
Buddha's word

●阿含経・三供養品 すべてのものは因縁所生 ●Agon Sutra/Three memorial services All things are born of destiny.



しかし仏教では、すべては縁起であり、因縁所生のものであるから、永遠不滅の実在などなく、 あらゆる存在が業により生じ、 業によって滅していくと考えるわけです。仏教も輪廻転生を根本 教義の一つとしておりますが、アートマンが輪廻転生するとは考えません。アートマンは実在し ない。これを中国では「無我(旧訳では非我)」と訳しました。アートマンを「我」と漢訳し、そ 「我」がないということで「無我」としたわけです。 すべてが因縁により生じ、因縁によって 滅するのであるから、人は運命を変えることができるのです。それが仏教の基本的な立場であり、 バラモン教やヒンドゥー教と違う点です。

もしもアートマンが実在し、それが輪廻転生するのであるならば、人は運命を変えることも、 輪廻から解脱することもできません。 なぜならばアートマンは常住不滅・常恒不変なのですから、 消滅させることも変化させることも不可能だからです。アートマンなどは実在せず、すべてのも のが因縁によって生じ、また滅していくからこそ、人は生死輪廻から解脱することができるわ けです。お釈迦さまはそのように縁起の真理を説かれました。

さらにバラモン教やヒンドゥー教では輪廻転生を説くものの、そこからの脱出方法は、あまり 明確には示しておりませんでした。そのために古代インドの人々は、非常に苦しんだのです。輪 廻の中で生き続け、そこから脱出することがままならないわけですから、彼らは来世を案じて苦 しみました。




いかないまでも、悪に堕ちたり動物や虫に生まれて悲惨な一生を送りたくなバラモン教やヒンドゥー教も葉報思想を持っておりますから、現世で悪業を積んだならば、 来 世は悲惨なものに生まれて苦しむぞと説きます。 犬に生まれてくるかもしれないし、豚に生まれ ソーセージにされてしまうかもしれない。 またはゴキブリに生まれて、叩き殺されるかもしれ ません。 来世はなにに生まれるか分からないのですから、一分一秒たりとも気が抜けないのです。 これは古代インドの人たちにとって、すさまじいプレッシャーになりました。現代のヒンドゥー 教徒も同じです。 彼らは常に来世を考えて行動しています。 現在よりも来世のことを考えて、 戦々恐々としているのです。そして、来世で苦しみの生を享けないように、神々を拝み、供物を 捧げています。 古代インドでも現代のインドでも同じです。 これでは生きた心地がしないだろう、 とわたくしは思います。

ところがお釈迦さまが、 アートマン思想が蔓延している古代インドに出現されて、「すべては因縁所生であって、アートマンなどという常住不滅・常恒不変の実在などはない」と縁起の法を説かれ、さらには輪廻から完全に解脱する方法・成仏法を説かれたものですから、 当時の人々は、みな、びっくりしたわけです。

けれども、お釈迦さまのおっしゃることをよく聞いてみると、なるほどと納得できます。 お釈 一旦九

迦さまの教法によって、当時のインドの人々の心からプレッシャーがなくなりました。 これが、 お釈迦さまの教法がもたらした、第一の救いでした。日本人の、それも現代人のわたくしたちに はなかなか理解できませんが、彼らには最高の福音だったのです。

すべてが縁によって起こる。 縁によって生じ、緑によって滅するのであって、 常住不滅・常恒 不変のものはなにもない。これは、すばらしい真理です。 昔、日本のある名僧が、縁起の法を歌 に詠まれました。


じつに分かりやすい名歌ですね。野原に小屋のような庵が一軒あります。それはいろいろな木 材や茅・柴を縛ったり組んだりして造られているけれども、それらをばらばらにしてしまった ら、もとのなにもない野原に戻ってしまう。板きれ、 茅、 柴が転がっているだけの、ただの野原 です。それらの材料を集めて、家の形にしたならば庵になるけれども、ばらばらにしてしまった ら、もう庵ではありません。材料が緑によって集まり、仮合して庵になっているだけですから、 それは常恒不変ではありません。 存在はしているけれども、実在ではありません。 これを仏教で は「空」と呼びます。

人もの庵も同じです。わたくしも緑によって桐山靖雄という人間になっているだけで、桐山 靖雄としての縁がなくなったならば、違う存在になってしまいます。まさに空です。 縁起という ことは、すべてのものが条件によって変化し続けることでもありますから、古い訳では縁起の法を変易の法としております。 変易とは変化するという意味です。

お釈迦さまは、「一切は空であって一切告空)、アートマンはない(諸法無我」と説かれました。緑によって生じ、緑によって滅するのだから、 常住不滅・常恒不変の自我が実在すると考え るのは間違いなのです。

ところがそれでも、アートマンが実在すると信じている人がたくさんおります。 縁起の法が分 からない、あるいは理解しようとしないという煩悩が身見なのです。 前述のようにアートマンは 「我」と漢訳されますので、身見は別名を我見といいます。

身見のもう一つの意味は、常住不滅・常恒不変の実在がないということが理解できないために 生じる自己中心的な考え方です。 凡夫は永遠不滅の自我があると考えるために、自分に執着し、 「自分のもの」に執着します。 これを仏教では我執といいます。この世に「自分のもの」などあ りはしません。 今、自分が所有していたとしても、それは自分のところに来る緑がたまたま存在 したから、仮に自分のところにあるだけで、永遠に自分の手もとにあるわけではありません。 緑 がなくなればだれかの手に渡ったり、壊れてなくなったりします。 しかし、縁起の道理が分から ないから、



仏道修行者は、永遠不滅の自我が実在しているという妄執と、なんでも自分中心に考える我執 を断ち切らなければならないのです。

この場合の疑惑とは、ただ物事を疑って信じないということではありません。 仏さまの正しい

教えを疑い惑って、なかなか信じないという意味での疑惑です。お釈迦さまの正法に疑いを持つ 煩悩、これが疑惑です。

戒取とは、お釈迦さまの正しい教え以外の宗教、あるいは倫理・道徳・哲学などを信じて、お 釈迦さまの真実の教法を信じようとしない煩悩です。


以上の身見・疑惑・戒取の三つを完全に切った人が須陀酒です。 須陀酒は別名を預流といいま す。流れに預かる (入る) と書くわけですが、どのような流れに入るのでしょうか?これは聖者の流れに入るという意味です。須陀酒になった人は聖者で、須陀酒になっていない 人は凡夫です。それで須陀酒を聖俗の分かれ目とします。 須陀酒になると二度と聖者の流れから 堕ちることはなく、必ず成仏に向かいますので、これを「不退転の法を成する」というのです。 もちろん同じ須陀洹でも、須陀洹になってからの修行の具合によって、成仏までの時間は異な ります。一生懸命に修行をするならば早く成仏しますし、怠けていたならば時間がかかります。 けれどもいずれにしても、必ず最後には成仏します。

「阿含経」には、須陀は人間界と天上界を七度往来して成仏する、と記されております。 須陀 がこの世を去ると、天上界に生じて天になります。 仏教の天とは、「運を天に任せる」の「天」 のようなとらえどころのないものではなく、サンスクリット語の「デーヴァ」を訳したもので、 神の境界のことです。 仏界と人間界との間に、天上界という神々の世界があるわけです。天は仏 のように完全な解説は得ていません。 しかし、人間よりは解脱に近づいている存在です。

一般に、天は一神通を持つとされます。 ○○天という名前でお祀りされているのはみな天上界 の神々で、成仏はしていないものの一つの神通を身に備えておられます。たとえば大黒天、弁才 天韋駄天などがそうです。韋駄天は韋駄天走りという言葉があるように、駿足の神さまです。 あっという間に二、三百キロメートルくらい走ってしまいます。ですからマラソン選手などは、 韋駄天を信仰するとよいかもしれません。弁才天というのは芸能の神です。 芸能面に関する、す ばらしい神通力を持っておられます。

須陀は寿命が尽きると天になり、 一神通を使って人を救います。そのように、天上界におい でも修行するのです。 天での寿命が尽きると、須陀道は人間界に戻ってきて、ここでも世のため になるようなことをします。それで人間界での寿命が尽きたならば、再び天界に行くわけです。 合計で七回往来するとされています。

須となって天上界へ行った人がこの世に帰ってきた場合 天上界では天として一神通を 持っていたわけですから普通の人が持たないような、すばらしい力を必ず発揮します。ひょ とすると大天才といわれる人物は、天から戻ってきた人なのかもしれません。 モーツァルト (一七五六一七九一)などは、三歳のころから神童といわれ、五歳で作曲を手がけたそうです。



All things are born of fate


However, in Buddhism, everything is dependent on origin and is born through fate, so there is no such thing as an eternal and immortal existence, and all existence is born through karma and is destroyed through karma. Buddhism also considers reincarnation as one of its fundamental tenets, but it does not believe that the Atman reincarnates. Atman is real and he is not. In China, this was translated as “non-self” (in the old translation, non-self). Atman was translated into Chinese as “I,” and since there is no “I,” it was translated into “non-self.” Because everything comes into being and ends by fate, people can change their destiny. This is the basic position of Buddhism, and it is different from Brahmanism and Hinduism.

If Atman exists and reincarnates, then one cannot change one’s destiny or escape from reincarnation. This is because the Atman is eternal, eternal, and unchanging, and cannot be annihilated or changed. There is no such thing as the Atman, and all things arise and perish due to fate, and it is precisely because he is the one who can liberate himself from the cycle of birth and death. The Buddha preached the truth of dependent origin in this way.

Furthermore, although Brahmanism and Hinduism preach reincarnation, they do not clearly indicate how to escape from it. The people of ancient India suffered greatly because of this. Since they continued to live in the cycle of reincarnation and were unable to escape from it, they suffered in fear of their next life.

“I want to be born with good boundaries in my next life.”


I thought.

Brahmanism and Hinduism also have the idea of “haha”, which does not want to fall into evil or be born as an animal or insect and lead a miserable life. I preach that if you are born into misery, you will suffer. You may be born a dog, or you may be born a pig and become his sausage. Or he might be born a cockroach and be beaten to death. I don’t know what I will be born into in the next life, so I can’t relax even for a minute. This put tremendous pressure on the people of ancient India. The same is true of modern Hindus. They always act with the afterlife in mind. They are thinking more about the next life than the present, and are fearful. In order to avoid suffering in the next life, they worship the gods and make offerings. It is the same in ancient India and modern India. I don’t think this will make me feel alive.

However, the Buddha appeared in ancient India, where the idea of Atman was widespread, and preached the law of dependent origin, saying, “Everything is due to fate, and there is no such thing as Atman, which is an ever-living, immortal, eternal, unchanging entity.” Furthermore, the people of the time were astonished because he taught the method of attaining Buddhahood, a method for completely liberating oneself from reincarnation.

However, if you listen carefully to what Buddha says, you will understand. Interpretation once nine

Lord Buddha’s teachings removed pressure from the minds of the people of India at that time. This was the first salvation brought about by Buddha’s teachings. Although it is difficult for Japanese people, especially us modern people, to understand him, he was the best gospel for them.

Everything happens because of connections. It arises through connection and perishes through greenness, and there is nothing that is everlasting, eternal, or unchanging. This is a wonderful truth. A long time ago, a famous Japanese monk wrote a poem about the law of auspicious origin.

If you pull it together and tie it, it will be a vermilion hermitage, or if you untie it, it will be the original field.”

It’s a great song that’s really easy to understand. There is a hermitage that looks like a hut in the field. It is made of various types of wood, thatch, and brushwood tied together and tied together, but if you tear it apart, it will return to its original, empty field. It’s just a field with pieces of planks, thatch, and bushes lying around. If you gather those materials and make them into a house, it becomes a hermitage, but if you break it up into pieces, it is no longer a hermitage. It is not a permanent hermitage because the materials are gathered together by the greenery and temporarily combined to form a hermitage. It exists, but it is not real. In Buddhism, this is called “emptiness.”

The same goes for Hitomono-an. I am also Yasuo Kiriyama because of Midori, but if I were to no longer have that connection as Yasuo Kiriyama, I would become a different person. It’s just empty. Dependent origin also means that everything continues to change depending on conditions, so in older translations, the law of dependent origin is the law of change. Change means to change.

The Buddha taught that “All is empty and all is empty, and there is no Atman (all dharma is selfless.”) Since green is what arises and green is what annihilates, the ever-living, immortal, ever-changing ego is real. It is a mistake to think that.

However, there are still many people who believe that the Atman is real. The earthly desires of not knowing or not trying to understand the Law of Dependent Origination are what we see. As mentioned above, Atman is translated into Chinese as “I,” so “Mimi” is also called “Gami.”

Another meaning of “miken” is the self-centered way of thinking that arises because one cannot understand that there is no eternal, eternal, and unchanging reality. Ordinary people think that they have an eternal and immortal ego, so they become attached to themselves and to what is “their own.” In Buddhism, this is called self-control. There is no such thing as “mine” in this world. Even if you own it now, it is only because the greenery that came to you happened to exist, so it is not in your hands forever. If the greenery runs out, it will end up in someone else’s hands or break down and disappear. However, since he doesn’t understand the principle of dependent origin,

“Even though it’s mine!”

I am obsessed with it. This is also my personal observation.

Practitioners of Buddhism must break free from the delusion that an eternal and immortal self exists and from the self-centeredness of thinking about everything.

Doubt in this case does not just mean doubting something and not believing it. Buddha’s righteousness

Doubt in the sense of doubting the teachings and having a hard time believing them. The earthly desires that doubt the Buddha’s righteous teachings are doubts.

Precepts are the earthly desires of people who believe in religions, ethics, morals, philosophy, etc. other than the correct teachings of the Buddha, and refuse to believe in the true teachings of the Buddha.

-The first saint who severed the three ties

A Sudarake is a person who has completely cut off all three of the above-mentioned personal observations, suspicions, and precepts. Another name for Sudakake is Yukinryu. It is written as “to follow the flow” (to enter), but what kind of flow do we enter into?This means to enter into the flow of the saints. Those who have become Sudakake are saints, and those who have not become Sudakake are ordinary people. Therefore, Suda sake is considered to be the dividing line between the sacred and the secular. Once you become Suda Sake, you will never fall from the stream of saints again and will definitely head towards Buddhahood, which is called “fulfilling the unfailing Dharma.” Of course, even within the same Suda-sun, the time it takes to reach Buddhahood differs depending on the level of training one has undergone since becoming Suda-sun. If you practice hard, you will attain Buddhahood quickly, but if you are lazy, it will take time. But either way, you will definitely attain Buddhahood in the end.

In the Agon Sutra, it is written that Sudha travels between the human world and the heavenly world seven times and attains Buddhahood. When Sudha leaves this world, he arises in the heavenly world and becomes heaven. In Buddhism, heaven is not something as elusive as the word “heaven” in “leaving one’s luck to heaven,” but is a translation of the Sanskrit word “deva,” which refers to the boundaries of God. Between the Buddhist world and the human world, there is a world of gods called the heavenly world. Heaven has not received a complete explanation like Buddha. However, they are closer to liberation than humans.

Generally speaking, heaven is said to have one divine connection. The gods enshrined under the name ○○ten are all gods of the heavenly world, and although they have not attained Buddhahood, they possess a divine power within themselves. For example, Daikokuten, Benzai Tenvaidaten, etc. Idaten is the god of swift feet, as the word Idaten runs. He can run about two or three hundred kilometers in no time. Therefore, it may be a good idea for marathon runners to worship Idaten. Benzaiten is the god of entertainment. He has amazing supernatural powers when it comes to entertainment.

When Sudha reaches the end of his life, he becomes heaven and uses his power to save people. In the same way, he practices in the heavenly realm. When his life in heaven is over, Sudhado returns to the human world, and here too he does what he does for the world. When his life in the human world comes to an end, he goes back to heaven. It is said that there will be seven trips in total.

If a person who went to the heavenly world as a man comes back to this world, he will definitely exhibit wonderful powers that ordinary people do not have, since he had the power of one god in the heavenly world. Perhaps the person who is said to be a great genius is someone who has returned from heaven. Mozart (17561791) was said to be a child prodigy from the age of three, and began composing music at the age of five.


Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis

Anyone who has four steps leading to liberation will be Buddha 解脱に至る四つの階梯 人は誰でもBuddha成る


































【三善根】さんぜんごん 無貪善根・無限善根・無療善根の三根。一切の善法がこの三つから生まれるからである。それらは具体的には施・慈・慧となって現われる。三毒の対。













































It’s like listening. Temporarily in the Buddhist temple of Gion, a lonely garden
Shiki. At the time of the earthquake, he told Abashi, “Sanzen (Sanzen)
There is a fortune, and there is no need for exhaustion, and eventually to the world of the Nirvana.
What do you do three times? Seek merit in the so-called Nyorai place. This
I’m sorry that the good roots of the Seek merit in the law. this
I’m sorry that my good roots are exhausted. Seek merit in the saints. This good
I’m sorry for being exhausted. I’m sorry, this Sanzen root can run out
No, it is a so-called growl that it reaches the Nirvana world. Because of that
Difficult, in search of expedient, get this inexhaustible fortune
Then. Asaku, it’s hard to make a study of this.” When
Asa, do not delight in hearing the Buddhist opinion.
I heard this. This is when the Buddha is staying at Gion Seisha in Korsala. One day, Seson told Abashi this way.
“There is a Sanzen root (Mifukudo), but its merit is endless and it can reach the Nirvana world.
It is something. What are the three good roots (fortunes)? (First) in so-called Nyorai
The merit of this good root (fortune) that seeds merit is endless. (Secondly) seeding merit in the law,
The merit of this good root (fortune) is infinite. (Thirdly) This good root (fortune) merit that seeds merit in the saints
Is infinite. Asan, the merit of this Mizen (Mifukudo) is endless, and you can enter the world of Nirvana.
is. Therefore, Osamu, practice Sanzen (Mifukudo) and obtain this infinite blessing. in this way
Abashi, learn this Sanzen root (Sanpukudo).”
After receiving this teaching, Asa was delighted and devoted himself to training.

Sanzen is called Mifukudo. To explain this

I will.

When you draw “Sanzen” in “Buddhist Dictionary” (Gen Nakamura, Tokyo Book),

[Sanzen roots] Sanzengo: Sangen, which is rootless, rootless, and nonsensical. Are all good laws these three?

Because they are born from Specifically, they appear as an offering, charity, and love. A pair of three poisons.

Is written. However, the content of Mizenne, which is explained in this “Three memorial products,” is completely different.

I will. Nevertheless, I thought that teaching it to the disciples under the name Mizen was a source of great misunderstanding.

So how should this practice be called?

In the sutra,

“Catch this inexhaustible fortune”

As you can see, this practice method is three ways to get inexhaustible fortune. Therefore, I named it “Mifukudo”. If this name is used, it is confused with the three good roots of unscrupulous roots, unemployed good roots, and uncurated good roots

It is not.

I read Mizen roots by changing them to “Mifukudo.”

Now, if you read the sutras on the right, you need Sanzen (Mifukudo) to reach Nirvana.

You can see that Buddha is preaching this.

What is Nirvana?

It is usually used to mean the border of Nirvana or the border (though this has a different meaning in the Nihonkei, it will be described later). As I touched on “The Five Commandments” (see page 37 of this book), Nirvana in Sanskrit is called Nirvana, but it is a border beyond life and death, a state of complete liberation. Full commentary is a state where you are completely free from work and affiliation.

We are a lump of work and fate. I am continuing to reincarnate due to my work and my relationship. Reincarnation is a life-and-death transition that is endlessly repeated. It is called reincarnation because it repeats life and death as if the wheels of a car were turning continuously. It is also called life-and-death flow or live-flow transfer. If it is a straight line, you will eventually reach the end point. However, the circle has no end. There is no end point. It’s infinite because it rotates. However, life and death are repeated.

If you say so,

“Isn’t it okay to go around without a doubt? I think we can be reborn into various things and enjoy various lives. Becoming a man, a woman, or becoming great

Moreover, it’s rather fun because you can enjoy various lives.” Some people find it more enjoyable to reincarnate, rather than a one-time life.

However, reincarnation is never fun. It’s rather painful. Since reincarnation is a pain, Buddha practiced hoping to get out of reincarnation.

Why is Buddha explained that reincarnation is a pain?

To understand it, we first need to know the Buddhist view of life.

In Buddhism, we first see that life is suffering. Think of life as suffering. I also agree with that. Certainly there is fun in life. However, if you try to offset the pain and the comfort that you experience in your life one by one, you will have more suffering. Isn’t it sometimes that there is joy in the suffering of?

Moreover, that joy often causes the next suffering.

In Buddhism, there are many questions about the people of Russia. Four sufferings are the basic sufferings of humans. In addition, there are four sufferings associated with the four sufferings. This is called the 8th pain together with the first 4th pain. Usually, they are collectively referred to as hardships.

It is important as a basic tenet of Buddhism, so let’s review it again.

First of all, the four pains are the pains of life, old age, illness, and death. This is the basic human suffering. Furthermore, the suffering that comes with the four pains comes out. There are four types: Aibetsu separation, grudge hate, unwillingness, and Goinen. Collectively, these sufferings are referred to as struggles. In this way, humans are really a painful mass.

The first of the four pains is raw pain. As you can see by looking back at your life, living is a pain. Being born is a pain. Some things are fun just because we are alive, but that fun becomes a pain in the next moment. Therefore, life can only be said to be suffering.

The second is the suffering of old people. As long as we are alive, we all get older. Be sure to get old. Again, this is not fun. There will be joy only for old people. However, as you get older, your physical strength, energy, and intellect will decline, so “old” is by no means pleasant.

When I wake up in the morning and look in the mirror to shave,

“Oh, I’m old”

I often feel that. Even if you’re young, you can’t exert yourself as strong as when you were young. Old suffering is something everyone enjoys.

The third is illness. As long as you are alive, you may get sick. No one thinks that illness is fun. Some can be gained by illness, but relative illness is painful.

Fourth is the suffering of death. All human beings will die. Unless you are an enlightened person, death is lonely, painful, and painful.

The above is four pains. Adding to these four pains, Aibetsu separation, grudge hate, unsuccessful suffering, and five indulgence, it becomes eight pains.

Love separation is the suffering that you have to separate from what you love. No matter how much you love each other, or couples, parents, children, siblings, or friends, you must someday separate them. There are goodbyes and deaths. In any case, separating yourself from your loved one is really painful and painful, but it is unavoidable.

And it’s not just about relationships. What we love is not necessarily human. For example, some people really love money.

“Oh, my money is my lover. I don’t need anything else.”

Others love their position. I love the post of the Prime Minister, president of the company, and executives.

But whether it’s money or status, there will always be a time when we have to get away with them. How much,

“I refuse!”

When I screamed, it didn’t happen.

The next grudge hate is suffering that you have to meet with a person who is grinning or hating, but this is also the pain that is as good as the love separation.

“If you don’t like that hate or grudge, you should meet up.” Maybe it’s like that, but because I’m unable to leave because of my relationship, it’s very painful.

It is. One of them is the “cause of marital relationship disorder”. Even if you first love each other and get married, if there is a “cause of marital relationship disorder” that causes grudge hatred, the couple will hate each other. Well

He hates each other like his parents, and fights from morning till night.

“If so, why not break up?”

The theory is correct. However, I can’t say goodbye. Due to various relationships, financial reasons, and various other reasons, I cannot divorce. This is the dreadful part of the connection. I have no choice but to put up with it, but I can’t stand it and I have to fight every day.



 だれでも、解説に至るためには、この四つの段階を経なければならない。そ してこの四つの階梯を、すぐれた聖師にしたがって歩んでいくならば、だれでも 解脱に到達できるのである。もちろん、あなたにしてもそのとおりだ。



一、srota apanna 須陀オン

二、sakrd agamin        斯陀含

三、anaga msn    阿那含

四、arhat      阿羅漢     B uddha  仏陀




須陀逼 -きよめられた聖者














 大脳辺繰糸と新皮質脳を殺さなければ、間脳は作動せず、第三の目は開かな いのである。

 ただし、誤解してはいけない。大脳辺緑系・新皮質脳を殺すということは、 究極において、大脳辺緑系、ことに新皮質脳を生かすということなのである。新 皮質脳は「創造の座」であるといわれる。しかし、ほんとうの創造の座は間脳に あるのである。間脳はこれまでくり返し説いてきたように、霊性の場であり、

霊 感の座なのである。ここが開発されることにより、ほんとうのインスピ レーションが発生するのである。

 ただし、間脳を開発するためには、しばらくの間、大脳辺縁系と新皮質脳を 閉ざさなければならないのである。間脳が開発されたとき、新皮質脳は新しく よみがえる。新しくよみがえった新皮質脳こそ、霊性を基盤とした超人的なイ ンスピレーションと創造力を持つ頭脳となるのである。






 釈尊が残した霊性完成の修行法がそれである。これを、わたくしは、「成仏 法」とよんでいる。成仏とは霊性を完成したことをいい、それを成就した人を


 くわしくは、『輪廻転生瞑想法』でのべたとおりであるが、それは七つのシ ステムと三十七種のカリキュラムから成る成仏のための方法と体系である。これ を、阿合経では「七科三十七道品」あるいは「三十七菩提分法」とよぷのであ る。この二つの名称は、わたくしが勝手につけたのではない。古来からの仏教用 語である。

 わたくしが、阿含経以外のお経―-法華経、阿弥陀経をはじめすべてのお経 をいささか激しい表現で批判するのは、阿含経以外のお経には、どの経典に

も、この成仏法がないからである。釈尊がじっさい説かれたのは阿合経だけで あるという歴史的な事実のほかに、阿含経以外には、この「成仏法」がないか ら、わたくしはそういうのである。「成仏法」のない経典など、わたくしは真実 の仏教経典と認めることはできないのである。もちろん、それなりの存在意義 なり存在価値はあろうが、本流ではない。傍流というべきである。このことに 関しては、わたくしの他の著書を読んでいただきたい。




四念住法トト身念仕法 受念住法 心念仕法 法念仕法

四正断法-断断法 修断法 随護断法 律儀断法

四神足法-欲神足法 勤神足法 心神足法 観神足法

五根法-信根法 精進根法 念根法 定根法 慧根法

五力法11信力法 精進力法 念力法 定力法 慧力法

七覚支法トト択法覚支法 精進覚文法 喜覚文法

      定覚文法 念覚支法

軽安覚文法 捨覚文法

八正道法-‐‐正見法 正思惟法 正語法 正業法 正命法 正精進法  正念法 正定法










 神足とは、神通力(超能力)のことで、この四神足法は、超自然の神通力を得 るための四種の修行法である。前にのべたわたくしの練行tapasはこれに属する ものである。

 この七つの科目のうち、練行tapasを中心に、瞑想と実践の科目をとり入れて 修行するのである。どの科目をどうとり入れて、どのように訓練するかは、

聖師が決定ずる。修行者それぞれ、みな素質と因縁がちがうので、それを見 て、グルが決めるのである。




まず、間違いなく霊性を開顕したグルを見つけて、そのグルに受け入れても らうことである。それができたら、この修行は八分どおり成功したといっていい くらいである。それくらい重要なことであり、かつ、むずかしいということで ある。

 グルなくして、正しい霊性開顕の仏道修行は不可能である。ふつうの仏教信 心とはちがうのである。信心のしかたや、信仰のしかた、経典の講義や解釈を教 わるという程度のものならばとにかく、霊性開顕の仏道修行は、強力な霊的能力 を持つグルの助けなくしては、絶対といっていいほど、できないのである。

 たとえば、インド近代の聖者ラーマナーマハリシが、入門者に対して、「凝視 の方法」で受け入れの儀式をおこなったとき、彼の両眼の輝きと力が相手の心 をつらぬいて、その雑念の流れを断ち切ってしまったといわれる。ときとして は、まるで電流が身の内に流れ込んだように相手は感じたともれる。

Four steps leading to liberation

Now, I’m saying, “Four steps leading to liberation.”

Everyone needs to go through these four steps to get to the explanation. And if we follow these four steps according to a good saint, anyone can reach liberation. Of course, you’re right.

Then, let’s talk about these four steps.

What are the four ladders?

One, Srota apanna Suda on

Second, sakrd agamin included

Three, anana msn including Ana

Four, arhat Arhan Buddha Buddha


To explain,

Suda逼-Cleaned Saint

The saints who are included in the station

Saints who leapt to the big dimension)

Arakhan: transcends the human dimension) and the completed saint, “Buddha”.

Then, how do the practitioners walk on these four steps?

That’s how the Buddhist curriculum of Nanashina Thirty-Seven Dojo is.
A “cleansed saint” must be cleansed not only internally as it is now, but also externally.
What that means is that you must also remove your own “spiritual injuries”.
Spiritual injuries are hot stones of imperfect Buddhist spirits/disorders related to oneself. You have to get rid of all this.

If you have the improper Buddhist spirits and spiritual disabilities that are related to you, you will not be able to escape the effects of their devious personality and thoughts. What is even more frightening is that there is a strong possibility that these unfortunate beings will “repeat the fate” of the fate that they followed.

The “repeat of destiny” is nothing but the repetition of karma. This is the best
Is also scary. This is not limited to practitioners, but in the lives of ordinary people, there are many cases in which the life of a spiritually distressed Hotoke who has lived a tragic life is overturned.

Training to kill the limbic and neocortical brains

It is a practice to kill the cerebral limb and the neocortical brain in a bit.

If you do not kill the cerebral limb and the neocortical brain, the diencephalon will not work and the third eye will not open.

However, don’t get me wrong. The killing of the cerebral meridian/neocortical brain is, in the ultimate sense, the utilization of the cerebral meridian, especially the neocortical brain. The new cortical brain is said to be the “creation seat.” However, the real place of creation lies in the diencephalon. The diencephalon is a place of spirituality, as I have repeatedly explained,

It is an inspirational seat. When this is developed, it really brings inspiration.

However, in order to develop the diencephalon, it is necessary to close the limbic system and the neocortical brain for a while. When the diencephalon is developed, the neocortical brain is reborn. The newly raised neocortical brain will be the brain with superhuman inspiration and creativity based on spirituality.

Then what kind of training is it?

Method and system of spiritual completion

That is the practice method of complete spirituality left by Buddha. This is what I call the “seibutsu”. Seibutsu means that the spirituality has been completed.

It is called “Buddha”. That is why I call that method “seibutsu”.

In more detail, as mentioned in “Reincarnation Meditation Method”, it is a method and system for Buddhism that consists of seven systems and thirty-seven curricula. This is referred to as “Nanashina Thirty-Seven Dojo” or “Thirty-seven Bodhi-hobu” in Ai Sutra. These two names were not my own choice. It has been used for Buddhism since ancient times.

I suspect that all sutras, including Hokkei and Amitabha, are criticized with a bit of fierce expression except for Sutras.

This is because there is no law of this French. In addition to the historical fact that Buddha was the only one who was told that it was only Ai Sutra, I think that there is this “seibutsu” other than Akon Sutra. I can’t admit that it is a true Buddhist scripture, such as a scripture without a “seibutsu”. Of course, there is a certain sense of existence and value, but it is not the mainstream. It should be called a sidestream. Regarding this, please read my other books.

The seventy-seven departments dojo is as follows.

Four Nemitsu Law, Toto, Mind Law, Mind Law, Mind Law

Four Positive Laws-Official Laws, Restorative Laws, Sustainable Laws, Laws of Law

The Four Gods Law-The Greeds God Law

Gone method-Shinne method, devoted root method, Nemone method, fixed root method, Keine method

Five-power method, 11-credit method, vegetative method, psychokinetic method, constant-power method, and vigorous method

Seven sense support method Toto choice support method

Quorum grammar, happostyle

Karuyasu grammar, Naruto grammar

Hachishodo—Masami-ho, Seiseki-ho, Orthodox-hoshoku, Seimei-ho, Shoshin-ho, Hoshin-ho

That is all.

This seven subject, thirty-seven curriculum,


Second, practice

The four-nine living method and the five root method are meditations.

The four positive cut method, the five force method, the seven sense grammar, and the eight positive method are practice and meditation.

The Shikamizoku method is a special training taPas.

God is the power of supernatural powers (supernatural powers), and the four types of training are the four methods of training to obtain supernatural powers of supernatural nature. The sticky tapes practiced in the previous section belongs to this category.

Among these seven subjects, we will focus on training tapas and practice meditation and practice subjects. Which subject to take and how to train

The Holy Master decides. Each practitioner has a different affiliation with their traits, and Guru decides upon it.

The gurus have a great role to play in this training. A little bit about the guru

Spiritual baptism

First, make sure you find a guru that reveals spirituality and accept it. If we could do that, we could say that this training was successful in eight minutes. That’s what is important and difficult.

It is impossible to practice Buddhism in the correct spirituality without Guru. It is different from ordinary Buddhism. Anyway, as long as it is a method of belief, a method of belief, or a lesson of teaching or interpreting a scripture, Buddhist practice of spiritual manifestation is absolutely necessary without the help of a guru who has a powerful spiritual ability. You can’t do that.

For example, when modern Indian saint Rahmanah Maharishi performed an acceptance ritual to the introductory person by the “gaze method”, the brilliance and power of his two eyes pierced the heart of the other person, It is said that the flow has been cut off. At times, the other party feels as if a current has flowed into them.

Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis

Anyone who has four steps leading to liberation will be Buddha 解脱に至る四つの階梯 人は誰でもBuddha成る






 だれでも、解説に至るためには、この四つの段階を経なければならない。そ してこの四つの階梯を、すぐれた聖師にしたがって歩んでいくならば、だれでも 解脱に到達できるのである。もちろん、あなたにしてもそのとおりだ。



一、srota apanna 須陀オン

二、sakrd agamin        斯陀含

三、anaga msn    阿那含

四、arhat      阿羅漢     B uddha  仏陀




須陀逼 -きよめられた聖者














 大脳辺繰糸と新皮質脳を殺さなければ、間脳は作動せず、第三の目は開かな いのである。

 ただし、誤解してはいけない。大脳辺緑系・新皮質脳を殺すということは、 究極において、大脳辺緑系、ことに新皮質脳を生かすということなのである。新 皮質脳は「創造の座」であるといわれる。しかし、ほんとうの創造の座は間脳に あるのである。間脳はこれまでくり返し説いてきたように、霊性の場であり、

霊 感の座なのである。ここが開発されることにより、ほんとうのインスピ レーションが発生するのである。

 ただし、間脳を開発するためには、しばらくの間、大脳辺縁系と新皮質脳を 閉ざさなければならないのである。間脳が開発されたとき、新皮質脳は新しく よみがえる。新しくよみがえった新皮質脳こそ、霊性を基盤とした超人的なイ ンスピレーションと創造力を持つ頭脳となるのである。






 釈尊が残した霊性完成の修行法がそれである。これを、わたくしは、「成仏 法」とよんでいる。成仏とは霊性を完成したことをいい、それを成就した人を


 くわしくは、『輪廻転生瞑想法』でのべたとおりであるが、それは七つのシ ステムと三十七種のカリキュラムから成る成仏のための方法と体系である。これ を、阿合経では「七科三十七道品」あるいは「三十七菩提分法」とよぷのであ る。この二つの名称は、わたくしが勝手につけたのではない。古来からの仏教用 語である。

 わたくしが、阿含経以外のお経―-法華経、阿弥陀経をはじめすべてのお経 をいささか激しい表現で批判するのは、阿含経以外のお経には、どの経典に

も、この成仏法がないからである。釈尊がじっさい説かれたのは阿合経だけで あるという歴史的な事実のほかに、阿含経以外には、この「成仏法」がないか ら、わたくしはそういうのである。「成仏法」のない経典など、わたくしは真実 の仏教経典と認めることはできないのである。もちろん、それなりの存在意義 なり存在価値はあろうが、本流ではない。傍流というべきである。このことに 関しては、わたくしの他の著書を読んでいただきたい。




四念住法トト身念仕法 受念住法 心念仕法 法念仕法

四正断法-断断法 修断法 随護断法 律儀断法

四神足法-欲神足法 勤神足法 心神足法 観神足法

五根法-信根法 精進根法 念根法 定根法 慧根法

五力法11信力法 精進力法 念力法 定力法 慧力法

七覚支法トト択法覚支法 精進覚文法 喜覚文法

      定覚文法 念覚支法

軽安覚文法 捨覚文法

八正道法-‐‐正見法 正思惟法 正語法 正業法 正命法 正精進法  正念法 正定法










 神足とは、神通力(超能力)のことで、この四神足法は、超自然の神通力を得 るための四種の修行法である。前にのべたわたくしの練行tapasはこれに属する ものである。

 この七つの科目のうち、練行tapasを中心に、瞑想と実践の科目をとり入れて 修行するのである。どの科目をどうとり入れて、どのように訓練するかは、

聖師が決定ずる。修行者それぞれ、みな素質と因縁がちがうので、それを見 て、グルが決めるのである。




まず、間違いなく霊性を開顕したグルを見つけて、そのグルに受け入れても らうことである。それができたら、この修行は八分どおり成功したといっていい くらいである。それくらい重要なことであり、かつ、むずかしいということで ある。

 グルなくして、正しい霊性開顕の仏道修行は不可能である。ふつうの仏教信 心とはちがうのである。信心のしかたや、信仰のしかた、経典の講義や解釈を教 わるという程度のものならばとにかく、霊性開顕の仏道修行は、強力な霊的能力 を持つグルの助けなくしては、絶対といっていいほど、できないのである。

 たとえば、インド近代の聖者ラーマナーマハリシが、入門者に対して、「凝視 の方法」で受け入れの儀式をおこなったとき、彼の両眼の輝きと力が相手の心 をつらぬいて、その雑念の流れを断ち切ってしまったといわれる。ときとして は、まるで電流が身の内に流れ込んだように相手は感じたともれる。

Four steps leading to liberation

Now, I’m saying, “Four steps leading to liberation.”

Everyone needs to go through these four steps to get to the explanation. And if we follow these four steps according to a good saint, anyone can reach liberation. Of course, you’re right.

Then, let’s talk about these four steps.

What are the four ladders?

One, Srota apanna Suda on

Second, sakrd agamin included

Three, anana msn including Ana

Four, arhat Arhan Buddha Buddha


To explain,

Suda逼-Cleaned Saint

The saints who are included in the station

Saints who leapt to the big dimension)

Arakhan: transcends the human dimension) and the completed saint, “Buddha”.

Then, how do the practitioners walk on these four steps?

That’s how the Buddhist curriculum of Nanashina Thirty-Seven Dojo is.
A “cleansed saint” must be cleansed not only internally as it is now, but also externally.
What that means is that you must also remove your own “spiritual injuries”.
Spiritual injuries are hot stones of imperfect Buddhist spirits/disorders related to oneself. You have to get rid of all this.

If you have the improper Buddhist spirits and spiritual disabilities that are related to you, you will not be able to escape the effects of their devious personality and thoughts. What is even more frightening is that there is a strong possibility that these unfortunate beings will “repeat the fate” of the fate that they followed.

The “repeat of destiny” is nothing but the repetition of karma. This is the best
Is also scary. This is not limited to practitioners, but in the lives of ordinary people, there are many cases in which the life of a spiritually distressed Hotoke who has lived a tragic life is overturned.

Training to kill the limbic and neocortical brains

It is a practice to kill the cerebral limb and the neocortical brain in a bit.

If you do not kill the cerebral limb and the neocortical brain, the diencephalon will not work and the third eye will not open.

However, don’t get me wrong. The killing of the cerebral meridian/neocortical brain is, in the ultimate sense, the utilization of the cerebral meridian, especially the neocortical brain. The new cortical brain is said to be the “creation seat.” However, the real place of creation lies in the diencephalon. The diencephalon is a place of spirituality, as I have repeatedly explained,

It is an inspirational seat. When this is developed, it really brings inspiration.

However, in order to develop the diencephalon, it is necessary to close the limbic system and the neocortical brain for a while. When the diencephalon is developed, the neocortical brain is reborn. The newly raised neocortical brain will be the brain with superhuman inspiration and creativity based on spirituality.

Then what kind of training is it?

Method and system of spiritual completion

That is the practice method of complete spirituality left by Buddha. This is what I call the “seibutsu”. Seibutsu means that the spirituality has been completed.

It is called “Buddha”. That is why I call that method “seibutsu”.

In more detail, as mentioned in “Reincarnation Meditation Method”, it is a method and system for Buddhism that consists of seven systems and thirty-seven curricula. This is referred to as “Nanashina Thirty-Seven Dojo” or “Thirty-seven Bodhi-hobu” in Ai Sutra. These two names were not my own choice. It has been used for Buddhism since ancient times.

I suspect that all sutras, including Hokkei and Amitabha, are criticized with a bit of fierce expression except for Sutras.

This is because there is no law of this French. In addition to the historical fact that Buddha was the only one who was told that it was only Ai Sutra, I think that there is this “seibutsu” other than Akon Sutra. I can’t admit that it is a true Buddhist scripture, such as a scripture without a “seibutsu”. Of course, there is a certain sense of existence and value, but it is not the mainstream. It should be called a sidestream. Regarding this, please read my other books.

The seventy-seven departments dojo is as follows.

Four Nemitsu Law, Toto, Mind Law, Mind Law, Mind Law

Four Positive Laws-Official Laws, Restorative Laws, Sustainable Laws, Laws of Law

The Four Gods Law-The Greeds God Law

Gone method-Shinne method, devoted root method, Nemone method, fixed root method, Keine method

Five-power method, 11-credit method, vegetative method, psychokinetic method, constant-power method, and vigorous method

Seven sense support method Toto choice support method

Quorum grammar, happostyle

Karuyasu grammar, Naruto grammar

Hachishodo—Masami-ho, Seiseki-ho, Orthodox-hoshoku, Seimei-ho, Shoshin-ho, Hoshin-ho

That is all.

This seven subject, thirty-seven curriculum,


Second, practice

The four-nine living method and the five root method are meditations.

The four positive cut method, the five force method, the seven sense grammar, and the eight positive method are practice and meditation.

The Shikamizoku method is a special training taPas.

God is the power of supernatural powers (supernatural powers), and the four types of training are the four methods of training to obtain supernatural powers of supernatural nature. The sticky tapes practiced in the previous section belongs to this category.

Among these seven subjects, we will focus on training tapas and practice meditation and practice subjects. Which subject to take and how to train

The Holy Master decides. Each practitioner has a different affiliation with their traits, and Guru decides upon it.

The gurus have a great role to play in this training. A little bit about the guru

Spiritual baptism

First, make sure you find a guru that reveals spirituality and accept it. If we could do that, we could say that this training was successful in eight minutes. That’s what is important and difficult.

It is impossible to practice Buddhism in the correct spirituality without Guru. It is different from ordinary Buddhism. Anyway, as long as it is a method of belief, a method of belief, or a lesson of teaching or interpreting a scripture, Buddhist practice of spiritual manifestation is absolutely necessary without the help of a guru who has a powerful spiritual ability. You can’t do that.

For example, when modern Indian saint Rahmanah Maharishi performed an acceptance ritual to the introductory person by the “gaze method”, the brilliance and power of his two eyes pierced the heart of the other person, It is said that the flow has been cut off. At times, the other party feels as if a current has flowed into them.

虚空蔵菩薩 無限の智慧と慈悲の心を人々に与える菩薩




  • 虚空蔵とは宇宙のような無限の智慧と慈悲の心が収まっている蔵(貯蔵庫)を意味し、人々の願えを叶えるために蔵から取り出して智慧や記憶力、知識を与えてくれるとされています。








メシアの法 messianic law 桐山靖雄 対談 Yasuo Kiriyama Interview

桐山靖雄 対談

「では、いよいよ本論に入りましょう。ケストラーはこう言っています」 とK氏は『ホロン革命』のページをひらいた。









 「人間は脳に霊性の部位を持っているのです。これはそのように設計されているのです。だから、この部位がその設計の通りに活動していたら、人類は、ケストラーのいうように『狂気』の川状をあらわさなかったでしょう。したがって、いまのような破滅に直面するようなことにはならなかったのです。この部位が進化の途中で閉鎖されてしまった。そのために、人類は、超 愚人 にたってしまったのです」













『おそらく、ひとは、「第三の目」などというと、いかにも空想的な、馬鹿々々しいことのように思うかも知れない。しかし、ヒトは、たしかに第三の目を持っていたのである。い や、げんに持っているのだ。人間のからだのなかで最も重要なはたらきをする内分泌腺をく わしくしらべてゆくと、それがはっきりしてくるのである。
























 「なぜ、人間は、その霊性の『場』を失ってしまったのですか? 退化、とは考えられませんね









人類がいまかかえる問題に、大声で1 告は発するけれども、なんの答も出すことができない。


























Yasuo Kiriyama Interview

“Now, let’s get to the main topic. Koestler says this,” said Mr. K, opening the page of “Holon Revolution.”

“… Homo sapiens is an abnormal species affected by a disease that does not fit the theory of evolution… Looking at the past records of humankind and according to modern brain science, Homo sapiens is at the final stage of explosion.” Something went wrong at a certain point, and the human body (more specifically, the neural circuits) had a fatal engineering flaw built into it by mistake. Therefore, there is no denying that mankind’s delusional tendencies have continued throughout history. This is a frightening but obvious assumption, and if we are to sincerely pursue the human condition, we cannot look away from it.”

“Therefore, we say that the species will become extinct.

Mr. Kiriyama, what do you think about this?

Do you think humans are an abnormal species with fatal brain design errors, as Koestler says? ”

“No, I don’t think so. I think the design was almost perfect.”

“So the design was close to perfect, but it didn’t go as planned?”

“Yes. So, as Koestler himself has said, there is another theory: “Something went wrong at some point when Homo sapiens reached its final explosive stage.” is correct. It was not a design error. The design was almost perfect, but the direction went awry in the middle of evolution. I already pointed this out in “Secrets of Esoteric Buddhism and Psychic Powers.” “I’m here”

“Please be specific”

“Humans have a spiritual part in their brains. It is designed that way. Therefore, if this part were to function as designed, humans would become like Koestler said. The river of madness would not have manifested itself. Therefore, we would not have faced the current catastrophe. This region was closed during evolution. , humanity has become extremely stupid.”

“Hmm, that’s a surprising idea.”

“It’s not an idea. It’s a fact.”

“Where is that spiritual part?”

“The hypothalamus is in the diencephalon, which is the most central part of the cerebrum.

However, for this to work, the special function of the pineal gland, an endocrine gland, is required.

“Is that the theory of a cerebral physiologist?”

“No, that’s not true. This is a discovery I made through my own training experience. I came to this understanding by referring to the training of Kundalini Yoga in India and Tibetan Esoteric Buddhism. Brain physiology has not yet reached that point. However, American scholar J.D. Radcliffe, an authority on hormone secretion, says something interesting in his book “The Wonders of the Human Body” (Shogakukan).

“The pineal gland, whose function is only beginning to be understood, is a small cone-shaped gland attached to the underside of the brain, and is thought to be the remains of a third eye that humans inherited from their primitive ancestors. It is said that there is

Do you know about the third eye? ”

“I read a book with that title a long time ago.An Englishman called it Chippe.Chapter 1: Contradiction between “Holon Revolution” and “Secrets of Esoteric Buddhism and Psychic Powers”–111 111-

It became a bestseller because it tells the story of a man who trained in esoteric Buddhism with a lama in India and had a third eye between his eyebrows that allowed him to see the four-dimensional world and the spiritual world. I don’t remember much of the content anymore, but I do remember reading it.

“That’s right, but in “Secrets of Esoteric Buddhism and Psychic Powers,” I quote this article by Ratcliffe and say, in the chapter “Third Eye and Hormones,”

“Perhaps people may think that the term “third eye” is nothing short of fantastical and absurd. However, humans did indeed have a third eye. He really has it. As he carefully examines the endocrine glands, which play the most important role in the human body, this becomes clear.

Humans do indeed have a third eye, and it is not a “residue,” as J.D. Ratcliffe put it, but it can actually be used even today. It is even possible to “see”. Recent scientific experiments have proven this. Before introducing the recent experiments, let’s take a closer look at the endocrine glands, which work in mysterious ways. Isn’t it?”

This is what he says.”

“Is that third eye the spiritual part you are talking about?”

“No, it’s a little different. There is a close relationship, but it’s a little different. The third eye is the pineal gland, as Ratcliffe said.The place of spirituality for me is the thalamus, which is a little deeper than that. It’s at the bottom.”

“What’s the difference?”

“To put it simply, the third eye is an eye that has the ability to perceive, see, and hear various phenomena in the spiritual dimension.The hypothalamus is the eye that controls it. In other words, you would have thought that it had to do with the normal relationship between the eyes and the brain that we have today.”

“I see”

“In “Secrets of Esoteric Buddhism and Psychic Powers,” I elucidate why the hypothalamus is a spiritual “field” from three aspects: physiology, hormone secretion, and enzyme pharmacology. When the hypothalamus works in conjunction with the third eye, humans manifest spirituality.At its ultimate level, as mentioned in “The Secret of Esoteric Buddhism and Psychic Powers”, we reach Kami and Hotoke. Human beings had a spiritual place in their “dencephalon”, which is located between the neocortex, which is the place of intellect and reason, and the limbic system, which is the seat of instinct. Human beings are able to maintain balance. However, during this time, humans lost the spiritual space in their brains.”


“However, there were people who knew this. The representative of them was Shaka. Shaka completed a system to redevelop this spiritual place under the name ‘Buddhist attainment method.’ Ancient Esoteric Buddhism Confrontation between the received L Chapter 1 “Holon Revolution” and “Secret of Esoteric Buddhism and Psychic Powers” —7

“Why do you insist on ancient esoteric Buddhism?”

“Later generations of esoteric Buddhism were influenced by Mahayana Buddhism and stylized the system that Shaka taught. They ended up creating something completely different.”

“I see”

“However, Buddhist statues and paintings convey the representations of ancient esoteric Buddhism. This is why many esoteric Buddhist statues have a third eye.”

“Um, those eyes are between your eyebrows?”

“That’s right. The Buddhist statue that can be called the representative of esoteric Buddhism is Makishura.

(Maheshvara), which is translated into Chinese as “Daizaiten” and is considered to be the great presiding deity of the universe. There is a third eye between the eyebrows, so there are three eyes in total. We have two eyes. One of these two eyes is the eye that connects to the limbic brain, and the other is the eye that connects to the neocortical brain, and these two eyes work together as a pair to see the phenomenal world (material world). is. In addition to these, there was actually another eye. It is the spiritual eye that connects to the hypothalamus of the diencephalon, and is the eye that sees the spiritual world. This is what is called the third.”

“So, at the same time that the third eye became a ‘remnant’, does that mean that the ‘field’ of spirituality you mentioned also ceased to function?”

“Yes, but you could say that because the “field” of spirituality was closed and stopped working, the third eye also stopped working and became just a “remnant.” , since they are closely correlated, IL


Mr. K thought about it for a while, but


He tilted his head.

“Why have humans lost their spiritual place? I can’t think of it as degeneration.

picture. Human mental activity has evolved and progressed at an extremely rapid rate since primitive times, so it cannot be considered as a degeneration.

“Is that the reason?” I said.

Why did the “third eye” disappear?

“Of course, there is a big reason why the third eye has been closed.The “field” of spirituality, as I call it, is located in the hypothalamus of the diencephalon; It is a mental region where we control our emotions and instincts, sometimes denying ourselves, and yearning for something more sublime.In that case, you might say that it is a region of the neocortex.That is not the case.

Neocortical intelligence thinks about God (analyzes and explains) and tries to understand Buddha, but spirituality is a tendency to become one with God and try to assimilate with Buddha. It is clearly different from that of the neocortex.

In the words of Dr. Tokizane, whether the neocortex is alive or not, intelligence aims at “living better” and “living higher” (see illustration on page 64). I will take creative action to achieve this goal. As a result, what was created is philosophy (and ethics and morality) in the spiritual sense, and science (and technology) in the physical sense. In other words, “living better” gave rise to science and technology, and “living higher” gave rise to philosophy and ethics. However, philosophy and ethics are currently at a complete stalemate.

Although we loudly complain about the problems facing humanity today, we are unable to provide any answers.

On the other hand, the neocortex’s goal of “living better” has become a pursuit of “more convenient” and “faster.” Look. Modern society is a neocortical civilization and a product of the neocortex, but the goals of modern society are “more convenient” and “faster.” It would be To. Every company on earth is working like a mad father to achieve this goal. Although the neocortex knows that this will eventually strangle its own neck, it cannot stop it. This is because, long ago, the neocortex itself had suppressed the function of the brain that suppressed this, the “field” of spirituality.” “Is that possible?”

“Such a phenomenon always occurs in the cerebrum. For example, as animals become more advanced, the neocortex develops, so the old cortex is gradually pushed to the bottom of the cerebral hemisphere, and the paleocortex is inside the cerebral hemisphere. This is a well-established theory in cerebral physiology, and the same phenomenon occurred in the human brain.

The neocortex has suppressed the diencephalon under the guise that it is the progress and evolution of humanity and will lead to peace and prosperity. Coming up with such logic is something the neocortex is good at.

I said earlier that spirituality is a spiritual realm in which we control and sometimes even deny our material desires and instincts, and aspire to something more sublime. It applies the brakes to. Depending on how you think about it, you could say it’s the enemy of the neocortex. Therefore, the neocortex did its best to crush the spiritual field. All human desires (limbic system) are attached to this. This is what human “karma” is all about.

Therefore, those who call themselves intellect still view spirituality and spiritual things as superstitions and are hostile to them. cormorant. When people who call themselves intellectuals hear the word “spirit,” they immediately bar their teeth.

That’s why they come out and bite.”

“I see, I see.”

Mr. K laughed out loud,

“So, when in human history did the neocortical brain crowd out the diencephalon?” he asked.

At a time when intelligence (neo-cortical brain and spiritual face brain) were flourishing at the same time, I asked Mr. K a question.

“Mr. K said earlier that human mental activity has evolved and progressed at an extremely fast pace since primitive times, but is this really true?”

“What do you mean?

“I am from a certain era, much older.








普賢延命菩薩  延命十句觀音經







  • オン・バザラユセイ・ソワカ (Oṃ vajrāyuṣe svāhā) [注 2][3]




與佛有因 與佛有緣











となうるところの眞言は 觀

いままさに座す觀音光明世界一切の悪因を離れ、もろもろの惡業を捕って觀音妙法實相 の聖













The Bodhisattva of Great Peace and Absolute Truth is said to have the wisdom to produce enlightenment, and it is said that if one enters the meditation established by this Bodhisattva, a life of ease that transcends the limits of time will be created, hence the name “Fugen Prolonged Life.” [4]

Fugen Enmei Bodhisattva is an esoteric Buddhism bodhisattva statue derived from Fugen Bosatsu (an attendant of Shakyamuni Nyorai, who is also enshrined as the Solitary Buddha), and is a Buddhist Bodhisattva statue that is based on the “Fugen Enmei-ho” ritual to pray for disaster prevention, longevity, etc. ” is created as the principal image.


Oṃ vajrāyuṣe svāhā [Note 2][3]


10 prolonging life poems and sounds


sight sound
Namu Buddha
There is a Buddha, there is a Buddha

State of affairs
Buddhist priest green
Morning view sound
everlasting pleasure
evening sight sound
Nennen Yuushinki
thoughts and thoughts
remembrance and detachment




quasi-sleepy sound

Quasi-exhibition meritorious group. Be quiet and be at peace
If you recite it, you will be able to overcome all kinds of difficulties.
No harm to other people. Heaven and
Receive human blessings, palm like a female.
However, in this sense, excess is determined and nothing is equal.

If I were to fulfill the world’s wishes as one of the founders of my vow and great sorrow, I would become a fuss in the midst of my delusional sins.
Don’t go back to the main list and throw away your great sadness.


The shape that Kannon is currently making is

Kanon Myoho Reality The aspect of Buddhist objects

The thought I have is Kanon Myochi
Great wisdom.

The true word that comes to mind is visible
Great Divine Spell of Vision

I am satisfied with all the three Cs.
Right now, I am sitting in the world of Guan Yin Light, detaching myself from all evil causes, catching all the evil deeds, and becoming the holy spirit of Guan Yin Myoho, the reality of reality.
Because there is no evil cause in the mind, and there is no harm in the body, there is nothing in the mind.

without sadness,

without anger,

Don’t be afraid,

Without arrogance,

Without any pain in my body,

without suffering,

All demonic obstacles and enemies will be expelled, and everything will be cleared both inside and outside.

The painful enemy is gone, and everything is safe both inside and outside.

Light-enlightening Samadhi action
Immediately, all evil will come to pass, and Buddha will come to pass.
Shami taste

Words (ten chants)


 Japan journal
Send Japanese Buddhismニルヴァーナを智慧と慈悲をめざす。”Nirvana aims for wisdom and compassion.”

脳と心の革命瞑想Revolutionary meditation for the brain and mind  ヒトを改造する技術 求閒持聪明法秘伝 Techniques for modifying humans: Secret secrets of the secret method of arranging a human body





Shingon Esoteric Buddhism meditation method
Become one with the great life of the universe



「密教の一字禅」などともいわれ、前に述べた摩訶止観の瞑想にマンダラ (図画) という目標をあたえたものと思えばよい。(だから、前述の小止観の作法につづい て、この阿字観をやればよいのである)

真言密教では「」という文字に神秘的な力があるとしている。どうしてかと いう論議がいろいろなされているが、ここでは略す。


わが心に月輪を観ず 月輪の上に阿字を観ず



宝珠 法界に逼満して口に阿字を誦す



この清涼寂静の満月輪に、神秘不可思議の力を有する字と、仏法のさとりを あらわす蓮花とをあわせ、これとわが心をひとつに合致せしめて、わが心を清涼

静ならしめ、字の不可思議なる力と仏法のさとりと一体になろうとするわけで ある。

そこで、瞑想の目標(本尊)として、満月輪に字と蓮花をえがいた図画を用 いる。



月輪の相は一尺一寸二分 (約三六九センチ)にえがいて、 月輪の中に蓮花をえが その上に字を書いて本尊とする。

座った座から字の中ほどまで、一尺六寸(約五二・ハセンチ)ばかりのところ に本尊をかける。本尊と行者との間隔は、八寸(約二六四センチ)から四尺(約一 三ニセンチ)までの間なら行者の自由にしてよい。


座にはふとんを敷いて、その上に半跏趺座で座る。手には法界定 印をむすぶ。 座ったら、からだを前後左右へ二、三遍ゆるがしてみて、心にとどこおることのな いようにして、耳と肩とひとしく、鼻とヘソとひとしくして、両方の瞳で鼻柱を守 るようにする。

柱を守るようにするとは、視線が鼻端の上部を通じて本尊(月輪)の中心にそ そがれるようにすることである。舌を上の顎につければ、息もおのずから静かにな

る。 腰はそらず、伏せず、まっすぐに座して、脈道(血液の循環)をよくするよう

次に、 数珠を二、三遍摺りながら、礼拝の真言、

「オン サラバ タタギャタ ハンナマンナ ノウ キャロ ミ」をとなえる。






上 誓願 証、自他法界同利益


次に、 法界定印をむすんでヘソの前に置き、観念せよ。

まず、わが心中に白色円明の月輪あり。 月輪の中に蓮花あり。 蓮花の上に字





次に観ぜよ。 この字・蓮花・月輪しだいに広く、しだいに大にして、三千大 千世界ないし法界に周遍すると観じてのち、にわかに本尊と心とを忘れて、無分別 (無念無想)に住すべし。


大宇宙にした字・蓮花・月輪をしだいにまきちぢめて、元の量 (一尺一寸二分)の大きさにおさめ、それを自身の胸の中に安置し奉ると観じる。

このとき、すなわち、身と心とを忘れて、ただ無分別(無念無想)に住す。 その あと、疲れるのを期として、定に入った瞑想を止め、念珠を摺って、祈念すべ



おむかえした仏を本宮の浄土に送り奉り、自心の仏を自心の本宮に送り奉ると観 大悲心 (慈悲の心に住して道場を出ずべし。以上。

観念瞑想が終わって座を立とうとするときは、座に座ったまま頭から足下に至る まで、上からしだいに身をなで、脈道をおぎなってから、座を立つようにせよ。 そ うしないと病を発することがある。







いずれでもよいが、2の方法がよいように思う。ただし、ア、 ととなえるといっ

でも、それは声に出してアをとなえるわけではない。心の中で静かにアの音をとな えるのである。

この瞑想のいちばんの眼目(急所)は、この“広観”と“観”である。 本尊を観じて行者と一体になった字・蓮花・月輪をだんだん拡大して、つい には三千大千世界、この大宇宙いっぱいにひろげる観想を広観といい、その大宇宙 いっぱいにひろがった本尊を、もとの一肘量の大きさにめる観想を観という。 煮”とは、ちぢめて小さくするという意味である。

真言密教のアジャリは、この広観の観想を、本尊のみが宇宙大にひろがってい 修行者はそれを見ているようなかたちとして解説される。たとえば、

行者の眼の前にある阿字観の本尊を、眼をつぶっても、瞼の裏、ないしは胸 中にはっきりと見え得るほどに、本尊と不二一体となって観想するのが阿字観法のありかたであるが、今度はそのように行者と不二一体となった本尊を、だ んだんと拡大していき、虚空一杯にひろげて言ったら、その極限はどうなるの であろうか。結局は、それは無限大のものとなってしまい、眼識、意識等の対 象としての条件をなくして了うのである。

字としてのアの形や、円形としての月輪が見える間は、まだそれは無限大と なっていないのである。無限大のものとなるがためには、行者の上方にも、下 方にも、前にも後にも、左右の両横にも、絆前や斜後にも、斜上や斜下にも、 すべての方向に本尊がひろがっていかねばならず、人間がその眼識や意識で物 事を認識(にんしきみとめる)するためには、そのような十方世界へのひ ろがりの真只中にあっては、けっしてそれを一定の形として受け取り得なくな るのである。

人間は自分の後方の文字は読めず、頭上の形は視線を向けねば見えず、まし 上下前後左右一挙に物を認識することは不可能である。 そこで阿字観の本尊 無限大にひろげていくことは、阿字観の本尊と行者が不二一体となったま

ま、ア、蓮、月の形を越えた精神統一の無的境地へと突入するための手段であ ろうと思う。

それはあたかも、人間の小さな計らいを捨てて、仏陀の無分別智に身をゆだ ねようとする行為に似ている。対象を虚空大にひろげてしまったら、その 対象は無的になる。無的になった対象を観ずるということは、無念無想、すな わち何も思わぬ状態になることと等しい。 観想中に何も思わぬ状態になったと き、人間に体感可能な体で感じられるのは)自己の心の働きそのものであ (大野峻覧 「阿字観の手びき』) る。


それは、字・蓮花月輪といっしょに、修行者自身もひろがっていって、大 宇宙いっぱいに満してしまうという観想のしかたである。





自身もいっしょに拡大していかねばならない。 行者だけとり残されてしまったら、 不二一体感が破れてしまって、そのあとの観想がチグハグになってしまう。

ここはどこまでも不二一体を破らずに行者自身もどんどん拡大していって、 大宇 いっぱいに周するのがよいように思われる。

阿字とはなにかというと、「阿字本不生」といって、ひと口でいうと、本不生と は「宇宙の大生命」「永遠の生命」といった意味である。 その宇宙の大生命のシ ンボルである字蓮花月輪の本尊が、いま行者の観想によって生命を吹き まれ、大宇宙に遍満したのである。

修行者もその生命と一体になって、いまや大宇宙に満する大生命になった と観想するのも生き生きとした瞑想になるのではなかろうか。

もちろん、大野師の伝統的な解釈もすばらしいし、読者は、そのいずれをもとっ て、自由に瞑想にふけられたらよろしいと思う。 いや、ここのところはあまりむず かしい理屈は考えず、読者は自由にのびのびと心を遊ばせて、宇宙の大生命と一体になる恍惚感を味わわれるがよろしいのだ。ここにあげた二つの解釈のほかにも、


大宇宙いっぱいにひろがった自分オヤ、爪さきのあたりを蚊のようなものが 飛んでいくぞ、なんだ、ジャンボジェットか、おやおや、ウチの社長が乗ってい るぞ、なあんだ、ケシ粒みたいなヤツだ、うわっはっはっは、 と、 ノイローゼもヒ ステリーも吹きとんでしまう。どえらい企画やアイデアもとび出すかもしれない。




ついでかんじんなのは、大宇宙に遍満した字・蓮花月輪の本尊と自分をも の大きさにもどして、それから本尊を自分の心の中におさめ、安置して、またこ


これによって、阿字観の瞑想からはなれて日常生活にもどったのちも、一点のく もりもない満月輪のすがすがしく清らかな心と、阿字本不生の大生命の力と、また 仏法のさとりとつねに一体の自分なのである。が、まあ、むずかしい理屈はよいか ら、理屈ぬきにまず座って、やってごらんなさい。 モヤモヤなんぞはどこかにふき とんでしまう。これで、胃カイヨウや高血圧のなおった人が無数にいる。それに、 第一こせこせしなくなるだけでも気持ちがよいはずだ。


Shingon Esoteric Buddhism meditation method
Become one with the great life of the universe

It is also called “one-character Zen of esoteric Buddhism,” and it can be thought of as the goal of mandalas (drawings) given to the meditation of Makatokan mentioned earlier. (Therefore, following the etiquette of Kodomekan mentioned above, you should do this Ajikan.)

In Shingon Esoteric Buddhism, the character “” is said to have mystical power. There are many discussions about why this is the case, but I will omit it here.

Keika Ajari, the teacher of Kobo Daishi Kukai,

I don’t see a moon ring in my heart, I don’t see an Aji on the moon ring.

Changes to Aji and becomes Nyoi Hoju

It has said.

Treasure jewel: Recite the A character in your mouth while being satisfied with the Dharma world.

In short, this is a meditation.

The full moon ring is pure and clear, giving us a feeling of coolness and tranquility.

In this full moon ring of coolness and tranquility, I combine the characters with mystical and mysterious power and the lotus flower, which represents the wisdom of Buddhism, and unite this with my heart to refresh my heart.

He is a man who seeks to calm down and become one with the mysterious power of writing and the wisdom of Buddhism.

Therefore, as the goal (principal image) of meditation, a drawing of a full moon ring with calligraphy and a lotus flower is used.

Let’s try marking it based on a book of etiquette from long ago.

Ajikan practice using mandala

The aspect of the moon ring is drawn on a length of 1 shaku, 1 sun and 2 minutes (approximately 369 centimeters), and a lotus flower is drawn inside the moon ring, and characters are written on top of it as the principal image.

The principal image is hung about 1 shaku and 6 sun (approximately 52 ha centimeters) from the seat where the person is sitting to the middle of the character. The distance between the principal image and the practitioner may be between eight inches (approximately 264 centimeters) and four shaku (approximately 13 centimeters), as determined by the practitioner.


Spread a futon on your seat and sit on it in a half-prone position. He has a legal seal attached to his hand. When you sit down, try to move your body forward, backward, left and right a few times, as if you were in the same position as he is in your heart. Make sure to protect the pillars.

Protecting the pillar means directing the line of sight through the upper part of the nose to the center of the principal image (moon ring). If you touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth, your breath will automatically become quieter.

Ru. Sit up straight without bending your back or bending down to improve your blood circulation.

Next, while rubbing the beads two or three times, say the mantra of worship,

They chant “On Sarava tatagyata Hanamanna no kyalo mi”.

Next, self-defense law (if it fits).

Next, join hands and say the five great vows.


Boundless Vow of Sentient Beings, Blessed Wisdom Boundless Vow Collection, Dharma Gate Boundless Vow Awakening Tathagata Boundless Vow, Bodhi Nothing

How to prepare for the hospital

Above oath certificate, same interest in both the legal world and others

Next, recite the mantra of the Five Characters of the Womb World, Abi La Un Ken, 100 times.

Next, place the Dharma Seal in front of your navel and contemplate it.

First of all, there is a moon ring of white light in my heart. There is a lotus flower inside the moon ring. letters on lotus flower

can be. The character of the heart of the principal image, lotus, moon ring, and the character of my heart, the lotus flower, and the moon ring, and the symbol of sentient beings.

Open your eyes and look at the principal image, seeing it as equal and non-dutiary with the lotus moon ring.

Close your eyes and watch it again in your heart.

In this way, the number of things you can see with your eyes open and with your eyes closed.

Watch it next time. After seeing this character, the lotus flower, and the moon ring gradually becoming wider and larger, and going around the three thousand great worlds or Dharma worlds, I suddenly forgot the principal image and the mind, and thoughtlessly (with no regrets). I should live there.

Let’s watch it again after a while.

Gradually shrink the letters, lotus flower, and moon ring that have been made into a macrocosm, reduce them to their original size (1 foot, 1 inch, and 2 minutes), and enshrine them in your own chest.

At this time, one forgets one’s body and mind and lives in a state of mindlessness. After that, when I felt tired, I stopped my regular meditation, rubbed my prayer beads, and prayed.

Next is self-defense (putting your palms together is fine).

Next, join your hands in prayer.

Send the Buddha you have received to the Pure Land of the main shrine, and send the Buddha of your own mind to the main shrine of your own mind to dedicate it.

When you are about to get up from your seat after completing conceptual meditation, gradually stroke your body from the top down, from your head to your feet, while you are seated, until you are able to reach your veins, and then get up from your seat. If you don’t take care of it, you may get sick.

How to do Ajikan meditation that anyone can do

〈Broad view and drinking view〉

It is said that there are three ways of breathing during Ajikan practice.

1. How to feel each breath as it goes in and out

2. How to flap your wings with each breath

3. This is the method of Agokan, in which you say “a” on your outgoing breath and “un” on your incoming breath.

Either method is fine, but I think method 2 is better. However, if you say a.

But that doesn’t mean you can say a out loud. Silently make the sound of a in your heart.

The most important points (vital points) of this meditation are this “broad view” and “conception.” Looking at the principal image and gradually expanding the characters, lotus flowers, and moon rings that have become one with the practitioner, the contemplation that eventually spreads out to the 3,000, 1,000 worlds, this vast universe is called wide-viewing, and the idea that it expands to fill the entire universe. The contemplation of reducing the principal image to its original size is called kan. “Ni” means to shrink and make it smaller.

Ajari in Shingon Esoteric Buddhism explains this wide-ranging contemplation as a form in which only the principal image extends throughout the universe, and the practitioner sees it. for example,

The Ajikan method involves contemplating the principal image of Ajikan that is in front of the practitioner’s eyes, becoming one with the principal image so that even if one closes the eyes, one can clearly see it behind the eyelids or in the chest. However, if we were to gradually expand the principal image that has become one with the ascetic and spread it out to fill the void, what would its ultimate state be? . In the end, it becomes something infinitely large, and it loses its condition as an object of discernment, consciousness, etc.

While he can see the shape of the letter A and the moon ring as a circle, he has not yet realized that it is infinite. In order to become infinite, we must move above and below the ascetic, in front of us, behind us, on both sides of us, in front of our bonds, behind us, above us and below us. The principal image must spread in all directions, and in order for humans to perceive things with their discernment and consciousness, they must be in the midst of such spread into the ten directions. If we do so, we will never be able to accept it as a fixed form.

A human being cannot read letters behind him, he cannot see shapes above him unless he turns his gaze, and it is impossible for him to recognize things all at once, up, down, front, back, left, and right. Therefore, the principle image of Ajikan will expand to infinity as the principal image of Ajikan and the practitioner become one.

Well, I think it is a means to enter a state of spiritual unity that transcends the shapes of the lotus and the moon.

It is as if he were trying to sleep, abandoning his petty human plans and surrendering to the unwise wisdom of the Buddha. If an object expands into the void, it becomes meaningless. To look at an object that has become empty is equivalent to being without regret, in other words, in a state where one does not think of anything. He said that during contemplation, he entered a state where he could not think of anything, and what he felt with his human body was the very workings of his own mind (Shunran Ohno, “Ajikan’s Handbook”).

I see, that seems to be the case. However, I have another opinion.

This is a method of contemplation in which the practitioner himself, along with the characters and lotus moon ring, expands and fills the universe.

Since the ascetic and the principal image are one and the same, as the principal image expands, the ascetic and the principal image become one.


sense of imprudence


We must also expand ourselves. If only the ascetic is left behind, the sense of non-duality will be broken, and the subsequent contemplation will become chaotic.

It seems to me that it would be best for the ascetics to continue to expand here, without ever breaking the concept of Fujitchi, and to travel around as many times as possible.

What Aji means is “Aji Honfusei.” Simply put, Honfusei means “the great life of the universe” and “eternal life.” The principal image of the Lotus Moon Wheel, which is a symbol of the great life of the universe, has now been brought to life through the contemplation of practitioners, and has pervaded the great cosmos.

Ascetics become one with that life, and contemplating him, who has now become a great life that fills the universe, can be a lively meditation.

Of course, Ohno Shi’s traditional interpretations are also wonderful, and I hope readers can meditate freely on either of them. No, at this point I don’t think too much about his complicated logic, and I think readers are welcome to let their minds play freely and experience the ecstasy of becoming one with the great life of the universe. In addition to the two interpretations given here,

Readers may enjoy free and unrestrained meditation.

My father is spread out across the cosmos, and something like a mosquito flies past my fingernails. What is this? It’s a jumbo jet. Oh, my president is on board, and he’s on it. What, a poppy grain? He’s like that, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa You might even come up with some crazy plans or ideas.

Therefore, what is disturbing is the sense of imprudence that emerges here.

“… suddenly forget the principal image and the heart, and live indiscriminately.”

At this point, you enter a state of regret and thought that is similar to ecstasy. I am in a state of complete selflessness.

Another interesting thing to do is to restore the principal image of the lotus moon wheel, which is a character that pervades the universe, and yourself to its size, and then place the principal image in your heart, enshrine it, and return to it again.

At this point, one’s body and mind become separated and one enters into a sense of non-judgment for a while.

As a result, even after leaving the meditation of Ajikan and returning to daily life, one can still experience the refreshing and pure mind of the pure full moon, the power of Ajibon’s great life, and the knowledge of Buddhism. You are always one and the same. But, hey, don’t worry about difficult logic. First, sit down and try it without any logic. He wipes away his confusion and flies away. With this, countless people have recovered from stomach problems and high blood pressure. Besides, it would probably feel good just to not be so nervous in the first place.


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