
 縁起流転水想観  Engi-ryu Tensui Sokan





その教えをここに説くならば、形ありとて形にとらわるべからず。縁あってかり に形を生じたものなれば、縁によっては、また、形なき空なるものに変らん。また、


形して無しと思うな、縁によっては、形を生じ相をあらわす。たとえば、かの を見よ。熱するという縁をあたうれば熱湯となり、蒸気となって空にとけこむ。 さむればふたたび水となり、雨となって地に降りそそぐ。寒の縁にあわばかたき 氷となり、つめたき霜の柱となる。 水の自性に変りなく、ただ縁によってかく変化 す。世のことすべてみなこの加し、形あるも無きも本は一体にして、すべて因縁次第なり。人の心の作用の、受も想も行も、識のはたらき、すべてこの理にほかならず。





Engi-ryu Tensui Sokan

It’s mine

Heart Sutra meditation method.


If we are to preach this teaching here, we should not get caught up in the form. If something takes shape because of a relationship, it will also change into a formless emptiness depending on the relationship. Also,


Don’t think that it has no shape; some edges give rise to shape and reveal aspects. For example, see that. If you hit it with a heating edge, it becomes boiling water, which turns into steam and melts into the sky. When it cools down, it becomes water again and falls to the earth as rain. On the edge of the cold, it bubbles and hardens into ice, becoming a column of hardened frost. The nature of water does not change; it only changes depending on its surroundings. Everything in the world is added together, and books, whether they have any form or not, are all one, and everything depends on fate. The actions of a person’s mind, including their thoughts, thoughts, and actions, as well as the functions of their senses, are all based on this principle.

may be surprised, sad, or happy, but there is no human nature in which to be surprised, sad, or happy. According to the law of fate, the relationship has already responded and the relationship moves to reveal the relationship. This is called the principle of emptiness.

(Think of the universe, human relationships, and everything else in accordance with this idea of dependent origin, flow, and water.)

(Illustrated Heart Sutra)

不動明王 破壊と再生を司り、悪を滅する















Buddha Japan journal
Send Japanese Buddhism


“Nirvana aims for wisdom and compassion.”










「ホロン革命』と『密教・超能力の秘密』 “Holon Revolution” and “Secrets of Esoteric Buddhism and Psychic Powers”

その代表として、わたくしは、ぜひとも、大霊覚者ゴータマ・ブッダ、すなわちシャカのお説 きになったところのものを、読んでいただきたいと思うのです」

「わかりました。ぜひ、勉強させていただきましょう。しかし、 そこで、その前におたずねした いのは、いま、宗教ということばが出ましたが、宗教といえば、宗教こそ霊性と最もふかいかか

わりがあるものでしょう。なぜ、この世界にはかぞえきれないほどの宗教がありながら、人類は 霊性を失ってしまったのか、という最も根本的な問題です。 先生のこれまでのご解説は、脳生理 学の面からのもので、それはぼくにもまだよく理解できない点もありますけれども、一応、首肯 できるものでした。人間が霊性を失って唯物的・即物的になってしまったのは、新皮質が間脳の


いうものがありながら、 なぜ、それを抑止することができなかったのか、ということです。いっ たい、これまでの宗教はなにをしていたのですか?」






これまで宗教はなにをしていたのか、というご質問は、まことに痛烈きわまるものですが、そ れは、これまでの宗教のほとんどがみなその方向を誤っていたからです。

というのは、そのほとんどが、新皮質脳に訴えるものばかりだったからです。だから、すこし 皮肉にいえば、逆効果です。 第三の目を閉じ、脳の霊性の場を圧縮する方向に走るものだった




すぐれた宗教の開祖は、みな、高い霊性の輝きをもって、その宗教をひらいたのですが、弟子 たちがみな、それを、新皮質がなっとくする『教え』に変えてしまったのです。すぐれた開祖 は、高い霊性の輝きと霊力を持っていた。それは、すぐれた間脳から発するもので、人間の間脳 を刺激し、霊性の場を開発するものだったのです。ところが、弟子たちは、 それを、新皮質脳に 訴え、新皮質脳に追随する「教え」の宗教に変えてしまったのです。 『力の宗教』を『教えの宗 教』に変えてしまった」

「霊性を開発するためには、教えや理論ではだめなのです。『方法』でなければならぬのです。 いま有る宗教は、ほとんど、教義と理論から成り立っています。 しかし、教義・理論はすべて新 皮質と大脳辺縁系にたいするものばかりです。 間脳を刺激し、霊性の場をひらくためには、それ だけの力を持った『方法』でなければならぬのです。わかりやすくいえば、『技法』 『技術』 でな ければならない。ところが、その技法』 『技術』を持つ宗教を、人類は失ってしまったのです」 「なるほど」




きせつ ゆいいつ

先生のご著書を読んで、存じております。 シャカ直説の唯一の経典ですね?」

そうです。仏教の経典といわれるものはおびただしい数にのぼっておりますが、その中で、ほ んとうにシャカが説いた教えと法をしるしたお経は、阿含経ただ一つなのです。ほかのお経、た とえば有名な法華経、アミダ経などをはじめ、すべてのお経は、みな、シャカの説いた経典では ない。どこのなにものとも知れないひとたちの手になった、よくいえば創作経典、率直にいえば 偽作経典なのです。 シャカがじっさいに説いた経典は、阿含経だけです。

ところが、その阿含経は、これまで、『小乗経典』としていやしめられ、まったく世の中に出 なかった。仏教の世界から抹殺されていたのです。仏教の開祖シャカが説いたただ一つの経典と いう、最も尊ばれなければならないこのお経が、 なぜ、仏教の世界で抹殺されていたのか、まっ たく考えられないことなのですが、日本において、千数百年のあいだ、そうだったのです。 いま でもそうです」

ふしぎですね、ぼくなども、桐山先生のご著書を読んで、シャカの説いた経典が阿含経だけ で、法華経もアミグ経も、その他の経典すべて、シャカの没後、何百年もたってどこのなにもの とも知れぬ人たちの手によって創作されたものだとは、最初、信じられなかった。法華経、アミ 経 その他すべて大乗経典といわれる経典は、みな、シャカの説いたものだとばかり信じてい


びっくりして、信じられなかった。 しかし、知人の知人である東大の仏教学の教授にお会いした とき、おたずねしてみて、その事実であることを知って、二度びっくりしたのです。どうして、 そういうことになったのか、じつにふしぎですね」

「いや、ふしぎではないのです。 わたくしはあたりまえのことだと思っています」


それは、ひと口でいうと、阿含経は、 間脳の経典だからです。新皮質脳指向の人間たちには、 価値がわからないのです」


「阿含経には、新皮質系にたいする「教え」と、 間脳の霊性の場を開発するための『方法』と、 この二つが説かれています。ところが、シャカの没後、新皮質脳指向の弟子たちには、 間脳開発 『方法』は理解できない。その価値もわからない。 そこで、阿含経を小乗経典とけなしつけて、 『教え』のほうだけとり上げ、これをさらに延長させて、あたらしいお経をどんどんつくってい った。 それが、法華経その他の大乗経典とよばれるお経群なのです。これらのお経は、新皮質脳 型のひとたちにはよくわかるし、なるほどと思われる。そこで、これらのお経が、多くのひとた ちの信仰の中心となり、阿含経はまったくだれにもかえりみられなくなってしまったのです」

ふうむ、なるほど、そうですか。 それで、阿含経にしるされている間脳開発の『方法』とは、 どういうものなのですか?」





「阿含経にしるされている『七三十七道品』あるいは『三十七菩提分法』とよばれるものが、 それです。 これは、阿含経以外には、他のどんなお経にもしるされていない、七科目三十七種類 の修行法です」


そうです。ヒトが霊性を開発して高い霊能力を身につけ、ブッダ、ホトケとよばれる超人にな る七つのシステム・三十七種類のカリキュラムです」


あります。現実に、シャカ自身がブッダになり、その方法を弟子たちに教えた。それが、この七 科三十七道品です。 だから、これこそがほんとうのシャカの仏教であり仏法である、ということ なのです。いや、これだけが、です。これだけが、ほんとうのシャカの仏教であり仏法なのです」


「いま、ぼくは思うんですが、 ケストラーは、先生と対談していたら、自殺しなかっただろう、 ということです。かれの自殺の原因がなんであったか、ぼくは知りませんが、かれの理論は絶望 的で救いがない。先生の理論には救いがある。 もちろん、救いのための、救いの理論ではない、 それが真実なんだということでしょうが、 ケストラーのように、自分の脳に設計ミスがあると考 えるのでは、絶望以外、ないでしょう。 かれが生きていて、先生の理論を容認するかどうかはベ つとして、そういう意味からでも、かれと先生との対談企画がおくれたのは残念です」


「かれほどのすぐれた頭脳が、いま失われたことは、人類にとって大きな損失であったと思いま す。わたくしも、かれと対談していたら、かならず得るものがあったと思います。さきほどK先 生がおっしゃったように、容認されるよりも反対されて、大いに激論をたたかわしてみたかった と思います。そのほうが、おたがいにとって有益だったでしょう。それがまた、かれの自殺を抑 止するひとつの転機になっていたかも知れない。しかし、すべて、かれの宿命だったのでしょ う。心から、ケストラー氏のご冥福をおいのりしたいと思います」




わたくしもこれを機に、すこし勉強したいと思います。 ご指示いただきたいと思います」

まず、さきほども申しました大霊覚者シャカが説いた、阿含経をお読みください。 偽造された お経ではない、ほんとうにシャカの説いたお経、阿含経です。 そこでシャカが、霊的世界につい どのように説いておられるか、それを勉強してください。 それを読まなければ、他のお経をど んなに深く勉強しても、どんなにたくさん読んでも、ほんとうの仏教にふれたということにはな らないのです」


As a representative of this, I would like you to read the teachings of the great spiritual enlightener Gautama Buddha, or Shaka.

“Okay, I’d love to study with you. But before that, I asked him what he wanted to know. The word religion has just come up, but when it comes to religion, does it mean spirituality?” The thickest

I guess it makes sense. The most fundamental question is why, even though there are countless religions in this world, humanity has lost its spirituality. The professor’s explanations so far have been from the perspective of brain physiology, and although there are some points that I still don’t fully understand, I can at least agree with them. The reason humans have lost their spirituality and become materialistic and materialistic is because the neocortex is a part of the diencephalon.

I understand the theory that it’s because the spiritual part has been compressed. However, religion and

The question is, even though there is such a thing, why was it not possible to suppress it? What did he do in his previous religion?”

I nodded.

The Mahayana scriptures are the scriptures of the neocortical brain.
Agon Sutra is the scripture of diencephalon development

The question, “What have religions been doing up until now?” is a very poignant question, because most of the religions up until now have been heading in the wrong direction.

This is because most of them appealed to the neocortical brain. So, to be a little cynical, it has the opposite effect. It was like closing my third eye and compressing the spiritual field in my brain.

That’s why.

“What do you mean?”

“is that so”

The founders of great religions all opened their religions with a high degree of spiritual brilliance, but all of their disciples transformed them into “teachings” that the neocortex was sensitive to. . The outstanding founder possessed a high level of spiritual brilliance and spiritual power. It emanates from the superior diencephalon, stimulates the human diencephalon, and develops a spiritual field. However, his disciples turned this into a religion of “teachings” that appealed to the neocortical brain and followed the neocortical brain. The “religion of power” has been transformed into a “religion of teachings.”
“In order to develop spirituality, teachings and theories are not enough. It has to be a method. Most of the religions that exist today are made up of doctrines and theories. However, doctrines and theories are All of them are related to the neocortex and limbic system. In order to stimulate the diencephalon and open up a spiritual field, it must be a “method” that has that much power. In other words, it has to be “techniques” and “techniques.” However, humanity has lost the religion that possesses those techniques.” “I see.”

“Even Shaka’s Buddhism, the greatest religion, was like that.”


That is right. You know the sutra called Agonkyo, right?”

Kisetsu Yuiichi

I know this after reading your book. Isn’t this the only scripture directly written by Shaka?”

that’s right. There are a large number of Buddhist scriptures, but the Agon Sutra is the only sutra that records the teachings and laws that Shaka really taught. All the other sutras, including his famous Lotus Sutra and Amida Sutra, are not the sutras that Shaka preached. To put it bluntly, it is a fabricated scripture, or to be frank, a fake scripture, created by some unknown person. The only sutra that Shaka actually preached was the Agon Sutra.

However, until now, the Agon Sutra had been dismissed as the “Hinayana Sutra,” and had never been released into the world. It had been erased from the Buddhist world. He cannot think of why this sutra, which he says is the only sutra preached by Shaka, the founder of Buddhism, and which must be most respected, has been erased from the Buddhist world. This has been the case in Japan for over a thousand years. Now he is but.”

It’s strange. After reading Dr. Kiriyama’s book, I realized that the only sutra preached by Shaka was the Agon Sutra, and that the Lotus Sutra, the Amigu Sutra, and all the other sutras were all made up of hundreds of years after Shaka’s death. At first, I couldn’t believe that it had been created by people I didn’t even know. The Lotus Sutra, Ami Sutra, and all other sutras called Mahayana sutras are all believed to have been preached by Shaka.

Ta. Yes, that’s what I heard from the monks. So when I read your book,

I was shocked and couldn’t believe it. However, when he met an acquaintance of his, a professor of Buddhism at the University of Tokyo, he asked him about it and was surprised to learn that this was true. It’s really strange how that happened.”

“No, it’s not strange. I think it’s normal.”

“Huh, why?”

Simply put, the Agon Sutra is a scripture of the diencephalon. Neocortical brain-oriented people don’t understand the value.”

Hmm, please be a little more specific.”

“The Agon Sutra describes two things: “teachings” for the neocortical system and “methods” for developing the spiritual field of the diencephalon. However, after Shaka’s death, his neocortex-oriented disciples were unable to understand the “method” of developing the diencephalon. I don’t know the value either. Therefore, they dismissed the Agon Sutra as a Hinayana sutra, picked up only the “teachings,” and continued to extend this, creating new sutras. These are the Lotus Sutra and other sutras called the Mahayana sutras. These sutras are easy to understand and seem to make sense to people with neocortical brain types. Therefore, these sutras became the center of faith for many people, and Agon Sutra was no longer seen by anyone.

Hmm, I see, is that so? So, what is the “method” for brain development written in the Agon Sutra?

Seven systems that open up a spiritual field in the diencephalon
Thirty-seven curriculums

“This is what is written in the Agon Sutra, which is called the “737 Dōhon” or the “37 Bodhi Dharma.” It is written in no other sutra other than the Agon Sutra. There are 37 types of training methods in 7 subjects that have not been taught yet.

“Isn’t this the ‘method of attaining Buddhahood’ that you talk about in your book?”

that’s right. It is a curriculum of seven systems and 37 types by which humans can develop their spirituality, acquire high spiritual abilities, and become superhuman beings known as Buddhas and Hotokes.

Isn’t there such a wonderful method?”

there is. In reality, Shaka himself became a Buddha and taught his disciples how to do so. These are the seven disciplines and thirty-seven practices. Therefore, this is the true Buddhism and Dharma of Shaka. No, that’s all. This is the only true Shaka Buddhism and Buddhism.”

Mr. K nodded loudly.

“I think now that Koestler would not have committed suicide if he had talked to him.”I don’t know what caused him to commit suicide, but his theory is… It’s hopeless and there’s no salvation. There is salvation in your theory. Of course, it’s not a theory for salvation, it’s the truth, but like Koestler, there are design mistakes in your brain. If you think that there is, you will only despair.It is not a matter of whether or not he is alive and accepts your theory, but even from that point of view, I am sorry for the delay in planning a dialogue between him and you. It’s a shame.”

I nodded and said.

“I believe that the loss of such a brilliant mind was a great loss for humanity.I am sure that I would have gained something by having a conversation with him.Mr. K. As he said, I think he would have liked to have had a much more heated argument, being opposed rather than being accepted. That would have been more beneficial to both of them. It also may have deterred him from committing suicide. It may have been a turning point in his life.However, it was all part of his destiny.I would like to pray for Mr. Koestler’s soul from the bottom of my heart.”

Mr. K nodded loudly and then said.

“got it”

I nodded.

I would also like to take this opportunity to learn a little bit. I would like your instructions.”

First, please read the Agon Sutra, which was preached by Shaka, the great spiritual enlightener I mentioned earlier. This is not his forged sutra, but the Agon Sutra, which was really preached by Shaka. So study Shaka and see how he preaches about the spiritual world. If you don’t read it, no matter how deeply you study other sutras, no matter how much you read, you won’t be able to experience true Buddhism.”

Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis

Anyone who has four steps leading to liberation will be Buddha 解脱に至る四つの階梯 人は誰でもBuddha成る


































【三善根】さんぜんごん 無貪善根・無限善根・無療善根の三根。一切の善法がこの三つから生まれるからである。それらは具体的には施・慈・慧となって現われる。三毒の対。













































It’s like listening. Temporarily in the Buddhist temple of Gion, a lonely garden
Shiki. At the time of the earthquake, he told Abashi, “Sanzen (Sanzen)
There is a fortune, and there is no need for exhaustion, and eventually to the world of the Nirvana.
What do you do three times? Seek merit in the so-called Nyorai place. This
I’m sorry that the good roots of the Seek merit in the law. this
I’m sorry that my good roots are exhausted. Seek merit in the saints. This good
I’m sorry for being exhausted. I’m sorry, this Sanzen root can run out
No, it is a so-called growl that it reaches the Nirvana world. Because of that
Difficult, in search of expedient, get this inexhaustible fortune
Then. Asaku, it’s hard to make a study of this.” When
Asa, do not delight in hearing the Buddhist opinion.
I heard this. This is when the Buddha is staying at Gion Seisha in Korsala. One day, Seson told Abashi this way.
“There is a Sanzen root (Mifukudo), but its merit is endless and it can reach the Nirvana world.
It is something. What are the three good roots (fortunes)? (First) in so-called Nyorai
The merit of this good root (fortune) that seeds merit is endless. (Secondly) seeding merit in the law,
The merit of this good root (fortune) is infinite. (Thirdly) This good root (fortune) merit that seeds merit in the saints
Is infinite. Asan, the merit of this Mizen (Mifukudo) is endless, and you can enter the world of Nirvana.
is. Therefore, Osamu, practice Sanzen (Mifukudo) and obtain this infinite blessing. in this way
Abashi, learn this Sanzen root (Sanpukudo).”
After receiving this teaching, Asa was delighted and devoted himself to training.

Sanzen is called Mifukudo. To explain this

I will.

When you draw “Sanzen” in “Buddhist Dictionary” (Gen Nakamura, Tokyo Book),

[Sanzen roots] Sanzengo: Sangen, which is rootless, rootless, and nonsensical. Are all good laws these three?

Because they are born from Specifically, they appear as an offering, charity, and love. A pair of three poisons.

Is written. However, the content of Mizenne, which is explained in this “Three memorial products,” is completely different.

I will. Nevertheless, I thought that teaching it to the disciples under the name Mizen was a source of great misunderstanding.

So how should this practice be called?

In the sutra,

“Catch this inexhaustible fortune”

As you can see, this practice method is three ways to get inexhaustible fortune. Therefore, I named it “Mifukudo”. If this name is used, it is confused with the three good roots of unscrupulous roots, unemployed good roots, and uncurated good roots

It is not.

I read Mizen roots by changing them to “Mifukudo.”

Now, if you read the sutras on the right, you need Sanzen (Mifukudo) to reach Nirvana.

You can see that Buddha is preaching this.

What is Nirvana?

It is usually used to mean the border of Nirvana or the border (though this has a different meaning in the Nihonkei, it will be described later). As I touched on “The Five Commandments” (see page 37 of this book), Nirvana in Sanskrit is called Nirvana, but it is a border beyond life and death, a state of complete liberation. Full commentary is a state where you are completely free from work and affiliation.

We are a lump of work and fate. I am continuing to reincarnate due to my work and my relationship. Reincarnation is a life-and-death transition that is endlessly repeated. It is called reincarnation because it repeats life and death as if the wheels of a car were turning continuously. It is also called life-and-death flow or live-flow transfer. If it is a straight line, you will eventually reach the end point. However, the circle has no end. There is no end point. It’s infinite because it rotates. However, life and death are repeated.

If you say so,

“Isn’t it okay to go around without a doubt? I think we can be reborn into various things and enjoy various lives. Becoming a man, a woman, or becoming great

Moreover, it’s rather fun because you can enjoy various lives.” Some people find it more enjoyable to reincarnate, rather than a one-time life.

However, reincarnation is never fun. It’s rather painful. Since reincarnation is a pain, Buddha practiced hoping to get out of reincarnation.

Why is Buddha explained that reincarnation is a pain?

To understand it, we first need to know the Buddhist view of life.

In Buddhism, we first see that life is suffering. Think of life as suffering. I also agree with that. Certainly there is fun in life. However, if you try to offset the pain and the comfort that you experience in your life one by one, you will have more suffering. Isn’t it sometimes that there is joy in the suffering of?

Moreover, that joy often causes the next suffering.

In Buddhism, there are many questions about the people of Russia. Four sufferings are the basic sufferings of humans. In addition, there are four sufferings associated with the four sufferings. This is called the 8th pain together with the first 4th pain. Usually, they are collectively referred to as hardships.

It is important as a basic tenet of Buddhism, so let’s review it again.

First of all, the four pains are the pains of life, old age, illness, and death. This is the basic human suffering. Furthermore, the suffering that comes with the four pains comes out. There are four types: Aibetsu separation, grudge hate, unwillingness, and Goinen. Collectively, these sufferings are referred to as struggles. In this way, humans are really a painful mass.

The first of the four pains is raw pain. As you can see by looking back at your life, living is a pain. Being born is a pain. Some things are fun just because we are alive, but that fun becomes a pain in the next moment. Therefore, life can only be said to be suffering.

The second is the suffering of old people. As long as we are alive, we all get older. Be sure to get old. Again, this is not fun. There will be joy only for old people. However, as you get older, your physical strength, energy, and intellect will decline, so “old” is by no means pleasant.

When I wake up in the morning and look in the mirror to shave,

“Oh, I’m old”

I often feel that. Even if you’re young, you can’t exert yourself as strong as when you were young. Old suffering is something everyone enjoys.

The third is illness. As long as you are alive, you may get sick. No one thinks that illness is fun. Some can be gained by illness, but relative illness is painful.

Fourth is the suffering of death. All human beings will die. Unless you are an enlightened person, death is lonely, painful, and painful.

The above is four pains. Adding to these four pains, Aibetsu separation, grudge hate, unsuccessful suffering, and five indulgence, it becomes eight pains.

Love separation is the suffering that you have to separate from what you love. No matter how much you love each other, or couples, parents, children, siblings, or friends, you must someday separate them. There are goodbyes and deaths. In any case, separating yourself from your loved one is really painful and painful, but it is unavoidable.

And it’s not just about relationships. What we love is not necessarily human. For example, some people really love money.

“Oh, my money is my lover. I don’t need anything else.”

Others love their position. I love the post of the Prime Minister, president of the company, and executives.

But whether it’s money or status, there will always be a time when we have to get away with them. How much,

“I refuse!”

When I screamed, it didn’t happen.

The next grudge hate is suffering that you have to meet with a person who is grinning or hating, but this is also the pain that is as good as the love separation.

“If you don’t like that hate or grudge, you should meet up.” Maybe it’s like that, but because I’m unable to leave because of my relationship, it’s very painful.

It is. One of them is the “cause of marital relationship disorder”. Even if you first love each other and get married, if there is a “cause of marital relationship disorder” that causes grudge hatred, the couple will hate each other. Well

He hates each other like his parents, and fights from morning till night.

“If so, why not break up?”

The theory is correct. However, I can’t say goodbye. Due to various relationships, financial reasons, and various other reasons, I cannot divorce. This is the dreadful part of the connection. I have no choice but to put up with it, but I can’t stand it and I have to fight every day.



 だれでも、解説に至るためには、この四つの段階を経なければならない。そ してこの四つの階梯を、すぐれた聖師にしたがって歩んでいくならば、だれでも 解脱に到達できるのである。もちろん、あなたにしてもそのとおりだ。



一、srota apanna 須陀オン

二、sakrd agamin        斯陀含

三、anaga msn    阿那含

四、arhat      阿羅漢     B uddha  仏陀




須陀逼 -きよめられた聖者














 大脳辺繰糸と新皮質脳を殺さなければ、間脳は作動せず、第三の目は開かな いのである。

 ただし、誤解してはいけない。大脳辺緑系・新皮質脳を殺すということは、 究極において、大脳辺緑系、ことに新皮質脳を生かすということなのである。新 皮質脳は「創造の座」であるといわれる。しかし、ほんとうの創造の座は間脳に あるのである。間脳はこれまでくり返し説いてきたように、霊性の場であり、

霊 感の座なのである。ここが開発されることにより、ほんとうのインスピ レーションが発生するのである。

 ただし、間脳を開発するためには、しばらくの間、大脳辺縁系と新皮質脳を 閉ざさなければならないのである。間脳が開発されたとき、新皮質脳は新しく よみがえる。新しくよみがえった新皮質脳こそ、霊性を基盤とした超人的なイ ンスピレーションと創造力を持つ頭脳となるのである。






 釈尊が残した霊性完成の修行法がそれである。これを、わたくしは、「成仏 法」とよんでいる。成仏とは霊性を完成したことをいい、それを成就した人を


 くわしくは、『輪廻転生瞑想法』でのべたとおりであるが、それは七つのシ ステムと三十七種のカリキュラムから成る成仏のための方法と体系である。これ を、阿合経では「七科三十七道品」あるいは「三十七菩提分法」とよぷのであ る。この二つの名称は、わたくしが勝手につけたのではない。古来からの仏教用 語である。

 わたくしが、阿含経以外のお経―-法華経、阿弥陀経をはじめすべてのお経 をいささか激しい表現で批判するのは、阿含経以外のお経には、どの経典に

も、この成仏法がないからである。釈尊がじっさい説かれたのは阿合経だけで あるという歴史的な事実のほかに、阿含経以外には、この「成仏法」がないか ら、わたくしはそういうのである。「成仏法」のない経典など、わたくしは真実 の仏教経典と認めることはできないのである。もちろん、それなりの存在意義 なり存在価値はあろうが、本流ではない。傍流というべきである。このことに 関しては、わたくしの他の著書を読んでいただきたい。




四念住法トト身念仕法 受念住法 心念仕法 法念仕法

四正断法-断断法 修断法 随護断法 律儀断法

四神足法-欲神足法 勤神足法 心神足法 観神足法

五根法-信根法 精進根法 念根法 定根法 慧根法

五力法11信力法 精進力法 念力法 定力法 慧力法

七覚支法トト択法覚支法 精進覚文法 喜覚文法

      定覚文法 念覚支法

軽安覚文法 捨覚文法

八正道法-‐‐正見法 正思惟法 正語法 正業法 正命法 正精進法  正念法 正定法










 神足とは、神通力(超能力)のことで、この四神足法は、超自然の神通力を得 るための四種の修行法である。前にのべたわたくしの練行tapasはこれに属する ものである。

 この七つの科目のうち、練行tapasを中心に、瞑想と実践の科目をとり入れて 修行するのである。どの科目をどうとり入れて、どのように訓練するかは、

聖師が決定ずる。修行者それぞれ、みな素質と因縁がちがうので、それを見 て、グルが決めるのである。




まず、間違いなく霊性を開顕したグルを見つけて、そのグルに受け入れても らうことである。それができたら、この修行は八分どおり成功したといっていい くらいである。それくらい重要なことであり、かつ、むずかしいということで ある。

 グルなくして、正しい霊性開顕の仏道修行は不可能である。ふつうの仏教信 心とはちがうのである。信心のしかたや、信仰のしかた、経典の講義や解釈を教 わるという程度のものならばとにかく、霊性開顕の仏道修行は、強力な霊的能力 を持つグルの助けなくしては、絶対といっていいほど、できないのである。

 たとえば、インド近代の聖者ラーマナーマハリシが、入門者に対して、「凝視 の方法」で受け入れの儀式をおこなったとき、彼の両眼の輝きと力が相手の心 をつらぬいて、その雑念の流れを断ち切ってしまったといわれる。ときとして は、まるで電流が身の内に流れ込んだように相手は感じたともれる。

Four steps leading to liberation

Now, I’m saying, “Four steps leading to liberation.”

Everyone needs to go through these four steps to get to the explanation. And if we follow these four steps according to a good saint, anyone can reach liberation. Of course, you’re right.

Then, let’s talk about these four steps.

What are the four ladders?

One, Srota apanna Suda on

Second, sakrd agamin included

Three, anana msn including Ana

Four, arhat Arhan Buddha Buddha


To explain,

Suda逼-Cleaned Saint

The saints who are included in the station

Saints who leapt to the big dimension)

Arakhan: transcends the human dimension) and the completed saint, “Buddha”.

Then, how do the practitioners walk on these four steps?

That’s how the Buddhist curriculum of Nanashina Thirty-Seven Dojo is.
A “cleansed saint” must be cleansed not only internally as it is now, but also externally.
What that means is that you must also remove your own “spiritual injuries”.
Spiritual injuries are hot stones of imperfect Buddhist spirits/disorders related to oneself. You have to get rid of all this.

If you have the improper Buddhist spirits and spiritual disabilities that are related to you, you will not be able to escape the effects of their devious personality and thoughts. What is even more frightening is that there is a strong possibility that these unfortunate beings will “repeat the fate” of the fate that they followed.

The “repeat of destiny” is nothing but the repetition of karma. This is the best
Is also scary. This is not limited to practitioners, but in the lives of ordinary people, there are many cases in which the life of a spiritually distressed Hotoke who has lived a tragic life is overturned.

Training to kill the limbic and neocortical brains

It is a practice to kill the cerebral limb and the neocortical brain in a bit.

If you do not kill the cerebral limb and the neocortical brain, the diencephalon will not work and the third eye will not open.

However, don’t get me wrong. The killing of the cerebral meridian/neocortical brain is, in the ultimate sense, the utilization of the cerebral meridian, especially the neocortical brain. The new cortical brain is said to be the “creation seat.” However, the real place of creation lies in the diencephalon. The diencephalon is a place of spirituality, as I have repeatedly explained,

It is an inspirational seat. When this is developed, it really brings inspiration.

However, in order to develop the diencephalon, it is necessary to close the limbic system and the neocortical brain for a while. When the diencephalon is developed, the neocortical brain is reborn. The newly raised neocortical brain will be the brain with superhuman inspiration and creativity based on spirituality.

Then what kind of training is it?

Method and system of spiritual completion

That is the practice method of complete spirituality left by Buddha. This is what I call the “seibutsu”. Seibutsu means that the spirituality has been completed.

It is called “Buddha”. That is why I call that method “seibutsu”.

In more detail, as mentioned in “Reincarnation Meditation Method”, it is a method and system for Buddhism that consists of seven systems and thirty-seven curricula. This is referred to as “Nanashina Thirty-Seven Dojo” or “Thirty-seven Bodhi-hobu” in Ai Sutra. These two names were not my own choice. It has been used for Buddhism since ancient times.

I suspect that all sutras, including Hokkei and Amitabha, are criticized with a bit of fierce expression except for Sutras.

This is because there is no law of this French. In addition to the historical fact that Buddha was the only one who was told that it was only Ai Sutra, I think that there is this “seibutsu” other than Akon Sutra. I can’t admit that it is a true Buddhist scripture, such as a scripture without a “seibutsu”. Of course, there is a certain sense of existence and value, but it is not the mainstream. It should be called a sidestream. Regarding this, please read my other books.

The seventy-seven departments dojo is as follows.

Four Nemitsu Law, Toto, Mind Law, Mind Law, Mind Law

Four Positive Laws-Official Laws, Restorative Laws, Sustainable Laws, Laws of Law

The Four Gods Law-The Greeds God Law

Gone method-Shinne method, devoted root method, Nemone method, fixed root method, Keine method

Five-power method, 11-credit method, vegetative method, psychokinetic method, constant-power method, and vigorous method

Seven sense support method Toto choice support method

Quorum grammar, happostyle

Karuyasu grammar, Naruto grammar

Hachishodo—Masami-ho, Seiseki-ho, Orthodox-hoshoku, Seimei-ho, Shoshin-ho, Hoshin-ho

That is all.

This seven subject, thirty-seven curriculum,


Second, practice

The four-nine living method and the five root method are meditations.

The four positive cut method, the five force method, the seven sense grammar, and the eight positive method are practice and meditation.

The Shikamizoku method is a special training taPas.

God is the power of supernatural powers (supernatural powers), and the four types of training are the four methods of training to obtain supernatural powers of supernatural nature. The sticky tapes practiced in the previous section belongs to this category.

Among these seven subjects, we will focus on training tapas and practice meditation and practice subjects. Which subject to take and how to train

The Holy Master decides. Each practitioner has a different affiliation with their traits, and Guru decides upon it.

The gurus have a great role to play in this training. A little bit about the guru

Spiritual baptism

First, make sure you find a guru that reveals spirituality and accept it. If we could do that, we could say that this training was successful in eight minutes. That’s what is important and difficult.

It is impossible to practice Buddhism in the correct spirituality without Guru. It is different from ordinary Buddhism. Anyway, as long as it is a method of belief, a method of belief, or a lesson of teaching or interpreting a scripture, Buddhist practice of spiritual manifestation is absolutely necessary without the help of a guru who has a powerful spiritual ability. You can’t do that.

For example, when modern Indian saint Rahmanah Maharishi performed an acceptance ritual to the introductory person by the “gaze method”, the brilliance and power of his two eyes pierced the heart of the other person, It is said that the flow has been cut off. At times, the other party feels as if a current has flowed into them.

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Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis

ノストラダムス予言   nostradamus prophecy


























Nostradamus was a Jewish convert, born in Provence in 1503, and probably studied liberal arts at the University of Avignon and medicine at the University of Montpellier. During the plague outbreak in southern France, he actively provided treatment, and in later years wrote “Cosmetics and Jam Theory” based on his experiences at that time.

On the other hand, from around 1550 he also began writing as an astrologer, and wrote his masterpiece, “The Prophecies of Michel Nostradamus,” which were highly praised at the time. Some of the royal family and influential people, including his wife Queen Catherine de’ Medici, admired his prophecies, and in 1564, King Charles IX appointed him “Permanent Physician and Advisor.” Two years later, he died of illness at the age of 62.





1999, month of 7,

The great king of terror will fall from the sky.

Revive the great king of Angolmois,

To successfully rule before and after Mars.


1999, Human crisis in the 7th month, India, Pakistan, Nyoyoku crisis, nuclear,

The great king of terror will fall from the sky


Revive the Great King of Angolmois

Angoma’s Argama is Agonkyo, Mongolia’s name is


To successfully rule before and after Mars. Mars’ army, firearms, war,

To successfully control World War III





king of fear

It means a great person.

Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis


新のゲーム PC カメラ 家電 健康






ホモーエクセレンスとは?  What is Home Excellence?

ホモーエクセレンスとは?  What is Home Excellence?



1 第四次元の理解。
2 複雑な全体をとっさに把握する能力。
3 第六感の獲得。
4 無限に発川した泄徳心識の保有。
5 とくにわれわれの悟性には不可解な精神的な特質。




桐山 請雄 師



一 極度に発達した知能――いちど目にふれ、いちど耳にしたことは、ぜったいに忘れることのない削憶力。どのように複雑な構造でも組織でも、瞬間的に分析し、推理し、理解して、本質を把握してしまう演鐸と帰納の力。コトバという間接思考を経ない純粋思考から発する超飛躍的な創造力。

ニ 感覚器官の増幅―彼は、不可視光線(赤外線、紫外線)を見ることができ、超音波を間く

三 環境の制御と創造―思うままに自分を変え、他人を動かし、集団や環境を、自分の理念の通りに創造してゆく。

四 物質を超え、物質を自由に統御する力。
五 無限に発達した道徳意識。



In other words, it is a new human race.

Homo sapiens is none other than ourselves, but what kind of person is Homo excelence?
Homo Excellence is an “excellent person” who has acquired special abilities that Homo sapiens does not have.
It means “to”. Some people say that this future person is a homo-intelligent dance (intelligent human).
It is named.
So what special abilities does this excellent future man, Homo Excellence, have?
Here are some of his features.
“Future species, super-humans, will probably have a brain rate coefficient of 3.9.”
The world-renowned anthropologist, Professor Gicorju Olivier of the University of Paris, wrote in his book, “Human and Advance.
It begins to sing in “Chemicalization, past, present and future”.
“(We, who are far inferior to the abilities of these extremely good creatures, are all about this.
Anyway, this super-human intellectual ability can barely be imagined.

It is, for example
1 Understanding of the 4th dimension.
2 Ability to quickly grasp the complicated whole.
3 Acquisition of the sixth sense.
4 Possession of infinitely eruptive spirit of virtue.
5 Especially the spiritual qualities that are incomprehensible to our enlightenment.

And so on.
I will leave it to the imaginative people to decide what the shape of the creature’s body, its wonderful intelligence, and the behavior that we can hardly understand with the brain development coefficient of 3.9. While we are Mekura, our successors are clairvoyant (translated by Kumi Ashizawa, published by Misuzu Shobo).
It has said.
According to the publisher’s introductory text, Professor Olivier is a professor of anthropology at the University of Paris, and has several books in addition to his many articles on anthropology and anatomy, among which “anthropological anatomy”. Received a French Bachelor’s degree. Not only has he made many achievements in research in his field of specialization, but he is also enthusiastic about training young researchers, and he is an excellent leader in both name and reality of French anthropology. ”
It must be said that he is a leading scientist of the time.
The scientist has thus foretold the emergence of the future Homo Excellence.

Homeo Excellence Qualification

Kiriyama, Master

Here is one technology.
When trained with that technique, everyone will have some great power. Let’s raise that power.

Extremely developed intelligence-what I first saw and heard was the memorable power that I will never forget. The power of induction and induction that instantly analyzes, infers, understands, and grasps the essence of any complex structure or organization. Super dramatic creativity emanating from pure thinking that does not go through indirect thinking called Kotoba.
It will probably reach 2.5 to 3.5 if the average human intelligence is I. The best brains in this group are easy to understand.

D. Amplification of sensory organs-he can see invisible light (infrared rays, ultraviolet rays) and intersperses ultrasonic waves.
be able to. Predictive power that comes from the combination of that abnormal sensation and high intelligence. They come from the ability to control one’s body at will.

3. Control and creation of the environment-Change yourself as you wish, move others, and create groups and environments according to your own philosophy.

4. The power to freely control substances beyond them.
Five moral consciousness that has developed infinitely.








二 感覚器官の増幅彼は、不可視光線(赤外澳、紫外線)を見ることができ、超音波を聞くことができる。

















彼は、まだ低い段階のホモ・サピエンスたちを教育するための「教え」を說くと同時に、これからやがて次第にあらわれてくる 同族たちを教育するためのカリキュラムもつくった。







Qualification of Homo Excellence


There is a technique here.

By training in this technique, any human being will have some excellent powers.

Once you hear about how to generate electricity, you will never forget it. Instantly analyze, reason, and understand structures and organizations, no matter how complex.
The power of deduction and induction that organizes resources. No memory. Instantly analyze, reason, and understand structures and organizations, no matter how complex.
The power of deduction and induction to grasp the essence. Super dramatic creativity that comes from pure thinking that does not go through the indirect thinking of words.
If the average human intelligence is 1.0, it probably reaches 2.5 to 3.5.

The best minds in this group easily understand the fourth dimension.

2. Amplification of sense organs He can see invisible light (infrared, ultraviolet) and hear ultrasound.

The power of prediction that comes from the combination of abnormal senses and advanced intelligence. They come from the ability to control one’s own body as one wishes.

Controlling and creating the three environments: Change yourself as you wish, influence others, and create groups and environments according to your ideals.

The power to transcend the four substances and freely control them.

Five infinitely developed moral consciousness.

Generally speaking, this ability is more than enough.

Let’s compare this with the ability possessed by Professor Olivier’s future human, Homo Excellence, mentioned in the previous section.

Isn’t it better to say that they are exactly the same rather than surprisingly similar?

I don’t know if you would say that. I wonder if the author copied Olivier’s poem exactly as it was.

I can’t touch it now. That’s actually what I want. At first, I knew about the existence of the transferred lordships from Olivier’s teaching machine, and I thought that the mastery of these techniques was a qualification for future generations. Of course, that was not the case, and Professor Olivier must have expected the arrival from an academic perspective, but what do you think of this tacit agreement?

Of course, it is inconceivable that Professor Odis actually knew of the existence of this special technology, climbed on top of it, and wrote about Rancis’ magical power in this way. Well, this reinforcement equipment is used more often in Amekmitaba than in this country.

And actually. After the field line encounters at such times, Kannon is left alone.

Homo excellence is already appearing on this earth. Although it is still a very small number.

Future humans, Homo excellence, will not emerge as a result of evolution over a long period of time, nor will they appear as mutants like Blankenstein’s monster.

This is the transformation of Homo sapiens themselves through a special human development technique. Elegance does not come naturally, it is created.

However, the first Homo excellence to appear may have been a kind of mutant. Or, it may have been a precursor to the super-set that appeared as a result of environmental adaptation to future society. The first Cro-Magnon just appeared among the Neanderthal herds.
Like a person. According to Le Garrick’s law, the formation of a new product within an already existing genus occurs after 300 years.
It is said to take 600,000 years. 5000 years ago is a reasonable amount of time for the predecessors of Homo excellence to emerge and gradually form new homologous species within Homo sapiens.

The first Homo excellence would have been very lonely. His extraordinary abilities naturally forced him to become a prophet, a leader, and an educator. Also, with his extraordinary ability, he was able to gain insight into the future several thousand years in the future, and was able to predict his own future position in human history by homo excellence.
He must have taken it.

At the same time that he criticized the “teachings” intended to educate Homo sapiens, who were still at a low stage, he also created a curriculum to educate Homo sapiens, who would gradually appear in the future.

He had some admirers around him. From among them, he selected those with outstanding talent and trained them using this curriculum. Or perhaps some of his disciples were also predecessors of Homo excellence. In this way, this technique was passed down from generation to generation. But too high
The technology developed was too difficult to understand for it to be widely accepted, and people needed time to make progress and mature. Over the years, the technology has often been misunderstood, maligned, or even on the verge of fragmentation. However, every time that technology was about to die out, a superior homo excellence emerged to take over. In this way, this technology quietly waited for the time when it would be widely accepted by the world. I waited for the time when many people needed this technology and started making efforts to accept it.

Now, it seems the time has come.
Homo sapiens has reached its limit as an organism. Confusion, confusion, and hatred covering this world right now.
Above all, it speaks for itself. What comes next is nothing but despair. Right now, there is not a single person living on this island without feeling, even for a moment, that their life is in danger. Until now, machines and technical science have always overcome the crisis. But now, those machines and technology are taking the lead in hurting humans.

“I could see it”.

The civilization created by the intelligence of Homo sapiens has reached its limit. If this world wants to survive, a new civilization must emerge. Everything that Homo sapiens has created, science, technology, religion, even art, has reached its limits. Ethics and morals have collapsed. Old humans must
All this is now a thing of the past, although we cling to dead old civilizations. The final option for living things that have reached their limits is “mass suicide.” Now, that mass suicide is unfolding on the ground. Environmental contamination, pollution, and war – all created by Homo sapiens themselves.

Eventually, Homo sapiens will become extinct through collective suicide through collective struggle. Look! Even religion has joined the struggle. The country’s religious groups, which claim to be the most progressive, are fighting the most.The law means that Homo sapiens has finally begun to follow the last path followed by all living things. Let that which should perish perish. Therefore, the human genus will not die out. Here is a new kind of fetal movement. Excellence will coexist for some time, in new civilizations and old civilizations, in Homo sapiens and Ho. It lasts from three to seven generations. The coexistence of Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons continued for 100 to 150 generations. It took that long for Neanderthals to disappear. Our coexistence can be accelerated and completed in a very short time.


Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis


新のゲーム PC カメラ 家電 健康












二 感覚器官の増幅彼は、不可視光線(赤外澳、紫外線)を見ることができ、超音波を聞くことができる。

















彼は、まだ低い段階のホモ・サピエンスたちを教育するための「教え」を說くと同時に、これからやがて次第にあらわれてくる 同族たちを教育するためのカリキュラムもつくった。







Qualification of Homo Excellence


There is a technique here.

By training in this technique, any human being will have some excellent powers.

Once you hear about how to generate electricity, you will never forget it. Instantly analyze, reason, and understand structures and organizations, no matter how complex.
The power of deduction and induction that organizes resources. No memory. Instantly analyze, reason, and understand structures and organizations, no matter how complex.
The power of deduction and induction to grasp the essence. Super dramatic creativity that comes from pure thinking that does not go through the indirect thinking of words.
If the average human intelligence is 1.0, it probably reaches 2.5 to 3.5.

The best minds in this group easily understand the fourth dimension.

2. Amplification of sense organs He can see invisible light (infrared, ultraviolet) and hear ultrasound.

The power of prediction that comes from the combination of abnormal senses and advanced intelligence. They come from the ability to control one’s own body as one wishes.

Controlling and creating the three environments: Change yourself as you wish, influence others, and create groups and environments according to your ideals.

The power to transcend the four substances and freely control them.

Five infinitely developed moral consciousness.

Generally speaking, this ability is more than enough.

Let’s compare this with the ability possessed by Professor Olivier’s future human, Homo Excellence, mentioned in the previous section.

Isn’t it better to say that they are exactly the same rather than surprisingly similar?

I don’t know if you would say that. I wonder if the author copied Olivier’s poem exactly as it was.

I can’t touch it now. That’s actually what I want. At first, I knew about the existence of the transferred lordships from Olivier’s teaching machine, and I thought that the mastery of these techniques was a qualification for future generations. Of course, that was not the case, and Professor Olivier must have expected the arrival from an academic perspective, but what do you think of this tacit agreement?

Of course, it is inconceivable that Professor Odis actually knew of the existence of this special technology, climbed on top of it, and wrote about Rancis’ magical power in this way. Well, this reinforcement equipment is used more often in Amekmitaba than in this country.

And actually. After the field line encounters at such times, Kannon is left alone.

Homo excellence is already appearing on this earth. Although it is still a very small number.

Future humans, Homo excellence, will not emerge as a result of evolution over a long period of time, nor will they appear as mutants like Blankenstein’s monster.

This is the transformation of Homo sapiens themselves through a special human development technique. Elegance does not come naturally, it is created.

However, the first Homo excellence to appear may have been a kind of mutant. Or, it may have been a precursor to the super-set that appeared as a result of environmental adaptation to future society. The first Cro-Magnon just appeared among the Neanderthal herds.
Like a person. According to Le Garrick’s law, the formation of a new product within an already existing genus occurs after 300 years.
It is said to take 600,000 years. 5000 years ago is a reasonable amount of time for the predecessors of Homo excellence to emerge and gradually form new homologous species within Homo sapiens.

The first Homo excellence would have been very lonely. His extraordinary abilities naturally forced him to become a prophet, a leader, and an educator. Also, with his extraordinary ability, he was able to gain insight into the future several thousand years in the future, and was able to predict his own future position in human history by homo excellence.
He must have taken it.

At the same time that he criticized the “teachings” intended to educate Homo sapiens, who were still at a low stage, he also created a curriculum to educate Homo sapiens, who would gradually appear in the future.

He had some admirers around him. From among them, he selected those with outstanding talent and trained them using this curriculum. Or perhaps some of his disciples were also predecessors of Homo excellence. In this way, this technique was passed down from generation to generation. But too high
The technology developed was too difficult to understand for it to be widely accepted, and people needed time to make progress and mature. Over the years, the technology has often been misunderstood, maligned, or even on the verge of fragmentation. However, every time that technology was about to die out, a superior homo excellence emerged to take over. In this way, this technology quietly waited for the time when it would be widely accepted by the world. I waited for the time when many people needed this technology and started making efforts to accept it.

Now, it seems the time has come.
Homo sapiens has reached its limit as an organism. Confusion, confusion, and hatred covering this world right now.
Above all, it speaks for itself. What comes next is nothing but despair. Right now, there is not a single person living on this island without feeling, even for a moment, that their life is in danger. Until now, machines and technical science have always overcome the crisis. But now, those machines and technology are taking the lead in hurting humans.

“I could see it”.

The civilization created by the intelligence of Homo sapiens has reached its limit. If this world wants to survive, a new civilization must emerge. Everything that Homo sapiens has created, science, technology, religion, even art, has reached its limits. Ethics and morals have collapsed. Old humans must
All this is now a thing of the past, although we cling to dead old civilizations. The final option for living things that have reached their limits is “mass suicide.” Now, that mass suicide is unfolding on the ground. Environmental contamination, pollution, and war – all created by Homo sapiens themselves.

Eventually, Homo sapiens will become extinct through collective suicide through collective struggle. Look! Even religion has joined the struggle. The country’s religious groups, which claim to be the most progressive, are fighting the most.The law means that Homo sapiens has finally begun to follow the last path followed by all living things. Let that which should perish perish. Therefore, the human genus will not die out. Here is a new kind of fetal movement. Excellence will coexist for some time, in new civilizations and old civilizations, in Homo sapiens and Ho. It lasts from three to seven generations. The coexistence of Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons continued for 100 to 150 generations. It took that long for Neanderthals to disappear. Our coexistence can be accelerated and completed in a very short time.


これが、チベット密教のいう 「思念による王者の相承」であることを。思念による王者の相承とは、じつに、霊的バイブレーションによる伝達だったのである。












一、Srota aPanna 須陀証

二、sakrd agamin  斯陀含

三、anagmin               阿那含

四、arhat          阿羅漢





斯陀含 ーー 高められた聖者














あるのである。間脳はこれまでくり返し説いてきたように、霊性の場であり、霊 感の座なのである。ここが開発されることにより、ほんとうのインスピレーションが発生するのである。











(2021/1/14 19:37時点)













四念住法身念住法 受念住法 心念住法 法念住法







四正断法-断断法 修断法 随護断法 律儀断法

四神足法白欲神足法 勤神足法 心神足法 観神足法

五根法-信根法 精進根法 念根法 定根法 慧根法

五力法-信力法 精進力法 念力法 定力法 慧力法

七覚支法択法覚文法 精進覚支法 喜覚支法

      定覚支法 念覚文法 軽安覚文法 捨覚文法

八正道法-正見法 正思惟法 正語法 正業法 正命法 正精進法

      正念法 正定法




























That this is what Tibetan Buddhism calls “the consensus of the king by thought.” The thoughtful consensus of the king was, in fact, a transmission by spiritual vibration.

By doing this, I realized that I had reached the third level of the four steps leading up to the commentary, but this would never be possible without fulfilling the diencephalon development training tapas. It is a thing. Only when the inner acceptance system is established will the king’s consent from the outside be issued.


Four steps leading to liberation


, “Four steps leading to liberation”.

Anyone must go through these four stages in order to reach liberation. And anyone can reach liberation by walking along these four steps according to a good priest. Of course, you are right.


Therefore, let’s take a look at these four steps.


What are the four stairs?


I, Srota a Panna Suda certificate

2. Sakrd agamin including

3, anagmin, including Ana

4, arhat Arhat



To explain,

Suda 逼 — A cleansed saint

Including the saint

A saint who made a leap (in dimension)

Arhat (transcendental dimension), also known as the completed saint, “Buddha”.


So how do practitioners walk through these four steps?


Training to kill the limbic system and neocortical brain


It is a practice to kill the limbic thread and neocortical brain in a bite.

If the limbic thread and neocortical brain are not killed, the diencephalon will not work and the third eye will not open.

It is.

However, don’t get me wrong. Killing the limbic system / neocortical brain means

Ultimately, it is to make use of the limbic thread, especially the neocortical brain. new

The cortical brain is said to be the “seat of creation.” However, the true position of creation is in the diencephalon.

There is. The diencephalon is a place of spirituality and a seat of spirituality, as I have repeatedly explained. The development of this is a real inspiration.


However, in order to develop the diencephalon, the limbic system and neocortical brain must be closed for some time. When the diencephalon is developed, the neocortical brain is revived. The newly revived neocortical brain is the brain with superhuman inspiration and creativity based on spirituality.


Then what kind of training is it?


Method and system of spiritual completion

That is the practice of spiritual completion left by Shaka Nyorai. This is what I call the “Buddhahood Law.” The Buddhahood means the completion of spirituality, and the person who fulfills it is called the “Buddha”. That is why I call that method the “Buddhahood method.”

As mentioned in “Reincarnation Meditation”, it is a method and system for the Buddhahood consisting of seven systems and thirty-seven curriculums. In Agama, this is called “Seven departments and thirty-seven dojos” or “37 Bodhipakkhi”. These two names were not given by me. It is an ancient Buddhist term.


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I am all sutras other than Agama sutras, including the Lotus Sutra and Amida sutras.

In the sutras other than Agama, which scriptures are criticized with a rather intense expression

However, this is because there is no Buddhahood law. Shaka Nyorai was only preached by Agama

In addition to the historical fact that there is, is there any other “Buddhahood method” other than Agama?

That’s what I am. I am true, such as scriptures without “Buddhahood Law”

It cannot be recognized as a Buddhist scripture. Of course, the significance of existence

It may have some value, but it is not the mainstream. It should be called a sidestream. To this

Regarding this, please read my other books.


The seven departments and thirty-seven items are as follows.


Satipatthana method, Satipatthana method, Satipatthana method, Satipatthana method, Satipatthana method

That is all.

These seven subjects, thirty-seven kinds of curriculum,

1. Meditation

Second, practice

Three, tapas (training)


Four Right Exertions-Cut Law, Repair Law, Defensive Law, Law Law

Iddhipada white greed foot method, work god foot method, heart god foot method, Kanjin foot method

Indriya method-Shinne method, Seishin root method, Nene method, Samadhi method, Keine method

Five power method-credibility method, devotion method, mind power method, constant power method, moral power method

Seven Factors of Awakening-Choice of Awakening Grammar

Jokaku grammar, grammar, light grammar, grammar

Noble Eightfold Path-Fa Zheng Method, Fa Zheng Method, Fa Zheng Method, Fa Zheng Method, Fa Zheng Method, Fa Zheng Method

Mindfulness method Orthodox method


Can be classified into.

The Satipatthana method and the Indriya method are meditations.

The Four Right Exertions, the Five Strengths, the Seven Factors of Awakening, and the Noble Eightfold Path are practice and meditation.

The four gods foot method is a special training tapas.

Kotari is a magical power (supernatural power), and this four-god foot method gains supernatural magical power.

There are four types of training methods for this purpose. The previously mentioned sticky training tapas belongs to this genus.

Of these seven subjects, meditation and practice subjects were incorporated, centering on training tapas.

To practice. How to take which subjects and how to train

The Holy Master decides. Each practitioner has different qualities and ties, so when he sees it, he screams.

In this training, the guru plays a big role. A little about Guru


Spiritual baptism


First of all, even if you definitely find a guru that reveals spirituality and accept it

It is to get. If you can do that, you can say that this training was successful as much as eight minutes.

About. It’s that important and it’s difficult.

Without Guru, it would be impossible to practice Buddhism in the correct spiritual manifestation. Ordinary Buddhist faith

It is different from the mind. Teaching how to believe, how to believe, lectures and interpretations of scriptures

Anyway, the Buddhist training of spiritual manifestation is a powerful spiritual ability.

It can hardly be done without the help of a guru.

For example, modern Indian saint Ramana Maharishi “stares” at his beginners.

The brilliance and power of his eyes when performing the acceptance ritual in the “method of”

It is said that he broke through the flow of thoughts. Sometimes

It is said that the other party felt as if an electric current had flowed into his body.

 ホモーエクセレンスとは?  What is Home Excellence?



1 第四次元の理解。
2 複雑な全体をとっさに把握する能力。
3 第六感の獲得。
4 無限に発川した泄徳心識の保有。
5 とくにわれわれの悟性には不可解な精神的な特質。




桐山 請雄 師



一 極度に発達した知能――いちど目にふれ、いちど耳にしたことは、ぜったいに忘れることのない削憶力。どのように複雑な構造でも組織でも、瞬間的に分析し、推理し、理解して、本質を把握してしまう演鐸と帰納の力。コトバという間接思考を経ない純粋思考から発する超飛躍的な創造力。

ニ 感覚器官の増幅―彼は、不可視光線(赤外線、紫外線)を見ることができ、超音波を間く

三 環境の制御と創造―思うままに自分を変え、他人を動かし、集団や環境を、自分の理念の通りに創造してゆく。

四 物質を超え、物質を自由に統御する力。
五 無限に発達した道徳意識。



In other words, it is a new human race.

Homo sapiens is none other than ourselves, but what kind of person is Homo excelence?
Homo Excellence is an “excellent person” who has acquired special abilities that Homo sapiens does not have.
It means “to”. Some people say that this future person is a homo-intelligent dance (intelligent human).
It is named.
So what special abilities does this excellent future man, Homo Excellence, have?
Here are some of his features.
“Future species, super-humans, will probably have a brain rate coefficient of 3.9.”
The world-renowned anthropologist, Professor Gicorju Olivier of the University of Paris, wrote in his book, “Human and Advance.
It begins to sing in “Chemicalization, past, present and future”.
“(We, who are far inferior to the abilities of these extremely good creatures, are all about this.
Anyway, this super-human intellectual ability can barely be imagined.

It is, for example
1 Understanding of the 4th dimension.
2 Ability to quickly grasp the complicated whole.
3 Acquisition of the sixth sense.
4 Possession of infinitely eruptive spirit of virtue.
5 Especially the spiritual qualities that are incomprehensible to our enlightenment.

And so on.
I will leave it to the imaginative people to decide what the shape of the creature’s body, its wonderful intelligence, and the behavior that we can hardly understand with the brain development coefficient of 3.9. While we are Mekura, our successors are clairvoyant (translated by Kumi Ashizawa, published by Misuzu Shobo).
It has said.
According to the publisher’s introductory text, Professor Olivier is a professor of anthropology at the University of Paris, and has several books in addition to his many articles on anthropology and anatomy, among which “anthropological anatomy”. Received a French Bachelor’s degree. Not only has he made many achievements in research in his field of specialization, but he is also enthusiastic about training young researchers, and he is an excellent leader in both name and reality of French anthropology. ”
It must be said that he is a leading scientist of the time.
The scientist has thus foretold the emergence of the future Homo Excellence.

Homeo Excellence Qualification

Kiriyama, Master

Here is one technology.
When trained with that technique, everyone will have some great power. Let’s raise that power.

Extremely developed intelligence-what I first saw and heard was the memorable power that I will never forget. The power of induction and induction that instantly analyzes, infers, understands, and grasps the essence of any complex structure or organization. Super dramatic creativity emanating from pure thinking that does not go through indirect thinking called Kotoba.
It will probably reach 2.5 to 3.5 if the average human intelligence is I. The best brains in this group are easy to understand.

D. Amplification of sensory organs-he can see invisible light (infrared rays, ultraviolet rays) and intersperses ultrasonic waves.
be able to. Predictive power that comes from the combination of that abnormal sensation and high intelligence. They come from the ability to control one’s body at will.

3. Control and creation of the environment-Change yourself as you wish, move others, and create groups and environments according to your own philosophy.

4. The power to freely control substances beyond them.
Five moral consciousness that has developed infinitely.