
Shidda n mattorikā

Bonji 梵字  普賢菩薩(ふげんぼさつ、 梵: samantabhadra [サマンタバドラ]



梵名サマンタバドラ(Samanta bhadra)の「サマ ンタ」は「普く」、「バドラ」は「賢」と漢訳しま す。

「賢」とは具体的には「さとりを求める心か ら起こる、成仏しようとする願いと行ない」のこ とです。それが、ときとところを選ばず遍在して いるということを象徴したのがこの菩薩です。

で すから、菩薩行を実践する者をつねに守護するほ とけでもあります。

六牙の白象に り、文殊菩薩とともに釈迦如来 の脇侍をつとめます。文殊菩薩の智慧に対して、 慈悲(の行)をつかさどります。

なお、密教では、堅固不壊の菩提心を象徴する 金剛薩埵と同体とします。 辰年 と巳年生まれの人の守り本尊とされていま


Sanskrit name Samanta bhadra translates as “samanta” and “bhadra” as “wise”.

“Ken” specifically means “the desire and deeds that arise from the desire to attain enlightenment.” This bodhisattva symbolizes that he is omnipresent, regardless of time and place.

Therefore, he is also capable of always protecting those who practice the bodhisattva practice.

He rides on a six-tusked white elephant and serves as a side attendant of Shakyamuni Buddha with Monju Bodhisattva. He presides over the wisdom of Manjushri.

In esoteric Buddhism, it is regarded as one with Vajra Buddha, which symbolizes the firm and indestructible Bodhicitta. It is considered a guardian deity for those born in the year of the dragon and the year of the snake.















Fugen Bodhisattva
A bodhisattva who appears everywhere and controls mercy to save all living beings.

What is Fugen Bosatsu?
Fugen is a bodhisattva who appears everywhere and has the power to save living beings.


Along with Monju Bodhisattva, he is often seen as the right side attendant of Shaka Nyorai, and is often enshrined as a triad, but in some cases he is enshrined alone. As a bodhisattva who controls training with the wisdom of Monju Bosatsu, it is said to play the role of practicing the teachings of Buddhism grasped with clear wisdom. In addition, along with the spread of the Lotus Sutra, which preaches the salvation of women, many women gained faith.


By the way, there is Fugen Enmei Bosatsu, a Buddha derived from Fugen Bosatsu, who has the benefit of life extension.

It is said to have the benefits of protecting women, protecting trainees, prolonging life from illness, and increasing happiness. It is also the guardian deity of the year of the dragon and snake.

Statue of Fugen Bosatsu
It is commonly seen riding a white elephant. If you are riding an elephant with 3 or 4 heads, there is a high possibility that it is a statue of Fugen Enmei Bosatsu.



Mantra of Fugen Bosatsu
Ong Sanmaiyah Satvan



Bonji 梵字 大日如来 Mahāvairocana




「大日」とは「大いなる輝くもの」を意味する 梵語マハーヴァイローチャナ(Mahāvairocana) の 意訳です。音写して「摩訶毘盧遮那如来」ともい います。

大日如来は、密教の世界では、二つのあらわれ 方をします。「理」をあらわす胎蔵では、法界定 印を結び大いなる慈悲をあらわす女性的な大日如 来として、また「智」をあらわす金剛界では、智 拳印を結んで男性的な大日如来としてあらわれます。













金剛界:オン バサラダトバン
胎蔵界:オン アンビラウンケン

“Dainichi” is a free translation of the Sanskrit word Mahāvairocana


, which means “the great shining one”. He is also known as “Makabi Rochana Nyorai” by transcription.

Dainichi Nyorai appears in two ways in the world of esoteric Buddhism. In the womb, which represents “reason,” she appears as a feminine Dainichi Nyorai, who binds the seal of the Dharma realm and represents great mercy. increase.


What is Dainichi Nyorai?

Dainichi means “great sun”. It is a further evolved form of Vairushana Nyorai, who controls the sun. In esoteric Buddhism, Dainichi Nyorai represents the truth of the universe and refers to the universe itself. In addition, all living things are said to have been born from Dainichi Nyorai, and other Buddhas, including Shaka Nyorai, are considered to be incarnations of Dainichi Nyorai.


There are two different views of Dainichi Nyorai: the Kongokai Dainichi Nyorai, which symbolizes the wisdom necessary to attain enlightenment, and the Womb World Dainichi Nyorai, which symbolizes the spread of infinite compassion. Kongo means diamond, which means that wisdom is very hard and can never be damaged. In addition, taizo means that all the universe is wrapped in Dainichi Nyorai like a mother’s mother’s womb. The combination of these two forms the world view of esoteric Buddhism with Dainichi Nyorai as its principal image.


Peace in the world, wish fulfillment. In addition, it is a guardian deity born in the year of the monkey.

Statue of Dainichi Nyorai

Originally, the Tathagata is modeled after the Buddha after he entered the priesthood, so he does not wear any ornaments, but Dainichi Nyorai is the only one who wears extravagant ornaments and coronet. Also, the hair is tied up instead of rahotsu.


The shapes of the seals are different depending on the appearance of the Kongokai and the Womb Realm. The Dainichi Nyorai of the Vajra Realm is making a sign of wisdom fist in which he raises his left index finger and wraps the index finger with his right hand. On the other hand, Dainichi Nyorai of the womb realm is a fixed seal that stretches out all the fingers of both hands and joins them in front of his belly.

Mantra of Dainichi Nyorai

Kongokai: On Basaradattban
Womb Realm: On Ambiraunken

Bonji 梵字 文殊菩薩 mañjughoṣa マンジュゴーシャ


梵名のマンジュシュリー(Maijusri) を音写して 文殊師利、さらに略して文殊といいます。獅子に 乗じて、普賢菩薩とともに釈迦如来の脇侍をつと めます。

文殊は智慧第一の菩薩として、「維摩経」をは じめ、大乗仏典の中でたびたび重要な役柄として 登場します。

文殊菩薩は、その真言の数によって、五字文殊、 一字文殊、六字文殊、八字文殊などがあり、また、 それらの頭上の雪によって、五菩文殊、一善文殊 などとも呼ばれています。「ア・ラ・ハ・シャ・ ノウ」という五字の真言が大日如来の五つの智慧 をあらわしているところから、五字文殊を文殊菩 薩の本体とします。 卯年生まれの人の守り本尊とされています。


The Sanskrit name Maijusri is transliterated and called Monju Shiri, or Monju for short. Riding a lion, he joins Fugen Bodhisattva as an attendant to Shaka Nyorai.

Monju is the bodhisattva of wisdom first, and the ‘Yima Sutra’, including him, often appears as an important role in the Mahayana Buddhist scriptures.

Depending on the number of mantras, Manjusatsu Bodhisattvas are called Five-character Monju, One-character Monju, Six-character Monju, Eight-character Monju, etc., and are also called Five Bodhisattvas, Ichizen Monju, etc., depending on the snow on their heads. Since the five-letter mantra “a-la-ha-sha-nou” represents the five wisdoms of Dainichi Nyorai, five-letter Monju is the main body of Monju Bodhisattva. He is considered the guardian deity of people born in the year of the rabbit.















Monju Bodhisattva
A bodhisattva famous as the god of learning who controls wisdom

What is Monju Bosatsu?
The official name is Monju Shiri Bosatsu. As the proverb says, “Three people bring the wisdom of Monju,” it is a bodhisattva famous for praying for academic improvement and passing exams as the god of wisdom. There is a person who became a model for him, and it is said that he was a member of the Brahmin class of Shaekoku, the capital of Kosala in ancient India. It is said that he was involved in the process of compiling Buddhist scriptures into books. However, originally it is Kokuzo Bosatsu that controls wisdom such as learning, and Monju Bosatsu controls ‘wisdom’, which means the ability to correctly assess the way things are and the ability to make judgments.


As the left side samurai of Shaka Nyorai, he is often lined up with Fugen Bodhisattva as a triad, but sometimes he is enshrined alone.

It is said that there is a benefit of clear wisdom and academic achievement. It is also the guardian deity of the year of the rabbit. He is said to help people born in the year of the rabbit bring good luck, ward off evil, and fulfill their prayers.

Statue of Monju Bosatsu
He holds a sword in his left hand and a sutra scroll in his right hand, and is typically seated on a lotus pedestal resting on a lion. He sometimes carries a bonsai, a lotus stand with a vajra pestle, and so on.

famous temples and statues
・Nara Prefecture: Abe Monjuin Temple

The mantra of Monju Bosatsu
On Arahsha Know

Bonji 梵字 虚空蔵菩薩 Kokuzo Bodhisattva Ākāśagarbha

虚空蔵菩薩  Ākāśagarbha







タラーハ・trah ・ 慣用音 たらあく

Void Bodhisattva  Ākāśagarbha

Kokuzo Bosatsu
Kokuzo Bodhisattva

Sanskrit name is Akashagarba (N times turn times Fugo). Akasha means ‘void’ and garba means ‘womb’.

It was given this name because the bodhisattva’s good fortune and wisdom are as vast and boundless as the sky (void).

It is said that the unlimited blessings and virtues of wisdom are bestowed on those who need them. It is worshiped as a Buddha of “wisdom” in contrast to Jizo Bodhisattva of “compassion”.

The “Kokuzo Bosatsu Gumonjiho”, which uses this Kokuzo Bosatsu as the principal image of worship, is well known as a training method that clears the mind and improves memory.

Similarly, the “Kokuzo Bosatsu Nenhoho” is said to remove karma obstacles, achieve good fortune, and obtain both material and spiritual treasures. It is considered the guardian deity of people born in the year of the ox and the year of the tiger.

tarah, trah, idiomatic sound taraku















Kokuzo Bodhisattva
A bodhisattva who bestows infinite wisdom and compassion on people

What is Kokuzo Bosatsu?
Kokuzo means a storehouse (reservoir) that contains infinite wisdom and a compassionate heart like the universe, and it is said that it will be taken out of the storehouse and given wisdom, memory, and knowledge to fulfill people’s wishes. increase.


Kobo Daishi, the founder of the Shingon sect, is said to have performed the Kokuzo Gumonjiho, in which he recited the mantra of Kokuzo Bodhisattva one million times. It is said that you have infinite memory power and can experience the wisdom of Buddha. In addition to the principal image of Gumonjiho, there is also the Godai Kokuzo Bosatsu, which is the principal image of the ritual that is performed to pray for increased profits and warding off evil. The wisdom of Kokuzo Bodhisattva is arranged in five directions, and it is a transformed form of the Five Buddhas of the Vajra Realm.

There are benefits for improving grades, improving memory, sharpening the mind, prospering business, and improving arts and crafts. It is also the guardian deity of the Year of the Ox and Tiger. It is said to help people born in the year of the ox and tiger bring good luck, ward off evil, and fulfill their prayers.

Statue of Kokuzo Bosatsu
A Bodhisattva statue with one face and two arms. It is common to hold a sword in the right hand and a Nyoihoju in the left hand. It is represented as a seated statue with a crown of five Buddhas.

famous temples and statues
・Kyoto Prefecture: Toji Temple

Mantra of Kokuzo Bosatsu
On Basara Aratannou On Tarak Sowaka

Bonji 梵字 降三世明王 Trilokya Vijaya トライローキヤ・ヴィジャヤ







シヴァは妻のパールヴァティーと共に「過去・現在・未来の三つの世界を収める神」として ヒンドゥー教 の最高神として崇拝されていたが、 大日如来 はヒンドゥー教世界を救うためにシヴァの改宗を求めるべく、配下の降三世明王を派遣し(或いは大日如来自らが降三世明王に変化して直接出向いたとも伝えられる)、頑強難化のシヴァとパールヴァティーを遂に超力によって降伏し、仏教へと改宗させた。




誰かを踏みつけた仏と言えば 四天王 がそれぞれ 邪鬼 を踏みつけているが、降三世明王は「異教とはいえ神を倒して踏みつけている」という点でひと際異彩を放つ仏である。

降三世はサンスクリット語で、トライローキヤ・ヴィジャヤ(三界の勝利者  Trailokyavijaya )といい、正確には「三千世界の支配者 シヴァ を倒した勝利者」の意味。

「オン・ソンバ・ニソンバ・ウン・バザラ・ウン・ハッタ」( Oṃ śumbha niśumbha hūṃ vajra hūṃ phaṭ )



Descending Third Myoo

Descending Third Myoo  Trilokya Vijaya

Along with his wife Parvati, Shiva was worshiped as the supreme deity of Hinduism as “the god who contains the three worlds of the past, present, and future”, but Dainichi Nyorai seeks Shiva’s conversion to save the Hindu world. In order to do so, he dispatched his subordinate Gosansei Myoo (or it is said that Dainichi Nyorai himself changed into Gosansei Myoo and went there directly), and finally surrendered Shiva and Parvati, who were becoming difficult to stubborn, by superpower and went to Buddhism. and converted.


The name of Gosansei Myo-o means ‘the Myo-o who brought down Shiva who contained the three worlds’.

As you can see in the picture on the right, Gozansei Myo-o has three faces and eight arms, with two hands tied in an impressive “Gosansei seal”, and the other hand holding a weapon such as a bow and arrow and a spear. However, above all, the greatest feature is that he tramples Shiva and his wife Parvati, who have fallen to the ground with both feet.

Speaking of the Buddha who trampled on someone, each of the four heavenly kings trampled on evil spirits, but Gozansei Myo-o is a Buddha that stands out in that “he defeats and tramples gods, even though he is a pagan.”

In Sanskrit, Gozansei is called Trailokyavijaya (Trailokyavijaya, the victor of the three worlds), and to be exact, it means “the victor who overthrew Shiva, the ruler of the three thousand worlds”.

“Oṃ śumbha niśumbha hūṃ vajra hūṃ phaṭ”


Bonji 梵字 如意輪観音 Cintāmaṇicakra











フリーヒ・hrih ・ 慣用音 きりいく
オン どめい し んだ まに じんば ら うん



Nyoirin Kannon  Cintāmaṇicakra


Nyoirin Kannon

The Sanskrit name is called Cintamani Chakura.
Nyoi means “Nyoi Hoju”, and it has the merit of producing treasures, eating and drinking, and removing illness. Also, the wheel is the “Falun”. Falun is a symbol of truth and Buddhism.

Nyoirin Kannon’s main vow is to save sentient beings in the six realms with the Nyoirin Hoju and Dharma Wheel, and to give them further benefits.
In esoteric Buddhism, a secret method to pray for good health, satisfaction of wishes, etc.

It is enshrined as the principal image of “Nyoirin Kanjizai Bosatsu Recitation”.

hrih hrih idiomatic sound
On Domei Jinbara

The sanmaya shape is a wish-fulfilling jewel
on barada handmade un
On Hadma Sindamani Jibara Un[

Bonji 梵字 大黒天 Daikokuten マハーカーラMahākāla







おん ま ら か きや や そわ か




Daikokuten (same seed as Marishiten)



His Sanskrit name is Mahakala, which means “great darkness”.
In Japan, it is counted as one of the Seven Lucky Gods, and is familiar with the appearance of wearing a hood, carrying a large bag, and holding a mallet in its right hand.

However, he was originally an incarnation of the god Shiva, and in addition to being in charge of battle, he was also the god of the underworld.

In Buddhism, it is enshrined in the kitchen of the temple as a god of good fortune, and it protects the temple so that the monks can do their training without worrying about food and that they have the things they need.

Since Daikokuten was enshrined on the pillar of the food kitchen, the thickest pillar that supports the house and the head of the family came to be called the ‘daikokubashira.’ Generally, as a god of good fortune, we pray for business prosperity.

Onmaraka Kiyaya Sowaka

Bonji 梵字 愛染明王 Aizen Myoo






Aizen Myoo

Aizen Myouou
Aizen Myoo
The Sanskrit name is Ragarazoya (inner sweet child).
Raga means “to be dyed in color” and represents greed, bulkiness, sexual desire, etc., and was translated as “Aizen” in Chinese.
Loving someone is a wonderful thing.
However, if this goes too far, it becomes doting and blind love, which can end up hurting people. This is an annoyance.

But what if we could extend love to more people, to non-human beings, to the whole planet, instead of just to lovers and families? A small love will develop into a dog-like love such as love for humanity and love for the universe, that is, bodhichitta.
will be


Aizen Myo-o gives you the power to sublimate “worldly desires” into “Jyobodaishin.”

Bonji 梵字  准肌観音 Junhada Kannon


なう まく さ た なん さん みゃく さん ぼ だ く ち なん
た にや た おん しゃ れい しゅ れい じゅん でい そわ か


Kannon Mantra
Nau Maku Sato Nan Myaku San Bodaku Chi Nan
Taniyata Onsharei Junde Sowaka

Junfuku means “purity and innocence” in the transcription of the Sanskrit name Chiyundei Ueno, and is a Kannon who walks the path of enlightenment.
It is also known as Junfuku Butsumo and Shichikufuku Butsumo.
Shichigofuku means “infinite”, so she is the mother of many Buddhas. Therefore, there is also a theory that it is not Kannon Bodhisattva. It is also described as Kannon in the sutra.
Inudai Esoteric Buddhism regards it as Junko Nyorai, but in Shingon Esoteric Buddhism it is added to the Six Kannons as one of the Kannons.
It is also enshrined as the principal object of worship for child-seeking and safe childbirth. Originally a goddess of water, her appearance is said to be that of a woman.
In addition, the seed of Kannon in the Taizo Mandala Nakadai Hachiyoin has the v (kai) character of this Junfuku Kannon.

梵字  釈迦如来  Bonji Shaka Nyorai




バハ・bhah ・ 慣用音 ばく

釈迦如来 なう まく さ ま んだ ぼ だ なん ばく


Shaka Nyorai

Kanyorai and
6th century B.C., Gautam Siddhartha, the solution to the sufferings of the world
After six years of asceticism, he finally attained enlightenment under the Bodhi tree and became an ‘Buddha’ (the awakened one).
The Buddha, who founded Buddhism, saved many people in about forty-five years until he died at the age of eight.
and led many of his disciples to Nirvana. And beyond time and space,
As a Buddha, all sentient beings
is being rescued.

Shakyamunigo means a saint from the Shakya tribe, that is, Shakyamuni
will be split.
Shaka Nyorai, who has Monju and Fugen Bodhisattvas as his side attendants, is called Shaka Sanzon.

bhah, idiomatic sound

Shaka Nyorai (Shaka Nyorai)