

ノストラダムス予言   nostradamus prophecy


























Nostradamus was a Jewish convert, born in Provence in 1503, and probably studied liberal arts at the University of Avignon and medicine at the University of Montpellier. During the plague outbreak in southern France, he actively provided treatment, and in later years wrote “Cosmetics and Jam Theory” based on his experiences at that time.

On the other hand, from around 1550 he also began writing as an astrologer, and wrote his masterpiece, “The Prophecies of Michel Nostradamus,” which were highly praised at the time. Some of the royal family and influential people, including his wife Queen Catherine de’ Medici, admired his prophecies, and in 1564, King Charles IX appointed him “Permanent Physician and Advisor.” Two years later, he died of illness at the age of 62.





1999, month of 7,

The great king of terror will fall from the sky.

Revive the great king of Angolmois,

To successfully rule before and after Mars.


1999, Human crisis in the 7th month, India, Pakistan, Nyoyoku crisis, nuclear,

The great king of terror will fall from the sky


Revive the Great King of Angolmois

Angoma’s Argama is Agonkyo, Mongolia’s name is


To successfully rule before and after Mars. Mars’ army, firearms, war,

To successfully control World War III





king of fear

It means a great person.

Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis


新のゲーム PC カメラ 家電 健康






ホモーエクセレンスとは?  What is Home Excellence?

ホモーエクセレンスとは?  What is Home Excellence?



1 第四次元の理解。
2 複雑な全体をとっさに把握する能力。
3 第六感の獲得。
4 無限に発川した泄徳心識の保有。
5 とくにわれわれの悟性には不可解な精神的な特質。




桐山 請雄 師



一 極度に発達した知能――いちど目にふれ、いちど耳にしたことは、ぜったいに忘れることのない削憶力。どのように複雑な構造でも組織でも、瞬間的に分析し、推理し、理解して、本質を把握してしまう演鐸と帰納の力。コトバという間接思考を経ない純粋思考から発する超飛躍的な創造力。

ニ 感覚器官の増幅―彼は、不可視光線(赤外線、紫外線)を見ることができ、超音波を間く

三 環境の制御と創造―思うままに自分を変え、他人を動かし、集団や環境を、自分の理念の通りに創造してゆく。

四 物質を超え、物質を自由に統御する力。
五 無限に発達した道徳意識。



In other words, it is a new human race.

Homo sapiens is none other than ourselves, but what kind of person is Homo excelence?
Homo Excellence is an “excellent person” who has acquired special abilities that Homo sapiens does not have.
It means “to”. Some people say that this future person is a homo-intelligent dance (intelligent human).
It is named.
So what special abilities does this excellent future man, Homo Excellence, have?
Here are some of his features.
“Future species, super-humans, will probably have a brain rate coefficient of 3.9.”
The world-renowned anthropologist, Professor Gicorju Olivier of the University of Paris, wrote in his book, “Human and Advance.
It begins to sing in “Chemicalization, past, present and future”.
“(We, who are far inferior to the abilities of these extremely good creatures, are all about this.
Anyway, this super-human intellectual ability can barely be imagined.

It is, for example
1 Understanding of the 4th dimension.
2 Ability to quickly grasp the complicated whole.
3 Acquisition of the sixth sense.
4 Possession of infinitely eruptive spirit of virtue.
5 Especially the spiritual qualities that are incomprehensible to our enlightenment.

And so on.
I will leave it to the imaginative people to decide what the shape of the creature’s body, its wonderful intelligence, and the behavior that we can hardly understand with the brain development coefficient of 3.9. While we are Mekura, our successors are clairvoyant (translated by Kumi Ashizawa, published by Misuzu Shobo).
It has said.
According to the publisher’s introductory text, Professor Olivier is a professor of anthropology at the University of Paris, and has several books in addition to his many articles on anthropology and anatomy, among which “anthropological anatomy”. Received a French Bachelor’s degree. Not only has he made many achievements in research in his field of specialization, but he is also enthusiastic about training young researchers, and he is an excellent leader in both name and reality of French anthropology. ”
It must be said that he is a leading scientist of the time.
The scientist has thus foretold the emergence of the future Homo Excellence.

Homeo Excellence Qualification

Kiriyama, Master

Here is one technology.
When trained with that technique, everyone will have some great power. Let’s raise that power.

Extremely developed intelligence-what I first saw and heard was the memorable power that I will never forget. The power of induction and induction that instantly analyzes, infers, understands, and grasps the essence of any complex structure or organization. Super dramatic creativity emanating from pure thinking that does not go through indirect thinking called Kotoba.
It will probably reach 2.5 to 3.5 if the average human intelligence is I. The best brains in this group are easy to understand.

D. Amplification of sensory organs-he can see invisible light (infrared rays, ultraviolet rays) and intersperses ultrasonic waves.
be able to. Predictive power that comes from the combination of that abnormal sensation and high intelligence. They come from the ability to control one’s body at will.

3. Control and creation of the environment-Change yourself as you wish, move others, and create groups and environments according to your own philosophy.

4. The power to freely control substances beyond them.
Five moral consciousness that has developed infinitely.








二 感覚器官の増幅彼は、不可視光線(赤外澳、紫外線)を見ることができ、超音波を聞くことができる。

















彼は、まだ低い段階のホモ・サピエンスたちを教育するための「教え」を說くと同時に、これからやがて次第にあらわれてくる 同族たちを教育するためのカリキュラムもつくった。







Qualification of Homo Excellence


There is a technique here.

By training in this technique, any human being will have some excellent powers.

Once you hear about how to generate electricity, you will never forget it. Instantly analyze, reason, and understand structures and organizations, no matter how complex.
The power of deduction and induction that organizes resources. No memory. Instantly analyze, reason, and understand structures and organizations, no matter how complex.
The power of deduction and induction to grasp the essence. Super dramatic creativity that comes from pure thinking that does not go through the indirect thinking of words.
If the average human intelligence is 1.0, it probably reaches 2.5 to 3.5.

The best minds in this group easily understand the fourth dimension.

2. Amplification of sense organs He can see invisible light (infrared, ultraviolet) and hear ultrasound.

The power of prediction that comes from the combination of abnormal senses and advanced intelligence. They come from the ability to control one’s own body as one wishes.

Controlling and creating the three environments: Change yourself as you wish, influence others, and create groups and environments according to your ideals.

The power to transcend the four substances and freely control them.

Five infinitely developed moral consciousness.

Generally speaking, this ability is more than enough.

Let’s compare this with the ability possessed by Professor Olivier’s future human, Homo Excellence, mentioned in the previous section.

Isn’t it better to say that they are exactly the same rather than surprisingly similar?

I don’t know if you would say that. I wonder if the author copied Olivier’s poem exactly as it was.

I can’t touch it now. That’s actually what I want. At first, I knew about the existence of the transferred lordships from Olivier’s teaching machine, and I thought that the mastery of these techniques was a qualification for future generations. Of course, that was not the case, and Professor Olivier must have expected the arrival from an academic perspective, but what do you think of this tacit agreement?

Of course, it is inconceivable that Professor Odis actually knew of the existence of this special technology, climbed on top of it, and wrote about Rancis’ magical power in this way. Well, this reinforcement equipment is used more often in Amekmitaba than in this country.

And actually. After the field line encounters at such times, Kannon is left alone.

Homo excellence is already appearing on this earth. Although it is still a very small number.

Future humans, Homo excellence, will not emerge as a result of evolution over a long period of time, nor will they appear as mutants like Blankenstein’s monster.

This is the transformation of Homo sapiens themselves through a special human development technique. Elegance does not come naturally, it is created.

However, the first Homo excellence to appear may have been a kind of mutant. Or, it may have been a precursor to the super-set that appeared as a result of environmental adaptation to future society. The first Cro-Magnon just appeared among the Neanderthal herds.
Like a person. According to Le Garrick’s law, the formation of a new product within an already existing genus occurs after 300 years.
It is said to take 600,000 years. 5000 years ago is a reasonable amount of time for the predecessors of Homo excellence to emerge and gradually form new homologous species within Homo sapiens.

The first Homo excellence would have been very lonely. His extraordinary abilities naturally forced him to become a prophet, a leader, and an educator. Also, with his extraordinary ability, he was able to gain insight into the future several thousand years in the future, and was able to predict his own future position in human history by homo excellence.
He must have taken it.

At the same time that he criticized the “teachings” intended to educate Homo sapiens, who were still at a low stage, he also created a curriculum to educate Homo sapiens, who would gradually appear in the future.

He had some admirers around him. From among them, he selected those with outstanding talent and trained them using this curriculum. Or perhaps some of his disciples were also predecessors of Homo excellence. In this way, this technique was passed down from generation to generation. But too high
The technology developed was too difficult to understand for it to be widely accepted, and people needed time to make progress and mature. Over the years, the technology has often been misunderstood, maligned, or even on the verge of fragmentation. However, every time that technology was about to die out, a superior homo excellence emerged to take over. In this way, this technology quietly waited for the time when it would be widely accepted by the world. I waited for the time when many people needed this technology and started making efforts to accept it.

Now, it seems the time has come.
Homo sapiens has reached its limit as an organism. Confusion, confusion, and hatred covering this world right now.
Above all, it speaks for itself. What comes next is nothing but despair. Right now, there is not a single person living on this island without feeling, even for a moment, that their life is in danger. Until now, machines and technical science have always overcome the crisis. But now, those machines and technology are taking the lead in hurting humans.

“I could see it”.

The civilization created by the intelligence of Homo sapiens has reached its limit. If this world wants to survive, a new civilization must emerge. Everything that Homo sapiens has created, science, technology, religion, even art, has reached its limits. Ethics and morals have collapsed. Old humans must
All this is now a thing of the past, although we cling to dead old civilizations. The final option for living things that have reached their limits is “mass suicide.” Now, that mass suicide is unfolding on the ground. Environmental contamination, pollution, and war – all created by Homo sapiens themselves.

Eventually, Homo sapiens will become extinct through collective suicide through collective struggle. Look! Even religion has joined the struggle. The country’s religious groups, which claim to be the most progressive, are fighting the most.The law means that Homo sapiens has finally begun to follow the last path followed by all living things. Let that which should perish perish. Therefore, the human genus will not die out. Here is a new kind of fetal movement. Excellence will coexist for some time, in new civilizations and old civilizations, in Homo sapiens and Ho. It lasts from three to seven generations. The coexistence of Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons continued for 100 to 150 generations. It took that long for Neanderthals to disappear. Our coexistence can be accelerated and completed in a very short time.


Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis


新のゲーム PC カメラ 家電 健康





呼吸法  チャクラの機能  Breathing method Chakra function 6 メシア ( 仏陀 ) の法 Messiah (Buddha) Law system of Dharma 6 チャクラ Chakra















このチャクラを覚醒すると、体力が異常に増進して、普通の人の三~五倍の精力をもつようになる。三日、四日の徹夜くらい平気になる。一切の病気を受けつけず、健康体そのものとなる。病弱だった者は、その悪いところが、みな癒ってしまう。このチャクラに Samyama を集中してそのエネルギーが発動したとき、瀕死の病人でも床を蹴って立ち上がるだろう。男女ともに実際の年齢より一〇歳以上若くなる。




2 SPLEEN O SPLENIC Svadhisthana







「Nabi-cakra (臍輪)に Samyama を向けることにより、体内の配列、組織を知ることができる」(自在力 第3節)
この章について、佐保田鶴治博士は、トーン・外ん小胴輪。というのは、実際の癖の孔ではなくて、そのあたりにあると想像される神秘な車輪状の場所で、一六の輻をもっているといわれる。一説には、後世のハタ・ヨーガで説く六つのチャクラのなかの下から三つ目にあるマニプーラ・チャクラ (Manipira-cakra)のことであるともいう。いずれにせよ、肉眼で見える部分ではなく、幽体に属するものとされている。チャクラについては、ここで詳説する暇がない。臍輪は気体(生命エネルギーからなる身体)の中央にあるから、これに綜制をおこなうと身体内の組織がわかる、というのである」(『解説ヨーガ・スートラ』平河出版社)




それは、医学的には、ソーラー・プレクサスと名づけられた「太陽神経叢」のことである。腹腔神経叢、内臓動脈軸叢ともいわれ、腹腔動脈より出る上腸間膜動脈の起始部にある交感神経の大きい神経叢である。(次頁図参照)。胃の裏がわにあってさなれる神秘な車輪状の場所で、一六の輻をもっているといわれる。一説には、後世のハタ・ヨーガで説く六つのチャクラのなかの下から三つ目にあるマニプーラ・チャクラ (Manipira-cakra)のことであるともいう。いずれにせよ、肉眼で見





すなわち、ここから出る神経は、食道、胃、腹部血管、肝、輸胆管、膵臓、副腎、腸等に分布している。また、この神経叢は大小内臓神経、迷走神経、第十二胸神経節、第一腰神経節などが集まっており、内臓の神経としては最も重要な 叢 である。チャクラというのは、いずれも、今まで、空想的、神秘的場所とのみ考えられてきた。




「Samyama を向ければ、体内の組織を知ることができる」とあるが、この Samyam-a というのは、特別な修行を経た特殊な集中力をいう。あとでくわしく説明するが、
コールすることができるという意味である。実際にこのナービ・チャクラに Samyamaを集中すると、この太陽神経叢に属する内臓器官――それは食道から、胃、肝臓、膵臓、脾臓、副腎、腸にいたるまで、すべてを自分の思うようにコントロールできるのである。これらの臓器官が、どうにかすぎいい、いしでいいようであれば直ちに正常にもどしてしまう、いいわ、調べ、ごャード網駅、威、強滅、いった、キャラバに活動すると、他い通い力がたらいいてきて、個人、いいにいようにするようになると同時に、他人の心を目いていて、目に思い、単品、枠、主とすると心も交流するこきれいさに、下町な、理解できいことなど大地にみちすごい、、、チャーボードにしてそこかいことができる。つまり、人にはないで、、、持っていたい、エネルギーはこの空間に痕跡をとどれているので、このチャンスで、、、茨と同じになれば、その心が持っていたべてのもの、意識も、知能もみな自分と同化して自分のものになるということである。


















頭のなかの光明 Mirdha jyotis といわれるチャクラである。Brahma-randhra 梵の座、先の裂け目という頭蓋骨の接合するところの真下に位置する。梵の座、梵の裂け目とは、梵すなわち聖なるもの、と一体になる場所という意味である。





This is because the name “hormone” gives the impression that it is related only to the female genitals, and that is why it is taken care of. The same is true for androgens (androgens are also secreted not only by the testicles but also by the adrenal cortex, author).

Health and hormonal science


Kundalini Yoga knew decades ago that one of the state’s leading endocrinologists was screaming loudly and was taking advantage of it. Women also acquire age-dependent, youthful feminine qualities-compassion, tenderness, lighting, supple and charming appearance, and beautiful voice through this chakra training. It is rich in various hormones such as testosterone, androsterone, and estrogen, which are secreted from the whole in men and from the ovaries in women, regardless of age.
This is because it has a special technique to secrete it. It works the same for men. This technique creates a heroic man with a strong fighting spirit.


The chakra is the base where it works.

Chakra function




In the previous section, I looked at the chakra from the aspect of modern medicine and physiology called the endocrine gland. Now let’s take a look at how Kundalini Yoga thinks and explains the chakra from the perspective of Kundalini Yoga.




1 = Mueller Dara Chakra


Adrenal gland / dismissal

The gonad of the endocrine gland, the site of the kidney.
When you awaken this chakra, your physical strength will increase abnormally, and you will have three to five times as much energy as a normal person. I feel fine all night on the 3rd and 4th. It does not accept any illness and becomes a healthy body. Those who are sick will heal all the bad things. When her Samyama is concentrated in this chakra and its energy is activated, even a dying sick person will kick the floor and stand up. Both men and women are over 10 years younger than their actual age.

Instead, you will have strong sexual desire and fertility, so you can use that energy.
We also use a method called jas that converts it into intelligent energy.


2 = Svadishtana chakra

2 SPLEEN O SPLENIC Svadhisthana




It is the part of the adrenal gland that releases the hormones of fighting and heroes.
When this chakra awakens and activates energy, it becomes more energetic and brave.
You will be able to actively and boldly act. Don’t be afraid of anything, don’t be confused by anything,
With a fearless and immovable belief, he will not be swayed by any difficulties. Demonstrate superhuman skill that transcends life and death.

3 = Manipula chakra

Sun nerve
Adrenal gland, pancreas, spleen, stomach, liver
Thymus / heart / lung occupation


The mystery of yoga, “Yoga Sutras,” says:
“By pointing his Samyama at the Nabi-cakra (umbilical ring), you can know the arrangement and tissue in the body” (Section 3 of Freedom).
About this chapter, Dr. Tsuruji Sahoda is a tone and a small torso. It is said that it is not an actual hole of habit, but a mysterious wheel-shaped place that is supposed to be around it, and has 16 spokes. One theory is that it is the Manipira-cakra, which is the third from the bottom of the six chakras described in later Hatha yoga. In any case, it belongs to the ghost body, not the part visible to the naked eye. I don’t have time to elaborate on the chakras here. Since the umbilical ring is located in the center of the gas (the body consisting of life energy), it is said that the tissues inside the body can be understood by controlling it. “(” Commentary Yoga Sutra “Hirakawa Publishing Co., Ltd.)




It is explained that this is a little different. The doctor is said to be a mysterious place that can be imagined around that area, “but this part is by no means a fantasy place. It certainly exerts a great power that seems to be mysterious, but it is clearly medically confirmed.
It is medically the “solar plexus” named Solar Plexus. Also called the peritoneal plexus or visceral arterial plexus, it is a large plexus of sympathetic nerves at the origin of the superior mesenteric artery that emerges from the peritoneal artery. (See the figure on the next page). It is a mysterious wheel-shaped place where the back of the stomach is laid on the back, and it is said to have 16 spokes. One theory is that it is the Manipira-cakra, which is the third from the bottom of the six chakras described in later Hatha yoga. In any case, see with the naked eye
It is supposed to belong to the ghost body, not the part that can be eaten. I don’t have time to elaborate on the chakras here. Since the umbilical ring is located in the center of the gas (the body consisting of life energy), it is said that the tissues inside the body can be understood by controlling it. “(” Commentary Yoga Sutra “Hirakawa Publishing Co., Ltd.)

It is explained that this is a little different.


The doctor is said to be a mysterious place that can be imagined around that area, but this part is by no means a fantasy place. It has great power, which seems to be mysterious, but it is clearly medically confirmed.

It is the “solar plexus” medically named Solar Plexus. Also called the peritoneal plexus or visceral arterial plexus, it is a large plexus of sympathetic nerves at the origin of the superior mesenteric artery that emerges from the peritoneal artery. (See the figure on the next page). The back of my stomach is on my stomach
This name was given because it sends nerves to each organ like the rays of the sun.

That is, the nerves exiting from here are distributed in the esophagus, stomach, abdominal blood vessels, liver, bile duct, pancreas, adrenal gland, intestine and the like. In addition, this nerve plexus is a collection of large and small visceral nerves, stray nerves, twelfth thoracic ganglion, first lumbar plexus, etc., and is the most important plexus as a visceral nerve. Until now, chakras have only been considered as fantasy and mysterious places.


These sites are by no means such things, and as mentioned earlier, they are deeply related to endocrine glands, nerve groups, enzymes, etc., and in fact, they are very important places from a medical point of view and are important. It is a place to work.


“If you point Samyama, you can know the tissues in your body,” but his Sammy am-a is a special concentration that has undergone special training. I will explain in detail later,
To know this organization is not just to know the organization, but to freely control the organization.
It means that you can call. When he actually concentrates his Samyama on this Navi Chakra, it controls everything from the esophagus to the stomach, liver, pancreas, spleen, adrenal glands, and intestines to the internal organs of this solar plexus. You can. If these organ officers are somehow too good, and if they are okay, they will immediately return to normal, okay, research, goyad net station, prestige, annihilation, etc. It’s a downtown area where you can get better and better, and at the same time, you’ll be able to look at the hearts of others, think about them, and interact with each other as a single item, frame, and mainly. It’s amazing to be able to understand things on the ground, and you can make it into a charboard. In other words, people don’t have it, I want to have it, energy has traces in this space, so at this chance, if it becomes the same as thorns, everything that the heart has, consciousness However, all intelligence is assimilated with oneself and becomes one’s own.

In that sense, if you become fully proficient in this chakra, you will be able to open the way to interact with the world of the spirit world (four dimensions).



5 = Vishudda chakra

Vishudda ”
Thyroid / epithelial body,
(Parathyroid gland) Salivary gland


It is the site of the thyroid gland and salivary glands.
By moving this chakra, superhuman hearing is provided. In fact, when this chakra becomes available, you will be able to hear certain sounds that you have never heard before. This is my own experience, but what kind of sound it is is
I’ll lie down here. When I teach a disciple, by examining what kind of sound the disciple heard, it becomes a criterion for judging whether or not the disciple really learned this chakra. Even if you don’t use such things as criteria, the leader knows, but if
If you let us know in advance that it is such a sound, you may hear such a sound by self-suggestion, so you should hide anything similar to it. It does not mean that the law is not open to the public. However, it can be said that human hearing is 40,000 to 50,
You can only hear vibration waves of 000 kHz, but if you master this chakra, your hearing will be more than doubled. The heart of a person who is 100 meters away
You can also hear the heartbeat of the viscera. By the way, the hearing of dogs is 80, 〇 〇
It is said to be 〇 to ​​90, 000 kilohertz.

Also, listen to various voices. You will hear the voice of the leading spirit clearly.
This is also the ability of Yoga Sutras to “understand the meaning of the screams of all creatures.” It is a Buddhist heavenly ear connoisseur.
In addition, this chakra is closely related to the muscle movements of the head, upper limbs (both arms) and chest.


6 = Ajnya Chakra

6 Pituitary gland


You will have abnormal clairvoyance. In “Yoga Sutras”, “By shining light on the manifestation of the mind, we can know even the finest things, hidden things that are hidden from the public, and things that are far away. Is the ability.
Telepathic ability is generated. This chakra is the Siddy that makes it possible to do the “Great Deflection” in “Yoga Sutras”.
This chakra is also called the command chakra, the desire fulfillment chakra, and the free power chakra, and when you become proficient, you will be able to command nature, move it freely, and control it freely.


7 Sahasrara chakra

Pineal gland / pineal gland ”

It is the part of the pineal gland, pineal gland, and hypothalamus.

A chakra called Mirdha jyotis. Brahma-randhra Located just below the junction of the skull, the seat of the sword, the rift at the tip. The seat of the 梵, the rift of the 梵, means the place to be one with the 梵, that is, the sacred thing.

When you awaken this chakra, a light appears in this part and it shines brightly. The light in my head.

This chakra integrates all chakras and controls it freely. He gradually transforms when he has free control over all the chakras. Kundalini Yoga describes this as one with the sacred. It is said that the Holy Spirit will dwell in this chakra and will interact with the Holy Spirit. The practitioner who completed this chakra is called a superhuman, a master, and a savior. Baiyue transcends the physical world and is no longer restricted by time and space. In India, the Buddha is a superhuman, showing in form that he is the perfector of this chakra. The top of the Buddha’s head is raised as if he was wearing his hat, which is called “flesh training”. It shows that the training of the Sahaslara chakra is completed and the skull is developed in this way.

The above is the mystery of Kundalini Yoga.


 The future of technology  テクノロジーが語る未来 エネルギー、衣食住も無料化!? シンギュラリティの真相とは


図 「収穫加速の法則」と「シンギュラリティ」




PEZY Computing 代表取締役社長の齊藤元章氏は「次世代の人工知能(AI)と次世代のスーパーコンピュータ(スパコン)が連携することで、エネルギー、衣食住、医療・福祉、安全保障等、全ての社会課題が解決できる」と話す。























“Singularity” when the intelligence of a machine exceeds the intelligence of human beings and reaches a state of self-evolution. In the process of getting there, it is said that it will be freed from energy problems, and the problems of clothing, food and housing and money will disappear. Cingularity is predicted to occur in 2030, at which time it is approaching.

Figure “Law of acceleration” and “singularity”

Source: Created from materials by Motoaki Saito

Cingularity was advocated by Ray Kurzweil, an American inventor and futurist. Sometimes referred to as “technical singularity”, it refers to the point in time when the intelligence of robots and machines exceeds human intelligence and reaches a state of self-evolution.

Mr. Motoaki Saito, President and Representative Director of PEZY Computing, said, “By connecting next-generation artificial intelligence (AI) and next-generation supercomputers (supercomputers), all societies such as energy, clothing, food and housing, medical / welfare, security, etc. The problem can be solved. ”

Saito is a venture entrepreneur who develops the first supercomputer in Japan. The supercomputer “Shoubu” developed by the company and its group company ExaScaler in collaboration with the Information Technology Center of RIKEN is the world’s first supercomputer ranking power consumption performance department “Green500” for the third consecutive year. Has the first place results.

“If there is a next-generation supercomputer that is 100 times the performance of the world-class supercomputer“ K computer ”, search, analysis, modeling, and simulation will make great progress, and the problem-solving ability will be dramatically or discontinuous At this time, it is important not only to be able to process at 100 times the speed, but also to be able to solve complex problems far beyond 100 times, resulting in singularity. It is considered to be.

The next-generation supercomputer will be developed by 2020 with further downsizing and lower power consumption. The next-generation supercomputer will be able to efficiently extract complex and enormous patterns that are not visible to humans.

When does singularity occur?

It is also called the “2045 problem”, but when does singularity occur?

First, look back on the history of humanity. Homo sapiens, a modern human being, has a history of about 250,000 years. Farming began around 15,000 years ago, and science began to contribute to human life 600 years ago.

The rapid change occurred in the “industrial revolution” 300 years ago. With the power of the steam engine, you can get a lot of power. Then, the computer was invented 70 years ago, the “information and communication revolution” occurred, and the “Internet revolution” occurred 30 years ago (Figure).

“In the future, revolutionary events will increase exponentially and will occur non-continuously every few years. It will be continuous and eventually simultaneous. At that time, singularity will I was told that it would happen around 2045, but some people, including myself, have predicted it will be around 2030. ”

Liberation from energy problems

According to Saito, first of all, the next generation supercomputer will realize the pre-singularity “pre-singularity”. The first impact is “energy free”, free from energy problems. For example, it is said that commercialization of a “small thermonuclear fusion reactor”, which is an inexpensive and clean next-generation energy, can be realized in 5 to 10 years.

“With a supercomputer 100 times that of K computer, commercial simulations of small thermonuclear reactors will be completed in a few months. If supercomputer performance improves, energy problems will be solved at an early stage,” he says. In addition, “artificial photosynthesis”, which is being studied at Osaka City University, is an effective way to generate energy by absorbing carbon dioxide. Furthermore, as “heat storage technology” evolves, a large amount of heat energy can be easily and safely stored, and 99% of the stored energy can be extracted and used.

The next impact is “solution of food problems” and “solution of all problems related to clothing, food and housing”. Food will be produced at plant factories. Plant factories are still in widespread use, but since they are not profitable, they have not increased on a large scale. This is because the LED light source requires a large amount of electricity, and it also needs electricity to cool the LED light source, which tends to have heat. However, if the energy becomes free, there will be no electricity bill, so a plant factory will be advantageous. The current plant factory is limited to production of lettuce, but if it can be produced at low cost, it will produce abundant grains, fruits, and aseptic high-quality feed. And fish breeding.

With regard to clothing, it is predicted that the use of plant factories will produce cotton and silk free of charge, and energy will be free, so there will be excess crude oil and chemical fiber free.

The house will eventually become free. Currently, 17% of Japan’s land is flat, of which 5% is residential land and 12% is farmland. Food production can be done in a high-rise building plant factory, eliminating the need for agricultural land. As a result, all 17% can be used for residential land, so land prices go down.

And it will change fundamentally in terms of military and security. For example, if a virus is developed that makes it a risk to possess a large amount of nuclear weapons with artificial intelligence, it is predicted that there will be no country or organization to own it.

“As we support all of energy, clothing, food and housing, military and national security, the era of supercomputers themselves can be said to be a national power. Furthermore, since clothing, food and housing becomes free, there is no need to work for eating Because it is not necessary, money will inevitably disappear. ”

When money runs out, there is no necessity for global competition and globalization. There will be no wars, conflicts, or terrorism over resources and money. In such a society, completely new values, dignity and social infrastructure are required.

Realization of immortality

Furthermore, it will be possible to realize “non-age”. Saito introduced an example of a woman who was still one and a half years old when she was 20 years old.

“This woman had no genetic or congenital anomalies. With the next generation supercomputer, we will be able to analyze proteins and metabolism at high speed, and we will be able to elucidate the cause of this senility.”

The evolution of supercomputers and AI will lead to revolutionary changes in energy, food, shelter and medicine. It will be necessary to think and prepare how to face these changes.

プレシンギュラリティ到来は5年後 5 years after the arrival of presingularity



渡辺 健太郎(以下渡辺):時間軸がすごく短くなっていて、エクサスケールのコンピューターが2020年にはできているだろうと、そこから10年でプレシンギュラリティに向かっていくと書かれていましたが。



























Ray Kurzweil predicted that a network of the galaxy level and the cosmic level would be built beyond the earth level, and intelligence would be born there. It can be said that his prophecy really depends on scientific and technological progress.
And we who are living now are going to have a wonderful time. I’m trying to witness the moment of singularity.
In 2045, it is said that “singularity” will occur where artificial intelligence surpasses the knowledge of all mankind, but this may be greatly advanced.

5 years after the arrival of presingularity

Kentaro Watanabe (Watanabe): It was written that the time axis was very short and that an exascale computer would be ready in 2020, and that it would go to presingularity in 10 years from there. But.

Motoaki Saito (hereinafter Saito): I think it’s a bit old. Because the time axis has been compressed.

Watanabe: I hope you can tell me about the update.

Saito: I think that an exascale supercomputer will be available in 2018.

Watanabe: Oh, is it 2018?

Saito: China is about to launch three different systems from 2019 to 2020.
From that point, I said that presingularity took 10 years, but I think it will probably not take 5 years.

Of course, when I wrote a book, I was conscious of AI to some extent, but I didn’t expect AI to progress so far.

Watanabe: In your book, it was written mainly on hardware.

Saito: Of course, hardware is also important, and in order to accelerate AI further, we have recently established a new company, thinking that we have to create an engine dedicated to AI.

AI and supercomputers can actually form the strongest tag beyond human intelligence.
What AI is doing now is the extraction of feature points / features, that is, patterns.
There have been news that AI has won humans with shogi, even with samurai, and has diagnosed illnesses that humans did not understand, but it is still just the beginning.

What can be done next is that when the AI ​​engine is about 1000 times faster than today, many patterns will be extracted from these enormous events, including complex social events and natural scientific events. Then, when you look at all of them and take a bird’s-eye view from a high point of view, you will surely find some new regularity and law.

This is essentially a new hypothesis.
One of the very big topics of the scientific community this year is the detection of gravity waves. The fact that it was detected once in September last year and once in December was announced in March and June of this year, and it became a big topic.
The hypothesis that gravitational waves exist has existed 100 years ago.
Although it was supposed to be an experiment, it was not detected directly in the end, so gravitational waves were not 100% in theory.

Such a hypothesis must be verified before it becomes a theory.
As for the verification method, the detection of gravitational waves was the same, but it can only be verified after an experimental facility is built. There are things that can be verified by calculation on the desk, and others that can be done on a computer, but in many cases you have to actually create an experimental system.

However, as the hypotheses become more sophisticated, the experimental facilities become huge and complex, and must be made with extremely high accuracy. It takes money, people and time.

When artificial intelligence comes up with a hypothesis, in addition to making a ridiculous number of hypotheses, it makes a very complex hypothesis.
Perhaps many of them will not be understood by humans.
Even if you are the same person, for example, how many people understand the special relativity theory and general relativity theory of Einstein, for example?

It is said that there must be a “unified field theory” in the universe that can integrate and express all four forces that exist in nature, but humans have not yet caught up there.

Most of the hypotheses are rejected, so only one in 100 and one in 10,000 might be verified.
It is physically impossible to make a large and complex experimental system each time. However, with an exaflop-class supercomputer, it becomes possible to create an experimental system in a virtual physical space inside the supercomputer with higher accuracy than in real space. And then you can verify it there.

The next-generation artificial intelligence engine will make a lot of hypotheses anyway, and it will be verified by turning the supercomputer. Many will be rejected or modified, but as this loop turns, hypotheses far beyond human wisdom are verified, and eventually unified field theory can be verified. It should be.

Watanabe: That may be horrible (laughs)

Saito: That was something you didn’t expect when you wrote the book.
The artificial intelligence engine that is 1000 times faster than now is going to be completed in 2018, and in 2019, we can start turning this loop.

Watanabe: That means starting to run toward presingularity in 2019.

Saito: If the understanding of the world is progressing at this pace, I think that it will go to a very good place in two years, three years.
If the understanding from the bottom-up deepens and starts from the top level of the government in the top-down, and penetrates, the possibility of realizing presingularity is already in 2025.

Watanabe: Is it 2025?

Saito: So I think that in 2030, it reached singularity.

Watanabe: That will be 15 years ahead.

It was 15 years ahead of schedule, and in 2030 the possibility of realizing singularity has become apparent.
I’m really looking forward to seeing what hypothesis is made by artificial intelligence, which is a combination of exa-level supercomputers and tags.
If the mechanism of the universe is elucidated by artificial intelligence, reaching the “sixth stage” predicted by Mr. Kurzweil will become realistic.
But before realizing this future, we must remember that there are issues we must tackle now, such as poverty, war, and global warming.
In the final round, we explored the potential of artificial intelligence and supercomputers to challenge the challenges we face.