
 縁起流転水想観  Engi-ryu Tensui Sokan

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その教えをここに説くならば、形ありとて形にとらわるべからず。縁あってかり に形を生じたものなれば、縁によっては、また、形なき空なるものに変らん。また、


形して無しと思うな、縁によっては、形を生じ相をあらわす。たとえば、かの を見よ。熱するという縁をあたうれば熱湯となり、蒸気となって空にとけこむ。 さむればふたたび水となり、雨となって地に降りそそぐ。寒の縁にあわばかたき 氷となり、つめたき霜の柱となる。 水の自性に変りなく、ただ縁によってかく変化 す。世のことすべてみなこの加し、形あるも無きも本は一体にして、すべて因縁次第なり。人の心の作用の、受も想も行も、識のはたらき、すべてこの理にほかならず。





Engi-ryu Tensui Sokan

It’s mine

Heart Sutra meditation method.


If we are to preach this teaching here, we should not get caught up in the form. If something takes shape because of a relationship, it will also change into a formless emptiness depending on the relationship. Also,


Don’t think that it has no shape; some edges give rise to shape and reveal aspects. For example, see that. If you hit it with a heating edge, it becomes boiling water, which turns into steam and melts into the sky. When it cools down, it becomes water again and falls to the earth as rain. On the edge of the cold, it bubbles and hardens into ice, becoming a column of hardened frost. The nature of water does not change; it only changes depending on its surroundings. Everything in the world is added together, and books, whether they have any form or not, are all one, and everything depends on fate. The actions of a person’s mind, including their thoughts, thoughts, and actions, as well as the functions of their senses, are all based on this principle.

may be surprised, sad, or happy, but there is no human nature in which to be surprised, sad, or happy. According to the law of fate, the relationship has already responded and the relationship moves to reveal the relationship. This is called the principle of emptiness.

(Think of the universe, human relationships, and everything else in accordance with this idea of dependent origin, flow, and water.)

(Illustrated Heart Sutra)

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