンテンドップ大僧正猊下から、密教の中で最高の尊い法の伝法灌頂 極秘伝のある秘法を伝授いただき、法脈を相承し、法号を授けられたのである


これは王者の説法をする仏法守護者”という意味で、 十七世紀にブータン 仏教界で名をはせた大僧正に因んだ由緒ある法名である。

また、テンジン・デンドップ大僧正猊下からは、尊い法を惜しみなく伝授し ていただいた上で、尊い仏さまや法衣、 法具を多数いただいた。

さきにのべたように、わたくしは、過去に二度、チベット密教の灌頂を受 け、法を継承している。まず一九八三年、古儀チベット密教ニンマ派から、ニ ンマ派のチベット密教古派に伝わる秘法と法脈を受けた。つぎに一九九三年、 サキャ派から金剛界胎蔵界両部の秘法を伝授され、チベットに伝わるインド 中期密教瑜伽タントラの法脈を受け継いでいる。

そして今回、カギュ派から受けた伝法灌頂は、密教の最終段階といわれるイ ンド後期密教・無上瑜伽タントラの秘法であり、この灌頂を以て、わたくしは チベット仏教のすべての法脈を受け継いだことになる。



つまり、仏教には、それぞれちがった三つの系統の仏教がある、ということである。もっとわかりやすくいうならば、仏教には三種類の仏教があるということだ。 このことは、非常に重要である。





仏教を信仰するしないは別として、仏教国といわれる日本人として、当 然持っておらねばならぬ知識であり、教養といわねばならない。


文化人を自称している人たちでさえ、このことを知らぬ人が多い。それでい もの知り顔に仏教を論じたりしているのだから、あきれてしまう。




1、北に伝わった仏教 (北伝仏教)


3、東に伝わった仏教 (東伝仏教)

この三つに分かれた仏教は、それぞれ「仏教」と称しながら、みな、その内 容を異にして発達していったのである。 どう分かれようと内容がおなじならば 問題はないが、その内容がことごとくちがうのである。そこに大きな問題が生 ずる。しかし、そのことについては、ここでは論じないことにする。

これは、インドから中国大陸、朝鮮半島を経て、日本に伝わった仏教である。 日本では「大乗仏教」とよばれている。



スリランカから、これら東アジアの諸国に伝わったものの、ごく最近まで、 日本には伝わってこなかった。日本では、ごく一部で経典の研究がおこなわれ ていたが、宗旨宗派が形成されるにいたらなかった。



スリランカでは「上座部仏教」(テーラヴァーダ)という。その意味は、「長老 たちを通じて連綿と伝承されてきたブッダの伝統的教説」という。誠に誇り高 名称というべきであろう。

テーラヴァーダの立場からいうと、日本の大乗仏教など、偽の経典で、手に とる価値もない、ということになるかもしれない。


聞きなれない名称だと不審に思う向きもあろうかと思う。これはわたくしが 命名したもので、インドから東に伝わった仏教―チベット仏教のことであ る。(地理的に正確に東方というのではない。南伝・北伝に対しての謂いである)

チベット仏教は、どちらかというと、北伝の大乗仏教に近い。それは、「後期 大乗」の密教を主とするからである。

東伝仏教の特色は、南伝仏教や北伝仏教にない神秘的で強力な霊法を持つ密 教であることだが、この東伝仏教が伝わったチベットやネパールなどでは、近 年、さまざまな理由で、本来の力強い原初的、神秘的な霊力が失われつつある。 しかしながら、ブータンだけは東伝仏教を国教とし、大切に守り伝えてきて おり、古来から伝わる強力な霊力のある秘法がそのままのかたちで継承されて きているのである。


仏教が、三つのものにバラバ ラになっているかぎり、完全と はいえない。この三つのバラバ ラの仏教が、一つの仏教に融合 したとき、完全な仏教といえる のではないか。

わたくしは、二十一世紀の仏教は、この完全仏教でなければ ならないと思うのである。

阿含宗はすでに、南伝、北伝、東伝の三つの仏教体系を統合した世界で唯一 の完全仏教教団である。しかも、今回のブータン仏教から強力な霊力を持つ、 世界最高の霊法を伝えられたことにより、霊力の面でも完璧となり、名実とも に世界的な完全仏教となった。

阿含宗の密教といわず、 阿含宗の仏教が、これで世界的なものになったと胸を張っていうことができると考えている。





このブータンにおいては、いまでも生まれ変わりが深く信じられているのでこれはブータン王国に、仏教留学している阿含宗の僧侶からの話であるが、 子供が年上のおじと思われる人物に向かって、そのおじの亡くなった父親の声 色でお説教をしているという場面が見られるそうである。



Dharma inherited from Bhutanese Buddhism

I went to the Kingdom of Bhutan in June 2010.

In this Bhutan, he served as the 68th Jekenpo, the supreme leader of Bhutanese Buddhism, and is currently inheriting the highest Buddhist tradition in the world of Tibetan esoteric Buddhism. The highest and most precious law was transmitted to him. He was taught a very secret method, accepted the Dharma lineage, and was given a Dharma name.

The name of the law is “Ngawang Gertsen”, which is translated into Japanese as “Zhishenggojizaishohohon”.

This name means “the protector of Buddhism who preaches the sermons of kings,” and is a venerable Buddhist name named after the great monk who became famous in the Buddhist world of Bhutan in the 17th century.

In addition, His High Priest Tenzin Dendup generously taught him the precious Dharma, and he received many precious Buddha statues, Buddhist robes, and ritual implements.

As I mentioned earlier, I have received Tibetan Esoteric Buddhism empowerment twice in the past and have inherited the Dharma. First, in 1983, from the Nyingma sect of ancient Tibetan esoteric Buddhism, he received the secret methods and principles passed down in the ancient sect of Tibetan esoteric Buddhism. Next, in 1993, he was initiated into the secret methods of both the Vajrayana and the Womb Realms by the Sakya sect, and has inherited the dharma system of the middle Indian esoteric Buddhism Yuga Tantra, which was passed down to Tibet.

And this time, the Denpo Empowerment that I received from the Kagyu sect is a secret method of the late Ndo Esoteric Buddhism and Mujo Yuga Tantra, which is said to be the final stage of Esoteric Buddhism. It means that I inherited it.

There are three types of Buddhism

There are three systems in Buddhism.

In other words, there are three distinct branches of Buddhism. To put it more simply, there are three types of Buddhism. This is very important.


Northern Buddhism
Southern Buddhism


Regardless of whether you believe in Buddhism or not, as Japanese people who are said to be a Buddhist country, this is knowledge that you must have, and it can be called culture.

However, most Japanese people do not know this.

Many people, even those who call themselves cultural figures, do not know this. And yet he was discussing Buddhism with such a knowledgeable face, which made me astounded.

If you don’t know it yet, I would like you to study it a little.

Buddhism divided into north and southeast routes

The three types of Buddhism are from India, the birthplace of Buddhism,

1. Buddhism that spread to the north (Hokuden Buddhism)

2. Buddhism that was introduced to the south (Southern Buddhism)

3. Buddhism that spread to the East (Toden Buddhism)

Although these three branches of Buddhism were each called “Buddhism,” they all developed with different contents. There is no problem if the content is the same no matter how it is divided, but the content is completely different. A big problem arises there. However, I will not discuss that here.

This is a form of Buddhism that spread from India to Japan via mainland China and the Korean Peninsula. In Japan, it is called “Mahayana Buddhism.”

At first, I desperately studied and practiced Mahayana Buddhism.

This is a form of Buddhism that spread from India to Sri Lanka, and from there to Thailand, Burma (Myanmar), Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam.

Although it was introduced to these East Asian countries from Sri Lanka, it did not reach Japan until very recently. In Japan, the study of scriptures was carried out in a small number of areas, but no sects were formed.

This was a Buddhism that was completely different from Northern Buddhism.

It is a sect that upholds the only sutra written directly by Shakyamuni, the Agon Sutra.

In Sri Lanka, it is called “Theravada Buddhism.” Its meaning is “Buddha’s traditional teachings that have been passed down through the elders”. It should be a truly proud name.

From a Theravada’s perspective, Japan’s Mahayana Buddhism may be considered a false scripture and not worth picking up.

So, what kind of Buddhism is Toden Buddhism?

I think some people may be suspicious of an unfamiliar name. This is the name I gave it, and it refers to Tibetan Buddhism, a form of Buddhism that spread from India to the east. (Geographically speaking, it is not exactly eastern. It is a reference to southern and northern legends.)

Tibetan Buddhism is rather similar to the northern tradition of Mahayana Buddhism. This is because it focuses on the “late Mahayana” esoteric Buddhism.

A distinctive feature of Toden Buddhism is that it is an esoteric Buddhism that has mysterious and powerful spiritual laws that are not found in Southern Buddhism or Northern Buddhism, but in recent years, in Tibet and Nepal, where Toden Buddhism was introduced, various For some reason, the original, powerful, primordial, mystical spiritual power is being lost. However, Bhutan is the only country where Toden Buddhism is the state religion, and it has been carefully preserved and handed down, and the ancient secrets of powerful spiritual power have been passed down in their original form.

Complete Buddhism is Buddhism that combines the above three systems of Buddhism into one Buddhism.

As long as Buddhism is divided into three parts, it cannot be said to be complete. When these three separate forms of Buddhism are fused into one Buddhism, it can be said to be complete Buddhism.

I believe that the Buddhism of the 21st century must be this complete Buddhism.

The Agon sect is already the only complete Buddhist order in the world that integrates the three Buddhist systems of Southern, Northern, and Eastern Buddhism. What’s more, as Bhutanese Buddhism imparted the world’s best spiritual law with powerful spiritual power, it has become perfect in terms of spiritual power, and has become a world-class complete Buddhism in both name and reality.

I believe that we can proudly say that not only the esoteric Buddhism of the Agon sect, but the Buddhism of the Agon sect has now become world-renowned.

Bhutan has a secret method of reincarnation.

The secrets of Bhutan, the land of reincarnation

The Kingdom of Bhutan and the Agon sect, which have carefully preserved and handed down Toden Buddhism, have had deep ties for a long time.

We have exchanges with them, and every year we send some monks to train there.

In Bhutan, there is still a deep belief in reincarnation, so this story comes from an Agon sect monk who is studying Buddhism in the Kingdom of Bhutan. Apparently, there is a scene in which the uncle preaches in the voice of his late father.

Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis

Buddha 2Japan journala

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis   sサイト

大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 “Kongokai” expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai


胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai




デジタル  健康   PC カメラ 家電


2024 年 3 月 21 日 今日の運命

2024 年 3 月 21 日




躍動の週 友の日


















Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis

Buddha 2Japan journala

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis   sサイト

大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 “Kongokai” expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai


胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai




デジタル  健康   PC カメラ 家電


「戦争の終わりを求めて:遺伝から心理への旅」 “In Search of an End to War: A Journey from Genetics to Psychology”




– 科学と技術の進歩にもかかわらず、なぜ戦争や殺戮が絶えないのか?
– 人間の脳の構造的欠陥が一因であり、意識改造だけでは解決しない。
– 心理学における運命の反復現象がもう一つの原因であり、先祖の抑圧された欲求が子孫の運命に影響を与える。
– 死者の怨念がバイブレーションを通じて伝達され、運命の反復が起こる。
– 個人レベルだけでなく、国家や社会レベルでも同様の運命の反復が見られる。
– 戦争による死者の怨念が次の戦争を引き起こすことで、戦争の歴史が繰り返される。
– 地球に平和と安穏をもたらすためには、死者の怨念を消滅させる必要がある。
– 人類にとって切実な問題であり、次の戦争が人類絶滅の戦争になる可能性がある。








解決策は、宇宙意識のバイブレーションから全地球を覆う死者の怨念を消滅させることにある。だが、それが果たされる日は、果たして訪れるのだろうか? 人類にとって、これ以上なく切実で、緊迫した問題がそこにある。





“The Loop of War: The Fate of Humanity and the Mysteries of Psychology”

– Why do wars and slaughter continue despite advances in science and technology?
– Structural defects in the human brain are a contributing factor, and consciousness modification alone will not solve the problem.
– Another cause is the phenomenon of repetition of fate in psychology, where the repressed desires of ancestors influence the fate of descendants.
– The grudges of the dead are transmitted through vibration, causing a repeat of fate.
– Similar fates are repeated not only at the individual level but also at the national and societal level.
– The history of war repeats itself as the grudges of the dead from war cause the next war.
– In order to bring peace and tranquility to the earth, it is necessary to eliminate the grudges of the dead.
– This is a pressing issue for humanity, and there is a possibility that the next war will be a war that will wipe out humanity.




For a long time, humanity has followed the path of science and technology, and many religions, ethics, and morals have been preached. However, throughout its history, barbaric slaughter and wars never ceased. Wars begin to stop wars, to right injustices, and for that reason wars have never ceased. As a result, wars and conflicts brought about violence, poverty, environmental destruction, and the devastation of humanity.

People were troubled, and even though they sincerely hoped for peace, they were trapped in despair. Many people did not realize that there were two major causes behind this.

One is a structural defect in the human brain. This defect could not be compensated for by altering his consciousness alone. Teachings and ideas alone could not overcome the horse brain hidden in the human brain. Humanity has created a defective civilization due to a defective brain.

Another reason is the psychological phenomenon of repeating fate. This was an area in which many people were ignorant, and Sondhi’s theory, which pioneered the third area of familial unconsciousness, opened the door.

Repetition of fate affects not only individuals but also nations and societies. The grudges of the dead caused by the war lead to the next war. Human history is a history of war, and it was prophesied that if the wars stopped, humanity would also become extinct.

The solution lies in erasing the grudge of the dead that covers the entire earth from the vibrations of cosmic consciousness. But will that day ever come? There lies the most urgent and pressing issue for humanity.




























どうして運命の反復が起きるのか? ソンディは、その原因を、遺伝趣性にあるとする。





「個人の無意識層の中に抑圧されている特殊な祖先の欲求」とは、或る個人の無意風のなかに、特殊な祖先(すでに死者となっている)の欲求 (怨念)が抑圧されていて、その個人(子孫)の行動を決定する、ということにほかならない。












Why is this barbaric slaughter and war constant, even though science and technology have advanced and so many religions, ethics, and morals have been preached?
War has never been started to stop the war, to correct injustice, and to stop it.
The ongoing war and struggle are endlessly expanding violence, poverty, environmental destruction and the devastation of humanity.
Many people are afraid that one day a catastrophe will come.


Most of humanity is worried that they have to do something about it, and they feel despair from the bottom of their hearts, hoping for eternal peace.


There are two causes.
There are two major causes that many people are unaware of.
The first is the structural defect of the human brain.
As we will see later, humans have fatal defects in their brains. Unless this defect is corrected and remodeled, peace and peace will never come to humankind.
The defective brain gave birth to the defective civilization.
Until now, religion, ethics, and morality have considered only “remodeling of consciousness.” It is “Iwayama”.
In other words, the aim was to “change the way we think about things.” He preached a “teaching” that would change the way we think about things.
However, no matter how much you try and change your mind, you will not be able to achieve a satisfactory effect. Because there is a defect in the brain that accepts it.
No effect can be expected unless the defects that exist in the root of consciousness, thought, and generation are removed.
There is a popular saying, “Nembutsu in the ears of horses.”
No matter how good the teachings are, what if there is a horse brain in a part of the human brain?
Unless the horse part is removed, it is an old word, but I do not know when and how the beast’s heart, “Imashinsaru”, will start to move. No, the horse’s brain is exposed only when it is the most important time here.
And, as we will see later, there is actually a horse’s brain in our brain. Unless this brain is remodeled, peace and peace will never come to humankind. We must be fully aware that defective brains cannot be remodeled by teaching and reasoning alone.
The second is the phenomenon of “repetition of fate” due to the rebellious obsession in psychology.
Many are too ignorant of this.

Modern psychology, which focuses on the deep psychology of human beings, began with Sigmund Freud’s analysis of the individual’s unconscious layer. He then proceeded to Carl Gustav Jung’s collective unconscious (crowd psychology). On the other hand, Lipot Sondy focuses on the third area of ​​the unconscious, “family unconscious,” which lies between these two layers.
I got it.

In other words, he discovered a “family” between the “individual” and the “crowd”.

This was a special area of ​​the unconscious. Sondy wrote this theory,


“Fate Analysis Psychology”


I named it, but according to it,

The special ancestral desires that are suppressed within the unconscious layer of the individual become the unconscious choice behaviors of the offspring in the form of romance, friendship, occupation, illness, and death, which determine their fate.

It was.
In short, the suppressed desires and conflicts of special ancestors act on the unconscious consciousness of the descendants, and the love (marriage), friendship, occupation, illness, and death of the descendants are destined to be decided. be.
The resulting phenomenon is “repetition of fate.” It is a phenomenon in which the fate of a specific ancestor is repeated as it is.


There are two types of repetition, one is to repeat the same fate, and the other is to follow a similar fate within a certain vaccine, both of which follow one principle discovered by Sondy. Repetitive phenomena occur. (Sondy argues with many examples, but the examples of the two major writers Balzac and Dostoevsky are particularly famous.


Why is the repetition of fate happening? Sondy blames heredity on the cause.
However, I think it is impossible to attribute all the causes of this repetition of fate solely to genetic plasticity. We have to think about other causes.
This is because, such as step-parents, step-grandparents, step-grandparents, etc., not directly related to each other, and therefore, even in relationships where the gene (DNA) is not inherited.


Repetitive manifestation of fate


Because the elephant is awake. In other words, even if it is not inherited by a gene, the suppressed desires and conflicts of a special ancestor act on the unconscious consciousness of its offspring and determine its fate. There are many examples.

What exactly does this mean?
Let’s just say it.
“The desire of a special ancestor suppressed in the unconscious layer of an individual” means that the desire (grudge) of a special ancestor (already dead) is suppressed in the unconsciousness of an individual. It is nothing but determining the behavior of the individual (descendant).

In other words, the grudges of the dead move the unconscious consciousness of the living, and take actions to satisfy the grudges (desires) of the dead. It will follow the same path as the life of the dead. That is the repetition of fate. And what you have to pay attention to here is

It is the transmission mechanism of the grudge of the dead. If it doesn’t necessarily depend on genes, what exactly conveys that grudge?

The answer would be a kind of vibration.

By the way, one nation, one race, one race is a fateful community and one family.

The iterative theory of fate could be applied to this as it is. In that case,
It appears as a phenomenon that “history repeats itself”. For individuals, the repetition of fate, the country ,.


“In the case of the history family / society, it appears as a repeating history.
The history of mankind is the history of war.
The grudges of the dead from the war drive living humans to the next war. Thus, the history of war is endlessly repeated.

At this rate, when the war stops, it will be when humankind is extinct.
The universe is seen by the consciousness of the universe. Peace and peace will never come to the earth unless the grudges of the dead that cover the whole earth are extinguished from the vibration of the cosmic consciousness.

Now that it is predicted that the next war will be the war of extinction of humankind, how to solve these two problems, and how they can be solved, it is not the most urgent and urgent problem for humankind. mosquito.
What do you think?

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