

メシア ( 仏陀 の法 Messiah (Buddha) Law system of Dharma   2















しかし、目から火が出る」ほどのこの衝撃は、いったいどうしたということであろうか? 外部から私の頭部を打ったものはなにひとつない。











そしてここが、ヨーガでいうブラーマ・ランドラ (梵の座)であり、サハスララ・チャクラなのである。

















下のバンプレシン、オキシトシンが視床下部の視索上校や室労核の神経分泌により支れていることが示され、最近は下座体前葉が次に記すような各種の分泌促進因子 releaingtag of下にあることが知られてきた

Third discovery—the secret of the hypothalamus

I have been trained in Kendo since I was a child. I was probably around three years old when my grandfather, who was born into a family of domain swordsmen and learned Hokushin Itto-ryu at Chiba-mon in Otamagachi, Edo, held a wooden sword for the first time. It is said that she looked at her grandfather’s face and cried, saying, “My eyes are scary!”


My grandfather, who was over 80 years old at that time, had become a true loving grandfather, and I was usually more attached to him than my mother, but at that time I was reminded of Toba, the swordsman who shone behind the wooden sword. It seems that Genzaburo (his grandfather’s name) had shrunk in his eyes.


I, who rarely cry, cried for almost an hour. Even so, my old mother still fondly tells me that you were never good at using a wooden sword.I later reached 3rd dan and quit due to lack of health, but I had a talent for swordsmanship. He is said to have had a grandfather’s blood, and the reason why he participated in side road tournaments around the country that were popular at the time as a boy and won an uncountable number of championships was probably due to his grandfather’s blood.

I liked the driveway. I thought it would be tough when I got hit on the elbow of my armor and lost my arm and accidentally dropped my bamboo sword, but it didn’t bother me. When his face was removed deep and vividly beyond his face, fire suddenly came out of his eyes and he smelled a pungent smell. There’s really fire coming out of your eyes.


It’s not an adjective at all. This is the fire that all those who have practiced Kendo know. At that moment, a flash of light flashed through my field of vision.


After a while, I came to my senses and realized this. That’s it. That person is the same as the fire back then.

And at the same time as my eyes lit up, I felt like I could smell that nostalgic smell of cinchona that was so big inside the metal, but…

But what could have happened to cause such a shock that my eyes were on fire? Nothing externally hit me on the head.

Then, what was happening inside my head? Or was it some kind of illusion?

I took a certain pose again, gently moving my head from one angle to another and making a special call, getting into a certain position.

Then, without any warning or sense, he started a fire in the same place as before. At the same time, I began to hear sounds deep inside my head.

I stood there in a bit of “shock”, secretly fearing that I would feel something similar to the electric shock in the back of my head again, but this time I didn’t feel any pain at all. .

Then, at the top of my head, an open star struck again.


There was no doubt that something major had changed inside my chest.

But what kind of anomaly is that?
It was a kind of shock caused by a chemical reaction.

An abnormal change occurred in the “hypothalamus” of Fukaei. The whole secret was the hypothalamus inside the diencephalon. This was the secret origin.


As you can see, the hypothalamus controls all endocrine glands.
And this is what yoga calls Brahma Randra (the seat of Brahma) and Sahasrara Chakra.


As previous yoga instructors have said, it is not the pineal gland. The hypothalamus is the Rihaswara chakra.

However, since the pineal gland is located right next to the hypothalamus, it must have been blocked.

However, the pineal gland itself also plays an important role. However, the sahasra chakra itself was not the pineal gland, but the hypothalamus.


The hypothalamus, as just mentioned, controls all endocrine organs through the pituitary system. So, what should be used to control it? Of course, it is the nerves.

Therefore, many important nerves are concentrated in the hypothalamus.

I created poses and mudras from ancient yoga that move this area, applying strong pressure to them, and at the same time concentrating intense thoughts (psychokinesis).

Over the course of a hundred days, I concentrated here my strong energy, both physical and spiritual.

As a result, a major change occurred in this nerve ending.

As a result of this abnormality, the nerve fibers became abnormal, but it is not known whether this was due to a change in the secretion fluid or the nerve waves, or whether it was due to a complex mixture of these secretion fluids. It caused a chemical reaction.

The shock from this chemical reaction violently hit the nerves in the thalamus, causing a flash of light to flash across the retina.

At that moment, the shock created a synapse in the nerve fibers here, and the fire caused the star to strike in the depths of my brain whenever I wanted.

At the same time, the structure of my brain changed completely. This is the fulfillment of the law of wisdom.

The Gumonjisōmeiho was a transformation of the brain tissue through chemical reactions inside the brain.
In terms of the physiological mechanism of the first Her, let’s look at the mechanism of Aikawa’s lower part physiologically. (Illustrated Guide to Endocrine Diseases by Masaharu Tsuchiya and others), located on the ventral side of the thalamus.

The diencephalon is responsible for the regulation of various functions such as body temperature, bixen, xinchen, exocrine, smooth muscle, etc.
It is valued as a place for tsugikyaku in minutes.

The endocrine gland regulation mechanism includes cardioneuronal regulation (sympathetic regulation).
It has been shown that vanpressin and oxytocin are supported by the neurosecretion of the supraoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus and the nucleus venus, and recently the anterior lobe of the inferior lobe has been shown to release tags of various secretagogue factors as described below. something has been known

メシア ( 仏陀 ) の法 Messiah (Buddha) Law system of Dharma   1



有害物質―。それらはどこに原因があるのであろうか? わかりきったことである。




















君はそれを疑うのか? ではいおう。
今の知能水準であるかぎり、もはや、ヒトに未来はない。ホモーサピエッスの文明はすでに限界に達した。 だか。




ひとつは普通の現代人、ホモーサピエンスHomo sapiensである。これがふるい人類だ。

もうひとつは、特殊な能力を身につけた未来人、ホモーエクセレンスHomo eχcellens である。つまりあたらしい人類だ。




1 第四次元の理解。
2 複雑な全体をとっさに把握する能力。
3 第六感の獲得。
4 無限に発展した道徳意識の保有。
5 とくにわれわれの悟性には不可解な精神的な特質。






一万年さきか? 二万年?・

え? そんなに早く? とあなたはびっくりするだろう。だが、あなたはここでさらにもっとびっくりしなければならないのだ。




ニ 感覚器官の増幅-彼は、不可視光線(赤外線、紫外線)を見ることができ、超音波を間くことができる。その異常感覚と高度の知能の結合からくる予知力。それらは、自分の肉体を思うままに統御する能力からくる。
三 環境の制御と創造1思うままに自分を変え、他人を動かし、集団や環境を、自分の理念の通りに創造してゆく。
四 物質を超え、物質を自由に統御する力。
五 無限に発達した道徳意識。

そうではないのだ。それは、むしろ、私のほうがいいたいことだ。私は、最初、オリヴィエ教授がこの特殊技術の存在を知っていP1 9の技術の習得を未来人の貧緋ごしたのではないかと思
もっとも、オリヴィエ教授は、実際にこの特殊技術の存在を知っていて、その上に立ってホモしり把力を、このように書いたのである、ということも考えられたいことではなアメリカやヨーロッパで知ヽむしろ、アメリ’エクセレンスの能力を、このよう られ、高く評価されはじめているのだからI。
未来人、ホモーエクセレンスは、これからさき、長い時間をかけて進化の結果あらわれてくるのでもないし、突然変1 体としてフランケンシュタインの怪物のごとく登場するのでもない。それは、ひとつの特殊な人間開発技術により、ホモーサピエンス自身が変身するのだ。それは自然
彼は、まだ低い段階のホモーサピエンスたちを教育するための「教え」を説くと同時に、これからやがて次第にあらわれてくる同 族たちを教育するためのカリキュラムもつくった。彼は、周囲に何人かの崇拝者を持った。そのなかからすぐれた素質を持つ者をえらんで、彼はこのカリキごフムで訓練した。あるいは、その弟子たちのなかには、彼と同じホモーエクセレクト。だが、あまりにも高度
スのヽなその開発技術は、ひろく受け入れられるためにはあまりに難解で、入びとの進歩と熟成のための時が必要であった。その長い間、この技術は、しばしば、誤解されたり、誹談されたり、あるいは分裂の危機を迎えた。けれども、その技術が滅亡しよいは分裂の ホモーエクセレンスがあらわれて、これを継いだ。この技術は、このようにして、ひろく世にうけいれられる時を静かに待った。多くの人びとが、この技術を必要とし、受け入れようと努力しはじめる時期を静かに待った。




つねに機械と技術―科学がその危機を乗り越えてきた。しかし、いまは、その機械と技術が先頭に立って人間に打撃を加えている。 もう「さきは見えて」しまった。










Let’s take a look at the problems humanity is currently facing.
– Killing each other, robbing each other, hating each other, hurting each other – and is rapidly spreading across the globe.
Hazardous substance-. What are their causes? It’s completely understandable.
That’s because humans are stupid.
The anthropologist Linnaeus classified humans and gave them the scientific name “wise humans.”
The Ikukawa scholar Sialleurissier named the stupid man Homostrussus. In the preface to his book, “Man – This Fool,” Nobel Prize winner Lissier lists many of the follies of humankind, describing them as extremely stupid animals. I’d like to call them that, but I’m going to refrain from using superlative adjectives and just call them stupid humans.

Indeed, humans have two sides. Human beings are contradictory creatures that are a combination of two sides: wise and wise, and stupid and weak.If we look around us now, we can see that Homo sapiens Completely silent, Homo sturtissimus is rampant like a specter.

Killing each other, robbing each other, hating each other, hurting each other,
It gradually escalates. Science and technology have infinitely expanded human power, but at the same time, they have also infinitely increased human slaughter, exploitation, hatred, and struggle. If this continues, Homo sapiens will become extinct without a doubt.

What does humanity need most now?

It is a high level of intelligence.
The terrible follies unfolding on this earth are caused first and foremost by the low intelligence of humankind.

What humanity needs now is neither science nor technology. It’s neither a revolution nor an ideology. It’s not a race struggle, it’s not a class struggle. Such things are of no use.

No matter how many revolutions we make, no matter how many times we fight, as long as human intelligence remains at its current level, it will only be a repetition of empty rituals.
Let’s look at history. No matter how advanced and developed things we call machines and technology, science and civilization, the behavior patterns of stupid humans have not changed in the slightest. Isn’t this pattern of hating each other, killing each other, and robbing each other all the time repeating? Where do you see changes?


It’s young. Stop wasting energy. If you want a revolution, move forward with an intellectual revolution for all mankind.

Human intelligence has not advanced a single step since Neanderthal times. First and foremost, we must increase human intelligence.

Exterminate Homo sturtissimus. Unless we do that, we have no future. It is already in the countdown stage.

At this time, there is a technology that can modify humans and completely change social institutions. This technology will dismantle all existing social systems, and the new civilization that will emerge from it will transcend one dimension.

Only through this technology will the world be revived, and only this revolution will save all humanity from destruction. It’s young. Why don’t you pay attention to this?
Why are you not passionate about this grand and dramatic revolution that has never been matched on earth?


It is powerless.
It does not increase intelligence; it merely expands knowledge.
Education only expands a person’s innate knowledge, but does not increase intelligence itself. Technology to increase intelligence must be a system that improves the ability to remember things, rather than teaching things or making people memorize things. A fool is still a fool no matter how much education you give him. Education is completely useless to idiots. It takes a special skill to turn a fool into a clever one.


It is nothing more than a brake that tries to somehow appeal to conscience and deter intelligent people from their foolish actions; it has no power or technology to improve their intelligence. Even if we say the Nembutsu, recite the daimoku, meditate on the scriptures, and call upon the name of God, we may gain peace of mind, comfort, and faith, but our intelligence itself will not increase. .

In a future society with the most highly evolved intelligence, there will be no special field called religion. Because they are highly intelligent and possess highly developed ethics and moral awareness, current religions and the “teachings” preached by religious figures are not viewed as completely vulgar, low-level, and childish things. Religious consciousness will become common sense, and people will no longer meditate on kami or hotke. Human beings become indiscriminate.


You should realize that such a future society is just around the corner.
You must know that a social system with a completely different structure than before is about to emerge.

do you doubt it? Let’s go.
Unless such advanced intelligence emerges, the world will soon end. Homo sapiens is
As long as humans have their current level of intelligence, there is no future for humans. Homo sapiens civilization has already reached its limit. That’s it.
If there is a future society, it will have to be an entirely new and advanced society.

Super-human tL brain firing rate coefficient 3.9 In the future society that will soon arrive, humans will be divided into two species.
It is not two peoples, it is not two classes. There are two species and a genus.
The two species and genera will coexist for a while, but soon one of them will give up and rapidly disappear from this world.
In that case, some people might suggest that the conflict between the two is not limited to a future society, but may still be the case even today.
Certainly, it can be considered in several ways: colored people and white people, free society and communist society, rich people and poor people, and people who are in control and people who are considered to be rulers.
But it’s different.

A classification completely different from such classifications is about to appear in our world in the very near future. Such a movement is already underway.
There are two hominin genera.

New humans and old humans.

One is ordinary modern humans, Homo sapiens. This is sieve humanity.

The other is Homo eχcellens, a futuristic person who has acquired special abilities. In other words, a new human race.
Homo nipiens refers to none other than ourselves, but what kind of person is homo excellence?


Homo excellence means an “excellent person” who has acquired special abilities that Homo sapiens do not have. Some people have given this futuristic person the name Homo Iteridans (smart human).

So, what kind of special abilities does this excellent futuristic person, Homo Excellence, have?

Let’s list some of his features.
“Future species, superhumans, will probably have a brain rate coefficient of 3.9,” says world-renowned anthropologist Professor Georges Olivier of the University of Paris in his book “Humans.” In “Evolution, Past Present, and Future,” he begins by saying:
“(Though we, who are far inferior to them, cannot comment on the abilities of such an extremely superior creature,) we can barely imagine the intellectual abilities of this super-human being.

For example,
1. Understanding the fourth dimension.
2. Ability to quickly grasp a complex whole.
3. Acquisition of a sixth sense.
4 Possession of infinitely developed moral consciousness.
5. Mental characteristics that are incomprehensible, especially to our understanding.
I will leave it to people with rich imaginations to figure out the physical form of creatures with a brain rate coefficient of 3.9, their wonderful intelligence, and their actions that we cannot fully understand. While we are blind, our successors will probably be clairvoyant.
Kara” (translated by Kumi Ashizawa, published by Misuzu Shobo)
It has said.

According to the publisher’s introduction, Professor Olivier is a professor of anthropology at the Faculty of Science at Fuhari University, and has published numerous articles on anthropology and anatomy, as well as several books, including “Anthropological Anatomy.” Received an invitation from the French Academy. He has not only made many achievements in research in his field of expertise, but also devoted himself to training young researchers, and is an excellent leader of French anthropology in both name and reality.”
I must say that he is truly one of the leading scientists of our time.

This is how the scientist foretold the appearance of Homo Excellence in the future. The author is not simply trying to frighten people with demon faces without any basis. It will definitely come. So, 1. Where exactly does this homo excellence come from?

When will it come?

Professor Olivier says that the arrival of the future man, Homo Excellence, is an inevitability of history. Let’s trace the history of mankind.
The first to appear was Australopithecus, which evolved from Oreopithecus and Ramapithecus.
(Ape-man). However, after a while, Pithecanthropus erectus (hominid)
changed. However, soon Neanderthals (Old Man) came and took over, and their era lasted almost 100,000 years.
However, about 40,000 to 50,000 years ago, Cro-Magnon people (new people) with considerably advanced intelligence appeared.
Then they quickly disappeared and became extinct. However, about 10,000 years ago, the Cro-Maggnots were also known as Australoids (Javanese, Javanese,
They quickly disappeared into new modern human species: Mongoloids (China), Negroids (Africa), and Caucasoids (Europe). child
This is a fact that appears only on the superficial surface of history, and there are countless other unknown human genera and their branches that have appeared.
Many scholars believe that it disappeared soon after creating history.
A famous scientist said that the lifespan of a species is 1 million years, and Homo sapiens has lived for 1 million years since its appearance.
He is expected to reach this age soon. Professor Olivier also said, “Now, we…
It makes perfect sense for us to think about the next human race, our successors.

Will that new bit ever appear?
Ten thousand years ago? Twenty thousand years? ・
Roughly speaking, the next generation of humans after Homo sapiens is just like saying that the sun will burn out someday, and even if it’s not a fantasy, it must probably be an event that is astronomically far in the future. You might say that we are not free people enough to worry.
no way

If you say things like that, you’ll become an idiot.’
Professor Olivier makes this prediction based on the laws of biological evolution.
“…The humans of the future will soon arrive unexpectedly.”
picture?  So soon? You will be surprised. But you have to be even more surprised here.
I mean! ,
This new human being, homo excellence, is not “soon to come”; it is already here on earth. It has already appeared on this earth a long time ago.
from when?

When do you think it started?
since yesterday?
From the day?
So, last year?
It’s been around for even longer than 5,000 years!

⑥I Homo Excellence qualification
There is a technique here.
When trained in this technique, any human being will have some superior powers.
Let’s give you that power.

1 Extremely developed intelligence II Once you see something or hear something, you will never forget it – memory. No matter how complex the structure or organization, the power of entaku and induction allows us to instantly analyze, reason, understand, and grasp the essence. Super dramatic creativity that comes from pure thinking that does not go through the indirect thinking of words.
It is human normal.

Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

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脳  爬虫類脳・哺乳類脳・人間脳|3つの脳の構造でわかる人間の三大欲求 Brain: Reptile brain, mammal brain, human brain | Three major human desires understood by the structure of the three brains

3つの脳 爬虫類脳・哺乳類脳・人間脳

僕たち人間は、3つの脳を同時に併せ持っているとする『脳の三位一体論(triune brain)』という仮説があります。

  • 生きるための爬虫類脳
  • 感じるための哺乳類脳
  • 考えるための人間脳





3つの脳 (脳の三位一体論)

1960年代に提唱された『脳の三位一体論(triune brain)』の仮説によると、人間の脳は太古の脳の基本的構造を保ったまま、地層のように次の脳が付け足される形で進化してきたと考えられました。

  1. ワニやトカゲのような原始爬虫類の脳
  2. ウマやイヌのような旧哺乳類の脳
  3. 急速に発達してきた新哺乳類の脳





この「3つの脳の進化」の仮説は、アメリカ国立精神衛生研究所の脳進化学者ポール・D・マクリーン(Paul D. MacLean)博士によって提唱されました。

1990年に刊行された著書『The Triune Brain in Evolution(邦訳:三つの脳の進化)』では、人間に起こる衝動は、爬虫類から継承された反射脳によって生まれると解説されています。











スポンサード リンク



















  • あいさつ
  • 攻撃・侵略
  • 求婚・求愛
  • 服従







スポンサード リンク


































  • 「創造的なことをしたい」
  • 「目標達成したい」
  • 「成長したい」












































ですが実際は、爬虫類脳は「なんで今までと違うことをするんだ? 甘くておいしいケーキは目の前にあるぞ」と抵抗し、哺乳類脳も「ダイエットって面倒だから嫌い・・・」と抵抗します。






















  • 「たった2週間で変化が実感できます」
  • 「今すぐ解決できます」









  • 「この先行投資が、あなたを一生涯守ってくれます」
  • 「一度テクニックが身につけば、この先、路頭に迷う心配がなくなります」







Next⇒「古い脳 VS 新しい脳|脳の特徴でわかる人生の苦悩と解決策

There is a hypothesis that we humans have three brains at the same time, the “triune brain”.

Reptile brain to live
Mammalian brain to feel
Human brain to think

From these three characteristics of the brain, we can understand the three major human desires.

It is “I want to live, I want to get involved, I want to grow”.

Understanding these three brain characteristics can help you in marketing and branding in your business. Also, if you can take advantage of the differences between the three brains, it will be easier for you to reach your goals.

If you want to better understand humans, be aware of the differences between the three brains.

Three brains (the theory of the trinity of the brain)

According to the hypothesis of “triune brain” proposed in the 1960s, the human brain evolves in the form of adding the next brain like a stratum while maintaining the basic structure of the ancient brain. It was thought that he had done it.

Brains of primitive reptiles like crocodiles and lizards
Brains of old mammals like horses and dogs
Rapidly developing new mammalian brain

Therefore, human beings have “three brains” at the same time.

Three-layer structure of the brain

“Three brain evolutions” is a hypothesis by Mr. McLean

This “three brain evolution” hypothesis was put forward by Dr. Paul D. MacLean, a brain chemist at the National Institute of Mental Health.

In his 1990 book, The Triune Brain in Evolution, it is explained that the impulses that occur in humans are created by the reflex brain inherited from reptiles.

This “three brain evolution” hypothesis has been denied by many comparative neurologists since the 2000s, but it is a very straightforward model for understanding the structure and characteristics of the brain.

Three brain features

For example, if you’re hungry, you’ll ask for food, and if your throat is dry, you’ll ask for a drink. If it’s hot, you sweat, and if it’s cold, you tremble. This involves the reptile brain.

If you have your beloved child in front of you, you may not be able to control your favorite emotions, and you may inadvertently spill a smile on your face. This involves the mammalian brain.

Even if you love cigarettes, you may be quitting smoking for your health. This involves the human brain.

The characteristics of the three brains are summarized below.

Three brain features

I will explain the features one by one.

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Reptile brain (reflex brain): brain stem

According to the hypothesis of “The Trinity of the Brain”, the reptile brain is the oldest brain. Located at the bottom inside the skull, also known as the “primitive reptile brain” or “reflex brain.”

It consists of the brain stem, basal ganglia, and spinal cord, which are the core of the autonomic nerves, and controls the sympathetic nerves and parasympathetic nerves as the brain that controls instinct. Its role is mainly life support.

It is related to unconscious heartbeat and breathing, thermoregulation, eating food and drink, and sexual behavior. It is in this area of ​​the reptile brain that the body reacts reflexively when it feels dangerous.

In a word, the reptile brain is a brain for living.

Reptile brain is characterized by a life-supporting defense instinct

A characteristic of reptiles is their defense instinct against territory.

In the case of people, it’s called a personal space, but when someone in red gets too close to you, it makes you feel uncomfortable. That’s because the reptile brain’s defense instinct of “I want to be safe” works.

The reptile brain is desperate to live, so it is selfish and has only a short-circuited desire in front of it.

According to McLean, reptile communication

Attack / aggression
Marriage proposal / courtship

There are only four types.

If humans are only reptile brains, it will be a murderous world like “Fist of the North Star”, whether it is ruled or ruled, robbed or robbed.

Reptile brain hates new behavior

According to McLean, the reptile brain is full of memories from its ancestors and works as commanded by its ancestors, but does not work well when encountering new situations and is bound by the memories of its ancestors.

In other words, it has the property of “sticking to the rules of thumb of the past and hating new things.” “To be safe, you have to do the same thing as before.”

Due to this nature, we humans have set goals, but we are unable to take on new actions.

sponsor drink

Mammalian brain (emotional brain): limbic system

According to the hypothesis of “The Trinity of the Brain”, the mammalian brain is the second oldest brain after the reptile brain. It is located in the center of the brain so as to cover the reptile brain, and is also called the “old mammalian brain” or “emotional brain”.

It consists of the limbic system, which includes the amygdala, hippocampal formation, and cingulate gyrus, and controls impulsive emotions such as “joy, affection, anger, fear, and disgust” that are linked to pleasant and unpleasant stimuli.

Mammals such as dogs and cats are rich in emotions, unlike reptiles such as lizards and snakes. This instinctive emotion expresses affection, feels anxiety and fear, escapes danger and threat, and attacks foreign enemies.

In a nutshell, the mammalian brain is a brain for feeling.

Mammalian brain is characterized by emotional herd behavior

A characteristic of mammals is that they behave in groups.

The emotion of love gained by the mammalian brain helps increase the chances of inheriting a gene close to you. This is the source of maternal desires and instincts, such as collective action to raise children in cooperation with peers, and raising and protecting weak children.

Also, if you are at the top of the herd, you will be more sure to leave your genes. Alternatively, following a good leader will help protect the species.

It is the nature of this mammalian brain that we humans want to build a community and consider ourselves to be important in it. Furthermore, the vulnerable nature of authority may also be an effect of this mammalian brain.

Is it the nature of the mammalian brain that dogs protect human babies?

In YouTube videos, you see heartwarming footage of dogs trying to protect human babies. It may be the nature of the mammalian brain that instinctively tries to protect the vulnerable in the group.

Human brain (rational brain): Neocortex

According to the hypothesis of “The Trinity of the Brain”, the human brain is the newest brain. It is located on the outermost side of the brain and is also called the “new mammalian brain” or “reason brain”.

It consists of both hemispheres (right and left brains) of the neocortex and controls cognitive ability, language function, learning ability, creative thinking ability, spatial grasping ability, etc.

In a word, the human brain is a brain for thinking.

The characteristic of the human brain is logical thinking

What separates us humans from animals is the introspection ability to think about ourselves and the ability to think about the future obtained by introspection.

Because of our ability to think about ourselves and the future, we can be rational, want to learn, and act with a sense of purpose.

“I want to be creative”
“I want to reach my goal”
“I want to grow”

The idea is that it is possible to reflect on it, and it is due to the nature of the human brain that can imagine the future.

If you don’t have the ability to think about the future, you can’t quit smoking, go on a diet, or study for the future.

Also, because of the reason of the human brain, we don’t easily steal food just because we’re hungry, and we don’t easily hit people just because we’re sick.

Three human desires and three consciousnesses understood by three brains

Look again at the three brain features. From these three characteristics of the brain, we can understand the three major human desires.

Three brain features

The reptile brain is safe for life support. Eat to live, rest, and move reflexively when you are in danger. “Being safe” is the desire of the reptile brain.

In the mammalian brain, a sense of companionship works when emotions are born. Feeling affection and collaborating with peers leads to the survival of the species. “Making friends” is the desire of the mammalian brain.

The human brain has a sense of purpose by being able to think in the future. Escape the rule of instinct in front of you and try to act for the future. “Growing” is the desire of the human brain.

Try to schematize the three major consciousnesses of the brain

If you try to illustrate the functions of the brain in the hierarchical order of the three brains, the “three major human consciousnesses” can be expressed as follows.

Three major consciousnesses of the human brain

The reason for making it a pyramid is that the influence of the “reptile brain / mammal brain” is much greater than that of the “human brain”.

Looking at this hierarchy, we can see that it is similar to the ERG theory, which expresses the three major human needs, and Maslow’s five-step desire theory.

What are the three major desires? A complete explanation of the important human needs up to the eight major needs!
What is Maslow’s five-step theory of desire? Easy-to-understand explanation in the story
Human suffering that the three brains work together

The human brain is said to be the part that performs the highest and most complex information processing.

However, in reality, it is thought that advanced information processing cannot be performed by the human brain alone, and that advanced information processing is realized in conjunction with the mammalian brain and reptile brain.

As you can see, the three brains cannot function separately.

McLean said that the coexistence of three brains, a reptile brain, a mammalian brain, and a human brain, is “human suffering.”

This is because humans thought that the evolution of the three brains was so fast that the three brains did not work together and were often dominated by the influential reptile and mammalian brains.

It is not clear whether “human suffering” is due to the speed of evolution, but I think that many people are suffering from the following.

Human brain dominated by reptile brain and mammalian brain

For example, suppose you think of a diet.

If we could separate the three brains, only the human brain would work and we should be able to go on a diet easily.

However, in reality, the reptile brain resisted, “Why do you do something different? There is a sweet and delicious cake in front of you,” and the mammalian brain also said, “I hate it because dieting is troublesome …” To resist.

As a result, I get frustrated asking, “… I don’t have to go on a diet so hard.”

Conversely, if the reptile brain and the mammalian brain can be linked well, it will be easier to achieve the goal.

Old brain VS New brain | Life’s anguish and solutions that can be seen from the characteristics of the brain
Two approaches to rewriting the subconscious and a method of self-suggestion
It is important to train the human brain and not stress the brain

The human brain, which is good at pondering, becomes weaker due to stress on the brain. In other words, when you are under pressure or tired, you are more likely to have short-circuit thoughts in the reptile brain.

Therefore, if you want to achieve your goals, it is important to keep your brain as stress-free as possible.

Furthermore, by training the “frontal association area” that controls motivation and thinking ability, which is the human brain, it becomes easier to control short-circuited desires.

How to meditate | Why you can train your concentration and how to develop your willpower in 5 minutes a day
Three brain needs to apply to marketing

In order to apply the three brain needs to marketing, we should appeal from the influential reptile and mammalian brains.

To appeal to the reptile brain

To appeal to the reptile brain, use the keyword “safety and control”, which is a defense instinct.

For example, by emphasizing victory, it appeals to the desire to “ensure safety” and “dominate.”

メシアの法 3 システムとしての求聞持法 Messiah’s Law 1 Inquisition Law as a System

私は警告する。 私は警告する。

物理学の天才博士よ、 おなじく丁博士、また、すばらしい感覚の十二行詩を書く詩人A君、 おなじくつぎのノーベル賞作品を書くであろうといわれているH氏よ、さてまた華麗なるコンチ フェルトを得意とする作曲家のG君、企業の天才Z氏、その他すべてのエリート諸君、私は諸君に 警告する。諸君は、知識欲旺盛な若ものたちに頭から食べられてしまわぬよう、至急ガードマン の手配をせよ!

諸君は、現実に近い未来において、モリモリと頭から喰われてしまう恐れが多分にあるので す!

実際に、この私だって、いつなんどき、あなた方のなかのある人をふと食べてしまおうかと思 い立たぬともかぎらないのだ!

おそろしい世のなかになったものである。だれかの脳髄を食べてしまうことによってその人の 頭のなかにある記憶をそっくりこちらにいただいてしまうことができる可能性が発見されつつあ る。人なみすぐれた脳を持つ者は、いつなんどき誘拐されて、その脳を抜きとられてしまうか知 れぬ恐怖に、うかうか町も歩けぬことになる。アイデアにゆきづまったり、試験に落ちてばかり いることから抜け出すために人の脳をねらう殺人者で地球はおおわれてしまうかも知れない。 まくやって世界的なを手に入れしかしまた。 そんな血なまぐさい事件は警察にしっかりたのんでおいて、たのしいレジャーに 応用することもできる。 百獣の王ライオンになってジャングルをさまよい歩いたり、巨大な畑へ どになって、熱帯の樹の上で居ねむりする感覚や記憶をたのしむこともできる。


いや、これは決して空想小説ではない。脳の記憶の構造をしらべているうちに、じっさい 科学者たちはそれが実現する可能性につきあたってびっくりしたのである。

われわれの日々の体験、いいかえれば情報”だが、これは脳の一部に痕跡として残り、痕跡 は反復によって強められる。これを「記銘」といい、記銘されたものは必要に応じて再現も、想 起することもできる。 この生体の仕組みを「記憶」といい、反復によって記銘を強めることを 「学習」するという。 以上が、記憶というものの一連の作業のすがたである。 では、記銘はどの ようにしてなされるか?

大脳皮質頁の図の太線で示された「新しい皮質」と、斜線で示された「古い皮質」の、厚 ミリメートルの表面には、約一四〇億の神経細胞(ニューロン)がぎっしりとならんでい る。 次頁の上図はひとつのニューロンであるが、これらは、 模式的に書くと下図のように、おた がいがからみ合っている。 その仕組みは、最初のニューロンの樹枝状突起(デンドライト)に、受

容器または他のニューロンにつながる神経線維からひとつの情報パルスが入ると(頁参照)、それによって細胞体の電位がわずかに変化する。 細胞にはたくさんのデンドライトがあり、ひと つのデンドライトにはたくさんの神経線維がつながっているので(このつながりのところがシナブスである) (頁参照)、この細胞体にあたえられるパルス電圧はプラスであることもマイナス であることもあるけれども、とにかく合計してある電圧にまで高まると、はじめてこの細胞体は 輪に一発のパルスを送り出し、これが、つぎのニューロンのデンドライトにつたえられる。こ のようにして情報はつぎつぎと のに亡くなった偉大な神経生理学者、シェリントンにとって、脳はとてつもない配電盤であった。 彼と彼の後継者たちは、脳を電気的な面からだけ理解しようと努力した。記憶の保持は、モール 信号のように情報をつたえるパルスの行列が、複雑な神経細胞の連鎖がつくる回路のなかを無 に廻っている状態だと考えられた。そうして、想起とはそれが必要に応じてとり出されること だと考えた。しかし、現在は、きまったパターンの回路を、パルスがいつでもすぐに廻りうるよ うになっている状態だと考えられている。

そのためには、回路を組立てている神経細胞連鎖のシナプスが、ほかのシナプスよりも、パル スをより伝達しやすいようになっていなければならない。 つまり、シナプス抵抗の減少である。 この仕組みについて、いくつかの考えが出されている。

まず第一は、あるシナプスをパルスがたびたび通ると、そこに構造的な変化がおこるだろうと いうのである。ちょうど、筋肉をきたえると、筋肉細胞が肥大するように、シナプスを形成して いる神経線維の末端の終末ボタンが大きくなったり、数がふえたりして、その結果、シナプス抵 抗が減少するというのである。この考えを支持する事実として、近年、ヘップ (D.O. Hebb) た ちが、刺激によってニューロン終末ボタンの数がふえたり、大きくなったりする現象を報告して いる。


れるようになるのだろうという考えである。 最近、シナプスに、電気刺激によってパルスをたく さん送りこむと、シナプス前部膜にある伝達物質をふくんだシナプス小胞が、膜の表面に移動し てくることが観察されている。 また、その逆に、ウサギの網膜で、双極細胞と錐状体、杆状体(光

容器との間のシナプスにあるシナプス小胞が、数日間完全な暗闇におくことによって減少 するという。脳のはなし・時実利彦著) つまり、 シナプスをたびたびパルスが通ると、より多くの 伝達物質が分泌されるようになるから、シナプス伝達の抵抗は減少することになるわけである。 こうして全く電気器機だと考えられていた脳は、次第に化学の面から見直されるようになって

ことに、分子生物学の進歩によって、遺伝情報が分子の長い鎖状高分子にきざみこまれている ことが明らかにされた結果、記憶もまた分子のなかにたくわえられているのではないかという考 え方が出てきて、それがひろくとり上げられるようになった。

RNA (リボ核酸、リポースを含む核酸で、タンパク質と結合して細胞質中のリポゾームの重 要成分をなし、タンパク質の合成に関係がある) がその問題の分子であるという考えを、スウェ ーデンのホルガー・ヒデン教授が発表した。

教授は、いろいろな行動を学習したネズミの脳をとって分析したところ、学習したネズミはし ないネズミにくらべて、神経細胞中のRNA量が増加し、核RNAのアデニンとウラシルとの比 増加していることを発見した。

る。さらに別の実験では、迷路を刺激された神経細胞はRNAおよびタンパクが増加し チトクローム酸化酵素の活性も増加するが、神経細胞に接して存在するニューログリア細胞では 反対の傾向がみとめられた。 それゆえ、もしこの変化が記憶痕跡をつくるのに関係するものであ れば、神経細胞とニューログリヤ細胞は一体となって、記憶をつくるのに参加していることにな

冷却、ショック、薬品、その他多くの手段をつかって、脳の電気的活動を一時的に停止させた のちも、記憶がさまたげられないで残っているということが実験でたしかめられた。このことは 記憶の究極の本質が、電気的なものではなくて、化学的なものであるという考えをつよく支持す 基礎になっている。けれども、電話のダイヤルをまわすときに電話番号をちょっとおぼえるの に使うような短い記憶は、本来、電気的なものであろうと考えられている。この種の記憶は、た いてい、すぐ消えてしまう。(ただし無くなってしまったのではない)もしそうでなかったら、 われわれは、どうでもいいようなこまごました記憶の大群のなかで、にっちもさっちもゆかなく なり、必要な情報など見つけ出すことができなくなってしまう。

動物について行なわれている多くの実験は、”記憶” が長期的な記憶にプリントされるに は数時間かかることを示している。 学習がおこなわれても、脳の神経細胞ですぐに長期的な記憶 がつくられるのではない。記憶ができるためには一定の時間が必要であって、もしこの間に脳の

神経細胞に混乱を生じるような活動をおこすと、記憶は固定されないで消えてしまう。 記憶の固 定時間が必要であるということは、記憶痕跡をつくるのに物理化学的なメカニズムがはたらい ているということである。学習直後は、学習に参加した神経回路のなかを、まだパルスが循環し ていると考えられ、それが短期記憶である。 固定に必要な時間が経過したのちに短期記憶が長期 記憶にかわるのであるが、もしこの間に脳に電気を通して学習回路の興奮がみたされると、 学習 効果が残らないで、長期記憶ができない。要するに、記憶の跡”は、最初は電気的な形で維持 されるが、最後には、永久の記憶として、化学物質のかたちで貯蔵されるということである。

たしかに、分子レベルで記憶が貯蔵されるという考えかたによって、はじめて、人間の知識や 事実を記憶する莫大な能力を説明することができる。 コンピューターがひとりの人間の記憶に対 抗するだけの記憶をもつためには、地球の全表面にひとしい面積の磁気テープを必要とすると推 定されている。

「分子神経学」という、まだあまりなじみのない名称が、MITのフランシス・シュミット によって、この新しく生まれた分野に名づけられた。


そのなかで、まず、テキサス大学のロバート・トムソンと、ジェムス・V・マッコーネルがあ たらしい道をひらいた。

脳とよべるたぐいのものを持つ最も単純な生物である。だが、分割して分かるような生 のなかでは、最も複雑な生物である。 一匹を二つに切ると、頭の方に新しい尾が生ずるばかり か、尾の方にも新しい頭が生じてくるという生物である。

トムソンとマッコーネルは、光または音と電気ショックを使って防御条件反射をつくった。 プ ラナリアは光をあてただけで縮むようになった。 光は、”あとからショックがくるぞという意 味であることを、プラナリアが学習したことはあきらかになった。次いで、学習した経験を れるようにしたあとで、前より少ない訓練でふたたび覚えるようになることを確認した。

そこで、この訓練したプラナリアを二つに切り、その両方を再生させた。その結果、頭の方の 半分から再生されたプラナリアが、以前より少ない訓練でふたたび習得したばかりか、尾の方の 半分から再生したものも同じように習得した! 脳を持っていないほうに、どうして記憶が残っ ていたのであろうか?

さきに述べた通り、DNAのなかに遺伝の情報がたくわえられるとおなじように、RNA分子 のなかに記憶がたくわえられるのではないかという考えかたが、すでに、ホルガー・ヒデンによ って発展させられていた。

そこで、 ロチェスター大学のコーニングとジョーンは、訓練されたプラナリアを二つに切り、 RNAを分解する酵素 リボヌクレアーゼの溶液中で再生させてみた。すると、頭のほうから再

生させたプラナリアには記憶が残っていたが、尾の方から再生したプラナリアには記憶がぜんぜ ん残っていなかった!

それでプラナリアの尾部に残っていた記憶物質は多分リポ酸(RNA) であって、これが尾部 から頭が再生するときに記憶物質が頭へ移らないで、分解酵素によって破壊され、記憶を失った のであろうと考えられるのである。 しかしまた反対意見がないでもない。このことがただちに、 RNAが記憶をたくわえている証明にはならないというのである。RNAは刺激としてはたらく に過ぎないといっている。

けれども、これらの実験によって、記憶に関連して、RNA問題が非常に興味ぶかくなってき たのはたしかである。

その後、これらのチームは様々な実験をしたが、もっともセンセーショナルな結果は、学習し プラナリアをすりつぶして、学習していないプラナリアにたべさせると、学習していない動物 に記憶をつたえることができたという報告である。 食べたほうは、食べられたほうの記憶を実際 獲得したのであろうか?


「心理学の先生たちは、なかばまじめに、クラスの生徒たちが教師を食べて、必要な学を学ぶ 日を心にえがいた」

おなじように、KN A

て皿に近づき、餌をとるが、第二群のネズミは光に反応して近づくようにして 群のネズミの脳からRNAをとり出し、学習していないネズミにあたえた。第一群のネズミの脳 のRNAを腹腔内に注射されたネズミは音に対してつよい反応を示したが、光にはそうではな く、また、第二群のネズミの脳のRNAを注射されたネズミは光に対して特に反応したが、音に たいしては注意をはらわなかった。

また、ガンの薬(8アザグアニン)をあたえると、これがRNAにとりいれられて、RNA 生物活性を失い、その結果は、動物は新しい学習ができないという報告もある。 この場合、古 記憶は残っている。

ヒトにおいては、つぎのような報告がある。 なにかの原因で脳がきずつけられると、それが原 因となって、てんかんがおきることがある。 このはてんかん焦点とよばれるが、その部分を切 とっても、てんかんはなおらない。その理由は大脳半球の一側にある焦点から常にパルスを送 っていると、対側の半球の対称の点にもてんかん焦点ができるからであって、これを焦点と いう。この さて、この焦点はその周囲 点もいっしょにとり除くとてんかんはなおる。

の組織にくらべていちじるしくRNAが増加しているのである。この現象は、いいかえると、い つもパルスをうけて、てんかんの鏡像点がつくられるということは学習の単純化されたモデル とも考えられるのであり、そこにRNAが増加するということは、学習とRNAとの関係を示す



またジャコブソンは、学習させたハムスターのRNAをネズミに注射したら、ネズミの学習行 動は改善されたと新しい報告をしている。

すると、記憶は種を越えて移ることができるのだろうか? 記憶はあらゆる生物を通じて同一 の符号でつづられているのだろうか? タンパク質合成の際の遺伝暗号は、動物界を通じて本質 的に同一と見られるが、記憶もまた、おなじように普遍的なものなのであろうか? そうだとす ると、ライオンの記憶を持ちたいときにはライオンの脳を食べればよいが、同時に、 子豚の脳を 食べることはあまり賢明なことではないということになる。

もっとも、記憶に関係する分子が、消化作用をのがれてそのままで残るということはプラナリ アでは可能かも知れないが、もっと高等な生物ではできそうもない。

しかし、いずれにせよ、結論は、記憶をつかさどる物質が存在することを示している。ただ、 それがRNAであるかどうかはまだはっきりしていない。実際のところ、いまの段階では、 記憶 はある特異的なタンパク質にきざみこまれている、と考えるのが真実のようである。神経細胞 が、他の細胞よりもずっとはやくタンパク質をつくり出すことは以前からよく知られていること だ。ある学者は、記憶をのこす物質は、小さな可溶性タンパクまたはペプチッドであり、分子 五千程度であるから、NAではないだろう






3 これが破壊されると記憶が失われる。



科学が、脳のはたらきについて脳それ自体にのみ目を向けているあいだは、いくらしらべても おそらくそれを知ることはできないであろう、と。

脳は非常に複雑なはたらきをする化学装置である。 最近ようやく知れわたってきたことである が、脳の各部はそれをひたしている液体中の物質の影響に敏感に反応する。 脳をひたしている 体中のなかには、特殊な化学物質、 ガングリオンド、セレブロンド、スヒンゴミエリンその他ま だよく成分のわからない物質がいくつもふくまれており、それらのはたらきはまだほとんどわか っていないのだ。脳はこういう未知の成分をたくさんふくんだ液体につつまれているのである。 そうしてその液体の持つさまざまな成分に敏感に反応する。それだけではない。脳はその反応によって、脳自身さまざまな神経液を分泌する。 それらの成分の化合や反応については全く知られ,


私は思う。脳の実質やそのなかでおこなわれている変化だけをいくらしらべても、脳の本当の はたらきを知ることはできぬ。脳をつつんでいるこれらの液体の成分の作用、脳の特殊な部分か 分される分泌液に着眼せよ。そこに脳の秘密がある。 げんに、ある著名な研究グループは、 ある脳細胞が脳のべつの部分を刺激したり、 鎮静したりする制物質や、あるいは神経液を分泌 することについて報告している。 ここにひとつの神秘を解くカギがある。



密教はそういう物質がどういう化学成分で成り立っているのかということをあきらかにする技 は持っていない。 しかし、その物質を脳のなかにつくり出して、それを利用する技術は持って いるのだ。その特殊な脳の開発技術こそ、求聞持法にはじまる密教の一連の秘密技術なのだ。 では、その密教の秘密技術とはどんな技術か?

I warn you. I warn you.

Dr. Ding, a genius in physics, Mr. A, a poet who writes twelve-line poems with a wonderful feeling, and Mr. H, who is said to be the next Nobel Prize winner. Composer G, corporate genius Z, and all other elites, I warn you. Everyone, please arrange a guard as soon as possible so that the young people with a strong desire for knowledge will not eat you from the top!

In the near future, everyone is likely to be eaten from the head down, so he is!

In fact, even I, at some point in my life, have the thought of eating one of you!

We are in a terrifying world. It is being discovered that by eating someone’s brain, it is possible to give them all the memories in their head. People with brains as good as humans will be kidnapped at any moment, and they will be unable to walk through the city, fearing that their brains will be taken out. The earth could be overwhelmed with killers who target people’s brains to get out of being stuck in ideas or failing exams. Got a world wide by doing so, but also. Such a bloody incident can also be applied to a fun leisure activity after making a firm request to the police. You can become a lion king of beasts and wander through the jungle, or you can become a roar to a huge field and enjoy the sensations and memories of sleeping on a tropical tree.

Now, let’s get to the point.

No, this is by no means a fantasy novel. In studying the structure of memory in the brain, scientists were indeed astonished at the possibility of it becoming a reality.

Our daily experiences, in other words “information”, remain as traces in a part of the brain, and the traces are strengthened by repetition. can also be recalled. This biological mechanism is called “memory”, and it is said that “learning” strengthens memorization through repetition. The above is the state of a series of operations called memory. So how is the inscription made?

About 14 billion nerve cells (neurons) are densely packed on the millimeter-thick surface of the “new cortex” indicated by the thick line and the “old cortex” indicated by the diagonal line in the figure on the cerebral cortex page. I’m reading. The upper diagram on the next page shows a single neuron, but these are intertwined with each other as shown in the diagram below. The mechanism is that the dendrites of the first neurons receive

A single pulse of information from a nerve fiber leading to a vessel or other neuron (see page) causes a small change in the electrical potential of the cell body. A cell has many dendrites, and one dendrite is connected to many nerve fibers (this connection is the synapse) (see page), so the pulse voltage applied to this cell body must be positive. can be negative, but when the total voltage reaches a certain level, the cell body first sends out a single pulse to the annulus, which is transmitted to the dendrites of the next neuron. In this way, one after the other, the brain was a tremendous switchboard for Sherrington, the great neurophysiologist who died before him. He and his successors sought to understand the brain only in its electrical aspects. Memory retention was thought to be a state in which a matrix of pulses conveying information, like Mohr signals, circulates in vain in a circuit formed by a complex chain of nerve cells. Thus, I thought that recollection was to be taken out as needed. However, it is now believed that he is in a state where the pulse can circulate in a fixed pattern circuit at any time.

To do this, the synapses of the neuronal chains that make up the circuit must be more amenable to transmitting pulses than other synapses. That is, a decrease in synaptic resistance. There are several ideas about this mechanism.

First, he says, if a pulse passes through a synapse frequently, structural changes will occur there. Just as muscle cells expand when a muscle is trained, the terminal buttons at the ends of the nerve fibers in which they form synapses become larger and more numerous, resulting in a decrease in synaptic resistance. That’s what it means. In support of this idea, D.O. Hebb recently reported a phenomenon in which the number and size of neuron terminal buttons increase and grow in response to stimulation.

Second, more transmitter substances such as acetylcholine, which is the entity of synaptic transmission, are secreted.

The idea is that it will become possible to do so. Recently, it has been observed that when many pulses are sent to synapses by electrical stimulation, synaptic vesicles containing transmitters in the presynaptic membrane migrate to the surface of the membrane. Conversely, in rabbit retinas, bipolar cells, cones, and rods (light

Synaptic vesicles at the synapse between the container and the container are said to be reduced by putting them in complete darkness for several days. Brain Story, Toshihiko Tokizane) In other words, when the pulse passes through the synapse, more transmitter substances are secreted, so the resistance of synaptic transmission decreases. In this way, the brain, which was thought to be a completely electrical device, gradually came to be reconsidered from a chemical point of view.

In particular, as advances in molecular biology have revealed that genetic information is inscribed in long chain macromolecules, memory is also not stored in molecules. I came up with the idea of ​​that, and it came to be widely taken up.

Holger of Sweden introduced the idea that RNA (a ribonucleic acid, a nucleic acid containing a lipose that binds to proteins and forms an important component of liposomes in the cytoplasm and is involved in the synthesis of proteins) was the molecule in question. ・Professor Hiden made a presentation.

The professor took and analyzed the brains of mice that had learned various behaviors, and found that the amount of RNA in the nerve cells increased in mice that had learned, compared to mice that did not, and that the relationship between nuclear RNA adenine and uracil increased. We found that the ratio increased.

be. In yet another experiment, labyrinth-stimulated neurons had increased RNA and protein, and he also had increased cytochrome oxidase activity, whereas neuroglial cells that were adjacent to neurons showed the opposite trend. . Therefore, if this change is related to the formation of memory traces, then neurons and neuroglial cells are participating in the formation of memories in unison.

Experiments have shown that his memories remain uninterrupted even after the electrical activity of his brain has been temporarily shut down by means of colds, shocks, drugs, and many other means. This provides a strong support for the idea that the ultimate nature of memory is chemical rather than electrical. But short memories, such as those used to memorize phone numbers while dialing, are thought to be electrical in nature. Memories of this kind usually fade quickly. (But it’s not gone.) Otherwise, we’d be lost in a horde of irrelevant bits and pieces of memory, unable to find the information we needed. put away.

Many experiments conducted on animals show that it takes several hours for “memories” to be printed into long-term memory. Learning does not immediately produce long-term memory in the neurons of the brain. It takes a certain amount of time to be able to memorize, and if during this time the brain

When you cause an activity that causes confusion in nerve cells, the memory disappears without being fixed. The fact that memory consolidation time is necessary means that a physico-chemical mechanism is working to create memory traces. Immediately after learning, it is thought that pulses are still circulating in the neural circuits that participated in learning, which is short-term memory. Short-term memory turns into long-term memory after the time required for fixation has passed. In short, the “memory trace” is initially maintained in electrical form, but is finally stored in chemical form as permanent memory.

Indeed, the idea that memory is stored at the molecular level only explains the vast capacity of humans to store knowledge and facts. It is estimated that a computer would require an area of magnetic tape equal to the entire surface of the earth in order to have enough memory to rival that of a single human being.

The still-unfamiliar name “molecular neurology” was given to this emerging field by MIT’s Francis Schmidt.

Chemical approaches to memory began one after another.

Among them, Robert Thomson of the University of Texas and James V. McConnell paved the way for him.

They are the simplest creatures with something of the sort called a brain. However, in life that can be divided and understood, it is the most complicated organism. If you cut one animal in two, not only will a new tail grow on the head, but he will also grow a new head on the tail.

Thomson and McConnell used light or sound and electric shocks to create defensive conditioned reflexes. Her lanaria began to shrink when exposed to light. Hikaru said, “It became clear that the planaria had learned what it means to be shocked later. Then, after allowing him to experience the learned experience, he learned it again with less training than before.” I confirmed that it will be like this.

Therefore, we cut this trained planarian in two and regenerated both of them. As a result, not only did planarians regenerated from the head half learn again with less training than before, but so did those regenerated from the tail half! How could it have been remembered?

As mentioned earlier, Holger Hiden had already developed the idea that memory might be stored in RNA molecules, just as genetic information is stored in DNA. I was forced to

So Corning and Joan at the University of Rochester cut a trained planarian in half and regenerated it in a solution of ribonuclease, an enzyme that breaks down RNA. Then, from the head again

The regenerated planaria had memories, but the planaria regenerated from the tail had no memory at all!

Therefore, the memory substance that remained in the planaria’s tail was probably lipoic acid (RNA). It is conceivable. But it’s also not without objections. This does not immediately prove that RNA stores memory. He says that RNA only acts as a stimulus.

However, these experiments have certainly made the RNA question very interesting in relation to memory.

Afterwards, these teams conducted various experiments, but the most sensational result was that when she grinded up her planaria, which were learned, and fed them to non-learned planarians, they were able to pass on memories to non-learned animals. It is reported that Did the eater actually acquire the memory of the eaten?

When G.R. Tiller reported this example,



「変身の原理」で、私は、カナダの著名な神経外科学の大家、W・ペンフィールドの発見 密教の持つすぐれた知能開発法寺聴法」のメカニズムの一端を解説した。 私はそのとき、「ひとたび修身するや、目はカメラになり、耳はテープレコーダーに変化し て、ひとたび目にし、ひとたび耳にしたことは永久に忘れなくなる技術である」と説明した。 たしかにその通りであるが、そのためにこの法を、一種の記憶力増強法、いわゆる記憶術の一 のようにうけとったひともあるようである。ページ数の関係その他の事情から十分に説明でき ず、それも無理のないことであったが、この技法が単なる記憶術のようなものであるのなら、た いした価値のないつまらないものといわればならない。なぜならば、ただ単に記憶がよくものお ぼえがよいというだけでは、ひとはよい仕事をすることができない。 ただたんにもの知りだけで はすぐれた業績をのこすことはできない。問題は、多量に持っている知識(情報)を、いかに活 用してあたらしいものを生み出すかというところにある。




そるべき技術である。 知能とはなにか。 ごく大ざっぱに分けるならば、二つの

であろう。記憶と創造である。 特聡明法は、この二つのはたらきをするメカニズムに、あた らしいメカニズムをつけくわえて、あたらしい力と効果を発揮する。

この技法が、ジョージ・ギャラップや、オルダス・ハックスリーのいうように教育にとり入れ られたならば、人類のうける利益は想像することもできないほどのものである。 ギャラップのい うように、ヒトは、まさに、未来に向かって数百年の飛躍をすることができるであろう。 そういうと、そんなすばらしい技術がどうして今まで世のなかにあらわれなかったのかと、あな たは疑問に思うかも知れない。

これほどの技術が、なぜ密教寺院の片すみに埋没してしまったのか、いくつかの理由があげら れるだろうが、その最大の理由はこうである。

すぐれた古い方法がまったく見落とされてきたということは奇妙なことだ。 それに、あと になって全く忘れ去られてしまっている非常に重要な技術を発達させた個人、あるいは文化がよ くあるのだ。しかし、それらはやはり大きな価値を持ちつづけているのだ』(

といっているが、この大きな価値を持ちつづけているすぐれた方法が忘れられてしまったわけ は、それにつづくギャラップのおなじ文章のなかに見出すことができる。


あって、思い出される記憶と、思い出せない記憶の二つがあることを、私は、「変身の原理」 で説明した。脳の記憶のメカニズムはたいへん複雑で、それはまだ脳生理学でも十分に解明され ていないのだが、一応、その仕組みを見てみよう。

経験というのはひとつの刺激である。その刺激が記憶になるまでには、だいたいつぎのような 段階を経る

刺激を感じるのは、俗にいう「五感」である。 五感とは、視覚、聴覚、味覚、嗅覚、触覚をい うが、こまかくかぞえればまだ多くの「感覚」があり、おなかが空いたとか、なんとなくけだ るく気分がよくない、とか、そういう身体の内部におこっていることを知ることもできる。つま り、われわれの身体の内部、外部におきていることがわれわれ自身にひとつの影響をおよぼす。 これが、「刺激」である。


電気的パルスを送り出す。 たとえば、 赤い花があれば、そこから反射された光が目のレンズ を通して受容器としての視神経を刺激し、視神経がパルスを送り出す。 これはパルスであって、 刺激の強さが大きければその数がふえるだけで、電圧が大きくなるわけではない。おなじよう に、皮膚になにかが触れれば、皮膚にある受容器が圧力を感じ、その圧力に応ずる数のパルスを 神経に送りこむ 次頁の上図は、このような受容器のいくつかの例である。



Q&A as a system

In “Principles of Metamorphosis,” I described some of the mechanisms behind W. Penfield’s discovery of the remarkable intellectual development of esoteric Buddhism. At that time, I explained, “Once you practice, your eyes become cameras, your ears become tape recorders, and once you see them, and once you hear them, you never forget them.” This is certainly true, but for this reason, some people seem to have accepted this method as a kind of memory enhancement method, a so-called memory technique. Due to the number of pages and other factors, it was not possible to fully explain it, and it was understandable, but if this technique is just a memorization technique, it must be said that it is worthless and trivial. For one cannot do a good job simply by having a good memory and a good memory. Mere knowledge alone does not enable him to leave behind outstanding achievements. The problem lies in how to utilize the vast amount of knowledge (information) we possess to create something new.

The difference between a good child and a good child

Gallup is


It is a technology that should be improved. What is intelligence? Roughly speaking, there are two

Will. memory and creation. In addition to the mechanisms that perform these two functions, the Tokusōmei method adds a mechanism that is unique to her, and exerts new powers and effects.

If this technique were introduced into education, as George Gallup and Aldous Huxley say, the benefits to mankind would be unimaginable. Like Gallup’s man, humans could just leap hundreds of years into the future. With that said, you may wonder why such a wonderful technology has not appeared in the world until now.

There are several reasons why such a technology has been buried in a corner of Esoteric Buddhism temples, but the biggest reason is this.

It is strange that the good old method has been so overlooked. Moreover, there are many individuals, or cultures, who have developed very important skills that have since been completely forgotten. But they still have great value.”

However, the reason why this superior method of continuing great value has been forgotten can be found in the same Gallup passage that follows.

between as a system

I explained in “The Principle of Metamorphosis” that there are two types of memories: memories that can be recalled and memories that cannot be recalled. The mechanism of memory in the brain is extremely complex, and it has not yet been fully elucidated even in brain physiology, but let’s take a look at its mechanism.

Experience is a stimulus. Before the stimulus becomes a memory, it goes through the following stages.

It is commonly known as the “five senses” to feel stimuli. The five senses are visual, auditory, gustatory, olfactory, and tactile, but there are still many more “senses” if you count them in detail, and you can also know what is happening inside your body, such as when you are hungry, or when you feel sluggish and unwell. In other words, what is happening inside and outside our bodies has an effect on us. This is the “stimulus”.

When there is such a stimulus, the “sensory organs” or “receptors” in the body react to it.

Sends out electrical pulses. For example, if there is a red flower, the light reflected from it stimulates the optic nerve as a receptor through the lens of the eye, and the optic nerve sends out pulses. These are pulses, and the greater the intensity of the stimulus, the greater the number, not the greater the voltage. Similarly, when something touches the skin, the receptors in the skin feel pressure and send out a number of pulses to the nerve corresponding to that pressure.

Now, given to the receptor in this way