
闇に囚われし魂:抑圧と葛藤の中 ”Souls Trapped in Darkness: In Oppression and Conflict

闇に囚われし魂:抑圧と葛藤の中 ”Souls Trapped in Darkness: In Oppression and Conflict







In the influence and meaning of Freud’s theory, I believe there is a “special ancestral desire” pointed out by Ribot Sonday, that is, repression by the spiritual Buddha. As a result, repression, conflict, and mental wounds remain deep in the child’s mind. Sometimes, to avoid these, they escape deep into the mind (the unconscious realm). However, these influences are not silent forever. They are always waiting for an opportunity to surface. The child himself, and even as an adult, cannot remember or notice them. However, their influences continue to control their actions.

In other words, Houston Reed’s life has been wandering in this valley of repression and wisteria since his childhood. I would like to say that his sixty years of life have been almost the same as that of a sleepwalker, and that his real life has just begun. He was fortunate to escape from that valley. He was saved by the guardian Buddha.

However, there are many unfortunate people who are suffering and wandering in the dark valley of repression and conflict like this. There are surely several around you. Well, maybe you are one of them. What should such unfortunate people do?

Their suffering is something that others cannot understand. Their inner world is always dark and despairing. They are driven by an inexplicable sense of impatience and are always irritated. And suddenly, for no reason, they are attacked by intense resentment or sadness, or fall into deep sadness. Then, they may become uncontrollable again. And they are by no means mentally ill.

They are all impulsive. They do not consider. But the impulse soon counteracts it. To escape such oppression and conflict, they often turn to alcohol. Recently, it seems that they often turn to paint thinner and drugs. Some also commit acts of violence and crimes.

However, even if they do not reach that level, people who are more or less mentally burdened cannot live a peaceful life. Some of them have outstanding talents and excellent qualities. The more such people fight the impulses and oppressions that they are associated with, the more severe the conflict is, and they can become desperate and fall into a breakdown of their personality. But we do not know the reason. Even if they are diagnosed by a psychiatrist, they are not considered to have a mental illness. However, there is no cure. At most, they are given tranquilizers. The suffering of not only the sufferers themselves, but also their families who are caught up in it is unimaginable. Many families even consider committing suicide together.

Some people are able to control their repression and conflict to a certain extent through their outstanding willpower and great talent, but


