
人はどんな因縁を持つか   What kind of connection does a person have?

准胝観音 仏の母といわれ母性を象徴する。 運命の神さま






















これから、人の持つ因縁について解説するが、それでは、そういう母縁というものが、どうして人間にあるのか、ここでは、あるからある、というよりほかない。強いて聞かれるならば、それならあなたはどうしてそういう顔をしているのであるか寸9 かれた場合、あなた
は何と答えるか?・ こういう顔をして生まれてきたのだから、こういう顔をしているのである、とでも答えるほかないではないか。原因はともあれ、人間は、それぞれ様々な因縁を持って生まれて来、様々な因縁を持って生きているのである。その因縁という現象を分析、解説














Fate that damages her husband’s luck

It is a cause that women have.

Husband’s luck (damaging and shaving the life turnip with invisible power, but it does not necessarily mean laying the husband under his hips or abusing him in daily life. Of course, in such cases as well. There is nothing wrong with it, but as I wrote before, there are cases where the fate appears in the character and cases where it does not appear at all in the personality. This is also the case with this fate, and rather the woman with this fate is abusive. It is difficult to get rid of it because there are many good wives and wise mothers who can be used by their husbands. Edogawa Yanagi “Poison is decocting medicine between the next”
There is a phrase, but this impresses me with the phrase “a woman with this prisoner relationship”.

The meaning of this phrase is that the owner is sick and sleeps all year round. When I ask the house, the young beautiful Hosono is brewing medicine in the next room where the owner is sleeping. However, in reality, this beautiful Hosono is poisonous to the sick husband, so it is ironic that Hosono is decocting the medicine and that the poison is the medicine.

Having a woman with this connection as a wife can make her husband sick all year round, or work poorly, failing all year round, and prone to traffic jams. Luck is very bad because of the loss of vitality. No matter how talented or skillful you are, you will always be caught up in one misfortune. The more you can use it in your heart, the worse your husband’s luck will be, which is troublesome.

As is often the case in the world, there are cases where a husband who has been waiting for a fine prince makes another woman, and people are wondering because he is far more brilliant and smarter than that woman. This is because Hosono has a cause to hurt her husband’s luck, so her husband has a vital self-defense instinct.

What kind of connection do you have? Of course, it often happens in middle age that I could afford it economically in the middle age.
One of the reasons is that Hosono’s color has declined, but basically, when he was young,
My husband also has a stronger vitality, so I can tolerate my wife’s luck damage, so I feel so much
No, but as we get older, our vitality weakens and we want a place to relax.
The woman who has this strong connection is the so-called “post-family luck”, which is the cause of sexuality.
One husband escapes to another woman as mentioned above, and a husband who has no sexual relations escapes to a hobby,
Immerse yourself in work and become a cold family.
If you are a husband with weak vitality, you will die. In other words, this is the reason why it is called post-family luck. If you want to have a happy family as a woman, you must first cut it.

○ Fate of marital relationship disorder

It is a cause of disability in marital relationship and marriage. Somehow their personalities don’t match each other, and they are dissatisfied all year round, and they are constantly messing around and becoming a cold family.

Or, although they have a love for each other, one of them gets sick and is forced to live separately, or because of work, they live in a farewell. Anyway, regardless of whether or not you have a love affair, the couple will not get along well because of the relationship such as Shuto. I can’t go to the point where I’m divorced, but anyway, I’m going to get one step closer all year round.

to illness or injury, and killing the chance.

The other day, there was such a person who visited me.
He was a 47- and 8-year-old office worker and a fine person, but this was the reason for this. When asked, he says he has changed his place of employment eight times so far. I thought that he was a hard-working hard worker, but when I asked him, he worked for a first-class conglomerate company, but when he was seconded to an affiliated subsidiary, the company merged with another company. Or, it will be closed due to poor performance. Returning to the head office, the number of employees of the same period who remained at the head office has advanced considerably, and the process
Since he is in trouble, he is sent to a subsidiary company as a seconded executive. Then again, the company goes crazy, and so far it has been repeated.

As a reminder, it doesn’t mean that all the companies he went to are ruined because of his poor management skills (in terms of skill, he’s more than average). I have a skill). Whether this person goes or not, the company is ruined.

This person would have to go to such a company. The company is getting crazy this time, so I came to consult with him, but it was a typical cause of a halfway setback.

In the case of the weak-willed type, I immediately get tired or distracted and change the company from myself, but in the case of the strong-willed type, I will make an effort to change the company. It’s not exposed, but it has to change passively. The result will be the same regardless of the person’s will, thoughts, and attitude. That is called fate
However, it is scary. When I tried to make sure that something happened to my mind, this
After all, it’s no good to have a connection with. External conditions do not allow it. I’m always frustrated.

From ancient times, it is often said that “everyone has three chances in a lifetime”, but even those without luck have three chances, and even those with luck have more than three chances. There are no times. If the chance of being the best in life is crushed by this cause a couple of times, we must think that the human being will not sprout for the rest of his life. Then, the scary part of this fate is that this fate is always inherited by the child, and in that case, the child becomes deeper and worse than the parent.




この因縁は、家運。つまり家の運気が次第におとろえてきている家系に生まれている人が 持つ因縁である。


 こういう人は、父、あるいは祖父の代までは、かなりの生活をした家に生まれている人が 多い。祖父か父の代あたりから、次第に家運が傾いてきている。そうして、自分の代になっ てからは、なお一層はっきりと運が悪くなっている。相当の力量、才能、手腕があるのだが、 それを発揮する場を持つことが出来ない。そういうチャンスを持つことが出来ない。そうして、 自分よりも劣った者が追い越してゆくのを、みすみす歯ぎしりしながら見送ることになる。

 たまにチャンスがめぐって来そうになると、人の妨害、邪魔に遭ったり、或いは自分の思 わぬミスや病気などで、せっかくのチャンスを失ってしまう。要するに、二言でいうと運が 悪いのである。実力かおりながら、妙にめぐり合わせが悪く、ウダツがあがらない。年をと るほど運気がおとろえ、生活が悪くなっていく。

 この因縁から出てくるのが、次に掲げる、 この因縁を持つ人は、何をやっても、一応、七、八分通りまでは順調に進むが、あともう べ二分というところで必ずダメになる。決して実らないのである。この因縁を、一名、「虚 花の命」というのは、「七重八重、花は咲けども山吹の、実のひとつだになきぞ悲しき」と いう古歌の山吹の花と同様、花咲けども実らず、すべてムダ花であるというところからきて いるのである。よそ目には華やかに見えて、内実は空しいのである。苦労したあげく、さい ごの収穫はごっそりと人に持ってゆかれてしまう。

 この因縁を持つ人は、わりあい運気(生命力)の強い人が多く、中途で挫折しては、また 立ち上かって仕事をし、また七、八分通りで挫折して、そのままになるかと思うとまた立ち 上かって、また挫折する、というように、七転八起の起伏のはげしい人生を送る人が多い。


 大体、因縁のあらわれ方には二通りあるのであって、その因縁が、そのままその人の性格 にあらわれている場、性格には全然あらわねないとがある。

 この中途挫折の囚縁の場合も、この囚緻がそのまま性格にあらわれて、非常に気の弱い意 志薄弱の型と、逆に、非常に気のつよい意志強固の型がある。

 意志薄弱のタイプは、何をやってもすぐにあきてしまって、ながつづきしない。気うつり がはげしい。学業、職業、すべてがそうで、転々とする。文字通りの中途挫折、薄志弱行の 型である。

 もう一つのほうは、これと全く反対で、性格もつよく、意志も強固で、努力家でもある。 然るに、かえってその強さが人と相容れず、上の者と衝突したり、同僚と円満に協調出来な かったりして、失敗し、挫折する。あるいは、ここ一番という大事なところで、きまってつ まらぬミスをしたり、人の誤解をうけたり、妨害をうけたりする。また、病気や怪我などで 手違いが生ずる、というように、必ずなにかしら障害が発生して、チャンスをつぶすのである。


 四十七、八歳の会社員で、立派な人物であったが、この人に、この因縁があったのである。 聞いてみると、今までに八回も勤め先を変えているという。意志強固の努力家型だが、と思っ て聞いてみると、この人は、一流の財閥会社に勤めているのだが、系列の子会社に出向させいわば、根無し草の人生である。居住、職業が定まらず、転々とする。一時的に幸運を得 ることがあっても、永続しない。一生、ホームレスか、それに近い境界となる。

 女性の場合、ちゃんとした結婚生活をつづけることが出来ない。再婚、三婚し、しかしい くら結婚を繰り返しても、決して安定した夫婦生活を持つことは出来ない。





 この因縁は、肉親の者同士、血縁の者同士が、たがいに運気生命力を損ねあい、傷つけあっ て分散してゆくのである。

 毛利元就の「三本の矢」の教訓を逆にいって、おたがいに助けあい、協力しあってゆくべ き肉親血縁の者が、離散し、孤立して、次第に没落してゆく。


これは、血縁の者回士でお互いの迎気(生命力)をで、無点 識のうちに反発しあって争うのである。この場合、運気を傷つけあうといっても、必ずしも 表面立って争いをするとは限らない。ただ同じ屋根の下に住んでいるというだけで、相手の 運気(生命力)を損ねるのである。それはちょうど、何か目に見えない光線のようなものを 放射しあって、相手の生命力を傷つけるように思われる。人間の生命というものは、自分を 守るという自衛本能を持っているから、その本能がはたらいて、無意識のうちに生命力を結

集して相手に反発する。その結果として、相手の何でもないような動作や一言一句が非常に 気にさわる(神経が立っているので)。そこで静が始まるのである。肉親同士で異常に仲が 悪いのはこのためである。それに加えて財産などの利害関係がからむと、非常に深刻な争い に進展してゆく。

 この因縁のある家庭で、もし、同居の肉親同士が不和でなければ、家族の中に誰か一人、 年中病気で苦しむ者か、極端に不運で運の開かぬ不遇の者が必ず出る。

 相当の才能、手腕がありながら、常にチャンスを逸したり、チャンスに恵まれない不遇の人、 あるいは長年病弱の人は、前記の「中途挫折の因縁」か、または、この「肉親血縁相剋の因縁」

によって運気(生命力)を剋害されているのではないかを疑ってみるべきである。どちらか の因縁があったら、それを断ち切らぬ限り、いくら努力しても一生空転するばかりなのだ。

 この因縁を持つ人、(あるいはこの因縁のある家系)には、必ず、といっていいほど、霊 的な障害がある。つまり、三代か四代前に、その家(または人)を強く恨んで亡くなった怨 念のホトヶがいるのである。



 前に述べた「家運衰退の因縁」、「中途挫折の因縁」、「運気不定・浮沈の因縁」は、いずれ も霊障のホトヶより生じていることが多い。




“Fate of halfway setback”

This connection is family luck. In other words, it is the cause of people born in a family whose family’s luck is gradually declining.

Many of these people were born in a house where they lived a considerable amount of life until their father’s or grandfather’s generation. From around my grandfather’s or father’s generation, my family’s luck is gradually leaning. Then, after taking my place, I’m even more clearly out of luck. I have considerable ability, talent, and skill, but I can’t have a place to demonstrate it. I can’t have such a chance. Then, I will see off the person who is inferior to me overtaking while bruxing my teeth.

Occasionally, when chances came around, people would be disturbed, disturbed, or due to unexpected mistakes or illnesses, they would lose their chances. In short, in two words, you’re out of luck. Despite his ability, the match is strangely bad, and Udatsu does not rise. The older you get, the less luck you get and the worse your life gets.

What comes out of this connection is as follows: No matter what you do, people with this connection will go smoothly up to 7 or 8 minutes, but it will definitely be useless in about 2 minutes. .. It never bears fruit. One person, “Imaginary Flower Life,” is the same as Yamabuki’s flower in the old song, “Seven-folded and double-flowered, flowers are blooming but Yamabuki’s, one of the fruits is sad.” It comes from the fact that it is all wasteful flowers. It looks gorgeous to the outside, and the truth is empty. After a lot of hard work, the harvest of the sardines is taken away by people.

Many people with this connection have strong luck (life force), and if they are frustrated in the middle, they will stand up and work again, and they will be frustrated on 7 or 8 minutes street and will remain as they are. In addition, many people lead a rugged life with ups and downs, such as standing up and frustrating again.

Then, in the end, it ends up being frustrated.

In general, there are two ways in which a fate appears, and there are cases where the fate appears in the person’s personality as it is, and the personality does not appear at all.

In the case of this halfway frustrated prisoner, this prisoner’s personality appears as it is, and there are a very weak type with a weak will and a very strong type with a strong will.

The weak-willed type is tired immediately no matter what he does, and does not continue. The feelings are terrible. Schoolwork, profession, everything is the same, and it changes. It is literally a halfway frustration, a weak line.

The other one is the opposite, has a good personality, a strong will, and is a hard worker. However, on the contrary, its strength is incompatible with people, and it fails and frustrates because it collides with superiors and cannot cooperate well with colleagues. Or, in the most important place here, you can make boring mistakes, get misunderstood by people, or get disturbed. In addition, some kind of obstacle always occurs, such as making a mistake due to illness or injury, and killing the chance.

The other day, there was such a person who visited me.

A 47- and 8-year-old office worker who was a good person, but this person had this connection. When asked, he says he has changed his place of employment eight times so far. I think that he is a hard-willed hard worker, but when I ask him, he works for a first-class conglomerate company, but if he is seconded to an affiliated subsidiary, it is a life of rootless grass. The residence and occupation are undecided, and it changes. Even if you get lucky temporarily, it will not last. For the rest of your life, you will be homeless or close to it.

In the case of women, it is not possible to continue a proper marriage. No matter how many times you get married again, you get married three times, but you can never have a stable married life.

If there is a “fate of sexuality”, it is a miserable fate of falling into an affair or prostitution.

The cause of the decline in family luck

Again, the root comes from the cause of the decline in family luck.

This cause is that relatives and relatives lose their luck and vitality, hurt each other, and disperse.

Contrary to the lesson of Mori Motonari’s “Three Arrows”, people with close relatives who help each other and cooperate with each other are separated, isolated, and gradually fall.

It is just a sign of the decline in family luck.

This is a blood-related person who fights against each other by repelling each other (life force) without any point. In this case, even if you hurt your luck, you don’t necessarily have to fight on the surface. Just living under the same roof damages the other person’s luck (life force). It just seems to radiate something like an invisible ray, damaging the vitality of the other person. Human life has a self-defense instinct to protect oneself, so that instinct works and unknowingly connects vitality.

Gather and repel the opponent. As a result, the other person’s nonsense movements and word-for-word are very disturbing (because they are nervous). That is where the stillness begins. This is the reason why relatives are unusually unfriendly. In addition to that, when interests such as property are involved, it will develop into a very serious conflict.

In this family with a connection, if the relatives living together are not at odds with each other, there will always be one person in the family who suffers from illness all year round or who is extremely unlucky and unlucky.

Although he has considerable talent and skill, he always misses a chance or is not blessed with a chance, or a person who has been sick for many years

You should suspect that your luck (life force) has been compromised by. If there is a cause for either, unless you cut it off, no matter how hard you try, it will just spin for the rest of your life.

A person with this connection (or a family with this connection) always has a spiritual disability. In other words, there is a grudge Hotoka who died with a strong grudge against the house (or person) before the third or fourth generation.

, Suspicious death

In most cases, the person who died of suspicious death suffered from a spiritual disorder.

The above-mentioned “cause of decline in family luck”, “cause of frustration in the middle”, and “cause of indefinite luck / ups and downs” are all often caused by the spiritual disorder.

Unless this spiritual disorder is resolved, this prison relationship will continue for generations.

According to the Buddhahood Law, there is no other way but to dismantle the spiritual disorder of the Buddhahood.

家運衰退の因縁  肉親血縁相剋の因縁


これは、肉親血縁相剋の因縁の変形で、親がわが子の生命力を害するのである。そのため もし、そのが非常に生命力が強ければ、素行が乱れるようになって、幼少にして、家を飛び出す。これは親のそばにいると生命力を削られて、危険なので親のもとを飛び出すようになるのである(もちろん、本人はそのことを知らないが)。




















夫婦縁破れる因縁 色情の因縁










Fate of the decline of family luck: Fate of relatives and blood relatives

This is a variant of the kinship of relatives, and the parent impairs the vitality of his or her child. Therefore, if the f has a very strong vitality, the behavior will be disturbed, and he will leave the house as a child. If you are near your parents, you will lose your vitality and you will jump out of your parents because it is dangerous (though you do not know that, of course).

Recently, various measures have been devised for the delinquency problem of boys and girls, but I would like parents in the world to be aware of this connection.

Don’t say that the cause is a superstition, I want you to think carefully about whether or not you have such a thing.

Whether it is a father or a mother, if there is this connection, the child will always rebel abnormally. Of course, it is true that there is a period of rebellion during the child’s growth, but the rebellion caused by this cause is unusual. This is because the self-defense instinct works against something that infringes one’s vitality and tries to mobilize my vitality to counterattack, as in the case of the above-mentioned relatives and relatives. Everything is rebellious and repulsive. It is a poor figure that protects me.

Whenever I see a parent and a child with this connection, I remember the appearance of a puppy desperately trying to bite an enemy by raising his hair and exposing his kiba.

There are other reasons why there are many poorly behaved children in successful families, but fortunate parents are likely to have a connection with having a child at the same time. It is easy to occur.

Parents with poorly behaved children and parents with children who do not understand what their parents say abnormally should first investigate the existence of this cause as one of the fundamental measures. Without this cause, it can be fixed relatively easily, but as long as this cause is present, it will never be fixed.

This connection often results from the spiritual disorder of Mizuko.

This is the cause of giving back the favor.

This is also rooted in the cause of the decline in family luck.

In short, it tricks or hurt the beneficiaries (master, teacher, superior, business partner, senior, etc.), and gives the river r some kind of loss. What’s wrong is killing (if the person also has a prison affair) and robbing money. Even if you don’t go that far, you will always betray those who are indebted.

Because a fate is not always a personality, a person who waits for a “fate to return a favor” does not necessarily have a personality to return a favor. As I wrote earlier, a person who has a frustration in the middle does not necessarily have a weak-minded personality (of course, the fate that he has becomes that person’s personality as it is. There are many people who do it).

In the case of the cause of this reverse grace, as a personality, contrary to the thing of returning the grace with a grace, ∵ heart

It is often the case that they have the intention of trying to get rid of their grace, and while making such efforts, they end up giving back their grace as a result. For example, I am loyal to my husband (company) and do my best, but on the contrary, it produces results that are not good for my husband (company). If you make an effort to create a specialty or a business partner, the business partner will issue a non-sufficient bill of tens of millions or hundreds of millions of yen or go bankrupt, causing a great deal of trouble to the owner (company). It will be something like that.

Generally, a person who is indebted to oneself is a person who likes or trusts oneself, enhances oneself, and helps oneself. To inflict or repel such damage, albeit unconsciously, to such a person is to take your own limbs. You will lose your strong ally. There, he becomes isolated and unsupported, and becomes a failure in his life.

Both people who use people and people who use people need to be careful about this cause.

Fate of breaking the relationship between husband and wife

It is a cause that women have.

Husband’s luck (life force) is damaged by invisible power and scraped. However, it does not necessarily mean that the husband is laid under his hips or abused in daily life. Of course, that is also the case

There is nothing wrong with it, but as I wrote before, there are cases where the fate appears in the personality and cases where it does not appear at all in the personality. The same is true for this connection, and rather, many women with this connection are good wives and wise mothers who can be used by their husbands, so it is difficult to get rid of them. In Edogawa Yanagi,

“Poison is decocting medicine between the next”

There is a phrase, but this impresses me with the phrase “a woman with this prison class”.

The meaning of this phrase is that the owner is sick all year round, and when he asks the house, the young beautiful Hosono is brewing the medicine in the next room where the owner is sleeping. But in reality, this beautiful

It is ironic that Hosono is decocting the medicine because Hosono is poisonous to the sick husband.

If a wife has a woman with this connection, her husband will be sick all year round, or his job will not go well, and he will tend to fail or be congested all year round. Luck is very bad because of the loss of vitality. No matter how talented or skillful you are, you will always be caught up in one misfortune. The more you can use it in your heart, the worse your husband’s luck will be, which is troublesome.

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新のゲーム PC カメラ 家電 健康





アージュニヤー・チヤクラを教えて Tell me about Ajnya Chakra メシアの法 求間持聪明法秘伝 The Law of the Messiah: The Secret of the Law of the Law of the Messiah




Tell me about Ajnya Chakra



The “Ajnya Chakra” is one of the seven major energy centers called “Chakras” that exist in the human body in the yogic and Hindu traditions. Like other chakras, the Ajnya chakra is said to have deep connections with aspects of the body, mind, and soul.

Ajnya chakra is an energy center located just above the eyebrows. In Sanskrit, “Ajna” means “beyond perception,” and this chakra is thought to govern perception, intuition, and insight. It is also known as the third eye and can be used by people to access their inner intuitive knowledge.

准胝観音 仏の母といわれ母性を象徴する。 運命の神さま














大日如来 すべての生き物の根本となる仏















阿合仏教・超能力の秘密 2 Secret of psychic power 1 2


疲労と不安にとりつかれた彼の心はすでに滅亡を運命づけられ剣八額を9 ていた・それはかつて進化したホモーサピエンスがあらわれたとき、よたよた歩きの最後の。総ぶ穴一”がたどった運命とおなじものだった..








 むかし、神話や伝説、オトギバナシに過ぎなかったあこがれの力を、この時代、人類はわがものとした ダイダロスの息子イカヤスは、あまりに高く飛びすぎ、太陽に翼を焼かれてエーゲ海に落ちたが、今や無数のイカロスたちは、ディナーをたのしみながら亜成層圏を飛び交っている。

 怒りに燃えるジュピターが投げつける稲妻よりもはるかに強大な破壊力を人類は持つ。 二八年間、南の孤島に潜伏していて、最近、発見された生き残りの日本軍兵士は、三時間で故国にかえれると聞かされて立腹した。





 これからも、彼は実現している無数の神話やオトギバナシを無条件に受けいれるという困難な作業に耐えてゆかねばならぬだろう。   ヽ



 ハドソン研究所のハーマンーカーンとアンソニー・ウィーナーは、さきごろ、「西歴二〇〇〇年」という書物を公刊した。この研究所はニューヨーク州クロトッーオッーハドッッにあり、せい せい府、企業その他の私的組織のために予測的研究をおこなっている非営利研究セッターであるが、





























第一期 一九七五年まで




○生まれる子どもの性の選択。 ○臨床死を延期させる広範な手段。




第二期 二〇〇〇年まで







第三期 二〇〇〇年以後











                。、lr..t r hhttp://www.して炭茉し、したがっ




つらぎにそれを尖現してゆくのであろう。かくしてヒトは無限に超能力をのばしつづけ、やがてはついに神に到達するのではないのか? この上、いかなる超能力を身につけねばならぬというのか?      










瞬間、ホモーサピエンスヘと進化する第一のステップを踏み出した。″石″はやがて ″道具″へ

ヒトの能力を無限に増幅拡大して、今や彼  ホモーサピエンスと進み、その道具を現世人類は、科学に変え、科学はヒトの能力をらは神の座にせまりっつある。″科学″ははたして人類を神の座にみちびくか?・かぬとんでもない場所で、このメダウォーの言葉を、痛切な思いで思い出。し、つくづくと噛みしところで、もうかなり以前のことになるのだが、私は、あるとき、













The first volume
His heart, obsessed with fatigue and anxiety, was already destined to be destroyed and had 9 swords. It evolved once
When Homo Sapiens appeared, the last of the good walks. It was the same as the fate that “the whole pit” followed
The last of the monkeys in the head are eight carvings. When I put my intelligence in front of me, right now he is a new person
It must be in the same desperate puzzle that I saw the wonderful abilities of the species, super-human, unknown in the sun.
There wasn’t.
Super human manufacturer I Jackie Williams
I = Science in the seat of the Creator
Securing the secrets of esoteric and superpower, I wrote in this book:
I’m trying to reveal the secret, but one thing, if you think about it, humans are already superpowers. S
Isn’t it? –
20th century. Humans have acquired a superpower that is unique to God.
At this time, mankind is the power of longing, myths, legends and longing for power
Daedalus’s son, Ikayas, flew too high and burned his wings into the sun and fell into the Aegean Sea
However, countless Icarus are now flying in the sub-stratosphere while enjoying dinner.
The human race has a much greater destructive power than the lightning that Jupiter burns with anger.
】 The surviving Japanese soldier who has been hiding in a solitary island in the south for 28 years
I was angry when I was told that I could return to the country.
-Who will believe in such a beetle, or will he fool me!
Thirty years ago, he moved from the continent to the island in tens of days.
But II, and a few days later, he flew on a giant bird, and after three hours, stepped on his homeland
In this era, he knew for himself that Otogipanashi had been realized.
From now on, it is difficult for him to unconditionally accept the myths and mysteries that have been realized.
You will have to endure the work.ヽ
In addition to this, what kind of superpowers must humans acquire?
OK. Let’s take a look at the myths of the 2nd century.
”Herman Khan and Anthony Wiener of the Hudson Research Institute
The book “Year” was published. The institute is located in Crotoy O’Haddock, New York.
A non-profit research setter that conducts predictive research for prefectures, companies, and other private organizations.
This book contains the scientific, technical, and medical discoveries that are expected of life around the year 2000
Is described.
Also, a newer book written with the same theme is “Western History 1818”. This is diplomatic
It was published with the sponsorship of the Policy Association, and encourages members to understand the future of the world.
It was published as a commemorative publication for the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the association.
As everyone would foresee, these two books include nuclear energy production and new electronic devices.
Numerous striking advances in development, synthesis of harsh chemical products, etc. are predicted
The From the prophecy that was as high as I00 in “Western Year 2000”, it was directly affected by human life.
Here are a few things that are likely to affect the sound.
□ Human permanent residence satellite and lunar base.
□ Interplanetary travel.
□ Construction of permanent submarine dwelling facilities and submarine colonies.
□ Artificial moon and other lighting methods to illuminate large areas at night.
□ Robots and machines that humans can “use”.
□ A variety of more reliable new drugs that control fatigue, mood, personality, sensation, and illusion.
□ Extended life, delayed aging, proper rejuvenation.
□ Extensive use of mechanical means to substitute for human instrumental palaces, sensations, and limbs.
□ Permanent orthopedic beauty (appearance, huff color, even physique).
□ Human hibernation over long periods (months or years).
□ Have a dream in a planned manner.
□ A harmless way of doing whatever you want (whatever it means!).

□ More reliable “education” advertising techniques that affect human behavior (public and private). ‘
□ New technology to supervise, monitor or control individuals and organizations.

To the miracle of these “very high potential” that can be achieved in less than 30 years
In addition, scientists at the Hudson Institute. , “I’m ridiculous”, but it’s still a little late
A series of development lists that are likely to remain in the realm of potential.
○ Establish a base or colony on the moon or planet.
○ Increase human intelligence by connecting the brain directly to the computer.
○ Permanent immunity against almost all diseases.
◎ Life span or far beyond IOO years old.
There is also a “myth” closer to me.
“The human being has a future,” said G.R. Tiller, a British journalist famous in the field of biology.
“” Shows the following “table of progress”.
Phase 1 until 1975
○ Expansion of limb and organ transplantation. ○ In vitro fertilization of human eggs.
Kuichiichi j
○ Transplantation of fertilized eggs into the uterus. ○ Long-term preservation of eggs and sperm.
○ Selection of the sex of the child born. ○ Extensive means to postpone clinical death.
· O Psychotropic drugs. Control of greed. ○ Elimination of memory.
O Incomplete artificial placenta. ○ Human evirus.
Until the second period 2000
○ Large scale mental transformation and personality modification. ○ Enhancement of human and animal intelligence.
○ Memory injection and memory editing. ○ Complete artificial placenta and true baby production factory.
○ Reproduction of life. Reconstructed creature. ○ Hibernation and prolonged coma.
○ Long-term maintenance of youthful vitality. ○ The first cloned animal.
○ Synthesis of single-cell organisms. ○ Organ regeneration.
○ Human-animal chimera.
Third period After 2000 years
○ Control of aging. Extended life. ○ Complex biological synthesis.
○ A brain separated from the body. ○ Connection of brain and computer. ’
○ Gene insertion and deletion. ○ Cloned humans.
○ Brain to brain connection. ○ Chimera of humans and machines.
○ Endless postponement of death.
Tiller shows the date when each item is simply completed as a technology.
He stated that the period when it would be used for general practical use would be different for social and economic reasons. The authors of Eight years are
These lists are not a prelude to what will happen in the future, but just “to the extent scientifically possible.
It is carefully emphasized that he said. But which of these predictions are realized
However, the individual views of what and what are impossible are generally broad, and scientists
It seems that expectations of the future are almost unchanged.
For example, in January 1968, in commemoration of the 1950s Festival of St. Louis University, M. McCullhammo
The symposium “Knowledge and the future of human beings” gathered by other world-renowned scientists
Technical and business professor, Harvard University professor J. Bright,
.. will be provided. ’・ I ヽ -I” GI Fu Xiao “Be`jo
Talking about eight technological advances that will be realized within 30 years
Zhang, mechanization and advancement of physiological activities, mechanization and advancement of intelligent processes, increased control of the environment, human life
Talk about more of control and progress, which makes America healthier and more material
. , Lr. . t http: // www.
Increased transport capacity, increased energy control, increased ability to change materials, expanded human sensory capacity
Snippet. ‘, … so t2 a47m 9, yrHynj4rn
qnu44r 4J 1 / 1j
I became richer in various matters, and a new industry centered on new technology prospered and prospered.
It is hoped that there will be opportunities for new and good occupations and economic opportunities.
What a wonderful myth.
As mentioned above, words that predict the dramatic improvement of human life due to the advancement of science in the 2nd century
It can be said that there is an incredible amount. Humans create new myths one after another,
It will sneak it out. Thus, humans continue to increase their infinite power,
Will it finally reach God? In addition, I have to learn what kind of super power
Um? .
In fact, now among scientists, humans are no longer humans. Already a new “living creature”
There are even scholars who assert that they are mutating!
Listening to that opinion.
Homo sapiens disappeared
British immunologist and Nobel Laureate P.B.Medawar is a BBC series “Human
In the “Future of the future”, he expressed his opinion.
According to him, “The human being that has developed civilization L so far is no longer the earth so far.
The creatures above are “new species” that have entered the “evolution” stage, which is completely different.
When we consider the creature of human beings in modern times, it is already culture, science, technology, social system,
It cannot be thought of as a “civilization” that humankind itself has come up with, such as thought. Human race
Like human beings, it cannot be humanity alone. The “civilization”
For the first time, humankind can be “including the secondary environment” such as backgrounds and tools. Such a background
You can’t think of humanity except for the tools, because modern humanity
It is only in such a background and tools that viability is demonstrated and can survive.
As the page will lose all of its ability,
Mankind who has taken away things has all human abilities
9QgxlM4F59 919
It’s not humanity, that is, you can only survive if you have such a background, tools and I body.
It must be said that this is a new kind of creature.
I can’t think about human life. Stewarde descends to Nairobi Airport in Africa
Su, the Maasai men who wore a kite in the Warrior Dance show, boarded the passenger plane barefoot.
There’s no way of overseeing the new varieties, but there will be no mistakes. Science civilization now
Rikomusu is not looking forward.
However, isn’t it “progress”?
《Pitecantrops group I who chases Aya and manipulates the wilderness, throws stones and throws them at primitive beasts.
In the moment, we took the first step to evolve into Homo Sapiens. “Stone” will eventually become a “tool”
Homo sapiens now has amplified and expanded human ability infinitely
The modern human beings turned into science, and science
Are in the seat of God. Does “Science” really make humanity into the seat of God?・
Remind me of these words of Medawar in a ridiculous place. And bite
By the way, it ’s already a long time ago.
I have a bitter memory that I had to turn
I mean

My time machine
When I get tired, I often have my favorite dreams.
My favorite dream is to travel to the past world on a time machine. time
-I can’t go to the future world as well as the machine, but I like the future world too much
Absent. It ’s not because I ’m old, but it ’s a world that ’s a decade ago.
I went to, and beyond my understanding, faced an unimaginable horror, and thought I was already angry.
Even so, the future world has many events that are difficult to understand.
Many days trying to solve







単行本: 515ページ
出版社: 平河出版社; 改訂版 (1972/07)
言語: 日本語
ISBN-10: 4892030104
ISBN-13: 978-4892030109
発売日: 1972/07
梱包サイズ: 18.6 x 13.2 x 3.4 cm


メシア ( 仏陀 ) の法 Messiah (Buddha) Law system of Dharma   














 ところが、われわれが実際に使っているのは、わずかにそのニパーセットら五八Iセットに過ぎないのである。もしも、われわれが、この眠れる脳細胞をゆり起こして、それをフルに利用することができたらI? どんなにすばらしい仕事ができることであろう/
























 ヒトの知能が倍増し、人類の知的水準が現在の二倍ないし三倍になったら、世界はどのように変わるであろうか? おそらく、人類は、いまかかえているあらゆる問題を、すべて解決してしまうであろう。




有害物質。それらはどこに原因があるのであろうか? わかりきったことである。






















































 ひとつは普通の現代人、ホモーサピエンスHomo sapiensである。これがふるい人類だ。

 もうひとつは、特殊な能力を身につけた未来人、ホモーエクセレンスHomo eχcellens である。つまりあたらしい人類だ。












  I 第四次元の理解。

  2 複雑な全体をとっさに把握する能力。

  3 第六感の獲得。

  4 無限に発展した道徳意諏の保有。

  5 とくにわれわれの悟性には不可解な精神的な特質。





















 けれども、今から四、五万年ほど前、かなり進んだ知能を持つクロマニョッ人(新人)が出現すると、彼らは急速に姿を消して絶滅してしまった。しかしそのクロマニョッ人も、今から一万年ほどまえに、オーストラロイド(ジャワ)、モンゴロイド(中国)、ネグロイド(アフリカ)、コーカソイド(ヨーロッパ)というあたらしい現世人類の種のなかにあわただしく消滅してしまった     ‐








 一万年さきか? 二万年?








 え? そんなに早く? とあなたはびっくりするだろう。だが、あなたはここでさらにもっとびっくりしなければならないのだ。



















  であろう。このグループの最高の頭脳は、やすやすと四次元を理解する。 感覚器官の増幅―彼は、不可視光線(赤外線、紫外線)を見ることができ、超音波を聞くことができる。その異常感覚と高度の知能の結合からくる予知力。それらは、自分の肉体を思うままに統御する能力からくる。


四 物質を超え、物質を自由に統御する力。

五 無限に発達した道徳意識。




























からやがて次第にあらわれてくる同 族たちを教育するためのカリキュラムもつくった。








































 ″近い未来に実現する全く変形した新しい世界を叙述するために、科学者たちは、新しいコトバを手さぐりで求め″ながら(アルバート・ローゼンフェルトThe second genesis邦訳第二創世紀)、ジュリアンーハクスリ卿は、新しい高い能力を待った未来人を「超人問」と呼んでその出現を待ち、ケニスーボールディング博士は来るべき新しい文明こそ「脱文明」と呼ばれなければならぬ


超・ヒトの到来を信じ、創造理論の権威市川亀久弥教授はごく近い未来に実現する超人類社会(ciety of super state homo SaPience)を予見し、人類学者のジョルジューオリヴィエ教授は、高い知能を持つホモーエクセレンスは間もなく来ると説き、彼らすべてかがやく未来を期待しつつ、しかし、そのいずれも、それを実現すべき方法を持たない。














-Anyone can be a genius

Can you believe it?

All humans use only a few percent of their intelligence, and the remaining 90

-A set is as if you have forgotten because you’ve been messed up in the closet of it.

Nobody wants to use it without being boiled.

Of course, you are one of them.

So, this is what George Gallup at Gallup Institute of Polls looks like:

“This is a classic theory of brain physiologists, but human beings are from two percent to eighty-five cents of intelligence.

I only use it. Ninety percent of the rest are boiled and everyone takes it out

There is no one who thinks to use it. Isn’t it really ironic? No, that’s a bug

It should be nonsense. ”

And this prominent information researcher is Fuganaru.

“To develop the potential of the latest computers, the most skilled experts in this country, day and night,

On the other hand, it is a great machine to squeeze out any huge electronic computer.

I don’t know anything about the human brain’s potential, and I don’t even want to study it.

If we awaken and use these sleeping neurons, these potential attributes are

Will be expressed. ”

So, what are we? Do you have a sleeping neuron?

“The famous cerebral physiologist Dr. Ralph W. Gerrard said:

“… The unit of the cranial nervous system is the individual minute cells called neurons. There are 10 billion in the human brain.

There are more neurons, and each relatively large one has an average of more than 10,000 with other neurons.

It has a synapse connection. Network patterns that can be created

The number of paths that can carry impulses is much larger than the total number of particles that make up the matter in the universe.

There is 1 ”

The exact number of neurons is about 140 billion.

However, what we are actually using is slightly from the nipper set to the Goiha I set.

It is not too much. If we wake this sleeping brain cell and make full use of it

I can do it? How wonderful work can be done /

However, in reality, we use only a few thirds of that.

I am very sorry for myself.

It is just a gold mine with huge reserves or an inexhaustible diamond ore.

It is a mustache that cannot be excavated.

Do you feel that way too?

We now have to renew the superstition about the brain.

It’s wrong to be smart or bad.

The problem is how many neurons a person uses or does not use

is there.

H is a genius because it moves the neurons more than I, two percent.

That’s it. The intelligence of T is low because the neuron is sleeping more than I, two percent.

It’s just that.

If you are a genius, stop speaking. Takashi is only I, a few percent new

-It’s just that it’s working for Ron. Isn’t that just that?

If you are clever and swearing that your intelligence is low, don’t be pessimistic. Slightly more than people

It ’s just two percent, less movement of neurons. It ’s just that.

Absent. Inspire and move your neuron as much as you can.


Is that impossible?

♪ Say a fool, here’s how to do it.

This is the technology of intelligence development, neuron awakening, and cerebral cortex remodeling.

If you train with this system, your sleeping neurons will wake up quickly and your intelligence will triple.


It is a super technology that turns humans into completely different creatures.

That super technology is here.

③-Super technology to remodel humans

Moshi II.

How will the world be when human intelligence doubles and human intellectual level doubles or triples the current level?

Will it change? Perhaps the human race has solved all the problems that are currently being solved.

Will be.

No, I, a society with a completely new structure will emerge?

Let’s take a look at the problems that humankind is making.

I kill each other, scramble, hate each other, hurt each other I are spreading rapidly on the earth

Hazardous substance-. Where are they causing? This is what I understand.

That is because people are stupid.

Anthropologist Rinne classifies humans and gives them the scientific name “wisdom human”.


. Otsu ~~~~~ 轟 ‘

Ikusu scholar Charlie Rissier named the foolish human, homothrus. Nobel Prize winner

One of the authors, Rishie, was the first man in the book, “Human-This Stupid”.

I want to call it a super foolish man because it is a messy animal that I really gave up.

However, he wrote that the highest adjectives would be confused and confused as much as fools.

Certainly, humans have these two aspects. The wise wisdom side, the foolish and weak side, and the two sides

The contradicting creatures that come together are exactly humans, but now we are

Looking around me, Homo Sapiens is completely shadowed, and Homo Tsuru Chissimus is

It is rampant like a youkai.

Murder, scramble, hate, hurt each other,

It will gradually escalate. Science and technology have expanded human power infinitely, but at the same time,

The slaughter, exploitation, hatred, and struggle of Toto increased indefinitely. As it is, there is no problem, homo sapien

Su is extinct.

What is most necessary for humanity now?

It is a high level of intelligence.

¡The tremendous folly that develops on this ground is caused by the low level of human intelligence.

Now, what humanity needs is neither science nor technology. Ideology if not a revolution

not. It is neither a racial struggle nor a class struggle. Such a thing is useless.

No matter how many times you have revolutionized or hundreds of times you have struggled, human intelligence is at the current level.

As long as it is a repetition of a wasteful ritual.

Let’s look at the history. No matter how much progress is made on what we call machinery and technology, science and civilization,

Human behavior patterns have not changed at all. Always hate each other, kill each other, scramble, this

Isn’t the pattern repeated? Where can I see changes?

Wakamono. Stop wasting energy. If you think of a revolution, advance to the intellectual revolution of all mankind

Let ’s go.

Since the days of Neanderthal, human intelligence has never advanced. First of all, human intelligence

I have to raise it.

«Extend the homostruth sims. Unless we do so, we no longer have a future. It is

In the countdown stage.

At this time, there is a technology that transforms humans and transforms social mechanisms. This technology is Furukisha

The new civilization that is born from the dismantling of the society system will be one dimension higher. this

Only through technology will the world be restored, and only this revolution will save all mankind from destruction.


Why are you guys not looking at this?

Why are you guys passionate about this unprecedented magnificent and dramatic revolution on earth?

Don’t let it go.


④-If there is a future society


It is powerless.

It is not something that enhances intelligence, it is just something that expands knowledge.

Education is just raising the knowledge of what the person originally has and improving the intelligence itself.

Don’t panic. The technology to improve intelligence is not the ability to teach and remember things, but the ability to remember

It must be a system that enhances the power itself. A fool is a fool no matter how much you educate. fool

Education is completely powerless. In order to make a fool smart, there must be a special technique.


It is a buoy that tries to dissuade the fools of the intelligent heroes with some conscience.

It’s just a rake, and there is no power or technology to improve intelligence. You can become a Buddha, sing the subject,

Even if you call on the name of God, you won’t be able to get peace of mind, nourishment, and belief.

Even if it is done, intelligence itself does not increase.

In the future society with the intelligence that has evolved and developed to the highest degree, there will be no special field of religion. Advanced intelligence is accompanied by highly developed ethical and moral consciousness.

Religious consciousness, such as “teaching”, which is totally vulgar, low-dimensional childish

Will become common sense, and you won’t have to worry about anything more

right. The human becomes addicted to Kami and Hotoke.

You should be aware that such a future society is just around the corner.

You have to know that a social system with a completely different structure is about to appear


Do you doubt it?

Let’s go.

Moshi I.

As long as such advanced intelligence does not appear, the world will end soon. Jomo Sapies

As long as it is the current level of intelligence, humans no longer have a future. Homo Sapies civilization is already limited


So II.

If there is a future society, it must be an advanced and completely new society.

It is.

twenty two

⑤-Super-human F-brain rate coefficient

In the future society that will come soon, humanity will be divided into two species.

It is not two ethnic groups or two classes. There are two species.

So, the two species coexist for a while, but soon one of them

Let’s erase Na from this world rapidly.

That being said, it wasn’t just the future society that humanity showed two conflicts.

That may be the case, some people may give some examples.

Surely, it is colored and white, free and communist, rich and poor, dominated.

You can compare some with those who are supposed to be.

However, it is different.

[This kind of classification is going to appear in our world in the very near future.

ing. Such a movement is currently taking place in Na.

It is two human genera.

New humanity and sieving humanity.

One is an ordinary modern person, Homo sapiens Homo sapiens. This is sieving mankind.

The other is a future person with special abilities, Homo Excellence Homo eχcellens. In other words, it is a new human race.

Homo sapiens is nothing but our own, but homo excellence is

What kind of person is it?

“Homo excellence” refers to “excellent performance” that has acquired special abilities that homo sapiens do not have.

It means ” Some people, to this future person, with homo-intelligence

The name is given.

So, what special ability does this excellent future person, Homo Excellence, have?

Here are some of his features.

“The seed of the future













メシア ( 仏陀 ) の法 Messiah (Buddha) Law system of Dharma   


















数息観がそ‘の代表であるが、、とで’‐ ことてことに意識を集申し、他のものに心








 これによって無意識の意識層をコットロ’Iルし、2 つうでは絶対に統御でき










 では、その深層意識の流れを観ているものはなにか? だれが深層意識の流

れを観ているのか? それは「無意識的精神集中」の心である。












 無意識的瞑想は「全の世界」を観る。 ・













Concentration (stop) and meditation (view)

Let’s get into meditation.

The seat is a half-iron seat. Use zafu. Let’s set up a meditation sign. This is rudimentary meditation

This is the basic posture. (See Fig. 5. However, although it is a legal seal in this figure, the later-mentioned Aker

In some cases, a shahmdler is used. For the basic posture of meditation, see “Reincarnation Meditation Method”.

Please be sure to read it because it is explained in detail in “H”)

Meditation practice consists of two areas.

One is the mental concentration method (・ o9 ~ Holy memorial, one is the meditation method (Yo’and ~).

To concentrate on

Let’s explain this a little. First is Shamata (stop).

, Koan in Zen, prayer, sutra

Reading sentences and chanting mantras are also one of the methods of concentration. The point is one thing

Focus on, stay there, and don’t move.

This focuses on one thing.

The view of a few breaths is the representative of that, but at the same time, I focused on that and focused on other things.

Do not turn to, do this positively and consciously. This is the beginning of training.

As a process, anyone goes through.

This state of mental concentration can be divided into two.

One is “concentration of breath”, and one thing is w

The next stage is “a state of unconscious mental concentration. This is an advanced one.

As I continued to concentrate my consciousness, I was conditioned by practice, and finally

You will be able to concentrate on one thing without being conscious of it.

By doing this, the unconscious consciousness layer can be controlled by Cottro’I, and 2 can be absolutely controlled.

It becomes possible to direct the unconscious consciousness to a specific object.

To leave it to the flow of the heart

Next is Bipashana (view).

This does not pay attention to one thing. Put your heart into each movement of your heart

I’m going, but it’s not just one thing. Leave it to the flow of your heart


There are also “conscious meditation” and “unconscious meditation”.

In “conscious meditation”, surface consciousness is watching the flow of the mind.

“Unconscious meditation” is the flow of the mind of deep consciousness itself.

Then, what is watching the flow of deep consciousness? Who is the flow of deep consciousness

Are you watching this? It is the mind of “unconscious concentration”.

Therefore, “stop” and “view” are closely related. Now being done

Most meditations depend on either “stop” or “view.” Zen is “stop”

The weight is applied to, and meditation (what you are doing as) is mainly “view”. Shika

However, if it is not a “view” that completes the “stop”, it is not a true meditation, but a “stop”.

The fact that it doesn’t fit into the “view” is not really meditation either.

“Stop” and “view” must be mastered in the same way. And very

In order to perform advanced meditation (viewing), you must acquire a very advanced nest (stop) in the same way.

It is impossible if it is not done.

Then, what is the difference between “conscious meditation” and “unconscious meditation”?

In a nutshell,

Conscious meditation sees the “individual world”,

Unconscious meditation sees the “whole world”.・ ・

It would be nice to say.

Conscious meditation sees “the flow of your own world”.

Unconscious meditation sees the “flow of mankind itself (in the world)”. Disagreeable,

It’s a more expanded world. It would be nice to say, “Watch the flow of the universe itself.”

The unconscious conscious layer contains all the memories of humankind from the beginning. I

And all the memories from before humankind are hidden.

I mentioned this in “Reincarnation Meditation I”. “Individual departure

Reread Chapter 2, which talks about the consciousness and memory of “life” and “phylogenetics”

I want you to see it.


やがてひき合わされたところによると、リンポーチェの先輩すじにあたる聖師で、メ チワラサンガラターナというかたであった。

「スリランカの出身で、非常な学僧です。 去年、ここへ寺院を建てたのだそうです。 わた しもここへ来るまで知りませんでした」


「仏陀が十八年間説法されたこの精舎のそばで、生涯を終えるのが、わたくしのかねてか らの念願でした」

サンガラターナ師は、あたりに響きわたるような大きな声で語った。ややなまりのある 英語であった。 がっしりとした頑丈そうな体格で、声が大きいのは健康なのだろう。八十 一歳という年齢を聞いてびっくりした。 どうみても六十歳代としかみえないのである。 師が先に立って、精舎を案内してくださった。われわれが師をガイドに得たことはじつ にしあわせであった。観光会社がつけてくれたガイドも、この地のことにはあまり知識が なく、リンポーチェにしても、数年前に一度しか来たことがなかったのである。 他の仏跡 地のように、 サヘト・マヘトには案内人がいないのである。もし、サンガラターナ師がおられなかったら、われわれは、祇園精舎をただあるきまわるだけで、ひとつひとつの遺跡 について、くわしいことはなにひとつ知ることはできなかったであろう。師は、わが家の 庭のごとく、愛情をこめて、あれこれと指さしながら説明して行く。





師の大きな声が突然すうっと遠のいたかと思うと、右ななめ前方から、 がぁんと、頭か らにかけてなぐりつけられたような衝撃を感じたのだ。

目の中を白い閃光が飛んだ。剣道で力いっぱい面を打たれたとき、目の中を走るあの 光に似ていた。わたくしは思わずくらくらとして、額に手をあてた。一種のバイブレーシ ョンであることはわかった。わたくしも密教の修行者として各地の霊場をあるき、何度か 霊的なバイブレーションをうけている。しかし、こんなすさまじい叩きつけるようなバイ ブレーションははじめてであった。しかもまったく無防禦だったので、完全に不意をつか れたという感じだった。どこでも霊場へ入るときには、それなりの心がまえをして入る。





「ちょっと待って。わたくしはいま、ものすごいバイブレーションを感じたのです。 それ はものすごいバイブレーションで、そう、あの方向からきました。あれはなんですか? あの地は

わたくしは、その衝撃がきたと思われる方向をゆびさした。五十メートルほど前方に、 雑草の生いしげった凹地があった。そこから、それがきたと思われた。






「そう、ミラクルの池。仏陀が奇蹟をおあらわしになった。 そこであそこを、ミラクルの池とよぶのです」







スラバスティの大長者スダッタ(須達多)が、仏陀のために大金を投じてここに土地を 求め、大精舎を建立した。 仏陀の名声は四方につたわり、教えを乞うもの踵を接した。 この附近には、ジャイナ教その他の外道の寺院がたくさんあった。それらの寺院の指導 者たちは、仏陀の名声をねたみ、いろいろ、仏陀を中傷、批難した。 中でもとくに、仏陀 口のうまい師にすぎないといいふらした。 さきで理論を説くだけで、なに一つ神通 力を持っていない、要するに口舌の徒であるという批難であった。当時のインドの宗教界 では、指導者となるためには、なんらかの神通力を持つことが、必須の条件とされてい た。ところが、仏陀は、無用に神通力をあらわすことをきらって、この地に来てから一度


他の教団の指導者たちは、これを、仏陀にその力がないからだと考え、これを攻撃した わけである。 仏陀が大神通力の持ちぬしであることを知っている高弟たちは、一度、ぜひ その力を示されるようおねがいしたが、仏陀は承知されなかった。 いよいよ神通力などな いと思いあがった他教団の指導者たちは、自分たちのパトロンである他の長者や勢力者た ちを通じて、スダッタに、仏陀と神通力の試合を申し入れた。負けたほうがこの地を去る という条件である。スダッタもついにことわりきれず、仏陀に試合を通した。あるい は、スダッタも仏陀の神通力を見たかったのかも知れない。仏陀もスダッタの立場を考慮 され、ついにこれを承諾された。

その日、他の教団の指導者たちが、 これみよがしにさまざまな神通力を競い合ったさい ごに、仏陀がすがたをあらわされた。


仏陀は三層の高楼の舞台にそのおすがたをあらわされたのである。いかなる神通力をあ らわされるのかと群衆が固唾をのんで見守るなか、なんと仏陀は露台の手すりを無雑作に 乗り越えられ、空中に足を踏み出されたのである。一瞬、手をはなされる。 仏陀墜落!

とみるまに、仏陀はそのままゆっくりと空中を浮揚して、庭園にむらがる大衆の頭上を越 え、きよらかな清水をたたえた庭園の池の上に立たれたのである。微風に小波をたてる清 池の水の上に、仏陀はしずかに立っておられるのである。 群衆が思わずわが目をうた がったつぎの瞬間、仏陀の上半身は火炎となって燃え上がり、下半身は玉のような水と化 したのである。

目のあたりに見る大神通力に、なみいる他教団の指導者や、土地の勢力者をはじめ、す べてのひとびとはその場にひれ伏して、頭をあげ得なかったー。

わたくしは、額に手をあてて師の説明を聞いていた。途中からふいに、やわらかなバイ ブレーションとともに、ひとつの概念 思考の流れがしずかにわたくしの脳髄ふかく流 れこんでくるのを感じたのである。 わたくしは、自分の思念をまったくとめて、それをす なおにうけいれていた。突如、さいごに、すさまじい戦慄が走った。全身の血がいっぺん にひいてゆくような、 名状しがたい恐怖感の衝撃だった。それが終わったとき、師の説明 も終わった。




「ああ、それはね、全身のチャクラが、すさまじいパワーで、エネルギーを放射したので しょう。 空中浮揚をするために、仏陀は全身のチャクラにすさまじいエネルギーを集中し た。池の上に降り立って、そのエネルギーが放射したのでしょう。そのエネルギーの放射 が、炎のように見えたのだね。 チャクラがエネルギーを放射すると、全身が炎につつまれ たようになって見えます。 これは、ヨーガ・スートラなどにも書いてある。 そういうと きしばしば、からだが透明状になることがある。 下半身が水になったというのは、仏陀 のすがたがそのとき、透明になったので、池の水が反映して、水のように見えたのでし ょう。このミラクルは、 クンダリニー・ヨーガの最高の技術をみせられたものと、わたく しは考えます。 そういえば、わたくしは、以前、仏陀は、クンダリニー・ヨーガの熟達者 だった、と本に書いたことがあります」

そう、わたくしは説明しながら、はやく、ひとりになって、思考をまとめたいと思って いた。さきほど流れこんできたあの思念の流れあれはいったいなんであったのか?

必死に、わたくしは、それを散らすまいとしてみつめつづけていた。はやく、ひとつのも のにまとめたいと思っていた。

それができたのは、それから数時間後、ラクノウという都市に着いて、ホテルに入った ときであった。

わたくしは、あわただしく自分の室に入って、シャワーを浴びると、すぐに定にはいっ た。ミラクルの池でのあの体験を、もう一度再現しようと思ったのである。

定にはいると、すぐに手がはげしく動いた。「自動書記だな」と直感した。 これは、霊 的状態になって手が無意識に動き、文字を書くのである。 すぐに、ノートを、と思った が、あいにく、このホテルは、宿泊するのではなく、午後九時発の夜行列車に乗るまでの 三、四時間を、休息と食事のために入ったので、トランクその他、筆記用具を入れたは すべて、みんなの荷物といっしょに、下のロビーに預けてしまっていた。手もとには何も ない。しかし、とりにいっているひまはない。 時期を逸したら、もう二度とこの手の動き はもどって来ないかも知れぬのだ。

わたくしはあわただしく座を立って、机のひき出しをさがした。あった! さいわい、

ホテルのメモ用紙が数枚あった。 ボールペンもある。 むしゃぶりつくようにペンをにぎる と、それは勢いよくメモの上を走った。

最初、それは、脈絡のない単語や名詞の羅列であった。しかし、それは、ミラクルの 池のあの思念の流れと一致していた。わたくしは、食事もとらず、出発までの時間を挙げ これに傾注した。整理して、さいごに書きあげたのがつぎの文章であった。



そんなことなどぜんぜん予期しておらずまったく無防備だった自分は、あっというま その衝撃に叩きのめされてしまったのだ。

修行、学問、そんなものはなんの役にも立たぬものであることを思い知らされた。 こころひそかに誇っていたこれまでの自分の修行も教学も、あっというまに消しとん でしまった。叩きのめされてしまった。



一〇〇年の修行も万巻の教学も、ただ一瞬のこの霊的バイブレーションに如かぬこと を思い知らされた。

これがそれだったのだ。これが究極のそれだったのだ。このためにこそわたくしはこ こにやってきたのだ。



わたくしがいまあなたから受けたものを、これからわたくしはひとびとにあたえねば ならぬ。


すべてのひとびとがこの聖なるバイブレーションを受けることのできる聖地を、わた くしはひがしの国につくらねばならぬ。この輝きにみちたサイト・マトの地を、そ


のまま、日本の国にうつさねばならぬ。 それがわたくしの使命だったのですね。それ をかならずはたすことをわたくしはあなたに誓います。

もう一度、わたくしはこの地に来なければならないのですね。だが、そのときなにが 起きるのでしょうか? そのとき起きる或ることを、わたくしは非常なおそれの感情 とともに予感します。


一〇〇年の苦行も万巻の書物も、このバイブレーションなくしては、路傍の石ころに も劣るのだった。このバイブレーションをあたえることのできる聖者こそ、真の導師 だったのだ。 理解できました。




ラクノウのホテルにて しるす。

その虚脱状態は、帰国するまでつづいたといってよい。 デリーでのパーティー、アジャ タエローラ石窟寺院、と、その後の旅はつづいたが、わたくしのこころは、つね あのミラクルの池の思念の流れに向けられていた。 ホテルで一応ああいうかたちに整理 したけれども、文字に表現できないものがいくつかあった。そのなかに、どうしてもわた くに理解できないものもあった。

あの思念の流れは、わたくしにもう一度このミラクルの池のほとりに来いとつよく命じ ていた。かならず来なければならぬと命じていた。しかし、それと同時に湧きおこったあ 名状しがたい戦慄と恐怖はいったいなんであろうか? どう考えてもわからなかった。 それと、来いとつよく命じているけれども、いつ来いとはいわないのだ。また、なんの ために、ということも知らせてくれない。いま、文字に表現できないものがいくつかある

Eventually, I learned that he was a sage who was Rinpoche’s senior, and whose name was Mechivarasangarathana.

“He is a very learned monk from Sri Lanka.He apparently built a temple here last year.I didn’t know about him until he came here.”

Yes, Rinpoche said.

“It has always been my wish for the Buddha to end his life near this monastery where he preached for 18 years.”

Master Sangaratana spoke in a loud voice that echoed all around. His English was slightly accented. He has a sturdy and sturdy physique, and his loud voice is probably due to his health. He was surprised to hear that he was 81 years old. No matter how you look at him, he looks like he’s in his sixties. The master stood in front of me and showed me around the temple. He was indeed lucky that we had the Master as our guide. The guide provided by the tourist company didn’t have much knowledge about the area, and Rinpoche had only been there once, a few years ago. Like other Buddhist sites, there are no guides at Sahet Mahet. If it were not for Sangaratana, we would have simply wandered around the Gion Shosha and would not have been able to learn anything in detail about each of the ruins. The teacher lovingly points out various things as he explains things, as if it were his own garden.

I was standing on a small hill listening to my teacher’s explanation.




Then, suddenly, it came.

Just as the teacher’s loud voice suddenly seemed to fade away, I felt a thud from in front of me to the right, as if someone had hit me on the head or back.

A white flash flashed in his eyes. It was similar to the light that flashed through his eyes when he was hit hard in the face in kendo. I felt dizzy and put my hand on his forehead. I realized that it was a kind of vibration. As a practitioner of Esoteric Buddhism, I have visited sacred sites around the country and received spiritual vibrations several times. However, it was my first time to experience such a tremendous blow from him. Moreover, he was completely defenseless, so it felt like he was completely caught off guard. Whenever you enter a sacred place, you enter with a certain amount of heart in mind.

That’s why I can accept strong vibrations, but here I am completely defenseless.

“please wait”

The shock was especially strong. It felt like it lasted several seconds, but it was only a moment. My master’s loud voice echoed in my ears once again.

I raised my hand and stopped my master.

“Wait a minute. I just felt a tremendous vibration. It was a tremendous vibration, and yes, it came from that direction. What is that?

I waved in the direction I thought the impact had come from. About 50 meters ahead, there was a depression overgrown with weeds. That’s where it seemed to come from.

“Oh, is that it?”

The master nodded.

“That’s Miracle Pond.”

“Miracle Pond?”


“Yes, the Miracle Pond. Buddha performed miracles there. That’s why it’s called the Miracle Pond.”




“What kind of miracle is that miracle?”

The Buddha levitated and stood above this pond, his upper body turned into fire and his lower body turned into water.

“Huh, what does that mean?”

Well, according to my teacher’s explanation, it was like this.

Sudatta, the great ruler of Sravasti, invested a large sum of money to acquire land here and built a great shrine for the Buddha. The Buddha’s fame spread to all directions, and he touched those who asked for his teachings. There were many Jain and other temples in this area. The leaders of those temples were jealous of the Buddha’s fame and slandered and criticized him in many ways. Among other things, he pretended that the Buddha was nothing more than a master of speech. He was criticized for only preaching theories and having no divine powers; in short, he was a talker. In the religious world of India at the time, it was considered a prerequisite to have some kind of divine power in order to become a leader. However, the Buddha did not want to display his divine power needlessly, and once he came to this place,

He never showed his power.

The leaders of other sects thought this was because the Buddha lacked that power, and attacked him. The Buddha’s disciples, who knew that he possessed great divine powers, once begged him to demonstrate his power, but the Buddha did not consent. The leaders of other sects, who were finally convinced that they wanted him because of his supernatural powers, approached Sudatta through their patrons, other wealthy and influential people, and challenged Sudatta to a match of divine powers with the Buddha. The condition is that if he loses, he will leave this land. Finally, Sudatta could no longer refuse and asked Buddha to pass the match. Or perhaps Sudatta also wanted to see the divine powers of the Buddha. The Buddha also considered Sudatta’s position and finally agreed to it.

That day, the Buddha revealed himself to him as the leaders of other sects competed with him in their various supernatural powers.


The Buddha manifested himself on the stage of a three-story tower. As the crowd watched with bated breath, wondering what kind of divine power he would display, the Buddha was able to effortlessly climb over the railing of the stall and step into the air. For a moment, his hand is released. Buddha falls!

In an instant, the Buddha slowly levitated into the air, passing over the heads of the masses of people gathered in the garden, and standing on top of the garden’s pond filled with clear, clear water. The Buddha is standing calmly on the water of the clear pond, which is rippling in the breeze. The crowd couldn’t help but sing, and the next moment the Buddha’s upper body burst into flames, and his lower body turned into a bead of water.

At the great divine power he witnessed, all his people, including Namiru, the leaders of other religious groups and local powerful people, fell prostrate on the spot and could not lift their heads.

I put my hand on his forehead and listened to his teacher’s explanation. Halfway through, I suddenly felt a stream of conceptual thinking slowly flowing into my brain, accompanied by a soft vibration. I completely ignored his thoughts and accepted them as his own. Suddenly, a terrible shudder ran through me. It was a shock of indescribable fear, as if all the blood in his body was rushing towards him. When that was finished, the teacher’s explanation was also finished.

Teacher, what does it mean that the upper half of a person’s body becomes fire and the lower half of his body becomes water?

Is it okay?

Someone asked me a question.

“Ah, that’s right, the chakras in his entire body must have radiated energy with tremendous power. In order to levitate, Buddha concentrated tremendous energy in his entire body’s chakras. It must have been radiated by the chakras.The radiation of energy looked like flames.When the chakras radiate energy, the whole body appears to be surrounded by flames.This is similar to the Yoga Sutras, etc. It is also written: At such times, the body often becomes transparent. The lower half of the body turned into water because the Buddha’s form became transparent at that time, and the water in the pond turned into water. It probably looked like water because of the reflection.I believe that this miracle was a demonstration of the highest technique of Kundalini Yoga.Come to think of it, I once thought that the Buddha I once wrote in a book that he was a master of Kundalini Yoga.

Yes, while I was explaining to him, he wanted to be alone quickly and collect his thoughts. What on earth was that flow of thoughts that just flowed in?

Desperately, I continued to stare at it, trying not to let it scatter. I wanted to get one for him as soon as possible.

He was able to do this a few hours later, when he arrived in the city of Lucknow and entered a hotel.

I hurried to my room and took a shower, and he immediately settled down. I wanted to recreate that experience at Miracle Pond.

As soon as I entered the room, my hands began to move furiously. I instinctively thought, “It’s automatic writing.” This is when the person enters a spiritual state and their hands move unconsciously to write. I thought I’d take my notebook right away, but unfortunately, I didn’t stay at this hotel for the night, but instead stayed for three or four hours to rest and eat before catching the night train at 9 p.m. My trunk and all my writing materials had been left in the lobby downstairs, along with everyone else’s luggage. He has nothing at hand. However, I don’t have time to go and get it. If the timing is missed, this kind of movement may never come back.

I hurriedly got up from my seat and searched my desk drawer. There it was! Fortunately,

There were some notes from the hotel. There’s also a ballpoint pen. As I gripped the pen, it ran swiftly across the note.

At first, it was just a list of unrelated words and nouns. However, it matched the flow of thoughts in the Miracle Pond. I didn’t eat, and he concentrated on this as we had time until departure. After sorting things out, I finally wrote the following sentence.

It suddenly came from diagonally in front.

For a moment, I was so shocked that I was blinded.

He had not expected such a thing at all and was completely defenseless, but in the blink of an eye, he was knocked out by the shock.

I realized that training, learning, and such things are of no use. All of his training and teaching, which he had secretly been proud of, disappeared in the blink of an eye. I was beaten down.

This is it, it has to be this. This is the only option. It’s so dizzying

Vibrations filled with this silvery shine!

I realized that even a hundred years of training and ten thousand volumes of teachings are nothing like this momentary spiritual vibration.

This was it. This was the ultimate one. It is for this reason that I have come here.

O Site Mat, holy land,

You were waiting here.

What I have received from you now, I must give to others.

Now, I am acutely aware that I am a saint.

We must create a sacred place in the land of East where all people can receive this sacred vibration. The land of Saito Mato is full of brilliance.

is that so.

They must be transferred to Japan as they are. That was my mission. I promise you that I will accomplish this without fail.

I have to come to this place again. But what will happen then? I have a feeling of great fear that something will happen then.

Ah, that momentary spiritual vibration!

Without this vibration, he would be no better than a stone on the side of the road, even after a hundred years of penance and ten thousand volumes of books. The saint who could give this vibration was the true master. I understand.

Thank you, Holy Master!

After I finished writing, I felt depressed.

November 8, 1975

At a hotel in Lucknow, he signs.

It can be said that this state of weakness continued until he returned to Japan. The trip continued, with a party in Delhi and a visit to the Ajata Ellora cave temple, but my mind was always focused on the stream of thoughts in his miracle pond. I sorted it out like that at the hotel, though.