
仏教の「成仏陀教法」の略である It is an abbreviation of Buddhism’s “Buddhist teaching method.”

  1. 仏教の「成仏陀教法」の略である「仏陀に成るための教えと法」において、「法」とは修行法や成仏法を指し、「教え」とは学問的なものを表す。
  2. お釈迦様は「阿含経」において「七科三十七道品」を通じた最も重要な修行法、成仏法を説かれ、これが仏陀に成るための法そのものであるとされる。
  3. 大乗仏教は成仏法を隠ぺいし、菩薩の概念を作り出して他力本願の概念を強調し、これが現代の日本仏教において中心となっている。
  4. 阿含経にはお釈迦様が成仏法を編成し、その場で決定した状況が詳細に記載されており、大乗仏教がこれを理解していないと主張されている。
  5. 大乗仏教が成仏法を変化させるという考えは根拠がなく、阿含経には仏が常に「七科三十七道品」による修行法を教えると明記されている。
  6. 実践的な修行は「安那般那念法」を含む阿含経の成仏法から始まり、これが大乗仏教が理解していない真理であると述べられている。
  7. 成仏法を習得しない限り絶対に成仏できないと主張され、その中でも「安那般那念法」が重要であり、これが大乗仏教が理解していない点の一つであると指摘されている。

In “Teachings and Laws for Becoming a Buddha,” which is an abbreviation for the Buddhist teachings for attaining Buddhahood, “Dharma” refers to training methods and Buddhahood methods, and “Teachings” refers to academic matters.
In the “Agon Sutra,” the Buddha taught the most important training method, the method of attaining Buddhahood, through the “Seven Courses and Thirty-Seven Ways,” and this is said to be the very method for becoming a Buddha.
Mahayana Buddhism conceals the Buddhahood method, creates the concept of a bodhisattva, and emphasizes the concept of other-power original vows, which is central to modern Japanese Buddhism.
The Agon Sutra contains detailed descriptions of the circumstances in which Shakyamuni Buddha organized the Dharma for attaining Buddhahood and made decisions on the spot, and it is argued that Mahayana Buddhism does not understand this.
The idea that Mahayana Buddhism changes the method of attaining Buddhahood is groundless, as the Agon Sutra clearly states that the Buddha always teaches the method of training according to the “Seven Sciences and Thirty-Seven Ways and Principles.”
Practical training begins with the Agon Sutra’s Buddhist attainment method, which includes “Annahanna Nendharma,” which is said to be a truth that Mahayana Buddhism does not understand.
It is argued that one will never be able to attain Buddhahood unless one learns the Dharma of attaining Buddhahood, and among these, “Annahanna Nendharma” is important, and it has been pointed out that this is one of the points that Mahayana Buddhism does not understand.







最も重要な修行法は、釈尊直説の唯一の経典「阿含経」(あごんきょう)に書かれている「七科三十七道品」(しちかさんじゅうしちどうほん)あるいは 「三十七菩提分法」(さんじゅうしちぼだいぶんぽう)あるいは、単に「道品法」(どうぼんほう)と呼ばれている修行法です。

成仏法とは、人が仏陀に成ることができる修行法のことです。他の修行法は、人を高めることはできますが、仏陀にまでは成ることはできません。ここが、単なる修行法と、成仏法の違いです。成仏法は、釈尊直説の唯一の経典「阿含経」(あごんきょう)にしか書かれていません。 「七科三十七道品」は、7科目37種類の修行法があります。詳しくは、阿含宗のこちらのページをご覧下さい。



「成仏法」が、どのようにしてできたのか、そのいきさつについても、きちんと阿含経に書かれています。阿含経には、お釈迦様が「成仏法」をお作りになられた状況が、克明に記載されているのです。 ご紹介します。


<中阿含経 羅摩経>

お釈迦さまは、心機一転して、それまでの六年麻麦(まばく)の苦行を離れ、ネーランジャラー河において、村長の娘スジャータの乳ガユの供養を受け、聖地 ガヤーのピッパラ樹(菩提樹)の下に瞑想の座を定めました。ここでお釈迦さまは、悟りを開き、仏陀と成なれるのですが、その時の、状況が記されたお経です。


生すでに尽き、 梵行すでに立ち、所作すでに弁じて、更に有を受けずと如真を知りぬ。』


さらに、成仏するための修行方法の体系、 成仏法(七科三十七道品)を決定した。



大乗仏教は、この点を、全く理解していません。  「道品法(どうぼんほう)を定む」とあります。お釈迦さまは、成道後、即座に、その場で、成仏法を編成し、完成させていたのです。人間がどうすれば成仏することができるのか、このとき、すでに、修行法を、決定、完成されていたので す。したがって、成仏法は、この時、確立された、この「道品法」以外にはあり得無いのです。阿含経のこの「七科三十七道品」以外に成仏法は絶対に無いのです。


パーリ文「中阿含」第百三の kinti sutta につぎのように述べられています。

「 ここに比丘らよ、われによりて法は悟られ、汝らに説かれたり。 すなわち四念住・四正断・四神足・五根・五力・七覚支・八正道これなり。 それゆえにすべての比丘らは相和し相欣び、争うことなくして、これを学ばざるべからず。」


「雑阿含経(ぞうあごんぎょう) 応説経(おうせつきょう)」


いろいろな方法を駆使しても無駄である、 阿含経の七科三十七道品を修行しない限り、絶対に成仏できないと説かれています。


大乗仏教が説くよう に、修行法を捨て、仏の慈悲にすがるだけでは、冥土などにはいけるかもしれませんが、絶対に、成仏はできないのです。


しかし、お釈迦様は、この成仏法 七科三十七道品へ至るまでの、その橋渡しとなる修行法も、きちんと用意してくださっていたのです。その修行法の一つが、「安那般那念法」(あんなぱんなねんほう)と呼ばれる呼吸法、瞑想法です。この瞑想法は、七科三十七道品の中の瞑想法の一つと考えてよいと思います。



この法の習得が、成仏法 七科三十七道品への足がかりとなります。安那般那念法とは、「雑阿含経 安那般那念経」に書かれている、初歩から最高奥儀に至るまでの呼吸法・瞑想法のことです。10数種類の呼吸法・瞑想法が説かれています。

さらに、「雑阿含経 止息経」には、「勝止息、奇特止息、上止息、無上止息」の4つの呼吸法が説かれており、「この4つの呼吸法は、すべての呼吸法において、これ以上のものはない最上の呼吸法である。」とお説きになられています。この4つの呼吸法は、安那般那念法の最上のものということです。お釈迦様が、「最上の呼吸法・瞑想法」であるとおっしゃられているのですから、当然のことながら、この呼吸法・瞑想法をマスターしなければ成仏はできないということです。

大乗仏教は、この点も、全く理解していません。単なる呼吸法とは、わけが違うのです。仏教の実践的な修行は、この安那般那念法から始まるといっても過言ではないのだそうです。「息」とは、「生き」なのです。詳しくは、阿含宗管長 故 桐山靖雄大僧正猊下 ご著書「仏陀の法」をご覧ください。実践法は、「求聞持聡明法秘伝」に書かれています。


大乗仏教は、釈尊直説の唯一の経典 阿含経を小乗仏教とけなし、以上のことを隠ぺい、黙殺し、まるで理解していません。これでは、絶対に成仏はできないのです。ノストラダムス氏が言われる通り、これらの法が、人類を救うのです。お釈迦様は、そのために、修行法、成仏法を残して下さったのですから。不老長寿、超人類社会への道は、ここに開かれているのです。すべての実践的な修行は、安那般那念法、求聞持聡明法の習得から始まるのです。





その根拠を示します。釈尊直説の経典は、阿含経しか存在しませんが、阿含経には、上記のとおり、釈尊直説の唯一の成仏法、「七科三十七道品」が書かれています。 さらに、阿含経には、いつの世でも、どんな如来でも、如来は弟子たちを、「七科三十七道品」によって、修行させ、成仏させると書かれた経典が存在するのです。

「雑阿含経 石柱経」 です。

「過去にあらわれた仏も、未来にあらわれる仏も、また、いま現在あらわれている仏も、仏はすべて、五つの煩悩の心を断滅して涅槃を得、仏になったのであり、 仏は真実の智慧をみがく能力弱くして、自ら涅槃を得ることができないものたちをして、七科三十七道品の修行をさせて、阿耨多羅三藐三菩提を得さしめ、それによって成仏させるのである。」



「中阿含経・七宝経」 です。

七宝とはなにか? それは輪宝・象宝・馬宝・珠宝・女宝・居士宝・主兵臣宝の七つである。

同様に、如来・無所著・等正覚がこの世に出現するときには、 七覚支(法という)宝が、まずこの世に出現するのである。 なにをもって七覚支法とするのか? 念覚支(という)法をはじめとして、択法覚支・精進覚支・喜覚支・息覚支・定覚支・捨覚支(という)宝の七つが七覚支法である。




Buddhism is an abbreviation for “Buddhism”. It means “teaching and law to become a Buddha”. Here, I would like to pay attention to the concept of “law,” which is different from “teaching.” Law and Buddhist law mean training law and Buddhist law. Academic “teaching” is a different concept.

Then, what kind of training method and Buddhahood method did Shaka-sama preach?

Mr. Shaka left behind a number of training methods and Buddhahood methods. Among them, I would like to introduce the most important training method, the Buddhahood method.

The most important training method is “Shichikasanjushichidohon” or “Three” written in the only scripture “Agonkyo” of Shason’s theory. It is a training method called “Seventeen Bodhipakkhi” (Sanju Shichibo Daibunpo) or simply “Dobonho”.

The Buddhahood method is a training method that allows a person to become a Buddha. Other practices can elevate people, but they cannot even become Buddhas. This is the difference between the mere training method and the Buddhahood method. The Buddhahood method is written only in the only scripture of the Shason direct theory, “Agama Sutra”. There are 37 types of training methods in 7 subjects for “Seven Departments Thirty-Seven Doshin”. For details, please see this page of Agon Shu.

It goes without saying that this Buddhahood method is of paramount importance to Buddhism. It’s the law itself to become a Buddha. However, Mahayana Buddhism concealed this Buddhahood law and silently killed it.

In order to popularize Mahayana Buddhism in posterity, Agama, which describes the true Buddhahood method, was despised as “Hinayana Buddhism”, and the strict and difficult training methods were deleted steadily. .. In the end, I created the concept of a bodhisattva, and even the concept of this application that training is unnecessary if I follow the mercy of the bodhisattva. Mahayana Buddhism has become the center of today’s Japanese Buddhism. Of course, esoteric Buddhism and Zen Buddhism are not limited to other power applications, so I think there is an opinion that they are a little different, but even so, they hide the Agama sutra, silently kill it, and the only essential Buddhahood written in the Agama sutra. There is no difference in not practicing the law. In this way, Mahayana Buddhism became a fake Buddhism that concealed the Buddhahood law and silently killed it in order to popularize it.

How the “Buddhahood Law” was created and how it came about are also properly written in Agama. In Agama, the situation in which Shaka-sama created the “Buddhahood Law” is described in Katsuaki. I will introduce you.

This sutra is a scripture in which Buddha explained the history of his own career.

<Naka Agama Rama Sutra>

Shaka changed his mind and left the penance of hemp for six years, and received a memorial service for the village chief’s daughter Sujata’s milk gayu on the Nerangjara River, and the Pippara tree (Bodhisattva tree) in the sanctuary Gaya. I have set up a seat of meditation under. Here, Buddha becomes enlightened and becomes a Buddha, but the situation at that time is described.

“I, that is, I came to get an exhaustion without releasing the seat.
I seek a disease-free and peaceful nirvana, that is, obtain a disease-free and peaceful nirvana.
No old, no death, no melancholy, no filth, no filth, no filth, no mercy, no mortality, no mercy, no mercy, no mercy
It gives rise to knowledge, gives rise to seeing, and establishes the “Doshin Law”.

I have already run out of life, I have already stood up, I have already spoken about my actions, and I do not know the truth without receiving further existence. 』\


“Under the Bodhi tree, I continued to meditate for dozens of days (nearly 50 days), and finally I was able to get rid of the leak.
I was able to get nirvana.
As a result, wisdom was generated, and the awareness of liberation (dissolution knowledge) was raised.
In addition, the system of training methods for the Buddhahood, the Buddhahood Law (Seven Departments, Thirty-Seven Ways) was decided.

By gaining nirvana and becoming a Buddhahood, I knew clearly that this life would be the last and that I would never be born again in this world of wonder. ”

This sutra is, of course, very important. The reason for this is that, as you can see from the reading, Shaka-sama knows that he has established the “Buddhahood Law” on the spot immediately after the Buddhahood.

Mahayana Buddhism does not understand this point at all. It says, “Determine the Dobonho.” Buddha-sama organized and completed the Buddhahood Law on the spot immediately after the Buddhahood. He wonders how humans can become Buddhahood, because at this time the training method had already been decided and completed. Therefore, the Buddhahood Law can only be established at this time, this “Doshin Law”. There is absolutely no Buddhahood method other than this “Seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines” of Agama.

In addition to this, there is no way for the Buddha to add two or three Buddhahood laws later. If so, it’s definitely a forgery of posterity. I think Buddhists have to think about this first.

Unless you practice this Buddhahood method, you can never become a Buddhahood.
The Pali sentence “Naka-Agama”, the 103rd kinti sutta, states as follows.

“Here, Bhikkhu et al., The law is understood by me and preached to you. That is, Satipatthana, Four Right Exertions, Iddhipada, Indriya, Five Strengths, Seven Factors of Awakening, Noble Eightfold Path. Therefore, all the Bhikkhus have to learn this without conflict and reconciliation. ”

It says, “I have to learn.” It means that you should definitely practice. Mahayana Buddhists do not understand this meaning.

“Zoua Gongyo (Ousetsukiyo)”
In, it is stated as follows.

“Sakuson: Things that cannot be achieved even if you practice using various methods, but all the troubles are exhausted and you want to get liberation in your heart, but those practitioners finally get liberation. Can’t.
Disciple: Why is that?
Shason: Because I haven’t practiced.
Disciple: What are you not practicing?
Shason: This is because he has not practiced the so-called seven departments and thirty-seven dojos.
Disciples. If there is a person who practices the seven departments and thirty-seven arts and fulfills them, the practitioner will naturally obtain the extinction even if he does not want to do it.
Disciple: Why is that?
Shason: Because I practiced.
Disciple: What did you practice?
Shakuson: It is a so-called seven departments and thirty-seven items. (Omitted) ”

It is said that unless you practice the seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines of Agama, which is useless even if you make full use of various methods, you will never be able to become a Buddhahood.

Therefore, all Buddhists must practice the seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines. There is no other way. No matter how strict or how many times you are reborn, there is no other way but to practice the seven departments and thirty-seven dojos.

As Mahayana Buddhism preaches, you may be able to go to the dark soil just by abandoning the practice and following the mercy of the Buddha, but you can never become a Buddhahood.

As mentioned above, the Buddhahood Law has only seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines. However, it is a fact that this bodhipakkhi is a professional training method for priests, and as Mahayana Buddhism says, it is strict and difficult.

However, Shaka-sama also prepared a training method that would serve as a bridge to the Buddhahood method, which led to the seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines. One of the training methods is the breathing method and meditation method called “Anapanasati”. This meditation method can be considered as one of the meditation methods in the seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines.

Shaka-sama is called “the best breathing and meditation method”.

This law is also closely related to the esoteric Buddhist esoteric Buddhist priest Gumonji Someiho, which is said to be a secret method that makes people a genius, which Kukai Kobo Daishi told us.

The acquisition of this method will be a stepping stone to the Buddhahood Law, the Seven Departments and the Thirty-Seven Ways. The Anapanasati method is a breathing method and meditation method from the beginning to the highest secret, which is written in “Samsati Anapanasati”. Over a dozen types of breathing and meditation methods are explained.

Furthermore, the four breathing methods of “winning breathing, strange special breathing, upper breathing, and no upper breathing” are explained in “Samsung Sutra”, and “these four breathing methods are used in all breathing methods. , The best way to breathe is nothing more than that. ” These four breathing methods are the best of the Anapanasati method. Since Shaka-sama is said to be the “best breathing and meditation method,” it goes without saying that the Buddhahood cannot be achieved without mastering this breathing and meditation method.

Mahayana Buddhism does not understand this point at all. It’s not just a breathing exercise. It is no exaggeration to say that the practical training of Buddhism begins with this Anapanasati method. “Breath” is “living”. For details, please refer to the book “The Law of the Buddha” by the late President Agon Shu, Seiyu Kiriyama, Hisashi Eminence. The practice method is written in “Gumonji Satoshi Homeiho Hidden”.

The Anapanasati method is also closely related to the esoteric Buddhist esoteric Buddhism, the yoga chakra awakening method, the Taoist Qigong method, and the Shinto breathing method. Nostradamus also predicts that these laws are the ones that save humanity. That is also written in this “Buddha’s Law”.

Mahayana Buddhism does not understand the only scripture of Shason’s theory, Agama Sutra, as Hinayana Buddhism, concealing the above and silently killing it. With this, the Buddhahood can never be made. As Nostradamus says, these laws save humanity. For that reason, Shaka-sama left behind the training method and the Buddhahood method. The road to immortality and superhuman society is open here. All practical training begins with the acquisition of Anapanasati and Gumonji Satoshi.

I hope it will be helpful for you to know the law.


In Mahayana Buddhism, especially in the Lotus Sutra denominations, there are denominations that solve the teachings that the training method and the Buddhahood method change with the times. It is said that the Buddhahood method changes depending on the principal image and the times (correct, statue, last three o’clock).

However, this is also a complete fabrication. The truth is always one in the world, and the method of learning the truth, the Buddhahood method, cannot change. Mahayana Buddhism has created various simplified Buddhahood laws, all of which are forgery.

I will show you the rationale. There is only Agama sutra in the scripture of Shason Nao theory, but as mentioned above, the only Buddhahood method of Shakuson Nao theory, “Seven departments and thirty-seven dojos,” is written in Agama. In addition, there is a scripture in Agama that states that in any world, in any Tathagata, Tathagata trains his disciples by means of “Seven Departments and Thirty-Seven Doshin”.

It is “Samsung Sutra Stone Pillar Sutra”.

“The Buddhahood that appeared in the past, the Buddhahood that appeared in the future, and the Buddhahood that appears now, all of them broke the hearts of the five worldly desires and gained nirvana and became Buddhahood. Weakened the ability to polish the true wisdom, did those who could not obtain nirvana by themselves, trained the seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines, and obtained the Ayatara Sansho Sanbosho, which To make the Buddhahood. ”

Therefore, all Buddhas, including the past Buddhas, the future Buddhas, and the present Buddhas, practice the “Seven Buddhas and Thirty-Seven Doshin” to become Buddhahoods, and also train their disciples to become Buddhahoods. The Buddhahood method does not change depending on the principal image, the positive, the statue, and the difference between the last three o’clock. There is only one law.

There are also the following Agama sutras.

It is “Naka ​​Agama / Cloisonne”.

“Remember well. When Chakravarti appears in this world, the cloisonne first appears in this world.
What is a cloisonne? There are seven treasures: ring treasure, elephant treasure, horse treasure, jewel treasure, female treasure, resident treasure, and main soldier treasure.
When Chakravarti appears in this world, this cloisonne first appears.

Similarly, when Nyorai, Musho, and Issei are appearing in this world, the Seven Factors of Awakening (called law) treasure first appears in this world. What is the Seven Factors of Awakening? Including the method of consciousness


1. “内なる探究:脳の奥深くに潜む秘密”
2. “究極の至上への旅:視床下部の謎に迫る”
3. “内なる世界への探検:視床下部と心の秘密を解き明かす”















You begin to hear sounds deep within your brain.

I felt a sensation similar to an electric shock, but this time there was no pain.

A morning star twinkles at the top of my head.

Abnormalities occurred in the hypothalamus.

The hypothalamus is the secret origin and controls the endocrine glands.

The hypothalamus is prama randra and sahasrara chakra.

The sahasrara chakra is the hypothalamus, not the pineal gland.

The hypothalamus controls endocrine organs through the pituitary system and is controlled by nerves.

Using postures and mudras from ancient yoga, we stimulate the hypothalamus and focus intense thoughts.

In order to reach the ultimate supreme, three methods are necessary: rows, Japas, and tapas.

tapas are necessary to receive the highest ideals.

An example of tapas is the experience of training from “esoteric Buddhism and the secrets of psychic powers”.

Explains the secrets of Gumonjisoumeiho


に頭の深部にある音響が聞こえはじめた。私は、またさっきの電撃に似た 痛覚を頭の一角に感じるのかとひそかにおそれつつ、少々、「おっかなびっ くり」にそれをやったのであったが、今度はぜんぜん痛みもなにも感じな かった。そうして頭の内奥の上部に明星”がふたたびまたたいた。

まさに、私の脳の内部に一大異変が生じていることにはまちがいは なかった。しかし、それはどういう異変であろうか?


しんおう ししようか

脳の深奥、「視床下部」に異変が起きたのである。すべての秘密は、 間脳 この内部の視床下部にあった。ここが秘密の原点だったのである。

私がさきの章で内分泌腺の機構について図までかかげて説明したのは、 これを知ってほしいためであった。専門学者はさぞかし片はらいたく思わ れるのにちがいなかろう。それを承知でおくめんもなく素人の私があえて それをしたのは、この視床下部の秘密を読者に知ってほしいためであった。 すべての内分泌腺を統御しているのは視床下部である。そしてここが、

ヨーガでいうプラーマ・ランドラ (梵の座)であり、サハスラーラ・チャク ラなのである。 今までのヨーガの指導者のいうように、それは、松果腺、 松果体ではない。視床下部が、サハスラーラ・チャクラなのである。もっ とも、視床下部のすぐそばに松果体があるので、それを見あやまったので あろう。もっとも、松果体自身もある重要な役わりを受けもつ。けれど も、サハスラーラ・チャクラそのものは松果腺ではなく、視床下部であっ た。

視床下部はいまいったように、下垂体系を通じて全内分泌器官を統御す る。それでは、なにをもって統御するのかというと、もちろんそれは〝神 経〟である。したがって視床下部には重要な神経がたくさん集まってい る。私は、古代ヨーガのなかから、この部分を動かすポーズとムドラーを 創案してここにつよい圧力をくわえ、同時に、強烈な思念(念力)を集中し ていた。百日のあいだ、たえまなく、私はここに、物質的、精神的、両面 にわたるつよいエネルギーを集中した。その結果、ここの神経線維に

これは、チベット密教だけではない。世界中のいかなる宗教でも、究極 至上



しかし、究極至上のものに到達するためには、この三つだけでは不十分なの である。欠けているものがある。なにが欠けているのか? さきにのべた練行 Japasである。

だが、そういうと、一は最高理想のものなのであるから、他のなにものも必 要ないのではないかといわれるかもしれない。そうではないのである。その最高 理想のものを受けるために、 tapas は必要なのである。









修するは求聞持聡明法。 三度目の修法であった。

最初は真言宗教の行法に拠った。 完全な失敗であった。それは集中力 を高めるという効果はあったが、それ以上のものではなかった。 つぶさに この行法を検討して、私は、しょせん、真言宗密教の求聞持聡明法に、大 脳皮質の構造を一変するごときシステムはないとの結論を得た。すくなく とも、従来のままの行法に、それだけの力はない。 求聞持聡明法を成就し 悉地を得たという弘法大師空海は、あとにのこしたこの行法以外に、 必ず、なんらかの秘密技術を体得しているのに相違なかった。彼ののこし

求聞持法の行法は、その秘密技術のヒントになるべきもののみをつらね たに過ぎず、その秘密技術はおそらく、自分自身の訓練努力によって みずからが発見せよとつきはなしているのにちがいなかった。それを発見 するだけの努力をし、発見できるだけの資質のあるもののみがそれをわが ものとする資格があるのだ、と、つめたく未来を見すえている不世出の知 性の目を、私は行法次第のなかに感じた。それゆえにこそ、宗教者として ゆたかな天分を持つ興教大師覚が、七たびこれを修して失敗し、八度目 にしてようやく悉地成就を得たという難解の行法となっているのである。 そうでなければ、覚媛ほどの才能が、 なんで七たびも失敗しようか。


二度目の修法に、私は、古代ヨーガの技術をとり入れた。ひしひしと感得 するものがあった。五〇日のその行で、求聞持法の成就はみられなかった が、私の考えのまちがいでなかったことがよくわかった。 この方法で、求 聞持法はかならず成就する。 つよい確信を得た。 この技法を積みかさね、

延長してゆけばよい。 これしかない。 ぜったいの自信を得た。

この、私の技法によれば、従来のごとく、山にこもって五〇日ないし 一〇〇日、明星を拝しつづける必要がなかった。 常住坐臥、閑寂の部屋な らば、時ところをえらばなくてもよいのであった。 ただ、最初の三日な



七日間、山居して明星とあい対し、これをふかく脳裡にとどめておけ ばよかった。あとは、三〇日、五〇日、一〇〇日、よしんば一〇〇〇日か かろうとも、日常の生活の行のうちにトレーニングを積みかさねてゆけ ばよいのであった。 この発見はすばらしいものであった。 これでなくて は、法はついに民衆と無縁のものになってしまう。五〇日、一〇〇日、特 定の山にこもらねば成就しないというのでは、ごくかぎられた人たちのみ しか参加することはできない。民衆と無縁になってどこに法の存在価値が あろう。私は、このシステムによって、この法を完成せねばならぬ。法の ために、民衆のために、どうしても。


それは、ほぼ一〇〇日目、私の法のシステムでいって百度目のトレーニ ングのときであった。真言宗に伝わる求聞持法の九種の印明、 それに、古 代ヨーガに伝わる特殊な呼吸法、古代ヨーガの秘法から私が創案した特殊 な手印とポーズ、この三つによるトレーニングで、私のからだと大脳皮質 脳髄は、微妙な変化をおこしつつあることが感じられていた。 チャクラ の開発も順調にすすんでいた。機が熟しつつあることを、私の六感は感じ ていた。

まどろんだような感じであった。しかし、ねむりではなかった。 しびれ の感覚であった。 かるい失心、めまいに似ていた。忘我の一瞬であった。 その刹那、

私は苦痛の叫びをあげていた。脳髄の一角に電流がながれた感覚が 走った。落雷があったと感じた。目の前を紫電が走った、つぎの瞬間、眼

前でフラッシュをたかれたように、私の視野は真っ暗になった。失明! という考えが、チラリと脳裡をよこぎった。と、そのときであった。 頭の

内奥深部に、ポッカリとあかりがともったのだ。そして、それは、私の脈 とおなじリズムで、しずかに、しずかにまたたきはじめた。ちょうど、 この修法をはじめる数十日まえ、山にこもって見つめたあのときの暁けの 明星のようにそれはつめたく、黄ばんだ白さでまたたいた。


「そうか! これが明星だったのか!」


第三の発見 視床下部の秘密




I started hearing sounds deep inside my head. I did it with a little bit of “surprise”, secretly fearing that I would feel a pain similar to the electric shock in a corner of my head again, but this time I didn’t feel any pain at all. It wasn’t. Then, at the top of my head, the morning star flickered once again.

There was no doubt in my mind that something major was going on inside my brain. But what kind of anomaly is that?

It was a kind of shock caused by a chemical reaction.

Shall we do it?

An abnormality occurred deep within the brain, in the hypothalamus. All the secrets were in the hypothalamus inside this diencephalon. This was the secret origin.

The reason why I explained the mechanism of endocrine glands in the previous chapter, including diagrams, was because I wanted you to understand this. I’m sure experts in the field would like to know more about it. The reason why he did this, even though I was a reluctant amateur, was because he wanted his readers to know the secrets of the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus controls all endocrine glands. And here is

It is the prama randra (the seat of Brahma) in yoga, and the sahasrara chakra. As previous yoga instructors have said, it is not the pineal gland. The hypothalamus is the sahasrara chakra. However, since the pineal gland is located right next to the hypothalamus, he probably misunderstood it. However, the pineal gland itself also plays an important role. However, he also realized that the sahasrara chakra itself was not the pineal gland, but the hypothalamus.

As mentioned above, the hypothalamus controls all endocrine organs through the pituitary system. So, what controls it? Of course, it is the “nerves”. Therefore, many important nerves are concentrated in the hypothalamus. I created poses and mudras from ancient yoga that move this area, applying strong pressure to it, and at the same time concentrating intense thought (psychokinesis). For a hundred days, I concentrated my intense energy here, both physical and spiritual. As a result, the nerve fibers here

This is not just Tibetan Buddhism. The ultimate supremacy of any religion in the world


There are only three ways to reach this.

However, these three alone are not enough to reach the ultimate supreme. There is something missing. What is missing? It is the training Japas mentioned earlier.

However, one might argue that since the One is the highest ideal, there is no need for anything else. That’s not the case. In order to receive that highest ideal, tapas are necessary.

What is line?

So, what is this training tapas?

The only way to do that is to tell you about my training experience as an example.

Let’s have a look at it.

This is an excerpt from “Secrets of Esoteric Buddhism and Psychic Powers,” published over 40 years ago.

The secret of Gumonji Soumeiho

I was determined.

I was in a strict system.

The way to cultivate is to seek wisdom. This was my third time practicing the method.

At first, it was based on the practices of the Shingon religion. It was a complete failure. It had the effect of increasing concentration, but nothing more. After closely examining this method, I came to the conclusion that there is no system in the Shingon Esoteric Buddhism’s Gumonji Someiho that can completely change the structure of the cerebral cortex. At the very least, the traditional way of doing things doesn’t have that much power. Kobo Daishi Kukai, who is said to have attained complete power by achieving the Gyomon Ji Simeiho, must have mastered some secret technique in addition to the practice he left behind. his legacy

The practice of Gumonjiho was merely a collection of hints for the secret technique, which he was probably waiting for himself to discover through his own training efforts. It had to be. I have the eyes of an unparalleled intellect that gazes dimly into the future, believing that only those who make the effort and are qualified enough to discover it are qualified to claim it as theirs. I felt that it depended on the method. That is why it is a difficult practice that Kokyo Daishi Kaku, who had great talent as a religious person, practiced it seven times and failed, but finally attained full fulfillment on the eighth time. It is. Otherwise, why would someone as talented as Kakuhime fail seven times?


For my second training, I incorporated ancient yoga techniques. There was something that struck me deeply. Although I did not see the fulfillment of Gumonjiho in that process on the 50th, I was able to see that my thinking was correct. With this method, Gumonjiho will definitely come to fruition. I gained a strong sense of confidence. Keep practicing this technique,

It can be extended. only this one. I gained a lot of confidence.

According to my technique, there was no need to stay in the mountains and worship the morning star for 50 to 100 days, as was the case in the past. He was always sitting, in a quiet room, so he didn’t have to choose a specific time. But the first three days



He wished he could stay in the mountains for seven days, meet the morning star, and keep this deep in his mind. All she had to do now was to train for 30, 50, 100, or even 1,000 days as part of her daily life. . This discovery was amazing. If this were not the case, the law would finally become irrelevant to the people. If you have to stay in a specific mountain for 50 or 100 days in order to achieve your goal, then only a very limited number of people will be able to participate. What is the value of the existence of law if it has nothing to do with the people? I must complete this Dharma through this system. For the sake of the law, for the sake of the people, by all means.

And I was on my third desperate attempt at training.

It was almost the 100th day, and the 100th training session in my legal system. My training is based on the nine types of Gumonjipo that have been passed down in the Shingon sect, the special breathing techniques that have been handed down in ancient yoga, and the special hand seals and poses that I have created from the secrets of ancient yoga. It was felt that subtle changes were occurring in the body, cerebral cortex, and brain spinal cord. Chakra development was also progressing smoothly. My six senses knew that the time was ripe.

Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis

Buddha 2Japan journala

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis   sサイト

大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 “Kongokai” expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai


胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai














心 の根本煩悩










 まず、増阿含経十八、増一阿含経二十四、長阿含経九、十、およびこれらの諸経 を要約した『アビダルマ』本論五等によって、ひとはどんなわるい心の因縁を持つ か、見てみよう。




つぎ  にあげてみよう。

1貪 貪欲




 貪というは万のものをむさぼり、有るが上にもほしき拙き心なり。貪の、力あるへ者)は威を以て取り、無力は他に従って求 、とある。




 なわない対象を憎悪する 自己の心情に違背する事物に対し、憎しみ憤り、心身を平安ならしめない心作用をいう。つまり、欲求不満と危惧に対してはげしい怒りを発する心である。


に、  瞰は、わが心に背く事あれば(それが)善事にても必ず怒る心なり、とある。  。


三、無智 愚痴(ぐち


  無智のこと。愚昧。もろもろの道理に迷う愚塀の心作用。ものの道理のわか らぬこと。われわれの存在の根底にある根本的な無智。すべての煩悩の生ずる



境を照らす明なしというところから無明と名づけ、事物の道理を決断する智 なしというところから無智と名づけ、事物の道理を彰了する顕なしというとこ






 「唯識大意}に、                  争

  慢というのは、わが身を特んで人を慢り、少しも謙下(へりぐだる)なき心 なり、とある。





  他人を拷疑し、あるいは道理の前にためらって実行にうつすことができない。 観念的で実行力がない。

 「唯識大意」に、 彫というはヽなにごとにてもその理を思い定めること能わずして、兎角に物







Fundamental Mind Fate-Daine Kleshas

First of all, what kind of bad hearts do people have by referring to “Abhidharma”, which summarizes the eighteen Āgama, the twenty-four Āgama, the nine, ten, and these Āgama? let’s see.


Fundamentally, there are six bad hearts. This is called “Six Great Nemoto Kleshas”.


Let’s give it to the next.

1 Greedy

Devour. The heart of wanting and regrettable.

A heart that has a strong attachment to goodwill and substances, and is trying to acquire this violently.

In “Theory of Consciousness”

Greedy devoured everything, but it was also a lonely heart. It is said that the greedy, powerful man) takes power, and the powerlessness seeks according to others.


2 Dvesha



This is a mental action that does not make the mind and body peaceful, with hatred and resentment against things that violate one’s feelings that hate the object that he does not. In other words, it is a heart that gives off anger at frustration and anxiety.


In addition, the view is that if something goes against my heart, I will definitely get angry even if it is good. ..


Three, ignorant complaints


It is ignorance. stupid. The mental action of a foolish wall that gets lost in various ways. It doesn’t make sense for him. The fundamental ignorance that underlies our existence. All the worldly desires occur

It is considered to be the root.


Named “Avidyā” because there is no light that illuminates the border, and “Avidyā” because there is no wisdom to decide the reason of things, and there is no manifestation that commends the reason of things.

It is also called subclinical.


Four, pride


A heart that mourns oneself and looks down on others.

“Consciousness-only”, Conflict

Pride means to be proud of yourself and to be a heart without any humility.


Five, doubt


Suspicion. I doubt.

It is not possible to torture others or hesitate to carry it out before reason. It is conceptual and has no ability to execute.

“Consciousness-only” means that carving is something that can be done in a rabbit corner without being able to think of the reason for anything.

There is a feeling of doubt.


Six, bad looks


Donori Scarlet’s Bubui’ヽ, I, Otsu.ゝ’, Evil-m is-capturing the dog’. My mistake

「ブッダの成仏法とモンゴルの奇跡:信念と使命の物語」  ”Buddha’s Buddhahood Method and Mongolian Miracles: A Story of Belief and Mission”



1. 「ブッダの成仏法とモンゴルの奇跡:信念と使命の物語」
2. 「シャカの力とノストラダムスの予言:モンゴルの冒険」
3. 「因果の法則と未来の謎:ブッダの教えと予言の結びつき」

– 自信はブッダの成仏法に関するものであり、それはあらゆる存在に影響を与えると信じている。
– ブッダの成仏法は因果の法則を変え、世界を変える力があると説く。
– モンゴルの出来事が大国に対する力を証明する機会となった。
– シャカの成仏法やアンゴルモアの大王の出現は世界の危機を乗り越えることができるとの確信を深めた。
– モンゴルの危機に派遣されたのは自分の使命を自覚させるためかもしれないと考える。
– 奇蹟が起こることは阿含仏教の復権・復活のために必要な出来事だったと後から考える。
– 自分を動かしている何かを感じ、ノストラダムスの予言を信じる気持ちが生まれた。

1. “Buddha’s Buddhahood Dharma and Mongolian Miracles: A Story of Belief and Mission”
2. “The Power of Shaka and the Prophecies of Nostradamus: A Mongol Adventure”
3. “The Law of Cause and Effect and the Mystery of the Future: The Connection between Buddha’s Teachings and Prophecies”

– Confidence is about the Buddha’s Dharma of Buddhahood, which we believe affects all beings.
– He preaches that the Buddha’s method of attaining Buddhahood has the power to change the law of cause and effect and change the world.
– Events in Mongolia provided an opportunity to prove power against the great powers.
– Shaka’s method of attaining Buddhahood and the appearance of Angolmois’ Great King deepened his belief that the world crisis could be overcome.
– I think that the reason he was sent to the crisis in Mongolia was to make him aware of his mission.
– I later think that the occurrence of a miracle was a necessary event for the restoration and revival of Agon Buddhism.
– I felt something moving me and began to believe in Nostradamus’ prophecies.

“Buddha’s method of attaining Buddhahood dissolves all causes and causes, and does not work only on humans.It exerts power on all beings.





「ブッダの成仏法は、あらゆる因縁を解き、栗を絶つ。それは決して、人にたいしてのみ 力を発揮するのではないのである。 存在するものすべてにその力は及ぶのである」



「ブッダの成仏法は、人にたいしてのみ、はたらくのではない。あらゆる存在にたいし て、力を及ぼす。 因果の法則は、ものの存在の原則である。業の力は、その因果の法則の範疇に入る。その因果の法則をくつがえし、因を解き、縁を変え、果を絶つ。 すべての 事象にたいし、その力を及ぼす。 それは、世界を変えるのだ」


これまで、人にたいしては、かず多くその力を証明してきたわたくしだが、一つの国家 という大きな集合体にたいしては、 その力を実証する機会を持たなかった。それを、モンゴルの出来ごとは、みごとに証明してくれたのだ。

シャカの成仏法 アンゴルモアの大王が出現すれば、どんな世界の危機をも乗り越え られる!

その確信を、わたくしは、いよいよ深めたのである。そしてそれと同時に、わたくしの 考えは微妙に変わった。というのは、わたくしはこう考えたのである。


読者よ、笑ってはいけない。 わたくしはほんとうにそう思ったのだ。なぜならば、すべ 偶然にしては、あまりにもお膳立てが揃い過ぎているのである。 なにかの力がはたら いているとしか思えなかった。

(あとから考えても、この「奇蹟」は、阿含仏教の復権・復活のために、この時期、ぜっ 起きていなければならない出来ごとだったのである)


そう思った瞬間、はじめて、心底から、 ノストラダムスの予言を信じようという気持になった。


What kind of confidence?


It is confidence in the Buddha’s method of attaining Buddhahood.

I have always been

“Buddha’s method of attaining Buddhahood dissolves all causes and eliminates all karma.It never exerts its power only on people.It extends to everything that exists.”

Yes, that’s what I’ve been preaching.


“Buddha’s method of attaining Buddhahood does not work only on humans; it exerts power on all beings. The law of cause and effect is the principle of the existence of things. The power of karma falls within the scope of that law of cause and effect. It overturns the law of cause and effect, unravels causes, changes relationships, and ends effects. It exerts its power over all phenomena. It changes the world.”

Yes, I have continued to preach.

Up until now, I have proven my power over many people, but I have never had the opportunity to demonstrate my power against a large group like a nation. The events in Mongolia brilliantly proved this.

Shaka’s method of attaining Buddhahood If the Great King of Angolmois appears, he can overcome any crisis in the world!

I have gradually deepened that belief. At the same time, my thinking changed slightly. Because this is what I thought.

I thought that some being had sent me to Mongolia during the crisis in order to make me more aware of its mission.

Reader, don’t laugh. I really thought so. This is because the arrangements are far too complete for this to be a coincidence. All I could think was that some kind of power was working on him.

(Even in hindsight, this “miracle” was an event that had to happen at this time for the restoration and revival of Agon Buddhism.)

Something is moving me!

The moment I thought that, for the first time, I felt from the bottom of my heart the desire to believe in Nostradamus’ prophecies.

Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis

Buddha 2Japan journala

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis   sサイト

大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 “Kongokai” expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai


胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai





1. “因縁の謎:私たちの生に潜む祖先の影響とは?”
2. “過去と現在の結びつき:私たちの因縁を解き明かす”
3. “因縁の探求:仏教視点で見る、前世と現世の関係”

– 人間の因縁について説明されている。
– 仏陀の教えによれば、業(行為や行動)によって因縁が生じるとされる。
– タテの因縁は先祖から受け継いだ系であり、ヨコの因縁は自分が前生で行った業であるとされる。
– タテの因縁とヨコの因縁が交わるところが自分であり、その交わる部分が因縁である。
– 家系や祖先から受け継いだものは、顔かたちや性格など様々なものが含まれる。
– 儒教の学者である安岡正篤は、身体や特質は祖先の影響を受けると述べている。
– 作者は自身の経験を通じて、ガンについての因縁を説明している。
– 前生や因縁の理解には修行や仏教の教えが必要であると述べられている。
– 霊障の因縁や霊視能力についても言及されている。
– 最後に、意識だけの生命存在についてのお経の記述が引用されている。




「お兄ちゃん、私は生まれてから二十六年、これという悪いことをしたおぼえぱないのに、どうしてこんなに苦しまなければいけないの? どうしてなの? お兄ちゃんはもの知りだから、わかるでしよ? どうしてなの?」
なんと! 私自身に、妹と全く同じ星が出ているのである。四十八歳から四十九歳の天
「生まれてから二十六年、これといって悪いことをしたおぼえがないのに、どうしてこんなに苦しまなければならないの? お兄ちゃん、教えて……」
きわめて不自然といわなければならない、どこか間違っているのじやないか? そう思った。




あなたは興味を持かないか? それについて、シヤカと、シヤカの高弟の説くところを見てみようではないか。

Vertical relationship and horizontal relationship
So far, I have described roughly the relationships that humans have. You too, some of these ties
You should have it,
So where did these origins come from?
Buddha is a scripture
“Species discrimination depends on work”
I’m doing it.
In other words, Otsuya, who is born with different ties due to “work”.
It is.
Then, how does the work work for the relationship?
In the Aobu sect, it is basically said that it appears as a “vertical relationship” and a “horizontal relationship”.
What else is vertical?
It is a system accepted from ancestors.
What are horizontal prisoners?
The work I did in my previous life.
I am where the vertical and horizontal relationships intersect.
The illustration is as follows.
Vertical relationship
(Work accepted from ancestors)
Horizontal prisoner
(Work done in my previous life)
Where to meet
(I am)
In other words, it was my cause that was caused by the work of my ancestors and my predecessor work.
It is an edge. In other words, I have the relationship between my ancestors and my predecessors.
Two things are born and exist in this world. Consisting of these two lines
It is my existence.
No one can exist without a parent-ancestor. That means, from parents and ancestors
It means accepting various things. Face shape, personality, constitution, etc.
This is something that no one can deny.
The famous Confucian university professor Masatsugu Yasuoka was in the lecture of his book “University”
It ’s like this.
We are receiving body from parents today, but this small life, parents and grandparents
It ’s always connected. Our parents are only two, four in the second generation, but dates back to the twenties.
It is said that it exceeds 1 million, and when it goes back to the thirties, it exceeds 1 billion. Such infinite life is the origin
(Meaning that it exists in the shadow. Kiriyama Note), and as a result, my body is clear in reality.
ing. This body is merit. In genetics, the characteristics of the ancestors of 5,000 mice
It is said that it is out to descendants. Considering that, Gentoku (Kakeyama Note)
That is terrible. Myeongde is richer in roots than this gento.
Gentoku is a good virtue within my virtue.
There are also immoralities and vice. It is white that is clear to this world with such a gento
It is. If you replace this word of Gentoku with Buddhism’s “work” or “fate”
I will.
5,000 rat mice can be thought of as an ancestor who was about ten years old.
I will. The characteristics of the ancestral mouse (ie, Gentoku / Family) became the offspring of the mouse after the 5th generation.
It is out.
‘According to Mr. Masaharu Yasuoka ’s humiliation,“ Gentoku is a horrible thing ”
Is n’t it?

“Why is it cancer
Is it necessary to die? ”
If you say that, you can understand “vertical ties” but not “horizontal ties”
People may come out.
It is justified, because usually no one can see the predecessor.
Aside from those who have spiritual sight and can see a person’s previous life without reasoning,
If you can’t, you can’t.
Actually, I myself couldn’t get that point in the past. It was possible
When I knew that I had a relationship between cancer and a relationship with prison,
Was that.
(Beginning) My sister died at the age of twenty-six because of water visceral cancer
It begins with that. At first, I didn’t understand cancer. The diagnosis of the professor at the University of Tokyo
It ’s a crow. ” Before I was hospitalized, my mother told me to see through my sister’s relationship
It was. There was a connection of cancer, and it was in the luck period of “natural killing”.
I answered my mother.
“There is a relationship of cancer, but I’m still 26 years old, so I’m not cancer.
Yeah. As the teacher does, it will be an aneurysm. There is a risk of getting cancer in the next natural killing
I will. It ’s only ten years away, so by that, let ’s think about how to prevent it. ”
I hid my mother. One of the breasts deforms on the suspicion of hole cancer

I have a major operation. When my sister was hospitalized and opened her stomach, she had already metastasized to another with a spleen cancer.

He was discharged from the hospital without any effort. And it ’s about six months
It was.
As the word suggests, my sister died in about five months after suffering from the pain of the end of cancer.
Approximately one month before his death, his sister squeezed so hard that he could break my hand,
That ’s it.
“My brother, I did not remember this bad thing 26 years after I was born.
Why should I suffer so much? Why is that? My brother knows
So do you understand? Why is that? ”
Suffocating, I was questioned with distant words while suffering,
There wasn’t. There was nothing to answer. While squeezing your hand,
“Okay, I’ll cure soon”

It was better than that. As if so much suffering, close your neck and hold your breath.
I wanted to. Mori Takagai’s “Takase Fune” was coming and going in the brain. Coming soon
A month later, my sister died. After finishing the funeral, my mother’s word was caught in my head.
I immediately took a close look at my connection. I was stupid.
What! I have the same star as my sister. Heaven from 48 to 49 years old
The relationship of getting cancer was seen through the life killing.
Why do I have to get cancer 1
Screamed in my heart. The words of the younger sister who asked me with pant in agony
I was revived.
“That’s why I haven’t remembered doing anything bad in the 26 years since I was born.
What do you have to suffer? ”Tell me your brother …”
[The words of this sister became mine as they were.
“Why do I have to get cancer?”
According to the words of the mother, the Kiriyama family is a cancer lineage. And then I’m glad
Is because of my ancestors. My mother gave me her inheritance of cancer, and my mother was my grandfather.
The grandfather was accused of cancer by the great-grandfather.
[Thanks to my ancestors, I ’m going to become an Oganpagan.
Then, for me, there is no such a disagreeable existence as the ancestors. Affectionate
Even my innocent mother was told by her mother that I was 48 and 9 years old.
If you think you have to die from cancer at a young age, your affection for your mother will be reduced.
I feel.
I was troubled. It is nature’s humanity as a living thing that respects its parents and ancestors. Do it
In addition, the fact that descendants have to devote their parents and ancestors is also a natural providence.
You have to say it ’s very unnatural, is n’t it wrong? I think so
It was.
Later, after learning the Buddha Shaka’s “Sung Buddha Method” and having the ability to see and see, his predecessors can also see through
I was able to do that, but at that time I did n’t have that ability yet,
I did it.
It is Buddhism that solves this problem. I thought so and read through the Buddhist scriptures
It was. The answer was in the scriptures.
It is a Buddha’s teaching that humans have a predecessor.
人間 Human life is not a continuation of the birth of this world, it is a continuation from previous life.
It is a teaching that This opened my eyes.
In my previous life, I made a job of drowning in the next life with a pang, and I have a connection with cancer.
Was born. So, I was not born in the Kiriyama family in my life,
For example, even if you were born as a Nakamura family or Tanaka family, there was always a cancer connection in that house.
(I have an ancestor who inherits cancer) I will always die of cancer.
“The cause of becoming cancer was in me, and the Kiriyama family was the“ edge ”of becoming cancer.
I understood that. In addition to cancer, I was born in the Kiriyama family.
There might have been something that would become an “edge” in the house.
This is what I have done.
And this is the truth when I later waited for the ability to see through my predecessor
It was confirmed.
I have been pursuing this for many years in order to break my bad ties
If you don’t have a clear understanding of why the cause of the relationship occurs, try to cut it.
Because there is no. If you don’t know the enemy body, you can’t crawl. I like this
I grabbed the main body. In other words, a relationship is composed of a vertical relationship and a horizontal relationship.
Is standing. Therefore, in order to cut off the relationship, the method of cutting the vertical relationship and the horizontal relationship
You have to have these two methods.
In search of these two methods, I worked desperately with the Buddhist scriptures and got into training. As a result, I
Got these two methods. It will also be mentioned in a later chapter.
The spiritual relationship
As I mentioned earlier, there are several causes that involve spiritual disabilities.
“Fate of lateral metamorphosis”
“Fate of home decline”
“Family of close relatives”
“Fate of color”
Most of them are spiritually injured.
そ れ ら These spiritual hotugas are all caused by bad habits and great agony.
It is often a photo that has a relationship with its ancestors about five generations ago.
Sometimes, Hotuga, who has suffered from illness, is injured.
, 1.
, If you just let the Hotokega break up,
Not that. The relationship must be done by making a connection, but the spirit
As long as there is a spiritual problem,
Neither the method of offending nor the practice can represent a trial. Rather, the solution of the spiritual photo
The body, that is,
It would be better to be part of
Religious people come out from time to time, saying that there is no spiritual photo.
Because there is no spiritual ability, you cannot see spiritual phenomena. Because I can’t see myself
You will think that there is no. He has a simple and simple brain.
I wonder if there is no qualification to call himself a religious person who has no spiritual ability. All over the world
Even a religion who is known as a religion and has no spiritual ability.
Recently, a person has not written anything about immoral Buddhist spirits or psychic disabilities anywhere in Ago
It is said that it is inchiki that the Buddhist Buddhist sect is offering the immortal Buddha spirit or the spiritual hototoga.
A person who is ignorant about where he sees in Aikyo without laughing.
It ’s not enough, but it does n’t have to be a person who gets lost.
Next, reprinted from Brain Thinking (published by Hirakawa Publishing).
Life exists only by consciousness without physical body
-By the way, with this sutra (referring to “Saika-no-kei, life-long life”), Shaka is
It is written that the word is used. As will be understood, the spirit is just the heart
The existence of life
t dying, the next form of life by Ira
Until you receive
“It ’s an inside-out thing, but what ’s life with just consciousness?
Is it there? What kind of consciousness is it, what state it is, and how it exists.
Are you not interested? Talk about Sayaka and Siyaka’s younger brother about it
Not take a look

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大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 “Kongokai” expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai


胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai


仏教の教え:因縁と自己解放の真理」  Buddhist teachings: The truth of fate and self-liberation.”


  1. 「仏教の教え:因縁と自己解放の真理」
  2. 「アートマンから縁起へ:仏教の世界観」
  3. 「身見・疑惑・戒取:仏教の煩悩と解脱への道」


しかし仏教では、すべては縁起であり、因縁所生のものであるから、永遠不滅の実在などなく、 あらゆる存在が業により生じ、 業によって滅していくと考えるわけです。仏教も輪廻転生を根本 教義の一つとしておりますが、アートマンが輪廻転生するとは考えません。アートマンは実在し ない。これを中国では「無我(旧訳では非我)」と訳しました。アートマンを「我」と漢訳し、そ 「我」がないということで「無我」としたわけです。 すべてが因縁により生じ、因縁によって 滅するのであるから、人は運命を変えることができるのです。それが仏教の基本的な立場であり、 バラモン教やヒンドゥー教と違う点です。

もしもアートマンが実在し、それが輪廻転生するのであるならば、人は運命を変えることも、 輪廻から解脱することもできません。 なぜならばアートマンは常住不滅・常恒不変なのですから、 消滅させることも変化させることも不可能だからです。アートマンなどは実在せず、すべてのも のが因縁によって生じ、また滅していくからこそ、人は生死輪廻から解脱することができるわ けです。お釈迦さまはそのように縁起の真理を説かれました。

さらにバラモン教やヒンドゥー教では輪廻転生を説くものの、そこからの脱出方法は、あまり 明確には示しておりませんでした。そのために古代インドの人々は、非常に苦しんだのです。輪 廻の中で生き続け、そこから脱出することがままならないわけですから、彼らは来世を案じて苦 しみました。




いかないまでも、悪に堕ちたり動物や虫に生まれて悲惨な一生を送りたくなバラモン教やヒンドゥー教も葉報思想を持っておりますから、現世で悪業を積んだならば、 来 世は悲惨なものに生まれて苦しむぞと説きます。 犬に生まれてくるかもしれないし、豚に生まれ ソーセージにされてしまうかもしれない。 またはゴキブリに生まれて、叩き殺されるかもしれ ません。 来世はなにに生まれるか分からないのですから、一分一秒たりとも気が抜けないのです。 これは古代インドの人たちにとって、すさまじいプレッシャーになりました。現代のヒンドゥー 教徒も同じです。 彼らは常に来世を考えて行動しています。 現在よりも来世のことを考えて、 戦々恐々としているのです。そして、来世で苦しみの生を享けないように、神々を拝み、供物を 捧げています。 古代インドでも現代のインドでも同じです。 これでは生きた心地がしないだろう、 とわたくしは思います。

ところがお釈迦さまが、 アートマン思想が蔓延している古代インドに出現されて、「すべては因縁所生であって、アートマンなどという常住不滅・常恒不変の実在などはない」と縁起の法を説かれ、さらには輪廻から完全に解脱する方法・成仏法を説かれたものですから、 当時の人々は、みな、びっくりしたわけです。

けれども、お釈迦さまのおっしゃることをよく聞いてみると、なるほどと納得できます。 お釈 一旦九

迦さまの教法によって、当時のインドの人々の心からプレッシャーがなくなりました。 これが、 お釈迦さまの教法がもたらした、第一の救いでした。日本人の、それも現代人のわたくしたちに はなかなか理解できませんが、彼らには最高の福音だったのです。

すべてが縁によって起こる。 縁によって生じ、緑によって滅するのであって、 常住不滅・常恒 不変のものはなにもない。これは、すばらしい真理です。 昔、日本のある名僧が、縁起の法を歌 に詠まれました。


じつに分かりやすい名歌ですね。野原に小屋のような庵が一軒あります。それはいろいろな木 材や茅・柴を縛ったり組んだりして造られているけれども、それらをばらばらにしてしまった ら、もとのなにもない野原に戻ってしまう。板きれ、 茅、 柴が転がっているだけの、ただの野原 です。それらの材料を集めて、家の形にしたならば庵になるけれども、ばらばらにしてしまった ら、もう庵ではありません。材料が緑によって集まり、仮合して庵になっているだけですから、 それは常恒不変ではありません。 存在はしているけれども、実在ではありません。 これを仏教で は「空」と呼びます。

人もの庵も同じです。わたくしも緑によって桐山靖雄という人間になっているだけで、桐山 靖雄としての縁がなくなったならば、違う存在になってしまいます。まさに空です。 縁起という ことは、すべてのものが条件によって変化し続けることでもありますから、古い訳では縁起の法を変易の法としております。 変易とは変化するという意味です。

お釈迦さまは、「一切は空であって一切告空)、アートマンはない(諸法無我」と説かれました。緑によって生じ、緑によって滅するのだから、 常住不滅・常恒不変の自我が実在すると考え るのは間違いなのです。

ところがそれでも、アートマンが実在すると信じている人がたくさんおります。 縁起の法が分 からない、あるいは理解しようとしないという煩悩が身見なのです。 前述のようにアートマンは 「我」と漢訳されますので、身見は別名を我見といいます。

身見のもう一つの意味は、常住不滅・常恒不変の実在がないということが理解できないために 生じる自己中心的な考え方です。 凡夫は永遠不滅の自我があると考えるために、自分に執着し、 「自分のもの」に執着します。 これを仏教では我執といいます。この世に「自分のもの」などあ りはしません。 今、自分が所有していたとしても、それは自分のところに来る緑がたまたま存在 したから、仮に自分のところにあるだけで、永遠に自分の手もとにあるわけではありません。 緑 がなくなればだれかの手に渡ったり、壊れてなくなったりします。 しかし、縁起の道理が分から ないから、



仏道修行者は、永遠不滅の自我が実在しているという妄執と、なんでも自分中心に考える我執 を断ち切らなければならないのです。

この場合の疑惑とは、ただ物事を疑って信じないということではありません。 仏さまの正しい

教えを疑い惑って、なかなか信じないという意味での疑惑です。お釈迦さまの正法に疑いを持つ 煩悩、これが疑惑です。

戒取とは、お釈迦さまの正しい教え以外の宗教、あるいは倫理・道徳・哲学などを信じて、お 釈迦さまの真実の教法を信じようとしない煩悩です。


以上の身見・疑惑・戒取の三つを完全に切った人が須陀酒です。 須陀酒は別名を預流といいま す。流れに預かる (入る) と書くわけですが、どのような流れに入るのでしょうか?これは聖者の流れに入るという意味です。須陀酒になった人は聖者で、須陀酒になっていない 人は凡夫です。それで須陀酒を聖俗の分かれ目とします。 須陀酒になると二度と聖者の流れから 堕ちることはなく、必ず成仏に向かいますので、これを「不退転の法を成する」というのです。 もちろん同じ須陀洹でも、須陀洹になってからの修行の具合によって、成仏までの時間は異な ります。一生懸命に修行をするならば早く成仏しますし、怠けていたならば時間がかかります。 けれどもいずれにしても、必ず最後には成仏します。

「阿含経」には、須陀は人間界と天上界を七度往来して成仏する、と記されております。 須陀 がこの世を去ると、天上界に生じて天になります。 仏教の天とは、「運を天に任せる」の「天」 のようなとらえどころのないものではなく、サンスクリット語の「デーヴァ」を訳したもので、 神の境界のことです。 仏界と人間界との間に、天上界という神々の世界があるわけです。天は仏 のように完全な解説は得ていません。 しかし、人間よりは解脱に近づいている存在です。

一般に、天は一神通を持つとされます。 ○○天という名前でお祀りされているのはみな天上界 の神々で、成仏はしていないものの一つの神通を身に備えておられます。たとえば大黒天、弁才 天韋駄天などがそうです。韋駄天は韋駄天走りという言葉があるように、駿足の神さまです。 あっという間に二、三百キロメートルくらい走ってしまいます。ですからマラソン選手などは、 韋駄天を信仰するとよいかもしれません。弁才天というのは芸能の神です。 芸能面に関する、す ばらしい神通力を持っておられます。

須陀は寿命が尽きると天になり、 一神通を使って人を救います。そのように、天上界におい でも修行するのです。 天での寿命が尽きると、須陀道は人間界に戻ってきて、ここでも世のため になるようなことをします。それで人間界での寿命が尽きたならば、再び天界に行くわけです。 合計で七回往来するとされています。

須となって天上界へ行った人がこの世に帰ってきた場合 天上界では天として一神通を 持っていたわけですから普通の人が持たないような、すばらしい力を必ず発揮します。ひょ とすると大天才といわれる人物は、天から戻ってきた人なのかもしれません。 モーツァルト (一七五六一七九一)などは、三歳のころから神童といわれ、五歳で作曲を手がけたそうです。



All things are born of fate


However, in Buddhism, everything is dependent on origin and is born through fate, so there is no such thing as an eternal and immortal existence, and all existence is born through karma and is destroyed through karma. Buddhism also considers reincarnation as one of its fundamental tenets, but it does not believe that the Atman reincarnates. Atman is real and he is not. In China, this was translated as “non-self” (in the old translation, non-self). Atman was translated into Chinese as “I,” and since there is no “I,” it was translated into “non-self.” Because everything comes into being and ends by fate, people can change their destiny. This is the basic position of Buddhism, and it is different from Brahmanism and Hinduism.

If Atman exists and reincarnates, then one cannot change one’s destiny or escape from reincarnation. This is because the Atman is eternal, eternal, and unchanging, and cannot be annihilated or changed. There is no such thing as the Atman, and all things arise and perish due to fate, and it is precisely because he is the one who can liberate himself from the cycle of birth and death. The Buddha preached the truth of dependent origin in this way.

Furthermore, although Brahmanism and Hinduism preach reincarnation, they do not clearly indicate how to escape from it. The people of ancient India suffered greatly because of this. Since they continued to live in the cycle of reincarnation and were unable to escape from it, they suffered in fear of their next life.

“I want to be born with good boundaries in my next life.”


I thought.

Brahmanism and Hinduism also have the idea of “haha”, which does not want to fall into evil or be born as an animal or insect and lead a miserable life. I preach that if you are born into misery, you will suffer. You may be born a dog, or you may be born a pig and become his sausage. Or he might be born a cockroach and be beaten to death. I don’t know what I will be born into in the next life, so I can’t relax even for a minute. This put tremendous pressure on the people of ancient India. The same is true of modern Hindus. They always act with the afterlife in mind. They are thinking more about the next life than the present, and are fearful. In order to avoid suffering in the next life, they worship the gods and make offerings. It is the same in ancient India and modern India. I don’t think this will make me feel alive.

However, the Buddha appeared in ancient India, where the idea of Atman was widespread, and preached the law of dependent origin, saying, “Everything is due to fate, and there is no such thing as Atman, which is an ever-living, immortal, eternal, unchanging entity.” Furthermore, the people of the time were astonished because he taught the method of attaining Buddhahood, a method for completely liberating oneself from reincarnation.

However, if you listen carefully to what Buddha says, you will understand. Interpretation once nine

Lord Buddha’s teachings removed pressure from the minds of the people of India at that time. This was the first salvation brought about by Buddha’s teachings. Although it is difficult for Japanese people, especially us modern people, to understand him, he was the best gospel for them.

Everything happens because of connections. It arises through connection and perishes through greenness, and there is nothing that is everlasting, eternal, or unchanging. This is a wonderful truth. A long time ago, a famous Japanese monk wrote a poem about the law of auspicious origin.

If you pull it together and tie it, it will be a vermilion hermitage, or if you untie it, it will be the original field.”

It’s a great song that’s really easy to understand. There is a hermitage that looks like a hut in the field. It is made of various types of wood, thatch, and brushwood tied together and tied together, but if you tear it apart, it will return to its original, empty field. It’s just a field with pieces of planks, thatch, and bushes lying around. If you gather those materials and make them into a house, it becomes a hermitage, but if you break it up into pieces, it is no longer a hermitage. It is not a permanent hermitage because the materials are gathered together by the greenery and temporarily combined to form a hermitage. It exists, but it is not real. In Buddhism, this is called “emptiness.”

The same goes for Hitomono-an. I am also Yasuo Kiriyama because of Midori, but if I were to no longer have that connection as Yasuo Kiriyama, I would become a different person. It’s just empty. Dependent origin also means that everything continues to change depending on conditions, so in older translations, the law of dependent origin is the law of change. Change means to change.

The Buddha taught that “All is empty and all is empty, and there is no Atman (all dharma is selfless.”) Since green is what arises and green is what annihilates, the ever-living, immortal, ever-changing ego is real. It is a mistake to think that.

However, there are still many people who believe that the Atman is real. The earthly desires of not knowing or not trying to understand the Law of Dependent Origination are what we see. As mentioned above, Atman is translated into Chinese as “I,” so “Mimi” is also called “Gami.”

Another meaning of “miken” is the self-centered way of thinking that arises because one cannot understand that there is no eternal, eternal, and unchanging reality. Ordinary people think that they have an eternal and immortal ego, so they become attached to themselves and to what is “their own.” In Buddhism, this is called self-control. There is no such thing as “mine” in this world. Even if you own it now, it is only because the greenery that came to you happened to exist, so it is not in your hands forever. If the greenery runs out, it will end up in someone else’s hands or break down and disappear. However, since he doesn’t understand the principle of dependent origin,

“Even though it’s mine!”

I am obsessed with it. This is also my personal observation.

Practitioners of Buddhism must break free from the delusion that an eternal and immortal self exists and from the self-centeredness of thinking about everything.

Doubt in this case does not just mean doubting something and not believing it. Buddha’s righteousness

Doubt in the sense of doubting the teachings and having a hard time believing them. The earthly desires that doubt the Buddha’s righteous teachings are doubts.

Precepts are the earthly desires of people who believe in religions, ethics, morals, philosophy, etc. other than the correct teachings of the Buddha, and refuse to believe in the true teachings of the Buddha.

-The first saint who severed the three ties

A Sudarake is a person who has completely cut off all three of the above-mentioned personal observations, suspicions, and precepts. Another name for Sudakake is Yukinryu. It is written as “to follow the flow” (to enter), but what kind of flow do we enter into?This means to enter into the flow of the saints. Those who have become Sudakake are saints, and those who have not become Sudakake are ordinary people. Therefore, Suda sake is considered to be the dividing line between the sacred and the secular. Once you become Suda Sake, you will never fall from the stream of saints again and will definitely head towards Buddhahood, which is called “fulfilling the unfailing Dharma.” Of course, even within the same Suda-sun, the time it takes to reach Buddhahood differs depending on the level of training one has undergone since becoming Suda-sun. If you practice hard, you will attain Buddhahood quickly, but if you are lazy, it will take time. But either way, you will definitely attain Buddhahood in the end.

In the Agon Sutra, it is written that Sudha travels between the human world and the heavenly world seven times and attains Buddhahood. When Sudha leaves this world, he arises in the heavenly world and becomes heaven. In Buddhism, heaven is not something as elusive as the word “heaven” in “leaving one’s luck to heaven,” but is a translation of the Sanskrit word “deva,” which refers to the boundaries of God. Between the Buddhist world and the human world, there is a world of gods called the heavenly world. Heaven has not received a complete explanation like Buddha. However, they are closer to liberation than humans.

Generally speaking, heaven is said to have one divine connection. The gods enshrined under the name ○○ten are all gods of the heavenly world, and although they have not attained Buddhahood, they possess a divine power within themselves. For example, Daikokuten, Benzai Tenvaidaten, etc. Idaten is the god of swift feet, as the word Idaten runs. He can run about two or three hundred kilometers in no time. Therefore, it may be a good idea for marathon runners to worship Idaten. Benzaiten is the god of entertainment. He has amazing supernatural powers when it comes to entertainment.

When Sudha reaches the end of his life, he becomes heaven and uses his power to save people. In the same way, he practices in the heavenly realm. When his life in heaven is over, Sudhado returns to the human world, and here too he does what he does for the world. When his life in the human world comes to an end, he goes back to heaven. It is said that there will be seven trips in total.

If a person who went to the heavenly world as a man comes back to this world, he will definitely exhibit wonderful powers that ordinary people do not have, since he had the power of one god in the heavenly world. Perhaps the person who is said to be a great genius is someone who has returned from heaven. Mozart (17561791) was said to be a child prodigy from the age of three, and began composing music at the age of five.


Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

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「運命の謎:家族からの無意識的な選択」  “Mystery of Fate: Unconscious Choices from Family”


  1. 「家族の影響力:個人と集団のはざまで」
  2. 「運命の謎:家族からの無意識的な選択」
  3. 「因縁の糸:遺伝から前世の影響まで」



1. 近代心理学は、フロイトの個人的に抑圧された無意識とユングの集合的無意識に分かれ、ソンディは家族的無意識を提唱し、宗族を個人と群衆の間に位置づけた。
2. ソンディは家族的無意識の中で特殊な抑圧意識を見出し、「個人のなかに抑圧されている祖先の欲求が、恋愛・友情・職業・疾病および死亡における無意識的選択行動となって、個人の運命を決定する」と主張した。
3. ソンディ理論は平面彬成(空間)の理論であり、「選択の根源は家族的欲求にあり、衝動的な無意識的選択が運命を形成する」と述べている。
4. タテの因縁とヨコの因縁により、人間の因縁が形成され、業によって異なる因縁を持つと仏陀の教えに言及されている。
5. 因縁の交わるところが自分であり、祖先から受け継いだ系(タテの因縁)と前生でなした業(ヨコの因縁)によって自分の因縁が成り立つ。
6. 脳障害、二重人格、癌、循環器系統障害などの因縁について述べられ、これらが遺伝や前世の業に関連しているとされている。


Modern psychology is divided into Freud’s individually repressed unconscious and Jung’s collective unconscious, and Sondhi proposed a familial unconscious, positioning the clan between the individual and the crowd.
2. Sondhi found a special sense of oppression in the familial unconscious, and said, “The desires of the ancestors that are suppressed within the individual become unconscious choices in love, friendship, occupation, illness, and death, and the individual will decide the fate of the
3. Songdi theory is a theory of plane Bincheng (space), which states that “the root of choice lies in family desires, and impulsive unconscious choices shape destiny.”
4. The Buddha’s teachings mention that human relationships are formed by vertical and horizontal relationships, and that people have different relationships depending on their karma.
5. You are where your karma intersects, and your karma is established by the lineage you inherited from your ancestors (vertical karma) and the deeds you did in your previous life (horizontal karma).
6. The causes of brain disorders, dual personalities, cancer, and circulatory system disorders are described, and these are said to be related to genetics and karma in previous lives.


































「種の差別は業に由る」 とおっしやっておられる。




ヨコの囚縁とはなにか? 自分が前生でなした業である。















Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

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