
Apple iPhone 15

Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max (256 GB) – ナチュラルチタニウム













– ジェケンポ(ブータン仏教最高指導者)からテンジンテンドップ大僧正猊下への法脈継承
– テンジンテンドップ大僧正猊下から秘法の伝授と法号「ンガワン・ゲルツェン」授与
– 過去の密教灌頂経験(ニンマ派、サキャ派)と今回のカギュ派伝法灌頂受け取り
– 三種類の仏教の存在:北伝仏教、南伝仏教、東伝仏教
– 北伝仏教の特徴と南伝仏教の特徴についての説明
– 東伝仏教の定義と特色(主に密教)
– ブータンにおける東伝仏教の重要性と霊力の継承
– 完全仏教の理念と阿含宗における位置付け
– ブータンにおける輪廻転生の秘法とその信仰の根底






このブータンにおいて、ブータン仏教の最高指導者として第六十八代のジェ ケンポを務められ、現在、世界のチベット密教界で最高の法脈を継承されてい テンジンテンドップ大僧正猊下から、密教の中で最高の尊い法の伝法灌頂 極秘伝のある秘法を伝授いただき、法脈を相承し、法号を授けられたのである


これは王者の説法をする仏法守護者”という意味で、 十七世紀にブータン 仏教界で名をはせた大僧正に因んだ由緒ある法名である。

また、テンジン・デンドップ大僧正猊下からは、尊い法を惜しみなく伝授し ていただいた上で、尊い仏さまや法衣、 法具を多数いただいた。

さきにのべたように、わたくしは、過去に二度、チベット密教の灌頂を受 け、法を継承している。まず一九八三年、古儀チベット密教ニンマ派から、ニ ンマ派のチベット密教古派に伝わる秘法と法脈を受けた。つぎに一九九三年、 サキャ派から金剛界胎蔵界両部の秘法を伝授され、チベットに伝わるインド 中期密教瑜伽タントラの法脈を受け継いでいる。

そして今回、カギュ派から受けた伝法灌頂は、密教の最終段階といわれるイ ンド後期密教・無上瑜伽タントラの秘法であり、この灌頂を以て、わたくしは チベット仏教のすべての法脈を受け継いだことになる。



つまり、仏教には、それぞれちがった三つの系統の仏教がある、ということである。もっとわかりやすくいうならば、仏教には三種類の仏教があるということだ。 このことは、非常に重要である。





仏教を信仰するしないは別として、仏教国といわれる日本人として、当 然持っておらねばならぬ知識であり、教養といわねばならない。


文化人を自称している人たちでさえ、このことを知らぬ人が多い。それでい もの知り顔に仏教を論じたりしているのだから、あきれてしまう。




1、北に伝わった仏教 (北伝仏教)


3、東に伝わった仏教 (東伝仏教)

この三つに分かれた仏教は、それぞれ「仏教」と称しながら、みな、その内 容を異にして発達していったのである。 どう分かれようと内容がおなじならば 問題はないが、その内容がことごとくちがうのである。そこに大きな問題が生 ずる。しかし、そのことについては、ここでは論じないことにする。

これは、インドから中国大陸、朝鮮半島を経て、日本に伝わった仏教である。 日本では「大乗仏教」とよばれている。



スリランカから、これら東アジアの諸国に伝わったものの、ごく最近まで、 日本には伝わってこなかった。日本では、ごく一部で経典の研究がおこなわれ ていたが、宗旨宗派が形成されるにいたらなかった。



スリランカでは「上座部仏教」(テーラヴァーダ)という。その意味は、「長老 たちを通じて連綿と伝承されてきたブッダの伝統的教説」という。誠に誇り高 名称というべきであろう。

テーラヴァーダの立場からいうと、日本の大乗仏教など、偽の経典で、手に とる価値もない、ということになるかもしれない。


聞きなれない名称だと不審に思う向きもあろうかと思う。これはわたくしが 命名したもので、インドから東に伝わった仏教―チベット仏教のことであ る。(地理的に正確に東方というのではない。南伝・北伝に対しての謂いである)

チベット仏教は、どちらかというと、北伝の大乗仏教に近い。それは、「後期 大乗」の密教を主とするからである。

東伝仏教の特色は、南伝仏教や北伝仏教にない神秘的で強力な霊法を持つ密 教であることだが、この東伝仏教が伝わったチベットやネパールなどでは、近 年、さまざまな理由で、本来の力強い原初的、神秘的な霊力が失われつつある。 しかしながら、ブータンだけは東伝仏教を国教とし、大切に守り伝えてきて おり、古来から伝わる強力な霊力のある秘法がそのままのかたちで継承されて きているのである。


仏教が、三つのものにバラバ ラになっているかぎり、完全と はいえない。この三つのバラバ ラの仏教が、一つの仏教に融合 したとき、完全な仏教といえる のではないか。

わたくしは、二十一世紀の仏教は、この完全仏教でなければ ならないと思うのである。

阿含宗はすでに、南伝、北伝、東伝の三つの仏教体系を統合した世界で唯一 の完全仏教教団である。しかも、今回のブータン仏教から強力な霊力を持つ、 世界最高の霊法を伝えられたことにより、霊力の面でも完璧となり、名実とも に世界的な完全仏教となった。

阿含宗の密教といわず、 阿含宗の仏教が、これで世界的なものになったと胸を張っていうことができると考えている。





このブータンにおいては、いまでも生まれ変わりが深く信じられているのでこれはブータン王国に、仏教留学している阿含宗の僧侶からの話であるが、 子供が年上のおじと思われる人物に向かって、そのおじの亡くなった父親の声 色でお説教をしているという場面が見られるそうである。



Dharma inherited from Bhutanese Buddhism

I went to the Kingdom of Bhutan in June 2010.

In this Bhutan, he served as the 68th Jekenpo, the supreme leader of Bhutanese Buddhism, and is currently inheriting the highest Buddhist tradition in the world of Tibetan esoteric Buddhism. The highest and most precious law was transmitted to him. He was taught a very secret method, accepted the Dharma lineage, and was given a Dharma name.

The name of the law is “Ngawang Gertsen”, which is translated into Japanese as “Zhishenggojizaishohohon”.

This name means “the protector of Buddhism who preaches the sermons of kings,” and is a venerable Buddhist name named after the great monk who became famous in the Buddhist world of Bhutan in the 17th century.

In addition, His High Priest Tenzin Dendup generously taught him the precious Dharma, and he received many precious Buddha statues, Buddhist robes, and ritual implements.

As I mentioned earlier, I have received Tibetan Esoteric Buddhism empowerment twice in the past and have inherited the Dharma. First, in 1983, from the Nyingma sect of ancient Tibetan esoteric Buddhism, he received the secret methods and principles passed down in the ancient sect of Tibetan esoteric Buddhism. Next, in 1993, he was initiated into the secret methods of both the Vajrayana and the Womb Realms by the Sakya sect, and has inherited the dharma system of the middle Indian esoteric Buddhism Yuga Tantra, which was passed down to Tibet.

And this time, the Denpo Empowerment that I received from the Kagyu sect is a secret method of the late Ndo Esoteric Buddhism and Mujo Yuga Tantra, which is said to be the final stage of Esoteric Buddhism. It means that I inherited it.

There are three types of Buddhism

There are three systems in Buddhism.

In other words, there are three distinct branches of Buddhism. To put it more simply, there are three types of Buddhism. This is very important.


Northern Buddhism
Southern Buddhism


Regardless of whether you believe in Buddhism or not, as Japanese people who are said to be a Buddhist country, this is knowledge that you must have, and it can be called culture.

However, most Japanese people do not know this.

Many people, even those who call themselves cultural figures, do not know this. And yet he was discussing Buddhism with such a knowledgeable face, which made me astounded.

If you don’t know it yet, I would like you to study it a little.

Buddhism divided into north and southeast routes

The three types of Buddhism are from India, the birthplace of Buddhism,

1. Buddhism that spread to the north (Hokuden Buddhism)

2. Buddhism that was introduced to the south (Southern Buddhism)

3. Buddhism that spread to the East (Toden Buddhism)

Although these three branches of Buddhism were each called “Buddhism,” they all developed with different contents. There is no problem if the content is the same no matter how it is divided, but the content is completely different. A big problem arises there. However, I will not discuss that here.

This is a form of Buddhism that spread from India to Japan via mainland China and the Korean Peninsula. In Japan, it is called “Mahayana Buddhism.”

At first, I desperately studied and practiced Mahayana Buddhism.

This is a form of Buddhism that spread from India to Sri Lanka, and from there to Thailand, Burma (Myanmar), Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam.

Although it was introduced to these East Asian countries from Sri Lanka, it did not reach Japan until very recently. In Japan, the study of scriptures was carried out in a small number of areas, but no sects were formed.

This was a Buddhism that was completely different from Northern Buddhism.

It is a sect that upholds the only sutra written directly by Shakyamuni, the Agon Sutra.

In Sri Lanka, it is called “Theravada Buddhism.” Its meaning is “Buddha’s traditional teachings that have been passed down through the elders”. It should be a truly proud name.

From a Theravada’s perspective, Japan’s Mahayana Buddhism may be considered a false scripture and not worth picking up.

So, what kind of Buddhism is Toden Buddhism?

I think some people may be suspicious of an unfamiliar name. This is the name I gave it, and it refers to Tibetan Buddhism, a form of Buddhism that spread from India to the east. (Geographically speaking, it is not exactly eastern. It is a reference to southern and northern legends.)

Tibetan Buddhism is rather similar to the northern tradition of Mahayana Buddhism. This is because it focuses on the “late Mahayana” esoteric Buddhism.

A distinctive feature of Toden Buddhism is that it is an esoteric Buddhism that has mysterious and powerful spiritual laws that are not found in Southern Buddhism or Northern Buddhism, but in recent years, in Tibet and Nepal, where Toden Buddhism was introduced, various For some reason, the original, powerful, primordial, mystical spiritual power is being lost. However, Bhutan is the only country where Toden Buddhism is the state religion, and it has been carefully preserved and handed down, and the ancient secrets of powerful spiritual power have been passed down in their original form.

Complete Buddhism is Buddhism that combines the above three systems of Buddhism into one Buddhism.

As long as Buddhism is divided into three parts, it cannot be said to be complete. When these three separate forms of Buddhism are fused into one Buddhism, it can be said to be complete Buddhism.

I believe that the Buddhism of the 21st century must be this complete Buddhism.

The Agon sect is already the only complete Buddhist order in the world that integrates the three Buddhist systems of Southern, Northern, and Eastern Buddhism. What’s more, as Bhutanese Buddhism imparted the world’s best spiritual law with powerful spiritual power, it has become perfect in terms of spiritual power, and has become a world-class complete Buddhism in both name and reality.

I believe that we can proudly say that not only the esoteric Buddhism of the Agon sect, but the Buddhism of the Agon sect has now become world-renowned.

Bhutan has a secret method of reincarnation.

The secrets of Bhutan, the land of reincarnation

The Kingdom of Bhutan and the Agon sect, which have carefully preserved and handed down Toden Buddhism, have had deep ties for a long time.

We have exchanges with them, and every year we send some monks to train there.

In Bhutan, there is still a deep belief in reincarnation, so this story comes from an Agon sect monk who is studying Buddhism in the Kingdom of Bhutan. Apparently, there is a scene in which the uncle preaches in the voice of his late father.

Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis

Buddha 2Japan journala

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis   sサイト

大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 “Kongokai” expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai


胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai




デジタル  健康   PC カメラ 家電





バイブレーションの奇跡:小高い丘での驚きの瞬間 Miracle of vibrations: A surprising moment on a small hill”」














そんなことなどぜんぜん予期しておらずまったく無防備だった自分は、あっというま その衝撃に叩きのめされてしまったのだ。

修行、学問、そんなものはなんの役にも立たぬものであることを思い知らされた。 こころひそかに誇っていたこれまでの自分の修行も教学も、あっというまに消しとん でしまった。叩きのめされてしまった。



一〇〇年の修行も万巻の教学も、ただ一瞬のこの霊的バイブレーションに如かぬこと を思い知らされた。

これがそれだったのだ。これが究極のそれだったのだ。このためにこそわたくしはこ こにやってきたのだ。



わたくしがいまあなたから受けたものを、これからわたくしはひとびとにあたえねば ならぬ。


すべてのひとびとがこの聖なるバイブレーションを受けることのできる聖地を、わた くしはひがしの国につくらねばならぬ。この輝きにみちたサイト・マトの地を、そ


のまま、日本の国にうつさねばならぬ。 それがわたくしの使命だったのですね。それ をかならずはたすことをわたくしはあなたに誓います。

もう一度、わたくしはこの地に来なければならないのですね。だが、そのときなにが 起きるのでしょうか? そのとき起きる或ることを、わたくしは非常なおそれの感情 とともに予感します。


一〇〇年の苦行も万巻の書物も、このバイブレーションなくしては、路傍の石ころに も劣るのだった。このバイブレーションをあたえることのできる聖者こそ、真の導師 だったのだ。 理解できました。



2024 年 3 月 17 日 今日の運命



躍動の週 安の日














名サマンタバドラ (Samanta bhadra) の「サマ 「タ」は「く」、「バドラ」は「賢」と漢訳しま す。 「賢」とは具体的には「さとりを求める心か 起こる、成仏しようとする願いと行ない」のこ とです。それが、ときとところを選ばず在して いるということを象徴したのがこの菩薩です。 で すから、菩薩行を実践する者をつねに守護するほ とけでもあります。

白象に乗り、文殊菩薩とともに釈迦如来 の脇侍をつとめます。 文殊菩薩のに対して、 (行)をつかさどります。















Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis

Buddha 2Japan journala

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis   sサイト

大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 “Kongokai” expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai


胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai




デジタル  健康   PC カメラ 家電







1. 「内なる平穏を見つける:シャマタとヴィパシュヤナーの旅」
2. 「マインドフルネスを解放する:シャマタとヴィパシュヤナー瞑想の探求」
3. 「静けさに包まれる:シャマタとヴィパシュヤナーの実践を探る」








◆ Stop and view

There are two Indian Buddhist meditation traditions: Shamata and Vipashyanah. They are translated as “stop” and “kan”, respectively. The two are collectively referred to as “Taikan”, and the “Tendai Magi-Tankan” is famous as a systematic thing. However, in general, “Tankan” is somewhat difficult and seems to be a special training. There is a mystery that has been broken. However, even in Nanden Buddhism, these two meditation methods (in Pali, called “Samata” and “Vipassana”) are extremely orthodox meditation methods, and it is no exaggeration to say that they are still the alpha and OMEGA of training. .

Shamata is essentially calming. This practice is not about thinking or focusing on something. That’s true in most Buddhist dictionaries, but it’s not true. This should be called a kind of abandonment of the subject (a practice of “selfishness” in the Buddhist style), and in concrete terms, it means just breathing.

Stretch your back, relax your shoulders and deep breath. No other special effort is made. This is the practice of Shamata.


It is an essential premise for the next Vipashyana practice
The original meaning of Vipashyanah is “observation.” What to observe is the Buddha’s law, the Buddhist law. For example, in Nanden Buddhism, we observe each doctrine of the doctrines that have been emphasized since primitive Buddhism, such as “Permanence”, “Bitterness”, and “Self”. That practice is all about training. In this way, Buddhist doctrines are not unconditionally believed dogmas, but all must be conceived through the practice of meditation.
When it comes to Mahayana Buddhism, Vipashyanah is exclusively about the sky. This is called “Kankan”.
Naturally, even in esoteric Buddhism, Vipashyanar is emphasized. Rather, it was esoteric Buddhism that culminated in the practice of Vipashyanah. The practice system consists of numerous Vipashyanahs corresponding to the various mandalas, but the Ajikan has been emphasized as the most simple and independent view that can reach the extreme of esoteric Buddhism.

◆ Overview of Aji

Ajikan is a meditation method of contemplating Aji in Sanskrit. Normally, you sit in front of a dedicated hanging scroll.
The hanging scroll is dark blue. In the center, there is a white circle with a diameter of about one elbow (about the length of an elbow, about one shaku), that is, a moon ring (gachirin), in which a golden A character is placed. A lotus flower pedestal of Yaba is added to this, but there are two types, a moon ring on the lotus stand, a pattern with an A in it, and a pattern with an A on the lotus stand. It is said that they are based on the placental method and Kongo method, respectively, but the latter pattern is more common.

There are hundreds of biographies in the works and manners, including “Ajikanshinkoukoujutsu” written by Kukai and written by Takaki’s younger brother, and several “Ajikan” written by Kakuru. Absent. However, since the basic rules are based on the usual esoteric Buddhist law, it is desirable to receive guidance from an orthodox teacher when practicing.

In summary,
First, scoop out your mouth, then enter the hall.
The seating method is either Yagi or Semi-Legit.
After signing the Self-Defense Law, he recites the Bodhisattva Shingon and the Sanmai Yakai Shingon, chants the Five Great Wishes, and recites the Dainichi Nyorai’s Five Characters (Shingon). This part is the correct line for Ajikan (described later).
The shape of the hand is the Hokai seal or the Mida seal. When it’s over, I’ll make a decision, recite the power of three strengths, and if there’s a prayer, I will pray, and finally I will throw five bodies again and go out.
At that time, it is important to “have compassion for the heart.”
You will need to be directly informed about the traditional fine manners and knowledge. However, the Indian meditation tradition does not always choose time and place for meditation. Once you have received all the instructions, you should have the comfort of being able to carry it out anytime, anywhere, for example on the train, as a daily routine. If you don’t have a hanging scroll, it would be fun to go to the real moon.

◆ View of moon ring as a premise

The view of Aji is set with the view of the moon ring. There is also a hanging scroll with only the moon ring without a letter, so beginners may only watch the moon ring. Rather, that is preferable, and it is more effective to proceed to Aji after learning the moon ring.
A simple way is to open your eyes and look at the moon ring. Close your eyes
Then slowly pull the moon ring into your chest. Repeat until the moon ring is clearly set in your chest. Thinking that the white moon of Shirajo is shining in herself, she returns the moon ring to the hanging scroll again. You’re done.
What is human nature? Good or bad? Although opinions are divided, Buddhism says that the true nature of one’s mind is clean. Based on this, the image of a concrete full moon is the image of the moon ring. I wonder if Hirai’s knowledge is to always have a full moon in my heart!
In addition to the view of the moon ring, there is a wide view and a new view. The wide view is to gradually inflate the full moon ring drawn into the chest. The size of the first moon is about one elbow, but make it big enough to fit your body. As I settle down, I expand this moon to the size of a room (dojo) and eventually to the size of a house, and further expand the scale from the land to the size of the earth, solar system, galaxies, and the universe.
Is there a limit to the human mind? We are dwarfed with our own hearts, and we are constantly delighted with the immediate future. It might be good to try the feeling of space universe in this way.
The perspective is the opposite of the perspective. The endlessly enlarged moon is restored to its original size.
In addition, as a sequence, it is customary to perform a number of breathing views prior to the moon ring. This is a way of breathing, it only counts breaths consciously. There are various methods of counting, but the number of breaths to be exhaled is counted to one, two and ten, and again to be one and two, and the interval between breaths is gradually lengthened.

● Aji’s method and significance

Once you have become accustomed to the moon ring view, place the A character inside the full moon ring and move on to the A character view.
There are three views: voice, letters, and reality.
The A sound is not only the first sound in the alphabet, but all the Sanskrit characters basically include the A sound, so it is regarded as the original sound and the fundamental sound.
So, first of all, I would like to look at Aji in the voice. At first, she utters quietly, slowly and long. Gradually reduce the vocalization, and at the end, keep in mind. The sound that comes out of himself fills himself, and eventually he permeates the entire universe.
Next, look at the shape of Aji with <view of Aji of character>. The point is that you can see the full moon ring, the lotus flower of Yaba, and the three letters of A in the heart.
Finally, we will examine the meaning of Aji in <Actual view of Aji>. Traditionally, the theory of “book immortality” is as follows.
First of all, as mentioned above, “A” is the basis of all speech sounds, so it becomes a symbol of the root of all things. From there, it is considered to be the “A” in the Sanskrit word “Ardi”.
Next, in the Sanskrit, “a” is also used as a negation. There are various types of denial, such as permanent, selfless, and unbreakable, but they are generally regarded as the “A” in the Sanskrit Anutupada, which means “immortality.”
Buddhism does not preach the creation of the world. Therefore, the creator cannot accept it. All things are created by the edge and destroyed by the edge (Lingus theory). Every occurrence has a book. A book also has a book, because nothing comes from nothing. Then what is the original book? Of course someone didn’t. If the original book came about, why did it come from?
So it wasn’t “caused.” But if they haven’t occurred, why are there so many things? In the end, the original, beyond-thinking situation, which can be asked whether it has occurred or not, is called “honsei”, and it is expressed in A and is called “Ajihonsei.”
The origin of all things will be the universe itself, just as all things are there. And the mother universe of all things will be full of compassion like the mother of life.
It is not the dark cold material space that modern physics depicts. The universe that created us as spiritual and spiritual beings cannot be like that.
If so, it is no wonder that Mother Universe is a Buddha. Furthermore, it may be called Dainichi Nyorai as the highest honorific name.
Thus, Aji becomes a symbol of Dainichi Nyorai, the universe Buddha. To think about Aji and keep it in my heart is nothing but to experience the essential and essential identity between myself and Dainichi Nyorai.
Note that it should not be an ego expansion. Of course, the fact is that you can’t realize it without deceiting yourself.
If this is adapted to us, consider the book of our own life (soul). Everybody leaves the hometown of life and continues the journey of this life, and when the journey ends, he returns, a longing for the place of its origin. For old songs,
“The child of Aji stands out from the hometown of Aji and returns to the hometown of Aji.”
In other words, to think of your roots