
イスラエル建国60周年奉祝・世界平和祈念  Celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of Israel, prayer for world peace, Israel Oshiba lantern

イスラエル建国60周年奉祝・世界平和祈念 イスラエル大柴燈護摩供 ・ World Peace Prayer Israel Oshiba Light Goma offering


Celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of Israel, prayer for world peace, Israel Oshiba lantern

In Jerusalem, we celebrated the 60th anniversary of the founding of Israel and prayed for world peace.
In the city of Jerusalem, which is a common sacred place for the world’s three major monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam), a pagan (Buddhist) sect prays for world peace at the invitation of Israel and the city of Jerusalem. The historic event of performing a memorial service is realized. It became the cornerstone of religious reconciliation and world peace

Bonji 梵字 普賢菩薩(ふげんぼさつ、 梵: samantabhadra [サマンタバド 


梵名サマンタバドラ(Samanta bhadra)の「サマ ンタ」は「普く」、「バドラ」は「賢」と漢訳しま す。「賢」とは具体的には「さとりを求める心か ら起こる、成仏しようとする願いと行ない」のこ とです。それが、ときとところを選ばず遍在して いるということを象徴したのがこの菩薩です。で すから、菩薩行を実践する者をつねに守護するほ とけでもあります。

牙の白象に乗り、文殊菩薩とともに釈迦如来 の脇侍をつとめます。文殊菩薩の智慧に対して、 慈悲(の行)をつかさどります。

なお、密教では、堅固不壊の菩提心を象徴する 金剛薩埵と同体とします。 「辰年と巳年生まれの人の守り本尊とされていま す。















Sanskrit name Samanta bhadra translates as “samanta” and “bhadra” as “wise”. “Ken” specifically means “the desire and deeds that arise from the desire to attain enlightenment.” This bodhisattva symbolizes that he is omnipresent, regardless of time and place. Therefore, he is also capable of always protecting those who practice the bodhisattva practice.

He rides on a white elephant with tusks and serves as a side attendant to Shakyamuni Buddha along with Monju Bodhisattva. He presides over the wisdom of Manjushri.

In esoteric Buddhism, it is regarded as one with Vajra Buddha, which symbolizes the firm and indestructible Bodhicitta. “He is now considered the guardian deity of those born in the year of the dragon and the year of the snake.

Fugen Bodhisattva

A bodhisattva who appears everywhere and controls mercy to save all living beings.

What is Fugen Bosatsu?

Fugen is a bodhisattva who appears everywhere and has the power to save living beings.


Along with Monju Bodhisattva, he is often seen as the right side attendant of Shaka Nyorai, and is often enshrined as a triad, but in some cases he is enshrined alone. As a bodhisattva who controls training with the wisdom of Monju Bosatsu, it is said to play the role of practicing the teachings of Buddhism grasped with clear wisdom. In addition, along with the spread of the Lotus Sutra, which preaches the salvation of women, many women gained faith.


By the way, there is Fugen Enmei Bosatsu, a Buddha derived from Fugen Bosatsu, who has the benefit of life extension.


It is said to have the benefits of protecting women, protecting trainees, prolonging life from illness, and increasing happiness. It is also the guardian deity of the year of the dragon and snake.

Statue of Fugen Bosatsu

It is commonly seen riding a white elephant. If you are riding an elephant with 3 or 4 heads, there is a high possibility that it is a statue of Fugen Enmei Bosatsu.

Mantra of Fugen Bosatsu

Ong Sanmaiyah Satvan

それは瞑想からはじまる it starts with meditation


『間脳思考』で、エレクトロニクスと霊性を結 ぶものはなにかと質問されて、それは瞑想からはじまると答えた。

そのあと、話がだいぶ進んでから、 「それでは、間脳の開発をするのも、瞑想ですか?」

と聞かれた。わたくしは、 「いいえ」

とかぶりをふった。 「瞑想じゃないのですか?」 「いいえ」 とわたくしは、これにもかぶりをふった。 彼は、けげんそうな表情でわたくしを見つめた。 そこでわたくしは答えた。

「それは瞑想からはじまるのです」 なるほど、というように彼はうなずいた。わたくしは説明した。 それは瞑想からはじまるのだが、瞑想だけではないのだ。霊性の完成は、瞑 想だけでは不可能なのである。心の安定、欲望の調節、本能の抑制、といった程 度のものでは、とうてい到達できない境界である。思念、想念の変化くらいで は、絶対に行き着くことのできない次元なのだ。

なぜか? 霊性完成の到達点は、カルマからの超越である。 カルマとはなにか?

いうならば、地球における引力のようなものである。 地球上に存在するものすべて、地球引力の支配下にある。いかなるものも、引力 から逃れることはできない。いや、地球という存在そのものが、引力によって 成り立っているのである。

人間におけるカルマもそのとおりである。人はすべ て、輪廻のカルマの絶対的な規制を受けている。このカルマから、もろもろの 「因縁」が生じて、人間を繋縛しているのである。いや、カルマと因縁によて、人間が成立しているのだ。

このカルマと因縁の繋縛から完全に解脱したとき が、霊性の完成である。

いうならば引力からの脱出である。反重力の修行なの だ。その修行によって自分の存在の次元が変わるのである。

存在とはなにか? それは究極のところ,波動である。”自分”という波動 を変えてしまうのだ。それにより カルマ」という波動を越えてしまうのである。


ここの波動を 変えることにより、全身の波動が変わり、特殊な精神波動と肉体波動を持つ存在 になる。それは、カルマの規制を受けない、ふつうの人間とはまた異なった、高 度な霊的存在とよぶよりほかない存在となるのである。

これが成就すると、特 殊な「霊光」が発生するようになる。

この特殊なオーラの発生は、全身の波動が 変化したことを示すのである。オーラについてはまたあとでのべるが、このオー ラの発光源は間脳なのである。

瞑想だけでは、以上のような次元の変化” は 不可能である。もちろん、心の安定、集中、まったく新しい高い次元へのメディ テイト等、瞑想はこの修行に絶対必要なものである。


だ から瞑想だけではだめなのである。間脳をはたらかす瞑想でなければ、オーラは 発生しない。

したがって、カルマを越えることはできないのである。 では、なにが必要なのか? 特殊なtapas(練行)である。

学者はtapas を苦行と訳しているが、わたくしはこれを、練行と訳したい。そ してこの練行が絶対に必要なのである。


チベット密教のニンマ派では、古くから解脱の完成に三つの方法があると説 いている。

ギャル ワゴン ペ – ギ ュ – パ一、思念による王者の相承

(じみょうしや 二、象徴による持明者の相承

rgyal ba dgongs pa’i brgyud pa rig ’dzin brda’i brgyud pa

ガンザクニェン ギ ギュ – パ 三、耳を通した言葉による人の相承――gang zag snyan gyi brgyud pa




一の「思念による王者の相承」とは、この法身タターガタが、言葉や象徴と いう媒介なしに、直接相手の心に自分の心を伝達するものである。

この場合、 心、というのは単なる思念の心ではなく、パワーを主としたものと思うべきで ある。これによって、相手はたちどころに仏陀として完成するのである。

これは最高であり、理想的なものであること、もちろんである。「王者の」、と いう所以である。

二の  「象徴による持明者の相承」とはどういうものかというと、象徴とは、あ る言葉、かたち、音、色などに複雑な思想の内容を圧縮して詰め込んだものを いい、また、持明者(rig’dzin)とは、純粋な心で実相をそのまま見るこきる真如の世界に到達した者たちのことである。この相承(方法)では、真如の 理解を持つ持明者たちは、導師から象徴を示されることで、密教の深奥に到達 する教法を授けられるのである。

以上のすぐれた方法に対し、ふつうの人間は、霊感はなかなか得がたく、ま た象徴だけでは深い密教の教法を即座に理解することはできない。そこで、ラ マが、いろいろな言葉をもちいてくわしく説き明かし、弟子に理解させていく。


これが、三の「耳を通した言葉による人の相 承」である。 以上の三つの方法を、わたくしは、つぎのように分類する。



二、象徴による持明者の相承間脳系=霊的バイブレーション 新皮質系=マントラ、タントラ、言葉、 音楽、象徴 – 大脳辺縁系=言葉、マントラ、音楽



これは、チベット密教だけではない。世界中のいかなる宗教でも、究極 至上 のものに到達するためには、この三つの方法しかないであろう。

しかし、究極至上のものに到達するためには、この三つだけでは不十分なの である。欠けているものがある。なにが欠けているのか? さきにのべた練行 tapas である。

だが、そういうと、一は最高理想のものなのであるから、他のなにものも必 要ないのではないかといわれるかもしれない。そうではないのである。その最高 理想のものを受けるために、tapas は必要なのである。


では、その練行tapas とはどんなものか? それには、ひとつの例として、わたくしの修行体験をお話しするしかないと 思われる。

It starts with meditation

In “Diencephalon Thinking,” he was asked what was the link between electronics and spirituality, and answered that it began with meditation.

After that, after the story went a long way, “Then, is it meditation to develop the diencephalon?”

Was asked. I say “No”

I shook my head. “Isn’t it meditation?” “No,” I said, too. He stared at me with a stern look. So I answered.

“It starts with meditation,” he nodded. I explained. It starts with meditation, but it’s not just about meditation. The perfection of spirituality is not possible with meditation alone. It is a boundary that cannot be reached by things such as mental stability, desire regulation, and instinct suppression. He is a dimension that he can never reach with only changes in thoughts and thoughts.

Why? The goal of spiritual completion is transcendence from karma. What is Karma?

It’s like gravitational pull on Earth. Everything that exists on Earth is under the control of Earth’s gravitational pull. Nothing can escape the attraction. No, the very existence of the earth is made up of gravitational pull.

The same is true of karma in humans. All people are subject to absolute regulation of reincarnation karma. From this karma, various “fate” arises and binds human beings. No, human beings are established by karma and fate.

The completion of spirituality is when the bond between this karma and the fate is completely released.

It is an escape from attraction. He is an anti-gravity training. The training changes the dimension of one’s existence.

What is Existence? Ultimately, it is a wave. It changes the vibration of “self”. As a result, he goes beyond the wave of “karma.”

The origin that changes the vibration of the existence of human beings is in the hypothalamus of the diencephalon.

By changing the waves here, the waves of the whole body change, and it becomes an existence with special mental waves and physical waves. It is nothing more than a high spiritual being, different from normal human beings, unregulated by karmic.

When this is achieved, a special “spiritual light” will be generated.

The occurrence of this special aura indicates that the vibrations of the whole body have changed. The aura will be discussed later, but the source of this aura is the diencephalon.

It is impossible to change the above dimensions by meditation alone. Of course, meditation is absolutely necessary for this practice, such as mental stability, concentration, and mediation to a completely new higher dimension.

But that’s just one way. Meditation can only move the limbic system and the neocortical brain.

Therefore, meditation alone is not enough. Unless it is a meditation that works the diencephalon, the aura does not occur.

Therefore, karma cannot be exceeded. So what do you need? It’s a special tapas.

Scholars translate tapas as penance, but I would like to translate it as practice. And this practice is absolutely necessary.

The King’s Consensus by Thought

The Nyingma sect of Tibetan esoteric Buddhism has long stated that there are three ways to complete the liberation.

Gal Wagon Pe-Gu-Pa, the King’s Consensus by Thought

(Dharani, two, symbolic consent of the bearer

rgyal ba dgongs pa’i brgyud pa rig’dzin brda’i brgyud pa

Ganzakunyen Gyugu-Pa 3, the verbal agreement of people through the ears-gang zag snyan gyi brgyud pa


In the world of law in the spirit world, Tatagata (Nyorai), the perfector of law, constantly preaches the law.


One “consensus of the king by thought” is that this Dharmakaya Tatagata directly conveys one’s heart to the other person’s heart without the mediation of words and symbols.

In this case, he should think that the mind is not just a mind of thought, but power. As a result, the opponent is immediately completed as a Buddha.

This is the best and ideal, of course. That’s why he says, “of the king.”

Second, what is “symbolism of the bearer”? A symbol is a word, shape, sound, color, etc. that is packed with the contents of a complicated idea. In addition, rig’dzin are those who have reached the true world where they can see the reality as it is with a pure heart. In this agreement (method), those who have a true understanding are endowed with a teaching method that reaches the depths of esoteric Buddhism by being shown a symbol by the guru.

In contrast to the above excellent methods, it is difficult for ordinary human beings to get inspiration, and even his symbol alone cannot immediately understand the deep esoteric teaching. There, Lama uses various words to explain in detail and make his disciples understand.

This is the so-called “oral instruction”.

This is the third “human consent by words through the ears”. I classify the above three methods as follows.


One, the consensus of the king by thought

2. Symbolic diencephalic brain system = spiritual vibration Neocortical system = mantra, tantra, words, music, symbol–limbic system = words, mantra, music

Third, human consent through words


This is not just Tibetan Buddhism. Any religion in the world will have only these three ways to reach the ultimate supreme.

However, these three are not enough to reach the ultimate supreme one. Something is missing. What’s missing? The training tapas I mentioned earlier.

However, in that case, it may be said that one is the highest ideal, so nothing else is necessary. That is not the case. Tapas are needed to receive the best of them.

What is training

So what is that training tapas? To do that, I think I have to talk about my training experience as an example.











さきにあげたミラクルの池の伝説や、雑阿含経に説かれる仏陀の奇蹟- 上半身か




Of course, not all Taoist airway laws are the same as Buddha’s airway laws.
It was said that he accepted the Buddhist airway law and developed it into something unique to Taoism.
Is. The prototype is in the Buddha, and it can be traced back to the Buddha. and
It also involves Kundalini Yoga at the same time.
It is extremely difficult to know the practice of the Buddhahood Buddhahood. That’s very
It is only scattered in Agama, and it can be said that it is almost impossible.
However, the practice of Kundalini yoga and Taoism is the practice of the Buddha in Agama.

If you practice it in contrast to it, there are things that naturally come to mind as male sins.
To. And as I gained more experience, refined, and practiced, suddenly with a flash of light.
There is something that shows the shape.
I aspired to Buddhism at the age of thirty, and since then I have continued to seek the Buddhahood method of Buddhahood.
Forty years later, I was finally able to recover from this and be convinced that I had mastered it.
And at that moment, I took it. This law is the earth that is about to be destroyed
That it was the ultimate savior’s law to save.

The perfect Buddha airway

By the way, in the previous section, the law of the Buddha’s airway is Kundalini Yoga.
He said that it supplemented the inadequate part of the law.
What does that mean?
There are three airways in Kundalini Yoga.



Top secret breathing method ”


Let’s go

One is the Sushmuner tube and the other two are the Pingala and Eider airways.
The central airway is the Sschmuner’s canal. This is the tail bone, as I mentioned earlier.
It starts from and reaches the medulla oblongata.
When Kundalini awakens with the power of a special idea, the energy is explosive.
Ascend the Sschmuner’s canal to the medulla oblongata. At the same time, Kundalini is Pingala, Ida’s
Ascends the airways and acts as a kundalini energy regulator and other ancillary function.
The pingala on the right side of the spinal cord is called the airway of the sun and is the airway that controls heat.
The ider on the left, called the lunar airway, controls the flow of cold air. If you accidentally pingara
When Kundalini wakes up, he has a tremendous body that is completely out of control from the outside.
In the worst case, the practitioner will literally turn black and burn to death because of the internal heat.
It is said that there is.
Gopi Krishna, the author of Kundalini, is in danger of himself because of this mistake.
It describes the experience of being able to survive the death.
It is this that I conclude that the Buddha is the perfector of Kundalini Yoga.

From the point.
The legend of the miracle pond mentioned earlier and the miracle of the Buddha explained by Samsung-the upper body?
The miracle of putting out fire and water from the lower half of the body is done using this Pingara and Ida.
It is energy radiation. This miracle is unique to the Kundalini Yoga completer
Now, as Kundalini awakens and the energy moves up and down the airway smoothly, Osamu
When the line goes smoothly, the Kundalini reaches the Sahaslara chakra, where the training begins.
Complete. (However, practitioners who can reach this point are rare in ancient times.)
Thus, the kundalini reaches from the caudal bone to the medulla oblongata and then rises further.
And finally, it’s supposed to reach the top of the Sahaslara chakra.
However, it is clear what the route from the medulla oblongata to Sahaslara is.
It is not.
The spinal column runs from the tail bone to the medulla oblongata, so it’s a straight road.
I’m sorry. However, what is the route from the medulla oblongata to Sahaslara?

I did not let the Buddha use Kundalini Yoga earlier for his disciples.
It’s because it’s too radical, but it wasn’t the only thing.
The Kundalini Yoga chakra development method was unstable and uncertain.
The Buddha created the perfect Buddhahood method and taught it to his disciples.
Buddha’s practice is still going on




















































どうして運命の反復が起きるのか? ソンディは、その原因を、遺伝趣性にあるとする。





「個人の無意識層の中に抑圧されている特殊な祖先の欲求」とは、或る個人の無意風のなかに、特殊な祖先(すでに死者となっている)の欲求 (怨念)が抑圧されていて、その個人(子孫)の行動を決定する、ということにほかならない。












Why is this barbaric slaughter and war constant, even though science and technology have advanced and so many religions, ethics, and morals have been preached?
War has never been started to stop the war, to correct injustice, and to stop it.
The ongoing war and struggle are endlessly expanding violence, poverty, environmental destruction and the devastation of humanity.
Many people are afraid that one day a catastrophe will come.


Most of humanity is worried that they have to do something about it, and they feel despair from the bottom of their hearts, hoping for eternal peace.


There are two causes.
There are two major causes that many people are unaware of.
The first is the structural defect of the human brain.
As we will see later, humans have fatal defects in their brains. Unless this defect is corrected and remodeled, peace and peace will never come to humankind.
The defective brain gave birth to the defective civilization.
Until now, religion, ethics, and morality have considered only “remodeling of consciousness.” It is “Iwayama”.
In other words, the aim was to “change the way we think about things.” He preached a “teaching” that would change the way we think about things.
However, no matter how much you try and change your mind, you will not be able to achieve a satisfactory effect. Because there is a defect in the brain that accepts it.
No effect can be expected unless the defects that exist in the root of consciousness, thought, and generation are removed.
There is a popular saying, “Nembutsu in the ears of horses.”
No matter how good the teachings are, what if there is a horse brain in a part of the human brain?
Unless the horse part is removed, it is an old word, but I do not know when and how the beast’s heart, “Imashinsaru”, will start to move. No, the horse’s brain is exposed only when it is the most important time here.
And, as we will see later, there is actually a horse’s brain in our brain. Unless this brain is remodeled, peace and peace will never come to humankind. We must be fully aware that defective brains cannot be remodeled by teaching and reasoning alone.
The second is the phenomenon of “repetition of fate” due to the rebellious obsession in psychology.
Many are too ignorant of this.

Modern psychology, which focuses on the deep psychology of human beings, began with Sigmund Freud’s analysis of the individual’s unconscious layer. He then proceeded to Carl Gustav Jung’s collective unconscious (crowd psychology). On the other hand, Lipot Sondy focuses on the third area of ​​the unconscious, “family unconscious,” which lies between these two layers.
I got it.

In other words, he discovered a “family” between the “individual” and the “crowd”.

This was a special area of ​​the unconscious. Sondy wrote this theory,


“Fate Analysis Psychology”


I named it, but according to it,

The special ancestral desires that are suppressed within the unconscious layer of the individual become the unconscious choice behaviors of the offspring in the form of romance, friendship, occupation, illness, and death, which determine their fate.

It was.
In short, the suppressed desires and conflicts of special ancestors act on the unconscious consciousness of the descendants, and the love (marriage), friendship, occupation, illness, and death of the descendants are destined to be decided. be.
The resulting phenomenon is “repetition of fate.” It is a phenomenon in which the fate of a specific ancestor is repeated as it is.


There are two types of repetition, one is to repeat the same fate, and the other is to follow a similar fate within a certain vaccine, both of which follow one principle discovered by Sondy. Repetitive phenomena occur. (Sondy argues with many examples, but the examples of the two major writers Balzac and Dostoevsky are particularly famous.


Why is the repetition of fate happening? Sondy blames heredity on the cause.
However, I think it is impossible to attribute all the causes of this repetition of fate solely to genetic plasticity. We have to think about other causes.
This is because, such as step-parents, step-grandparents, step-grandparents, etc., not directly related to each other, and therefore, even in relationships where the gene (DNA) is not inherited.


Repetitive manifestation of fate


Because the elephant is awake. In other words, even if it is not inherited by a gene, the suppressed desires and conflicts of a special ancestor act on the unconscious consciousness of its offspring and determine its fate. There are many examples.

What exactly does this mean?
Let’s just say it.
“The desire of a special ancestor suppressed in the unconscious layer of an individual” means that the desire (grudge) of a special ancestor (already dead) is suppressed in the unconsciousness of an individual. It is nothing but determining the behavior of the individual (descendant).

In other words, the grudges of the dead move the unconscious consciousness of the living, and take actions to satisfy the grudges (desires) of the dead. It will follow the same path as the life of the dead. That is the repetition of fate. And what you have to pay attention to here is

It is the transmission mechanism of the grudge of the dead. If it doesn’t necessarily depend on genes, what exactly conveys that grudge?

The answer would be a kind of vibration.

By the way, one nation, one race, one race is a fateful community and one family.

The iterative theory of fate could be applied to this as it is. In that case,
It appears as a phenomenon that “history repeats itself”. For individuals, the repetition of fate, the country ,.


“In the case of the history family / society, it appears as a repeating history.
The history of mankind is the history of war.
The grudges of the dead from the war drive living humans to the next war. Thus, the history of war is endlessly repeated.

At this rate, when the war stops, it will be when humankind is extinct.
The universe is seen by the consciousness of the universe. Peace and peace will never come to the earth unless the grudges of the dead that cover the whole earth are extinguished from the vibration of the cosmic consciousness.

Now that it is predicted that the next war will be the war of extinction of humankind, how to solve these two problems, and how they can be solved, it is not the most urgent and urgent problem for humankind. mosquito.
What do you think?



























The way to use the kundalini energy of the mind is completely different from the Sandriny Yoda method, and it is a method of “using, mari, kundalini energy!”

How is it done?

I want to be free, but it’s far from Kundalini
“I want to come”, knowing the energy points (acupuncture points) and using this, I’m shining.

This is the most secret of Taoism, and very few people know it. (I think that this acupuncture point, the part called the acupoint in China, is a kind of chakra) (Henri Masbello mentions this in his book) is a little away from the Kundalini chakra. It is in. Taoism, as it is now, uses this chakra to evoke a strong “ki”. It can be said to be an alternative to Kundalini. I don’t know Kundalini itself.

In the Buddha’s Iddhipada method, this Taoist chakra is used to first evoke a strong “Qi” energy. Next, send this “ki” to the favorite Kundalini chakra.

This “ki” is slowly moved around the sleeping area of ​​the kundalini.

Kundalini slowly begins to wake up.

Michiatsu said that he would use this “ki” to awaken the kundalini, and he might have used it to complete the method of using only “ki”.

I am wondering if it has disappeared someday. In other words, I think that only a small starting motor for starting a huge motor called Kundalini was transmitted to.

I can only admire this secret method of the Buddha, who uses the radical energy of Kundalini in a wonderfully controlled manner.

However, this is not the only secret method of the Buddha. The Buddha teaches us even more surprising secrets.
In a nutshell, the airways of Bingala and Eider are used for accelerators and brakes. However, I don’t know if this is Kundalini Yoga’s Pingala, Eider itself.

Or it may be an airway that was newly created with anxiety. For Kundalini Yoga’s Bingala and Ida, as mentioned earlier, rise three times through the spinal column, but these two airways of the Buddha are on the opposite side, the belly.
Because it is Satofull. However, I suspect that, given the function of these two airways, this is still Pingala and Ida, and that the Buddha was changed in this way. Therefore, these two airways are still called Pingara and Ida.
I will call it by name.

Now, from the functions of these two airways, what kind of function does the Pingara airway have for kundalini energy?

Eider’s airways have the function of calming and condensing.
In other words, as I said earlier, it acts as an accelerator and a brake.
It is used as follows.

Two Sushmuner tubes

As mentioned earlier, in Kundalini yoga, from the tail paper bone to the medulla oblongata, the spine
The Sschmuner pipe runs straight through the pillar. Awakened Kundalini climbs here
Let’s go
Buddha’s Law 16
According to the Buddha’s law, there is another Sushmuner tube. In other words, there are two. Kundalini
-The opposite of yoga, from the caudal skull through the perineum, straight to the midline of the abdomen, through the brain ring
The airway leading to the throat. The awakened Kundalini, along with the Sushmuner tube on the back,
This abdominal Sushmuner tube also rises. (Rather than rising, raise)
While controlling the kundalini energy of this abdominal sshmuner, each chi
It is the two airways of the Buddha, Pingara and Ida, that develop and make a leap forward in Jakura.

In other words, about 5 to 8 cm below the adjacent ring (depending on the individual), it is sold from the abdominal Sushmuner, and rises and falls through each chakra, related organs, and nerves. Alternatively, from the throat to the inside of the brain, deep inside the nasal column, deep inside the layer.
In the cerebellum part of the medulla oblongata, these three cares and techniques are absolutely necessary for the development and awakening of the chakra, and the main development of the chakra without it.・ It can be said that electricity is impossible. In particular, it is an indispensable technique for enhancing neural pathways in the hypothalamus and diencephalon.

It is a delicate technique that can only be called a divine technique.
Then, how is the practice of the Buddha’s law, which can be called this divine technique, done?
It is roughly divided into three laws.

1, a training method to awaken the kundalini
2. Training method to develop chakra
3, Pingara, a training method to develop the airway of Ida

It is a special breathing method, a unique meditation / idea, a mantra chanting, a mudra (hand sign, po).
Z) etc. Let me explain each one. However, this book is a training book
For more information on the practical skills, see another book by the author (“Kumon Mochi Satoshi Hosekiden” and others).
Please refer to, or learn about the author.
















The perfect Buddha airway
By the way, I mentioned in the previous section that the Buddhist airway law supplemented the inadequate part of the Kundalini Yoga airway method.
What does that mean?


There are three airways in Kundalini Yoga.

One is the Sushmuner tube and the other two are the Pingala and Eider airways.

The central airway is the Sschmuner’s canal. It starts with the Tailed Beast bone and reaches the medulla oblongata, as mentioned earlier.

When the Kundalini awakens with the power of a special idea, the energy explosively rises the Sschmuner’s canal to the medulla oblongata. At the same time, the kundalini also rises in the airways of Pingala and Ida, and acts as an energy regulator and other auxiliary functions for the kundalini.

The pingala on the right side of the spinal cord is called the airway of the sun and is the airway that controls heat.

The ider on the left, called the lunar airway, controls the flow of cold air. If the kundalini wakes up accidentally through Pingala, the practitioner can literally turn black and burn to death in the worst case due to the tremendous internal heat that is completely out of control.

The author of Kundalini, Gopi Krishna, describes his own nearly deadly experience due to this mistake.

I conclude that the Buddha is the perfector of the Kundalini Yoga by putting out the miracle pond, the biography, the Buddha, the miracle, etc. The miracle of putting out is a pair of energy using this biorider.

This miracle is peculiar to the kundalini yoga perfector. Now, as the kundalini awakens and the energy moves up and down the airway smoothly, as the training progresses, the kundalini reaches the Sahasrara chakra, where I will practice. (However, the people who can reach this point are rare nowadays)

Thus, Sandriny is supposed to reach from the luck test bone to the medulla oblongata, then ascend further, and eventually to the top of the Sahanini chakra. In terms of clarity, what the route to is is is clear because each company is sending it, so to speak, it is a straight road. But what about the route to Sahaslara?

I said earlier that the Buddha did not let his disciples use Kundalini Yoga because it was too radical, but that was not the only thing.

The Kundalini Yoga chakra development method was unstable and uncertain. The Buddha created the perfect Buddhahood method and taught it to his disciples.


to be continued. Buddha’s practice is not yet


Kundalini prana

I said earlier that the Buddha did not incorporate Kundalini yoga into his training.

That’s true. The Buddha did not incorporate Kundalini Yoga into the Iddhipada method. However, Kundalini energy was taken in.

The energy of human beings is not as powerful as Kundalini. There is no comparable driving force for remodeling humans. No, without using this energy, it would be impossible to remodel humans. Therefore, the Buddha used this.

The breath that the Buddha uses in the Iddhipada method, that is, prana, is the energy generated from the kundalini. It’s not just breathing or willingness.

In the early stages of meditation, it is a willful misunderstanding. When the practitioner has enough will to awaken the kundalini, the power of the strengthened will is directed towards the awakening of the kundalini. There are two parts to awaken the kundalini. There was a correct stimulus there
When you get it, Kundalini wakes up. This practice must be carried out meticulously and boldly according to the guru.

In Agama, there are some Buddhist dragons or vipers that exert great power by subduing poisonous snakes, but the poisonous dragons and poisonous snakes can be thought of as representing kundalini.

Since ancient times, Landriny has been represented in the form of a three-headed dragon or a nine-headed snake. The fairy tale of the poisonous snake, which is told in Agama, reveals that the Buddha has succeeded in controlling the kundalini energy, which is intense and burns for everyone, rather than a simple poisonous snake liquor.

It is not clear whether it will take the road. As long as the kundalini awakens, the awakened kundalini is supposed to reach the Sahasrara chakra automatically, and the practitioner himself does not know the route at all.

What about the Buddha’s airway?

The Buddha’s airway also has something in common with Kundalini Yoga.

It is the airway through the part of the spinal column from the caudal hypobone to the medulla oblongata. It is an airway that is almost the same as the Sushmuner tube. However, while the Kundalini Yoga Sushmuner’s canal ends in the medulla oblongata, the Buddha’s airway goes further into the neocortex, old cortex, and paleocortex of the cerebrum.
It reaches from the diencephalon to the hypothalamus. And it has that clear route.

That is not all. The route goes further to the forehead, from the eyebrows, through the back of the nose, from the chin to the throat. In other words, the prophecies that are effective because they reach the anterior pituitary gland and the posterior pituitary gland over the neural pathways from Sahaslara to Ajnya and the surrounding area can be understood even by beginner practitioners.

It goes without saying which one is better.

This is basically due to the difference in training between the Kundalini practice and the Buddhahood Buddhahood practice.

The Buddha’s method is to “go” prana. This means that the practitioner does it according to his own will. Therefore, the practitioner must know the route that leads Prana. Burana’s goodness,
Instead of leaving it to Blur, the practitioner decides and proceeds. Therefore, the practitioner must know the path.

The Kundalini Yoga Tower is completely different.

In order to awaken the kundalini, the power of the practitioner’s will is required, but once the kundalini is awakened, the kundalini explosively aims at the Sushmuner airway regardless of the practitioner’s will. It is not something that the author says “Megurasu”.
And, with that, it’s Kundalini Kise.


Therefore, the way to use the kundalini energy of the mind is completely different from the Sandriny Yoda method, and it is a method of “using, mari, kundalini energy!”







































さきにあげたミラクルの池の伝説や、雑阿含経に説かれる仏陀の奇蹟- 上半身から火を出し、下半身から水を出すという奇は、このピンガラとイダーを使ってのエネルギー放射なのである。この奇蹟は、クンダリニー・ヨーガ完成者独特のものなのだ。


















































Buddha’s Law




One is the Sushmuner tube and the other two are the Pingala and Eider airways.

The central airway is the Sschmuner’s canal. It starts with the tail bone and ends with the medulla oblongata, as mentioned earlier.

When the Kundalini awakens with the power of a special idea, the energy explosively rises the Sschmuner’s canal to the medulla oblongata. At the same time, the kundalini rises in the airways of Pingala and Ida, and acts as an energy regulator and other auxiliary for the kundalini.

The pingala on the right side of the spinal cord is called the airway of the sun and is the airway that controls heat.

The ider on the left, called the lunar airway, controls the flow of cold air. If the kundalini wakes up accidentally through Pingala, the practitioner can literally turn black and burn to death in the worst case due to the tremendous internal heat that is completely out of control.


The author of Kundalini, Gopi Krishna, describes his own nearly deadly experience due to this mistake.


It is from this point that I conclude that the Buddha is the perfector of Kundalini Yoga.

The legend of the Miracle Pond mentioned earlier and the miracle of the Buddha described in Sasamyo-The miracle of putting out fire from the upper body and water from the lower body is the energy radiation using this Pingara and Ida. This miracle is unique to the Kundalini Yoga perfector.

Now, as the kundalini awakens and the energy moves up and down the airway smoothly, the training progresses smoothly, and the kundalini reaches the Sahaslara chakra, where the training is completed. (However, practitioners who can reach this point are rare in ancient times.)
Thus, the kundalini is supposed to reach the medulla oblongata from the caudal bone and then ascend further to the Sahaslara chakra on the crown, but from the medulla oblongata to the Sahaslara. It is clear what the route to

From the tail bone to the medulla oblongata, the spinal column runs, so to speak, it is a straight road, so it is clear. However, what is the route from the medulla oblongata to Sahaslara?
I did not let the Buddha use Kundalini Yoga earlier for his disciples.
It’s because it’s too radical, but it wasn’t the only thing.

The Kundalini Yoga chakra development method was unstable and uncertain.

The Buddha created the perfect Buddhahood method and taught it to his disciples.

The Buddhist practice is still going on.

Kundalini prana

I said earlier that the Buddha did not incorporate Kundalini yoga into his training.

That’s true. The Buddha did not incorporate Kundalini Yoga into the Iddhipada method. However, Kundalini energy was taken in.

The energy of human beings is not as powerful as that of Darikunnie. There is no comparable driving force for remodeling humans. No, because it doesn’t use this energy, it can be said that it is impossible to remodel humans. that’s why. Buddha opened the door.

It’s not just the growing heat of the mother and daughter, or the contribution, which is the energy process that results from Kundalini.

The first pair of exhibitions is a railroad that is willing to do. I love the latecomer, Kundalini.
With enough surprises, the book, after becoming powerful, is directed to the Kundalini Awards. There is a part sales office for burning kundalini. When a sword fierce is given there, Kundalini has an eye on it. Q For convenience, I have to come to the heat.

Some during the suspicion. There will always be talks about consciousness, or a selection that will be performed and a performer will be performed, but is there a gekiwa line or tatter?

You can do it. Home. Rikunnie is a three-headed machine, a Tatsuno performance, in the form of a tune. The integrated succession fee is officially recognized by Tsubasa. It’s not a story of a rush to squeeze the force, but a general science, a machine, and a kundalini-rucontaro thing with a bad hand.

It is not clear whether it will take the road. As long as the kundalini awakens, he awakens
Kundalini is supposed to reach the Sahasrara chakra automatically
Therefore, the practitioner himself does not know the route at all.
What about the Buddha’s airway?
The Buddha’s airway also has something in common with Kundalini Yoga.
It is the airway through the part of the spinal column from the caudal bone to the medulla oblongata. Sushmuner tube Toho
It is an airway that does not change much. However, Kundalini Yoga’s Sushmuner tube has been extended.
Although it ends with a record, the airway of the Buddha goes further and goes through the neocortex, old cortex, and paleocortex of the cerebrum.
It reaches from the diencephalon to the hypothalamus. And that clarity
I have a route.
Let’s go
That is not all. The route goes further to the forehead, from between the eyebrows to the back of the nose pillar.
No, it’s throaty. In other words, the nerves from Sahaslara to Ajnya and its surroundings.
The route leads to the anterior pituitary gland and the posterior pituitary gland. And now
As such, these routes are clearly shown. Under the guidance of a skilled guru


For example, even a novice practitioner can grasp it.
It goes without saying which one is better.

This is basically due to the difference in practice between the Kundalini Yoga practice and the Buddhahood Buddhahood practice.

The Buddha’s method is to “go” prana. This means that the practitioner does it by his own will. Therefore, the practitioner must know the route that leads Prana. The way of prana,
Instead of leaving it to Prana, the practitioner decides and proceeds. Therefore, the practitioner must know the path.


In the case of Kundalini Yoga, this is completely different.

The power of the practitioner’s will is required to awaken the kundalini, but once awakened, the kundalini explosively rises in the Sushmuner airway regardless of the practitioner’s will. It is not something that the practitioner is “megurasu”.
And after that, it will be left to Kundalini.

The most secret breathing method


Therefore, the way of using the kundalini energy of the Buddha is completely different from the method of the kundalini yoga, and the kundalini is used with complete control. In other words, it is a method of “making” Kundalini energy.

How is it done?

The secret method of the Buddha using Pingara and Ida

It would be wise not to do stupid imitations that would provoke a sleeping Godzilla with a good feeling.

According to the Buddha’s law, the monster Kundalini is awakened in a very gentle and good mood (?).


Taoism does not know Kundalini. However, although it is far from Kundalini, he knows the acupuncture points (pots) that evoke the paranormal and strong energy of “Qi” and uses them for chakra.

This is the most secret of Taoism, and very few people know it. (Henri Ma
This acupuncture point (which I think is a type of chakra in China) is a little further away from the Kundalini chakra. Taoism, as it is now, uses this chakra to evoke a strong “ki”. It can be said to be an alternative to Kundalini. I don’t know Kundalini itself.

In the Buddha’s Iddhipada method, this Taoist chakra is used to first evoke a strong “Qi” energy. Next, send this “ki” to the favorite Kundalini chakra.

This “ki” is slowly moved around the sleeping area of ​​the kundalini.

The kundalini gradually begins to wake up gently.

I think that Taoism has dropped the secret method of using this “ki” to awaken the kundalini, and has completed the method of using only “ki”.

Or, as the Buddha’s top secret law, I tell only a few high-ranking younger brothers, and I wonder if it disappeared someday without leaking to the outside. In other words, I think that only a small starting motor for starting a huge motor called Kundalini was transmitted to Taoism.

I can only admire this secret method of the Buddha, who uses the radical energy of Kundalini in a wonderfully controlled manner.

However, this is not the only secret method of the Buddha. The Buddha teaches us even more surprising secrets.
In a nutshell, the airways of Pingala and Eider are used for accelerators and brakes. However, I don’t know if this is Kundalini Yoga’s Pingala, Eider itself.

Or it may be the airway that the Buddha created newly. For Kundalini Yoga’s Pingala and Ida, as mentioned earlier, rise on both sides of the Sushmuner’s canal through the spinal column, but the two airways of the Buddha are on the opposite side, the belly.
This is because the part goes up and down. However, because of the functions of these two airways, I am still Pingala and Ida, and the Buddha was changed in this way.


I’m thinking. Therefore, we will call these two airways by the names of Pingala and Ida. Now, from the functions of these two airways, what kind of function does the Pingara airway have for kundalini energy?

Eider’s airways have the function of calming and condensing.

In other words, as I said earlier, it acts as an accelerator and a brake.

It is used as follows.

Two Sushmuner tubes
As mentioned earlier, in Kundalini yoga, from the coccyx to the medulla oblongata, the spine
The Sschmuner pipe runs straight through the pillar. Awakened Kundalini rises here In Buddha’s law, there is another Sushmuner tube. In other words, there are two. Opposite to Kundalini Yoga, it is the airway from the tail low bone through the perineum, straight through the midline of the abdomen, through the ring, to the throat. The awakened Kundalini, along with the Sushmuner tube on the back,
This abdominal Sschmuner tube also rises. It is the Buddha’s Pingala and Ida airways that develop and awaken each chakra while controlling the kundalini energy of this abdominal sshmuner (which raises rather than rises).
That is, about 5 to 8 cm from the end of the brain (at the lower side, which varies from person to person, it branches off from the abdominal sushmuner, goes up and down through each chakra and related equipment, nerves, or goes down, or the throat. From there, it rises further inside the brain to the depths of the nasal column and deep between the eyebrows, goes through the chakras of the brain, nerve pathways, etc., and joins all the back Sushmuner at the medulla oblongata cerebral part.

These two airway techniques are absolutely necessary for chakra development and awakening, without them.
It can be said that the complete development and awakening of the chakra is impossible.


横変死の因縁   事故 自殺  Esoteric AstrologyCause of Suspicious Death Accident Suicide










Before the new century, the world will be in terrible turmoil, and society will be divided into innumerable groups, which will be flooded with people who do not know what to do. They will go back and forth in search of leaders with abilities not found in ordinary people. The world is rushing for someone to take us to a new world. At that time, you must be the leader they seek. Esoteric Buddhism is to create such a person. Therefore, the technology has been preserved. This is such a technology. As such, you must know that it is a fairly demanding workout.

Escape from Karma The first course in some training stages is to escape from your karma. People are naturally bound by various conditions. No one can be free from itself.

If you think about it, the very existence called human being is a bond. Being is already a slave. So, being a non-existent thing is a complete liberation, and esoteric Buddhism aims for it, but it will be a theme you should pursue much further. Here is a commentary on what exists in the river. That is called the liberation of karma. Karma is killed by fate. The fate forms the karma. The practice of esoteric Buddhism begins in parallel with this practice of liberation of karma. Sokubaku


A practitioner who does not release the karma from his ability cannot be assimilated into a clean thing called “law” because his training is not stubborn and is seen as unclean.
It is said that.

Therefore, in the first step of training, the guru (master) teaches the practitioner how to solve the karma.

“Yogee’s medicine is neither white nor bad. The work of other people is three-way,” Guru tells the practitioner, at the beginning of his training, that he was liberated from him. Let’s get rid of the law and get out of the business) Sato.
Because he tries to withdraw. (There are usually three types of karma: white karma, agriculture, and black and white medicine. White karma is the cause of good results, so-called good ties, and black leaves are the cause of bad results, so-called bad.

By the way, Kuro’s own business is a mixed business. Most ordinary people belong to this paper industry. Rogue transcends any of these drops.