
運命を変える ヒトを改造する技術 求閒持聪明法秘伝  駄如求聞持明法 memorization ability and intelligent system

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かれは以上のような経過で、かれの求 聞持聡明法を成就した。


どのように一変したのであろうか。 まず、性格が変わったのである。

かれには、生まれつき、ルーズなところがあった。よくいえば、汪洋であり、 寛容、楽観的、悪くいえばルーズで締まりがなかった。もののけじめをはっき りつけないところがあった。 なんとかなるサ、 とものごとを甘く見る傾向があ った。かれが、酒税法違反に問われた原因の一つに、それがあったように思わ れる。

それに加えてかれには、なにごとでも見切りが早く、少し思わしくないと、 すぐにあきらめて投げ出してしまうという短所があった。

こういう性格上の欠点、短所が消えてしまったのである。以来、かれは一旦、 決心してはじめたことは、どんなに見通しが悪く困難になっても、ぜったいに

投げ出すということがなくなった。叩かれても蹴られても、じっと耐えぬき、 必ず成功する道を発見するようになった。 ついには、状況が悪ければ悪いほど、 勇気が湧き、気分が昂揚して、楽しくさえなるようになった。

或る哲学者は、性格が運命を創る、と言った。 しかし、或る性格を持って生 まれたということは、運命のなすわざではなかろうか。従って、性格が運命を 創るのか、運命が性格を創るのか、 どちらともいえないであろう。 要するに、 運命と性格は不即不離ということではないか。その性格が自然に変わってきた のは、運命が変わってきたということにほかならない。そうかれは思った。 そう思ったかれに、これはたしかに運命が変わったなと確信する一つの出来 事が起こった。





かれは、これが一番、気になっていた。しだいにその年齢に近づきつつあった からである。それに、その頃、宗教者となっていたかれを慕って、一万人を越 える信者が、かれの周囲に集まっており、かれらにたいする責任があったので ある。第一、この年齢でガンになって憧れるようなことになったら、宗教者と して恥ずかしいことではないか。

だから、かれは、ガンになる運命は変えられないとしても、せめて、それが 出る時期を、一〇年か二〇年、先に延ばすことが出来ないだろうかと、真剣に 考えていたのである。

そのガンの星が示すように、かれは、その頃、一応、健康になっていたけれ ども、消化器系統だけが弱かった(あれほど重症であった結核は、全く治癒し てしまっていた)。 ずい分、注意し、養生もしていたが、月に一回くらいの割 で、かれは胃腸を害した。

寒中の滝行や、断食しての瞑想などで、思い切って荒い、極限に近い行をす ると、危険信号は胃から発せられた。胃が痛くなって、それ以上は進めなくな

るのであった。もちろんまだガンにはなっていないのだが、これが、運命的に 自分の致命的部分なのだなと、かれは感じていた。だから、自分の最後は胃ガ であろうと思い、しかし、なんとか回避せねばならぬ、と必死の修行をつづ けていたのである。

ついに、天命殺の年である四八歳がやって来た。 十月、十一月が、かれの月 天命殺で、年月と重なる時期が一番危険な時なのである。

十月の半ばであった。 突然、かれは、激しい腹痛に襲われたのである。 口に 入れたものすべてを吐き、 或いは、下痢してしまう症状がつづき、それは全く、 医書で見る胃ガンの症状そのものであった。






はすべて、吐くか、下痢してしまうのであった。 しかし、不思議なことに、そ

の割には体力、気力が衰えなかった。かれは、それまでと全く変わらぬ日常生 活を送っていた。朝早くから深夜まで、信者の指導と、自分の修行がつづき、 かれこういう症状は、かれの家族と、かれの周辺の主だったごく僅かの信者





例祭が終わると、何も摂らず、倒れるように床に入った。昏々と眠り、ふと 目をさますと深夜であった。 少し空腹を覚えた。 こんなことは、症状が出て以 来、かって無かったことであった。起きて、玄米の重湯を温めて食べようかと 思ったが、それももう飽きてしまった感じである。

じっとしていると、しだいに空腹感がつよくなってきた。重湯以外の、なに 固形物を食べたいと思う。 しかし、ほかのものを口にすると、必ず、吐くか ひどい下痢をする。 とてもこわくて手が出せない。






食べるのをこわがって、このままズルズルと衰弱して結局ガンで死ぬのなら、 食べたいと思ったとき、思うさま食べてやろう、吐こうが下痢しようが、その



中に、ハムやソーセージ、チーズなどがあった。かれはそれをとり出し、 薄







かれはよく噛むことに注意しながら、これを食べ終わった。しばらくじっと して様子をみた。 なんともない。どうやら胃は受けつけたようである。

かれはうなずき、気をよくして、今度は、ハムに手を出した。 パセリと一緒 にパンにはさみ、こいつにむしゃぶりつく。のどが乾いてきた。かれはもう毒 食わば皿までの心境でビールの栓を抜いた。

コップに一杯、少しためらったが、思い切ってきゅうっと一口に飲みほした。 のどが鳴った。なにぶんにも極度の空き腹である。かあっと全身に酔いがまわ るのがわかった。かれは、上体を少しゆらゆらさせながら、じっと、様子をう かがったが、胃がかっかとするだけで、べつに痛む様子はない。 みん

かれはそれから、腹いっぱい食べた。さすがにビールの廻りは早く、二杯目 を飲みほすというところまではいかなかった。 ふらふらしながら床にもどり、 そのままぐっすりと眠ってしまったのである。

目をさますと、西側の窓に残照が赤く、枕もとの時計は三時を廻っていた。 反射的に、胃に神経が走った。べつになんともない。それどころか、なんと 空腹感を感じるではないか。健康な時の感覚である。




「うむ、よく眠ったなあ。もう三時過ぎじゃないか。本当によく眠った。 ゆう






そうです。 先生は、昨日、丸一日おやすみだったんですよ。みんな、どうし


ませておいて下さいとのことなので、電話もいっさい切って、お起きになるの をお待ちしていたんです。気になるので、時々、みんなで交代で見に来たんで





かれはびっくりして起き上ったが、じつに気分爽快、少し足がふらつくが、 体じゅうに力がみちみちている感じであった。 快い空腹感がいっぺんに押し寄 せた。

以来、かれの胃腸は快調そのものである。 人の二倍はたっぷり食べる。 或る弟子の一人が、「先生と食事を御一緒してびっくりした。 こっちが気持悪 くなるほどよく食べる」と人に語ったと聞いて、かれはそれ以来、食卓を共に する弟子たちに、テレ隠しに時々こういうことを言うようになった。

「私は、人の三倍食べて五倍はたらくんだ。君たちも見習い給え。 但し、その 反対はダメだよ。 破産するから」

ひどい荒行に入っても、以前のように胃が痛むということも全くなくなった。 ガンの星は完全に消えてしまったのである。ただし、消える前に、彼奴は、三 週間かれにガンの症状をたっぷり味わわさせ、思い知らせて、去っていった のである。










change fate

Through the process described above, he achieved his quest for enlightenment.

After he accomplished this, he completely changed.

How has he changed? First, his personality changed.

He had an innate looseness. At best, he was Wang Yang, generous and optimistic, and at worst, loose and loose. There was a point in his life when he was so discriminating that he didn’t get the hang of it. He had a tendency to take things lightly. This seems to have been one of the reasons why he was accused of violating the Liquor Tax Law.

In addition, he had the disadvantage that he was quick to give up on everything, and if something didn’t go his way, he would give up and give up immediately.

These character flaws and shortcomings have disappeared. Since then, he has always believed that once he has made up his mind, no matter how difficult the prospects may be, he will never forget what he has started.

He no longer gives up. Even though he was beaten and kicked, he persevered and found a way to succeed without fail. Eventually, the worse the situation, the more courageous, exhilarating, and even joyful it became.

A certain philosopher said that character creates destiny. But isn’t the fact that one is born with a certain personality a result of fate? Therefore, it cannot be said whether character creates destiny or fate creates character. In other words, fate and character are inseparable. The fact that his personality has changed naturally means that his destiny has changed. That’s what he thought. With that in mind, something happened that convinced him that his destiny had indeed changed.

This means that the “star of cancer” has disappeared.

There is an interesting story behind this.

As I mentioned earlier, he had a “cancer star” in his fate. this is,

It was predicted that he would appear at the age of 48 or 49, at the age of “Death’s Destiny”. While training,

This was what he was most concerned about. He was gradually approaching his age. Moreover, at that time, over 10,000 believers had gathered around him, admiring him, who had become a religious person, and he had a responsibility to them. First of all, if he were to get cancer at his age and end up doing something he longed for, wouldn’t it be embarrassing for him and a religious person?

So, even if he couldn’t change his fate of developing cancer, he was seriously considering whether it was possible to at least postpone the onset of cancer by 10 or 20 years.

As the cancer star shows, he was in good health at that time, but his digestive system was weak (his severe tuberculosis had been completely cured and he was now dead). Ta). Although he had been careful and well cared for, he suffered gastrointestinal problems about once a month.

When I went to extremes, such as walking down a waterfall in the cold or meditating while fasting, a warning signal was sent from my stomach. My stomach hurts and I can’t go any further.

It was because Of course he didn’t have cancer yet, but he felt that this was the fatal part of him. Therefore, he thought that his end would be stomach ache, but he continued to train desperately, knowing that he had to avoid it somehow.

Finally, the age of 48, the year of destiny, has arrived. October and November are his months of divine destiny, and the period that coincides with the year is the most dangerous.

It was mid-October. Suddenly, he was attacked by severe abdominal pain. He continued to vomit everything he put in his mouth and had diarrhea, which were exactly the symptoms of stomach cancer described in medical books.

He was devastated.

“After all, you can’t beat fate, can you?”


He had no choice but to think.

There were days when I could barely stomach a small amount of brown rice in heavy boiling water. other things

All resulted in vomiting or diarrhea. However, strangely,

Despite this, his physical strength and energy remained undiminished. He was living a completely unchanged daily life. From early in the morning until late at night, he continued to teach his followers and practice his own ascetic practices, and these symptoms affected his family and the very few believers around him.

I only knew.

It was the second day.

There was an annual festival held at a dojo in Kyoto that lasted two days in a row, and as expected, he was exhausted from the hard work.

I reached the point of exhaustion.

When the annual festival was over, he collapsed into bed without taking anything. He fell into a deep sleep, and when he woke up it was already midnight. He felt a little hungry. This had never happened to me since the onset of my symptoms. He thought about getting up and heating up some steamed brown rice to eat, but he felt like he had had enough of that.

As he sat still, he felt increasingly hungry. He doesn’t want to eat any solid food other than hot water. But whenever he eats anything else, he either vomits or has severe diarrhea. I’m so scared I can’t help it.

What should I do?

However, I started to feel more and more hungry.

He got up, sat down on the floor, crossed his arms, and thought.

“Okay, eat it!”

Suddenly he cried out in a low voice and stood up.

If I’m afraid to eat and I’m going to keep sluggish and weaken and end up dying of cancer, then I’ll just eat whatever I want when I feel like it, whether I’m vomiting or having diarrhea.

I don’t care if it gets worse because of it. Be what you become.

That’s what I thought. He went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator door.

Inside were ham, sausage, and cheese. He took it out and

Cut it into pieces and put it on a plate.


Sitting down at the table, I first put some cheese between pieces of black bread and gingerly brought it to my mouth.

is. The unique aroma of cheese spread throughout my mouth.

“Okay, okay.”


He finished eating this, being careful to chew thoroughly. He stood still for a while and watched. Nothing. It seems that my stomach has accepted it.

He nodded, feeling better, and moved on to the ham. He puts it on bread with parsley and munches on it. My throat is getting dry. He’s already poisoned.I uncorked the beer, feeling like I was about to eat it.

He took a full glass, hesitating for a moment, but then took the plunge and drank it in one big gulp. My throat cleared. I’m extremely hungry for everything. I could feel the intoxication all over his body. His upper body swayed a little, and he looked at her still, but he didn’t seem to be in any pain other than a tingle in his stomach. Min

He then ate his fill. As expected, the beer flowed quickly, and he didn’t even get to the point where he finished his second drink. He staggered back to the floor and fell into a deep sleep.

When he woke up, the afterglow was red in the west window, and the clock by his bedside had struck three o’clock. Reflexively, a nerve went through his stomach. Nothing at all. On the contrary, don’t you feel hungry? It’s the feeling you get when you’re healthy.

What does this mean?

As I was thinking about this, I knocked and one of my disciples appeared.

“Teacher, are you awake?”

“Hmm, I slept well. It’s already past three o’clock. I slept really well. Yuu.

I fell asleep at almost 4am, so I slept for about 12 hours.

is. It’s been a long time since I slept this much.”

The disciple opened his mouth wide and laughed.

Professor, you said you had a good night’s sleep.What day do you think it was after three o’clock?”

What? After 3 o’clock on what day?”

that’s right. The teacher had a good night all day yesterday. Everyone, what’s up?

I was worried about what was going to happen, so I called my wife in Tokyo. Then, just relax

He asked me to leave him alone, so I hung up the phone and waited for him to wake up. I was curious about it, so we all took turns watching it from time to time.


However, he slept under the large eaves and seemed really comfortable.”

“Hmm, really?”

“It’s true”


He got up in surprise, but felt really refreshed, his legs a little unsteady, but his whole body felt full of strength. A pleasant feeling of hunger washed over me all at once.

Since then, his stomach and intestines have been in perfect condition. I eat twice as much as other people. He heard that one of his disciples said to others, “I was surprised when I ate with my teacher. He eats so much that it makes me sick.” From then on, he told his disciples who shared the table with him, I started saying things like this from time to time to hide my phone.

“I eat three times as much and work five times as much as other people. You should learn from me too. However, you can’t do the opposite. You’ll go bankrupt.”

Even when I go on a rough ride, my stomach no longer hurts like it used to. Cancer’s star had completely disappeared. However, before he disappeared, he made him experience the symptoms of cancer for three weeks, reminded him, and left him.

This kind of thing often happens when fate changes. his


The church calls this phenomenon “washing out fate.”)

fate changes

The next thing he realized was a remarkable leap in intelligence.

However, he found it strange that there was no “method for attaining Buddhahood” in Japanese Buddhism, and began searching for one.

He said earlier that he entered into the study of all the Buddhist scriptures.

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