
快適な座り方から始める瞑想のプロセス” 六法を調える The meditation process begins with a comfortable sitting position. Examine the six laws


Sure, here’s the text in bullet points:

– **瞑想の準備**
1. **環境を調える**
– 自然の景観が良い。
– 静かで清潔な場所が望ましい。
– 光線は適度で、温度も快適に。
– 生活環境も整える。
2. **食を調える**
– 適切な量と質の食事が重要。
– タンパク質の摂取に注意。
– 卵と乳製品が質の高いタンパク質源。
– ビタミンやミネラルのサプリメントも考慮。
3. **睡眠を調える**
– 6-7時間の睡眠が適切。
– 睡眠の過不足に注意。
4. **身を調える**
– 動作や呼吸に注意を払う。
– 坐る場所や姿勢を選ぶ際にも注意が必要。

– **修行を助ける食事**
– 食事に変化を持たせ、バランスの取れた食事。
– 加工や精製された食品を避ける。
– 体の知恵を養い、ビタミンやミネラルのサプリメントも検討。

– **睡眠**
– 仕事や活動の後に休息が必要。
– 6-7時間の睡眠が適切。
– 睡眠の過不足に注意。

– **身を調える**
– 正しい呼吸法を身につけるためには注意深い動作が必要。
– 坐る場所を選び、姿勢を整える。

Feel free to ask if you have any specific questions or if there’s anything else you’d like to know!


























2、加工や精製の過程で栄養価値を損っている精製、加工食品を避けること。つまり、砂糖やキャンデー、純粋澱粉食品(菓子など)、アルコ      ール飲料、ソフトドリックその他、過程の差はあっても必須栄養素の含有量がほとんど無に等しい加工食品の摂取は、過度にならないように心がけること。















Preparing for meditation


Adjust the Six Codes


Before going into meditation, first prepare the Six Codes.


What is the Six Codes?
1. Adjust the environment (place)
2. Adjust food and drink
3. Adjust your sleep
Four, get ready
Five, adjust your breath
Six, to adjust the mind, to adjust the body, five, to adjust the loyalty, six, to adjust the mind.

Adjust the environment

First, it is important to adjust the environment.
The best is a place with excellent natural landscapes and clear air, such as mountains, forests and beaches.
If it is a mountain, it is most ideal, such as where there is a waterfall.

In the city, the room should be as quiet and clean as possible. The simpler the interior furnishings and furniture, the better. It is even better to put plants.

The rays should not be too bright. If you use curtains, light green or light blue is good. A soft harmony should be achieved with the optic nerve by balancing the room furnishings with the out-of-window view.

It is not good that the temperature is too hot, too cold, or too humid. Even if it’s hot, don’t use a fan or a fan as much as possible. And we have to go to the air circulation well.

The above is an “environment” in the narrow sense of “a place of training”, but in a broader sense, a student who can continue to practice this reincarnation meditation method.
It is to create a living environment.

It is important to create an environment so that the environment does not allow it no matter how much white it is. It is one of the important ways to create an environment that regulates people’s lives, such as not drinking heavy alcohol and refraining from smoking.


Prepare food

Secondly, preparing food is as follows.

60,000 is originally intended to nourish the body and mind, to maintain good health, and to utilize a fulfilling spirit.

There are two things to do with it: a moderate amount and a good quality one that helps the body.
Forced to be taken from the body tissue of the whitefish, resulting in weakened muscles and skin.


Protein burning is occurring in the body, but due to the fat that remains intact
I often don’t understand that. The next time the Abara bone becomes visible from the outside, it is clearly protein deficient. Therefore, many of the healthiest vegetarians are vegetarians with eggs and milk. In other words, eggs and dairy products are included in the diet while avoiding meat. Eggs and milk provide the highest quality protein.

These are like swatches that contain the amino acids in their entirety.

In addition to this, I recommend incorporating small amounts of fish and sometimes meat offal into the vegetarian lifestyle to ensure more complete nutrition.

Vitamin yo is the most deficient nutrient when vegetarian.

Also, methionine is deficient.

I have to eat a meal to help my training
Dr. Roger Williams mentioned above as a way to not only maintain good health, but also to enable outstanding health:
1. Change your diet and eat a wide range of milk, eggs and dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables, fish and meat, and grains.
2. Avoid refined and processed foods that impair nutritional value in the process of processing and refining. In other words, do not overdose sugar, candy, pure starch foods (confectionery, etc.), alcoholic beverages, soft drinks, and other processed foods that contain almost no essential nutrients even if there are differences in the process. Keep in mind.
3. Foster “body wisdom” that can be judged as good food and bad food

Vitamin and mineral supplements (foods to supplement certain nutrients)
Taking nutrition as insurance
To go.

Adjust sleep

Third, adjust your sleep.

After working, working, and working, human beings must always rest and recover their physical strength. Sleep is the best rest and is a must for human beings to live.

However, for a healthy adult, six or seven hours of sleep is sufficient. If you sleep too much, your mind will not behave and your heart will be darkened. However, if you do not sleep well, your head will be dull and you will not be able to concentrate, which is not suitable for training.

Therefore, you should always sleep at a fixed time, maintain moderation, and always feel refreshed when you start training. In short, you don’t run out of sleep and you don’t sleep too much.

Fourth, prepare yourself, fifth, breathe, and sixth, mind.

Since these three conditions should be performed according to one, they will not be explained separately, but will be listed in order as one operation.

Get ready

Getting ready is a break for us to learn the right way to breathe. Before starting this training, which means that you have to adjust sharply, every time you walk, stop, move, be quiet, or do something, you are all careful and meticulous. I have to. If the movement is rough, the breathing will be disturbed. If you breathe hard, your heart will be disturbed and it will be difficult to hold back. Even if you sit still for breathing or meditation, your mind tends to be disturbed and you do not feel calm.
Therefore, you have to be careful before you start sitting. Be careful like that, and when you are about to start sitting still, your body and mind will be even better.
You have to choose a place where you can calm down.

When you get to the place where you should sit for the first time, you have to settle down firmly in that place. Always try to stay calm. For that purpose, the posture should be correct from the leg on which it sits.

Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

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