
如来の当体は仏法 「如来を礼すべし」



如来の当体は仏法 「如来を礼すべし」  The essence of the Tathagata is Buddhism: “You should worship the Tathagata.”



– 如来の当体は仏法であり、「如来を礼すべし」は仏とその法を礼拝するべきという意味。
– 如来の当体は仏法を完全に体得しているため、如来を礼拝することは仏法を通じて真理を理解すること。
– 仏法を知らない者は凡夫であり、修行して仏法を体得しようとする者が修行者。
– 如来を礼拝することは仏陀そのものだけでなく、仏法を通して仏陀を礼拝すること。
– 仏法は真理であり、仏陀は真理の体現者。礼拝を通じて智慧と解脱が得られるとお釈迦さまは教える。
– 「止の瞑想」を通じて如来と仏法を礼拝し、一体となることで智慧と解脱が得られる。
– 仏法の極意は仏の智慧を体得し、因縁を断ち切り滅させること。これらは礼拝と瞑想によって得られる。
– 『有無品・八』では「法宝を礼すべし」があり、「法宝」とは仏の教えだけでなく、成仏法を指すと解釈。
– 空海の『弁顕密二教論』において、三十七菩提分法が法宝であると説かれており、これが礼拝対象。
– お釈迦さまの教えでは、「法宝を礼すべし」は取り入れ、修行を実践することを意味する。
– 「神廟」は祠や仏塔を指し、仏陀の本体や成仏法を礼拝する場。御宝塔が神廟として阿含宗信徒にとって重要。
– 「神」は仏さまの心を指し、神廟は仏さまの本当のお心を祀った場。御宝塔や道場が神廟とされる。
– お釈迦さまは「神廟を礼せよ」と教え、仏法に到達するための二つの方法を説く。現代は神廟を通じて仏法に到達する。
– 「有無品」は後世のために説かれたお経であり、法宝と神廟を礼拝することで力と無畏を得ると説かれている。


The essence of the Tathagata is Buddhism, and “You should worship the Tathagata” means that you should worship the Buddha and his Dharma.
– The entity of the Tathagata has completely mastered the Buddha Dharma, so worshiping the Tathagata means understanding the truth through the Buddha Dharma.
– Those who do not know Buddhism are ordinary people, and those who practice and try to master Buddhism are practitioners.
– Worshiping the Tathagata means not only worshiping the Buddha himself, but also worshiping the Buddha through the Dharma.
– Buddhism is truth, and Buddha is the embodiment of truth. Buddha teaches that wisdom and liberation can be gained through worship.
– By worshiping the Tathagata and Buddhism through “stop meditation” and becoming one with them, you can gain wisdom and liberation.
– The secret of Buddhism is to master the wisdom of the Buddha and sever all ties and destroy them. These can be obtained through worship and meditation.
– In the “Usuhin-Hachi”, there is a phrase, “You should worship the Dharma Treasure,” and “Dharma Treasure” is interpreted to refer not only to the Buddha’s teachings, but also to the Dharma of attaining Buddhahood.
– In Kukai’s “Benken Esoteric Buddhism”, he explains that the 37 Bodhi Dharma is the Dharma Treasure, and this is the object of worship.
– In the Buddha’s teachings, “One should bow to the Dharma treasure” means to take it in and put it into practice.
– “Shinmyo” refers to a shrine or pagoda, and is a place to worship the Buddha’s body and the Dharma of Buddhahood. The Gohoto is important to Agon sect believers as a shrine.
– “Kami” refers to the heart of Buddha, and a shrine is a place where the true heart of Buddha is enshrined. The treasure pagoda and dojo are considered sacred shrines.
– Buddha teaches, “Be respectful to the shrine,” and explains two ways to attain Buddhism. In modern times, we reach Buddhism through shrines.
– “Musuhin” is a sutra preached for posterity, and it is said that one can gain power and fearlessness by worshiping Dharma treasures and shrines.



とは、仏とその法を礼すべしという意味になります。 なぜならば、 如来の当体は仏法だからで す。仏法を完全に体得しているから如来なのです。 仏法をまったく知らなければ凡夫です。 仏法 を体得しようと修行している者が修行者です。 要するに如来を礼拝するとは、仏陀だけを想えと いう意味ではなくて、仏陀のかなたに仏法があると見よ、ということです。 仏陀を礼拝するとい うことは、仏陀そのものだけではなくて、仏陀を通して仏法を礼拝するということにほかなりま せん。 仏法とは、分かりやすくいえば真理です。 仏陀とは真理の体現者です。 要するに、真理の体現者を通じて真理を見ろ、ということです。そのために「止の瞑想」をして、ひたすら如来と その仏法を礼拝して一体となれ、とお釈迦さまは教えておられるわけです。





仏法の極意は二つあります。一つは仏の智慧を体得することで、もう一つは因縁を断ち切り、 因縁を滅させることです。カルマから超越することです。それらは如来を礼拝して瞑想するこ とによって得られます。 如来を通じて、如来の法を得ることにより、智慧と解脱が得られるのだ、 お釈迦さまはおっしゃっているわけです。


「此の二法有り、内に自ら思惟し、専精意を一にして当に法宝を礼すべし。 如来の神廟を礼せ よ」とあります。 「内に自ら思惟し、専精意を一にして」とは、前経と同じく「止の瞑想」を示し ています。 「法宝を礼すべし」の法宝とは「法という宝」のことです。 前経では「仏陀如来を 「礼拝しなさい」 となっておりました。そして『有無品・八』では、「法宝を礼拝しなさい」 とな っています。

わたくしがこの部分を初めて目にした時、直ちに頭に浮かんだのは弘法大師空海の『弁顕密 二教論」です。空海は『弁顕密二教論』、略して『二教論』という有名な書を記しておられま す。これは仏教を顕教と密教の二つに分類し、密教の優位を説いた著作で、真言密教の根本教義 を知る上で非常に重要な論書とされております。 空海は同論下巻で、

「第一法宝即是摩訶般若解脱法身。第二法宝謂戒定智慧諸妙功德。所謂三十七菩提分法。乃至以 修此法而能証彼清浄法身(第一の法宝とは即ち是れ可解なり。第二の法宝とは

の諸の妙功徳なり。いわゆる三十七がなり。乃至、此の法を修するを以て面かも能く彼の清浄 法身を証す)」

と記しておられます。 三十七菩提分法とは、わたくしがお釈迦さまの成仏法だといっている、 七科三十七道品の別名です。それが法宝であると空海はおっしゃっているのです。

わたくしが『有無品」の「法宝を礼すべし」という箇所を読んで、最初に思いだしたのは前述 の文章でした。もちろん『二教論』のその文章だけで、空海が「阿含経」を読んでいたと即断す ることは早計かもしれませんが、少なくとも三十七菩提分法の名前はご存知であり、またそれが 法宝であるとおっしゃっていることは、まぎれもない事実です。それなのにどうして真言宗を立 てて、「阿含経」とその成仏法を立てなかったのか? その点は疑問であり、また、後代のわた くしたちには知る由もありませんが、空海が三十七菩提分法の存在をご存知であったことは、文 献から窺い知れるというわけです。

お経に戻ります。 お釈迦さまは「法宝を礼すべし」とおっしゃっておりますが、まさに空海の 『二教論』にあるように、この法宝とは単に仏の教えを指すのではなく、お釈迦さまの成仏法・ 科三十七道品を示している、とわたくしは解釈しております。お釈迦さまの成仏法を法の宝と して礼拝しなさい、という意味に違いない。礼拝しなさいといっても、単に礼拝せよということ ではなく、 これは、



とあります。 神廟とは祠です。仏教でいう神廟とは仏塔 (仏舎利塔) であります。つまり如来 の本体を祀った仏塔を礼拝せよ、という意味です。

阿含宗の信徒は仏舎利宝珠尊御宝塔(以下、御宝塔)を本尊として、「仏舎利宝珠尊解脱宝生 「行」という因縁解脱行を修行しておりますが、その御宝塔こそが『有無品・八』の神廟にあたる ものです。 御宝塔は御法塔とも書きますが、これがみなさんの神廟です。 また、道場に祀られて いるご本尊さまが神廟です。

神廟の「神」とは、仏さまの心のことです。神さまではなく、精神・神髄の「神」です。 仏さ まの本当のお心をお祀りした祠、これが神廟です。まさに、阿含宗で唱える『仏舎利宝珠尊和 讃』に、

「変化法身仏舎利尊 納め祀れる霊祠なり」

とあるとおりです(「アラディンの魔法のランプ仏舎利宝珠尊和讃』 阿含宗出版部)。わたくした ちにとって如来の神廟とは、御宝塔にほかなりません。

「あなたたちは如来の成仏法・七科三十七道品を敬い、礼拝し、 そしてその修行を実行しなさい。 そして、御宝塔を心から礼拝しなさい」


最初のお経と併せて考えてみると、よく分かってきます。 つまり、仏陀がおられない時は仏陀 を想い、そして仏陀のかなたにある仏法を想うわけです。さらに砕いていえば、「仏陀を想え」 とは、結局、「神廟を礼せよ」ということになります。違いは、神廟を通じて仏法に到達しよう とするか、あるいは仏陀そのものを通じて仏法に到達しようとするか、という点です。

お釈迦さまはここで、仏法に到達する二つの方法を説いていらっしゃるわけです。 仏陀がご存 命でない現代は、当然のことながら、神廟を通じて仏法への到達をめざすことになります。その ような意味で、『有無品』は後世のわたくしたちのために説かれたお経だとわたくしは考えます。



「何が二法なるや。 力有り、無畏有り」

とあるように、二つの法を得ることができます。一つは力で、もう一つは無長です。 力とはな んでしょうか?

成仏するだけの力です。 成仏力です。


一切を畏れない心です。 世の中において、畏れない心ほど強いものはありません。 強いから


-The essence of the Tathagata is Buddhism
“You should worship the Tathagata.”

This means that one should respect the Buddha and his dharma. This is because the essence of the Tathagata is Buddhism. He is a Tathagata because he has completely mastered Buddhism. If you don’t know Buddhism at all, you’re an ordinary person. A person who practices in order to master Buddhism is a practitioner. In short, worshiping the Tathagata does not mean that you should think only of the Buddha, but that you should see beyond the Buddha that there is Buddhism. When he says that he worships the Buddha, he is not only worshiping the Buddha himself, but he is worshiping the Buddha Dharma through the Buddha. To put it simply, Buddhism is truth. Buddha is the embodiment of truth. In short, see the truth through the person who embodies it. For this purpose, the Buddha taught us to practice “stop meditation,” and to worship and become one with the Tathagata and his Buddhism.

As a result, two laws can be obtained.

“First, wisdom, second, extinction.”

As the saying goes, you can gain wisdom and extinction.

Wisdom is the wisdom of Buddha, Miyakusandai. Extended means explanation. Eliminating karma and fate is liberation.

There are two secrets of Buddhism. One is to acquire the wisdom of the Buddha, and the other is to sever ties and destroy them. It is about transcending karma. They are obtained by worshiping and meditating on the Tathagata. The Buddha is saying that by acquiring the Tathagata’s Dharma through the Tathagata, one can gain wisdom and liberation.

In the next “Nothing or No Items Eight,”

It says, “There are these two dharmas, so think within yourself, devote all your concentration, and bow down to the Dharma Treasure. Bow to the shrine of the Tathagata.” “Thinking inwardly and with one mind” refers to “stop meditation,” as in the previous sutra. The Dharma treasure in “You should bow to the Dharma treasure” refers to the “treasure called law.” In the previous sutra, it said, “Worship the Buddha Tathagata.” And in “Jumonin 8,” he says, “Worship the Dharma Treasure.”

When I first saw this section, what immediately came to mind was Kobo Daishi Kukai’s “Benkenmitsu Nikkyoron.” Kukai wrote a famous book called “Benken Esoteric Nikkyo Ron”, or “Nikyoron” for short. This is a work that divides Buddhism into two, Exoteric Buddhism and Esoteric Buddhism, and explains the superiority of Esoteric Buddhism, and is considered an extremely important treatise for understanding the fundamental doctrines of Shingon Esoteric Buddhism. Kukai, in the second volume of the same theory,

“The first Dharma Treasure is the Dharmakaya, the Buddha of liberation. It is understandable. What is the second Dharma Treasure?

There are many wonderful merits. The so-called thirty-seven. By practicing this Dharma, one can prove one’s purity and Dharma body.

He wrote: The Thirty-Seven Bodhisattva Dharma is another name for the Thirty-Seven Paths of the Seven Sciences, which I say is the Buddha’s method of attaining Buddhahood. Kukai said that this is the Dharma Treasure.

The first thing that came to my mind when I read the passage “You should bow down to the Dharma Treasures” in “Jibunin” was the passage mentioned above. Of course, it may be premature for him to immediately conclude that Kukai read the Agon Sutra based on that passage in “Nikyo Ron,” but he at least knows the name of the 37 Bodhi Divination Methods. , and that you say that it is a Dharma treasure is an unmistakable fact. So why did he not establish the Shingon sect and establish the Agon Sutra and its method for attaining Buddhahood? This is a questionable point, and although there is no way for us later generations to know, Kukai taught the Thirty-Seven Bodhisattvas. It can be seen from the literature that he was aware of the existence of the division method.

He returns to the sutra. Buddha said, “One should worship the Dharma Treasure,” but just as in Kukai’s Theory of the Two Teachings, this Dharma Treasure does not simply refer to the Buddha’s teachings, but to Buddha’s Dharma for attaining Buddhahood. My interpretation is that it indicates the 17 Ways of Honor. It must mean that you should worship Buddha’s Dharma of Buddhahood as the treasure of the Dharma. When I say worship, I don’t just mean worship;

“Take it in. Practice it.”

It should be interpreted as

It says. A shrine is a shrine. In Buddhism, a shrine is a stupa (stupa). In other words, it means to worship the stupa that enshrines the body of the Tathagata.

Believers of the Agon sect use the Buddha’s Shari Hojuson Gohoto (hereinafter referred to as Gohoto) as their principal image, and practice the practice of releasing oneself from one’s karma called “Buddha Shari Hojuson Gohosho “Gyo”, but this Gohoto is the “Musuhin Hachi”. ” is his shrine. Gohoto is also written as Gohoto, but this is your shrine. In addition, the principal image of him that is enshrined in the dojo is a shrine.

The “kami” in the shrine is the heart of the Buddha. It is not a god, but a “god” of spirit and essence. This is a shrine that enshrines the true heart of Buddha. This is exactly what is said in “Buddha Shari Hoju Sonwa San” chanted by the Agon sect.

“A spiritual shrine where the changing Dharma body and Buddha’s relics can be enshrined.”

As it is written (“Aladdin’s Magic Lamp Buddha Shari Jewel Sonwasan”, Agonshu Publishing Department).For me, after him, the shrine of the Tathagata is nothing but a treasure pagoda.

“You should respect and worship the Tathagata’s method of attaining Buddhahood, the Seven Courses, and the Thirty-Seven Paths, and carry out the training. Then, worship the Treasure Pagoda with all your heart.”

Buddha is teaching us this.

If you think about it in conjunction with the first sutra, you will understand it better. In other words, when the Buddha is not there, we think of the Buddha, and then we think of the Dharma that lies beyond the Buddha. To break it down further, “remember the Buddha” ultimately means “respect the shrine.” The difference is whether he tries to reach the Buddha Dharma through the shrine, or whether he tries to reach the Buddha Dharma through the Buddha himself.

Here, the Buddha is teaching us two ways to attain Buddhism. In modern times when the Buddha is no longer alive, it is natural that we aim to reach Buddhism through shrines. In his sense, I believe that “Juubin” is a sutra that was preached for us in future generations.

The four fearlessness of the Buddha and the four fearlessness of the Bodhisattva

So, what do we gain by worshiping Dharma treasures and shrines?

“What are the two laws? There is power and there is no fear.”

As the saying goes, you can obtain two methods. One is power and the other is lengthless. What is power?

It is the power to attain Buddhahood. It is the power to attain Buddhahood.

What is fearlessness?

It is a heart that is not afraid of anything. There is nothing stronger in this world than a fearless heart. Because it’s strong

Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis

Buddha 2Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis   sサイト

大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 “Kongokai” expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai


胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai












– 仏舎利は、釈迦仏の遺骨を細かく砕いて作られ、異なる地域の寺院に分布されました。
– 信者は寺院や舎利堂で仏舎利を参拝し、供養を行います。
– 仏舎利は信仰の対象としてだけでなく、仏教の歴史や伝統の一部としても重要視されます。
– 仏舎利は美術的価値もあり、一部は美術品として評価されています。
– 阿含宗では、釈迦仏の聖霊が宿る「真正仏舎利尊」が本尊として崇拝されています。
– 密教では、「変化法身の釈迦」が生身のシャカの本体とされ、三重の釈迦が存在すると説かれています。
– 密教において、「駄都法」と「如意宝珠法」は最奥の秘法とされ、修法において重要な位置を占めています。
– 修法の中で、「如意宝珠立」は本尊を如意宝珠の三昧に引入れて修する法を指します。
– 信者が真正仏舎利を持ち、修法し祈ることで奇蹟的な霊験が生じるとされています。
– 信者は真正仏舎利をいただき、それを本尊にして祈りを捧げることで奇蹟が起きるとされています。

– In Buddhism, sariras refer to the remains and relics of Shakyamuni Buddha, and are of great importance to believers.
– Buddha’s ashes were made by crushing the remains of Buddha Shakyamuni into small pieces and distributed to temples in different regions.
– Believers visit the Buddha’s ashes and make offerings at temples and reliquaries.
– Buddha’s ashes are valued not only as objects of worship but also as part of Buddhist history and tradition.
– Buddha’s ashes also have artistic value, and some are valued as works of art.
– In the Agon sect, the “Genuine Buddha Sharison”, in which the holy spirit of Shakyamuni Buddha dwells, is worshiped as the principal image.
– In esoteric Buddhism, the “Shakyamuni of the changing Dharmakaya” is considered to be the real body of Shaka, and it is said that there are three Buddhas.
– In esoteric Buddhism, “Datoho” and “Nyoi Hojuho” are considered to be the deepest secrets and occupy an important position in training.
– Among the practices, “Nyoihojuri” refers to the method of cultivating the principal image by bringing it into the Samadhi of Nyoihoju.
– It is said that miraculous experiences will occur when believers hold authentic Buddha’s ashes, practice Dharma, and pray.
– It is said that miracles will occur when believers receive authentic Buddha’s ashes and offer prayers using them as their principal image.








Buddhist relics are sacred relics in temples and Buddhist temples of great importance to Buddhists. Butsushari generally refers to the remains or relics of Shakyamuni Buddha, or parts thereof.

After Shakyamuni Buddha passed away, his bones were broken into small pieces and many Buddha ashes were made. These Buddha relics were distributed in different regions and enshrined in many temples to spread the teachings of Buddhism.

Buddha relics are treasured as objects of faith, and Buddhists pay respect to them. In temples and Buddhist temples, special reliquary halls are built to store the relics of the Buddha, and devotees visit and hold memorial services there. In addition, Buddhist relics are sometimes donated or donated to obtain merit in the Buddhist faith.

Buddha’s ashes are considered important not only as a symbol of faith, but also as part of the history and tradition of Buddhism. Some Buddhist relics have historical and artistic value, and are also valued as works of art.

Buddhist reliquary is a sacred existence for believers and is valued as an object of faith. They serve as emotional support for many people as they concretely represent the teachings and values of Buddhism.


The Buddha, which is the absolute object of faith in that sect, is called the ‘honzon’. The principal image of the Agon sect is the “Shinjinshari”, which has been deeply revered by Buddhists since ancient times as a sacred object in which the Holy Spirit of Shakyamuni resides.
In the Agon sect, this is called “Shinsei Bussharison”.
For Buddhists, the Gautama Buddha, which is the sacred bones of Buddha, is the “living Buddha” itself, and is the only and highest principal image of Buddha in Buddhism.
It is not an imaginary or conceptual Buddha, nor a wooden or iconographic Buddha, but the sacred bones of Shakyamuni who actually existed as Buddha, and is the supreme principal image of Buddhism.


密教では、シャカの御遺骨、御遺身を「変化法身の釈迦」といって、生身のシャカ の本体とするのである。 遺骨、御身が生きているシャカの本体なのである。





この名前は、涅槃の智慧を、天(雷) のような法音をもって衆生にさとらせる仏という意味で、つまりシャカの説いた教法を、仏として表現したのである。



第二重のシャカは、胎蔵界マンダラ釈迦院のシャカで、これが、生身のシャカの本体とされる。本尊としてえがかれているのが、如来、如来舌など、生身のシャカの ゆいにつ御遺骨、御身である。

第三重のシャカは、ボードガヤの菩提樹の下でさとりをひらかれ、仏陀になられた説いている教義と関係なく、突然、仏舎利の霊験功徳が飛び出してきたりする。思う に、これは、その霊験功徳の偉大さに感激して思わずそういうかたちでほとばしり出 たものとみてよいのではなかろうか。


経論のほかに、奇蹟的な体験談もかず多く残されている。 それを集めたら、それだ




「宝悉地成仏陀羅尼経』唐・不空訳 (抄)


「あらゆる人々と如来とは、ともに法において平等に法身である。 ところが多く

の衆生は妄執にとらわれて、相依相関に依る縁起の世界を、実存の世界と誤り考えてしまう。そのために、常に、地獄・餓鬼・畜生・阿修羅・・天の六のい ずれかの、貧しく賤しい家に生まれ、法に親しむ善き友には近づかず、真理を説 智慧ある人には親しまず、悪い行いを犯して迷いの世界に漂流し、さとりを得られず、永遠に迷いの世界を脱することができないのである。



これを、法身駄都如意宝珠甘露薬王金剛精進 常住真如宝王太郎という。 末法のこの世界の人々が、仏舎利の一粒を手に入れて信仰し奉持するならば、 その人こそ本当の仏の弟子である。 なぜならば、この舎利は法身釈迦牟尼如来の 常住不変の本体だからである。

そのようにして仏舎利を持し信仰してこの大宝陀羅尼を一心に唱えれば、大 なる智慧を得て、すべてに巧みなる菩薩となることができるであろう。 また、人が、この真言をとなえ、仏性を求めて仏舎利を礼拝すれば、妊戒・盗・大妄語戒を破る四重罪と、五逆罪、仏法を誹謗した越三昧耶の罪な


貧乏や病気に苦しみ、あるいはさまざまな不運不幸に見舞われて、地獄のよう絶望の世界をさまよう者は、前世における悪い行為を懺悔し、仏法僧の三もしも仏舎利を得たら、その浄穢を論ぜず、そのまま一心に礼拝供養せよ。 そして心の底から仏の徳を念じてやまなければ、その身そのままに仏の清浄心を得て、金剛頂に住するであろう。この人を、仏身を持する者、金剛(のさとり)をれである。


持するもの、宝法を持する者というのである。すなわちこの人こそ大菩薩摩訶 なのである。


天界に住む神々と、僧侶、在家の仏教徒は、仏舎利を得たら七つの宝でできて いる瓶に盛り、これを都城の内なる道地において、七宝でできている塔を建立し 仏舎利を供養するならば、生きとし生ける一切衆生に大いなる功徳をもたら し、三界に生存する三有の苦しみを離脱し、涅槃の安楽にいたらせるであろう。 仏舎利を供養するということは、まさに生ける仏を供養することなのである。


利を守護仏とおよびするのである。守護仏とは、仏舎利のことなのである。 それは当然のことで、仏教の始祖たる仏陀シャカこそ、すべての仏教徒の一心の祈 りにこたえて、救いの手をさしのべてくださる守護仏なのである。



さて、わたくしは、さきの章で、密教が、盛大な仏舎利信仰をマンダラにとり入れ たとのべたが、密教が仏舎利信仰をとり入れたのは、マンダラだけではなかったので ある。


「駄都法」 「如意宝珠法」と名づける、密教において最極最奥とされる深秘の法がそ



Mie Buddha.




In esoteric Buddhism, Shaka’s bones and body are called “Shakyamuni’s body of transmutation,” and are regarded as the body of the living Shaka. Remains, you are the body of the living Shaka.

Esoteric Buddhism is the best in articulating and symbolizing the essence of Buddha, and it preaches that there are three types of Shaka. This is called “Mie no Shaka”

The first layer, Shaka, is one of the four Buddhas enshrined in the Womb Realm Mandala Chudai.

It is enshrined under the name Koraionbutsu.


This name means a Buddha who awakens the wisdom of Nirvana to sentient beings with a dharma sound like heaven (thunder), in other words, it expresses the Dharma taught by Shaka as a Buddha.

It is also known as the Buddha of the Self.


The second Shaka is the Shaka of the Womb Realm Mandala Shaka-in Temple, which is considered to be the main body of the Shaka in the flesh. The main object of worship is the remains of a living Shaka, such as Nyorai and Nyoraitongue, which are related to him.

The third-level shaka is enlightened under the bodhi tree of Bodgaya and becomes a Buddha. In my opinion, it is possible to regard this as something that burst out involuntarily in such a way as a result of being deeply moved by the greatness of the miraculous merit.


In addition to his treatises, there are also many accounts of his miraculous experiences. Collect it and that’s it

A large number of books can be completed in just one.

Let’s list one or two representative sutras from among them.


“Treasure of the Land of Buddha Dharani Sutra” Translated by Tang Fuku (excerpt)

At that time, the Buddha said to the great bodhisattvas, such as Kongote Kokuzo, as follows.

“Both all people and Tathagatas are equal Dharma Bodies in the Dharma.

The sentient beings are obsessed with delusions and mistakenly think of the world of dependent origination, which depends on interdependence, as the world of existence. For this reason, one must always be born into a poor and humble family in one of the six realms of Heaven: Hell, Hungry Ghosts, Beasts, Asuras, etc., and stay away from good friends who are familiar with the Dharma, and away from those who preach the truth and are wise. , committing bad deeds and drifting into a world of delusion, unable to attain enlightenment, and forever unable to escape from the world of delusion.

In order to bring these people to enlightenment, I will preach Daihodara.


This is called Hoshindato Nyoi Hoju Honeydew Medicine King Kongo Shojin Joju Shinnyohou Taro. If people in this world of the Latter Day of the Dharma acquire a piece of Buddha’s ashes and believe in it and hold it, that person is a true disciple of the Buddha. This is because this reliquary is the eternal and unchanging body of the Dhamma Shakyamuni Tathagata.

If you hold the sarira in this way, believe in it, and chant this Great Hodharani with all your heart, you will gain great wisdom and become a bodhisattva who is adept at all things. In addition, if a person recites this mantra and worships the Buddha’s ashes in pursuit of the Buddha nature, he will commit the four serious offenses of violating the precepts of pregnancy, theft, and blasphemy, the five treasonous offenses, and the crime of slandering Buddhism.

May all felonies be extinguished, and all good wishes fulfilled.

Those who suffer from poverty and illness, or suffer from various misfortunes, and wander in a hellish world of despair, should repent of their bad deeds in their previous lives, and discuss the purification of the Buddha’s ashes. Instead, let us devote ourselves wholeheartedly to the worship service. And if one does not cease to meditate on the Buddha’s virtue from the bottom of one’s heart, one will acquire the Buddha’s pure mind and live at the top of Vajra. This person is the one who has the body of Buddha, the vajra (no satori).


Those who have it, those who have the treasure law. In other words, this person is the Great Bodhisattva Maka.

“Great Prairie Nirvana Sutra” Translated by Wakana Tang

When the gods, monks, and lay Buddhists who live in the heavens obtain the Buddha’s ashes, they place them in jars made of the Seven Treasures, and build a pagoda made of seven treasures in the inner road of the city to place the Buddha’s ashes. If it is offered, it will bring great merit to all living beings, free them from the suffering of the three beings living in the three worlds, and bring them to the comfort of nirvana. To hold a memorial service for the relics of the Buddha is to hold a memorial service for the living Buddha.

Based on these sutras and the miraculous miracles that I myself have experienced, I am able to

Tori is regarded as a guardian buddha. Guardian Buddha is the relic of Buddha. It is only natural that Buddha Shaka, the founder of Buddhism, is the guardian Buddha who answers the single-minded prayers of all Buddhists and extends a helping hand.

Esoteric Buddhism’s deepest secret method-

– “Datoho” “Nyoihojuho”

Now, in the previous chapter, I said that Esoteric Buddhism incorporated the great worship of Buddhist relics into mandalas.

It was incorporated into the most important rituals of esoteric Buddhism.

The most profound and most secret method of esoteric Buddhism, called “Dadoho” and “Nyoihojuho”

In other words, they adopted the miraculous merits obtained by Indian Buddhists as training.



これを発見して、これを修行し、成仏法として、ほぼ完成した。霊障を発したホ トケを成仏させ得るのは、この「釈尊の成仏法」しかないのである。

もちろん、「如 意宝珠法」自体のなかに、成仏法が入っているが、 霊障まで発しているホトケを完全 成仏させるためには、「釈尊の成仏法」を併修して、万全を期すべきだと考えたので ある。霊障が少しでもあると、福徳宝生の徳は得られず、たとえ得ても、かえって自 分をきずつけることになるからである。

そして、それは、わたくしの考えた通りの結 果を得ることになったのである。


「如意宝珠立」というのである。わたくしが勝手にいっていると思われては困るの で、『密教大辞典』を見ていただこう。こうある。

略して宝珠立ともいう、所修の本尊を如意宝珠の三昧に引入れて修する法を如 意宝珠立の法という。


さて、生身の釈迦如来である真正仏舎利を本尊に、「如意宝珠法」と「成仏法」を 併修する。この法を、わたくしは「守護仏法」と名づけたのである。

なぜかというと、この法こそ、わたくしは、全仏教徒の総守り本尊を生み出す法で あると考えたからである。



われるかもしれない。そうではないのである。 「駄都法」の口伝によると、真正仏舎 利を本尊として、仏舎利をかたどった霊石・霊木に法を修するとき、これら霊石・霊 木は、ただちに真正仏舎利と同等になるのである。(ただし、本尊はかならず真正の 仏舎利でなければならない)

信徒は、ひとりひとり、真正仏舎利をいただいて祈るのである。 本尊・法、ともに 最高のものである。奇蹟が起きてあたりまえ、

「私」がいっさいないからだ。すべて、本尊・法、ともに、仏さまの御意志によ って成ったものだからである。 どこにも、「私」がないのだ。すべて「仏意」によ って成ったのである。

奇蹟ということばを使うならば、まず第一に、阿含宗が真正仏舎利を奉戴すること になったそもそものはじまりから、奇蹟が起きていたのである。

この真正仏舎利は、さきにちょっとのべたように、スリランカ国から拝受したので あるが、これは、わたくしのほうからお願いしたのではないのである。 スリランカ国 のほうから、お申し出があったのである。 最初、わたくしは信じなかった。 いや、信 じられなかった。 一笑にふしたのである。 それまで、わたくしは、スリランカにはいかなる知己もなかったのだ。寝耳に水、 一笑にふした。 しかし、真実と知って呆然と し、次いで、狂喜した。真実と知ってからも、何度か疑った。 どうして、こういうこ とになったのだろうか? ふしぎでふしぎでならなかった。

しばらくして、その事情らしいものを耳にして、なるほどと思った。 くわしくは知 おわらないが、最初、ある思惑を持った大教団が関係し、さいごにその思惑が外れて結 局、阿含宗がいただくことになったということらしいのだ。それを聞いた刹那、 わた くしは、「仏意だ」と感じた。いろいろなことがあったようだが、その経緯に、仏さ まのご意志を感じたのである。 わが教団に真正仏舎利がおまつりされるようにとの すべて仏さまのご配慮であると思った。






Nyoi Hoju Stand

I discovered this, practiced this, and almost completed it as a Buddhist law. It is only this “Shakyamuni Buddha’s law” that can make his toke, who has given off spiritual obstacles, attain Buddhahood.

Of course, the “Nyoi Hojuho” itself contains the method for attaining Buddhahood, but in order to completely attain Buddhahood even for those who are even suffering from spiritual disturbances, it is necessary to take all possible measures by simultaneously practicing the “Shakyamuni Buddha’s method for attaining Buddhahood.” I thought he was. This is because if one has even the slightest psychic disorder, one cannot obtain the virtues of happiness and good fortune, and even if one does, it will only harm oneself.

And it turned out to be exactly what I had envisioned.

How to repair

It is called ‘Nyoi Hojuryu’. I don’t want him to think that I’m saying this on my own, so let’s take a look at the “Esoteric Buddhism Encyclopedia”. There is this.

It is also called Hojuryu for short.

My case is a little different, but there is this way of training in Esoteric Buddhism.

By the way, we will practice “Nyoihojuho” and “Jobutsuho” at the same time, with the true Buddha reliquary, which is the living Shaka Nyorai, as the principal image. I named this law “Protective Buddhism”.

The reason for this is that this is the law that he believes is the one that creates the total guardian deity of all Buddhists.

It is only natural that miraculous miracles will occur when believers pray in front of this treasured pagoda, enshrining the Buddha Sharison, who has become a guardian Buddha, in a treasured pagoda. I wondered if it was strange that there were so many Buddha relics.

Why do miracles keep happening?

may be It is not so. According to oral traditions of the Dadoho, when the Buddha’s reliquary is the principal object of worship and a sacred stone or tree resembling the Buddha’s reliquary is used to perform the ritual, these relic stones or trees will immediately become equivalent to the genuine Buddha’s relic. . (However, the principal image must be a genuine Buddhist reliquary.)

Each believer receives a genuine Buddha relic and prays. Both the honzon and the Dharma are the highest. Miracles happen naturally,

Because there is no “I”. This is because both the principal image and the Dharma were created by the will of the Buddha. There is no “I” anywhere. Everything was created by the “Buddhist intention.”

If we use the word miracle, first of all, miracles have been occurring from the very beginning when the Agon sect came to enshrine genuine Buddha relics.

As I mentioned earlier, he received this genuine Buddha reliquary from Sri Lanka, but I did not ask for it. There was an offer from Sri Lanka. At first I didn’t believe it. I couldn’t believe it. I laughed at it. Until then, I had no acquaintances in Sri Lanka. I fell asleep and burst into laughter. But when he learned the truth, he was stunned, and then he was overjoyed. Even after knowing the truth, I doubted it several times. How did he end up like this?

After a while, I heard something that seemed to be the circumstances, and I thought I see. I don’t know the details, but it seems that at first it was related to a large cult with a certain purpose, but in the end, that purpose was lost, and in the end, the Agon sect was awarded. The moment I heard it, I felt that it was the Buddha’s intention. It seems that many things happened, but in the circumstances, I felt the will of the Buddha. He thought that it was all the consideration of the Buddha to have a genuine Buddha enshrined in our sect.

The second miracle is the teaching of the Nyoihoju method by His High Priest Jishū Oda, mentioned earlier.


What kind of Buddha is the guardian Buddha?


Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis

Buddha 2Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis   sサイト

大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 “Kongokai” expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai


胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai



仏陀と旅人: 悟りの探り  仏舎利尊の宝塔

1. “仏陀と旅人: 悟りの探求”
2. “叡智の道: 仏陀とクンダリニー・ヨーガ”
3. “悟りの旅: 仏陀の教えと心の冒険”





「帰命頂礼仏舎利尊宝生のその力 功徳のほどを伝うべし…」。





「大悲神変妙にして、 化導利生はてしなし…」。







帰命頂礼仏舎利尊宝生のその力 功徳のほどを伝うべし そもそも祀る宝塔は 仏の慈悲のかぎりなく 大悲方便止まずして 末世の衆生救わんと一 舎利をとどめ置き給う 变化法身舍利尊納め祀れる霊祠なり 霊処かずあるその中に 仏舎利尊の宝塔は 法身歇都如意宝珠草

大悲神変妙にして、 化導利生はてしなし 礼拝供養の徳積めば 悪業一切断ち切りて 福徳果報かぎりなし この塔安置のところには 諸難のせまる恐れなく 人みなすべて安穏に 牛馬の末に至るまで 疫病苦厄のうれいなし されば行者は宝塔の 日々の供養を忘るるな 至心に礼拝供養せば、 法身如来あらわれて たとえ瓦石や木ぎれにて、 つくろといえど宝塔の 忽ち変じて七宝の ちりばめ輝くさまとなり、 紫磨黄金の大光明 十方世界を照らすなり、 光の中に声あって。 微妙の法を說き給う 法身如来の声なれば 凡夫の法性たちまちにひらきて悉地を成ずなり 衆生の胸にしみ透る。 声なき声ぞ尊とけれ さてまた過去世に貪りの 罪にむくわれ身にまとう。 衣類さえなき貧しさに なげく貧窮の人にても 至心に宝生いのるなら法身如来たちまちに 三辦宝珠と変化して 宝の雨を降らすなり、

百味の飲食かぎりなし 日々に富貴の身とならんまた業病や難病の 苦患にもだゆる身なりとも至心に礼拝供養せば 重き病いもその日より癒えて天寿を全うす 功徳ほとほとのべがたし。 先づは信心あつくして 供養の徳を積むことぞ とりわけ解脱をねがうべし 人のうらやむ財産も 巨万の富も権勢も。 悪因ひとつあるならば すべて苦の種泣きの種 家系の因縁断ち切りて 先祖の業障除くべし 父母祖父や祖母どちの一

おかせし悪因悪業は 血肉を通して子や孫の 悪しき運命のもととなる れに犯せし罪とがの一覚えもなきに苦しむは 父母先祖の因縁ぞ家系の因縁はどくベー つぎにはわが身の因縁ぞ 因縁悪しき父母や 業障ふかき祖父祖母を 持つは己れが前の世に 犯せし罪の果報ぞや – 先祖うらむな身を悔め わが身の不徳かえりみて 至心に解脫の供養せよ 八十億劫積もり来し 生死輪廻の罪障も。 消えて菩提の道ひらく。 無間地獄中餓鬼地獄 畜生界に生きる身も 大光明を身にうけて 抜苦与楽の門に入る。 三種供養ぞ尊とけれ まず第一は事の供養 身供養とも申すなり 香華燈塗をととのえて 力のかぎり供養せよ 供養の種をまかざれば 福徳宝生のぞみなし

種籾一升まきおけば一 五升や一斗はみのるぞや 種を惜しみてまかずして 米麦とれたるためしなし 功徳の種をまかずして 果報の德は得ぬものぞ まけばまくほどみのるもの骨身惜しまずまくことぞ 解脫宝生ねがうなら 梵行功徳の種をまけ さて第二には行供養 わが身わが子を助けんと 思わば人をまず救え」 これが因果の大法と 釈迦牟尼如来は說きませりわが身わが身といううちは 決して因縁解けぬぞや わが身わが身といい暮らし 因縁積んで今の身ぞ されば行者は徳を積み 力っくして救うべし

舎利供養をなす人は一 十種の功徳身にうけて おのずと人の上に立ち 人を助ける身とならん されどおごるか高ぶるか おごり怒りは百千の 功徳の種を焼くと知れ 下座の精進忘るるな 如来の加持力身にうけて 悩める人を救うべし 苦しむ人の杖となれ 仏舎利供養を弘むべし さて第三に理の供養 生身如来の說きませる。 七科三十七道品 成仏法の尊きを

ひろく世間に伝うべし 聖経の護持宣布をば 理の供養と申すなり 事・行・理の三供養 仏舎利供養の根本ぞ 三種供養を忘るるな 生身如来の說き給う 三福道こそこれなるぞ 法身如来のみもとにて 正法仰ぐ聖衆の


諸仏讃歎あそばさる。 諸天善神より集い 昼夜行者を護るなり 因縁解脱は大悲にて 福德宝生大慈なり

大慈大悲のみほとけの一 变化法身积迦如来

变化法身舍利尊 福徳宝生身にうけて 因縁解脱の道を行く 仏舎利尊ぞありがたし 仏舎利尊ぞ尊とけれ 婦命頂礼 从舍利尊 宝生解脫加持門の 信解のしるべ示さんと のちの世のため人のため つづりてあらあら和讃とす

The power and merit of Kimyō-chorei Butsu-sari-son Hosho should be handed down.In the first place, the treasure pagoda enshrined is the Buddha’s mercy. In the midst of many spiritual places, the pagoda of Buddha’s sarison is the Dharma body and the capital Nyoi Hojugusa.

Great grief is strange, and life is endless.If you accumulate the virtues of worship and memorial services, you will cut off all evil deeds, and there will be no end to good and good deeds.There is no fear of misfortune approaching where this tower is enshrined, and everyone will live in peace. Until the suffering of the plague is over, so the ascetic should not forget to perform the daily memorial service at the pagoda. As the shimmering cloisonné shines, the great light of purple polished gold illuminates the world in ten directions, and there is a voice in the light. The voice of Dharmakaya Tathagata, who teaches the subtle laws, will instantly open up the Dharma of ordinary people, form an entire land, and permeate the hearts of sentient beings. A voice without a voice is precious, but he is also covered in the sin of covetousness in his past life. He grieves at the poverty of not even having clothes.

There is no limit to the variety of foods and drinks, and you will become rich and noble every day. death. First of all, he must be devoted and accumulate the virtues of offerings. If there’s one bad cause, he’s a seed of bitterness.

Evil deeds through blood and flesh become the cause of evil destinies for children and grandchildren.If one suffers without even remembering the sin committed by one, the fate of parents and ancestors, the fate of family lineages, and then my own body. The fate of having bad luck parents and unskilled grandparents is the retribution of the sins you committed in the previous world. The sins of the cycle of life and death that have piled up. Disappear and open the path of Bodhi. Mugen Jigoku Chugaki Jigoku The body that lives in the animal world receives the great light and enters the gate of pain and pleasure. It is said that the three kinds of memorial services are precious, but he is the first one.

If you sow 1 sho of seed rice, you will get 1.5 sho or 1 to. If you want to understand the treasure, sow the seeds of the merits of Brahman practice. As long as I’m telling you, you’ll never be able to solve your fate.

Those who perform relics receive 10 kinds of merit, and naturally stand above others and become a person who helps people. Receiving the blessings of the Ruruna Tathagata, save the afflicted; Seven Departments Thirty-seven Dohins The Preciousness of Buddhism

It should be spread widely to the world The promulgation of the sacred sutra is called the rites of truth. At the presence of Dharmakaya Tathagata

Great vow to save the world

Praise the Buddhas. Gathering from all heavenly good deities, protecting the ascetic day and night, liberation from karma is great compassion, happiness is great compassion

Great Compassion, Great Compassion, One of the Transformations

Thank you to the Buddha Shari Mikoto, who is going on the path of liberation from karma, and he is a sign of faith from Shari Mikoto Hojo liberation Kajimon. For the sake of the world to come


仏舎利宝珠尊和讃の講義をいたします。 和讃には非常にやさしいことばで、教え、 行 の仕方、信仰の心 がまえなどが説かれております。やさしいことばですので、うっか りして、和讃が説いているところの深い意味を汲み取れないでいる 人がいるかもしれません。また、やさしいことばだからということ で、その意味をあまり深く味わおうとしない人も多いかもしれない。
しかし和讃というのは、やさしいことばの山に、たいへん重要な 内容が込められております。毎日読誦するものですから、この講義 で深い意味を知り、読誦するたびにその内容をかみしめて、行の糧
また、もう暗記してしまっているから、と勤 行 のときも口先だ けで和讃を唱えている人もいるかもしれませんが、それでは本当の 勤行にならない。やはり、暗記していても聖典をおしいただきなが ら、その内容を深く心にめぐらせて、読誦しなければいけない。そ れが本当のお経の読み方です。

What is Wasan
bluntly hoju sonwa
I will give a lecture on the Buddhist relics Hojuson Wasan. Wasan preaches teachings, manners of conduct, the mindset of faith, etc. in very easy words. His words are easy to understand, so there may be people who inadvertently follow him and fail to grasp the deep meaning of what Wasan is preaching. Also, because it is a simple word, there may be many people who do not try to deeply appreciate its meaning.
However, Wasan is a mountain of gentle words that contains very important content. Since you will recite every day, you will learn the deep meaning in this lecture, and each time you recite it, you will be able to reflect on what you have read and use it as food for your practice.
It must be kongyō.
Also, there may be people who verbally recite the hymns to him during the religious service, saying that they have already memorized them, but that would not be a true religious service. After all, even if you have memorized the scriptures, you have to read them while listening to the scriptures and let the contents go deep into your heart. That is the true way of reading sutras.


“叡智の交差点: 仏教とヨーガの奥深い結びつき メシアの法 求間持聪明法秘伝   21 The Law of the Messiah: The Secret of the Law of the Law of the Messiah 

1. “仏陀の道: 霊性の旅”
2. “悟りの探求: 旅人の物語”
3. “叡智の交差点: 仏教とヨーガの奥深い結びつき”





**章1: 道の交わり**


**章2: 修行の40年**


**章3: 精通の本質**



















1. “仏陀の成仏法とクンダリニー・ヨーガ: 比較と体得の旅”
2. “仏陀の気道法とクンダリニー・ヨーガ: 共通点と違いを探る”
3. “仏陀の修行法とクンダリニー・ヨーガ: 究極の目的への道”

**第1章: 道の交わり**


**第2章: 修行の40年**


**第3章: 精通の本質**














1. “仏陀の気道法とクンダリニー・ヨーガ: 知るべき共通点と違い”
2. “四十年の修行: 仏陀の気道法を復原し体得した旅”
3. “クンダリニー・ヨーガと仏陀の法: 地球を救済する究極の救世主”

1. 道教の気道の法は、仏陀の気道の法を受け継ぎつつ、道教独自の発展を経ている。
2. 仏陀の成仏法は阿含経に散在しており、クンダリニー・ヨーガと道教の修行法との対照を通じて理解が進む。
3. 三十歳で仏道に志し、四十年かけて仏陀の成仏法をほぼ復原し、体得したと語る。
4. クンダリニー・ヨーガの気道は三本あり、中心のスシュムナー管が重要である。
5. クンダリニーの目覚めによりエネルギーがスシュムナー管を上昇し、ピンガラとイダーの気道も活性化する。
6. ピンガラは太陽の気道とされ、イダーは月の気道として、それぞれ異なるエネルギーを制御する。
7. クンダリニー・ヨーガの過ちによりピンガラを通ってしまうと、修行者は激しい体内熱により危険にさらされる。
8. 仏陀はクンダリニー・ヨーガの不安定さを理由に、弟子たちには使用しなかった。
9. クンダリニー・ヨーガのチャクラ開発法は不安定であり、仏陀は完璧な成仏法を弟子たちに教えた。
10. 仏陀の修行法には、まだ続きがある。









さきにあげたミラクルの池の伝説や、雑阿含経に説かれる仏陀の奇蹟- 上半身か




Of course, not all Taoist airway laws are the same as Buddha’s airway laws.
It was said that he accepted the Buddhist airway law and developed it into something unique to Taoism.
Is. The prototype is in the Buddha, and it can be traced back to the Buddha. and
It also involves Kundalini Yoga at the same time.
It is extremely difficult to know the practice of the Buddhahood Buddhahood. That’s very
It is only scattered in Agama, and it can be said that it is almost impossible.
However, the practice of Kundalini yoga and Taoism is the practice of the Buddha in Agama.

If you practice it in contrast to it, there are things that naturally come to mind as male sins.
To. And as I gained more experience, refined, and practiced, suddenly with a flash of light.
There is something that shows the shape.
I aspired to Buddhism at the age of thirty, and since then I have continued to seek the Buddhahood method of Buddhahood.
Forty years later, I was finally able to recover from this and be convinced that I had mastered it.
And at that moment, I took it. This law is the earth that is about to be destroyed
That it was the ultimate savior’s law to save.

The perfect Buddha airway

By the way, in the previous section, the law of the Buddha’s airway is Kundalini Yoga.
He said that it supplemented the inadequate part of the law.
What does that mean?
There are three airways in Kundalini Yoga.



Top secret breathing method ”


Let’s go

One is the Sushmuner tube and the other two are the Pingala and Eider airways.
The central airway is the Sschmuner’s canal. This is the tail bone, as I mentioned earlier.
It starts from and reaches the medulla oblongata.
When Kundalini awakens with the power of a special idea, the energy is explosive.
Ascend the Sschmuner’s canal to the medulla oblongata. At the same time, Kundalini is Pingala, Ida’s
Ascends the airways and acts as a kundalini energy regulator and other ancillary function.
The pingala on the right side of the spinal cord is called the airway of the sun and is the airway that controls heat.
The ider on the left, called the lunar airway, controls the flow of cold air. If you accidentally pingara
When Kundalini wakes up, he has a tremendous body that is completely out of control from the outside.
In the worst case, the practitioner will literally turn black and burn to death because of the internal heat.
It is said that there is.
Gopi Krishna, the author of Kundalini, is in danger of himself because of this mistake.
It describes the experience of being able to survive the death.
It is this that I conclude that the Buddha is the perfector of Kundalini Yoga.

From the point.
The legend of the miracle pond mentioned earlier and the miracle of the Buddha explained by Samsung-the upper body?
The miracle of putting out fire and water from the lower half of the body is done using this Pingara and Ida.
It is energy radiation. This miracle is unique to the Kundalini Yoga completer
Now, as Kundalini awakens and the energy moves up and down the airway smoothly, Osamu
When the line goes smoothly, the Kundalini reaches the Sahaslara chakra, where the training begins.
Complete. (However, practitioners who can reach this point are rare in ancient times.)
Thus, the kundalini reaches from the caudal bone to the medulla oblongata and then rises further.
And finally, it’s supposed to reach the top of the Sahaslara chakra.
However, it is clear what the route from the medulla oblongata to Sahaslara is.
It is not.
The spinal column runs from the tail bone to the medulla oblongata, so it’s a straight road.
I’m sorry. However, what is the route from the medulla oblongata to Sahaslara?

I did not let the Buddha use Kundalini Yoga earlier for his disciples.
It’s because it’s too radical, but it wasn’t the only thing.
The Kundalini Yoga chakra development method was unstable and uncertain.
The Buddha created the perfect Buddhahood method and taught it to his disciples.
Buddha’s practice is still going on

三百槍の苦   「槍の苦しみと悟りの道」


1. 「槍の苦しみと悟りの道」
2. 「百歳の紳士と仏法の奥義」
3. 「因縁解脱の授業:百年の修行」















仏道修行を進めていく上での心がまえが説かれた、『雑阿含経・百槍経』(以下『百槍経』) 講義いたします。





処鹿野苑中。爾時世尊告諸比丘。 譬 如士夫年寿百歳。有人語言。士夫若 欲聞法。 当日日三時受苦。晨朝時受 百槍苦。日中哺時。 亦復如是。 於一 日中。受三百槍苦。如是日日。至於 百歳。 然後聞法。 得無聞等。 汝寧能 不。 時彼士夫。為聞法故。悉堪能受。 所以者何。 人生於世。 長夜受苦。 有 時地獄。有時畜生。有時餓鬼。 於三

悪道 空受衆苦。 亦不聞法。 是故我 今為無間等故。不以終身受三百槍為 大苦也是故比丘。於四聖諦。 未得 無間等者。当勤方便起増上欲。 学無 間等。仏説此経已。諸比丘聞仏所説。 歡喜奉行



けた法をも聞かざるなり。是故にれ今無間等の しゅうしん 為の故に、終身三百槍を受くるを以て大苦とは為さざ るなり」。是の故に比丘、四聖師に於て、未だ無間等を得ずんば、当に勤め方使して増上欲を起し、無間等を 学すべし」と。仏此の経を説きりたまいに、諸の比 仏の所説を聞きて喜奉行しぬ。このように私は聞きました。 ある時、仏さまがバーラーナシー国の仙人住処鹿野苑にご滞在さ れていた時のことです。 ある日世尊が弟子たちに告げられました。

「たとえば、百歳の紳士がいるとしましょう。 その紳士に、ある人がこういいました。「もしも あなたが仏法を聞きたいならば、毎日三回、大きな苦しみを受けるべきです。その苦しみとは、 朝に百回槍で突かれ、同様に昼も晩も百回ずつ槍で突かれるというもので、そのように一日に合 計三百回も槍で突かれる苦しみを受けて、百歳になった時点で仏法を聴聞して最高の悟りを得る ことができるとしたならば、あなたはその苦を受けることができますか?」と。

するとその紳士は、『仏法を聞くためには、その苦しみを受けることができます。 なぜならば、




人間として生を受けたならば、果てしもなく長い間にわたって苦を受け、ある時は地獄界に、あ る時は畜生界に、ある時は餓鬼界にと三悪道に堕ちて多くの苦しみを受け、さらに仏法を聴聞 することもできないからです。このことから私は、悟りを得るためには、百年の間、毎日、槍で 三百回突かれることなど、大きな苦しみとは思えません』

そのようなわけであるから比丘たちよ、四聖論においてまだ悟りを得ていない者は、あらゆる 方法を駆使して修行に励み、悟りを得ようという向上の欲を起こし、四聖諦の悟りを学びなさ 「い」

仏さまがこの経を説き終わると、仏さまの教えを聞いた弟子たちは心から喜び、修行に励みま した。

このお経は、お釈迦さまが波羅捺国の仙人の住処である鹿野苑にご滞在の時の説法を記したも のです。波羅国とは、当時、中インド・ガンジス河中流にあった、カーシー国の首都バーラー ナシーを漢字に音写したもので、現在のワーラーナシー(ベナレス) 市にあたります。

そのバーラーナシーの郊外に鹿野苑(ワーラーナシー市のサールナート付近)があります。 ここ は鹿が放し飼いにされているので、鹿野苑といわれました。日本でいえば奈良のようなところで

すが、鹿野苑は町外れにあり、いろいろな宗教の聖者や求道者の修行場であり、居住地でありま した。

そのような聖者や修行者を、パーリ語ではイシ、サンスクリット語ではリシといいます。 イシ ないしリシを漢訳経典では仙人と訳しました。 仙人という訳ははたして適切なのかと疑問に思 いますが、昔の中国の概念でいえば、たしかに仙人でしょう。 ほかに表現のしようがなかったの だろうと思います。 要するに、いろいろな宗教の聖者やその弟子たちが、 鹿野苑の中に住み、修 行に励んでいたわけですが、そういう人たちを仙人と訳したわけです。

仙人たちが住んでいた鹿野苑ですから、 仙人住処鹿野苑というわけです。 パーリ語ではイシパ タナミガダーヤといいます。パタナとは住んでいるところという意味です。鹿野苑はパーリ語 でミガダーヤですから、イシバタナ・ミガダーヤを漢訳して仙人住処鹿野苑というわけです。こ ここはお釈迦さまが成道後、五人の比丘に初めて説法をされた初転法輪の地で、仏教四大聖地の一 つに数えられます。



「譬えば士夫の年寿百歳なるが如し。人有り語って言わく、『士夫若し法を聞かんとせば、 当日日三時に苦を受くべし。 朝の時に百槍の苦を受け、日中埔時にも、亦復た是の如く、一 1日の中に於て、三百槍の苦を受け、是の如く日日して、百歳に至り、然して後法を聞きなば、無 間等を得ん、汝寧ろ能うや不や』と」



お経に士夫とありますが、これはしかるべき身分の男性のことですから、現代語に訳せば紳士 です。




「もしもあなたが、因縁解脱が説かれた正しい仏法を聞きたいならば、毎日三回、大きな苦しみ を受けなければ教わることはできないけれども、あなたはそれでも仏法を聞きたいか、といわれ たらどうしますか? その苦しみとは、朝に百回槍で突かれ、同様に昼も晩も百回ずつ突かれる というもので、そのように一日に合計三百回も槍で突かれる苦しみを受けて、百歳になった時点 で初めて仏法を聴聞し、最高の悟りを得ることができるとしたならば、あなたはその苦を受けま すか?」

三百回も槍で突かれるなどということは、実際には不可能です。一度槍で突かれただけで死ん でしまいます。したがってこれは、それほどの苦しみと考えていただけばよいでしょう。

「因縁解脱をするためには、百年の間、毎日毎日、朝、昼、晩の三度にわたって、槍で百回ずつ 突かれるほどの苦しみに遭わなければならない。そういう苦しみに遭わなければ、因縁解脱の法 を教わることができないとしても、あなたは因縁解脱の道を志しますか?」


「法を聞かんが為の故に、 悉く受くるに堪能せり」



「成仏の法を聞くためには、それらの苦しみに遭わなければならないというのならば、私は喜ん その苦しみを受けるでありましょう」

これは、大変な言葉です。 みなさんならば、どうしますか?

「因縁解脱行を一生懸命にやれば、必ず成仏することができる。 その代わり、この行を教わるた めには、朝、昼、晩ごとに各百回、一日に合計三百回も槍で突かれなければならない。それを百 年間続けて、初めてその修行に入れるのだよ」



といいますか? それとも、

「そんなのまっぴらごめんだ。冗談じゃないよ。 槍で突かれるのが一回だとしても、私はごめん こうむります」













「所以は何ん、人の世に生れなば、長夜に苦を受くるに、有る時は地獄、有る時は畜生、有る時 は餓鬼、 三悪道に於て、 空しく衆の苦を受けた法をも聞かざるなり。是の故に我れ今無間等 の為の故に、終身三百槍を受くるを以て大苦とは為さざるなり」


「なぜならば、人間として生を受けたならば、いろいろな苦しみを受けるからです。しかも、そ の苦しみはこの一生だけではなく、永く続いていくものです。ある時は地獄界に堕ち、ある時は 畜生界に堕ち、ある時は餓鬼界に堕ちて、さまざまな苦しみに遭うでしょう。 それらの三悪道に 堕ちたならば、多くの苦しみを受けるだけでなく、仏法を聴聞することもできません。それに比 べれば、悟りを得るために、百年の間、毎日、槍で三百回突かれることなど、私には大きな苦し みとは思えないのです」

人間には来世がなく現世だけで終わるのならば、百年間で突かれるという苦しみを まで、成仏法を習う必要はないでしょう。けれども輪廻転生して、永く地獄、畜生、餓鬼の苦 しみを受けることに比べれば、百年間の苦しみなどなんでもない。永く輪廻転生して苦しむこと を考えれば、ずっと楽です。まさにこの紳士のいうとおりです。

以前に講義した『母乳経』にも、同じようなことが説かれていました(本書二一八二九頁参 照)。お釈迦さまは「母乳経」で、

「おまえたちが輪廻転生を繰り返す間に飲んだ母乳は、恒河と四大海の水量よりも多いのです。 なぜならば、おまえたちは輪廻転生中にある時はゾウとして生まれ、その時飲んだ母乳は極めて 多量です。 また、時にはラクダ・ウマ・ウシ・ロバや種々の禽獣として生まれ、その時飲んだ母 乳の量も極めて多量です。

また、おまえたちは輪廻転生の間に、時には墓場に棄てられて膿や血が多量に流出し、またあ る時には地獄・畜生・餓鬼の三悪に堕ち、髄血が流出することも同様に多量です。 弟子たちよ、 おまえたちは始まりのない昔から生死を繰り返していますが、苦の根本原因を知りません」 と修行者たちに説いておられました。まさに『百槍経』と同じ内容です。

『母乳経』の講義ではお話ししませんでしたが、世間一般の人が『母乳経』などのお経を読んで 疑問に思うのは、


という部分だと思います。 世間一般の人どころか、お坊さんまでもが


-Three Hundred Spears of Pain

Let’s move forward

We will be giving a lecture on the “Za Agon Sutra/Hyakuyari Sutra” (hereinafter referred to as “Hyakuyari Sutra”), which explains what to do before proceeding with Buddhist training.

I don’t like short hair. Temporary residence of the immortals of Buddha and Harakuni

Please listen to me. Temporary residence of Buddha and immortal of Harakokuni

Tamaeri lived inside the deer garden. During the rain, the Blessed One, to all the bhikkhus


Tokisen Moromorobikku

Shokanoen Junior High School. Venerable bhikkhus from now on. Parable Joshifu is 100 years old. Manned language. Shifuwaka Desire Law. On that day, at three o’clock, he suffered. During the Chen Dynasty, he suffered a hundred hardships. During daytime feeding. Please restore it. All day long. He is a 300-year-old man. Day by day. A hundred years old. After that, he became a listener. He is worthless. You Ning Neng Fu. Toki Kanashio. Because of the law. Thoroughly enjoyed. What is the reason? In life. Long night suffering. Hell at times. Time bastard. Hungry ghost. Ozo

Evil path, empty suffering. It is unheard of law. Therefore, I am now, I am, and I am. The great suffering is the late Bhikkhu. The Four Holy Truths. Unearned and unearned. Desire for increased convenience at work. Gakumu et al. This is the Buddhist teaching. Various bhikkhus and Buddhist temples theory. Pleasure magistrate


Damn, sometimes you are a hungry demon, suffering in vain in the three evil ways.

I have no choice but to listen to the rules. For this reason, I will not suffer great hardship by receiving 300 spears for the rest of my life, for the sake of his obedience.” For this reason, Bhikkhus, among the four sages, if you have not yet attained Mugen, etc., you should work diligently, arouse the desire to increase, and study Mugen, etc.’ Even though the Buddha has not finished preaching this sutra, he listens to the teachings of various Buddhists and does not perform joyful practices. This is how I heard it. One day, the Buddha was staying at Dekanoen, the abode of the immortals in the country of Varanasi. One day the Blessed One spoke to his disciples.

“For example, let’s say there is a gentleman who is 100 years old. Someone said to him, “If you want to hear Buddhism, you should undergo great suffering three times every day. He was pierced with a spear 100 times in the morning, and 100 times in the afternoon and at night, and suffered the pain of being pierced with a spear a total of 300 times a day until he was 100 years old. If you are able to attain the highest enlightenment by listening to Buddhism when you reach the age of 10, can you endure that suffering?

Then the gentleman said, “In order to hear Buddhism, you can undergo that suffering. because,





If you are born as a human, you will suffer for an endlessly long time, and at one time you will fall into the three evil paths of hell, hell, beasts, and hungry ghosts, and you will suffer a lot. This is because they are unable to listen to Buddhism and listen to Buddhism. For this reason, I do not think that being pierced with a spear three hundred times every day for a hundred years is a great hardship in order to attain enlightenment.”

Therefore, bhikkhus, those who have not yet attained enlightenment in the Four Noble Truths should use every method available to practice, develop the desire to improve, and study the Four Noble Truths. Nasa “i”

When the Buddha had finished preaching this sutra, the disciples who had heard the Buddha’s teachings were truly happy and devoted themselves to their training.

This sutra is also a sermon written by the Buddha while he was staying at Shikanoen, the abode of immortals in Haraka Province. Harakuni is a kanji transcription of Balanasi, the capital of the Kāshi state, which was located in the middle reaches of the Ganges River in central India at the time, and corresponds to the present-day city of Varanasi (Benares).

On the outskirts of Varanasi is Shikanoen (near Sarnath in Varanasi city). Because there were deer roaming free here, it was called Deer Garden. In Japan, places like Nara

However, Shikanoen was located on the outskirts of town and was a training ground and residence for saints and aspirants of various religions.

Such saints and ascetics are called Ishi in Pali and Rishi in Sanskrit. Ishi or Rishi was translated as sage in the Chinese translation of the scriptures. I’m not sure if the term ‘immortal’ is appropriate, but in terms of the ancient Chinese concept, it would certainly be ‘immortal.’ I don’t think he had any other way to express it. In short, saints of various religions and their disciples lived and practiced in Shikanoen, and these people were translated as hermits.

This is Shikanoen, where the immortals lived, so it is called Shikanoen, the place where the immortals lived. In Pali, it is called Isipa Tanamigadaya. Patana means a place to live. The Pali word for “Shikanoen” is Migadaya, so Ishibatana Migadaya is translated into Chinese as “Shikanoen, the abode of the sage.” This place is the place where the Buddha made his first sermon to the five bhikkhus after attaining enlightenment, and is counted as one of the four sacred sites of Buddhism.

Buddha said to his disciples at Dekaen Garden,

It was explained to me.

“For example, a Shifu’s life is 100 years old.Some people say, “If a Shifu listens to the Dharma, he must suffer suffering at three o’clock on the same day. Then, during the Sino-Pacific period, just like He who was restored, he suffered three hundred spears in one day, and just as He lived day by day, he reached the age of 100 years old, and after that he passed the Dharma. If you listen, you will have no time, and you will not be able to do anything.’

The Buddha told this as a parable.

“Let’s say there’s a gentleman who’s a hundred years old.”

The sutra says “shifu,” and this refers to a man of appropriate status, so if translated into modern language, he would be a gentleman.

“Someone said this to the gentleman.

The gentleman who is in the process of

I answered.

“If you want to hear the correct Buddhist teachings that teach you how to liberate yourself from fate, what would you do if someone told you that you would have to undergo great suffering three times a day in order to be able to learn it?Do you still want to hear the teachings? ?The suffering was that of being pierced with a spear a hundred times in the morning, and likewise a hundred times in the afternoon and at night; If you were to hear Buddhism for the first time at the age of 100 and be able to attain the highest level of enlightenment, would you suffer?

It is practically impossible to be speared three hundred times. Just one hit with a spear will kill you. Therefore, you can think of this as a great pain.

“In order to be liberated from one’s fate, one must suffer so much that one is stabbed with a spear three times a day, morning, noon, and evening, for a hundred years. Even if you cannot learn the law of liberation, would you still aspire to the path of liberation from your relationships?”

How do you answer when asked that question?Katsuni

“Since it is for the sake of listening to the law, I thoroughly enjoy receiving it.”

Translating this into modern language,

It becomes.

“If in order to hear the Dharma of Buddhahood he must undergo such sufferings, then I will gladly let him undergo those sufferings.”

This is a difficult word. What would you all do?

“If you do the practice of liberation from one’s fate with all your might, you will definitely attain Buddhahood.Instead, in order to learn this practice, you must repeat the practice 100 times in the morning, noon, and evening, for a total of 300 times a day. You have to be poked with it. You have to do that for a hundred years, and then you can enter into that training for the first time.”

If that’s the case, what would you do?

“If I can liberate the Buddha’s relics and release the treasure from life, I will gladly be pierced with a spear every day.”

Do you mean? Or,

“I’m completely sorry for that. It’s not a joke. Even if it’s just one spear, I’m sorry he’s going to do this.”

Would you answer that?

Most people probably choose the latter.

But this gentleman

He studies Buddhism.”

“Even if I were to suffer the pain of being pierced with a spear three hundred times every day for a hundred years, I would willingly suffer it.

That’s the answer. Why?

The suffering that persists even in reincarnation

That gentleman is

That’s what I’m saying.

Translated into modern language,

It becomes.


“What is the reason?If you are born in the world of humans, you will suffer during the long night, sometimes in hell, sometimes as an animal, sometimes as a hungry ghost, and in the three evil ways, you will suffer in vain for the people.” I have no choice but to listen to this.For this reason, I am now doing it for the sake of Mugen, so I will not suffer great hardship by receiving 300 spears for the rest of my life.”


“This is because once you are born as a human being, you will undergo various kinds of suffering.Moreover, that suffering will not only last this lifetime, but will continue for a long time. You will fall into the world of beasts, and at some point you will fall into the world of hungry ghosts, where you will suffer all kinds of suffering. If you fall into these three evil paths, you will not only suffer a lot, but you will also not be able to hear the Buddha Dharma. In comparison, being pierced with a spear 300 times every day for 100 years in order to gain enlightenment does not seem like much suffering to me.

If a person has no afterlife and ends up living in this life, there would be no need for him to go through the pain of suffering for a hundred years to learn the method of attaining Buddhahood. However, a hundred years of suffering is nothing compared to being reincarnated and enduring the suffering of hell, beasts, and hungry ghosts. It’s much easier if you think about suffering through reincarnation for a long time. This gentleman is exactly right.

A similar thing was explained in the “Breast Sutra” that I gave a lecture on earlier (see page 21,829 of this book). Buddha is a “breastfeeding sutra,”

“The amount of mother’s milk you drank during your reincarnations is greater than the amount of water in the Everlasting River and the Four Great Oceans. Because when you were in your reincarnations, you were born as elephants, and the amount of mother’s milk you drank at that time was The amount of milk is extremely large. Also, sometimes babies are born as camels, horses, cows, donkeys, and various other animals, and the amount of mother’s milk they drink at that time is also extremely large.

Also, during reincarnation, you are sometimes dumped in graveyards and a large amount of pus and blood flow out, and at other times you fall into the three evils of hell, beasts, and hungry ghosts, and your marrow blood flows out as well. It’s a large amount. “My disciples, you have been living and dying repeatedly since time immemorial, but you do not know the root cause of suffering,” he said to his ascetics. This is exactly the same content as the “Hyakuyari Sutra”.

I didn’t talk about it in the lecture on the “Breast Sutra,” but what the general public has questions about when they read sutras such as the “Breast Sutra.”

“Sometimes we are born as elephants…other times we are born as camels, horses, cows, donkeys, and various other birds and animals.”

I think that’s the part. Not only ordinary people, but even monks