












– 釈尊は「七覚支」が成仏法であり、七つの修行法を説いた。
– 修行すれば阿羅漢果、阿那含果、斯陀含果、須陀百果が得られると述べた。
– 成仏法は七科三十七道品から成り立ち、七覚支はその中の一つ。
– 七覚支は異比丘に対し、その修行が適していると釈尊が判断したと考えられる。
– 釈尊は弟子に因縁を見て、適切な修行法を指導した可能性がある。
– 七覚支の修行法は念覚支、択法覚支、精進究支、喜覚支、狩覚支、定覚支、捨覚支。
– これらの修行は知的、情緒的、意志的な面を高度にバランスさせ、念の力を神秘的に強化する。
– また、「空観」の修行も含まれ、四念処法により諸法の実相を理解することが強調されている。







 というのは、ヽ釈尊の成仏法は、七科目三ナ七種の修行包全部やらなければならないどい ではないのです。七科目の中の、二科目位をやればいいわけです。というのは、七科目の修行法の中にはクおなじような修行法が、ダブつて入っております。それで、釈尊は、’お弟子の因縁を








この空観の体得により、諸法の実相がわかるようになけます。つまり、「縁起の法」を如実に‘さとることになるわけす。               」               “


Shakuson says that “Seven Factors of Awakening” is the original Buddhist method. I preached two practices. It was

And if you practice this Seven Factors of Awakening, you will get Ara Han Guo, Ana Han Guo, Shida Fruit, and Suda Hyakuka. He taught me in detail that there was a person.

As mentioned earlier, Shakuson’s Buddhahood Law consists of seven subjects and thirty-seven types of curriculum, which are called seven departments and thirty-seven dojos. That is, the Satipatthana method, the Four Right Exertions method ,. Iddhipada method, Indriya method, Five strength method, Seven factors of Awakening, Noble Eightfold Path ○

This is an explanation of the Seven Factors of Awakening.

When I asked the priests of Gaido who asked about the Buddhahood method, why did Shason explain the Seven Factors of Awakening, which is one of the seven subjects? This is a guess from my experience, but this Bhikkhu If the Buddhahood

If I were to become a disciple and practice the Buddhahood method, I think it was because I thought that the practice of the Seven Factors of Awakening was the second best.

For, the Buddhahood method of ヽ Shason is not the one who has to do all seven subjects, three na, and seven kinds of training packages. You only have to do two of the seven subjects. This is because the training methods of the seven subjects include the same training methods as the dub. So, Shason said,’The cause of the disciple

It seems that you were selected from the seven subjects, such as y, you should practice this, and you should practice this and this. .. At times, it seems that he was not ashamed of the subject, and freely selected some of the 137 types of training methods and imposed them on the practitioners. It was

Therefore, what is this practice method of the Seven Factors of Awakening /

It is very sophisticated in psychokinesis and balance, and it can be understood well in terms of emotions and arts, as if the so-called emotions were abundant. A person without emotional feelings tends to be dry and tasteless. ‘I don’t understand anything about art, it ’s not interesting to talk about it, and I do n’t smile when I say something. I suddenly laughed at the series I heard today for about three days. I laughed out and said, “Oh, that’s right?” (Laughs). ..

It’s fine to have a strong will, but it shouldn’t be stubborn.

Therefore, the mental action of knowledge, affection, and will is greatly strengthened, and training is given to make it eight. And it doesn’t depend on either of them. This is first and foremost. But that’s not all.

Strengthen the power of the mind itself to mystery. When you concentrate on one point, it gives off enough power to make a fire. Therefore, the training of Kundalini Eyotoga is included in the training of this consciousness. ‥

Next, learn the “view of the sky”. Therefore, this Seven Factors of Awakening contains the practice of “Satipatthana”.

By learning this view of the sky, you will be able to understand the reality of various laws. In other words, the “law of luck” is really taken. “” “”

This consciousness can be said to be the centerpiece of the Seven Factors of Awakening. No, it is a typical training method among the thirty-seven dojos.

Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis





