
火の洗礼 baptism of fire

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Baptism is one of the religious ceremonies of Christianity, and it is an act performed by believers to publicly declare their faith and receive grace from God.

Baptism is generally done with water. Baptists (priests, pastors, etc.) use water and pour it over the head of the believer, while chanting certain words or prayers. It is believed that believers are cleansed from their sins and accepted as members of God’s family.

Baptism is an important ritual in all major Christian denominations (Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, etc.). Baptism makes a believer a member of the Christian Church and a commitment to follow the teachings of Christ. Baptism is also a condition for the first communion in Christianity.

There are two forms of baptism: adult baptism (adult baptism), which is performed voluntarily by individuals, and infant baptism, which is performed by parents or church representatives on infants and babies. Both forms symbolize the covenant of faith and have important implications in the Christian faith experience.

However, it should be recognized that within religious practices and beliefs there are different understandings and practices of the meaning and method of baptism.

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