


















” ”

– 霊障についての説明では、良きものと悪しきものが祖先から受け継がれ、霊障のホトケが悪しきものの代表であるとされている。
– 霊障は幽霊のようなものではなく、無意識の中にひそみ、人の心を動かし、運命に深刻なダメージを与えるとされている。
– 深層意識には先祖の記憶があり、良き祖先の力を受けることで奇蹟が起こる可能性があると述べられている。
– 逆に、悪しき先祖の記憶が現れ、自己破壊の傾向を持つ精神形態が生じることが議論されている。
– 運命神経症と呼ばれる中途挫折の因縁は、深層意識に潜む自己破壊の心によるもので、祖先の記憶が影響を与えているとされている。
– 心理学者リポットーソンディは「家族的無意識」という新しい領域を提唱し、祖先の特殊な欲求が子孫の運命を決定すると主張している。
– 運命分析心理学において、特殊な祖先の欲求が職業、友情、愛情、結婚、病気、死亡などに影響を与え、個人の意志が無視されている可能性があると指摘されている。

The explanation for spiritual disorders is that good and bad things are inherited from ancestors, and that the spiritual disorder Hotoke is the representative of the bad ones.
– Psychic disorders are not like ghosts, but are said to lurk in the unconscious, affect people’s hearts, and cause serious damage to their destiny.
– It is said that the deep consciousness contains memories of ancestors, and that miracles can occur by receiving the power of good ancestors.
– On the contrary, it has been argued that memories of bad ancestors appear, giving rise to mental forms with a tendency to self-destruction.
– The cause of mid-career failure, known as fate neurosis, is due to a self-destructive spirit hidden deep in the consciousness, and is said to be influenced by the memories of ancestors.
– Psychologist Ripot Sondi proposes a new realm called the “familial unconscious” and argues that the special desires of ancestors determine the fate of their descendants.
– In fate analysis psychology, it has been pointed out that the desires of special ancestors may influence occupation, friendship, love, marriage, illness, death, etc., and the will of the individual may be ignored.







 その 中には、良きものと悪しきものがある。良きものの代表が、前にのべた冥徳のホトケ、守護霊のホトケである。














第一章 先祖の助けをいただく冥徳供養






 そういう記憶が、もしも突然あらわれて、われわれを動かすようなこと があったら、いったいどんなことになるか? 考えただけでも慄然たる思いに襲われるのではなかろうか?














それは、この人の心の奥トト意識しない意識の中に、ものごとをこわして 失敗してしまう方向に持っていこうとする自己破壊の心がはたらいて、そ うさせてしまうというのが、フロイトの説なのである。










。恋愛・(結婚)・友情・職業・疾病・および死亡の型式”における無 意識的選択行動となって、その運命を決定する。


 だが、なんと! このソンディの理論によると、中途挫折の因縁どころか、職業、友人、恋人や結婚相手の選択、病気、死にかた(!)まで決定されてしまうのである。

だれに? 。特殊な祖先”に、である。










Principle of spiritual disorder

“Mental form with a tendency to self-destruct”

Let’s talk about spiritual disorders.

We have received various things from our ancestors.

Some of them are good and some are bad.

The representatives of the good things are the ghosts of the souls mentioned earlier and the ghosts of the guardian spirit.

The representative of bad things is the spiritual disorder Hotoke.

Then, what kind of hotoke is a spiritual disorder hotoke?

For ordinary people in the world, when they say “spiritual disorder”, something like a ghost comes out,

It seems that he thinks it is a haunting. Also, a person who called himself a psychic

There are many people who preach that.

It’s different. What I mean by “spiritual disorder” is not that simple.

No. Also, if it’s something like that, spiritual disorders are a little scary.

Not. It feels a little creepy.

The horrifying spiritual disorder is hidden in the person’s heart, unconsciously

In addition, move the person, deviate the trajectory of the person’s fate, and cause intense damage 42

Because it gives.

It is hidden in the unconscious, subconscious and deep consciousness of human beings.

It’s not a ghost.

I mentioned this in the previous chapter.

“In short, human beings have a deep consciousness of the memory of living things for billions of years.

It means that it is.

It is a memory through an ancestor over a billion years. With this myriad

I wish I could freely take out and use the memories of my ancestors.

Will that be the case?

It is said that there are billions of ancestors even in their thirties.

Chapter 1 A memorial service with the help of ancestors

Among these innumerable ancestors, a great person who is also a god

There may have been. There may have been some great saints comparable to Buddha.

Any miracle if you can receive the power of such a wonderful ancestor

I can wake you up. ”

Let’s consider the opposite case.

Among the myriad ancestors, there would have been great saints and great men, but they were also evil.

Uncertain congenital criminals and dying after a miserable end

Some people may have such thoughts. No, in terms of probability

Isn’t there an overwhelming number of such people?

The memories (experiences) of such people are also our depth.

It is in the layer consciousness.

That kind of memory suddenly appeared and moved us 44

What would happen if there was? Just thinking about it was a terrifying thought

Isn’t it attacked?

“Such a stupid thing!”

Are you there?

However, it is by no means a “stupid story”. Realistically

The evil ancestors (memories) hidden in our deep consciousness move us

I’m doing it.

For example, there is a “fate of halfway setback” that is seen in so many people.

To. No matter what I do, I get frustrated, fail, and get things done

It is a cause that cannot be done.

In the case of men, it appears mainly on occupation, and in the case of women, it appears on love / marriage.

Although there are differences in degree, most people have it, so psychologists also

He is deeply interested and considers various things from the perspective of psychology.

The person who constantly repeats frustration was named “fate neurosis” by Flo.

It is.

This fateful neurosis is force majeure in the unconscious consciousness of the person.

There is a certain power, so that things always fail in the middle

It is supposed to be made to.

Freud called this power hidden in the unconscious [arrest of his younger brother].

When looking at the life of such a person from a young age, it was always a thing

However, it has failed in a little while.

It breaks things in the unconscious consciousness of this person’s heart.

The self-destructive mind that tries to take it in the direction of failure is working, that 46

Freud’s theory is that it makes him sick.

This is not just Freud. Other psychologists are also aware of it

For example, Meninger calls this a “mental form with a tendency to self-destruct.”

Where does this kind of self-destructive mind come from?

Most of this is the person’s ancestors or people around the ancestors

Is the cause.

Sigmund Freud, a world-class psychologist following Karlou Jung, Li

Potto Sondy has a keen interest in this phenomenon and pursues it in a targeted manner.

I studied. And these phenomena are fateful impulses in the unconscious conscious layer.

In the field of deep psychology, “fate psychology” and “impulsivity psychology” are considered to be due to movement.

I opened a new department.

He named the deep consciousness that appears here “family unconscious”.

The deep psychology up to that point was divided into two parts, Freud’s “personal nothingness”.

Two layers, “consciousness” and Jung’s “collective unconscious” (crowd psychology), are targeted.

Was there.

However, Sondy’s fate analysis psychology lies between these two layers.

It opened up the third area of ​​the unconscious, the “family unconscious.”

In other words, I found a “family” between the “individual” and the “crowd.” This was a truly unique and reasonable discovery.

In conclusion, Sondy says as follows.

The desire of a special ancestor who is immediately pressured by the “family” is the descendant’s desire.

.. It becomes an unconscious selection behavior in “love, (marriage), friendship, occupation, illness, and type of death” and determines its fate.

Earlier, I said that the memories of our ancestors hidden in the unconscious layer move us. Sondy describes it as the desire of his ancestors. After all, I say the same thing, but from Sondy’s point of view as a psychologist, this expression is more appropriate.

But what! According to this Sondy’s theory, the cause of the halfway setback

Or profession, friend, choice of lover or marriage partner, illness, death (!)

It will be done.

To whom? .. To a special ancestor.

Only this one. If you have been decided as a “special ancestor”, your own

Isn’t it as good as having no will?

We have all the key points of our lives

I think it is determined by aspiration and intellect.

However, that was not the case. In my unconscious layer

Hide. The special desires of our ancestors move us without our knowledge

Then, it was decided.

we,. It is swayed by the special desires of its ancestors.

How is it being swayed?

In fact, Dr. Lipotto Sondy, the founder of this “Fate Analysis Psychology”,

I myself have the experience of being swayed by this “special ancestral desire”

It is.





