

ヒトを改造する技術 求閒持聪明法秘伝 3  駄如求聞持明法 memorization ability and intelligent system 3





東方のみでも悪くはない。修行する場所 道場の東壁に小窓をつくる。これは虚空蔵菩薩の化現である明星 (金星)の光を道場にさし入れるためで


ある。また、朝日、夕月の光を本尊にあてる意もあり、あるいは小窓に絹を 張り、黄色の種字(虚空蔵菩薩という仏のシンボルの文字)を書いて、そこか 明星の光を透して本尊にあてるためでもある」

とまず場所を制定し、つぎに、明星を凝視しつつ、さだめられた本尊 (虚空蔵菩薩の印明(真言と印契)を一〇〇万べん、五〇日あるいは一〇〇日 読誦するのであるが、日蝕または月触の時に結願(完了) するように開白(はじめること)しなければならぬ、とある。




阿国大滝のにのぼりよじ、土州室戸の崎に勤念す。 谷響をおしまず、

つまり、自分は阿波の国の大滝が岳という山にのぼり、土佐の室戸岬でこ の修行にはげんだところ、最終の日に、谷はこだまし、明星があらわれるな 法に伝えられている通りの奇瑞(不思議な現象)があらわれ、法が成就 した、というのである。 じられてい

この文章中、明星来影す” とあるのは、求聞持聡明法が成就したという 意味で、それは、求聞持聡明法の秘伝に、こう伝えられているところによる のである。

「明星来影すとは、結願(修行の完了)の時に、香に火を置き、 明星を拝 するに、四方が暗く明星が見えねば悉地成就(修行が成功したこと)ではない。 暗くても星が現すれば下品の成就であり、四方が少々晴れて星が現すれば中 天になく、ことごとく晴れて星現ずれば成就、四方が晴れても星現ぜ


とあり、さらに、星の現われかたも修行者の身近であるほどよいとされる。最もよいのは天気晴朗、明星が修行者の眼前に遊してくれば最上の成就とされるのである。 弘法大師空海の場合は、結願の日、天気晴朗にして、 宝剣、 いずれからともなく忽然と座の前に落ち、明星飛んで口に入って悉地成就の


以上が、求聞持聡明法成就に関する口伝であり、秘伝なのである。したが って、修行者はこれを目標に必死に修行を重ねる。そして失望する。当 然なのだ。なぜならば、この秘伝が間違っているのだ。

こういう口伝や秘伝を頼りにいくら修行しても、気の毒だが求聞持法は成 就しない。まるっきり違うのだ。どう違うのか?

明星とは、現実の明星ではないのである。 はるか彼方の空間にきらめく明 星ではないのだ。それは、なんと! 修行者自身の脳の内部にまたたく閃光 なのだ。





グのときであった。真言宗に伝わる求聞持法の九種の印明、それに、古代ヨ ガに伝わる特殊な呼吸法、古代ヨーガの秘伝から私が創案した特殊な印契 とポーズ、この三つによるトレーニングで、私のからだと大脳皮質と脳髄は、 微妙な変化を起こしつつあることが感じられていた。 チャクラの開発も順調 にすすんでいた。機が熟しつつあることを、私の六感は感じていた。

夜明けなさい まどろんだような感じであった。しかし、ねむりではなかった。 しびれの 感覚であった。 かるい失神、めまいに似ていた。忘我の一瞬であった。その 刹那、


落雷かと感じ、瞼の裏を紫電が走った。つぎの瞬間、眼前でフラッシュをた かれたように、私の視野は真っ暗になった。 失明! という考えがチラリと

脳裡をよぎった。と、そのときであった。頭の内奥、深部に、ポッカリと明されるのである。 弘法大師空海の場合は、結願の日、天気晴朗にして、 宝剣、 いずれからともなく忽然と座の前に落ち、明星飛んで口に入って悉地成就の


以上が、求聞持聡明法成就に関する口伝であり、秘伝なのである。したが って、修行者はこれを目標に必死に修行を重ねる。そして失望する。当 然なのだ。なぜならば、この秘伝が間違っているのだ。

こういう口伝や秘伝を頼りにいくら修行しても、気の毒だが求聞持法は成 就しない。まるっきり違うのだ。どう違うのか?

明星とは、現実の明星ではないのである。 はるか彼方の空間にきらめく明 星ではないのだ。それは、なんと! 修行者自身の脳の内部にまたたく閃光 なのだ。





グのときであった。真言宗に伝わる求聞持法の九種の印明、それに、古代ヨ ガに伝わる特殊な呼吸法、古代ヨーガの秘伝から私が創案した特殊な印契 とポーズ、この三つによるトレーニングで、私のからだと大脳皮質と脳髄は、 微妙な変化を起こしつつあることが感じられていた。 チャクラの開発も順調 にすすんでいた。機が熟しつつあることを、私の六感は感じていた。

夜明けなさい まどろんだような感じであった。しかし、ねむりではなかった。 しびれの 感覚であった。 かるい失神、めまいに似ていた。忘我の一瞬であった。その 刹那、


落雷かと感じ、瞼の裏を紫電が走った。つぎの瞬間、眼前でフラッシュをた かれたように、私の視野は真っ暗になった。 失明! という考えがチラリと



かりがともったのだ。 そして、それは、私の脈搏とおなじリズムで、 しずか にしずかにまたたきはじめた。ちょうど、この修法をはじめる一〇〇日前、 山にこもって凝っと見つめたあのときの明星 暁けの明星のように、それ はつめたく、黄ばんだ白さでまたたいた。


「そうか! これが明星だったのか!」



大脳の或る部分を或る方法で刺激すると、目の前に光が見えるようになる のである。その光は、かたちも色も大きさも、いろいろに見えるが、意識を 記憶の座に向けて沈静させると、つめたい、やや黄色みを帯びた白銀色にな って、しずかに眼の奥でまたたく。それはちょうど明星そっくりに見えるの である。


或る特殊なトレーニングにより、この部位(大脳の視床下部のあたり)への 刺激が、目のなかに光を浮かばせるのである。目を或る角度に向けると、目 開いていても閉じていても、ポッカリと光が浮かんで見える。

この光が見えるようになると、大脳の記憶の座が自由にあやつれるように なるばかりでなく、さまざまな、奇蹟としか思えぬような力が出てくる。 す なわち、 求聞持聡明法の成就である。

これが、求聞持法、明星の秘密である。 大空を一〇〇年ながめて空中の明 星を見つめていてもムダだ。 明星はわが大脳の奥にあるのだから。

このことは、密教五〇〇〇年の歴史に、私がはじめてつかんだ秘密である。 私以外にこれを知る者はついになかった。 求聞持法の秘密を私はついにつか んだ。私はそれを誇りに思う。




  • 求開持聪明法秘伝



かりがともったのだ。 そして、それは、私の脈搏とおなじリズムで、 しずか にしずかにまたたきはじめた。ちょうど、この修法をはじめる一〇〇日前、 山にこもって凝っと見つめたあのときの明星 暁けの明星のように、それ はつめたく、黄ばんだ白さでまたたいた。


「そうか! これが明星だったのか!」



大脳の或る部分を或る方法で刺激すると、目の前に光が見えるようになる のである。その光は、かたちも色も大きさも、いろいろに見えるが、意識を 記憶の座に向けて沈静させると、つめたい、やや黄色みを帯びた白銀色にな って、しずかに眼の奥でまたたく。それはちょうど明星そっくりに見えるの である。


或る特殊なトレーニングにより、この部位(大脳の視床下部のあたり)への 刺激が、目のなかに光を浮かばせるのである。目を或る角度に向けると、目 開いていても閉じていても、ポッカリと光が浮かんで見える。

この光が見えるようになると、大脳の記憶の座が自由にあやつれるように なるばかりでなく、さまざまな、奇蹟としか思えぬような力が出てくる。 す なわち、 求聞持聡明法の成就である。

これが、求聞持法、明星の秘密である。 大空を一〇〇年ながめて空中の明 星を見つめていてもムダだ。 明星はわが大脳の奥にあるのだから。

このことは、密教五〇〇〇年の歴史に、私がはじめてつかんだ秘密である。 私以外にこれを知る者はついになかった。 求聞持法の秘密を私はついにつか んだ。私はそれを誇りに思う。




に明星は眼前に現われるのである。ただし、それが頭の深奥に現われるのだ ということは、修行者自身が心血を注ぐ努力、工夫をしてつかまねばならぬ 秘密なのである。その秘密が解けない修行者は、失格なのだ。 つまり、天才

密教の秘伝とか、口伝というものは、つねにこのような表現で真実を現わ (あるいは隠しているのである。その隠されたナゾ解きが、密教の「修 「行」というものなのである。 法を成就した導師は、決してそれを素直に表現 して教えようとはしない。 それは決して意地悪や不親切なのではないのであ る。ストレートに密教の秘密の技術を出してしまったのでは、その秘密技術 を弟子は身につけることができないのである。 それを身につける力が生じな いからである。

禅宗には、「公案」がある。一つの公案のナゾ解き (悟り)に何年も、時 には何十年も心血を注ぐ。 ナゾを解くことはもちろん大切でありそれが目的 だが、ナゾを解く過程の努力が、その修行者に力をつけるのである。 それと

それにしても、明星が眼前を「遊曵する」とはなんという巧みな比喩であ ろうか。空海の場合には、「明星が飛んで口の中に入った」という。法が成 就して、その秘密を身を以て体験した者には、「なあんだ」といおうか、「な るほど」といおうか、拍子抜けするような感じであるが、真剣になって、虚 空はるかにまたたく金星をなんとか目の前に遊させようと必死になり、時 には口の中に飛びこませようと大きな口をあけて待った無数の修行者を考え ると、おかしくもあり、気の毒でもあるという思いである。私はこれをもと にして、私の「求聞持聡明法」を編成した。これは、今までの「法」などと いうアイマイなものではない。 生化学と生理学をもとにした「技術」であり、 システムである。正しい指導のもとに訓練を積めば、必ず、だれでも効果を得られる技術である。


本来ならば、こういうことは、私の「大極秘伝」として、ごく限られた者 だけに、ひそかに伝えてゆくべきものなのだろう。だが、私は、敢えて、れをひろく公開する。 なぜならば、私は、世界中の人びとが、この法によっ 知能を高め、いっさいの愚行 殺し合い、奪い合い、傷つけ合い、憎み




しかし、その半分でもよい。 人類の知能が今の水準より平均一・五倍飛躍 したら、この世界から、犯罪も戦争もいっさいなくなるだろう。そうい うものがあるのは、人類が愚かだからだ。 求聞持法によって知能指数が倍加 したら、そういうことがいかに愚かで馬鹿馬鹿しいことか、大人が子供のケ ンカが馬鹿馬鹿しくて見ていられないように、いっさい、しなくなる。

私や私の周囲のごく一部の者が、この法によっていくら賢くなろうとも、 それがなにになろう。 世界の大勢にどれほどの影響があろう。よしんば私が、 この法によって、古今無比の大聖者と仰がれる程の力を持とうとも、世界の どこかで、権力をにぎっている馬鹿が、核バクダンのボタンをひとつ押した

ら、それっきりなのである。 世界中はふっ飛んでしまう。 古今無比の大聖者 もいっしょに!

まあ、古今無比の大聖者ともなれば、事前にそれくらい察知して、 安全な ところに待避してしまうであろうが、世界中が壊滅して、助かった者も核の 灰に汚染されて、半死半生の者ばかりという世の中に、自分とごく少数の一 族だけが生き残ってなにになろう。 ノアの方舟の時とは状況がまったくちが うのである。

このままでは、必ず世界は崩壊する。 人類の大愚行はぜったいに止めさせ なければならぬ。そのために私は、この求聞持聡明法を、世界中にひろめね




The best place to practice this Dharma is an open area on three sides, east and southwest. however,

It’s not bad even if it’s just Touhou. Place for training Create a small window on the east wall of the dojo. This is to let the light of Myojo (Venus), the incarnation of Kokuzo Bodhisattva, shine into the dojo.


be. There is also the idea of letting the light of the morning sun and evening moon shine on the principal image, or by covering a small window with silk and writing yellow seed characters (characters representing the symbol of the Buddha, Kokuzo Bodhisattva), allowing the light of the morning star to shine through. It is also to dedicate it to the principal image.”

First, establish a place, and then, while gazing at the morning star, recite the enshrined principal image (Kokuzo Bodhisattva’s inmei (mantra and seal) for 1,000,000 days, 50 or 100 days. However, it is said that one must open the prayer (completion) at the time of a solar eclipse or lunar eclipse.

Then, Kobo Daishi Kukai described his own successful experience with this method as follows:


The morning star is coming. Things like that


He climbs up the Okuni Otaki waterfall and works hard at Toshu Muroto no Saki. Don’t let Tanihiro down,

In other words, I climbed a mountain called Ōtakigadake in Awa Province and engaged in this training at Cape Muroto in Tosa, and on the last day, the valley echoed and a morning star appeared. It is said that the miracle (mysterious phenomenon) of the street appeared and the law was fulfilled. Being teased

In this passage, the phrase “Myojo Raiseisu” means that Gumonjisoteiho was fulfilled, and this is what is said in the secret of Gumonjisoteiho.

“To see the shadow of the morning star” means to light incense and worship the morning star at the time of prayer (completion of training), but if it is dark on all sides and the morning star cannot be seen, it is not complete fulfillment (the training has been successful).It is dark. If a star appears on all sides, it is a fulfillment of vulgarity; if it is a little clear on all sides and a star appears, it is not in the middle of the sky, but if it is completely clear and a star appears, it is a fulfillment; even if it is clear on all sides, a star appears.

If you do, it won’t happen.”

Furthermore, it is said that the closer the star appears to the practitioner, the better. The best thing is when the weather is clear and the star shines in front of the practitioner’s eyes, which is considered the greatest accomplishment. In the case of Kobo Daishi Kukai, on the day of his wish, the weather was clear and sunny, his treasured sword suddenly fell in front of his throne, and the star flew into his mouth, and he was said to have achieved complete fulfillment.

It is said that he has appeared.

The above is an oral tradition and a secret regarding the fulfillment of the Law of Gumonji and Sage. Therefore, practitioners train desperately to achieve this goal. And disappointed. Of course. Because this secret is wrong.

No matter how much you practice relying on such oral traditions and secrets, you will never be able to achieve the Gumonjiho method. It’s completely different. What’s the difference?

The morning star is not an actual morning star. It is not a bright star twinkling in a faraway space. It’s amazing! It’s a flash of light that flashes inside the brain of the practitioner himself.

Let me tell you about my experience.


I was on my third desperate training.

It was almost the 100th day, the 100th training in my legal system.

It was at the time of Through training using the nine types of inmei of Gyomonjiho passed down in the Shingon sect, special breathing techniques passed down in ancient yoga, and special inji and poses that I created from the secrets of ancient yoga, I It was felt that subtle changes were occurring in his body, cerebral cortex and brain spinal cord. Chakra development was also progressing smoothly. My six senses knew that the time was ripe.

Dawn! It felt like I was in a slumber. But it wasn’t sleepy. It was a feeling of numbness. It was similar to faint fainting and dizziness. It was a moment of forgetfulness. That moment,

I was screaming in pain. I felt a current flowing through a corner of my brain.

It felt like lightning, and purple electricity ran behind my eyelids. The next moment, my field of vision went black, as if a flash had been fired right in front of my eyes. A glimmer of the thought of going blind!

It crossed my mind. That was then. It will suddenly become clear to you, deep inside your head. In the case of Kobo Daishi Kukai, on the day of his wish, the weather was clear and sunny, his treasured sword suddenly fell in front of his throne, and the star flew into his mouth, and he was said to have achieved complete fulfillment.

It is said that he has appeared.

The above is an oral tradition and a secret regarding the fulfillment of the Law of Gumonji and Sage. Therefore, practitioners train desperately to achieve this goal. And disappointed. Of course. Because this secret is wrong.

No matter how much you practice relying on such oral traditions and secrets, you will never be able to achieve the Gumonjiho method. It’s completely different. What’s the difference?

The morning star is not an actual morning star. It is not a bright star twinkling in a faraway space. It’s amazing! It’s a flash of light that flashes inside the brain of the practitioner himself.

Let me tell you about my experience.


I was on my third desperate training.

It was almost the 100th day, the 100th training in my legal system.

It was at the time of Through training using the nine types of inmei of Gyomonjiho passed down in the Shingon sect, special breathing techniques passed down in ancient yoga, and special inji and poses that I created from the secrets of ancient yoga, I It was felt that subtle changes were occurring in his body, cerebral cortex and brain spinal cord. Chakra development was also progressing smoothly. My six senses knew that the time was ripe.

Dawn! It felt like I was in a slumber. But it wasn’t sleepy. It was a feeling of numbness. It was similar to faint fainting and dizziness. It was a moment of forgetfulness. That moment,

I was screaming in pain. I felt a current flowing through a corner of my brain.

It felt like lightning, and purple electricity ran behind my eyelids. The next moment, my field of vision went black, as if a flash had been fired right in front of my eyes. A glimmer of the thought of going blind!

It crossed my mind. That was then. Deep inside my head, there is a sudden brightness.


A light was lit. Then, it began to beat again and again, in the same rhythm as my heartbeat. It twinkled with a cold, yellowish whiteness, just like the dawn star that I had gazed upon while holed up in the mountains 100 days before I began this practice.

I patted my knee as hard as I could.

“I see! This was the morning star!”

I looked up and screamed. I finally discovered the secret of the star!

The morning star was not a real morning star.

If you stimulate a certain part of your brain in a certain way, you will be able to see light in front of your eyes. The light appears to be of various shapes, colors, and sizes, but when you turn your attention to the seat of memory and calm down, it turns into a cold, slightly yellowish silver color, and silently shines again in the back of your eyes. Taku. It looks exactly like a morning star.

This is the star!

Through some special training, stimulation of this area (around the hypothalamus of the brain) causes light to appear in the eyes. If you turn your eyes at a certain angle, whether your eyes are open or closed, you will see a flash of light floating in your eyes.

When he becomes able to see this light, he not only becomes able to freely manipulate the memory seat of his cerebrum, but also a variety of powers that can only be considered miraculous emerge. In other words, it is the fulfillment of the law of seeking wisdom.

This is the secret of Gumonjiho and Myojo. There is no point in staring at the sky for 100 years, staring at the morning star in the sky. Because the morning star is deep within my cerebrum.

This is the first secret I have discovered in the 5,000 year history of Esoteric Buddhism. In the end, no one else knew this except me. I finally grasped the secret of Gumonjiho. I’m proud of it.

I said earlier that the oral tradition of Gumon Jisomeiho is wrong. But this mouth

The legend was never wrong. It is true if the training is successful

Technology to modify humans

The secret of seeking enlightenment and enlightenment



A light was lit. Then, it began to beat again and again, in the same rhythm as my heartbeat. It twinkled with a cold, yellowish whiteness, just like the dawn star that I had gazed upon while holed up in the mountains 100 days before I began this practice.

I patted my knee as hard as I could.

“I see! This was the morning star!”

I looked up and screamed. I finally discovered the secret of the star!

The morning star was not a real morning star.

If you stimulate a certain part of your brain in a certain way, you will be able to see light in front of your eyes. The light appears to be of various shapes, colors, and sizes, but when you turn your attention to the seat of memory and calm down, it turns into a cold, slightly yellowish silver color, and silently shines again in the back of your eyes. Taku. It looks exactly like a morning star.

This is the star!

Through some special training, stimulation of this area (around the hypothalamus of the brain) causes light to appear in the eyes. If you turn your eyes at a certain angle, whether your eyes are open or closed, you will see a flash of light floating in your eyes.

When he becomes able to see this light, he not only becomes able to freely manipulate the memory seat of his cerebrum, but also a variety of powers that can only be considered miraculous emerge. In other words, it is the fulfillment of the law of seeking wisdom.

This is the secret of Gumonjiho and Myojo. There is no point in staring at the sky for 100 years, staring at the morning star in the sky. Because the morning star is deep within my cerebrum.

This is the first secret I have discovered in the 5,000 year history of Esoteric Buddhism. In the end, no one else knew this except me. I finally grasped the secret of Gumonjiho. I’m proud of it.

I said earlier that the oral tradition of Gumon Jisomeiho is wrong. But this mouth

The legend was never wrong. If you complete your training, you cannot become one.

It’s the same thing.

The morning star will appear before your eyes. However, the fact that he appears in the depths of one’s mind is a secret that the practitioner must put his whole heart and soul into and use his ingenuity to grasp. A practitioner who cannot solve the secret is disqualified. In other words, genius

Esoteric Buddhism’s secret teachings and oral traditions always reveal (or hide) the truth using expressions like this.The unraveling of these hidden mysteries is the “practice” of Esoteric Buddhism. Successful masters never try to teach by expressing it honestly. This is not because they are mean or unkind. If they give out the secret techniques of esoteric Buddhism straight away, they will never try to teach. Disciples cannot acquire this because they do not have the strength to acquire it.

In Zen Buddhism, there are “koans.” People spend years, even decades, pouring their heart and soul into solving the mystery (enlightenment) of a single koan. Solving the riddles is of course important and the goal, but the effort in the process of solving the riddles gives the practitioner strength. And with that

In any case, what a clever metaphor it is to say that the morning star is “towing” right in front of our eyes. In Kukai’s case, “Myojo flew into his mouth.” For those who have experienced the Dharma’s fulfillment and its secrets firsthand, they may say, “Wow!” or “I see!”, but when they become serious, they realize that the sky is far away. When I think of the countless practitioners who desperately tried to get the twinkling Venus to play in front of their eyes, sometimes with their mouths wide open in hopes of letting it fly into their mouths, it was both strange and pitiful. I believe that there is. Based on this, I organized my “Gumonjisōmeiho.” This is not what he calls the “law” of the past. It is a “technology” and a system based on biochemistry and physiology. It is a technique that anyone can benefit from if trained with the right guidance.


Normally, this would be something that I should secretly tell only a very limited number of people as my “big secret”. However, I dare to publish it widely. Because I want people all over the world to use this law to increase their intelligence and avoid all foolishness, killing, robbing, hurting, and hating each other.

Let’s go away from each other



Buddha Japan journal
Send Japanese Buddhism


“Nirvana aims for wisdom and compassion.”

ヒトを改造する技術 求閒持聪明法秘伝 2  駄如求聞持明法 memorization ability and intelligent system 2

因縁解脱というのは、運命を成り立たせる因子である「因縁」から超越してし まうことである。或いは、「因縁」を消滅させてしまうことである。人間とい うものを成立させているところの「因縁」から超越し、「因縁」を消滅させて しまったとき、そのヒトは、人間を超えた存在である「ブッダ」になる。 ブッ ダにはもはや運命はない。これが仏教の教理である。

ブッダになるための修行法を「成仏法」という。「因縁解脱法」ともいう。 かれは、「成仏法」こそ、人間の運命を完全に、そして最高のものに変えて しまう方法であると考えた。そう考えたかれは、成仏法を求めて仏教の門に入 った。仏教の門に入ったかれが間もなく知ったことは、これまでの日本のどの 仏教にも、完全な「成仏法」がないということであった。

これはかれにとってじつに不思議でならないことであった。仏教というのに どうして成仏法がないのか? 因縁解脱法がなぜないのか? 成仏法のない仏 教は仏教ではないのではないか? かれは不審に思いつつ、成仏法を求めて一 心に大な経典群ととり組み、すべての宗派の勉強をした。かれが特定の宗派に入らず、特定の師を持たなかったのはこの為である。どの宗派にも確立した 成仏法がない上に、一つの宗派に入ると、束縛されてしまって、成仏法を求め る自由な修行が出来ないからである。かれは、仏教だけにとどまらず、中国の 道教、インドのヨーガにも目を向け、修練にはげんだ。道教では導引・気功、 ヨーガではクンダリニー・ヨーガを学んだ。

真言密教の修行に入ったとき、「求聞持聡明法」という法に出会った。これ は、ヒトを天才にするということで有名な法であった。

求聞持聡明法というのは、日本の仏教の中で真言宗という密教の一派を開い 弘法大師空海(七七四年一八三五年)が修行して、大天才になったという有名

空海は、若くして密教の修行をはじめるにあたり、こう考えたのである。 密教は非常に難解であるから、ふつうの頭脳で修行しても、到底理解する ことが出来ない。 幸い、密教には人を聡明にする求聞持聡明法という法がある。 まず、この法を学んで、自分の脳を改善しよう


このことは、空海自身、かれの伝記の中ではっきり書いており、そして空海 は、日本の歴史の中で最高レベルの知性を持つ天才である。

求聞持というのは、一度見聞したことはぜったいに忘れない”という意 味であり、聡明”というのは、“師なくして天地自然の真理をさとる知恵のこ という”とある。

要するに、求聞持は記憶力のことで、聡明は創造力のことであろうとかれは 考えた。あるいは、求聞持とはハードウエアのことであり、聡明はソフトウエ アということであろう。この二つの能力は、ものごとを学び、研究する上で最

高の武器である。日本の仏教に見あたらない成仏法をさがす上で、これは絶対 不可欠な能力といえよう。 それにまた、普通の頭脳の持ちぬしが天才になると いうのは、これまた立派な運命の変換というべきではなかろうか?


かれは、手に入るかぎりの文献を集め、さらに、若い頃、この法を修行した という老僧に伝授を受けた。(この老僧は、残念ながら、天才にはなっていな かったがしかし、この老僧は師から伝統にのっとって伝授を受け、その通 修行した人である)かれは、その老僧の指導を受け、法の命ずる通りの修行を二度くり返した。 二度とも法は成功しなかった。集中力と思考力がいくらかよくなった程度で、 到底、天才とはほど遠いものであった。




というものであった。少なくとも、なんらかの欠陥がある、というのであった。 つまり、自分にミスがあるのではなく、法の方に欠陥があるのだというのであ る。人が聞いたら、なんという自信過剰!と呆れるかも知れない。いや、真 密教の僧侶が聞いたら、法に対する旗だと、かんかんになるであろう。し

かし、かれはぜったいに自分が正しいと確信した。かれが調査したところによ ると、むかしから無数の密教修行者たちが天才になろうとしてこの法に挑戦し、 ことごとく失敗しているというのであった。それも単なる失敗ではなく、その 大半は、精神病か結核になって、天折しているというのであった。

大正年代から昭和初期にかけて(一九一七年三五年頃)かなりの数の犠牲者 が出て、それ以来、この修行をする者はほとんど無くなったということであっ た。修行したとしても形式だけのものになったようである。


「あまり真剣になって根をつめるとやられるようじゃから、注意せんといかん のう。ほどほどにせんとな」




「大天才になられたのは空海さまだけじゃ。あのお方は、最初から天才じゃっ たのと違うかな」


かれは苦笑いしながら、そうかも知れない、と思ったが、しかしおれは徹底 的にやって必ず成功してみせるぞ、と思ったのであった。

しかし、失敗して、さまざまな角度から検討してみて、 これは、伝えられて いる法が不備なのだと考えたのである。 どう考えてみても、こういう修行の方 法で、人間が天才になれるはずはないと考えたのである。 この不完全な法で天 才になろうと思って必死に修行をつづけたら、体力、気力を消耗し尽くして、 さいごには、結核かノイローゼになるのは当然だと考えたのである。

そう考えたが、しかし、かれは、求聞持聡明法の修行をやめてしまおうとは 思わなかった。




明法を修行して、相当な効果のあったこともまた間違いない事実であると思わ れる。なぜならば、かれ自身、奇蹟的な結果を得たと記しているからである。 自分がもともと天才であってこの法を修しても格別に効果がなかったのである なら、こんなことを仰々しく書くことはなかったであろう。 おそらく求聞持 明法は修したとしても、この法についてなに一つ、かれは書くことをしなかっ たであろう。 効果があったからこそ、あったと書いたのである。効果がなかっ たのに、あったとウソを書く必要はない。 ただ一つ考えられることは、真言密 教の法の力の偉大さをアピールするためにそうしたということであるが、かれ ほどの大天才がそんな姑息な手段をとるなど考えられず、またもしそういう必 要があるならば、もっと別な方法をとったであろう。だから、求聞持聡明法は、

必ず効果があるはずである。ただ、その方法は、いま伝えられているものでは 効果がないということだ。 自分は、一生かけてもその欠けている部分をさがし 出し、この偉大な法を完成しよう。なぜならば、それは自分自身にも必要であ るが、自分以外の多くの人にもまた、大きな利益をもたらすからだ」



それについて、かれは、一九七二年に刊行した著書『密教・超能力の秘密』 でつぎのように述べている。



記憶力と聡明さをあたえる秘法であるが、これを、何十ぺん、何百ぺん、昔 から伝えられる法の通りに修行したところで、その結果は徒労におわるであ ろう。 生命を賭して修行すれば、多少の効果はあろうが、宗祖の空海が得た ような霊験を得ることは、まず不可能であろう。

なぜならば、真言密教の「虚空蔵菩薩求聞持聡明法」には、印真観想によ 精神集中の「法」はあるけれども、現実的に生理器官である大脳皮質その ものを動かす「技術」は持っていないのである。

前の著書『変身の原理」で求聞持聡明法について語って以来、私は、十指 を越える真言宗の僧侶、阿闍梨耶 (ācárya=教授) がたから、手紙あるいは 直接、この法の修行について相談をうけた。そのほとんどは、自分も一度な いし数度にわたって求聞持法を修したが、いっさい効験がみられなかった、

修行のしかた、あるいは心構えに間違いがあったのであろうか、というもの であった。 また、何度か修行してみてあの行法にそんな神秘的な力がひそん でいようとは思われぬ、という疑惑の声もあった。中には、お気の毒にも健 康を害してしまって、再起不能になったと訴えてきた阿闍梨耶もおられた。 お気の毒であるが、当然なのである。

真言密教の阿闍梨耶がたが、いくら求聞持聡明法をくりかえしても、成就 できないのは当然なのである。もちろん、絶対に、とはいわない。万人に秀 でる天才、英才であったら、その奥に達することができるかも知れぬ。しか まず不可能といってよいであろう。

私が発見し、編成した「求聞持法」でなければ不可能と断言しても、決し てオーバーではないであろう。それについては後でまた改めてくわしく書く が、ここで、求聞持法の秘密の一端を明かすことにする。




Liberation from karma means transcending “karma,” which is the factor that establishes one’s destiny. Or, it means to eliminate “karma.” When a person transcends the “fate” that makes the human being what it is, and eliminates the “fate”, he becomes a “Buddha,” a being that transcends humans. Buddha no longer has a destiny. This is the doctrine of Buddhism.

The training method to become a Buddha is called the “Buddhahood method”. It is also called the “method of releasing one’s fate.” He believed that “the method of attaining Buddhahood” was the way to completely and supremely change a person’s destiny. Thinking so, he entered Buddhism in search of the method to attain Buddhahood. What he soon learned after entering Buddhism was that there was no perfect “method for attaining Buddhahood” in any of Japan’s previous forms of Buddhism.

This was very strange to him. Even though it is Buddhism, why does he not have a method for attaining Buddhahood? Why is there no method for releasing oneself from one’s fate? Isn’t Buddhism without a method for attaining Buddhahood not really Buddhism? Although he was suspicious, he devoted himself to great efforts in search of the method for attaining Buddhahood. He worked on the scriptures and studied all the sects. This is why he did not join any particular sect or have any particular teacher. This is because none of the sects has an established method for attaining Buddhahood, and if you join one, you will be bound and unable to practice freely in pursuit of the method for attaining Buddhahood. In addition to Buddhism, he turned his attention to Chinese Taoism and Indian yoga, and devoted himself to training. He studied Taoism and Qi Gong, and Kundalini Yoga.

When he entered the training of Shingon esoteric Buddhism, he came across a law called “Gumonji Somyoho.” This method was famous for turning people into geniuses.

Gumonji Sōmeiho is a famous school of Buddhism in Japan, where Kobo Daishi Kukai (774-1835) trained and became a great genius.

This is what Kukai thought when he began training in esoteric Buddhism at a young age. Esoteric Buddhism is so difficult to understand that even if you practice it with your normal mind, you will never be able to understand it. Fortunately, in Esoteric Buddhism there is a law called Gumonji Shumeiho that makes people wise. First, learn this method and improve your brain.

Kukai practiced this method and became a genius.

Kukai himself clearly wrote about this in his biography, and Kukai is a genius with the highest level of intelligence in Japanese history.

The word “gumonji” means “one never forgets what one has seen or heard,” and the word “intelligent” means “he has the wisdom to understand the truth of heaven, earth, and nature without a teacher.”

In short, he thought that “knowledge” refers to memory, and “smartness” refers to creativity. Alternatively, “Gyubunmochi” refers to hardware, and “Smartness” refers to software. These two abilities are the most important in learning and researching things.

It is a high-quality weapon. This can be said to be an absolutely essential ability in searching for the method of attaining Buddhahood that is not found in Japanese Buddhism. Besides, isn’t it another wonderful transformation of fate that he says that someone with an ordinary brain can become a genius?

With this in mind, he entered the training of Gumonjisomeiho.

He collected as much literature as he could get his hands on, and also received initiation from an old monk named He, who had practiced this Dharma when he was young. (Unfortunately, this old monk did not become a genius. However, this old monk received initiation from his teacher according to tradition, and was a person who trained through it.) After receiving guidance, he repeated the training twice as instructed by the law. Both times the law was unsuccessful. His concentration and thinking ability improved somewhat, but he was far from a genius.


He repeatedly questioned whether his method of training was wrong.

I considered it repeatedly.

I told him that the conclusion I had reached was that the Gumonji Someiho that had been passed down until now was wrong.

That’s what it was. At the very least, there was some kind of flaw. In other words, he argues that it is not his fault, but the law’s fault. If people heard this, they might be shocked and think, “How overconfident!” No, if a Shin Esoteric Buddhist monk heard this, he would be furious, thinking it was a flag against the Dharma. death

But he was absolutely convinced that he was right. According to his research, countless practitioners of Esoteric Buddhism had tried this method in the past in an attempt to become geniuses, but had all failed. This was not just a failure; most of them suffered from mental illness or tuberculosis, and were said to have given up.

From the Taisho era to the early Showa era (around 1917), there were a considerable number of victims, and since then, almost no one practices this practice. Even if he did practice, it seems to have become only a formality.

After the old monk who taught him the Dharma had finished teaching him the Dharma,

“If you get too serious and get too serious, you might get killed, so you have to be careful, he’s crazy.”

“Fortunately, I didn’t suffer from lung disease or go insane, but instead I became a genius.”

I’m familiar with you. Hahaha

he laughed. and,

“Kukai-sama is the only one who became a great genius. He was a genius from the beginning, isn’t he?”

He laughed again.

He thought with a wry smile that this might not be the case, but he also thought that he would work thoroughly and be sure to succeed.

However, after failing and considering it from various angles, he realized that this was due to a flaw in the law that had been passed down to him. No matter how you think about it, he thought that there was no way a person could become a genius through this type of training. He believed that if he tried desperately to become a genius using this imperfect method, he would exhaust his physical strength and energy, and eventually develop tuberculosis or neurosis.

That’s what he thought, but he had no intention of giving up his practice of Gyomonjisomeiho.

This is what he thought.

The secret of the star

Kukai may have been a genius to begin with. However, he is the

It is also a fact that there is no doubt that practicing Myoho has had considerable effects. This is because he himself wrote that he had obtained miraculous results. If he had been a genius to begin with, and had practiced this method without any particular effect, he would not have written such an exaggerated statement. Even though he had practiced Gumon Jimyoho, he probably did not write anything about this law. He wrote that it existed because it was effective. There’s no need to lie and say he had it when it didn’t work. The only thing I can think of is that he did it to emphasize the great power of the law of Shingon Esoteric Buddhism, but he could not imagine that such a great genius would take such a palliative measure. If that was necessary, I would have taken a different approach. Therefore, the “Gumonji Sōmeiho” is

It should definitely be effective. However, the method currently being communicated is not effective. I will spend my whole life searching for the missing parts and perfecting this great Dharma. Because while it is necessary for yourself, it also brings great benefits to many other people.

He spent many years working tirelessly to achieve this goal.

Let me conclude. He finally succeeded in perfecting this law.

Regarding this, he wrote the following in his book “Esoteric Buddhism and the Secret of Supernatural Powers” published in 1972.

In his book, he was convinced that he had perfected the “Gumonji Sōmeiho.”

Gumonji Smart Method is to improve and strengthen the human cerebrum, to strengthen the human brain, and to develop an unparalleled knowledge.

It is a secret method that gives you memory and intelligence, but even if you practice it for tens or even hundreds of hours according to the laws that have been passed down from ancient times, the result will be in vain. If you put your life on the line for training, you may get some results, but it is unlikely that you will be able to obtain the same miraculous powers that the founder of the sect, Kukai, achieved.

This is because, although the “Kokuzo Bodhisattva Seeking and Jusimeiho” of Shingon Esoteric Buddhism has a “method” of concentrating the mind through Inshin contemplation, it actually moves the cerebral cortex itself, which is a physiological organ. They don’t have the technology.

Since I talked about the Gumonji Somyo method in my previous book, The Principle of Transformation, I have had more than a dozen Shingon monks, ācárya (professors), contact me by letter or in person to discuss the practice of this method. I received it. Most of them said that he himself had practiced Gumonjiho several times, but he had never seen any effect.

Perhaps there was a mistake in the way he practiced or his mindset. There were also voices of doubt that even after practicing the practice several times, it was hard to believe that there was such a mystical power hidden in that practice. Among them was an Acharya who complained that his health had deteriorated and he was unable to recover. I feel sorry for you, but it is natural.

It is natural that the Acharyas of Shingon Esoteric Buddhism cannot achieve their goals no matter how many times they repeat the teachings of wisdom. Of course, I’m not saying absolutely. If you are a genius or gifted person who excels at all people, you may be able to reach the depths. However, it can be said that it is impossible for him to do so.

He would not be going overboard if he declared that it would be impossible without the “Gimonjiho” that I discovered and organized. I will write about this in more detail later, but I will now reveal some of the secrets of the Gumon Jiho method.

First, let’s talk about the traditionally handed down Shingon esoteric Buddhism’s “Kokuzo Bodhisattva Gumonji Sōmei”.

ヒトを改造する技術 求閒持聪明法秘伝 1  駄如求聞持明法 memorization ability and intelligent system 1





「求聞持聡明法」  ぐもんじ そういう


超人間を、脱文明を、精神動物王国を、超ヒトを、ホモ・エクセレンスを、 ほんとうに生み出し、ほんとうにつくり出す技術体系がここにある。


それがどのような力をヒトにあたえるものか、その実例を一つみていただこ う。




かれは、生まれつき特に強健でもなく、また、虚弱でもなく、普通人なみの 健康であった。知能も同様、特に人にすぐれたところもなく、また、特に愚劣 というのでもなかった。普通人なみの知能といえよう。

五歳のとき、サムライであった祖父から剣術の手ほどきを受け、小学校三年 の時に、講道館柔道の町道場に入門した。 一七歳の時、これらの武術にあまり熱中したため、肋膜炎になった。しかしなおも、武術の練習を止めなかった ため、翌年、大喀血をし、結核となった。かれは療養所に入ったが、当時、どこの程度の病状であったかは、ちょうどその頃勃発した太平洋戦争中、遂に一度 も召集令、徴用令が来なかったということで、大体わかるであろう。その当 時、四〇歳半ばの男性まで、戦場に駆り出されたものである。

つぎつぎと戦地に出て行く級友たちからの手紙を病床で読みながら、祖国に何も報いることのできぬ不甲斐ない自分に、かれは涙を流した。 軍務に関して、 かれは、「丙種」という最下位のランクであった。これは、当時にあっては非国民扱いされるものであった。

医師は、かれの母に、あと二、三年の生命であろうと告げた。母はそのこと かれに告げはしなかったが、かれは大体それを察していた。(この時期と、 のちに仕事に失敗した時と、合計三度、かれは自殺をはかった)

死への恐怖をまぎらすために、かれは手あたりしだいに、宗教書や哲学書を むさぼり読んだ。また、人間の運命というものに深い興味を持ち、手に入るか ぎり、運命学の書物を読んだ。

敗戦を病床でむかえたかれは、不思議に、といおうか、幸いに、といおうか、 敗戦の混乱の中で、少しずつ健康を回復していった。もっとも、のんびりと療 養生活などしていられる社会状勢ではなかったのである。飢え死にしないため に、だれもかれも、必死に働かなければならない時代であった。働くといって も、ヤミ商売でもするしかない時代であった。 今の人たちには信じ難いことで あろうが、その頃は、大学教授が、サッカリンや地下足袋を売り歩いていたも のである。

二七歳の時、かれは、酒税法違反という罪を犯し、一年間、刑獄の人となっこのことはかれに強烈な衝撃をあたえた。もちろん、だれだって刑務所に入 ることになったら平気でいられるはずはない。 しかし、かれには、特別な理由 が一つあったのである。

かれは、前に述べたように、療養中、かず多くの運命学の本を読んだ。古代 から東洋に伝わる『易経』をはじめ、西洋の占星術に至るまで、広範に及んだ。 医師の目を盗んで、熱中したものであった。数年のちには、実際に人の運命を 視る力も、かなり高度のものになっていた。自分の運命を視て、自分に「刑獄


示す星である。かれはそれまでの経験で、運命を視る自分の力が高度のもので あり、かつ、非常に正確であることを知っていた。従って、それ以来、かれは


があった。しかし、そう信じながら、かれは常にそのことに注意をはらっていた。にもかかわらず、気がついたら、かれは酒税法違反という刑罰を宣告され る身となっていたのである。ピング 対気がついたら”などと、他人ごとのように聞こえるであろうが、それがかれ の実感であった。いいわけのようにとられるであろうが、どこからそうなって しまったのか、グループで仕事をしていたのだったが、最初はだれもそういう つもりではなかったのに、いつのまにかそうなってしまったのである。 ルーズ なかれの性格にも大きな原因があった。 その自分の欠点についても自覚はして いたのだが、大体、欠点とか癖というものは、それが出ている時には、本人は 気のつかぬことが多いのである。あとから気がついて後悔するのだ。 この事で れが痛感したのは、「いくら注意していても、人間の力は運命には勝てない のか」ということであった。「運命というものは、予知していてもそれを変え ることは出来ないのだろうか」ということであった。 残 かれが運命学に興味を持った動機は、最初、人間に運命はあるのかどうか、 という疑問を持ったからであった。 人間の運命は生まれてから死ぬまで決定し

てしまっているのか、決定していないのか、つまり、人生とは偶然なのか、必 然なのかという問題の答を知りたいと思ったのである。運命学はそれにたいし 答を出すだろうと思った。

はじめ、かれは、運命が生まれつき決定してしまっているとは思わなかった。 自分の努力しだいで人生はどのようにでも変えられるものだと思っていた。と ころが結核で入院中) 運命学を研究し、その方法で自分の運命を視たところ、 自分が若くして呼吸器疾患にかかる率が九〇%以上あることを示す星を発見し



高度の運命学を学んで自分の運命を予知し、それによってすべての不幸な出来事を避け、幸運の道だけを選んで歩んで行ったら、ぜったいに成功し、幸福人生を得られるであろう、と。それはいとも幼稚な考えである。しかし、若くして死に直面するほどの病気になるという不運に遭い、さらにこれからもい くつかの不幸に見舞われるであろうと予測されるかれにとって、これは笑えぬ真剣な考えだったのである。

この考えの一番のポイントは、予知した運命の中から、あらゆる不幸な出来 事を巧みにすり抜けて、幸運だけを見事につかみ取るという大変な能力を、い かにして持つかということであろう。そういう能力をほとんどの人は生まれつ き持っていない。ということは、そのこと自体その人間の運命なのではあるま いか。そういう能力なり素質なりを持ち得たという人は、そのこと自体がすで に運命であって、そういう運命の人は、自分の運命を変えようなどという考え など持つことなく、すばらしい人生を易々と歩んでいくのではなかろうか? つまり、運命を予知してそれを変えたとしたら、その変えたということ自体 はじめから決定されていた運命なのではないのか? だから、論理的に、運命 とは変えられないものなのだということになるのではないか? とすると、運 命を予知するなどということは無駄なことになる。いや、無駄だけではなく、

それはかえって悩みのもとになるだろう。たとえば、明日、死ぬような事故に 遭うと予知したとして、それを防ぐことがぜったいに不可能だとしたら、それ を知った男の苦悩はどんなものであろうか? いや、事故に遭うというような ことであったらまだよい(よいことはないが!)。もしも自分が殺人を犯すと 予告されたら、そしてそれはぜったいに避けることが出来ないと知らされたら いったいどうするか?


かれは、「ガンの星」を持っており、四八歳から四九歳にかけて、「天命殺」 という凶運期に発病する恐れがあったのである。現にかれの妹が、二六歳の若 さて、「膵臓ガンで亡くなっていた。彼女の発病直後、医師の診断以前に、 かれは、彼女にガンの星のあることを知って、母に告げていたのである。しかまさか二六歳の若さでガンになるとは考えられなかったので、一〇年後の、



それが間に合わなかった。そこにもかれは運命の絶対的な力を感じたのであ ったが、その妹と同じ星を、かれは持っているのである。かれは、それを予知 したことにより、これを十分に防ぐことが出来ると考えていたのであるが、も しもそれが出来ないとすると、 かれは、頭をかかえた。

一〇歳代で結核という難病にかかり、二〇歳代で前科を持ち、四〇歳代でガ になって生涯を終わる、ということになったら、一体、おれの人生とは何ん なんだ。そうかれは叫びたかった。



ソフォクレスの「オイディプス』をはじめ、ギリシア悲劇のテーマは、すべ て、過酷な運命の力とたたかって敗北する人間の宿命の悲劇であった。意 すると、古代の天才たちもおなじことを考え、正しい答を出していたのであ

長い苦悩の末、かれはついに決意した。 運命へ挑戦することにしたのである。 かれは、これからの自分の人生のテーマを、これ一つにしぼることにした。 運命を変える!

たとえ敗北したにせよ、それは壮烈かつ華々しいたたかいになるであろう。 金銭や名声に挑戦して敗北するよりも、それはすくなくともすがすがしい。 そ れにまた、考えてみると、一人の人間の運命を変えることは、人類すべての運 命を変えることであり、人類すべての運命を変えることは世界の歴史を変え ることである。すでに予測されたこれから先のかれのあまりぞっとしない人生 のことを考えると、そこには、壮大きわまりないユメがある。かれは、すでに 前科を持った瞬間から、世俗的な出世とか成功というものを、一切あきらめてしまっていたのである。




Technology to modify humans

The secret of how to gain understanding



“Gumonji Somyoho” Gumonji That’s it.

That’s what it means.

Here is a technological system that will truly produce and truly create superhumans, post-civilization, the spirit animal kingdom, superhumans, and homo excellence.

It is a secret technique that combines ancient esoteric Buddhism, Taoism, and yoga.

He would like to see an example of what kind of power it gives to humans.

Challenge to destiny

There’s a man here.

He was born in 192, so he is 68 years old this year.

He was not born particularly strong or frail, and was in good health on par with the average person. He was neither intelligent nor particularly good at people, nor was he especially stupid. It can be said that he is as intelligent as a normal person.

At the age of five, he received instruction in swordsmanship from his grandfather, who was a samurai, and in the third year of elementary school, he entered the local Kodokan Judo dojo. When he was seventeen years old, he became so enthusiastic about these martial arts that he developed pleurisy. However, he still did not stop practicing martial arts, and the following year he coughed up a lot of blood and developed tuberculosis. He entered a sanitarium, but the extent of his illness at the time can be roughly gauged by the fact that during the Pacific War, which was just around the time that the Pacific War broke out, he never received a draft or conscription order. At that time, even men in their mid-40s were sent to the battlefield.

As he read letters on his sickbed from his classmates, who were going off to war one after another, he shed tears at how worthless he was, unable to give anything back to his homeland. In terms of military service, he held the lowest rank of “Class C”. This was considered unpatriotic at the time.

Doctors told his mother that he likely had two or three years to live. Her mother didn’t tell her boyfriend about it, but he pretty much figured it out. (He attempted suicide three times, during this period and later when he failed in his work.)

To allay his fear of death, he devoured whatever religious and philosophical books he could get his hands on. He also had a deep interest in human destiny and read as many books on fate as he could get his hands on.

He faced the defeat in his hospital bed, but miraculously, or should I say fortunately, amidst the chaos of defeat, he gradually recovered his health. However, the social situation was not one in which he could live a leisurely life of medical treatment. It was a time when everyone had to work hard to avoid starving to death. There was a time when he had no choice but to work or engage in black market business. It may be hard for people today to believe that he was a man, but back then he was a university professor who was peddling saccharin and jikatabi.

At the age of twenty-seven, he committed the crime of violating the Liquor Tax Law and was imprisoned for a year, which had a strong impact on him. Of course, no one can stay calm if they end up in prison. However, he had one special reason.

During his recuperation, he read many books on fate, as mentioned above. It covers a wide range of subjects, from the I Ching, which has been passed down to the East since ancient times, to astrology in the West. I was so passionate about it that I didn’t notice the doctor. After a few years, his ability to actually see people’s fate had become quite advanced. Look at your own fate and say to yourself, “Prison.”

I learned something. The Prison Star is a symbol of one’s destiny of going to prison by violating the criminal law.

It is a star that indicates He knew from his previous experience that his power to see destiny was both highly advanced and extremely accurate. Therefore, since then he

He should have been careful about that. However, on the other hand, he believes that he would never do something stupid that would bring him into violation of the criminal law.

was there. However, even though he believed this, he was always careful about it. Nevertheless, before he knew it, he had been sentenced to prison for violating the Liquor Tax Law and was on his way. It may sound like someone else is talking about it, but that’s how he really felt.It may be taken as a good excuse, but I don’t know where it came from. At first, no one had intended it to be that way, but before they knew it, it had become what it was.Luz’s personality was also a major cause.He was not aware of his own shortcomings. However, in most cases, people are not aware of their flaws or habits when they appear.They only realize it later and regret it.This made me keenly aware. The question was, “No matter how careful we are, human strength cannot overcome fate.” The question was, “Even if we have predicted fate, is it still possible for us to change it?” The reason he became interested in fate was that he initially wondered whether humans had a destiny. A person’s fate is determined from birth to death.

He wanted to know the answer to the question of whether he is determined or undecided; in other words, is life a coincidence or a necessity? I thought fate science would provide an answer to that question.

At first he did not believe that his destiny was determined by birth. He believed that his life could change in any way depending on his efforts. (He was hospitalized with tuberculosis when he was younger) He studied fate, and when he used that method to view his own destiny, he discovered a star that showed that he had a 90% or more chance of contracting a respiratory disease at a young age. discovered

He was shocked. From then on, he began to see the fates of people at random, and when he saw more than 1,000 people, he was forced to believe that the fate of each person was determined by birth. be.

So he thought this way.

If you study advanced fate and predict your own destiny, thereby avoiding all unfortunate events and choosing only the path of good fortune, you will definitely succeed and live a happy life. and. That is a very childish idea. However, for someone who had the misfortune of falling ill at a young age and who was predicted to have many more misfortunes in the future, this was a ridiculously serious thought.

The main point of this idea is that he has the extraordinary ability to deftly bypass all kinds of unfortunate events and seize only the lucky ones out of the predicted fate. Probably. Most people are not born with such abilities. So, that in itself is the fate of that person, so what about him? People who have such abilities and qualities are already destined to live a wonderful life without thinking of changing their fate. In other words, if you predict your fate and change it, isn’t that change itself a fate that was determined from the beginning?So, logically, fate is different from fate. Doesn’t this mean that it is impossible to predict one’s fate? In that case, it would be pointless to try to predict one’s fate. No, it’s not just wasteful,

That would be a source of trouble. For example, if a man predicted that he was going to have a fatal accident tomorrow, but it was absolutely impossible to prevent it, what would be the agony he would feel if he knew that? It would be better if it was about him (though it’s not a good thing!). What would he do if he was told that he was going to commit murder, and that it was completely inevitable?

He had another problem.

He had the “Star of Cancer” and was at risk of developing the disease during the bad luck period of “Death’s Death” from the age of 48 to 49. In fact, his younger sister had died of pancreatic cancer at the young age of twenty-six. Immediately after her onset of the disease, and before the doctor’s diagnosis, he learned that she had cancer and told his mother. However, I never thought that I would get cancer at the young age of 26, so 10 years later,

Thinking that the next “Death of Destiny” will be the time, I will tell him about it when I turn 30.

He wanted to teach her about things like regular check-ups and how to eat.

It didn’t arrive in time. He went there because he felt the absolute power of destiny, and he has the same star as his sister. He thought that he could sufficiently prevent this by foreknowing it, but if he could not, he was puzzled.

If I were to contract an incurable disease called tuberculosis in my 10s, have a criminal record in my 20s, and end my life by becoming a moth in my 40s, what would my life be like? What is he? He wanted to scream.

No matter what happens, can humans never win against fate?

He thought of a Greek tragedy he had read.

The theme of all Greek tragedies, including Sophocles’ Oedipus, was the tragedy of the fate of humans who struggle against the harsh forces of fate and are defeated. I thought about it and came up with the correct answer.

After a long struggle, he finally made up his mind. He decided to challenge fate. He decided to narrow down the theme of his life from now on to this one thing. Change your destiny!

Even if we lose, it will be a fierce and spectacular struggle. It’s at least more refreshing than trying for money or fame and losing. Also, if you think about it, changing the fate of one person means changing the fate of all humankind, and changing the fate of all humankind means changing the history of the world. When I think about the not-so-horrible life he will have in the future, which has already been predicted, there is a dream of the utmost grandeur. From the moment he had a criminal record, he had given up all hope of worldly advancement or success.

He thought that if there was a way to change one’s destiny, it would be through religion. He had read many religious books up until then, and among the several religions he thought Buddhism had it. The goal of Buddhism is “solution”, but

瞑想 瞑想の修行は、二つの領域から成り立つ 「意識的瞑想」と「無意識的瞑想」 Meditation The practice of meditation consists of two areas: “conscious meditation” and “unconscious meditation”.


















数息観がそ‘の代表であるが、、とで’‐ ことてことに意識を集申し、他のものに心








 これによって無意識の意識層をコットロ’Iルし、2 つうでは絶対に統御でき










 では、その深層意識の流れを観ているものはなにか? だれが深層意識の流

れを観ているのか? それは「無意識的精神集中」の心である。












 無意識的瞑想は「全の世界」を観る。 ・













Concentration (stop) and meditation (view)

Let’s get into meditation.

The seat is a half-iron seat. Use zafu. Let’s set up a meditation sign. This is rudimentary meditation

This is the basic posture. (See Fig. 5. However, although it is a legal seal in this figure, the later-mentioned Aker

In some cases, a shahmdler is used. For the basic posture of meditation, see “Reincarnation Meditation Method”.

Please be sure to read it because it is explained in detail in “H”)

Meditation practice consists of two areas.

One is the mental concentration method (・ o9 ~ Holy memorial, one is the meditation method (Yo’and ~).

To concentrate on

Let’s explain this a little. First is Shamata (stop).

, Koan in Zen, prayer, sutra

Reading sentences and chanting mantras are also one of the methods of concentration. The point is one thing

Focus on, stay there, and don’t move.

This focuses on one thing.

The view of a few breaths is the representative of that, but at the same time, I focused on that and focused on other things.

Do not turn to, do this positively and consciously. This is the beginning of training.

As a process, anyone goes through.

This state of mental concentration can be divided into two.

One is “concentration of breath”, and one thing is w

The next stage is “a state of unconscious mental concentration. This is an advanced one.

As I continued to concentrate my consciousness, I was conditioned by practice, and finally

You will be able to concentrate on one thing without being conscious of it.

By doing this, the unconscious consciousness layer can be controlled by Cottro’I, and 2 can be absolutely controlled.

It becomes possible to direct the unconscious consciousness to a specific object.

To leave it to the flow of the heart

Next is Bipashana (view).

This does not pay attention to one thing. Put your heart into each movement of your heart

I’m going, but it’s not just one thing. Leave it to the flow of your heart


There are also “conscious meditation” and “unconscious meditation”.

In “conscious meditation”, surface consciousness is watching the flow of the mind.

“Unconscious meditation” is the flow of the mind of deep consciousness itself.

Then, what is watching the flow of deep consciousness? Who is the flow of deep consciousness

Are you watching this? It is the mind of “unconscious concentration”.

Therefore, “stop” and “view” are closely related. Now being done

Most meditations depend on either “stop” or “view.” Zen is “stop”

The weight is applied to, and meditation (what you are doing as) is mainly “view”. Shika

However, if it is not a “view” that completes the “stop”, it is not a true meditation, but a “stop”.

The fact that it doesn’t fit into the “view” is not really meditation either.

“Stop” and “view” must be mastered in the same way. And very

In order to perform advanced meditation (viewing), you must acquire a very advanced nest (stop) in the same way.

It is impossible if it is not done.

Then, what is the difference between “conscious meditation” and “unconscious meditation”?

In a nutshell,

Conscious meditation sees the “individual world”,

Unconscious meditation sees the “whole world”.・ ・

It would be nice to say.

Conscious meditation sees “the flow of your own world”.

Unconscious meditation sees the “flow of mankind itself (in the world)”. Disagreeable,

It’s a more expanded world. It would be nice to say, “Watch the flow of the universe itself.”

The unconscious conscious layer contains all the memories of humankind from the beginning. I

And all the memories from before humankind are hidden.

I mentioned this in “Reincarnation Meditation I”. “Individual departure

Reread Chapter 2, which talks about the consciousness and memory of “life” and “phylogenetics”

I want you to see it.

意・念・気   心のもつ力  The power of the heart






































 たとえば、心配ごとや不安に心が閉ざされると呼吸運動にほかならない。肺そのものは、決して自力で息を吸ったり吐いたりできないからである。 したがって、呼吸筋を十分にはたらかせずに呼吸している人は、十分な呼吸をしていないということになる。

 だれだって、生体の維持に、呼吸がどれほど大切な役割を果たしているか、知らない人はないであろう。息が止まったら、即、死につながるのである。それほど大切な呼吸を、不十分なしかたでしているとしたら、一生を通じてどれほど不利益なことになるか、あなたは考えたことがあるだろうか? これは、生きるということの最も基本的なあり方の見直しというべきものである。




































By the way, I classify the “heart” as follows from the top of its function.

Intention, mind, and spirit

It is.

Will means the state in which the mind is moving in a certain direction, such as will.

The reminder is a state in which the movement of the intention has increased and has one power.

The name power expresses this well.

Ki is a state in which the body’s monkeys flow in a certain direction. However, there are two types of “this ki”, one that is consciously created and the other that flows naturally in the body unconsciously and physiologically. For example, it is expressed by words such as “I’m fine.” Therefore, depending on the point of view, it can be said that the focus is on the mind. Originally, I think about one thing, the mind, separately, so I can say that there is nothing to do with it.

Here, for the sake of convenience, we classify them in this way, and when we say “ki”, we would like you to think of it as something that was mainly consciously created.

How to use the mind Now then, how do you use that “mind”?

The mind is originally the most elusive. It’s hard to grasp, as it is said that “it’s about to be about this because it doesn’t stop moving all the time.” How do you make full use of this? ??

There is one way.



The mind and breathing are very closely related.

The state of mind appears in breathing as it is, and the state of breathing reflects the mind as it is. heart

If you calm down, your breathing will calm down, and if you calm down, your heart will calm down.

The mind and breathing are one.

There I, it is said to control the mind by controlling breathing

Uh, use advanced techniques. Start from here and gradually become proficient

Eventually, you will be able to use your mind as you wish.

No, that’s not all. You will be able to go one step further and use your body (muscles) as you wish. Because breathing is one with the mind, but not only with the body. As the training progresses, this time, breathing and heart. It becomes a body and moves involuntary muscles as the image of the mind draws.



Breathing. “Living”

Now, I say that the mind and breathing are one, but breathing is not only one with the mind but also one with the body.

If you are healthy and your mind is stable, your breathing is also calm and stable.

If the body is in a bad condition, the rhythm of breathing will be disturbed and unstable. When you are tired or have a serious illness, your breathing is shallow and rough. It is the same when I receive a severe emotional shock.

Also, people with psychogenic illnesses and those with mental illness also have rough breathing and are not normal.

Breathing is exactly “living”.

Therefore, the breathing method that controls the mind is, first of all, the correct way of breathing.


That is, if you are breathing badly, it is far from supernatural power. The body, mind, and brain are adversely affected and cannot fully exert their original power.

No, not only that, there is a risk of harming your health and getting sick, and sometimes even losing your precious right life.

On the contrary, if you acquire correct and good breathing, your body will become stronger, youthful forever, your mind will always be bright and refreshing, and your brain will also work sharply.

Let’s take the opposite, bad breath, as evidence that it is not a lie. what will happen?

First of all, the worst way to breathe.

The fidget is a shallow, weak breath, and worse, a breath that holds your breath for a while.

For example, when the mind is closed by anxiety or anxiety, it is nothing but breathing exercise. This is because the lungs themselves can never inhale or exhale on their own. Therefore, a person who breathes without fully working the respiratory muscles does not breathe sufficiently.

No one knows how important breathing plays in maintaining a living body. If you hold your breath, you will die immediately. Have you ever wondered how detrimental you would be if you weren’t breathing so importantly inadequately? This should be a review of the most basic way of living.

The purpose of breathing exercise is not only gas exchange in the lungs. It also shares important work with blood circulation. If only shallow and weak breathing is performed, not only the oxygen in the blood is insufficient, but also the excretion of carbon dioxide gas from the body is insufficient. Also, blood flow is impaired. Therefore, if you continue to breathe like this, the vitality of the whole body will decrease. Naturally, he is in good health and is vulnerable to illness.

With no drag, the body becomes a hotbed of illness.

The human body is composed of an enormous number of cells, which is said to be about 60 trillion.

Sixty trillion cells are all nourished and alive by the flowing blood.

It is said that cancer does not occur in the internal organs where blood that is full of oxygen flows. Gun fine

The vesicles do not like oxygen. You shouldn’t underestimate the fact that your breathing is shallow. Furthermore, as we have just said, breathing is not only closely related to cells throughout the body, but respiratory movement has a strong effect on the autonomic nervous system, hormonal system, or lymphatic flow, and even the state between organs. It is.

First of all, you have to learn how to breathe strongly and strongly with strong respiratory muscles. By doing so, you will acquire a strong and strong mind and body, a bright and intelligent brain.

The first foundation that is indispensable is completed.



After exhaling, take a breath again for the book. It is the same as that.


If it happens, spit it out in the same way as the job, and spit it out in the same way as before, doing a mantra.

This long-in / out breathing method does not care about the time for one breath. Make it as short, long, and long as possible.


2. The translation of the long-breathing method is the teacher’s, and the long-breathing breathing method is the breathing out and the breathing in. Both breathe as long and thin as possible. Just because it’s as thin and long as possible, it doesn’t matter how long it takes to breathe thin and long.

However, this time, the long-breathing breathing method will be time-consuming.

Generally, the breathing of an adult is in the normal state of a healthy person, and is usually 184) in one hour.


Generally, a weak person has a very short time to inhale.


Seriously ill people take short, shallow breaths on their shoulders. Even a healthy person, not a frail person, breathes much faster when his or her heart is upset by excitement, intense anger, fear, or sadness. I’m angry and choked because my breathing is too fast and urgent.
People with mental illness breathe fast.

A person who breathes more than twenty or more times a minute is clearly abnormal and has a psychogenic illness. Psychiatrists consider the patient’s breathing speed to be one of the eye-catchers of diagnosis.

This long breathing method reduces one breath to three or four times a minute.

The method of breathing may be the same as the long-breathing method. However, it is not possible to reduce breathing up to three times a minute with normal breathing methods. The trick to doing this is to exhale as thin and long as possible, and to inhale in a manner similar to normal breathing.


If you become proficient in this breathing method, you will be able to do it about once a minute.
Autumn training time is 30 minutes to 1 hour.
3, training of anti-breathing method
The anti-breathing method is called because it breathes in the exact opposite of normal breathing.
In other words, with natural breathing, the abdomen swells when inhaling, and the abdomen retracts when exhaling.
This anti-breathing method is the exact opposite. That is, when you inhale, you retract your belly, and when you exhale, you inflate. In other words, it is a breathing method that goes against nature.
Why do you do that kind of anti-natural breathing?


Because there are many advantages. The advantage comes from using the diaphragm as close to the limit as possible.

一、長出入息呼吸法 二、長出息呼吸法 三、反式呼吸法 四、強短息呼吸法 (火の呼吸法) 1. Long-breathing breathing method 2. Long-breathing breathing method 3. Anti-type breathing method 4. Strong-short-breathing breathing method (fire breathing method)

四、強短息呼吸法 (火の呼吸法)







1. Long breathing breathing method
Second, long-breathing breathing method
Third, anti-breathing method
4. Strong and short breathing method (fire breathing method)
To put it simply, one long-breathing breathing method is to breathe out and breathe in, both.
Breathe as thin, long and deep as possible. Take 20 to 30 seconds, 1 minute, time for one breath
The second long-breathing breathing method exhales only the exhaled breath as thinly and long as possible, and inhales normally.
Sea urchin sucks.
The third anti-breathing method, unlike normal breathing, retracts the abdomen when inhaling.
Inflate your abdomen when you exhale. It’s just the opposite.
The four strong and short breath breathing methods are called “fire breathing”, and one nostril is pressed with a finger to close it, and one piece.
Breathe strongly and shortly through your nostrils.





1, long breathing breathing training
Whether it’s the Lotus Position or the Half-Sakiza, the head and head are very natural.
Immediately take a proper posture. However, I was too nervous and overpowered or stiff.
Don’t do it. It is important to relax and relax.
To do this, in order to relieve tension in the head and neck, put the forehead forward and lower it.
It’s a good idea to pull your head in a little and lower your head a little. At the same time, front chest
Make sure that the part is small and retracted, the abdomen is slightly forward, and both shoulders are not stressed, giving a natural appearance.
Take. Bend your back forward to increase the volume of your abdomen.
The mouth and sword close naturally and lightly. Both eyes close lightly, but the outside light is faintly felt.
Leave a streak in the garden. That is, with a half-eye, hold the line of sight at the tip of the nose and the tip of the nose.
Tighten the anus tightly and pull it up.
First, take a light breath, then pursed your mouth and exhale with all your might. While putting all your strength into the lower road and looking at the festival to the east a little, you spit it out.
At this time, as I wrote before, I spit out all the unclean feelings because I am all over my body.
I feel like I’m going to get stuck on my back. Vomiting
Once you’ve made it, suck it up again and repeat this.
The important thing is to always feel the first thing to stop breathing.
NS. First of all, one breath begins when it is cloudy.
Da lightly engages, passes through the liar land, and slowly exhales.
In the shade of the night, you should never mourn.
Naturally, it shifts to the long-entry breathing method.
First, take a light breath. (It is a call for reception.
When you have finished exhaling slowly through the garden, close Da and join properly.
Let them handle it slowly.
“Slowly take time, squeeze through your nose.

By the way
At this time, in order to reduce the amount of air coming in from the nose as much as possible,
Make the nasal cavity narrow. This will not only reduce the amount of incoming air
The narrow wall of the nasal cavity is crushed by air, and the stimulus is sent to the brain or the brain.
It also has the effect of calming excitement.
Also, when inhaling, the tip of the tongue should be on the upper jaw (slightly above the upper front gums).
Attach it to the part called “eye contact”).
Then, I breathe in naturally.
When you have finished inhaling, take a light breath again, drop the epigastrium sufficiently, and Kawamon.
Close tightly and lightly apply force to the lower abdomen.
When you apply this force, be sure to breathe a little through your nose at the same time. This is very important
If you don’t do this, pressure will be applied from your chest to your head, which may hurt your body.
NS. This is what causes abdominal breathing and causes headaches and suffers from visceral ptosis.
Because I don’t know.
When Zen Buddhist master Harada Daiun Sogaku performed the extreme lower abdomen input god of Hara Tanzan, his head rang.
And of the heart. Also, it is written in a book that I want to know because the rank of the pigeon is the target
If you squeeze this and put um on top, it will be done a couple of times.
Next, let’s go to the source.
Set it down and put it in the bottom, and keep your stomach strong.
The lower abdomen that had been entwined with the crab gradually began to grow and was collected.
At this time, while breathing out, I talked about the story that I had attached to the first part until then, and Yamaki
With a feeling of warming up in the mountains, he plays a mantra with a low voice.
I’m going to breathe out while I’m new.
You can.
Slowly spit out as thin and long as possible into the city. I’m out of breath
When I do, the lower limit is dented, and I feel like my history is sticking to my spine. I mean, yes
It spits out with such a feeling.





After exhaling, gently inhale with your nose again. When sucking, put your tongue on your upper jaw
It is the same as before.
After inhaling, exhale with the same movement as before. Exhale like before
Then, recite the mantra.
This submitted breathing method does not matter the time for one breath. As thin and long as possible
It makes you breathe in and out for a long time.
2, long breath breathing training
The previous long-breathing breathing method is to breathe as long and thin as possible, both in and out.
It is a thing. Just because it’s as thin and long as possible, how long does it take to make it thin and long?
It doesn’t matter how long you breathe.
However, the long-breathing breathing method this time is time-consuming.
Generally, adult breathing is usually once a minute in a healthy person’s calm state.
153 Revolutionary thoughts of the brain and mind


153 脳と心の革命想





呼吸法  チャクラの機能  Breathing method Chakra function 6 メシア ( 仏陀 ) の法 Messiah (Buddha) Law system of Dharma 6 チャクラ Chakra














このチャクラを覚醒すると、体力が異常に増進して、普通の人の三~五倍の精力をもつようになる。三日、四日の徹夜くらい平気になる。一切の病気を受けつけず、健康体そのものとなる。病弱だった者は、その悪いところが、みな癒ってしまう。このチャクラに Samyama を集中してそのエネルギーが発動したとき、瀕死の病人でも床を蹴って立ち上がるだろう。男女ともに実際の年齢より一〇歳以上若くなる。




2 SPLEEN O SPLENIC Svadhisthana







「Nabi-cakra (臍輪)に Samyama を向けることにより、体内の配列、組織を知ることができる」(自在力 第3節)
この章について、佐保田鶴治博士は、トーン・外ん小胴輪。というのは、実際の癖の孔ではなくて、そのあたりにあると想像される神秘な車輪状の場所で、一六の輻をもっているといわれる。一説には、後世のハタ・ヨーガで説く六つのチャクラのなかの下から三つ目にあるマニプーラ・チャクラ (Manipira-cakra)のことであるともいう。いずれにせよ、肉眼で見える部分ではなく、幽体に属するものとされている。チャクラについては、ここで詳説する暇がない。臍輪は気体(生命エネルギーからなる身体)の中央にあるから、これに綜制をおこなうと身体内の組織がわかる、というのである」(『解説ヨーガ・スートラ』平河出版社)




それは、医学的には、ソーラー・プレクサスと名づけられた「太陽神経叢」のことである。腹腔神経叢、内臓動脈軸叢ともいわれ、腹腔動脈より出る上腸間膜動脈の起始部にある交感神経の大きい神経叢である。(次頁図参照)。胃の裏がわにあってさなれる神秘な車輪状の場所で、一六の輻をもっているといわれる。一説には、後世のハタ・ヨーガで説く六つのチャクラのなかの下から三つ目にあるマニプーラ・チャクラ (Manipira-cakra)のことであるともいう。いずれにせよ、肉眼で見





すなわち、ここから出る神経は、食道、胃、腹部血管、肝、輸胆管、膵臓、副腎、腸等に分布している。また、この神経叢は大小内臓神経、迷走神経、第十二胸神経節、第一腰神経節などが集まっており、内臓の神経としては最も重要な 叢 である。チャクラというのは、いずれも、今まで、空想的、神秘的場所とのみ考えられてきた。




「Samyama を向ければ、体内の組織を知ることができる」とあるが、この Samyam-a というのは、特別な修行を経た特殊な集中力をいう。あとでくわしく説明するが、
コールすることができるという意味である。実際にこのナービ・チャクラに Samyamaを集中すると、この太陽神経叢に属する内臓器官――それは食道から、胃、肝臓、膵臓、脾臓、副腎、腸にいたるまで、すべてを自分の思うようにコントロールできるのである。これらの臓器官が、どうにかすぎいい、いしでいいようであれば直ちに正常にもどしてしまう、いいわ、調べ、ごャード網駅、威、強滅、いった、キャラバに活動すると、他い通い力がたらいいてきて、個人、いいにいようにするようになると同時に、他人の心を目いていて、目に思い、単品、枠、主とすると心も交流するこきれいさに、下町な、理解できいことなど大地にみちすごい、、、チャーボードにしてそこかいことができる。つまり、人にはないで、、、持っていたい、エネルギーはこの空間に痕跡をとどれているので、このチャンスで、、、茨と同じになれば、その心が持っていたべてのもの、意識も、知能もみな自分と同化して自分のものになるということである。


















頭のなかの光明 Mirdha jyotis といわれるチャクラである。Brahma-randhra 梵の座、先の裂け目という頭蓋骨の接合するところの真下に位置する。梵の座、梵の裂け目とは、梵すなわち聖なるもの、と一体になる場所という意味である。





This is because the name “hormone” gives the impression that it is related only to the female genitals, and that is why it is taken care of. The same is true for androgens (androgens are also secreted not only by the testicles but also by the adrenal cortex, author).

Health and hormonal science


Kundalini Yoga knew decades ago that one of the state’s leading endocrinologists was screaming loudly and was taking advantage of it. Women also acquire age-dependent, youthful feminine qualities-compassion, tenderness, lighting, supple and charming appearance, and beautiful voice through this chakra training. It is rich in various hormones such as testosterone, androsterone, and estrogen, which are secreted from the whole in men and from the ovaries in women, regardless of age.
This is because it has a special technique to secrete it. It works the same for men. This technique creates a heroic man with a strong fighting spirit.


The chakra is the base where it works.

Chakra function




In the previous section, I looked at the chakra from the aspect of modern medicine and physiology called the endocrine gland. Now let’s take a look at how Kundalini Yoga thinks and explains the chakra from the perspective of Kundalini Yoga.




1 = Mueller Dara Chakra


Adrenal gland / dismissal

The gonad of the endocrine gland, the site of the kidney.
When you awaken this chakra, your physical strength will increase abnormally, and you will have three to five times as much energy as a normal person. I feel fine all night on the 3rd and 4th. It does not accept any illness and becomes a healthy body. Those who are sick will heal all the bad things. When her Samyama is concentrated in this chakra and its energy is activated, even a dying sick person will kick the floor and stand up. Both men and women are over 10 years younger than their actual age.

Instead, you will have strong sexual desire and fertility, so you can use that energy.
We also use a method called jas that converts it into intelligent energy.


2 = Svadishtana chakra

2 SPLEEN O SPLENIC Svadhisthana




It is the part of the adrenal gland that releases the hormones of fighting and heroes.
When this chakra awakens and activates energy, it becomes more energetic and brave.
You will be able to actively and boldly act. Don’t be afraid of anything, don’t be confused by anything,
With a fearless and immovable belief, he will not be swayed by any difficulties. Demonstrate superhuman skill that transcends life and death.

3 = Manipula chakra

Sun nerve
Adrenal gland, pancreas, spleen, stomach, liver
Thymus / heart / lung occupation


The mystery of yoga, “Yoga Sutras,” says:
“By pointing his Samyama at the Nabi-cakra (umbilical ring), you can know the arrangement and tissue in the body” (Section 3 of Freedom).
About this chapter, Dr. Tsuruji Sahoda is a tone and a small torso. It is said that it is not an actual hole of habit, but a mysterious wheel-shaped place that is supposed to be around it, and has 16 spokes. One theory is that it is the Manipira-cakra, which is the third from the bottom of the six chakras described in later Hatha yoga. In any case, it belongs to the ghost body, not the part visible to the naked eye. I don’t have time to elaborate on the chakras here. Since the umbilical ring is located in the center of the gas (the body consisting of life energy), it is said that the tissues inside the body can be understood by controlling it. “(” Commentary Yoga Sutra “Hirakawa Publishing Co., Ltd.)




It is explained that this is a little different. The doctor is said to be a mysterious place that can be imagined around that area, “but this part is by no means a fantasy place. It certainly exerts a great power that seems to be mysterious, but it is clearly medically confirmed.
It is medically the “solar plexus” named Solar Plexus. Also called the peritoneal plexus or visceral arterial plexus, it is a large plexus of sympathetic nerves at the origin of the superior mesenteric artery that emerges from the peritoneal artery. (See the figure on the next page). It is a mysterious wheel-shaped place where the back of the stomach is laid on the back, and it is said to have 16 spokes. One theory is that it is the Manipira-cakra, which is the third from the bottom of the six chakras described in later Hatha yoga. In any case, see with the naked eye
It is supposed to belong to the ghost body, not the part that can be eaten. I don’t have time to elaborate on the chakras here. Since the umbilical ring is located in the center of the gas (the body consisting of life energy), it is said that the tissues inside the body can be understood by controlling it. “(” Commentary Yoga Sutra “Hirakawa Publishing Co., Ltd.)

It is explained that this is a little different.


The doctor is said to be a mysterious place that can be imagined around that area, but this part is by no means a fantasy place. It has great power, which seems to be mysterious, but it is clearly medically confirmed.

It is the “solar plexus” medically named Solar Plexus. Also called the peritoneal plexus or visceral arterial plexus, it is a large plexus of sympathetic nerves at the origin of the superior mesenteric artery that emerges from the peritoneal artery. (See the figure on the next page). The back of my stomach is on my stomach
This name was given because it sends nerves to each organ like the rays of the sun.

That is, the nerves exiting from here are distributed in the esophagus, stomach, abdominal blood vessels, liver, bile duct, pancreas, adrenal gland, intestine and the like. In addition, this nerve plexus is a collection of large and small visceral nerves, stray nerves, twelfth thoracic ganglion, first lumbar plexus, etc., and is the most important plexus as a visceral nerve. Until now, chakras have only been considered as fantasy and mysterious places.


These sites are by no means such things, and as mentioned earlier, they are deeply related to endocrine glands, nerve groups, enzymes, etc., and in fact, they are very important places from a medical point of view and are important. It is a place to work.


“If you point Samyama, you can know the tissues in your body,” but his Sammy am-a is a special concentration that has undergone special training. I will explain in detail later,
To know this organization is not just to know the organization, but to freely control the organization.
It means that you can call. When he actually concentrates his Samyama on this Navi Chakra, it controls everything from the esophagus to the stomach, liver, pancreas, spleen, adrenal glands, and intestines to the internal organs of this solar plexus. You can. If these organ officers are somehow too good, and if they are okay, they will immediately return to normal, okay, research, goyad net station, prestige, annihilation, etc. It’s a downtown area where you can get better and better, and at the same time, you’ll be able to look at the hearts of others, think about them, and interact with each other as a single item, frame, and mainly. It’s amazing to be able to understand things on the ground, and you can make it into a charboard. In other words, people don’t have it, I want to have it, energy has traces in this space, so at this chance, if it becomes the same as thorns, everything that the heart has, consciousness However, all intelligence is assimilated with oneself and becomes one’s own.

In that sense, if you become fully proficient in this chakra, you will be able to open the way to interact with the world of the spirit world (four dimensions).



5 = Vishudda chakra

Vishudda ”
Thyroid / epithelial body,
(Parathyroid gland) Salivary gland


It is the site of the thyroid gland and salivary glands.
By moving this chakra, superhuman hearing is provided. In fact, when this chakra becomes available, you will be able to hear certain sounds that you have never heard before. This is my own experience, but what kind of sound it is is
I’ll lie down here. When I teach a disciple, by examining what kind of sound the disciple heard, it becomes a criterion for judging whether or not the disciple really learned this chakra. Even if you don’t use such things as criteria, the leader knows, but if
If you let us know in advance that it is such a sound, you may hear such a sound by self-suggestion, so you should hide anything similar to it. It does not mean that the law is not open to the public. However, it can be said that human hearing is 40,000 to 50,
You can only hear vibration waves of 000 kHz, but if you master this chakra, your hearing will be more than doubled. The heart of a person who is 100 meters away
You can also hear the heartbeat of the viscera. By the way, the hearing of dogs is 80, 〇 〇
It is said to be 〇 to ​​90, 000 kilohertz.

Also, listen to various voices. You will hear the voice of the leading spirit clearly.
This is also the ability of Yoga Sutras to “understand the meaning of the screams of all creatures.” It is a Buddhist heavenly ear connoisseur.
In addition, this chakra is closely related to the muscle movements of the head, upper limbs (both arms) and chest.


6 = Ajnya Chakra

6 Pituitary gland


You will have abnormal clairvoyance. In “Yoga Sutras”, “By shining light on the manifestation of the mind, we can know even the finest things, hidden things that are hidden from the public, and things that are far away. Is the ability.
Telepathic ability is generated. This chakra is the Siddy that makes it possible to do the “Great Deflection” in “Yoga Sutras”.
This chakra is also called the command chakra, the desire fulfillment chakra, and the free power chakra, and when you become proficient, you will be able to command nature, move it freely, and control it freely.


7 Sahasrara chakra

Pineal gland / pineal gland ”

It is the part of the pineal gland, pineal gland, and hypothalamus.

A chakra called Mirdha jyotis. Brahma-randhra Located just below the junction of the skull, the seat of the sword, the rift at the tip. The seat of the 梵, the rift of the 梵, means the place to be one with the 梵, that is, the sacred thing.

When you awaken this chakra, a light appears in this part and it shines brightly. The light in my head.

This chakra integrates all chakras and controls it freely. He gradually transforms when he has free control over all the chakras. Kundalini Yoga describes this as one with the sacred. It is said that the Holy Spirit will dwell in this chakra and will interact with the Holy Spirit. The practitioner who completed this chakra is called a superhuman, a master, and a savior. Baiyue transcends the physical world and is no longer restricted by time and space. In India, the Buddha is a superhuman, showing in form that he is the perfector of this chakra. The top of the Buddha’s head is raised as if he was wearing his hat, which is called “flesh training”. It shows that the training of the Sahaslara chakra is completed and the skull is developed in this way.

The above is the mystery of Kundalini Yoga.


チャグラが生む奇蹟  クンダリーニヨガ The miracle of chagra Kundalini yoga


















 英国、およびアメリカ、インドに本拠を持つ神智学協会発行のThe Chakras9の中で、リードビーターは、それを6Force Centefと訳している。〃力の中心”である。そうして、つぎのように解説している。



















































この章について、佐保田鶴治博士は、(自在力 第29節)



















































Profile of President Yasuo Kiriyama

The miracle of chagra

The source of Kundalini Yoga’s paranormal ability is the “chakra”.

Kundalini Yoga has a history of 3,000 years.

In such an old age, Kundalini Yoga discovered seven “springs of power” in the human body and created a technology to freely control these springs to generate superhuman abilities. .. Then, this “spring of power” is called “chakra”.



What does chakra mean?


In The Chakras 9 published by Theosophical Society, which is based in the United Kingdom, the United States, and India, Reedbeater translates it as 6Force Centeref. It is the “center of power”. Then, he explains as follows.


The word Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning a ring, and in literary terms, it is “rotation of the ring of law”.

Another European yoga leader is said to be “width”.


My idea is closer to this.

It was

However, it would be a mistake to call this a cap, which is similar to the pillars that radiate from the center of the wheel in all directions, that is, the width.

They are not the width itself, nor the ring, but the state of the width. That is, radial waves seem to be the most appropriate.

It shows the state of things, not things themselves, and represents power. It is a state in which a force is generated by a certain stimulus.

To. That state is in the form of being radiated like a width.


It looks faintly shining with various colors when the power is fulfilled. Similar to Reiko, but the off does not emit as many colors as the chakras.


Why does the chakra generate a special force that can be called superhuman?

It was

For a long time it was a mysterious mystery, but with the advent of modern physiology, the mystery was solved.


All chakra lifts coincide with the endocrine glands.


A kundalini yoga expert stimulates the place with the power gained through special training, and generates power that ordinary humans do not have. The endocrine glands are the source of that force.

If this is compared with the endocrine glands by modern medicine, it will be as shown in Table 1 (page 73).




However, this anatomical contrast between chakra and modern medicine was classified by me according to my training experience, and it is quite different from the contrast classification of Western yoga leaders (and people of that lineage). There are differences. I believe this is more correct, depending on my training experience, or this

May be due to differences in physique and constitution by race and ethnicity, as Mr. Leadbeater said. In his book, he has quite different differences in chakra size, color, position, shape, etc., depending on the color, white, oriental, western race, race, and even the same race and race. , Some individual differences can be seen

It is. I think that’s true.



Chagra function




It was mentioned that the chakra is located in the same place as the endocrine gland that secretes hormones, and is the place where the amazing power of hormones is expressed.

It was

Then, what kind of power does each chakra exert?


Let’s write down what is told as the secret of Kundalini Yoga.


Mueller Darra Chatara

The gonad of the endocrine gland, the site of the kidney.

When you awaken this Jakura, your physical strength will increase abnormally, and you will have three to five times as much energy as a normal person. I feel fine all night on the 3rd and 4th. Any illness

It does not accept and becomes a healthy body itself. Those who were sick will recover from their bad points. Concentrate the old 苫 ∃Q of the control system on this chakra and its energy

When activated, even a dead prisoner will kick the floor and stand up. Both men and women are ten years or older younger than their true age.


Instead, it will have strong libido and fertility, so we also use a method of converting that energy into the energy of intelligence called Ojas.


2. Svadisterner chakra

It is the part of the adrenal gland where the fighting hormone and hero hormone are released.

When this chakra was awakened and Yu Furugi was activated, he became more energetic and brave.

As a result, you will be able to actively and boldly act. Don’t be afraid of anything

Don’t be fooled, fearless, unwavering belief and willing to face any difficulties. Super life and death

Demonstrate superhuman skill

3. Manipula chakra (nerby chakra)

The mystery of yoga, “Yoger Sutra,” says:


By applying a control to the umbilicus, it is possible to know the tissues in the body.

Regarding this chapter, Dr. Tsuruji Sahoda (Section 29 of Freedom)


The navel ring is not an actual navel hole, but a mysterious wheel-shaped part that can be imagined around it, and is said to have a width of sixteen. According to one theory, it is the third from the bottom of the six chakras described in later Hatter Yoga. In any case, it belongs to the ghost body, not the part visible to the naked eye. The umbilical ring is in the center of the gas (the body consisting of life energy), so if you control it, the tissues inside the body will

It is explained that this is a little different.


The doctor is said to be “a mystery that can be imagined around that area”, but this part is by no means a fantasy place. Demonstrate great power that seems to be mysterious

However, it is clearly medically confirmed.


It is the “solar plexus” medically named Sofu Plexus. Also called the celiac plexus or visceral artery plexus, the superior mesenteric artery that emerges from the celiac artery.

It is a large sympathetic plexus at the origin of the artery (because it is on the back of the stomach and sends nerves to each organ like the rays of the sun.

It was named.


That is, the nerves coming out of this area are distributed in the esophagus, stomach, abdominal blood vessels, liver, bile duct, pig, adrenal gland, intestine, etc. In addition, this plexus is the large and small visceral nerves, the vagus nerve, and the first.

The twelve thoracic ganglion and the first lumbar ganglion are gathered together, and it is the most important plexus as a visceral nerve.

Until now, chakras have been considered only as fantasy and mysterious places. These parts are by no means like that, as I mentioned earlier.

In addition, it is deeply related to endocrine glands, nerve groups, enzymes, etc., and in fact, it is a very important place from a medical point of view, and it is a place that plays an important role.

It says, “By applying a system, you can know the tissues inside the body”, but this system means a special concentration that has undergone special training. To know this organization

This means that you can freely control the organization, not just know it. If you really concentrate on this umbilical ring, this sun god

The internal organs belonging to the light transport — it can control everything from the esophagus to the stomach, liver, protozoa, glands, adrenal glands, and intestines as you wish. Of these

It is immediately known what kind of condition the organ bamboo is in, and if there is any abnormality, it will be returned to normal immediately. That kind of power training is this umbilical ring training.

It is the site of the thyroid gland and salivary glands.




4th chakra (Anahata)


Amplification of sensory organs is done toward a higher dimension.

It was

You will be able to interact with the Holy Spirit and hear the voice of the Holy Spirit.

It was

In addition, you can assimilate things that are incomprehensible and incomprehensible to you into the heavenly and earthly, excellent heart, and wisdom. In other words, of a person

Even if the body is loose, the energy of the heart that the person had has a trace in this space.


So, if this chakra becomes the same as the vibration of the mind, everything that the mind has, consciousness and intelligence, will be assimilated with oneself and become one’s own.

That is.


In other words, it means that the way of transportation with the spirit world (four-dimensional world) will be opened.

5th chakra (Vishudda)

The fifth chakra is below the Adam’s apple and is called the Adam’s apple. It is related to the throat, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, and bronchi, and it is said that activation of this area enhances the ability to learn, teach, negotiate, and discuss.

6. Ajunya Chakra

It is the site of the pituitary gland.

Has extremely developed intelligence.


The memory that I never forgot what I saw and heard once

Power. The power of induction and induction that instantly analyzes, infers, understands, and grasps the essence of any complex structure or organization.

Super dramatic creativity emanating from pure thinking that does not go through indirect thinking called Kotoba.

Ultimately, the four virtues of “Joraku Gajo” in Buddhism will be completed and the sensibility of the Buddha will be reached.


7, Hustler Racha Tara

It is the part of the pineal gland, pineal gland, and hypothalamus.

When this is embodied, the awakening of the Buddha is reached. That is, the completion of spirituality.

This chakra is called “light in the head”). It is said that the moment when this chakra awakens, the light appears in this part and it shines brightly. (There is a top secret story)


それは瞑想からはじまる  It starts with meditation


『間脳思考』で、エレクトロニクスと霊性を結 ぶものはなにかと質問されて、それは瞑想からはじまると答えた。

そのあと、話がだいぶ進んでから、 「それでは、間脳の開発をするのも、瞑想ですか?」

と聞かれた。わたくしは、 「いいえ」

とかぶりをふった。 「瞑想じゃないのですか?」 「いいえ」 とわたくしは、これにもかぶりをふった。 彼は、けげんそうな表情でわたくしを見つめた。 そこでわたくしは答えた。

「それは瞑想からはじまるのです」 なるほど、というように彼はうなずいた。わたくしは説明した。 それは瞑想からはじまるのだが、瞑想だけではないのだ。霊性の完成は、瞑 想だけでは不可能なのである。心の安定、欲望の調節、本能の抑制、といった程 度のものでは、とうてい到達できない境界である。思念、想念の変化くらいで は、絶対に行き着くことのできない次元なのだ。

なぜか? 霊性完成の到達点は、カルマからの超越である。 カルマとはなにか?

いうならば、地球における引力のようなものである。 地球上に存在するものすべて、地球引力の支配下にある。いかなるものも、引力 から逃れることはできない。いや、地球という存在そのものが、引力によって 成り立っているのである。

人間におけるカルマもそのとおりである。人はすべ て、輪廻のカルマの絶対的な規制を受けている。このカルマから、もろもろの 「因縁」が生じて、人間を繋縛しているのである。いや、カルマと因縁によて、人間が成立しているのだ。

このカルマと因縁の繋縛から完全に解脱したとき が、霊性の完成である。

いうならば引力からの脱出である。反重力の修行なの だ。その修行によって自分の存在の次元が変わるのである。

存在とはなにか? それは究極のところ,波動である。”自分”という波動 を変えてしまうのだ。それにより カルマ」という波動を越えてしまうのである。


ここの波動を 変えることにより、全身の波動が変わり、特殊な精神波動と肉体波動を持つ存在 になる。それは、カルマの規制を受けない、ふつうの人間とはまた異なった、高 度な霊的存在とよぶよりほかない存在となるのである。

これが成就すると、特 殊な「霊光」が発生するようになる。

この特殊なオーラの発生は、全身の波動が 変化したことを示すのである。オーラについてはまたあとでのべるが、このオー ラの発光源は間脳なのである。

瞑想だけでは、以上のような次元の変化” は 不可能である。もちろん、心の安定、集中、まったく新しい高い次元へのメディ テイト等、瞑想はこの修行に絶対必要なものである。


だ から瞑想だけではだめなのである。間脳をはたらかす瞑想でなければ、オーラは 発生しない。

したがって、カルマを越えることはできないのである。 では、なにが必要なのか? 特殊なtapas(練行)である。

学者はtapas を苦行と訳しているが、わたくしはこれを、練行と訳したい。そ してこの練行が絶対に必要なのである。


チベット密教のニンマ派では、古くから解脱の完成に三つの方法があると説 いている。

ギャル ワゴン ペ – ギ ュ – パ一、思念による王者の相承

(じみょうしや 二、象徴による持明者の相承

rgyal ba dgongs pa’i brgyud pa rig ’dzin brda’i brgyud pa

ガンザクニェン ギ ギュ – パ 三、耳を通した言葉による人の相承――gang zag snyan gyi brgyud pa




一の「思念による王者の相承」とは、この法身タターガタが、言葉や象徴と いう媒介なしに、直接相手の心に自分の心を伝達するものである。

この場合、 心、というのは単なる思念の心ではなく、パワーを主としたものと思うべきで ある。これによって、相手はたちどころに仏陀として完成するのである。

これは最高であり、理想的なものであること、もちろんである。「王者の」、と いう所以である。

二の  「象徴による持明者の相承」とはどういうものかというと、象徴とは、あ る言葉、かたち、音、色などに複雑な思想の内容を圧縮して詰め込んだものを いい、また、持明者(rig’dzin)とは、純粋な心で実相をそのまま見るこきる真如の世界に到達した者たちのことである。この相承(方法)では、真如の 理解を持つ持明者たちは、導師から象徴を示されることで、密教の深奥に到達 する教法を授けられるのである。

以上のすぐれた方法に対し、ふつうの人間は、霊感はなかなか得がたく、ま た象徴だけでは深い密教の教法を即座に理解することはできない。そこで、ラ マが、いろいろな言葉をもちいてくわしく説き明かし、弟子に理解させていく。


これが、三の「耳を通した言葉による人の相 承」である。 以上の三つの方法を、わたくしは、つぎのように分類する。



二、象徴による持明者の相承間脳系=霊的バイブレーション 新皮質系=マントラ、タントラ、言葉、 音楽、象徴 – 大脳辺縁系=言葉、マントラ、音楽



これは、チベット密教だけではない。世界中のいかなる宗教でも、究極 至上 のものに到達するためには、この三つの方法しかないであろう。

しかし、究極至上のものに到達するためには、この三つだけでは不十分なの である。欠けているものがある。なにが欠けているのか? さきにのべた練行 tapas である。

だが、そういうと、一は最高理想のものなのであるから、他のなにものも必 要ないのではないかといわれるかもしれない。そうではないのである。その最高 理想のものを受けるために、tapas は必要なのである。


では、その練行tapas とはどんなものか? それには、ひとつの例として、わたくしの修行体験をお話しするしかないと 思われる。

It starts with meditation

In “Diencephalon Thinking,” he was asked what was the link between electronics and spirituality, and answered that it began with meditation.

After that, after the story went a long way, “Then, is it meditation to develop the diencephalon?”

Was asked. I say “No”

I shook my head. “Isn’t it meditation?” “No,” I said, too. He stared at me with a stern look. So I answered.

“It starts with meditation,” he nodded. I explained. It starts with meditation, but it’s not just about meditation. The perfection of spirituality is not possible with meditation alone. It is a boundary that cannot be reached by things such as mental stability, desire regulation, and instinct suppression. He is a dimension that he can never reach with only changes in thoughts and thoughts.

Why? The goal of spiritual completion is transcendence from karma. What is Karma?

It’s like gravitational pull on Earth. Everything that exists on Earth is under the control of Earth’s gravitational pull. Nothing can escape the attraction. No, the very existence of the earth is made up of gravitational pull.

The same is true of karma in humans. All people are subject to absolute regulation of reincarnation karma. From this karma, various “fate” arises and binds human beings. No, human beings are established by karma and fate.

The completion of spirituality is when the bond between this karma and the fate is completely released.

It is an escape from attraction. He is an anti-gravity training. The training changes the dimension of one’s existence.

What is Existence? Ultimately, it is a wave. It changes the vibration of “self”. As a result, he goes beyond the wave of “karma.”

The origin that changes the vibration of the existence of human beings is in the hypothalamus of the diencephalon.

By changing the waves here, the waves of the whole body change, and it becomes an existence with special mental waves and physical waves. It is nothing more than a high spiritual being, different from normal human beings, unregulated by karmic.

When this is achieved, a special “spiritual light” will be generated.

The occurrence of this special aura indicates that the vibrations of the whole body have changed. The aura will be discussed later, but the source of this aura is the diencephalon.

It is impossible to change the above dimensions by meditation alone. Of course, meditation is absolutely necessary for this practice, such as mental stability, concentration, and mediation to a completely new higher dimension.

But that’s just one way. Meditation can only move the limbic system and the neocortical brain.

Therefore, meditation alone is not enough. Unless it is a meditation that works the diencephalon, the aura does not occur.

Therefore, karma cannot be exceeded. So what do you need? It’s a special tapas.

Scholars translate tapas as penance, but I would like to translate it as practice. And this practice is absolutely necessary.

The King’s Consensus by Thought

The Nyingma sect of Tibetan esoteric Buddhism has long stated that there are three ways to complete the liberation.

Gal Wagon Pe-Gu-Pa, the King’s Consensus by Thought

(Dharani, two, symbolic consent of the bearer

rgyal ba dgongs pa’i brgyud pa rig’dzin brda’i brgyud pa

Ganzakunyen Gyugu-Pa 3, the verbal agreement of people through the ears-gang zag snyan gyi brgyud pa


In the world of law in the spirit world, Tatagata (Nyorai), the perfector of law, constantly preaches the law.


One “consensus of the king by thought” is that this Dharmakaya Tatagata directly conveys one’s heart to the other person’s heart without the mediation of words and symbols.

In this case, he should think that the mind is not just a mind of thought, but power. As a result, the opponent is immediately completed as a Buddha.

This is the best and ideal, of course. That’s why he says, “of the king.”

Second, what is “symbolism of the bearer”? A symbol is a word, shape, sound, color, etc. that is packed with the contents of a complicated idea. In addition, rig’dzin are those who have reached the true world where they can see the reality as it is with a pure heart. In this agreement (method), those who have a true understanding are endowed with a teaching method that reaches the depths of esoteric Buddhism by being shown a symbol by the guru.

In contrast to the above excellent methods, it is difficult for ordinary human beings to get inspiration, and even his symbol alone cannot immediately understand the deep esoteric teaching. There, Lama uses various words to explain in detail and make his disciples understand.

This is the so-called “oral instruction”.

This is the third “human consent by words through the ears”. I classify the above three methods as follows.


One, the consensus of the king by thought

2. Symbolic diencephalic brain system = spiritual vibration Neocortical system = mantra, tantra, words, music, symbol–limbic system = words, mantra, music

Third, human consent through words


This is not just Tibetan Buddhism. Any religion in the world will have only these three ways to reach the ultimate supreme.

However, these three are not enough to reach the ultimate supreme one. Something is missing. What’s missing? The training tapas I mentioned earlier.

However, in that case, it may be said that one is the highest ideal, so nothing else is necessary. That is not the case. Tapas are needed to receive the best of them.

What is training

So what is that training tapas? To do that, I think I have to talk about my training experience as an example.