
Shidda n mattorikā

梵字 阿字  he A-ji  Sanskrit character   siddhamātṛkā, シッダマートリカー

すべての尊をあらわす(通種子)阿字を、実際に書いてみましょう いままで練


Let’s actually write the A-ji that represents all the honors (seeds).
We will combine and compose the basic dotted line art that we have learned. First, write a point (⑥ in the shape of a horizontal diagonal line f) by striking the point in a square.
Next, write ⑧ Bay line art P.



Then, ③ draw both vertical lines and continue to draw the warbler without pulling out the brush.

梵字  8  Sanskrit character   siddhamātṛkā, シッダマートリカー


⑨ Snake curve drawing (applied form of ① ~ ⑧)
It is an application of the basic strokes that we have practiced so far. There are seven shapes from ゜ ㈲ to ㈹, but ヽ ① to 78
If the practice up to ⑧ is sufficient, it will not be difficult.





If it doesn’t look right, pledge and practice again.
If you have learned so far, you will understand that the characteristics and aptitude of Park brushes can be fully demonstrated. Even if the typeface is difficult to write with a round brush, you can write it beautifully with a simple brush.

This is because Park brush is a product that has been studied for a long time in order to express the Sanskrit characters more beautifully.

At first, there is no need to stick to the shape of the immediate future. It is important to move your arm and stroke with a laid back feeling based on the contour line.

梵字 7  Sanskrit character  siddhamātṛkā, シッダマートリカー



⑧ Curved line art
This line art looks like a circle. Pretend to grow
Please be careful not to get angry. Please try to keep it.



⑦ Arch line drawing
A relatively small line art of curves.
When expressing the thin part of the lone line using the thickness of the Pak brush, the axis of the Pak brush is in your hand.
I have to give it, give it, and change the writing pressure. It is important to keep a constant angle and pressure until the end. In addition, the big head of A point, the buried head
Let’s pay attention to the features.


梵字 6  Sanskrit character 1  siddhamātṛkā, シッダマートリカー




⑤点 画


④ Warbler stroke

It was named like this because its shape is like a warbler.
Beginning with reverse brush writing, which brings the park brush from the bottom. First, draw a thin line in the upper left direction, turn it clockwise at the same angle and make a small half turn to write the head part, and then move it to the lower right to write the chest. Continue to shift diagonally to the right and end with the thinnest line at the tail.

Because the Tsumugi stroke is the basic writing method in the typical stroke method of the Park typeface. Please practice so that you can write the two parts neatly.

⑤ Point drawing
The point of the Sanskrit character is not a “point” that has a position and no area, but only that the distance that the brush is carried is shorter than other line arts. Therefore, careful writing is important. ㈲ is from the lower left to the right, the brush width
I carry a simple brush for the length. It would be nice to have a beautiful rhombus that is symmetrical up and down and left and right.
The old one is written with a small curve.

Starting from point A, I will write without brushing.
When writing vertical and diagonal drawings that connect to both the pointed and rigid horizontal lines, my husband uses the width of the Park brush.

梵字 5  Sanskrit character 1  siddhamātṛkā, シッダマートリカー

ア 命点、略してア点、または命点、あるいは発心点といいます。すべての悉曇文字は、ア宇とその点画が基本となり、そこから変化したものですから、点がなければ悉曇文字ではないということがいえます。ア点は、すべての梵字の起筆点なのです。ア点の打ち方は、字形によって異なります。







梵字  釈迦如来   Sanskrit character Shaka Nyorai  Buddha




バハ・bhah ・ 慣用音 ばく

釈迦如来 なう まく さ ま んだ ぼ だ なん ばく

top page
The profound philosophy of seeds
Shaka Nyorai
Associate skin Kannon
Fudo Myoo
Aizen Myo
Prajna Bodhisattva
Nyoirinji Kannon
Kokuzo Bosatsu
Alphabet table
Mantra of Light
Senju Kannon
Alphabet table of Siddha
the work
Amida Nyorai
Hokuto total seal
裔 Enryu Hachihozu
a Amida Nyorai
Manjushri Bodhisattva
Top ›Seed’s Profound Philosophy ›Shaka Nyorai
Shaka Nyorai
With Tathagata
In the 6th century BC, Gautama Siddhartha solves the suffering of the world
He left home in search of a way, and after six years of penance, he finally opened Satori under the Bodhi tree and became a “Buddha” (awakened person).
The Buddha, who opened Buddhism, saved many Λ people in about 45 years until he died at the age of eight.
Also, I led many disciples to Nirvana. And beyond space-time, Kuon permanent residence
All sentient beings as a Buddha by “wisdom” and “mercy”
I am relieving and continuing.

Shakya Munigo, that is, Shakya Buddha, means a saint from the Shakya tribe.
I will.
Shaka Nyorai, who followed the side samurai of Bunshu and Samantabhadra, is called Shaka Nyorai.

Baja, bhah, idiomatic sound exposure

Shaka Nyorai Nau Maku Samanda Boda Nanbaku

top page
Copyright © ○○○, All rights reserved.

Deeper philosophy of seeds  種子のもっ深遠な哲理  

Deeper philosophy of seeds
Seeds with meaninglessness and virtue
A symbolic lion that represents each precious character with a single letter is called a seed.

Usually, the name of each prestige or Iyu taken from the true word is the seed. Ataka
In order to obtain many fruits from plant seeds, Buddha ’s symbolic form and true word
It is said that it was named as a seed because it can obtain Buddha fruits such as Buddhism and Satori.
】 Thus, the seeds that represent Akason have innumerable meaning and virtue.
It is said that if you transcribe it, you will get a bounty promptly.

Buddhist meditation
Now, in ancient India, there was meditation as one of the practice methods of Brahman before Buddhism started
It was. Buddha is reported to have obtained the highest level of meditation. Buddhist meditation is true
Because it is a practice that aims to reason and acquire true wisdom, it can be said to be the basic and most advanced practice of Buddhist practice.






サンスクリットと梵字  Sanskrit and Siddhaṃ script



サンスクリット( 梵 :   संस्कृत 、 saṃskṛta 、 英 :   Sanskrit )は、 古代 インド・アーリア語 に属する 言語 。 インド など 南アジア および 東南アジア において用いられた古代語。 文学 、 哲学 、 学術 、 宗教 などの分野で広く用いられた。 ヒンドゥー教 の 礼拝用言語 でもあり、 大乗仏教 でも多くの経典がこの言語で記された

漢字表記の 梵語 (ぼんご)は、中国や日本など、 漢字文化圏 でのサンスクリットの異称。 日本 では近代以前から、 般若心経 など、サンスクリットの原文を漢字で翻訳したものなどを通して、梵語という言葉は使われてきた。梵語は、サンスクリットの起源を造物神 ブラフマン (梵天)とするインドの伝承を基にした言葉である。












梵字(ぼんじ)は、 インド で使用される ブラーフミー系文字 ( 英 :   Brahmic script )の総称的な漢訳名である。ブラーフミーは「 ブラフマー ( 梵天 )の創造した 文字 」を意味する。また、単に「梵語( サンスクリット )を表記するための文字」とも解される。日本では、歴史的・伝統的に 悉曇文字 (しったんもじ、 英 :   Siddhaṃ script )を指すことが多い。

梵字(ぼんじ)は、 インド で使用される ブラーフミー系文字 ( 英 :   Brahmic script )の総称的な漢訳名である。ブラーフミーは「 ブラフマー ( 梵天 )の創造した 文字 」を意味する。また、単に「梵語( サンスクリット )を表記するための文字」とも解される。日本では、歴史的・伝統的に 悉曇文字 (しったんもじ、 英 :   Siddhaṃ script )を指すことが多い。


梵字(悉曇文字)は一字一字が諸仏諸尊をあらわしており、ひとつの梵字が複数の仏を表すことがほとんどである。これを 種子 (しゅじ)または種字という。一つの仏でも 金剛界 、 胎蔵界 で違う文字を使う場合もある(例:大日如来:胎蔵界: a /金剛界: vaṃ



Sanskrit (梵: संस्कृत, saṃskṛta, English: Sanskrit) is a language belonging to ancient Indian Aryan. Ancient language used in South Asia and Southeast Asia such as India. Widely used in fields such as literature, philosophy, academics, and religion. It is also a Hindu worship language, and many scriptures were written in this language in Mahayana Buddhism
The Kanji word “Bongo” is a nickname for Sanskrit in Chinese character culture areas such as China and Japan. In pre-modern Japan, the word 梵語 has been used through the translation of Sanskrit original text in Chinese characters, such as Hanwa Shinkei. Jingo is a word based on Indian tradition with the origin of Sanskrit as the artifact God Brahman.

Sanskrit is an ancient language belonging to the Indo-Iranian group of Indo-European languages.
Its origin is the Vedic language used in the Vedic literature, including Rig Veda (the oldest part is around 1500 BC). The oldest layer of Vedic language is very close to the Avester Garser language (Old Avester), a classical language belonging to the Indo-Iranian Iranian group.
Sanskrit was originally a language that had no letters, and until that time, it continued to be a culture mainly of reading rather than clerk. In contrast, Sanskrit brought various notations that differed by period and region [40]. Sanskrit is written in character after Brahmi, the ancestor of Indian characters, was used in Sanskrit notation around the 4th century. A character developed for liter notation, and a new notation was developed for accurate notation [41]. Furthermore, the Sanskrit written in Brahmi characters was propagated to Southeast Asian countries along with Indian culture, creating a variety of Brahmy characters in this area [42]. Traditionally, the Japanese characters have been used in Japan (a kind of Siddharma tricker character, the so-called “梵 character”), and in South India, the use of Granta characters has been reported, although the number of users has been reduced. 43].
Today, writing Sanskrit using Devanagari across India, regardless of region, has only recently happened [44]. IAST is common as a transliteration method using Latin characters.

In Buddhism, it was first practiced using Placrit, an everyday language, and the scriptures were also written as Purali scriptures in Placrit. However, in the 4th century, when the Gupta era promoted academics and made Sanskrit the official language, Sanskrit was also used in Buddhism due to disputes with other religions and the development of doctrines [53]. Has been translated into Sanskrit. This movement became particularly popular in Mahayana Buddhism, and since then Mahayana Buddhism has become the mainstream of Sanskrit scriptures. During this process, there was a temporary chaos in the language, and a mixture of Sanskrit and Prakrit, called the Buddhist chaos Sanskrit, emerged and used for a period of time in Buddhist scriptures [54].
While theravada Buddhism extended the teaching line toward Southeast Asia while retaining the scripture of Purakrit (Pali), Mahayana Buddhism reached East Asia around the North Silk Road, along with the propagation of Buddhism Sanskrit was communicated to these countries. However, it is believed that the original Chinese translation of the original Buddhist scriptures was not necessarily Sanskrit, and may originate from Plakrit like Gandhara [55]. However, as Buddhism spread in China, so-called priests of solicitation began to appear in India, the birthplace of Buddhism in search of pilgrimages and scriptures. During this period, the Mahayana Buddhist scriptures in India were mostly Sanskrit, so most of the Buddhist scriptures brought back by them were Sanskrit. [56] The 5th-century Hoken and the 7th-century Gyojo are known as priests, but the most prominent of these monks is the 7th-century Tang Dynasty, the vast Sanskrit Buddhist Han brought back The translation made a breakthrough in translation history. His later translations of Buddhist translations were called new translations in the history of translation [57], and they were classified as old, often not from Sanskrit [58] old translations [59].
Through China, we have introduced knowledge and words about Sanskrit along with Buddhism and Buddhist scriptures. At that time, you can go back to Kaigon Kukai of Shingon sect at the latest. Many Buddhist terms are transliteration in Sanskrit Kanji, such as “monk”, “Sanran Bon”, “Shoutou”, “Nammu, Amida, Buddha [60]”. Some of them are translated into everyday language such as “Dana”. In addition, mandala, mantra are not translated into Chinese, but are written in Kanji characters that sounded Sanskrit and read directly. Mandala appears in several literary works in modern Japan (such as Kyoka Izumi, “St. Takano”). For the characters drawn on the turret tower and talisman, refer to the characters. The Japanese syllabary arrangement is thought to be influenced by the arrangement of Sanskrit’s traditional phonological table, and is derived from Sanskrit phonology.

“Bonji” is a generic Chinese translation of the Brahmic script used in India. Brahmi means “characters created by Brahma”. It is also understood simply as “characters for expressing Sanskrit”. In Japan, it is historically and traditionally often referred to as “Shitanmoji” (English: Siddhaṃ script).
“Bonji” is a generic Chinese translation of the Brahmic script used in India. Brahmi means “characters created by Brahma”. It is also understood simply as “characters for expressing Sanskrit”. In Japan, it is historically and traditionally often referred to as “Shitanmoji” (English: Siddhaṃ script).

Each 梵 character (悉 cloud character) represents various Buddha’s various buddhists, and one 表 す character often represents multiple Buddhas. This is called seed or seed. Even a single Buddha may use different characters in the Kongo world and the brewery world (eg, Dainichi Nyorai: The zoo world: a / Kongo world: vaṃ)

梵字  釈迦如来  Character of Buddha



バハ・bhah ・ 慣用音 ばく

釈迦如来 なう まく さ ま んだ ぼ だ なん ばく



迦 Nyorai and
In the 6th century BC, Gautamer Siddhartha solves the suffering of this world
He went home in search of a road, and after six years of penance, under the linden tree, finally opened the satori and became a “Buddha” (awakened).
The Buddha who opened Buddhism saved many ΛBs in about 45 years until they were extinct at the age of eight.
He also led many disciples to Nirru Ana. And beyond time and space,
As a Buddha, there is no genius by wisdom and mercy
To save and maintain.

シ ャ ー Shakanuni, meaning Shakyamuni, means a saint from the Sharqa
Will be broken.
迦 The Buddha Buddha who followed the Buddha and the Fugen both on the side is called Buddha Sanson.

Baja, bhah, idiomatic sound

Nakaku Nanda




ツボ クンダリニー チャクラ












