

おそるべき運命の反覆 家庭の崩壊は社会の崩壊 A terrible reversal of fate The collapse of the family is the collapse of society

このフロイトの理論のなかのさまざまな影響と暗示のなかに、リボット・ソン デイのいう「特殊な祖先の欲求」 つまり、霊障のホトケによる抑圧があるとわたくし は考えるのである。その結果、子供のこころの深奥に、抑圧や葛藤、そして精神外傷 が生ずる。あるいは、抑圧や葛藤や精神外傷を避けて、こころの深奥(無意識の中) に逃げこんでしまう場合もある。しかし、これらのものは、そこにいつまでもじっと おとなしくひそんでいるということはない。 表面に出る機会をつねにうかがっている のである。 子供自体はもちろんのこと、おとなになってからも、かれはそれらのこと なにも思い出せないし、気づきもしない。 しかし、かれが気づかなくても、それら はかれの行動にたえず影響をおよぼし、かれを動かしているのである。

つまり、ヒューストン・リードの人生は、子供のころから、つねに、この抑圧と 藤の谷間をさまよいつづけていたといってもよいであろう。

かれの六十年の人生は、夢遊病者のそれとそうちがいのないものであって、ほんと うの人生はいまはじまったのだとわたくしがいったのは、このためなのである。

ヒューストン氏は幸いにしてそこから脱出することができた。守護仏によって救い 出されたのである。

しかし、こういう抑圧と葛藤の暗い谷間を、苦しみながらさまよいつづけている不 幸な人びとが、じつに多くいるのである。あなたの周囲にも、かならず何人かいるは ずである。いや、あなた自身がそうであるかも知れない。そういう不幸なひとたちは どうしたらいいのか?


こういうひとたちの苦しみは、そうでないひとたちにはまったく不可解なものであ るといってよい。とうてい理解できないであろう。

その内面世界はつねに暗鬱であり、絶望感に覆われている。得意の知れない焦燥感 にかられてつねにいらいらしている。 これという理由もなしに、突然、すさまじい怨 の情やの念にかりたてられたり、一転して悲しみのどん底にたたき落とされたりする。そうかと思うとまた一転して、手のつけられないような様の状態になったり する。 それでいてかれらは決して精神病者ではないのである。

その特徴はすべてに衝動的である。考慮するということが、ないのではない。 しか しすぐに衝動がそれをうち消す。

そういう抑圧と葛藤からのがれるために、アルコールに走ることが多い。最近は、 シンナーや麻薬が多いようである。また、暴力行為、犯罪行為に奔るものもすくなく ない。

そこまでいかないにしても、大なり小なりこういう精神負担を背負っている人間 が、平穏無事な人生をあゆむことができないのは当然であろう。

そのなかには、卓抜した才能や、すぐれた素質を持ったひともすくなからずいる。 そういうひとほど、つきあげてくる衝動や抑圧とたたかうために、葛藤がひどく、自 暴自棄になって、性格破綻者のようになってしまいやすい。しかし、どうしてそうな るのか。自分自身も周囲のものも、まったくわからないのである。 精神科の医師の診 断をうけても、精神病ではないという診断がくだされる。精神病的ではあっても、精神病者ではないから、治療の方法がないのである。せいぜい精神安定剤をあたえるく らいであるが、そういうもので安定は得られない。いよいよ病気になっていくくらい がオチである。

本人はもとよりだが、その巻きぞえになる家族たちの苦しみも、想像以上のものが ある。一家心中を考えた家族たちもかぞえきれないくらいである。

卓抜した意志の力や、人なみすぐれた才能により、なんとか、ある程度、抑圧や葛 制御できるひとも、ごく稀れにはあるが、そういうひとたちにしても、不幸、 不 運悲惨な人生をまぬがれることはむずかしい。

精神的なものはなんとか抑制できたとしても、ソンディ理論のいう“運命の反覆” からのがれることができないからである。 霊障のホトケがたどった悲惨な運命を、無 意識のうちにたどってしまうからである。

その無気味なおそろしさを、ソンデイ自身が語っているではないか。悲惨な異母兄 の運命を、かれ自身、知らぬうちにたどりはじめていたのである。天才的なかれの知 能が、その運命の反覆を断ち切った。これは、とうてい常人のできることではない。


おそらくは、異母兄の霊障が、あまり強くなかったのではないかと思われる。 つよい 怨念の霊障であったら、いかなソンディ博士にしても、そうかんたんに消滅させるこ とはできなかったであろう。

この異母兄の霊障は、怨恨のそれではなく、 悔恨からきたものだったと思われる。 つよい怨恨の霊障は、守護仏と、それによる成仏法でないかぎり、 ぜったいといって いいほど、消滅できないものなのである。

なお、ちなみに、ヒューストン・リード氏の霊障は、三代ほど前の縁者で、横変死 し、生前、強度のアル中だったと思われるホトケであった。氏は、もう少しというと ころで、このホトケ”運命の反覆からのがれたのである。 幸いのことであった が、しかし、こういう不幸からのがれられないひとびとが、どれだけ多くいるであろ うか。それはもう、無数といっていいほどである。しかも、それは、日に日にふえつ つあるように思われるのである。

おそろしいのは、とくに、子供や若ものたちのあいだに急速にふえつつあることで ある。これはもう、大きな社会問題であるというべきではないか。



霊障という特殊な抑圧と葛藤を、深層意識の奥ふかく持つ子供と若ものが急激にふ え、そういう子供と若ものをかかえて、崩壊に瀕している家庭が急速にふえつつある のである。あいつぐ家庭の崩壊は、そのまま、社会の崩壊につながるのである。 わたくしたちは、至急、この対策を講じなければならない。

七、八年前から、わたくしは、子供たちのあいだ (大人もふくめて)に「横変死の 因縁」「刑獄の因縁」が急激に増加しつつあることを、講演に、著書に、訴え、かつ、 注意をうながしてきた。

また、五年前、エイズという聞きなれない病気が発表されたとき、わたくしは、霊 をして、この病気は「横変死の因縁」からくるもので、 霊障をともなう病気であ り、いまは表面おさまるが、二、三年後にふたたび社会の表面に出てきたときには、


Among the various influences and allusions in Freud’s theory, I believe that there is what Libot Sondei called the “special ancestral need,” that is, the repression caused by the psychic disorder. The result is repression, conflict, and trauma in the depths of the child’s psyche. Or they may escape into the depths of the mind (into the unconscious), avoiding repression, conflict, and trauma. But these things do not linger there forever in her meekness. She is always on the lookout for an opportunity to come to the surface. Even as an adult, let alone as a child, he cannot remember or notice any of these things. But even if he is unaware of it, they continue to influence and motivate his actions.

In other words, it can be said that Houston Reid’s life has been constantly wandering in this valley of oppression and wisteria ever since he was a child.

His sixty years of life were not much different from those of a sleepwalker, and this is why I said that his life really began now.

Mr. Houston was fortunate enough to escape from there. He was rescued by the Guardian Buddha.

But there are so many unhappy people who continue to suffer and wander through the dark valleys of oppression and conflict. There must be some people around you. Or maybe you yourself are. What should he do with those unfortunate people?

A terrible reversal of fate”

The suffering of such people is utterly incomprehensible to those who are not. You will never understand.

His inner world is always gloomy and covered with despair. I’m always irritated by a feeling of impatience that I don’t know what I’m good at. For no particular reason, I was suddenly spurred on by a terrifying feeling of resentment, or suddenly plunged into the depths of sorrow. When I think about it, it turns around again and becomes a situation where I can’t handle it. And yet they are by no means psychopaths.

Its characteristics are all impulsive. It is not that there is nothing to consider. Only he does and the urge quickly overpowers it.

In order to escape from such oppression and conflict, I often turn to alcohol. Recently, it seems that there are many thinners and drugs. In addition, there are many cases of violent and criminal acts.

Even if it doesn’t go that far, it’s only natural that people who carry such mental burdens, to a greater or lesser degree, can’t lead a peaceful life.

Among them, there are not a few people with outstanding talent and excellent qualities. Such people are more likely to become conflicted, desperate, and character-destroyed as they struggle with the urges and repressions that arise. But why is he like that? They are completely unaware of themselves and their surroundings. Even if you are diagnosed by a psychiatrist, you will be diagnosed as not having a mental illness. Even if they are psychotic, they are not psychopaths, so there is no cure. The best he can do is to give him tranquilizers, but they do not give him stability. The point is that you will eventually fall ill.

Not to mention the person himself, but the suffering of the family members who are involved in it is more than you can imagine. There are too many families who have considered family suicides.

There are very few people who can manage to some degree of repression and conflict through their outstanding willpower and extraordinary talent, but even such people can avoid misfortune and misfortune in their lives. It is difficult.

This is because, even if we manage to suppress the mental, we cannot escape from the “reversal of fate” that Sondy theory calls. This is because you will unconsciously follow the tragic fate of the psychic hotoke.

Isn’t Sondei himself talking about that eerie horror? Unknowingly, he had begun to trace the fate of his tragic half-brother. His genius intellect cut off that reversal of fate. This is not something that ordinary people can do.


It is thought that perhaps his half-brother’s mental disorder was not very strong. If it had been a strong grudge, even Dr. Sondy would not have been able to extinguish him so easily.

It is believed that this half-brother’s mental disorder was not due to resentment, but to remorse. The spiritual hindrance of strong resentment cannot be extinguished unless there is a guardian Buddha and a method of attaining Buddhahood through it.

By the way, Mr. Houston Reed’s psychiatric disorder was a relative about three generations ago, who died of a sudden accident and was believed to have been a severe alcoholic during his lifetime. He almost escaped from this reversal of fate. Well, there are already an infinite number of them, and they seem to be increasing day by day.

What is frightening is his rapid rise, especially among children and young people. Shouldn’t this be a big social problem?

The collapse of the family is the collapse of society

If things go on like this, society will eventually collapse.

There is a rapid increase in the number of children and young people who are deeply conscious of the special oppression and conflict of spiritual disorder, and the number of families on the verge of collapse is rapidly increasing with such children and young people. . The collapse of one family after another leads directly to the collapse of society. We must urgently take this measure.

For the past seven or eight years, I have been making a point in my lectures and writings about the rapid increase in the number of children (including adults) who are suffering from “deaths of sideways change” and “facieties of imprisonment”. , and has drawn attention.

Also, five years ago, when an unfamiliar disease called AIDS was announced, I thought to myself, “This disease is caused by the fate of sudden death.” will subside on the surface, but when it reappears on the surface of society two or three years later,

ソンディの心理学の旅: 未知の迷路を解明する  Sondhi’s psychological journey: Unraveling the maze of the unknown




– レオポルド・ソンディは1893年にハンガリー領で生まれ、精神科医として活動した。
– 幼少時代の貧困と複雑な家庭環境が彼の家族の問題に対する過敏さを形成した。
– 医学部を卒業後、実験心理学研究所で助手として働き、記憶実験や知能測定を学んだ。
– ソンディは遺伝学への興味を持ち、精神病理学や精神療法に携わった。
– ナチの迫害により公職追放されるまで、精神病理学教室の講師および精神療法クリニックの医長を務めた。
– ソンディは衝動心理学を創始し、選択テストや衝動病理学を通じて思考精神医学の進化に貢献した。
– 彼の遺伝子記号に基づく「遺伝子の力動過程」を視覚化し、運命分析療法を創始した。
– ソンディは深層心理学を統一し、無意識の層として個人的無意識、集合的無意識、家族的無意識を指摘した。
– ソンディ・テストの結果により、精神分析的解釈、象徴分析的解釈、運命分析的解釈が同時に得られる構造を提唱した。
– 本書はソンディの遺産と方法を心理学徒やカウンセリング学習者に実用的な形で伝えている。

– Leopold Sondy was born in Hungary in 1893 and worked as a psychiatrist.
-His childhood poverty and complicated family environment shaped his sensitivity to family problems.
– After graduating from medical school, he worked as an assistant at the Institute of Experimental Psychology, where he learned memory experiments and intelligence measurement.
– Sondhi developed an interest in genetics and became involved in psychopathology and psychotherapy.
-He served as lecturer in the Department of Psychopathology and medical director of a psychotherapy clinic until he was forced out of his public office due to Nazi persecution.
– Sondhi founded drive psychology and contributed to the evolution of thought psychiatry through choice testing and drive pathology.
-He visualized the “dynamic process of genes” based on his genetic symbol and created fate analysis therapy.
– Sondhi unified deep psychology and pointed out the personal unconscious, collective unconscious, and family unconscious as the unconscious layers.
-Based on the results of the Sondhi test, he proposed a structure in which psychoanalytical, symbolic analytical, and fate analytical interpretations could be obtained simultaneously.
– This book conveys Sondhi’s legacy and methods in a practical way to psychologists and counseling students.




  • レオポルド・ソンディは、1893年、当時のハンガリー領(現チェコスロハキヤ領)のニイトラという町で生まれる。父はユダヤハンガリー人で、靴加工職人であった。彼は12人の同胞中、第12子で、かつ後妻の子であった。4歳の時、プタペストにいる異母兄にひきとられ成育した。その後1944年にナチのユダヤ追放の悲運に会うまでの47年間は、この地にあり、教育もこの地で受けたが、幼少時代からの貧困で複雑な家庭環境は、とりわけ異母兄夫婦のいさかいを見るにつけ、彼をして家族の問題に過敏にさせる素地を形成していった。
  • 1911年に高校を卒業と同時に、医科進学のための国家試験に合格。1919年ブタペスト大学医学部より学位を取得している。
  • 大戦後は、プタペスト大学のランシュブルグ教授が主宰する実験心理学研究所の助手にもなり、記憶実験や知能測定の実際を学んだ。最初の公刊論文は、この助手時代の成果である『欠陥知能』であった。
  • 1927年、プタベストの治療教育大学の精神病理学教室の講師に任ぜられ、同時に精神療法クリニックの医長も兼務し、1941年、ナチの追害による公職追放にあうまで、この地位にあった。この14年間は、ハンガリー時代における精神科医としての、もっとも充実した活動の期間でもあった。ことに精神薄弱児の治療と教育に関連しての体質学への関心は、遺伝学への興味となり、ミュンヘン大学のルーディン一派の家系研究に傾倒した。やがて無意識の遺伝学として、配偶者選択や職業選択のあり方に注目させ、ソンディをして生涯のテーマである運命分析学の臨床家たらしめることになった。



1. ソンディはフロイトの精神分析の本質である「無意識の抑圧と防衛の力動過程」の構造を,思考や観念ではなく目に見える形で表現する選択テストを創案すると同時に,その理論として衝動の選択心理学を創始した.そして,その認識方法を,精神の治療面と診断面で実用化する衝動病理学,衝動診断学を展開し,それによって思考精神医学の退路を遮断,実用精神医学への道を開いた.選択は運命であるゆえ,それは運命分析へと発展したのである.

2. フロイトがいろいろな局面で言及し,立ち止まらざるを得なかった原因,つまり分析を困難ならしめる「素因的なもの」というのは,「いろいろな無意識層のうち特に祖先から伝わり現在その個人の精神に成り変わって自演している厄介な衝動の振る舞い」にほかならなかった.これはソンディ心理学において8個の遺伝子記号の様態で表現される.この「遺伝子の力動過程」を,構造的に視覚化する方法,およびその認識を治療面で実用する運命分析療法を創始し,「終わりなき分析」を終結させる方法を完成した.

要約すれば,ソンディは,フロィトが1905年以来,本能と明確に区別して追求した「衝動 1)」のふるまいを研究し,次のような衝動学の全体系を完成させたのである.








Leopold Sondi was born in 1893 in the town of Nyitra in what was then Hungary (now Czechoslovakia). His father was a Hungarian Jew and a shoemaker. He was the twelfth child of twelve brethren, and the son of his second wife. When he was four years old, he was taken in by his half-brother in Ptapest to grow up. After that, he lived here for 47 years until he met the fate of the Nazis’ expulsion of the Jews in 1944, and was educated there, but his family was poor and had a complicated family environment from an early age, especially when there were conflicts between his half-brother and his wife. The more I watched him, the more I developed a tendency to make him sensitive to family problems.
Upon graduating from high school in 1911, he passed the national exam to enter medicine. He received his degree from Budapest University Faculty of Medicine in 1919.
After the war, he also became an assistant at the Institute of Experimental Psychology headed by Professor Ranschburg at the University of Putapest, where he learned the practicalities of memory experiments and intelligence measurement. His first published paper was “Defective Intelligence,” which was the result of his time as an assistant.
In 1927, he was appointed lecturer in the Department of Psychopathology at the University of Therapeutic Education in Ptavest, and at the same time served as medical director of the psychotherapeutic clinic, a position he held until 1941, when he was expelled from public office due to Nazi persecution. . These 14 years were also the most fulfilling period of his career as a psychiatrist during his Hungarian years. His interest in constitutional science, especially in relation to the treatment and education of mentally retarded children, led to his interest in genetics and to the genealogical studies of the Rudin family at the University of Munich. Eventually, he drew attention to the way we choose our spouse and career as a result of unconscious genetics, and made Sondhi a clinician in fate analysis, which was the theme of his life.




1. Sondhi created a multiple-choice test that expressed the structure of the “dynamic process of unconscious repression and defense,” which is the essence of Freud’s psychoanalysis, in a visible form rather than through thoughts or ideas. Founded choice psychology. He developed impulse pathology and impulse diagnosis to put his cognitive methods into practical use in the therapeutic and diagnostic aspects of the psyche, thereby blocking the retreat of thinking psychiatry and paving the way for practical psychiatry. . Since choice is fate, it evolved into fate analysis.

2. The “predispositional factors,” which Freud mentioned in various situations and which he had no choice but to stop at, that make analysis difficult, are “particularly the various unconscious layers that have been passed down from ancestors and are currently present in the individual.” It was nothing but the behavior of troublesome impulses acting out themselves in the guise of a spirit. This is expressed in the form of eight genetic symbols in Sondhi psychology. He created a method to structurally visualize this “genetic dynamic process,” and a fate analysis therapy that puts this recognition into practical use in treatment, and completed a method to end “endless analysis.”

In summary, Sondhi studied the behavior of “drives 1),” which Freud had pursued since 1905, clearly distinguishing them from instincts, and completed the following overall system of drive theory.

Impulse Psychology ——– “Psychology of Impulse Factors and Pectas” and “Experimental Syndrome Theory”
Impulse measurement———“Sondhi test” instruments, methods, and general interpretation methods
Impulse diagnosis ——– “Experimental impulse diagnosis” and “Linnaean table”, special interpretation method
Impulse pathology ——– “Impulsive pathology A, B” and “Ego analysis”
Impulse analysis ——– “Fate analysis”
Impulse therapy ——– “Fate analysis therapy”
As Freud’s true successor, it was only natural that he wanted to unify depth psychology, which was divided into many schools. The three layers of the unconscious that he considered to be the mainstream of deep psychological research were Freud’s personal unconscious, Jung’s collective unconscious, and his own familial unconscious.

Therefore, the three personality profiles obtained as a result of the Sondhi test – foreground, theoretical background, and experimental background – express each unconscious layer. i.e.

Psychoanalytic interpretation (S.Freud)
Symbolic analysis interpretation (C.G.Jung)
Fate analytical interpretation (L.Szondi)
The structure is such that three interpretations can be realized, understood, and explained at the same time.

This book describes the facts and methods by which Sondhi fully accepted and extended Freud’s will and perfected the genetics of the unconscious and diagnosis and treatment in a practical format that is immediately useful for psychologists and those studying counseling. This is what I did. In writing the manuscript, I made full use of the translation work of my predecessors, but while important parts are always based on the original work, there are also many parts where I have added new interpretations based on what I have personally confirmed by meeting Sondhi.

Sondhi’s theories, which are scattered throughout each section of this book, are derived from the main original works listed below.

“Fate Analysis” (1944,1948,1964)
“Sondi Test” (1946)
“Impulsive Pathology A, B” (1951)
“Ego Analysis” (1956)
“Impulsive Linnaean Table” (1960)
“Experimental Impulse Diagnosis” (1960)
“Fate analysis therapy” (1963)
“People who have lost impulse integration” (1














クンダリニー・ヨーガのチャクラ開発と四神足法 Kundalini yoga chakra development and the Four God Foot Techniques


  • クンダリニー・ヨーガでは、チャクラを統合して制御し、超常的な力を得ることが目指される。
  • サハスラーラ・チャクラはクンダリニー・ヨーガの最終目標で、完成した修行者は超人と呼ばれる。
  • 仏陀の頭部が大きく盛り上がった「肉髻」は、サハスラーラ・チャクラの完成を象徴している。
  • 四神足法は欲神足法、勤神足法、心神足法、観神足法の四つの修行法から成り立ち、大聖者に至る。
  • 四神足法の修行者は欲神足法から出発し、精神的能力を高めていく。
  • 釈尊の成仏法において、「法」の中心は四神足法であり、これには五力法が補助として関与する。
  • クンダリニー・ヨーガのチャクラ開発と四神足法の関連があり、各チャクラのエネルギーを統合させる技法が必要とされる。
  • クンダリニーの覚醒は仏陀の成仏法には含まれず、危険で限定的な方法であるため、代わりに安那般那(アーナーパーナ)の法が教えられた。


このチャクラはすべてのチャクラを統合してこれを自由に制御する。 すべての チャクラを自由に制御することができるようになると、彼はしだいに変身する。 クンダリニー・ヨーガでは、これを聖なるものと一体になる、と形容する。 このチャクラに、聖霊が宿り、聖霊と交流するようになるといっている。この チャクラを完成した修行者を、超人、大師、救済者と呼ぶ。 超人は物質世界を超 越し、時間と空間の制限を受けなくなる。

インドでは、仏陀が超人であるとして、このチャクラの完成者であることを、 形を示している。それは、仏像の頭頂がまるで帽子でもかぶったように大きく盛り上がっており、これを「肉髻」と呼ぶ。サハスラーラ・チャクラの修行が 完成して頭骨がこのように発達していることを示すのである。

以上が、 クンダリニー・ヨーガの奥義として伝えられるものである。


ようなものであろうか? とくに、輪廻転生瞑想法の原典である四神足法との関 連はどのようなものであるか。







欲神足法で得た能力をベースに、肉体上の基本的諸条件を、さらに飛躍的に向 上させる修行法。


肉体的能力の向上発達を基に、精神的能力を充実させ、さらに段階的にその能 力を飛躍向上させていく。

すなわち、脳の欠陥部分を補強するための準備段階として、古い脳を人に進化 させる修行法である。ワニとウマの獣性の脳を霊性の脳に変えていくのである。

新しい脳である新皮質を向上させるとともに、霊性の場である間脳を開く。 同時に、 間脳に付属する視床下部と、古い脳辺縁系との神経回路を補充強 化する修行法である。知性と霊性の完全なる融合だ。


四神足法を成就したとき、その修行者は、仏陀に準ずる大聖者となる。業を 超え、因縁を解脱し、生者、死者ともに解脱成仏させる大聖者である。





五力法も修行法であるが、これは、四神足法の補助のようなもので、 四神足法 に対し、つぎのように付随される。

(四神足法) (五力法)







観神足 慧力

四神足法 五力法以外の道品、すなわち、 四念住、四正断、 七覚支、八正道

は、「教え」 である。これらの教えは、四神足法について、つぎのように付随さ れる。


  • 欲神足

四正断 七党支 八正道


勤神足 心神足
















アージュニャー・チャクラ サハスラーラ・チャクラ


それは、四神足法は、 クンダリニー・ヨーガのチャクラを開発しただけでは不 十分だということである。 チャクラを開発すると同時に、各チャクラを統合して

機能させていく技法が必要なのである。 わたくしはいま、非常に重大、という言 葉を使ったが、それはそれ以上、絶対に必要なポイントなのである。



チャクラは、チャクラを覚醒、発動させる技術によって活動を開始し、チャク ラ特有の力を発生する。 しかし、それだけでは、四神足法が目的とする神力(超 常的能力)にまではとうてい、至ることができない。どうしても、これらのチャ クラを統合して、さらにパワーを加圧加増して、重点的にはたらかせる技法が 必要なのである。



1、各チャクラが発生したエネルギーを、自由にコントロールし、かつ、自分 必要とする場所に自在に送達させることのできる回路を持つ。


2、その回路作製を可能ならしめるための神経経路を補強、 さらに、新たにつ




ただし、まったくないのではなく、これに類似した技法がひとつある。 それは、スシュムナー管と、ピンガラ、イダーという気道を使う法である。 クンダリニー・ヨーガというのは、だれもが体内に持つクンダリニーと名づけ 強大な生命の根源力を目ざめさせて、これにより、超常的体力を獲得し、特殊 な精神領域に到達しようとするヨーガである。

クンダリニーは、脊柱のいちばん下部、尾骨のチャクラ (ムーラーダーラ) の部分に、蛇が三巻き半、 とぐろを巻いたようなかたちで眠っている。 クンダリ ニーというのは、「巻かれているもの」という意味である。




ないの延髄にまで届いている。また、スシュムナー管の内側には、ヴァジリニーとよ ばれる気道があり、さらにその内側には、クモの糸のように細かいチトリニとよ ばれる気道がある。

特殊な瞑想・思念・ムドラー・マントラ詠唱などの動作によってチャクラが 発動し、 クンダリニーが目ざめると、クンダリニーは噴火した火のような激しい 勢いで、スシュムナー管を上昇していく。 クンダリニーを Serpent fire (サーペン ト・ファイア、蛇の火) とよぶのも、そこからきているのである。

クンダリニーの目ざめとともに、スシュムナー管の両側にあるピンガラとイ ダーという二つの気道が開き、クンダリニーのエネルギーは、この二つの気道を も螺旋状に上昇していく。この二つの気道は、その後のクンダリニーの力を調 節するはたらきをする。


ので、スシュムナー管、ピンガライダーの両気道を上昇するクンダリニーのエ ネルギーは、最終的に、サハスラーラ・チャクラにまで到達して、その目的を達 するのである。

以上が、 クンダリニー・ヨーガの気道の技法とされるものである。

四神足法も、このクンダリニー・ヨーガの技法を、そのまま使ったらよいので はなかろうか?

そうはいかないのである。単にチャクラを目ざめさせ、そのエネルギーを発動 させただけでは、四神足法の目的を達成することはできないのである。各チャク ラを統合し、そのエネルギーをさらに増幅して目的のものに集中する方法が、 ど うしても必要なのである。


わたくしは、阿含経はもとより、釈尊にまつわるさまざまな伝説に至るまで、 あらゆるものを分析した結果、釈尊の成仏法には、クンダリニー・ヨーガのクン ダリニー覚醒法がもちいられた形跡を発見することができなかった。(彼自身は、それを完全に成就していたであろうが) なぜか?

クンダリニーの覚醒は、あまりにも激烈、過激すぎて、 完全な脳を新しくつく りあげるのには適切でないのである。 クンダリニー・ヨーガは、人間の脳の欠陥を是正する方法ではなく、そこを通り抜けて一挙に、別次元の高度の意識領域に 突入してしまう方法なのである。

これは危険すぎるし、かつ、ごく限られた特殊な人にしかもちいられない方法 であった。

釈尊は、だれでもが実行できる修行法を教えた。一心に修行さえすれば、だれ でもが成仏できる方法を教えたのである。だから、チャクラを使うことはとり入 れたが、 クンダリニー・ヨーガの覚醒法はとり入れなかったのである。 クンダリ ニー・エネルギーは使ったけれども、その方法はまったくちがっていたのであでは、どのようにしたのであろうか?

仏陀の Anāpāna の法



是の如く我れ聞きぬ。一時、仏、舎衛国の祇樹給孤独園に住まいたまえ 雨の時世尊、諸の比丘に告げたまわく 「安那般那の念を修習せよ。 若し 比丘の安那那の念を修習するに多く修習せば身心止息することを得て有 覚、有観、寂滅、 純一にして明分なる想を修習満足す。 何等を安那般那の を修習するに多く修習し巳らば身心止息し、有覚、有観、寂滅、純一にし 明分なる想を修習満足すと為す。是の比丘、若し聚落城邑に依りて止 朝に衣を著け鉢を持ち、村に入りて乞食するに善く其の身を護り、諸 門を守りく心を繋けて住し、乞食し巳つて住処へ還えり、衣鉢を挙げ 足を洗っては林中の閑房の樹下、或は空露地に入りて端身正坐し、念




Kundalini yoga aims to integrate and control the chakras and gain supernatural powers.
Sahasrara Chakra is the ultimate goal of Kundalini Yoga, and practitioners who have achieved it are called superhumans.
The swollen “flesh topknot” on the Buddha’s head symbolizes the completion of the Sahasrara chakra.
The Four God Foot Methods consist of four training methods: Desire God Foot Method, Kinshin Foot Law, Shinshin Foot Law, and Kanshin Foot Law, and lead to becoming a great sage.
Practitioners of the Shishin Ashiho start from the Desireshin Ashiho and increase their mental abilities.
In Shakyamuni Buddha’s method of attaining Buddhahood, the center of the “Dharma” is the Four Gods’ foot method, to which the Five Powers method is involved as an auxiliary.
There is a connection between chakra development in Kundalini Yoga and the Four God Foot Method, which requires a technique that integrates the energy of each chakra.
Kundalini awakening was not part of the Buddha’s Dharma of Buddhahood, and as it was a dangerous and limited method, the Dharma of Annapana was taught instead.


This chakra integrates all chakras and controls them freely. Once he is able to freely control all his chakra, he gradually transforms. In Kundalini Yoga, this is described as becoming one with the sacred. It is said that the Holy Spirit resides in this chakra and that you will be able to communicate with the Holy Spirit. Practitioners who have perfected his chakra are called superhumans, masters, and saviors. Superhumans transcend the material world and are no longer subject to the limitations of time and space.

In India, the Buddha is considered to be a superhuman being and is the perfector of this chakra. The top of the statue’s head is raised as if it were wearing a hat, and this is called the “meat topknot.” This indicates that the cultivation of the Sahasrara chakra has been completed and the skull has developed in this way.

These are the secrets of Kundalini Yoga.

So, what is the relationship between this Kundalini Yoga training method and Shakyamuni Buddha’s Buddhahood method?

In particular, what is its relationship with the Four Gods Foot Method, which is the original source of the reincarnation meditation method?

First, let’s take a look at the Four God Foot Laws.

Explanation of the Four God Foot Laws

Desire foot method

Kushin foot method

Shinshin foot method

Training to perfect the fundamental conditions of human life force, especially in the physical body.

A training method that dramatically improves the basic physical conditions based on the abilities gained through the Desire Foot Method.

Kanshin foot method

Based on the improvement and development of physical abilities, mental abilities will be enriched, and those abilities will be further improved step by step.

In other words, it is a training method that allows the old brain to evolve into a human being as a preparatory step for reinforcing the defective parts of the brain. It transforms the beastly brains of crocodiles and horses into spiritual brains.

It improves the neocortex, the new brain, and opens the diencephalon, the place of spirituality. At the same time, it is a training method that replenishes and strengthens the neural circuits between the hypothalamus, which is attached to the diencephalon, and the old limbic system. It is the perfect fusion of intellect and spirituality.

The above is an outline of the Four God Foot Methods.

When a practitioner achieves the four divine foot practices, he or she becomes a great sage on a par with the Buddha. He is a great sage who transcends karma, liberates from fate, and enables both the living and the dead to attain liberation and Buddhahood.

Can be classified into species.

Shakyamuni Buddha’s training methods for attaining Buddhahood in the Seven Courses and Thirty-Seven Ways can be broadly divided into two parts: “teachings” and “dharma.”

The center of the “Dharma” is the Four God Foot Laws.

No, rather than the center, the law is only the Four Divine Foot Laws.

The five-power method is also a training method, but it is something like an auxiliary method to the four god foot method, and is attached to the four god foot method in the following way.

(Four God Foot Law) (Five Power Law)

greedy legs

Devotion (faith)

God foot –



constant force

Kanshin Foot Keiriki

The four divine foot practices, the teachings other than the five power practices, namely, the fourfold meditation, the four right judgments, the sevenfold enlightenment, and the eightfold path.

is “teaching”. These teachings are annexed to the Shishin Ashiho as follows.

(Furthermore, the Five Root Law is the meditation and practice that is the basis of the Five Power Law.)


greedy feet

Four Right Decisions, Seven Parties, Eightfold Path


Shinshin-ashi Shinshin-ashi

Main sightseeing foot

However, the teachings are no longer necessary for saints who have mastered the Kanshin-ashi, and the Eightfold Path is a teaching that applies to all other practitioners of the Three Divine Foot.

Four God Foot Methods and Kundalini Yoga

Now, how is the above-mentioned training of the Four Gods Ashiho practiced?

It begins with the development of the Kundalini Yoga chakras.

The relationship is as follows.

mooladhara chakra

greedy legs

svadhisthana chakra

God foot

manipura chakra

anahata chakra


Vishuddha chakra

Kanshin foot

ajna chakra sahasrara chakra

That being said, there is something very important here.

This means that it is not enough to develop the chakras of Kundalini Yoga for the Four Gods. Develop your chakras and at the same time integrate each chakra.

We need techniques to make it work. I just used the word “very important,” but it is more than that, it is an absolutely necessary point.

What does that mean?


Chakras are activated by techniques that awaken and activate chakras, generating a power unique to chakras. However, this alone will never reach the level of divine power (supernatural ability) that Shishin Ashiho aims to achieve. There is a need for a technique that integrates these chakras, increases their power even more, and works in a focused manner.

There are two techniques.


1. It has a circuit that allows it to freely control the energy generated by each chakra and send it wherever it is needed.

In particular, circuits for the brain are important.

2. Reinforcement of neural pathways to enable circuit creation, and new connections.

In particular, this is said to “reinforce the neural pathways connecting the neocortex and hypothalamus.”

Indeed, it is an indispensable technique.

These two techniques are not found in Kundalini Yoga.

However, there is one technique that is similar to this one. It is a method that uses the Sushumna tube and the airways called Pingala and Ida. Kundalini Yoga is a yoga that aims to awaken the powerful fundamental power of life called Kundalini, which everyone has within their bodies, thereby acquiring supernatural physical strength and reaching a special spiritual realm.

Kundalini lies at the bottom of the spinal column, in the coccygeal chakra (muladhara), shaped like three and a half coils of a snake. Kundalini means “that which is coiled.”

The Linga Kundalini is wrapped around the phallus called Svayamphu.

and its head closes the entrance to the Sushumna tube.

The Sushumna canal is a passageway for vital air in the hollow part of the spinal column, from the coccyx to the lower part of the brain.

It has reached the medulla oblongata. Also, inside the Sushumna canal there is an airway called the Vasilini, and further inside that there is an airway called the Chitrini, which is as fine as a spider’s thread.

When the chakras are activated and the kundalini is awakened through special actions such as meditation, thought, mudra, or chanting of mantras, the kundalini moves up the sushumna channel with the intensity of an erupting fire. This is why Kundalini is called Serpent fire.

With the awakening of Kundalini, the two airways, Pingala and Ikonda, on either side of the Sushumna channel open, and Kundalini energy spirals up through these two airways as well. These two airways serve to regulate the subsequent Kundalini force.

The purpose of Kundalini Yoga is to reach the highest state of unity with the divine.

Therefore, the Kundalini energy that ascends through both the Sushumna channel and the Pingalida airway eventually reaches the Sahasrara Chakra and achieves its purpose.

The above are the airway techniques of Kundalini Yoga.

Why not use this technique of Kundalini Yoga as it is for the Four God Foot Method?

That doesn’t happen. Simply awakening the chakras and activating their energy will not achieve the purpose of Shishin Ashiho. We desperately need a way to integrate the chakras, amplify their energy, and focus it on a goal.

So why not awaken Kundalini and use it?

As a result of analyzing everything from the Agon Sutra to various legends related to Shakyamuni Buddha, I have found evidence that Shakyamuni Buddha’s method of attaining Buddhahood was based on Kundalini Yoga’s Kundalini Awakening Method. I couldn’t do it. (though he himself would have accomplished it perfectly) Why?

The awakening of the kundalini is too violent, too extreme, to be suitable for his ascension to create a new, complete brain. Kundalini Yoga is not a method of correcting defects in the human brain, but a method of passing through them and suddenly entering another dimension of higher consciousness.

This method was too dangerous and could only be used by a very limited number of special people.

Shakyamuni Buddha taught a method of ascetic training that anyone can practice. He taught how anyone can attain Buddhahood as long as they practice earnestly. Therefore, although he adopted the use of chakras, he did not adopt the awakening method of Kundalini Yoga. Kundali He used knee energy, but in a completely different way.

So how did we do it?

Buddha’s Anāpāna Dharma

earth server

The most detailed explanation of Annabanna, which is the center of Shakyamuni’s training method, is in the Zaragon.

Just like that, I won’t listen. For a time, the Buddha resided in the Solitary Garden of Gishukya in the Savi state.During the rainy season, the Blessed One said to all the bhikkhus, “Practice the thought of Annahna; The more you practice, the more you will be able to calm your body and mind, and the more you will be satisfied with the practice of sentience, thoughts, annihilation, pure and clear thoughts. When one’s body and mind are at rest, one becomes aware, one’s thoughts are lost, one is pure, and one is satisfied with the practice of clear thoughts.If a bhikkhu were to rest in the village of Jurakseong, in the morning he would put on his robes and take a bowl. When he enters the village and begs, he protects himself and lives there with a heart that protects the gates. After begging, he returns to his home, takes up his clothes, washes his feet, and goes to a quiet room in the forest. Go under a tree or in an open field, sit upright, and pray.

Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis

Buddha 2Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis   sサイト

大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 “Kongokai” expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai


胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai














– ホモーエクセレンス(未来人)は、ホモ・サピエンスが持たない特別な能力を身につけた「優秀なるヒト」を指す。
– 別名として、「ホモーイッテリダンス(聡明なるヒト)」と呼ばれることがある。
– 未来人の特殊な能力には以下の特長がある:
1. 第四次元の理解。
2. 複雑な全体を瞬時に把握する能力。
3. 第六感の獲得。
4. 無限に発展した道徳意識の保有。
5. われわれの悟性には不可解な精神的な特質。
– 世界的な人類学者であるジョルジューオリヴィエ教授は、脳発速度係数を「三・九」と見積もり、その知的能力を辛うじて想像可能なものとして語っている。
– 脳発速度係数三・九を持つ未来人の体の形状や知能、理解できない行動に関しては、想像力豊かな人々に委ねられる。

– Homo excellence (future man) refers to “excellent humans” who have acquired special abilities that Homo sapiens do not have.
– As another name, it is sometimes called “Homo Iteridance” (smart human).
– The special abilities of future humans include the following features:
1. Understanding the fourth dimension.
2. Ability to grasp complex wholes instantly.
3. Gaining a sixth sense.
4. Possession of an infinitely developed moral consciousness.
5. Mental qualities incomprehensible to our understanding.
– Professor Georges Olivier, a world-renowned anthropologist, estimates the brain rate coefficient to be “3.9” and describes his intellectual ability as something that is barely imaginable.
– The body shape, intelligence, and incomprehensible behavior of future humans with a brain rate coefficient of 3.9 will be left to people with rich imaginations.




有害物質―。それらはどこに原因があるのであろうか? わかりきったことである。




















君はそれを疑うのか? ではいおう。
今の知能水準であるかぎり、もはや、ヒトに未来はない。ホモーサピエッスの文明はすでに限界に達した。 だか。




ひとつは普通の現代人、ホモーサピエンスHomo sapiensである。これがふるい人類だ。

もうひとつは、特殊な能力を身につけた未来人、ホモーエクセレンスHomo eχcellens である。つまりあたらしい人類だ。





1 第四次元の理解。
2 複雑な全体をとっさに把握する能力。
3 第六感の獲得。
4 無限に発展した道徳意識の保有。
5 とくにわれわれの悟性には不可解な精神的な特質。





一万年さきか? 二万年?・

え? そんなに早く? とあなたはびっくりするだろう。だが、あなたはここでさらにもっとびっくりしなければならないのだ。




ニ 感覚器官の増幅-彼は、不可視光線(赤外線、紫外線)を見ることができ、超音波を間くことができる。その異常感覚と高度の知能の結合からくる予知力。それらは、自分の肉体を思うままに統御する能力からくる。
三 環境の制御と創造1思うままに自分を変え、他人を動かし、集団や環境を、自分の理念の通りに創造してゆく。
四 物質を超え、物質を自由に統御する力。
五 無限に発達した道徳意識。

そうではないのだ。それは、むしろ、私のほうがいいたいことだ。私は、最初、オリヴィエ教授がこの特殊技術の存在を知っていP1 9の技術の習得を未来人の貧緋ごしたのではないかと思
もっとも、オリヴィエ教授は、実際にこの特殊技術の存在を知っていて、その上に立ってホモしり把力を、このように書いたのである、ということも考えられたいことではなアメリカやヨーロッパで知ヽむしろ、アメリ’エクセレンスの能力を、このよう られ、高く評価されはじめているのだからI。
未来人、ホモーエクセレンスは、これからさき、長い時間をかけて進化の結果あらわれてくるのでもないし、突然変1 体としてフランケンシュタインの怪物のごとく登場するのでもない。それは、ひとつの特殊な人間開発技術により、ホモーサピエンス自身が変身するのだ。それは自然
彼は、まだ低い段階のホモーサピエンスたちを教育するための「教え」を説くと同時に、これからやがて次第にあらわれてくる同 族たちを教育するためのカリキュラムもつくった。彼は、周囲に何人かの崇拝者を持った。そのなかからすぐれた素質を持つ者をえらんで、彼はこのカリキごフムで訓練した。あるいは、その弟子たちのなかには、彼と同じホモーエクセレクト。だが、あまりにも高度
スのヽなその開発技術は、ひろく受け入れられるためにはあまりに難解で、入びとの進歩と熟成のための時が必要であった。その長い間、この技術は、しばしば、誤解されたり、誹談されたり、あるいは分裂の危機を迎えた。けれども、その技術が滅亡しよいは分裂の ホモーエクセレンスがあらわれて、これを継いだ。この技術は、このようにして、ひろく世にうけいれられる時を静かに待った。多くの人びとが、この技術を必要とし、受け入れようと努力しはじめる時期を静かに待った。




つねに機械と技術―科学がその危機を乗り越えてきた。しかし、いまは、その機械と技術が先頭に立って人間に打撃を加えている。 もう「さきは見えて」しまった。










Let’s take a look at the problems humanity is currently facing.
– Killing each other, robbing each other, hating each other, hurting each other – and is rapidly spreading across the globe.
Hazardous substance-. What are their causes? It’s completely understandable.
That’s because humans are stupid.
The anthropologist Linnaeus classified humans and gave them the scientific name “wise humans.”
The Ikukawa scholar Sialleurissier named the stupid man Homostrussus. In the preface to his book, “Man – This Fool,” Nobel Prize winner Lissier lists many of the follies of humankind, describing them as extremely stupid animals. I’d like to call them that, but I’m going to refrain from using superlative adjectives and just call them stupid humans.

Indeed, humans have two sides. Human beings are contradictory creatures that are a combination of two sides: wise and wise, and stupid and weak.If we look around us now, we can see that Homo sapiens Completely silent, Homo sturtissimus is rampant like a specter.

Killing each other, robbing each other, hating each other, hurting each other,
It gradually escalates. Science and technology have infinitely expanded human power, but at the same time, they have also infinitely increased human slaughter, exploitation, hatred, and struggle. If this continues, Homo sapiens will become extinct without a doubt.

What does humanity need most now?

It is a high level of intelligence.
The terrible follies unfolding on this earth are caused first and foremost by the low intelligence of humankind.

What humanity needs now is neither science nor technology. It’s neither a revolution nor an ideology. It’s not a race struggle, it’s not a class struggle. Such things are of no use.

No matter how many revolutions we make, no matter how many times we fight, as long as human intelligence remains at its current level, it will only be a repetition of empty rituals.
Let’s look at history. No matter how advanced and developed things we call machines and technology, science and civilization, the behavior patterns of stupid humans have not changed in the slightest. Isn’t this pattern of hating each other, killing each other, and robbing each other all the time repeating? Where do you see changes?


It’s young. Stop wasting energy. If you want a revolution, move forward with an intellectual revolution for all mankind.

Human intelligence has not advanced a single step since Neanderthal times. First and foremost, we must increase human intelligence.

Exterminate Homo sturtissimus. Unless we do that, we have no future. It is already in the countdown stage.

At this time, there is a technology that can modify humans and completely change social institutions. This technology will dismantle all existing social systems, and the new civilization that will emerge from it will transcend one dimension.

Only through this technology will the world be revived, and only this revolution will save all humanity from destruction. It’s young. Why don’t you pay attention to this?
Why are you not passionate about this grand and dramatic revolution that has never been matched on earth?


It is powerless.
It does not increase intelligence; it merely expands knowledge.
Education only expands a person’s innate knowledge, but does not increase intelligence itself. Technology to increase intelligence must be a system that improves the ability to remember things, rather than teaching things or making people memorize things. A fool is still a fool no matter how much education you give him. Education is completely useless to idiots. It takes a special skill to turn a fool into a clever one.


It is nothing more than a brake that tries to somehow appeal to conscience and deter intelligent people from their foolish actions; it has no power or technology to improve their intelligence. Even if we say the Nembutsu, recite the daimoku, meditate on the scriptures, and call upon the name of God, we may gain peace of mind, comfort, and faith, but our intelligence itself will not increase. .

In a future society with the most highly evolved intelligence, there will be no special field called religion. Because they are highly intelligent and possess highly developed ethics and moral awareness, current religions and the “teachings” preached by religious figures are not viewed as completely vulgar, low-level, and childish things. Religious consciousness will become common sense, and people will no longer meditate on kami or hotke. Human beings become indiscriminate.


You should realize that such a future society is just around the corner.
You must know that a social system with a completely different structure than before is about to emerge.

do you doubt it? Let’s go.
Unless such advanced intelligence emerges, the world will soon end. Homo sapiens is
As long as humans have their current level of intelligence, there is no future for humans. Homo sapiens civilization has already reached its limit. That’s it.
If there is a future society, it will have to be an entirely new and advanced society.

Super-human tL brain firing rate coefficient 3.9 In the future society that will soon arrive, humans will be divided into two species.
It is not two peoples, it is not two classes. There are two species and a genus.
The two species and genera will coexist for a while, but soon one of them will give up and rapidly disappear from this world.
In that case, some people might suggest that the conflict between the two is not limited to a future society, but may still be the case even today.
Certainly, it can be considered in several ways: colored people and white people, free society and communist society, rich people and poor people, and people who are in control and people who are considered to be rulers.
But it’s different.

A classification completely different from such classifications is about to appear in our world in the very near future. Such a movement is already underway.
There are two hominin genera.

New humans and old humans.

One is ordinary modern humans, Homo sapiens. This is sieve humanity.

The other is Homo eχcellens, a futuristic person who has acquired special abilities. In other words, a new human race.
Homo nipiens refers to none other than ourselves, but what kind of person is homo excellence?


Homo excellence means an “excellent person” who has acquired special abilities that Homo sapiens do not have. Some people have given this futuristic person the name Homo Iteridans (smart human).

So, what kind of special abilities does this excellent futuristic person, Homo Excellence, have?

Let’s list some of his features.
“Future species, superhumans, will probably have a brain rate coefficient of 3.9,” says world-renowned anthropologist Professor Georges Olivier of the University of Paris in his book “Humans.” In “Evolution, Past Present, and Future,” he begins by saying:
“(Though we, who are far inferior to them, cannot comment on the abilities of such an extremely superior creature,) we can barely imagine the intellectual abilities of this super-human being.

For example,
1. Understanding the fourth dimension.
2. Ability to quickly grasp a complex whole.
3. Acquisition of a sixth sense.
4 Possession of infinitely developed moral consciousness.
5. Mental characteristics that are incomprehensible, especially to our understanding.
I will leave it to people with rich imaginations to figure out the physical form of creatures with a brain rate coefficient of 3.9, their wonderful intelligence, and their actions that we cannot fully understand. While we are blind, our successors will probably be clairvoyant.
Kara” (translated by Kumi Ashizawa, published by Misuzu Shobo)
It has said.

According to the publisher’s introduction, Professor Olivier is a professor of anthropology at the Faculty of Science at Fuhari University, and has published numerous articles on anthropology and anatomy, as well as several books, including “Anthropological Anatomy.” Received an invitation from the French Academy. He has not only made many achievements in research in his field of expertise, but also devoted himself to training young researchers, and is an excellent leader of French anthropology in both name and reality.”
I must say that he is truly one of the leading scientists of our time.

This is how the scientist foretold the appearance of Homo Excellence in the future. The author is not simply trying to frighten people with demon faces without any basis. It will definitely come. So, 1. Where exactly does this homo excellence come from?

When will it come?

Professor Olivier says that the arrival of the future man, Homo Excellence, is an inevitability of history. Let’s trace the history of mankind.
The first to appear was Australopithecus, which evolved from Oreopithecus and Ramapithecus.
(Ape-man). However, after a while, Pithecanthropus erectus (hominid)
changed. However, soon Neanderthals (Old Man) came and took over, and their era lasted almost 100,000 years.
However, about 40,000 to 50,000 years ago, Cro-Magnon people (new people) with considerably advanced intelligence appeared.
Then they quickly disappeared and became extinct. However, about 10,000 years ago, the Cro-Maggnots were also known as Australoids (Javanese, Javanese,
They quickly disappeared into new modern human species: Mongoloids (China), Negroids (Africa), and Caucasoids (Europe). child
This is a fact that appears only on the superficial surface of history, and there are countless other unknown human genera and their branches that have appeared.
Many scholars believe that it disappeared soon after creating history.
A famous scientist said that the lifespan of a species is 1 million years, and Homo sapiens has lived for 1 million years since its appearance.
He is expected to reach this age soon. Professor Olivier also said, “Now, we…
It makes perfect sense for us to think about the next human race, our successors.

Will that new bit ever appear?
Ten thousand years ago? Twenty thousand years? ・
Roughly speaking, the next generation of humans after Homo sapiens is just like saying that the sun will burn out someday, and even if it’s not a fantasy, it must probably be an event that is astronomically far in the future. You might say that we are not free people enough to worry.
no way

If you say things like that, you’ll become an idiot.’
Professor Olivier makes this prediction based on the laws of biological evolution.
“…The humans of the future will soon arrive unexpectedly.”
picture?  So soon? You will be surprised. But you have to be even more surprised here.
I mean! ,
This new human being, homo excellence, is not “soon to come”; it is already here on earth. It has already appeared on this earth a long time ago.
from when?

When do you think it started?
since yesterday?
From the day?
So, last year?
It’s been around for even longer than 5,000 years!

⑥I Homo Excellence qualification
There is a technique here.
When trained in this technique, any human being will have some superior powers.
Let’s give you that power.

1 Extremely developed intelligence II Once you see something or hear something, you will never forget it – memory. No matter how complex the structure or organization, the power of entaku and induction allows us to instantly analyze, reason, understand, and grasp the essence. Super dramatic creativity that comes from pure thinking that does not go through the indirect thinking of words.
It is human normal.

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