

阿含仏教超能力の秘密 人格と性格 The secret of Agon Buddhism’s supernatural powers: Personality and personality






Personality (人格)ということばと、 Character (性格)ということばがある。 この二つのこ とばは、ほとんど同意語として使われている。

性格ということばは、ギリシア語の彫刻を意味することばから出たもので、つまり、性格 とは刻みつけられたものを意味する。したがって、性格も人格も、ほとんどおなじものをさ しているといっていいが、おもしろいことに、主として、ヨーロッパの心理学者は「性格」 を用い、アメリカの心理学者は「人格」を用いる傾向があるという。

この両者を区別するとすれば、「人格」ということばが個人の全人的個性的特徴を意味する のにたいし、「性格」は、そこから知的側面の特徴が除かれて、情意的側面、とくに意志的側 面の特徴を示すことばとして用いられることが多いようである。

感情的側面の特徴は先天的に決定される場合が多く、これにたいしては「気質」というこ とばが使われるが、「気質」は性格の基底層をなすと考えられているので、ここでは、気質も


要約すると、「人格」とは「全人的なもの」を示し、「性格」とはその基底をなすものと考 えたらよいであろう。


「性格とはなにか。むずかしい理論はさておいて、けっきょく性格とは、その人の素質と環 境からできあがったもので、その人らしさ”と、“その人の行動特徴〟ということになりま す」


すこしむずかしく、学問的にいうと、性格は、対象的には「人間の示す特性的全体像」 (そ の人らしさ)であり、機能的にみれば「その環境に独自の適応を示す、個人の力動的な体制」 その人の行動特徴)である。

また、構造的な面からみれば、「人間の感情的素質と意志的素質からなる」その人らしさ) ものである。

発生論的な立場からは、「素質と環境」との密接な相互作用によって形成されるものである。 またそれを社会的存在としての立場からみれば、「個人心理的概念ではなくて、むしろ、 社会 超人になるための基礎人格のつくり方


この、人間の性格には、さまざまなタイプがあり、その類型を最初に論じた人は、ギリシ アの哲学者テオフラストス(前三七二~二八八頃)である。

以来、近世にいたるまで、さまざまな類型論が発表されている。 その中で、現代ドイツの 精神医学者K・シュナイダーの「精神病質類型」が傑出していると思われる。

シュナイダーのいうところは、その性格の素質からみちびかれる類型であって、つぎの一 ○種類の精神病質類型を立てている。

かれは、精神病質といっているが、かならずしも精神病患者と限らず、この類型は、人間 の性格の分類について、はなはだ参考になるものであると思われる。


発揚型 豪快な気分が根本特徴である。 楽天的で落ち着きがなく活発で、突出的で ある。 軽率で意志が不定であったり、喧嘩・口論が好きであったり、自慢・虚言の傾向 を示したりする。

型発型と反対に憂うつな気分が支配的である。 厭世的で苦労性である。こ の中にも、情にもろい、温良な、内気な、気力のない憂愁型、不平不満の多い、刺戟的 な不機嫌型、邪推深い、 曲解し易い偏執型の三つの型に分けられる。

自信欠乏型自信のない小心、内気な型である。一方では良心的で義務観念が強い 些細なことをくよくよとせんさくする。度々いろいろの強迫観念に悩む。 あるいは 邪推曲解し易い傾向を持つ。

四狂信型 何等かの観念にこり固まって、その主義主張を通す。 そのためあくまで 闘争を繰り返す闘争型 (好訴型)と空想的・突飛・現実離れの仕方で主張する奇矯型(奇 人・狂信者)がある。

頭揚型自分を実際以上に評価させようという根本特徴を持っている。 虚栄心が強 く、いわゆるヒステリー性格に相当する。突飛な、人をアッといわせるようなことをし 超人になるための基礎人格のつくり方

たり、嘘をいったりする。 極端な場合には嘘と現実とが自分でも区別がつかなくなり、 高貴な身分とか、大資産家であると思い込み、他人をも信用させる。 空想虚言症といわ れる型である。

気分易変型 時々何の原因もなくて、いらいらと不機嫌になる。そういう時に徘徊 したり、窃盗したり、火をつけたりする。 そういう行動で不機嫌が発散されることが多 い。時には邪推的な気分になって、喧嘩、傷害などを行うことがある。

爆発型 まことに些細な動機でカッとなり、すぐ暴力を振るう。短気な爆発し易い 型である。熟慮や統御が働かずに刺戟から直ちに行為に赴くので、その行為は短絡反応 といわれる。

無情型同情、羞恥心、良心などの感情の乏しい型である。 冷酷薄情残忍陰 険などという性格を持つ。 これらの感情は道徳の基礎となるもので、この欠乏から、不 道徳的反社会的な行動が期待される。 背徳者といわれるものの大部はこの型にあては

意志如型 自分で決断することができず、他人のいう通りに、環境の影響をうけ 易い。また一度決意しても持続性がない。飽き易く不安的である。 職業を何度も換え、 誘惑に負け、逆に社会の落伍者となる。 犯罪者の過半数はこういう性格傾向を持つ。

無力型 よわよわしい性格である。 すぐ心身の故障を訴える。過敏で疲れ易く、 神 経質である。ノイローゼに最もなり易い型である。

右各類型のうち、抑鬱型・自信欠乏型無力型の三つは主として「自分で悩む」型で あって、心身症、ノイローゼになることが多い。 残りの七つの型は「社会を悩ませる型」 非行・犯罪などの行動を示すことが多い。

これは、どこまでも「類型」であるから、病的とまではいかないが、徴候程度のものから、 超人になるための基礎人格のつくり方 である。




とすると、精神病者ではない、一般人のほとんどの人の心の奥にも、大なり小なり、こう いう類型的傾向がひそんでいるものといえるのではなかろうか。ただ、多くの人は、教育や、 教養、宗教、道徳などで制御しているのであろう。


この中のどれか一つの類型が、たとえ徴候程度だとしても、あなたの心の中にひそんでは いないだろうか?




ここに、瞑想によってさとりを完成し、仏陀になられたゴータマ(釈尊) 自身、みずから


これは、マッジマ・ニカーヤ (中阿含経)という阿含経典において、ゴータマ自身によっ 語られたものである。

わたし(釈尊)は、つねに努力精進し、その想いは確立してすこしもみだれず、体は 安楽で動揺せず、心は禅定に入って静かである。そのわたしがあるとき、瞑想に入って しだいに禅定が深まってきた。第一禅定から第二、第三、第四禅定まで深まるにつれて、 心に思い浮ぶなにものもなくなり、喜びや楽しみだけとなり、そして遂にはそれもなく なって、ただ清浄な想いだけとなった。

そのとき、わたしの心は、一点のけがれもなく、清く明るく、絶対不動であった。 そ してわたしの心の眼はおのずから前世の光景に向けられていった。それは一生だけでは なく、二生、三生、十生、二十生、そして無限の生涯の、生きかわり死にかわりした光 景が展開してきた。これが第一の智慧である。

それからわたしの心は、あらゆる衆生のすがたに向けられてきた。わたしは超人的な 眼力でそのすがたを見た。そこには、貰いもの、賤しいもの、美しいもの、醜いもの、 ]



The secret of Agon Buddhism’s supernatural powers

personality and personality

What exactly is personality?

There are two words: personality and character. These two words are almost used synonymously.

The word character comes from the Greek word for carving; character means something engraved. Therefore, it can be said that the terms personality and personality refer to almost the same thing, but interestingly, European psychologists tend to mainly use “personality,” while American psychologists tend to use “personality.” That’s what it means.

If we distinguish between the two, the word “personality” refers to the individual characteristics of an individual as a whole, while “personality” refers to the emotional aspects, with the intellectual characteristics removed. In particular, it seems to be often used as a word to indicate characteristics of the volitional aspect.

Characteristics of emotional aspects are often determined innately, and the term “temperament” is often used for this, but “temperament” is thought to form the base layer of personality. Here, temperament is also

I will discuss this in terms of personality.

To summarize, “personality” refers to the “whole person,” and “personality” can be thought of as forming the basis of this.

Regarding “personality,” one psychologist says the following:

“What is personality? Putting difficult theories aside, personality is the product of a person’s qualities and environment, and is defined as “the person’s uniqueness” and “the behavioral characteristics of that person.” ”

This is a very easy to understand explanation.

It’s a bit difficult, but in academic terms, personality is the “overall characteristic image of a person” (their personality), and functionally, it is “an individual who shows a unique adaptation to the environment”. The dynamic system of a person’s behavioral characteristics).

Also, from a structural perspective, it is a person’s personality, which is “consisted of a person’s emotional and willful qualities.”

From an embryological perspective, it is formed through the close interaction between “disposition and the environment.” Also, if we look at it from the standpoint of a social being, it is not an individual psychological concept, but rather a way to create a basic personality in order to become a social superhuman.

The above position is considered to be the generally accepted theory of “personality” in modern times.

There are various types of human personality, and the first person to discuss these types was the Greek philosopher Theophrastus (c. 372-288 BC).

Since then, various typologies have been published up to the early modern period. Among them, contemporary German psychiatrist K. Schneider’s “psychopathic type” seems to stand out.

What Schneider calls psychopathic types are the types that are derived from their personality traits, and he establishes the following ○ types of psychopathic types.

Although he calls them psychopathic, this does not necessarily mean that they are psychotic patients, and this type is considered to be extremely useful for classifying human personality.

Let me give you that next.

Excitement type: The fundamental characteristic is an exhilarating mood. He is optimistic, restless, active, and outstanding. The person is thoughtless and has an uncertain will, likes fights and arguments, and shows a tendency to brag and lie.

Contrary to the typical pattern, a depressed mood is predominant. He is pessimistic and hard-working. These types can be divided into three types: the merciful, warm-hearted, timid, and lackluster melancholic type, the grumpy type who complains a lot and is irritating, and the paranoid type who is evil and easily misinterpreted.

Self-doubt type: This type lacks self-confidence, is timid, and is shy. On the other hand, they are conscientious and have a strong sense of duty, and are picky about trivial matters. I often suffer from various obsessive thoughts. Or they tend to be easily misunderstood.

Four types of fanaticism: A person who is rigidly attached to a certain idea and adheres to that principle. For this reason, there are two types: the fighting type (complaint type), who simply repeat the struggle, and the eccentric type (eccentric person/fanatic), who make claims in fanciful, outlandish, and unrealistic ways.

He has the fundamental characteristic of making people think of himself more than he actually is. He has a strong sense of vanity and is equivalent to a so-called hysterical personality. How to create a basic personality that will help you become a superhuman by doing unusual and surprising things.

or tell a lie. In extreme cases, people become unable to distinguish between lies and reality, believing that they have a noble status or are wealthy, and even make others trust them. This is a type known as phantasmagoric liar disorder.

Mood disorder: Sometimes you become irritable and moody for no apparent reason. At times like these, they wander around, steal, and start fires. Such behavior often vents displeasure. Sometimes they get into an evil mood and get into fights and get injured.

Explosive type: He gets angry over even the most trivial of motives and immediately resorts to violence. He has a short temper and is prone to outbursts. Because a person jumps into action immediately from a stimulus without careful consideration or control, the action is called a short-circuit reaction.

Heartless type This type lacks emotions such as sympathy, shame, and conscience. He has a ruthless, cruel, and insidious personality. These emotions are the basis of morality, and from this deficiency we can expect immoral and antisocial behavior. The majority of people who are said to be immoral do not fit into this category.

Voluntary type: Unable to make decisions on their own, they follow what others say and are easily influenced by the environment. Moreover, once a decision is made, it is not sustainable. Easily bored and anxious. He changes occupations many times, succumbs to temptation, and ends up becoming a social outcast. The majority of criminals have this personality tendency.

Helpless type Has a dangerous personality. Immediately complain of mental and physical trouble. He is irritable, gets tired easily, and is nervous. This is the type most likely to develop neurosis.

Of the three types on the right, the three types, the depressed type, the self-doubt type, and the helpless type, are mainly “worrying on their own” types, and they often develop psychosomatic disorders and neuroses. The remaining seven types are “types that trouble society” and often exhibit behaviors such as delinquency and crime.

This is a “type” all the way through, so it cannot be said to be pathological, but it is a way to create a basic personality that can transform from a symptom to a superhuman.

You can think of it as showing his character right down to the very details.

If this is the case, then it can be said that the type of tendencies that he describes are hidden in the hearts of most ordinary people who are not mentally ill, to a greater or lesser degree. However, many people probably control it through education, culture, religion, morals, etc.

I think this is what would happen if we categorized the “worldly desires” of ordinary people in Buddhism.What do you think?

Even if one of these types is just a symptom, isn’t he there lurking in your heart?

Personality of the great psychic Buddha

So, what is the personality of a psychic in relation to this?

Let’s take a look at the case of Buddha, who can be called a great psychic.

Here, Gautama (Shakyamuni) himself, who achieved enlightenment through meditation and became a Buddha,

There are descriptions of the inner world told.

This was narrated by Gautama himself in the Agon sutra called Majjma Nikaya (Naka Agon Sutra).

I (Shakyamuni Shakyamuni) am always diligent in my efforts, my thoughts are well-established and not at all dull, my body is at ease and undisturbed, and my mind is in meditation and quiet. One day, he meditated and his meditative state gradually deepened. As he deepens from the first jhana to the second, third, and fourth jhanas, there is nothing that comes to his mind, only joy and pleasure, and finally there is none, only pure thoughts. became.

At that time, my heart was pure, bright, and absolutely steadfast. As a result of that, my mind’s eyes naturally turned to the scene of my previous life. It was not just his life, but his second, third, tenth, twentieth, and endless lifetimes, in which scenes of life and death unfolded. This is the first wisdom.

Since then, my heart has been directed towards all sentient beings. I saw it with superhuman powers of vision. There are things that are given, things that are low, things that are beautiful, things that are ugly,

頭のチャクラ  head chakra  メシアの法 システムとしての求聞持法 Messiah’s Law Inquisition Law as a System







tell me your head chakra




Chakras refer to areas where energy flows in the body, mind, and spirit. Chakras are said to be located in various places, but there are generally 7 main chakras. The main chakra associated with the head is called the Sahasrara Chakra.

The Sahasrara chakra is located at the top of the head and is said to control energy at the highest levels of the body, mind, and spirit. This chakra is associated with intuition, insight, and spiritual insight, or “intuitive wisdom.”

The Sahasrara chakra is said to be purple or white in color, and is said to emit a bright light all around it. It is said that by activating this chakra, you can reach a higher level of consciousness and promote self-realization and spiritual growth.

4 ヒトを改造する技術 求閒持聪明法秘伝 Techniques for modifying humans: Secret secrets of the secret method of arranging a human body













さきにあげたミラクルの池の伝説や、雑阿含経に説かれる仏陀の奇蹟- 上半身から火を出し、下半身から水を出すという奇は、このピンガラとイダーを使ってのエネルギー放射なのである。この奇蹟は、クンダリニー・ヨーガ完成者独特のものなのだ。


















































Buddha’s Law




One is the Sushmuner tube and the other two are the Pingala and Eider airways.

The central airway is the Sschmuner’s canal. It starts with the tail bone and ends with the medulla oblongata, as mentioned earlier.

When the Kundalini awakens with the power of a special idea, the energy explosively rises the Sschmuner’s canal to the medulla oblongata. At the same time, the kundalini rises in the airways of Pingala and Ida, and acts as an energy regulator and other auxiliary for the kundalini.

The pingala on the right side of the spinal cord is called the airway of the sun and is the airway that controls heat.

The ider on the left, called the lunar airway, controls the flow of cold air. If the kundalini wakes up accidentally through Pingala, the practitioner can literally turn black and burn to death in the worst case due to the tremendous internal heat that is completely out of control.


The author of Kundalini, Gopi Krishna, describes his own nearly deadly experience due to this mistake.


It is from this point that I conclude that the Buddha is the perfector of Kundalini Yoga.

The legend of the Miracle Pond mentioned earlier and the miracle of the Buddha described in Sasamyo-The miracle of putting out fire from the upper body and water from the lower body is the energy radiation using this Pingara and Ida. This miracle is unique to the Kundalini Yoga perfector.

Now, as the kundalini awakens and the energy moves up and down the airway smoothly, the training progresses smoothly, and the kundalini reaches the Sahaslara chakra, where the training is completed. (However, practitioners who can reach this point are rare in ancient times.)
Thus, the kundalini is supposed to reach the medulla oblongata from the caudal bone and then ascend further to the Sahaslara chakra on the crown, but from the medulla oblongata to the Sahaslara. It is clear what the route to

From the tail bone to the medulla oblongata, the spinal column runs, so to speak, it is a straight road, so it is clear. However, what is the route from the medulla oblongata to Sahaslara?
I did not let the Buddha use Kundalini Yoga earlier for his disciples.
It’s because it’s too radical, but it wasn’t the only thing.

The Kundalini Yoga chakra development method was unstable and uncertain.

The Buddha created the perfect Buddhahood method and taught it to his disciples.

The Buddhist practice is still going on.

Kundalini prana

I said earlier that the Buddha did not incorporate Kundalini yoga into his training.

That’s true. The Buddha did not incorporate Kundalini Yoga into the Iddhipada method. However, Kundalini energy was taken in.

The energy of human beings is not as powerful as that of Darikunnie. There is no comparable driving force for remodeling humans. No, because it doesn’t use this energy, it can be said that it is impossible to remodel humans. that’s why. Buddha opened the door.

It’s not just the growing heat of the mother and daughter, or the contribution, which is the energy process that results from Kundalini.

The first pair of exhibitions is a railroad that is willing to do. I love the latecomer, Kundalini.
With enough surprises, the book, after becoming powerful, is directed to the Kundalini Awards. There is a part sales office for burning kundalini. When a sword fierce is given there, Kundalini has an eye on it. Q For convenience, I have to come to the heat.

Some during the suspicion. There will always be talks about consciousness, or a selection that will be performed and a performer will be performed, but is there a gekiwa line or tatter?

You can do it. Home. Rikunnie is a three-headed machine, a Tatsuno performance, in the form of a tune. The integrated succession fee is officially recognized by Tsubasa. It’s not a story of a rush to squeeze the force, but a general science, a machine, and a kundalini-rucontaro thing with a bad hand.

It is not clear whether it will take the road. As long as the kundalini awakens, he awakens
Kundalini is supposed to reach the Sahasrara chakra automatically
Therefore, the practitioner himself does not know the route at all.
What about the Buddha’s airway?
The Buddha’s airway also has something in common with Kundalini Yoga.
It is the airway through the part of the spinal column from the caudal bone to the medulla oblongata. Sushmuner tube Toho
It is an airway that does not change much. However, Kundalini Yoga’s Sushmuner tube has been extended.
Although it ends with a record, the airway of the Buddha goes further and goes through the neocortex, old cortex, and paleocortex of the cerebrum.
It reaches from the diencephalon to the hypothalamus. And that clarity
I have a route.
Let’s go
That is not all. The route goes further to the forehead, from between the eyebrows to the back of the nose pillar.
No, it’s throaty. In other words, the nerves from Sahaslara to Ajnya and its surroundings.
The route leads to the anterior pituitary gland and the posterior pituitary gland. And now
As such, these routes are clearly shown. Under the guidance of a skilled guru


For example, even a novice practitioner can grasp it.
It goes without saying which one is better.

This is basically due to the difference in practice between the Kundalini Yoga practice and the Buddhahood Buddhahood practice.

The Buddha’s method is to “go” prana. This means that the practitioner does it by his own will. Therefore, the practitioner must know the route that leads Prana. The way of prana,
Instead of leaving it to Prana, the practitioner decides and proceeds. Therefore, the practitioner must know the path.


In the case of Kundalini Yoga, this is completely different.

The power of the practitioner’s will is required to awaken the kundalini, but once awakened, the kundalini explosively rises in the Sushmuner airway regardless of the practitioner’s will. It is not something that the practitioner is “megurasu”.
And after that, it will be left to Kundalini.

The most secret breathing method


Therefore, the way of using the kundalini energy of the Buddha is completely different from the method of the kundalini yoga, and the kundalini is used with complete control. In other words, it is a method of “making” Kundalini energy.

How is it done?

The secret method of the Buddha using Pingara and Ida

It would be wise not to do stupid imitations that would provoke a sleeping Godzilla with a good feeling.

According to the Buddha’s law, the monster Kundalini is awakened in a very gentle and good mood (?).


Taoism does not know Kundalini. However, although it is far from Kundalini, he knows the acupuncture points (pots) that evoke the paranormal and strong energy of “Qi” and uses them for chakra.

This is the most secret of Taoism, and very few people know it. (Henri Ma
This acupuncture point (which I think is a type of chakra in China) is a little further away from the Kundalini chakra. Taoism, as it is now, uses this chakra to evoke a strong “ki”. It can be said to be an alternative to Kundalini. I don’t know Kundalini itself.

In the Buddha’s Iddhipada method, this Taoist chakra is used to first evoke a strong “Qi” energy. Next, send this “ki” to the favorite Kundalini chakra.

This “ki” is slowly moved around the sleeping area of ​​the kundalini.

The kundalini gradually begins to wake up gently.

I think that Taoism has dropped the secret method of using this “ki” to awaken the kundalini, and has completed the method of using only “ki”.

Or, as the Buddha’s top secret law, I tell only a few high-ranking younger brothers, and I wonder if it disappeared someday without leaking to the outside. In other words, I think that only a small starting motor for starting a huge motor called Kundalini was transmitted to Taoism.

I can only admire this secret method of the Buddha, who uses the radical energy of Kundalini in a wonderfully controlled manner.

However, this is not the only secret method of the Buddha. The Buddha teaches us even more surprising secrets.
In a nutshell, the airways of Pingala and Eider are used for accelerators and brakes. However, I don’t know if this is Kundalini Yoga’s Pingala, Eider itself.

Or it may be the airway that the Buddha created newly. For Kundalini Yoga’s Pingala and Ida, as mentioned earlier, rise on both sides of the Sushmuner’s canal through the spinal column, but the two airways of the Buddha are on the opposite side, the belly.
This is because the part goes up and down. However, because of the functions of these two airways, I am still Pingala and Ida, and the Buddha was changed in this way.


I’m thinking. Therefore, we will call these two airways by the names of Pingala and Ida. Now, from the functions of these two airways, what kind of function does the Pingara airway have for kundalini energy?

Eider’s airways have the function of calming and condensing.

In other words, as I said earlier, it acts as an accelerator and a brake.

It is used as follows.

Two Sushmuner tubes
As mentioned earlier, in Kundalini yoga, from the coccyx to the medulla oblongata, the spine
The Sschmuner pipe runs straight through the pillar. Awakened Kundalini rises here In Buddha’s law, there is another Sushmuner tube. In other words, there are two. Opposite to Kundalini Yoga, it is the airway from the tail low bone through the perineum, straight through the midline of the abdomen, through the ring, to the throat. The awakened Kundalini, along with the Sushmuner tube on the back,
This abdominal Sschmuner tube also rises. It is the Buddha’s Pingala and Ida airways that develop and awaken each chakra while controlling the kundalini energy of this abdominal sshmuner (which raises rather than rises).
That is, about 5 to 8 cm from the end of the brain (at the lower side, which varies from person to person, it branches off from the abdominal sushmuner, goes up and down through each chakra and related equipment, nerves, or goes down, or the throat. From there, it rises further inside the brain to the depths of the nasal column and deep between the eyebrows, goes through the chakras of the brain, nerve pathways, etc., and joins all the back Sushmuner at the medulla oblongata cerebral part.

These two airway techniques are absolutely necessary for chakra development and awakening, without them.
It can be said that the complete development and awakening of the chakra is impossible.


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“Nirvana aims for wisdom and compassion.”



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ルギーが、ピンガラ の気道を開発し、形成するのである。




















Kundalini Awakening Method

First, the practitioner must know exactly where the kundalini awakening reserve chakra is located. Earlier, I was acupuncture points such as a small motor for starting.

Ask the guru to teach this. The location of the chakras varies from person to person, so there is no choice but to ask the guru to tell you.

If you concentrate your thoughts on this spare chakra with Mudra and continue to have a special idea, the chakra will have a unique sensation. When a certain physical stimulus is added to this, it is completely awakened.

When the energy is gradually generated after registration, this energy is sent to the part of Kundalini by the airway and is made to go around it. As instructed, if done correctly, there will be a time lag, but everyone will wake up to Kundalini.

Kundalini yoga is very difficult to awaken,

Therefore, it is said that successful cases are rare, but the Buddhist law uses a spare chakra, so it is not so difficult. It is an excellent place in the Buddha’s law.

Difficult is the development of both the Pingala and Eider airways.

This is very difficult. However, it is a practice that must be accomplished.

Because the airways of Pingala and Ida in the Buddha’s law are just airways.
Instead, as mentioned earlier, it has accelerator and brake functions. Without developing these two airways, each chakra cannot be awakened or controlled. The chakras of the brain, the enhancement of nerve pathways, etc.
This is the eye of the Buddha’s law because it works. Let me explain the method.

How to develop Bingara and Ida
In a nutshell, the technique creates a special vibration inside the body and barks at it.
The special vibration uses the diaphragm, thoracic cavity, and abdominal cavity, and is based on a special chanting method of the secret mantra.
I think. Mudra and position are also added to this.
This exercise initially uses the vocal cords. Generates correct vibration as voice in the vocal cords. this
It resonates with autumn movement, chest total, side viscera, and abdominal cavity. The thoracic cavity and abdominal cavity are, so to speak, drums.
To. It resonates and amplifies here.
If you can make a new movement, do not speak, but make the same vibration.
Enter into a small drama. It becomes silent, but it is vibrating. Because inside the body
He is always speaking towards him. It is sending vibrations toward the inside of the body. of a body
The inside is the thoracic cavity and abdominal cavity, as we have just mentioned. First, the movement of the chest cavity
Oh, let’s make a fight.
In addition, the diaphragm amplifies in the abdominal cavity.
It will be understood that very strong energy is generated in the body. This strong energy
Ruggy develops and forms the Pingala airway.


Here, I must reveal one of the most secrets.

That is, there are two types of chakras, “large chakra” and “small chakra”. No one knows this. It is a secret that only I know. A secret that I discovered and learned from the comprehensive training of Kundalini yoga, Taoism, and the Buddhist breathing method.
Is. For the first time, I will release the secret story that I have kept secret until now.


Follow the constellations of the chakras


As mentioned earlier, the “large chakras” are the seven chakras of Mueller Dara Chakra, Svadi Shootana Chakra, Manipula Chakra, Anahata Chakra, Vishudda Chakra, Ajnya Chakra, and Sahasrara Chakra. Ah

The “small chakra” is something else. There are about 300 small chakras in the human body. In Chinese Taoism, there are some parts that are called “acupuncture points”,
Some are completely different. Small chakras are much more sensitive to perception than those that are not. I, the gurus, thoughtfully showed it with my fingertips from a distance of about a few centimeters, and the other person felt a tingling sensation. Some parts are so sensitive that you can feel it just by staring at it.

It just seems like the human body, the stars scattered in the universe. In fact, there are also groups of chakras, such as constellations, that form a constellation with a common system.

When developing the airways, I use these stars. The abdomen, back, head, and airways of any part can be opened relatively easily by using the chakra of this star.

I am, just like, the captain who sails the sea of ​​this star. I can clearly indicate from which star to which star I can reach my destination (chakra, nerve plexus, etc.). The wake that traces the stars becomes the airway.
According to this law, even a slightly insensitive practitioner will be able to know the route of the airway.

Both the Pingala and Ida airways are also developed and formed in this way.

The practitioners who do not know this secret are only in the dark sea, like the old navigators who do not have a compass and do not know to read the route in the constellations.

You already know. The strong vibrational energy in the body mentioned in the previous section traces the stars from star to star, forming the airways of Pingala and Ida.

With this, the biggest obstacle has been overcome. I want to take a break, but in fact, there is another difficulty that must be overcome. What is it?

It is how to give the airways of Pingala and Ida thus formed the functions of accelerator and brake mentioned above. This is very difficult.
How is it done?

The most secret breathing method ”


Buddha Japan journal
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“Nirvana aims for wisdom and compassion.”


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さきにあげたミラクルの池の伝説や、雑阿含経に説かれる仏陀の奇蹟- 上半身か




Of course, not all Taoist airway laws are the same as Buddha’s airway laws.
It was said that he accepted the Buddhist airway law and developed it into something unique to Taoism.
Is. The prototype is in the Buddha, and it can be traced back to the Buddha. and
It also involves Kundalini Yoga at the same time.
It is extremely difficult to know the practice of the Buddhahood Buddhahood. That’s very
It is only scattered in Agama, and it can be said that it is almost impossible.
However, the practice of Kundalini yoga and Taoism is the practice of the Buddha in Agama.

If you practice it in contrast to it, there are things that naturally come to mind as male sins.
To. And as I gained more experience, refined, and practiced, suddenly with a flash of light.
There is something that shows the shape.
I aspired to Buddhism at the age of thirty, and since then I have continued to seek the Buddhahood method of Buddhahood.
Forty years later, I was finally able to recover from this and be convinced that I had mastered it.
And at that moment, I took it. This law is the earth that is about to be destroyed
That it was the ultimate savior’s law to save.

The perfect Buddha airway

By the way, in the previous section, the law of the Buddha’s airway is Kundalini Yoga.
He said that it supplemented the inadequate part of the law.
What does that mean?
There are three airways in Kundalini Yoga.



Top secret breathing method ”


Let’s go

One is the Sushmuner tube and the other two are the Pingala and Eider airways.
The central airway is the Sschmuner’s canal. This is the tail bone, as I mentioned earlier.
It starts from and reaches the medulla oblongata.
When Kundalini awakens with the power of a special idea, the energy is explosive.
Ascend the Sschmuner’s canal to the medulla oblongata. At the same time, Kundalini is Pingala, Ida’s
Ascends the airways and acts as a kundalini energy regulator and other ancillary function.
The pingala on the right side of the spinal cord is called the airway of the sun and is the airway that controls heat.
The ider on the left, called the lunar airway, controls the flow of cold air. If you accidentally pingara
When Kundalini wakes up, he has a tremendous body that is completely out of control from the outside.
In the worst case, the practitioner will literally turn black and burn to death because of the internal heat.
It is said that there is.
Gopi Krishna, the author of Kundalini, is in danger of himself because of this mistake.
It describes the experience of being able to survive the death.
It is this that I conclude that the Buddha is the perfector of Kundalini Yoga.

From the point.
The legend of the miracle pond mentioned earlier and the miracle of the Buddha explained by Samsung-the upper body?
The miracle of putting out fire and water from the lower half of the body is done using this Pingara and Ida.
It is energy radiation. This miracle is unique to the Kundalini Yoga completer
Now, as Kundalini awakens and the energy moves up and down the airway smoothly, Osamu
When the line goes smoothly, the Kundalini reaches the Sahaslara chakra, where the training begins.
Complete. (However, practitioners who can reach this point are rare in ancient times.)
Thus, the kundalini reaches from the caudal bone to the medulla oblongata and then rises further.
And finally, it’s supposed to reach the top of the Sahaslara chakra.
However, it is clear what the route from the medulla oblongata to Sahaslara is.
It is not.
The spinal column runs from the tail bone to the medulla oblongata, so it’s a straight road.
I’m sorry. However, what is the route from the medulla oblongata to Sahaslara?

I did not let the Buddha use Kundalini Yoga earlier for his disciples.
It’s because it’s too radical, but it wasn’t the only thing.
The Kundalini Yoga chakra development method was unstable and uncertain.
The Buddha created the perfect Buddhahood method and taught it to his disciples.
Buddha’s practice is still going on


Buddha Japan journal
Send Japanese Buddhism


“Nirvana aims for wisdom and compassion.”


1ヒトを改造する技術 求閒持聪明法秘伝 Techniques for modifying humans: Secret secrets of the secret method of arranging a human body


呼吸法、といっているけれども、たんなる呼吸作用のコントロール法ではなく、このあとで説く「チャクラ」「プラーナ」「クンダリニー・エネルギー」(気道) 「ムドラー」「瞑想」「マントラ詠唱」など、すべての技法を綜合しておこなわれるもので、仏陀の成仏法の最終段階のものである。


この四つの呼吸法 (繰り返していうが、たんなる呼吸法ではない)で、仏陀の成仏法は完成されるのである。








行息」 気息を行らす

















Although it is called the breathing method, it is not just a method of controlling the breathing action, but all techniques such as “chakra”, “prana”, “kundalini energy” (airway), “mudler”, “meditation”, and “mantra chanting”. It is the final stage of the Buddhist mantra meditation.

These four breathing methods (again, not just breathing methods) complete the Buddhahood’s Buddhahood method.
I will explain this breathing method later. Oak

Buddha’s airway law

If you read the previous section, you’ll probably understand. The Buddha also used the dead path in the Iddhipada method.

“Breathing” To breathe, there must be a way to go around. That way is the airway.
However, the airway of the Buddha is quite different from the airway of Kundalini Yoga.
It can be said to supplement the deficiencies in the Kundalini Yoga airways-the inadequate rather than the deficiencies.
Why can you say that?
I think that the Buddha’s breathing method later moved to China and became a Taoist sendo. In other words, the origin of Taoist training lies in the Buddhahood’s Buddhahood method.
One of the basic practices of Taoism is the “law of shyness.” In addition, there is a “law of spirit”. These are none other than Shaka’s “law of breath”, which is explained in Agama.
The following is one proof that Taoism has accepted the Buddhahood of the Buddhahood. There is a part called Mudmaru in the airway of the Taoist shyness law that I just mentioned. At the top of the head, in Kundalini Yoga, it is the part corresponding to the Sahaslara chakra, which is the best part of Satori in Taoism.

Where did the name Mudmaru come from?
This is a transcription of the “Nirvana” or Nirvana that the Buddha preaches. It was named because it reaches Nirvana when this part is awakened.
This is very interesting because it talks about the connection between Buddhist practice, Kundalini yoga, and Taoism. In addition to this, there are some similar examples.


Buddha Japan journal
Send Japanese Buddhism


“Nirvana aims for wisdom and compassion.”


ヒトを改造する技術 求閒持聪明法秘伝 Techniques for modifying humans: Secret secrets of the secret method of arranging a human body

3つの脳 爬虫類脳・哺乳類脳・人間脳

僕たち人間は、3つの脳を同時に併せ持っているとする『脳の三位一体論(triune brain)』という仮説があります。

  • 生きるための爬虫類脳
  • 感じるための哺乳類脳
  • 考えるための人間脳





3つの脳 (脳の三位一体論)

1960年代に提唱された『脳の三位一体論(triune brain)』の仮説によると、人間の脳は太古の脳の基本的構造を保ったまま、地層のように次の脳が付け足される形で進化してきたと考えられました。

  1. ワニやトカゲのような原始爬虫類の脳
  2. ウマやイヌのような旧哺乳類の脳
  3. 急速に発達してきた新哺乳類の脳





この「3つの脳の進化」の仮説は、アメリカ国立精神衛生研究所の脳進化学者ポール・D・マクリーン(Paul D. MacLean)博士によって提唱されました。

1990年に刊行された著書『The Triune Brain in Evolution(邦訳:三つの脳の進化)』では、人間に起こる衝動は、爬虫類から継承された反射脳によって生まれると解説されています。











スポンサード リンク



















  • あいさつ
  • 攻撃・侵略
  • 求婚・求愛
  • 服従







スポンサード リンク


































  • 「創造的なことをしたい」
  • 「目標達成したい」
  • 「成長したい」












































ですが実際は、爬虫類脳は「なんで今までと違うことをするんだ? 甘くておいしいケーキは目の前にあるぞ」と抵抗し、哺乳類脳も「ダイエットって面倒だから嫌い・・・」と抵抗します。






















  • 「たった2週間で変化が実感できます」
  • 「今すぐ解決できます」









  • 「この先行投資が、あなたを一生涯守ってくれます」
  • 「一度テクニックが身につけば、この先、路頭に迷う心配がなくなります」







Next⇒「古い脳 VS 新しい脳|脳の特徴でわかる人生の苦悩と解決策

There is a hypothesis that we humans have three brains at the same time, the “triune brain”.

Reptile brain to live
Mammalian brain to feel
Human brain to think

From these three characteristics of the brain, we can understand the three major human desires.

It is “I want to live, I want to get involved, I want to grow”.

Understanding these three brain characteristics can help you in marketing and branding in your business. Also, if you can take advantage of the differences between the three brains, it will be easier for you to reach your goals.

If you want to better understand humans, be aware of the differences between the three brains.

Three brains (the theory of the trinity of the brain)

According to the hypothesis of “triune brain” proposed in the 1960s, the human brain evolves in the form of adding the next brain like a stratum while maintaining the basic structure of the ancient brain. It was thought that he had done it.

Brains of primitive reptiles like crocodiles and lizards
Brains of old mammals like horses and dogs
Rapidly developing new mammalian brain

Therefore, human beings have “three brains” at the same time.

Three-layer structure of the brain

“Three brain evolutions” is a hypothesis by Mr. McLean

This “three brain evolution” hypothesis was put forward by Dr. Paul D. MacLean, a brain chemist at the National Institute of Mental Health.

In his 1990 book, The Triune Brain in Evolution, it is explained that the impulses that occur in humans are created by the reflex brain inherited from reptiles.

This “three brain evolution” hypothesis has been denied by many comparative neurologists since the 2000s, but it is a very straightforward model for understanding the structure and characteristics of the brain.

Three brain features

For example, if you’re hungry, you’ll ask for food, and if your throat is dry, you’ll ask for a drink. If it’s hot, you sweat, and if it’s cold, you tremble. This involves the reptile brain.

If you have your beloved child in front of you, you may not be able to control your favorite emotions, and you may inadvertently spill a smile on your face. This involves the mammalian brain.

Even if you love cigarettes, you may be quitting smoking for your health. This involves the human brain.

The characteristics of the three brains are summarized below.

Three brain features

I will explain the features one by one.

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Reptile brain (reflex brain): brain stem

According to the hypothesis of “The Trinity of the Brain”, the reptile brain is the oldest brain. Located at the bottom inside the skull, also known as the “primitive reptile brain” or “reflex brain.”

It consists of the brain stem, basal ganglia, and spinal cord, which are the core of the autonomic nerves, and controls the sympathetic nerves and parasympathetic nerves as the brain that controls instinct. Its role is mainly life support.

It is related to unconscious heartbeat and breathing, thermoregulation, eating food and drink, and sexual behavior. It is in this area of ​​the reptile brain that the body reacts reflexively when it feels dangerous.

In a word, the reptile brain is a brain for living.

Reptile brain is characterized by a life-supporting defense instinct

A characteristic of reptiles is their defense instinct against territory.

In the case of people, it’s called a personal space, but when someone in red gets too close to you, it makes you feel uncomfortable. That’s because the reptile brain’s defense instinct of “I want to be safe” works.

The reptile brain is desperate to live, so it is selfish and has only a short-circuited desire in front of it.

According to McLean, reptile communication

Attack / aggression
Marriage proposal / courtship

There are only four types.

If humans are only reptile brains, it will be a murderous world like “Fist of the North Star”, whether it is ruled or ruled, robbed or robbed.

Reptile brain hates new behavior

According to McLean, the reptile brain is full of memories from its ancestors and works as commanded by its ancestors, but does not work well when encountering new situations and is bound by the memories of its ancestors.

In other words, it has the property of “sticking to the rules of thumb of the past and hating new things.” “To be safe, you have to do the same thing as before.”

Due to this nature, we humans have set goals, but we are unable to take on new actions.

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Mammalian brain (emotional brain): limbic system

According to the hypothesis of “The Trinity of the Brain”, the mammalian brain is the second oldest brain after the reptile brain. It is located in the center of the brain so as to cover the reptile brain, and is also called the “old mammalian brain” or “emotional brain”.

It consists of the limbic system, which includes the amygdala, hippocampal formation, and cingulate gyrus, and controls impulsive emotions such as “joy, affection, anger, fear, and disgust” that are linked to pleasant and unpleasant stimuli.

Mammals such as dogs and cats are rich in emotions, unlike reptiles such as lizards and snakes. This instinctive emotion expresses affection, feels anxiety and fear, escapes danger and threat, and attacks foreign enemies.

In a nutshell, the mammalian brain is a brain for feeling.

Mammalian brain is characterized by emotional herd behavior

A characteristic of mammals is that they behave in groups.

The emotion of love gained by the mammalian brain helps increase the chances of inheriting a gene close to you. This is the source of maternal desires and instincts, such as collective action to raise children in cooperation with peers, and raising and protecting weak children.

Also, if you are at the top of the herd, you will be more sure to leave your genes. Alternatively, following a good leader will help protect the species.

It is the nature of this mammalian brain that we humans want to build a community and consider ourselves to be important in it. Furthermore, the vulnerable nature of authority may also be an effect of this mammalian brain.

Is it the nature of the mammalian brain that dogs protect human babies?

In YouTube videos, you see heartwarming footage of dogs trying to protect human babies. It may be the nature of the mammalian brain that instinctively tries to protect the vulnerable in the group.

Human brain (rational brain): Neocortex

According to the hypothesis of “The Trinity of the Brain”, the human brain is the newest brain. It is located on the outermost side of the brain and is also called the “new mammalian brain” or “reason brain”.

It consists of both hemispheres (right and left brains) of the neocortex and controls cognitive ability, language function, learning ability, creative thinking ability, spatial grasping ability, etc.

In a word, the human brain is a brain for thinking.

The characteristic of the human brain is logical thinking

What separates us humans from animals is the introspection ability to think about ourselves and the ability to think about the future obtained by introspection.

Because of our ability to think about ourselves and the future, we can be rational, want to learn, and act with a sense of purpose.

“I want to be creative”
“I want to reach my goal”
“I want to grow”

The idea is that it is possible to reflect on it, and it is due to the nature of the human brain that can imagine the future.

If you don’t have the ability to think about the future, you can’t quit smoking, go on a diet, or study for the future.

Also, because of the reason of the human brain, we don’t easily steal food just because we’re hungry, and we don’t easily hit people just because we’re sick.

Three human desires and three consciousnesses understood by three brains

Look again at the three brain features. From these three characteristics of the brain, we can understand the three major human desires.

Three brain features

The reptile brain is safe for life support. Eat to live, rest, and move reflexively when you are in danger. “Being safe” is the desire of the reptile brain.

In the mammalian brain, a sense of companionship works when emotions are born. Feeling affection and collaborating with peers leads to the survival of the species. “Making friends” is the desire of the mammalian brain.

The human brain has a sense of purpose by being able to think in the future. Escape the rule of instinct in front of you and try to act for the future. “Growing” is the desire of the human brain.

Try to schematize the three major consciousnesses of the brain

If you try to illustrate the functions of the brain in the hierarchical order of the three brains, the “three major human consciousnesses” can be expressed as follows.

Three major consciousnesses of the human brain

The reason for making it a pyramid is that the influence of the “reptile brain / mammal brain” is much greater than that of the “human brain”.

Looking at this hierarchy, we can see that it is similar to the ERG theory, which expresses the three major human needs, and Maslow’s five-step desire theory.

What are the three major desires? A complete explanation of the important human needs up to the eight major needs!
What is Maslow’s five-step theory of desire? Easy-to-understand explanation in the story
Human suffering that the three brains work together

The human brain is said to be the part that performs the highest and most complex information processing.

However, in reality, it is thought that advanced information processing cannot be performed by the human brain alone, and that advanced information processing is realized in conjunction with the mammalian brain and reptile brain.

As you can see, the three brains cannot function separately.

McLean said that the coexistence of three brains, a reptile brain, a mammalian brain, and a human brain, is “human suffering.”

This is because humans thought that the evolution of the three brains was so fast that the three brains did not work together and were often dominated by the influential reptile and mammalian brains.

It is not clear whether “human suffering” is due to the speed of evolution, but I think that many people are suffering from the following.

Human brain dominated by reptile brain and mammalian brain

For example, suppose you think of a diet.

If we could separate the three brains, only the human brain would work and we should be able to go on a diet easily.

However, in reality, the reptile brain resisted, “Why do you do something different? There is a sweet and delicious cake in front of you,” and the mammalian brain also said, “I hate it because dieting is troublesome …” To resist.

As a result, I get frustrated asking, “… I don’t have to go on a diet so hard.”

Conversely, if the reptile brain and the mammalian brain can be linked well, it will be easier to achieve the goal.

Old brain VS New brain | Life’s anguish and solutions that can be seen from the characteristics of the brain
Two approaches to rewriting the subconscious and a method of self-suggestion
It is important to train the human brain and not stress the brain

The human brain, which is good at pondering, becomes weaker due to stress on the brain. In other words, when you are under pressure or tired, you are more likely to have short-circuit thoughts in the reptile brain.

Therefore, if you want to achieve your goals, it is important to keep your brain as stress-free as possible.

Furthermore, by training the “frontal association area” that controls motivation and thinking ability, which is the human brain, it becomes easier to control short-circuited desires.

How to meditate | Why you can train your concentration and how to develop your willpower in 5 minutes a day
Three brain needs to apply to marketing

In order to apply the three brain needs to marketing, we should appeal from the influential reptile and mammalian brains.

To appeal to the reptile brain

To appeal to the reptile brain, use the keyword “safety and control”, which is a defense instinct.

For example, by emphasizing victory, it appeals to the desire to “ensure safety” and “dominate.”



Buddha Japan journal
Send Japanese Buddhism


“Nirvana aims for wisdom and compassion.”


ヒトを改造する技術 求閒持聪明法秘伝 Techniques for modifying humans: Secret secrets of the secret method of arranging a human body




求聞持聡明法は、ヒトを聡明にし、天才にするという真言密教に伝わる秘法である。 弘法大師空海が、若くしてこれを修し、大天才となったということで、肌に知られ ている。また、新義真言宗の開祖、興教大師覚義(一〇九五一一四三)が、 七度、 この法をして成功せず、八度目に悉地を 覚上人の 成功したと伝えられる。 のこされた業績をみれば、上人もまた天才であったことは疑いない。ただ残念なに、四十八歳で亡くなられている。







如意輪寺 であるが、

ふつう、求聞持法といえば、空海が修して有名な虚空求聞持をさす。 この法を具には「仏説虚空蔵菩薩能満諸願最勝心陀羅尼求聞持法」という。 しかし、わたくしがこのたびこの本で発表する求聞持明法は、これらのいずれでもない。わたくし名づけた。




この都如意求聞持聡明法は、真言密教につたわる求聞持法とはまったくちがうも のである。



クンダリニー・ヨーガのチャクラを覚醒して、超人的エネルギーを発生させる。 その超人的エネルギーを、中国・道教につたわる導引・気功の持つ生気ルー にのせて、体の各要所要部にめぐらせ、行きわたらせる。殊に大脳の中 である視床下部に送りこむ。

この二つの方法を、独特の方法で完成したのである。これは、前人未踏の領域であ るといってよいであろう。

わたくしは、半生を、というより、一生をこの法の完成に注いだ。 いまから約三〇 年前に発行した「変身の原理」以来、わたくしの著書はこの本で四〇になるが、そ これらの著書のすべてが、この法の完成に至る道のりをあらわしたものであるといって

わたくしは、この本で、わたくしの得たほとんどのものを、出来るかぎり、明らか にした。

クンダリニー・ヨーガも、道教の導引・気功、いずれも超人的能力を獲得するた めの最高の法である。この世界にこれ以上の超能力開発法はない。この二つの法の欠 を補正して融合させ、さらにあらたな創案をくわえて完成したこの都如意求聞持 明法は、ヒトにおける究極の超能力開発法であると自負するのである。

もちろん、後世おそるべし”という諺の通り、今後これ以上の超能力開発法も出 るかも知れないが、しかし、それも、クンダリニー・ヨーガと導引・気功を融合させ たこの駄都如意求聞持明法のライン以外のものではないであろうと確信している。 この法を指導通りに修行するならば、確実に、ヒトの知能は二倍に、体力は三倍 飛躍強化されるであろうことを断言する。



しかし、いくら天才になっても、そのために、病弱になったり、若死にしたりした では、なんにもならない。

天才は、いつまでも若々しく、健康で、世のため人のため、その才能を発揮する ものでなくてはならない。(寝たっきりの天才など、まっぴらである)

求聞持明法修得をこころざしたわたくしは、つねに、四十八歳という惜しむべき 短命に終わった興教大師覚上人が念頭にあった。 上人は、おそらく、過酷な求聞持 法修行のため法は成就したものの、体を痛め、寿命を損じたのにちがいなかった。 このことは、年少 結核を病んで何年も病床に伏した苦しい経験を持つわたくしに とり、その恐れの念が特に深刻であった。



すなわち、道教の導・気功は、仙道の流れを汲むものである。 そして仙道の理想 は、不老長寿、生きながら神仙に化することを目標とする。

都如意求聞持聡明法は、特に不老長寿を目ざすものではなかったのだが、結果は そうなってしまったのである。



わたくしは断言してよい。 仙道の秘法がとり入れられているこの都如意求聞持聡 明法は、二十歳代の人ならば、三歳から五歳、中年以上の人ならば、十歳から十五歳、 返ることができるであろう。



あなたが高年者として修行に入り、年齢のために天才になれなかったとしても、い つまでも若々しい肉体と、そして決してボケることのない未聞だけは獲得できる であろう。





障というのは、人間と人間社会におけるすべての直隆(文字の通り、のよう 覆っている障害)をとりのぞくという意味で、その障をとり除く仏たちがまつら れているのが、除障院である。


そのおすがたは、左手に蓮華を持ち、蓮華上に摩尼宝珠(如意宝珠)を置き、右の 手は無印を組んで、胸の前に上げている。 このおすがたはなにを表現している


というのは、一切の災禍をとり除いて、いかなる不安もない平穏無事の世界 を実現するということで、それを実現するのが、不思議な仏のであるというの である。


不思議慧菩薩は、その不思議な智慧を象徴した仏である。 では、その不思議な仏の智慧はどこから来るのか?








都如意求聞持明法の奥の修行に入ると、この摩尼宝珠が、特殊な観法の中心 となる。これなくしてこの法の成就はない。(如意宝珠法に関係があるのである) 宝珠というのは、仏陀シャカの御聖真身舎利のことで、真身を「駄都」


真身舎利を本尊としてまつる阿含宗が、この都知求聞持明法を完成したのは、 決して偶然ではなかったのだと、つくづく思わざるを得ないのである。



How to become a genius

Gumonji Shumeiho is a secret method passed down in Shingon Esoteric Buddhism that makes people smart and geniuses. It is well known that Kobo Daishi Kukai practiced this at a young age and became a great genius. It is also said that Kokyo Daishi Kakugi (1095-1143), the founder of the Shingi Shingon sect, practiced this method seven times without success, but on the eighth time he gave it up and succeeded. . Looking at his accomplishments, there is no doubt that Shonin was also a genius. Unfortunately, he passed away at the age of 48.




There are three types of methods in Shingon Esoteric Buddhism:


Kokuzo Gumonmochi

Kannon Gumonmochi

Although it is Nyoirinji Temple,

Usually, when we talk about Gumonjiho, we mean Koku Gumonji, which was famously practiced by Kukai. This method is called “Buddhist theory of Kokuzo Bodhisattva, Noman, Man, and All Vows, Most Winning Mind Darani, Gumonji,”. However, the method I am presenting in this book is none of these. I named it.


, I do this

Danyoinkyomonjimeiho ​

This Miyako Nyoi Gomonji Somyoho is completely different from the Gomonjiho that is related to Shingon Esoteric Buddhism.

There are two characteristics.

it is,

Awaken the Kundalini Yoga chakra and generate superhuman energy. That superhuman energy is circulated and distributed to each important part of the body by placing it on the vitality lu of Qigong, a guiding technique that has been passed down to China and Taoism. In particular, it is sent to the hypothalamus in the cerebrum.

These two methods were completed using a unique method. It can be said that this is unexplored territory.

I have devoted half my life, or rather, my whole life, to perfecting this law. This is the 40th book I have written since “The Principle of Transformation,” which I published about 30 years ago, and all of his books express the path to perfection of this law. to say that it is a thing

I have made it as clear as possible that most of what I got from this book.

Kundalini yoga, Taoist guidance, and Qigong are all the best methods for him to acquire superhuman abilities. There is no better way to develop superpowers in this world. We are proud to say that this method, which has been completed by correcting and merging the deficiencies of these two methods and adding new ideas, is the ultimate method for developing psychic abilities for humans.

Of course, as the proverb says, “I am afraid of future generations,” there may be other methods of developing psychic abilities in the future, but that is not the case with this Dato Nyoi-shu, which combines Kundalini Yoga with Guidance and Qigong. I am convinced that it is nothing other than the line of Kikiji Myoho. If you practice this method as instructed, your intelligence will definitely double and your physical strength will be tripled. Assert what will happen.

A genius must be eternally young and long-lived.

It is true that the method of learning to be intelligent makes a person a genius.

However, no matter how much of a genius he becomes, if he becomes sickly or dies young as a result of that, it will never amount to anything.

A genius must be forever young, healthy, and able to demonstrate his talent for the good of the world and people. (A bedridden genius is a complete stranger.)

When I set out to acquire Gumon Jimyoho, I always had in mind Kokyo Daishi Kaku Shonin, whose life was unfortunately short at the age of 48. The priest probably achieved the Dharma due to the harsh practice of Gumonjiho, but it must have hurt his body and shortened his lifespan. This fear was especially acute for me, who had the painful experience of being hospitalized for many years with tuberculosis as a young child.

However, this concern was fortunately put to rest.

By adopting the secret techniques of Tao Guidance and Qigong, I was able to dispel this worry.

In other words, Taoist guidance and qigong are descended from Xiando. The ideal of Sendo is to achieve eternal youth and longevity, and to become a divine being while still alive.

Although his “Do Nyoi Gumon Jisomeiho” did not specifically aim for eternal life and longevity, that is what he ended up achieving.

Unexpectedly, the ideal of Sendo was realized.

It is a little difficult to become a god, but eternal youth and longevity can definitely be achieved.

I can definitely say that. This method, which incorporates the secret method of Sendo, is recommended for people in their 20s between the ages of 3 and 5, and for middle-aged and older people between the ages of 10 and 15. You will be able to do it.

So, what if?

What if?

Even if you enter training as an old man and are unable to become a genius because of your age, you will always have a youthful body and a new knowledge that will never fade. Dew.

Is it?

Mysterious knowledge provided by Gumonjisomeiho

Finally, let me explain the origin of the name “Tonyoi Gumon Jimyoho.”

On the south side of the third layer of the Womb World Mandala of Shingon Esoteric Buddhism, there is a mandala called Jōshōin.

“Disability” means removing all the obstacles that exist in humans and human society, and the Buddhas who remove these obstacles are enshrined at the Disabled Temple. .

The main deity of this temple, the central Buddha, is called “Mysterious Kei”.

The figure holds a lotus flower in his left hand, places the Mani Jewel (Nyoi Jewel) on top of the lotus, and his right hand is folded in a muji pattern and raised in front of his chest. What does this figure represent?

They are doing the wonders of the Buddha.

He says that by eliminating all disasters, we can create a peaceful and safe world free of any anxiety, and that the person who will make this happen is the mysterious Buddha.

Mystery refers to dimensions that cannot be measured by human thought.

Bodhisattva Mysterious Wisdom is a Buddha who symbolizes this mysterious wisdom. So where does this mysterious Buddha’s wisdom come from?

It comes from the Mani Jewel, which was enshrined on the lotus in his left hand.

The wisdom imparted by the Dharma is the wisdom of this mysterious Buddha. This wisdom of Buddha

Due to its mysterious workings,

All the laughter on this earth

Nuclear war, environmental destruction, poverty

That’s what it means.

By subtracting and dividing etc., we can realize a world without differences.

When one enters into the deep training of Dunyo Gumon Jimyoho, this Mani Jewel becomes the center of a special way of viewing. Without this, this law cannot be fulfilled. (It is related to the Nyoi Hoju Dharma.) The Hoju refers to Buddha Shaka’s Holy True Body Shari, and the True Body is “Dato”.

This is why he named it “Du Nyoi Gumon Jishimeiho.”

I can’t help but think that it was no coincidence that the Agon sect, which enshrines the Shinshin Shari as its principal object of worship, perfected Tochigumon Jimyoho.



Buddha Japan journal
Send Japanese Buddhism


ヒトを改造する技術 求閒持聪明法秘伝 10 Techniques for modifying humans: Secret secrets of the secret method of arranging a human body 10





阿含宗の瞑想法は、これらの瞑想法とかなり違う、特異なものである。それは、 仏陀釈尊が阿含経でお説きになった瞑想法にもとづくものだからである。

前章の瞑想法は、いずれも、シナ仏教の強い影響をうけたものである。仏陀釈尊 が、阿含経でお説きになったものとかなり違うところがある。

どこが違うかというと、仏陀釈尊の瞑想法の特徴は、「呼吸法」である。それは、 たんなる呼吸のしかたというような「呼吸法」ではなく、呼吸と意念を合一して機 能させる特殊なものである。


足の如く我れ聞きぬ。 一時、仏舎衛国の祇樹給孤独園に住まひたまへり。

爾の時世尊、諸の比丘に告げたまはく、『安那般那の念を修習せよ。若し 安那の念を修習するに多く修習せば身心止息することを得て有覚、有 観、寂滅、純一にして明分なる想を修習満足す。 何等をか安那那の念を修習 するに多く修習し已らば身心止息し、有覚、有観、寂滅、 純一にして明分なる 想を修習満足すと為す。 是の比丘、若し聚落城邑に依りて止住し、朝に衣を 著け鉢を持ち、村に入りて乞食するに善く其の身を護り、諸の根門を守り善く 心を繋げて、乞食し已つて住処へ還へり、衣鉢を挙げ足を洗ひ巳つて或は いまのあたり かんばろ 林中の閑房の樹下、或は空露地に入りて端身正坐し、念を繋けなば面前、世の 愛を断じ欲を離れて清浄に、瞋恚・睡眠・悼悔・疑、断じ、諸の疑惑を度 り、諸の善法に於て心決定することを得、五蓋の煩悩の心に於て力をして らしめ、障の分と為り、涅般に趣かざるを遠離し、内息を念じては念を繋け 学外息を念じては念を繋けて善く学し、息の長き息の短き、一切の 身の息を覚知して一切の身の入息に於て善く学し、一切の身の出息を覚知し 一切の身の出息に於て善く学し、一切の身の行息・入息を覚知して、一切の

身の行息入息に於て善く学し、一切の身の行息・出息を覚知して、一切の身 行息出息に於て善く学し、喜を覚知し、楽を覚知し、身行を覚知し、心の 行息入息を覚知して心の行息入息を覚知するに於て善く学し、心の行息・ 息を覚知して、 心の行息・出息を覚知するに於て善く学し、心を覚知し、心 悦を覚知し、心定を覚知し、心の解脱入息を覚知して、心の解脱入息を覚知す るに於て善く学し、心の解脱出息を覚知して、心の解脱出息を覚知するに於て 善く学し、無常を観察し、断を観察し、無欲を観察し、滅入息を観察して、滅 息を観察するに於て善く学し、滅出息を観察して、滅出息を観察するに於て 善く学する。 是れを安那那の念を修するに身止息し心止息し、有覚、有観な らば寂滅、純一にして明分なる想の修習満足せりと名づく」と。仏此の経を説 きりたまひ諸比丘、仏の説かせたまふ所を聞きて、歓喜奉行しき。



この経典は、古来、瞑想家の間では有名な古典となっている。 前にのべた禅宗の 「数息観」もここから出ているのである。

経題の「安那āna」は出る息のこと、 「般那apāna」は入る息のこと。そ こで、古来、安那般那とは、出る息、入る息を調整して心をしずめる観法 瞑想 法のことをいうものとされてきた。そこから、いまいったように「数息観」が工夫 されたのであろう。

しかし、わたくし、思うのに、これはちがうのである。この経典は、たんなる呼 吸法を説いたものではないのである。

わたくしも、瞑想をはじめた当時は、古来の解釈に疑問を持たなかった。しか さまざまな瞑想法を学び、力もつくにしたがって、これはちがうぞと思いはじ めたのである。

考えてごらんなさい。 このごく短い経典の中で、じつにかず多くの呼吸法が説か








身の行息入息 身の行息出息 心の行息入息 心の行息出息







じつに、一五種類の呼吸法が説かれているのだ。これだけでも、そんな簡単なも のではないことがわかるではないか。

ここに列挙した呼吸法の名称を見ただけで、たんに数息観や随息観(前出)程度 かんたんな呼吸法を教えたものではないことくらい、ピンと来るはずだ。

おそらく、これまでの経典解釈者は、これらの呼吸法の内容がどのようなものな のか、よくわからぬので、そのまま素通りしてしまったのではないかと思われる。





わたくしは、この経典を理解し、体得しなければ、阿含宗をひらく資格はないと 考え、二十数年、血の出るような努力をつづけた。そしてついにそのナゾを解い た。








そういうと、仏陀釈尊は、なぜもっと分かりやすく説いてくれなかったのか、ど うしてそんな意地の悪い説きかたをしたのかといわれるかも知れないが、そうでは ないのである。

それは、この経典は、仏陀の当時の高弟たちにたいして説かれたものであり、こ の講義を聴聞した修行者たちが、みな、これらの呼吸法に熟達した者ばかりで、 一々、初心者にたいするようにその内容について説明する必要がなかったからで ある。


Meditation method directly taught by Buddha Shakyamuni

In the previous chapter, we introduced commonly used meditation techniques.

The meditation method of the Agon sect is unique and quite different from these meditation methods. This is because it is based on the meditation method taught by Buddha Shakyamuni in the Agon Sutra.

The meditation methods described in the previous chapter were all strongly influenced by Chinese Buddhism. There are some things that are quite different from what Buddha Shakyamuni taught in the Agon Sutra.

The difference is that Buddha Shakyamuni’s meditation method is characterized by “breathing techniques”. It is not just a “breathing method,” but a special method that combines breathing and intention to function.

Let’s look at the scriptures to see what that looks like.

Like my feet, I don’t listen. For a time, Mahitamaheli lived in Gijukyu Kodokuen in Butsshaeikoku.

At that time, the Blessed One said to all the bhikkhus, “Practice the thought of Annahna. If you practice the thought of Anna a lot, you will be able to stop your body and mind, and you will be satisfied with the practice of awareness, perception, annihilation, pure and clear thought. The more you practice the thought of Annana, the more your body and mind will be at rest, and you will be satisfied with the practice of awareness, perception, annihilation, pure and clear thoughts. Bhikkhu, if you settle down in the village of Jurakseong, put on your clothes in the morning, take your pot with you, and go into the village to beg, protect yourself well, protect the foundations, and unite your hearts in a good manner. So he begged for food, returned to his home, lifted his clothes, washed his feet, and went into a deserted area under a tree or in an open field, sat straight, and prayed. If you don’t connect, you will be able to renounce the love of the world, let go of greed, be pure, overcome hatred, sleep, mourning, doubt, rejection, and all kinds of doubts, and make up your mind in all good laws. Gain strength in the heart of the five earthly desires, overcome obstacles, distance yourself from the undesirable, and remember your inner breath and connect your thoughts, and remember your outer breath. Connect your thoughts and study well, be aware of the long breath and short breath of every body, study well in every breath that comes into the body, be aware of every breath that comes out of the body, Study your body’s outgoing breath well, become aware of all your body’s actions and inhalations, and become aware of all

Learn well in the actions and breaths of the body, be aware of all the actions and breaths of the body, learn well in all the actions and breaths of the body, be aware of joy, be aware of ease. Be aware of your actions, be aware of the actions and breaths of your mind, learn well to be aware of the actions and breaths of your mind, be aware of the actions and breaths of your mind, and be aware of the actions and breathing of your mind. Learn to be aware of the in-breath and out-breath, be aware of the mind, be aware of the joy of the mind, be aware of the determination, be aware of the inhalation of the mind, be aware of the in-breath, and be free of the mind. Learn well in perceiving the in-breath, be aware of the release-breath of the mind, study well in perceiving the release-breath of the mind, observe impermanence, observe discontinuation, and be free of desire. Observe the waning breath, observe the waning breath, and learn well in observing the waning breath; observe the waning breath, and learn well in observing the waning breath. This is called the cultivation of the thought of Annana, where the body stops breathing and the mind stops breathing, and if there is sentience or sentience, then there is annihilation, and the practice of pure and clear thought is contentment.” The Buddha preached this sutra.The Kiritamahi bhikkhus, hearing the teachings of the Buddha, rejoiced and became magistrates.

Pursuing the mysteries of Buddha’s meditation methods

(Agon Sutra/Annana Nen Sutra)

This sutra has been a famous classic among meditators since ancient times. This is also where the Zen sect’s “view of several breaths” that I mentioned earlier originates.

In the sutra title, “anna” refers to the outgoing breath, and “apāna” refers to the incoming breath. Therefore, since ancient times, Annabanna has been considered to be a meditation method that calms the mind by regulating the outgoing and incoming breaths. From this point on, the “several breath view” as just described was probably devised.

However, I think this is different. This sutra does not simply teach breathing techniques.

When I first started meditating, I didn’t have any doubts about the ancient interpretation. However, as he learned various meditation techniques and gained strength, he began to think that this was different.

Please think about it. There are so many breathing techniques taught in this very short scripture.

It is.

Let’s try it next.

internal breath

external breath


out breath


Breathing in and out of the body Breathing in and out of the mind Breathing in and out of the mind

liberation of mind

heart relief breath

dwindling breath

dying breath

holding your breath

cardiac arrest

In fact, there are 15 different breathing techniques taught. This alone shows that it’s not that simple.

Just by looking at the names of the breathing techniques listed here, you should be able to tell that this is not just a simple breathing technique such as the Sukyokukan or Zuibokukan (mentioned above).

Presumably, previous interpreters of the scriptures did not fully understand the content of these breathing techniques, so they simply ignored them.


It is true that the content was not the same as usual.

Only those who have mastered the mysteries of yoga and meditation can understand it.

It was.

I believed that unless I understood and mastered this sutra, I would not be qualified to open the Agon sect, and so I continued to strive hard for over twenty years. He finally solved the riddle.

The key to solving the mystery of this sutra is hidden in the first verse of the sutra.

“Practice the Nen of Annagun”

It’s at the beginning.

It is not a matter of practicing Annakuna.

It says to practice the Nen of Anna.

What kind of meditation method corresponds to this?

I pursued it desperately and meditated repeatedly.

You might ask, why didn’t Buddha Shakyamuni explain things more clearly? Why did he preach in such a mean way, but that’s not the case.

The reason is that this sutra was preached to the Buddha’s top disciples at the time, and the practitioners who listened to this lecture were all well-versed in these breathing techniques, and they taught it to beginners one by one. He didn’t have to explain the content.







これを、たんなる呼吸と解釈してしまってはいけない。 そう解釈するから、この 貴重な経典を、たんなる呼吸法を説いた経典と見てしまうのである。


それは、「息」と「念」とを一つに合したものなのである。 「安那般那の念を修習




内息 外息 入息





この「行息」が、「念」 と 「安那般那」とを一つにした特殊な瞑想法の第一段階 なのである。



これは、身において、「念」と「安那般那」 とを一つにしたもの(これから、こ

プラーナれを気息”または“気”という名称で呼ぶ)を行らすこと。即ち体の特定の場 所に気息をめぐらして行くことである。 特定の場所とはどこか? また、「行らす」 とはどういうことか? あとでのべよう。




この「心」というのは、端的にいって、脳のことである。 思念する心は、脳にあ るからである。脳の特定の場所に気息をめぐらして行くのである。特定の場所とは どこか?





気息を、身と心に止め、 念ずるのである。

身と心のどこに止め念ずるのか? また「止める」とはどういうことか? あ とでのべよう。






脳の或る部分を動かし、仏陀の覚性に到達する修行である。 生気・呼吸・意念す




勝止息 奇特止息

息 無上止息

仏陀は、他の経典 (雑阿含経「止息経」で、「この四つの呼吸法は、すべての呼 吸法において、これ以上のものはない最上の呼吸法である」とのべている。

これまでのシナ仏教 日本仏教の瞑想者たちは、阿含経典に説かれているこれ 仏陀釈尊直説の瞑想法を、ほとんど知らないできたのである。

かれらは、仏陀釈尊直説の阿含経典群を誤認して、「小乗仏教」などとし、こ れを学ばなかったためのシワ寄せである。


「仏法」をそのまま記したもので、いうならば、純粋の「法」そのものが記述さ れている。

法華経や、阿弥陀経その他の大乗経典を読みなれた人には、取っつきにくいと思 われる。あるいは、面くらうのではないかと思われる。大乗経典につきものの、ご 利益談やおかげばなしはいっさいないからである。 味も素っ気もないお経だ。

阿含経は、いうなれば、「仏法」の教科書なのである。 それも、数学や幾何の教 科書だと思えばよい。 というのは、仏法の「法」そのものが、じつに理性的に純粋 に、科学的にといってもよい)説かれているからである。数学や幾何に、感情の 入る余地はない。 どこの世界に、数学や幾何の教科書に、ご利益ばなしや、おかげ ばなしが入るであろうか?

そういうことが、シナ仏教や日本仏教の人たちには、理解できず、「小乗仏教」 などといって、学ぶことを放棄してしまったのである。 非常にむずかしいためもあ ったであろう。


仏陀釈尊が、阿含経典で教えておられる呼吸法とは、どんな呼吸法なのか? ま たこの呼吸法を用いる瞑想法とは、どんな瞑想法なのか? わたくしは一心に模


そのクンダリニー・ヨーガの瞑想をしているときであった。ふっと気がついたの だ。

それは、ふかい定に入って、そのまま、からだの或る一点に、生気を止めている ときであった。

これは、極度にむずかしい技法である。 からだの或る一点に、生気を送りこみ、 それを徐々に凝縮して、さらにそのエネルギーをしだいに増幅してゆく。その 間の毛で突いたほどのスキも許されない。




わたくしは歓喜の声をあげた。そして、定に入ったまま、釈尊の教える呼吸法 を、つぎからつぎへと、試みていった。





もちろん、そのときは、すべてにわたってわかったとはいえない。しかし、大づ かみに、釈尊の教えている呼吸法のポイントをつかんだと確信した。



クンダリニー・ヨーガは、古来、超人的能力を生み出すことで有名である。 クンダリニー・ヨーガが超人的能力を生み出す秘密は、ホルモンの分泌を自由に 調節するところにあった。


発見し、この泉を自由に操って、超人的能力を発生する技術をつくり出したのであ る。そうして、この「力の湧き出る泉」を「チャクラ」と名づけた。

チャクラがどうして超人的ともいうべき特殊な力を発生するのか、長い間、それ は神秘的なナゾとされていたが、近代生理学の発達によって、そのナゾは解けた。 チャクラの場所は、すべて、ホルモンを分泌する内分泌腺と一致するのである。 クンダリニー・ヨーガの熟達者は、特殊な修行によって得た力で、チャクラを刺 激し、ふつうの人間の持たない力を発生させるのであるが、その「特殊な修行」と いうのが、仏陀釈尊の「特殊な呼吸法」であることを、わたくしは発見したのであ


前の節で、わたくしは、 「身の行息」




これは、身において気息を作らすこと。即ち、体の特定の場所に気息をめぐ らして行くことである。特定の場所とはどこか? また「行らす」とはどうい うことか?あとでのべよう。


「行らす」というのは、チャクラは数カ所あるので、それらを、つぎつぎとたどっ て行くことの表現である。



気息を身と心に止め、 念ずるのである。身と心の、どこに止め念ずるのか?


どこに止め、 念ずるのか?






とよばれている。用いかたによっては、魔法としか思えないような驚異的結果を 生み出すからである。


前の節で、わたくしは、 「身の行息」




これは、身において気息を作らすこと。即ち、体の特定の場所に気息をめぐ らして行くことである。特定の場所とはどこか? また「行らす」とはどうい うことか?あとでのべよう。


「行らす」というのは、チャクラは数カ所あるので、それらを、つぎつぎとたどっ て行くことの表現である。



気息を身と心に止め、 念ずるのである。身と心の、どこに止め念ずるのか?


どこに止め、 念ずるのか?






とよばれている。用いかたによっては、魔法としか思えないような驚異的結果を 生み出すからである。


力で、このチャクラを刺激し、 “魔法”のような力を発揮するのである。 それは、内分泌腺ホルモンが、その力の発生源だったのだ。






クンダリニー・ヨーガの秘伝として伝えるところのものを記してみよう。 (図4

1、 ムーラーダーラ・チャクラ




So, let’s briefly explain these breathing techniques.

What is that?

Do not interpret this as just breathing. Because of this interpretation, we end up viewing this precious sutra as simply a sutra that teaches breathing techniques.

This “breathing method” has a deeper and more important meaning.

It is a combination of “breath” and “thought.” “Practice the Nen of Annabanna.

“Do it,” says the Buddha. That’s what this is.

Here lies the secret of Buddha Shakyamuni’s breathing method.

First, let me briefly explain the 15 breathing techniques shown in the scriptures.

Inner breath Outer breath Inhalation

out breath



This is a breathing technique for regulating body and mind before entering deep meditation practice.

This “going breath” is the first step in a special meditation method that combines “thought” and “Anna Hanna.”

body breathing

body movement breath

This is a combination of “Nen” and “Anna Hanna” in the body (from now on, this

Prana-re is called “Ki-breath” or “Qi”). In other words, it is to circulate qi-breath to a specific place in the body. What is a specific place? What does “su” mean? I’ll write about it later.

breathing of the heart

the breath of the heart

This means breathing in your mind.

Simply put, this “heart” refers to the brain. This is because the mind that ponders is located in the brain. The air circulates to specific parts of the brain. What specific place is he?

I’ll post it later.

holding your breath

stop breathing in one’s body

Stop breathing in the heart

Hold your breath in your body and mind, and pray.

Where in your body and mind do you stop praying? And what does it mean to “stop”? Oh, let’s stop him.

A breath of mind liberation

escape from the heart

dwindling breath

decreased breath

This is the highest level meditation method that has entered the explanation stage.

It is a practice that moves certain parts of the brain to reach the enlightenment of Buddha. vitality, breathing, intention

Enter a state that transcends everything.

It is.

Furthermore, the Buddha taught four most profound breathing techniques.

Winning breath, strange special breath


In another sutra (the Agon Sutra, the Rest Breath Sutra), the Buddha says, “These four breathing techniques are the best of all breathing techniques.”

Until now, meditators of Chinese Buddhism and Japanese Buddhism had little knowledge of the meditation method taught in the Agon Sutra, which is directly taught by the Buddha Shakyamuni.

They misunderstood the Agon Sutras, which were directly taught by Buddha Shakyamuni, and labeled them as “Hinayana Buddhism,” which they did not study.

As you have seen, the Agon Sutra was taught directly by Buddha Shakyamuni to his disciples.

It is a direct description of “Buddhist law”; in other words, it describes the pure “dharma” itself.

It may be difficult for people who are familiar with the Lotus Sutra, Amida Sutra, and other Mahayana sutras to grasp it. Or, it seems, he might get embarrassed. This is because there are no stories of blessings or blessings that are typical of the Mahayana sutras. It is a sutra that has no taste or taste.

The Agon Sutra is, so to speak, a textbook on Buddhism. You can think of it as a math or geometry textbook. This is because the “dharma” of Buddhism itself is explained in a very rational and pure manner (you might even call it scientific). There is no room for emotion in mathematics or geometry. In what world would mathematics and geometry textbooks include tales of blessings and blessings?

People of Chinese Buddhism and Japanese Buddhism could not understand this, so they called it “Hinayana Buddhism” and abandoned their studies. This may have been because it was extremely difficult.

Unraveling the mysteries of Buddha’s breathing techniques

What kind of breathing method did Buddha Shakyamuni teach in the Agon Sutra? Also, what kind of meditation method did he use the callus breathing method?I tried to imitate it with all my heart.

At that time, I was practicing Kundalini Yoga.

It was while meditating on Kundalini Yoga. He suddenly noticed.

It was at a time when he had entered a deep state of mind and his vitality had stopped at a certain point in his body.

This is an extremely difficult technique. It sends vital energy to a certain point in the body, gradually condenses it, and gradually amplifies its energy. It is not acceptable to even poke at someone with their hair.

That’s when I suddenly realized.

Am I not doing what the Buddha taught me right now?

Yes, this is it!

I let out a cry of joy. Then, in a calm state of mind, I tried the breathing techniques taught by Shakyamuni one after the other.

It is.



holding your breath

It is.

Of course, I couldn’t say that I understood everything at that time. However, he was convinced that he had grasped the key points of the breathing techniques taught by the Buddha.

Buddha taught what would become the origin of Kundalini Yoga in later generations.

The “spring of power” within the human body

Kundalini yoga has been famous since ancient times for producing superhuman abilities. The secret behind Kundalini Yoga’s superhuman abilities lies in its ability to freely regulate hormone secretion.

Kundalini Yoga has seven “wells of power” within the human body.

He discovered this spring and created a technology that allows him to freely manipulate it and generate superhuman abilities. He then named this “spring of power” “chakra.”

For a long time, it was considered a mysterious mystery how chakras generate special powers that can be called superhuman, but with the development of modern physiology, this mystery has been solved. The locations of all chakras correspond to endocrine glands that secrete hormones. Masters of Kundalini Yoga use the power they have acquired through special training to stimulate their chakras and generate powers that ordinary humans do not have. I discovered that this is Shakyamuni Buddha’s “special breathing method.”

Let me list the characteristics of Shakyamuni’s breathing method.

In the previous section, I talked about “the movement of the body”




This means creating breath in your body. In other words, it means directing the breath to a specific place in the body. Where is the specific place? And what does he mean by “go”? I’ll write about it later.

However, this “specific place” is a “chakra.”

There are several chakras, so “to go” is an expression to follow them one after another.

Stop breathing, stop breathing, and stop breathing.”


Hold your breath in your body and mind, and pray. Where do you stop and pray in your body and mind?

Also, what does “stop” mean? I’ll talk about it later.

Where should I stop and pray?

Isn’t there only “chakra”?

Chakras have long been considered a mystical mystery, but it is all due to hormones.

This corresponds to an endocrine gland that secretes

Hormones, along with enzymes and vitamins, are classified by eminent scientific commentators as

“Magic chemicals”

It is called. Depending on how it is used, it can produce amazing results that can only be considered magic.

Masters of Kundalini Yoga, as mentioned earlier, benefit from special practices.

In the previous section, I talked about “the movement of the body”




This means creating breath in your body. In other words, it means directing the breath to a specific place in the body. Where is the specific place? And what does he mean by “go”? I’ll write about it later.

However, this “specific place” is a “chakra.”

There are several chakras, so “to go” is an expression to follow them one after another.

Stop breathing, stop breathing, and stop breathing.”


Hold your breath in your body and mind, and pray. Where do you stop and pray in your body and mind?

Also, what does “stop” mean? I’ll talk about it later.

Where should I stop and pray?

Isn’t there only “chakra”?

Chakras have long been considered a mystical mystery, but it is all due to hormones.

This corresponds to an endocrine gland that secretes

Hormones, along with enzymes and vitamins, are classified by eminent scientific commentators as

“Magic chemicals”

It is called. Depending on how it is used, it can produce amazing results that can only be considered magic.

Masters of Kundalini Yoga, as mentioned earlier, benefit from special practices.

By using force to stimulate this chakra, it exerts “magical” power. The source of that power was endocrine hormones.

Let’s contrast chakras with endocrine glands according to modern medicine. (table 1)

Chakra efficacy

Chakras are located in the same location as endocrine glands that secrete hormones, and hormones have

He said that it is a place where amazing powers are manifested.

So, what kind of power does each chakra exert?

Let’s write down the secrets of Kundalini Yoga. (Figure 4

1. Muladhara Chakra

It is the gonad and kidney part of the endocrine glands.




















 英国、およびアメリカ、インドに本拠を持つ神智学協会発行のThe Chakras9の中で、リードビーターは、それを6Force Centefと訳している。〃力の中心”である。そうして、つぎのように解説している。



















































この章について、佐保田鶴治博士は、(自在力 第29節)



















































Profile of President Yasuo Kiriyama

The miracle of chagra

The source of Kundalini Yoga’s paranormal ability is the “chakra”.

Kundalini Yoga has a history of 3,000 years.

In such an old age, Kundalini Yoga discovered seven “springs of power” in the human body and created a technology to freely control these springs to generate superhuman abilities. .. Then, this “spring of power” is called “chakra”.



What does chakra mean?


In The Chakras 9 published by Theosophical Society, which is based in the United Kingdom, the United States, and India, Reedbeater translates it as 6Force Centeref. It is the “center of power”. Then, he explains as follows.


The word Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning a ring, and in literary terms, it is “rotation of the ring of law”.

Another European yoga leader is said to be “width”.


My idea is closer to this.

It was

However, it would be a mistake to call this a cap, which is similar to the pillars that radiate from the center of the wheel in all directions, that is, the width.

They are not the width itself, nor the ring, but the state of the width. That is, radial waves seem to be the most appropriate.

It shows the state of things, not things themselves, and represents power. It is a state in which a force is generated by a certain stimulus.

To. That state is in the form of being radiated like a width.


It looks faintly shining with various colors when the power is fulfilled. Similar to Reiko, but the off does not emit as many colors as the chakras.


Why does the chakra generate a special force that can be called superhuman?

It was

For a long time it was a mysterious mystery, but with the advent of modern physiology, the mystery was solved.


All chakra lifts coincide with the endocrine glands.


A kundalini yoga expert stimulates the place with the power gained through special training, and generates power that ordinary humans do not have. The endocrine glands are the source of that force.

If this is compared with the endocrine glands by modern medicine, it will be as shown in Table 1 (page 73).




However, this anatomical contrast between chakra and modern medicine was classified by me according to my training experience, and it is quite different from the contrast classification of Western yoga leaders (and people of that lineage). There are differences. I believe this is more correct, depending on my training experience, or this

May be due to differences in physique and constitution by race and ethnicity, as Mr. Leadbeater said. In his book, he has quite different differences in chakra size, color, position, shape, etc., depending on the color, white, oriental, western race, race, and even the same race and race. , Some individual differences can be seen

It is. I think that’s true.



Chagra function




It was mentioned that the chakra is located in the same place as the endocrine gland that secretes hormones, and is the place where the amazing power of hormones is expressed.

It was

Then, what kind of power does each chakra exert?


Let’s write down what is told as the secret of Kundalini Yoga.


Mueller Darra Chatara

The gonad of the endocrine gland, the site of the kidney.

When you awaken this Jakura, your physical strength will increase abnormally, and you will have three to five times as much energy as a normal person. I feel fine all night on the 3rd and 4th. Any illness

It does not accept and becomes a healthy body itself. Those who were sick will recover from their bad points. Concentrate the old 苫 ∃Q of the control system on this chakra and its energy

When activated, even a dead prisoner will kick the floor and stand up. Both men and women are ten years or older younger than their true age.


Instead, it will have strong libido and fertility, so we also use a method of converting that energy into the energy of intelligence called Ojas.


2. Svadisterner chakra

It is the part of the adrenal gland where the fighting hormone and hero hormone are released.

When this chakra was awakened and Yu Furugi was activated, he became more energetic and brave.

As a result, you will be able to actively and boldly act. Don’t be afraid of anything

Don’t be fooled, fearless, unwavering belief and willing to face any difficulties. Super life and death

Demonstrate superhuman skill

3. Manipula chakra (nerby chakra)

The mystery of yoga, “Yoger Sutra,” says:


By applying a control to the umbilicus, it is possible to know the tissues in the body.

Regarding this chapter, Dr. Tsuruji Sahoda (Section 29 of Freedom)


The navel ring is not an actual navel hole, but a mysterious wheel-shaped part that can be imagined around it, and is said to have a width of sixteen. According to one theory, it is the third from the bottom of the six chakras described in later Hatter Yoga. In any case, it belongs to the ghost body, not the part visible to the naked eye. The umbilical ring is in the center of the gas (the body consisting of life energy), so if you control it, the tissues inside the body will

It is explained that this is a little different.


The doctor is said to be “a mystery that can be imagined around that area”, but this part is by no means a fantasy place. Demonstrate great power that seems to be mysterious

However, it is clearly medically confirmed.


It is the “solar plexus” medically named Sofu Plexus. Also called the celiac plexus or visceral artery plexus, the superior mesenteric artery that emerges from the celiac artery.

It is a large sympathetic plexus at the origin of the artery (because it is on the back of the stomach and sends nerves to each organ like the rays of the sun.

It was named.


That is, the nerves coming out of this area are distributed in the esophagus, stomach, abdominal blood vessels, liver, bile duct, pig, adrenal gland, intestine, etc. In addition, this plexus is the large and small visceral nerves, the vagus nerve, and the first.

The twelve thoracic ganglion and the first lumbar ganglion are gathered together, and it is the most important plexus as a visceral nerve.

Until now, chakras have been considered only as fantasy and mysterious places. These parts are by no means like that, as I mentioned earlier.

In addition, it is deeply related to endocrine glands, nerve groups, enzymes, etc., and in fact, it is a very important place from a medical point of view, and it is a place that plays an important role.

It says, “By applying a system, you can know the tissues inside the body”, but this system means a special concentration that has undergone special training. To know this organization

This means that you can freely control the organization, not just know it. If you really concentrate on this umbilical ring, this sun god

The internal organs belonging to the light transport — it can control everything from the esophagus to the stomach, liver, protozoa, glands, adrenal glands, and intestines as you wish. Of these

It is immediately known what kind of condition the organ bamboo is in, and if there is any abnormality, it will be returned to normal immediately. That kind of power training is this umbilical ring training.

It is the site of the thyroid gland and salivary glands.




4th chakra (Anahata)


Amplification of sensory organs is done toward a higher dimension.

It was

You will be able to interact with the Holy Spirit and hear the voice of the Holy Spirit.

It was

In addition, you can assimilate things that are incomprehensible and incomprehensible to you into the heavenly and earthly, excellent heart, and wisdom. In other words, of a person

Even if the body is loose, the energy of the heart that the person had has a trace in this space.


So, if this chakra becomes the same as the vibration of the mind, everything that the mind has, consciousness and intelligence, will be assimilated with oneself and become one’s own.

That is.


In other words, it means that the way of transportation with the spirit world (four-dimensional world) will be opened.

5th chakra (Vishudda)

The fifth chakra is below the Adam’s apple and is called the Adam’s apple. It is related to the throat, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, and bronchi, and it is said that activation of this area enhances the ability to learn, teach, negotiate, and discuss.

6. Ajunya Chakra

It is the site of the pituitary gland.

Has extremely developed intelligence.


The memory that I never forgot what I saw and heard once

Power. The power of induction and induction that instantly analyzes, infers, understands, and grasps the essence of any complex structure or organization.

Super dramatic creativity emanating from pure thinking that does not go through indirect thinking called Kotoba.

Ultimately, the four virtues of “Joraku Gajo” in Buddhism will be completed and the sensibility of the Buddha will be reached.


7, Hustler Racha Tara

It is the part of the pineal gland, pineal gland, and hypothalamus.

When this is embodied, the awakening of the Buddha is reached. That is, the completion of spirituality.

This chakra is called “light in the head”). It is said that the moment when this chakra awakens, the light appears in this part and it shines brightly. (There is a top secret story)


運命を変える ヒトを改造する技術 求閒持聪明法秘伝 7 Techniques for modifying humans to change fate – The secret of the secret method of “Gyuminjimonjimeiho” 7 Danyogyumonjimeiho memorization ability and intelligent system 駄如求聞持明法 memorization ability and intelligent system






仏教に成仏法がないということは、たとえば、キリスト教にキリストがいな いのと同じことなのである。

なぜかというと、神は人類を救うために、神のひとり子であるキリストをこ の世につかわされた。キリストによって人類は救われる、ということである。 仏教では、シャカその人が人類を救うのではなく、シャカの教えた成仏法によ って人類が救われるのである。 成仏法を学ぶことによって人類は救われるのだ。 だから仏教徒はシャカを偉大なる教師として崇敬するのである。その成仏法が なかったら、仏教の価値はほとんどない。残るのは倫理・道徳の教えだけであ る。倫理と道徳だけでは、人類は救われず、社会も成り立たない。 宗教がぜっ たいに必要である。 そして、仏教を宗教として成立させるのは、成仏法がある からだ。その成仏法が、日本の仏教にはないのである。これほど不思議なこと はない。 日本に仏教が伝来して、およそ一五〇〇年、その間、かぞえきれない 程の天才があらわれているのに、どうしてこの成仏法が行方不明のままなの か?じつに不思議きわまるはなしである。

しかし、ほんとうに仏教を求めようと思ったら、不思議がってばかりはいら れない。 成仏法をさがさねばならぬ。

かれは、仏教の聖職者たちだれ一人としてこれをおかしいと考える者がいな いのも不思議だと思った。一体、どういうことなのだろうか。

かれはしばしば、こういうことを考える自分のほうが異常なのだろうかと 疑った。なんとも思わない伝統仏教の僧侶たちのほうが正常なのだろうかと、 一晩中、 まんじりともせず考えたこともしばしばあった。

しかし、シャカの教えた一番大切なことをそっちのけにしておいて、ただ、 シャカを仏様として礼拝するだけで人が救われるとは、どう考えてもあり得な いことだ。かれは、頭をふって疑惑を払いのけ、成仏法の追求に血まなこにな



仏法がない。これは仏教とはいえぬ。 ぜひとも成仏法をさがし出さねばなら

ぬ」などといっているかれに教える仏教学者も僧侶もいない。異端者だからで ある。だからかれはすべて独学である。難解な専門用語につきあたり、一行の 文章を解くのに数ヶ月もかかることがしばしばあった。それを解くために、何 十冊もの論書や経典を読まねばならぬのである。 また、そういう書物だけでは解けないものがある。インスピレーションでしか解けないものがあるのである。




求聞持聡明法がそのかれを救った。 求聞持法体得ののち、かれの前に立ちは だかる壁は無くなった。難解の経典も、しばらくじっと見つめていると、自然 にその意味が流れこむように理解されてくるのであった。


と同時に、かれは、なぜ日本の仏教が成仏法を持っていなかったかが理解され た。

日本の仏教は大乗仏教であるが、この日本の大乗仏教は古代中国の仏教を そのまま移入したものである。ところが、当時の中国仏教は、すべての経典が 全部、シャカ自身の説いたものであると考える誤りをおかしていた。そして、 その考えの上に立って、あらゆる経典を分類整理し、ランクづけをしたのであ る。その結果、阿含経を最低レベルの経典とし、「小乗経典」と呼び、大乗経 最上のものとした。以来、阿含経は、学ぶに足らぬ経典とされ、だれもか えりみなくなってしまった。ところが、実際は、この阿含経だけがシャカの説 経典だったのである。なんという皮肉であろうか。 中国仏教が最低とした 阿含経だけがシャカの説いた真実の仏教経典であって、最上とした大乗経典は すべてシャカと関わりのない作者不詳の偽作経典だったのである。


シャカの教えた成仏法が、シャカの説いた阿含経のみに記され、 シャカ以外 の人間が書いた偽経の中に書かれていないのは、当然すぎるほど当然であろう。 日本の仏教は、以上のことが明らかになった現在でも、これについては一切、 かぶりである。

かれは、自分の発見したものを、あまねく日本の仏教徒に知らせることが 自分のなすべき義務であり、責任であり、使命であると考えた。それをとると らないはかれらの自由である。 しかし、この真実だけはかれらに告げておかね ばならぬ。それが仏教の聖職者として世に立つ自分の責務である。 そうかれは 考えたのである。

何度か躊躇したのち、かれは阿含宗という一宗を立てることを決心した。 大 きな困難が予想された。 それは、日本中の仏教を敵にまわすことだからである。 しかし、一旦、決意すると、かれは一歩もひかぬ強い性格になっていた。かれ その決心を断行した。予想された障害が、つぎつぎとあらわれた。


ことを、かれらは充分、知っていたからである。 一部の人たちは、マスコミを 煽動して、かれをつぶすことを計画した。

かれの若い頃の前科酒税法違反の暴露戦術に出たのである。これは 今でも、年一、二回、年中行事のようにおこなわれる。仏教宗教のことなど 全く知識のない若い記者などが、かれの敵がわの言い分を鵜呑みにして、かれ 邪教の親玉のごとく考え、正義の使者を気取って書き立ててくるのである。 殊に、かれの教団の大きな行事のある直前には、必ず、そういう記事が出る。 しかし、かれはまことにご苦労な事だと笑って、歯牙にもかけない。

今から三五年前、かれは、ただ一人の弟子をつれて、ほとんど無一文で教団 を始めた。

いま、かれの教団は全国に信徒三十数万人。毎年二月十一日に、京都の 総本山建立地でおこなわれる「火の祭典、阿含宗大柴燈護摩供」には、全国か

五〇万人を越える参拝者が集まる。 本年は、五六万人に達した。この総本山 京都市の中心にあり、広さ約十二万坪 (およそ一〇〇エーカー)に達する。

この山上に、かれは総本山寺院を建立中であるが、これは昭和年代に入って 日本最大の寺院建築である。かれの教団は、現時点に於て、日本で唯一つ、通 信衛星を持つ教団であり、この寺院にはその放送設備が完備されている。この 寺院の建築費は、およそ二五〇億円、ざっと二億ドルである。 土地の評価額も、 大体、おなじ程度と銀行が査定している。

東京の関東別院は、土地、建物、およそ、五〇〇億円、およそ四億ドルの評 価である。その他、日本の各地に、かれの教団はいくつかの道場を持っている。 世間の多くの人びとは、かれが多額の私有財産を持っていると想像している ようだ。しかし、かれも、かれの家族も、全くといっていいほど個人の財産を 持っていない。かれの妻が、歯科医師として開業していた当時に彼女が購入し 木造の貧弱な建物が一棟だけである。評価はおそらく五、六千万円に達する かどうか。 株ブームのこの頃であるが、 株式投資は一切していない。

税務署も世間と同じような想像をしていたようだ。もっとも、そういう趣旨 の投書がいくつかあったらしい。調査にあたったお役人たちは、かなり長い間、

かれとかれの家族がほとんど無資産であることを信じなかった。どこかに隠し 預金があるものと確信していたようである。 しかし、厳重きわまる調査の結果、 それに類したものはどこにもない、と判ったとき、かれらは非常に驚いたよう であった。

かれもかれの妻も、金や物を財産だとは思っていないのである。かれらに限 りなく信頼と期待をよせてくれる信徒たちこそ、かけがえのない財産だと思っ ている。そして、かれは、求聞持聡明法と成仏法の修行により、持って生まれ 能力の何倍もの力を授けられた。



fate changes


The next thing he realized was a remarkable leap in intelligence.

She found it strange that Japanese Buddhism did not have a method for attaining Buddhahood, so she searched for one.

I mentioned earlier that he entered into the study of all the Buddhist scriptures.

The fact that Buddhism does not have a method for attaining Buddhahood is the same as, for example, Christianity without Christ.

The reason is that God sent his only begotten son, Christ, into this world to save humanity. It means that humanity is saved through Christ. In Buddhism, humankind is not saved by Shaka himself, but by the method of attaining Buddhahood taught by Shaka. Humanity can be saved by learning the Dharma of attaining Buddhahood. That is why Buddhists revere Shaka as a great teacher. Without him, Buddhism would have little value. All that remains is the teaching of ethics and morality. Ethics and morality alone cannot save humanity and create a society. Religion is very necessary to him. And what makes Buddhism a religion is his body, which has the method of attaining Buddhahood. This method of attaining Buddhahood does not exist in Japanese Buddhism. There is nothing more strange than this. It has been about 1500 years since Buddhism was introduced to Japan, and during that time countless geniuses have appeared, so why is this method of attaining Buddhahood still missing?This is a truly mysterious story. .

However, if he really wanted to pursue Buddhism, he would become frustrated with all the doubts. We must search for the method of attaining Buddhahood.

He thought it strange that none of the Buddhist clergy thought this was strange. What exactly is that?

He often wondered if he was abnormal for thinking this way. He would often spend all night wondering if the traditional Buddhist monks who thought nothing of it were normal.

However, no matter how you look at it, it is impossible for him to ignore the most important thing that Shaka taught and think that people can be saved simply by worshiping Shaka as a Buddha. He shook his head to dispel his doubts and devoted himself to the pursuit of Buddhahood.

However, it was extremely difficult.

First, he had no Buddhist teacher. “Japanese Buddhism has developed

There is no Buddhism. This cannot be called Buddhism. We must search for the method of attaining Buddhahood.

There are no Buddhist scholars or monks who can teach him who says, “Nu.” He is because he is a heretic. So he is self-taught. Due to the difficult technical terms, it often took several months to unravel a single line of text. In order to solve this problem, one must read dozens of treatises and scriptures. Also, there are some things that cannot be solved with such books alone. There are some things that can only be solved through inspiration.


I didn’t make any progress. I spent a lot of time groping aimlessly in the thicket of all the sutras.

He was walking around. He almost despaired many times, but he did not give in.

Gumonji’s wise method saved him. After he had mastered the Gumonji Dharma, the wall that stood before him was no longer there. Even if I stared at a difficult to understand scripture for a while, I would naturally begin to understand its meaning.

He finally discovered the method of attaining Buddhahood in a sutra called Agon Sutra. It was hidden in the Agon Sutra under the name “Shichika Thirty-Seven Dohon”. discover it

At the same time, he understood why Japanese Buddhism did not have a method for attaining Buddhahood.

Japan’s Buddhism is Mahayana Buddhism, and this Japanese Mahayana Buddhism is a direct import of ancient Chinese Buddhism. However, Chinese Buddhism at the time made the mistake of thinking that all the sutras had been preached by Shaka himself. Based on this idea, he categorized and ranked all the scriptures. As a result, he considered the Agon Sutra to be the lowest level sutra, calling it the “Hinayana Sutra,” and considered the Mahayana Sutra to be the highest. Since then, the Agon Sutra has been considered a sutra worthless to study, and no one has respected him. However, in reality, this Agon Sutra was the only scripture that Shaka preached. How ironic! The Agon Sutra, considered the worst in Chinese Buddhism, was the only true Buddhist sutra preached by Shaka, and the Mahayana Sutra, considered the best, was all his fake sutras whose author was unknown and had nothing to do with Shaka.

In modern times, research into Sanskrit and Pali progressed, and this error was discovered.

It is only natural that the method of attaining Buddhahood taught by Shaka is recorded only in the Agon Sutra that Shaka preached, and not in the false sutras written by anyone other than Shaka. Even now that the above has become clear, Japanese Buddhism is still a cover-up regarding this matter.

He considered it his duty, responsibility, and mission to make his discoveries known to all Japanese Buddhists. If he takes it, he does not take it, it is their freedom. But he must tell them this truth. That is my responsibility as a Buddhist priest. That’s what he thought.

After some hesitation, he decided to establish a sect called the Agon sect. Great difficulties were expected. This is because it would make Buddhism in Japan an enemy. However, once he made up his mind, he became a strong character who never backed down. He carried out his decision. The expected obstacles appeared one after another.

Traditional Buddhists avoided any debate with him. his claim is correct

Because they knew that very well. Some people planned to incite the media and destroy him.

This was a tactic to expose his previous conviction for violating the Liquor Tax Law when he was young. This event is still held once or twice a year as an annual event. Young journalists and others who have no knowledge of the Buddhist religion accept the claims of their enemies at face value, think of them as the leaders of a cult, and pretend to be messengers of justice. In particular, articles like this always appear right before a big event for his cult. However, he laughed and said that it was a real pain, and did not even bother about it.

Thirty-five years ago, he started a cult with almost no money and only one disciple.

His church now has over 300,000 members nationwide. Every year on February 11th, people from all over the country participate in the “Fire Festival, Agon Shu Daisaito Goma-ku,” which is held at the headquarters of the temple in Kyoto.

Over 500,000 worshipers gather. This year, the number reached 560,000. This head temple is located in the center of Kyoto City and covers an area of approximately 120,000 tsubo (approximately 100 acres).

On this mountaintop, he is currently constructing the head temple, which is the largest temple building in Japan since the Showa era. His cult is currently the only cult in Japan with a communications satellite, and this temple is fully equipped with its broadcasting equipment. The construction cost of this temple was approximately 25 billion yen, roughly 200 million dollars. Banks estimate that the appraised value of the land is roughly the same.

Kanto Betsuin in Tokyo is valued at approximately 50 billion yen, or approximately 400 million dollars, including land and buildings. Additionally, his cult has several dojos throughout Japan. Many people in the world like him imagine that he has a large amount of private property. However, neither he nor his family own any personal property at all. There is only one modest wooden building that his wife purchased when she was practicing as a dentist. Whether his evaluation will probably reach 50,600 million yen. Although it was the time of the stock boom, I did not invest in stocks at all.

It seems that the tax office had the same idea as the public. However, it seems that there were several letters to that effect. For quite some time, the officials who conducted the investigation

He could not believe that he and his family had almost no assets. It seems that he was convinced that there was a hidden deposit somewhere. However, they seemed very surprised when, after intense investigation, they discovered that nothing like it existed anywhere else.

Neither he nor his wife consider money or things to be assets. They believe that the believers who have unlimited trust and expectations for them are an irreplaceable asset. And through his training in the Law of Pursuit of Purity and the Law of Pursuing Buddhahood, he was endowed with powers many times greater than what he was born with.

Moreover, what more wealth do we need than the joyful life we live, day and night, bathed in the light of Buddha Shaka’s wisdom and compassion?


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