
ヒトを天才にする求聞持聡明法 Gumonji that makes humans a genius


つぶさ    ぶつせつこくうぞうほさつのうまんしよがんさいしようしんだら・にぐもんじほう
二、その超人的干1 ルギーを、中国・道教につたわる導引・気功の持つ生気ルートに


神仙に化することだけはちょっとむずかしいが、不老長寿はかならず達成される。 わたくしぱ断言してよい。仙選の秘法がとり入れられているこの駄都如意求聞持聡明法


Gumonji Gumonji that makes humans a geniusGumonji Gumonji that makes humans a genius
The scholarship method is a secret method that is passed down to the Shingon esoteric Buddhism that makes humans wise and genius.
Kobo Daishi Kukai is known to the shuku for having mastered this at a young age and becoming a great genius.
To. In addition, the founder of the Shingi Shingon sect, Kakuban Kokyo Daishi (195111142), used this law seven times.
It is said that he did not succeed after repairing, but made a siddhi for the eighth time and succeeded. The work of the trowel trowel
Looking at his achievements, there is no doubt that his superiors were also geniuses. But unfortunately he died at the age of 48
He is cursed.
There are three types of Shingon Esoteric Buddhist esoteric Buddhist esoteric Buddhist esoteric Buddhism.
Gumonji Kokuzo
Gumonji Kannon
However, in general, the method of holding a sword is the famous Kokuzo sword that Kukai has repaired. this
Dharani, Dharani, Dharani, Dharani, Dharani
The law is called “Buddhist Theory Kokuzo Bosatsu Noman’s Wishes Most Victory Dharani Gumonji Law”.
However, the Gumonji Gumonji method that I am presenting in this book is neither of these. It’s a Gumonji method that I created in my own confession, and I’m good at this.
It was named Gumonji Gumonji.
This method of esoteric Buddhism is completely different from the method of esoteric Buddhism.
There are two characteristics.
that is,
1. Awaken the Kundalini Yoga chakra and generate a superhuman thousand irritations.
2. The superhuman dryness 1 Ruggy is used as an animation route for the guidance and qigong of Taoism in China.
Put it on and go around each important part of the body and spread it around. In particular, it is sent to the diencephalon / hypothalamus, which is the center of the cerebrum.
These two methods were completed in a unique way. It can be said that this is an unexplored area. I spent half my life, rather than my whole life, on the completion of this law. Since “The Principle of Transformation” published about 20 years ago, I have 40 books in this book, and all of them show the way to the completion of this law. It can be said that there is.
In this book, I have revealed as much as possible what I have gained. Both Kundalyu Yoga and Taoist guidance and qigong are for acquiring superhuman abilities.
The best law. There is no more psychic development method in this world. Gumonji Gumonji, which was completed by correcting and fusing the deficiencies of these two laws and adding new ideas, is
We take pride in being the ultimate psychic development method in Japan.
of course,. As the saying goes, “I’m afraid of posterity,” there may be more psychic development methods in the future, but it’s also a combination of Kundalyu Yoga and Guidance / Qigong.
I am convinced that it will not be anything other than the line of the Toyo-Kai-Machi-Satoshi Law.
I assert that if this law is practiced as instructed, human intelligence will surely be doubled and physical strength will be tripled.Genius must be immortal and longevity

Gumonji Gumonji certainly makes humans a genius.
However, no matter how genius you become, if you become sick or die young because of that, nothing will happen. A genius is forever youthful, healthy, for the sake of the world, for the sake of others, and for the sake of others.
Must be. (A genius who sleeps completely, etc.)
I always had in mind a senior member of the Kokyo Daishi Party, who was 48 years old and had a regrettable short life. The superior must have been hurt and impaired his life, although the law was fulfilled, probably due to the harsh training of the quest.
This was especially afraid for me, a young man who had suffered from tuberculosis for many years and had a painful experience of lying in bed.
Fortunately, however, this concern was overwhelmed.
Incorporating the secrets of Taoist guidance and qigong has blown away this concern.
In other words, Taoist guidance and qigong follow the flow of Sendo. And the ideal of Sendo is to become an immortal and longevity, and to become a Shinsen while living.
The Gumonji Gumonji method did not specifically aim for immortality and longevity, but the result was.
Unexpectedly, the ideal of Sendo was realized.
It is a little difficult to turn into a Shinsen, but immortality and longevity are always achieved. I may affirm. This Gumonji Gumonji method that incorporates the secret method of Sensen
If you are in your twenties, you will be able to rejuvenate from three to five years old, and if you are middle-aged or older, you will be able to rejuvenate from ten to fifteen years old.

Even if you train as an elderly person and cannot become a genius because of your age, you will only be able to acquire a youthful body and a never-ending brain.




The Gotama Buddha usually believed in mysterious powers and wished that the practitioners would have such powers.
Buddhist scholars and Buddhists seem to believe that they have forbidden to do anything, but that is a mistake.
Then, Buddha himself, Godfoot ({Random stone doctrine, that is, supernatural to fully fulfill Buddhism)
He says that power is needed and preaches a training method for superhuman skill development. This is the Pali literature
Can be easily proved by. (Omitted)
According to it, it is a supernatural power development method also called “Iddhipada” or “Iddhipada”.
Buddha thinks that simply brushing intellect and reason is not enough to fulfill the bodhi.
Well, I thought that I needed the power to break the limits of intellect and reason.
To that end, he created a method for developing such powers. It’s the super he learned
It can be seen that it was organized by adding the capacity development method.
It consists of thirty-seven kinds of techniques, and Iddhipada is the central technique.
To. He explains Shinto, the rule for getting the will, by dividing it into four types of methods.
Desire foot (desire, ideal, approach for creation)
Working God’s foot (body and mind training method)
Mind god foot (subconscious training method)
Kanjin foot (deep consciousness training method)
In order to break the stalemate, it was incorporated into Mahayana Buddhism and systematized, and became known as esoteric Buddhism. So esoteric Buddhism has two sides.
One is the development technology of supernatural powers.



どこに「知恵あるヒト」のおもかげがあるか? 「大愚人類」そのものではないか?


People need religious teaching because of their low intellectual ability. In short, it’s stupid. People’s moral awareness is low because their intelligence and mental abilities are low. If the intelligence is really high, one will have a higher ethical sense that goes beyond the religious consciousness that human beings have now. This is what Professor Oliveyer calls “the possession of an infinitely developed moral consciousness.”
The development of human moral awareness through teaching (religion) has already reached its limit.

This great folly of mankind that is spread all over the earth. Killing, scrambling, and swearing.
Where is the essence of “wisdom humans”? Isn’t it the “great fool” itself?
In short, no matter how much you teach a fool, you can’t.
If you want to be more frank, (I don’t mean this, everyone is the esoteric god Sama.
Isn’t it the current religion that a little idiot is preaching to a foolish idiot with all his heart?
It’s not just religion. Isn’t it the case with science and technology? I feel good about it and create various things, and later I am in trouble that it is a toxic substance that is a pollution. Such stupid things will not be uncommon if human intelligence becomes a little higher. In short, it has low intelligence.
Don’t you think it’s true that politics, economy, and thought are all the same?
In short, it’s all due to “low human intelligence”.
To make this world livable and enjoyable, first and foremost, to enhance human intelligence, rather than playing a revolution. Yeah, don’t you think?
Well, let’s get back to the story.
The limit of teaching is the limit of human intelligence.
Esoteric Buddhism breaks that limit.
They are trying to give supernatural powers by technology, remodel human beings together, jump over the lower dimensions such as religion at once, and create highly ethical creatures with unimaginable wisdom.
That is esoteric Buddhism.

Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis

十六法とはどういうものか What is the Sixteen Laws?




マハーナーマはこの仏さまの説法を拝聴して大いに喜び、また仏の教法を讃歎したのちに座を 立って礼を行い、その場を去りました。

お釈迦さまのお答えを聞いた後で、 マハーナーマは「世尊よ、 優婆塞は幾の法を成就し自ら安 他を安んずるや」と質問をしました。

ここに、安んじという言葉が出てまいりますが、これは、単に心が安らかになる、ということ ではなく、成仏するという意味です。なぜならば、すべての因縁を解脱しなければ、完全に安ら かになることはできないからです。 因縁を切って初めて、本当の安心が得られるわけです。

たとえば、瞑想や坐禅によって安心が得られるという方がおりますが、瞑想や坐禅をやってい る時は迷いが消えても、因縁がそのままになっているならば、瞑想の定が解けた時にまた苦しみ が襲ってきます。ですから、真に安らかな状態というのは、すべての因縁を解脱し、成仏した状 態なのです。

そのように考えていきますと、「優婆塞は幾の法を成就し自ら安じ他を安んずるや」とは、 「優婆塞はいくつの法を成就すれば、自分を成仏させ、他の者を成仏させることができるのでし ょうか?」



「安んずと名づく」とお答えになられました。 これは、

「優婆塞は十六法を成就すると、 自分を成仏させ、他人を成仏させることができるのだ」


















他の者に、法に近づくことを教える 自ら法を追及する


要するに、八法を自らが実践すると共に、他の者にも八法を勧めることが十六法であり、この 十六法を実践することによって、自分も他人も成仏させることができる、と説かれているわけで す。そして、それが優婆塞の本道だというわけです。





もし、お釈迦さまが優婆塞の八法だけを説いていたならば、やはり「阿含経」は小乗経典とい わざるを得ません。 なぜならば、八法とは自分だけの修行だからです。 八法で他人のことを考え ているのは施ぐらいのもので、他は自分の悟りのことだけを考えています。

その施にしても、自分が布施をして自分が徳を得るのですから、他の人に布施を勧め、その人 が徳を得るようにしてあげるのと比較すれば、やはり、利他の行というよりは自利の行に近くな

だからこそ、お釈迦さまは八法だけではなく十六法を説かれました。他を利益し、成仏に向か わせることを強調されたのです。このことから、お釈迦さまの教法もそれをまとめた「阿含経」 も小乗ではなく、むしろ自らを大乗といっている人たち以上に大乗である、とわたくしは考えて

わたくしは、「阿含経」の中で、お釈迦さまがこの十六法をお説きになっていらっしゃるから こそ、阿含宗立宗を決意しました。 もしも八法しか説かれていなければ、阿含宗という教団は 立宗できません。自分だけ悟ればいい、自分だけ成仏すればいい、という仏教を立ててもしかた がないからです。

ところが、お釈迦さまは自他共に成仏させる十六法を説いていらっしゃいます。だからこそ、 わたくしは困難な道ではありますが、阿含宗立宗に踏み切りました。 これは、大切なことですか ら、しっかりと覚えておいていただきたい。


「摩訶男よ、若し優婆塞、 正信を具足し、他人を建立し」

とおっしゃっておりますが、 この中の「正信」は非常に大切な意味を持っております。 この、 「正信を具足して」というのは、ただ単に仏教に対する信仰を持て、 ということではありません。 正しい信でなければいけないよ、と念を押されておられるわけです。さり気ない言葉ですが、そ の意味するところはとても深いといえます。

Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis




Mahanama, a person who fulfills the 16 laws of Yubasai in this way is a rare existence in the world.”

The Mahanama was greatly pleased when he heard the Buddha’s sermon, and after praising the Buddha’s teachings, he rose from his seat, bowed, and left the place.

After listening to the Buddha’s answer, the Mahanama asked, “World Honored One, has Yuva Sai attained several Dharma and made peace with himself?”

The word annji is used here, but it does not simply mean that one’s heart becomes at peace, but it means that one attains Buddhahood. This is because you cannot attain complete peace unless you are liberated from all karma. It is only when you cut off the ties that lead to true peace of mind.

For example, there are people who say that meditation and zazen give them peace of mind. Suffering comes. Therefore, a truly peaceful state is a state of liberation from all karma and enlightenment.

If you think about it in this way, “How many Dharma are fulfilled by Yubasa, and how many dharmas will you be able to calm down yourself and others?” , is he capable of making others attain Buddhahood?”

It means that · · ·

In response to this question, the Buddha replied, “If you are able to fulfill the 16 Laws of Yubasai, then you should rest in peace with yourself.

He answered, “I will name you Anzu.” this is,

“When Yubasai fulfills the Sixteen Dharma, he can bring himself to Buddhahood and bring others to Buddhahood.”

is what it means.




So, let’s itemize what the Sixteen Laws are.

1 have one’s own truthfulness

2 Make Others Honest

3 Keep oneself clean

4Let Others Keep Pure Precepts

5Personally donate

6 Teach others the practice of giving

7 Pilgrimage to pagodas and hear teachings from various sammons

Teach others to visit the pagodas and hear the teachings from the various Shamons.

Accepting the Dharma learned from the Shamon

Teach others to uphold the Dharma heard from the Shamon

Observing the deep meaning of the Dharma for oneself

Teach others to observe the depth of the Dharma

approach the law

Teach others to approach the law Pursue the law yourself

It teaches others to follow the law.

In short, the 16 Laws are to practice the 8 Laws oneself and to recommend them to others. He is And that is the main path of Yubasa.

Therefore, this part of the Issai Jing is

“The Agon Sutra is not a Hinayana Sutra that considers one’s own enlightenment.”

That’s what I’m proving.

spread the truth

If Shakyamuni Buddha only preached the Eight Laws of Yubasai, he would have to say that the Agon Sutra is the Hinayana Sutra. This is because the Eight Laws are your own practice. In the Eight Dharma, he thinks about others, and he only cares about charity, and the others only think about his own enlightenment.

As for charity, since one gains virtue by giving charity, if one compares it with recommending charity to others and helping them gain virtue, it is still called the act of altruism. It’s closer to the line of self-interest than

That is why the Buddha preached not only the Eight Dharma, but also the Sixteen Dharma. Emphasis was placed on benefiting others and leading them toward enlightenment. From this, I believe that neither the Buddha’s teachings nor the Agon Sutra, which summarizes them, are Hinayana, but rather, they are more Mahayana than those who call themselves Mahayana.

I decided to establish the Agon sect because the Buddha preached these 16 laws in the Agon Sutra. If only the Eight Dharma were preached, the sect of Agon sect would not be able to establish itself. This is because there is no point in establishing Buddhism that only one person should be enlightened and only one person should attain Buddhahood.

However, Shakyamuni Buddha has preached the 16 ways to help oneself and others attain Buddhahood. That is why, although it was a difficult path, I decided to follow the Agon sect. Is this important?

In the sixteen laws, the Buddha

“Makao, if you’re a good man, build Masanobu and build someone else.”

As you say, “Masanobu” in this has a very important meaning. This “with full faith” does not simply mean having faith in Buddhism. It must be the correct faith. It’s a casual word, but it has a very deep meaning.

Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis

密教占星術 4 肉親血縁相剋の因縁 Esoteric Astrology 4 Fellowship of Relatives






Intimacy of relatives
Again, this is basically attributable to the decline of family luck.
The cause of this relationship is that relatives and relatives hurt each other
They are dispersed.
元 Reverse the lessons of Mori Motonari’s “Three Arrows”, help each other and cooperate
Those with close relatives should be separated, isolated, and gradually fall.
This is exactly the appearance of the declining family.
Because of this connection, the story of blood relatives, such as parents and siblings living together, is inconsistent throughout the year and fraud is constant.
No. This is because the relatives lose their fortune (life force) and hurt each other,
They repel each other unconsciously and fight. In this case, it is necessary to
It is not always the case that fights are superficial. Just living under the same roof,
This impairs the opponent’s fortune (life force). It’s just like something invisible rays
It seems to hurt the opponent’s vitality by radiating something unusual. Human life
Have a self-defense instinct to protect themselves,
To rebound against the opponent. As a result, actions or actions
The words are very disturbing (because they are nervous). That is where the quiet begins. Relatives
He is unusually unfriendly with him because of this. In addition, if there are interests such as property,
It is a very serious battle.
家庭 In a family with this connection, if the family members living together do not conflict, there will always be somebody in the family who suffers from illness all year long, or who is extremely unfortunate and unlucky.
な が ら Although you have considerable talent and skill, you always miss a chance,
The person who has been sick for a long time, or the person who has been sick for a long time
You should be suspicious that your fortune (life force) is being harmed by “the cause of conflict”
is there. If you have either kind of connection, you will keep spinning no matter how much effort you make unless you cut it off
It just gets.
人 Everyone who has this connection (or a family with this connection) must be
There is a serious obstacle. In other words, before the third or fourth generation, he died strongly against the house (also ぱ)
There is a photo of a grudge.
場 In addition, most of the eclectic meals are affected by the death of a person who has died sideways.






  • – 観世音菩薩
  • – 虚空蔵菩薩
  • – 虚空蔵菩薩
  • – 文殊菩薩
  • – 普賢菩薩
  • – 普賢菩薩
  • – 勢至菩薩
  • – 大日如来
  • – 大日如来
  • – 不動明王
  • – 阿弥陀如来
  • – 阿弥陀如来


優婆塞の八法   Yubu Fortress’s Eight Laws



お釈迦さまは、「而も法次法向に随順して知らざる、是れ則ち具せざるなり」とおっしゃって おられますが、法次とは法に近づくことで、法向とは法を追及することです。ですから、仏さま や沙門の法話を聞き、観察・工夫しても常に法に近づき、法を追及しようとする努力がないなら ば満足な優婆塞とはいえない、ということです。

満足な優婆塞となるための条件を最初から挙げると、まず第一が信、そして順番に戒、 施、聞、 持、 観法次、 法向と全部で八つあります。 これを、「優婆塞の八法」と呼びます。












The Buddha says, “I don’t know in order to the law, and I’m not going to give it a rule.” To pursue. Therefore, it is not a satisfying Yuba block if you listen to the Buddha and Shamon’s tale, observe and devise, and always approach the law and try to pursue the law.

The first thing to be a satisfying Yubutsu fortress is that there are eight things from the beginning, and the first is the religion, the commandments, listening, hearing, kinji, and so on. This is called the “Yubu Fortress’s Eight Law”.

When each meaning is a bullet, it looks like:





・ Financially observed and devised the deep meaning of the teaching method … Create the heart of religion with the right wisdom.

・ The commandments of closely observing and devising the deep meaning of the teaching methods … based on the heart of trust, separating what is good and bad, and doing it as a Buddhist.

・ Stop to observe and devise the deep meaning of the teaching methods, and actively do what you have to do.

・ Do the gourd to the virtue

・ Go to the dojo (Seisha) and hear the story of Buddha and Saemon

・ Pick and execute the contents of the preaching you have heard

・ Hoji … approaching the law

・ Law … pursue the law

Will be.


仏陀は弟子たちに何を教えたか? What did the Buddha teach his disciples?


仏陀が弟子たちに教えたことは、三つのものに集約することができる。 これを「三学」という。




戒は、仏弟子として守らなければならぬ「戒律」である。 定は、特殊な練行や瞑想法で、要するに、仏陀となるための修行法である。 慧は、教学によって真理を学び、智慧をみがくことである。 この三学は、いうならば、三位一体であって、一つといえども欠かしてはならぬものであ


しかし、強いていえば、その中心は「定」ということになろう。戒と慧は、定を完成させ るための補助の行である。 そこで、「定」についてかんたんにのべることにする。 定 (samadhi) は、定慮、三摩地、などと訳され、ふつうには、精神を統一し、集中して瞑 想などをすること、というように解説されているが、仏陀の教えた「三学」の中では、成仏 法の修行を意味することになる。

仏陀の修行法は、整然とした体系を持っている。それは、七つの科目と三十七種類の教程 に分けられる。ゆえに、「七科三十七道品」あるいは、「三十七菩提分法」と呼ばれる。 これは、菩提を成就する修行の構成部分であるから、菩提分法というわけで、アビダルマ


私は、これを、わかりやすく、「成仏のための七つのシステム・三十七種のカリキュラム」 と呼んでいる。 それは、つぎの通りである。



四念処法 | 四正 断法

身念処法・受念処法・心念処法・法念処法 断断法・側儀断法・随護断法・修断法



し じんそくほう 四神足法 ご こんほう)


ご りきほう 五力法 しちかく し ほう 七覚 支法

よくじんそくほうごんじんそくほうしんじんそくほうかんじんそくほう 欲神足法・勤神足 法・心神足法 觀神足法 しんこんほうしょうじんこんほうねんこんほうじょうこんほう え こんほう 信根法・

念根法・定 根法・慧根法 しんりきほうしょうじんりきほうねんりきほうじょうりきほうえ りきほう 信力法・ 進力法・念力法・定 力法・慧力法 ちゃくほうかく しほうしょうじんかく しほうき かく し ほうきょうあんかく し ほうしゃかく しほうじょうかく し

全天竜之去・吉見支 択 法覚支法・ 法・喜覚支法・軽 安覚支党支 ほうねんかく し ほう 法・念覚支法覚


What did the Buddha teach his disciples?

What the Buddha taught his disciples can be summarized in three things. This is called “threefold training”.


It is “Naru, Sada, Kei”.

The commandments are the “commandments” that must be observed as a Buddhist disciple. Sada is a special practice or meditation method, in short, a practice method for becoming a Buddha. Kei is to learn the truth through theology and to polish wisdom. These three studies are, so to speak, a trinity, and even one must not be missed.


However, if it is strong, the center will be “fixed”. Kai and Kei are auxiliary lines to complete the decision. Therefore, I will briefly talk about “fixed”. Samadhi is translated as samadhi, samadhi, etc., and is usually explained as unifying the spirit and concentrating on meditating, but the Buddha taught. In “Samadhi”, it means the practice of the Buddhahood method.

The Buddha’s practice has an orderly system. It is divided into seven subjects and thirty-seven types of lessons. Therefore, it is called “Seven departments thirty-seven dojos” or “thirty-seven bodhipakkhi method”. Since this is a component of the training to fulfill the bodhipakkkki, it is a bodhipakkkaku method, and Abhidharma

It was named by the lay masters.

I call this “seven systems for the Buddhahood, thirty-seven curriculums” in an easy-to-understand manner. It is as follows.



Satipatthana Law | Four Right Exertions Law

Satipatthana, Satipatthana, Satipatthana, Satipatthana, Satipatthana, Satipatthana, Satipatthana, and Satipatthana


Seeing day

Shijinsokuho Iddhipada Gokonho)

Indriya method

Gorikiho Five Strengths Shichikaku Shiho Seven Factors of Awakening

Frequently Jin-soku-ho-gon-jin-soku-ho-shin-jin-soku-ho-kan-jin-soku-ho

Psychokinesis method, Psychokinesis method, Psychokinesis method, Psychokinesis method, Psychokinesis method, Psychokinesis method, Psychokinesis method, Psychokinesis method Psychokinesis Psychokinesis Psychokinesis Psychokinesis Psychokinesis

Seven Factors of Awakening, Yoshimi Support Law, Law, Kikyo Support Law, Light Ankaku Branch Party Support Law, Memorial Support Law



この訓練で、人間ばなれした力が身にそなわりはじめる。 クンダリニー・ヨーガの特殊訓練がはじまる。

慧力法(智力法ともいう) 高度の智慧を身につける訓練である。 私は、求聞持聡明法の修行から始めさせる。





七覚支法は、すべて、クンダリニー・ヨーガの訓練と併合しておこなわれる。 これは、私の発見である。 最初、私は、仏陀の成仏法に挑戦して、まったく歯が立たなかった。手も足も出なかった。 なんとか手がかりをつかもうと、四苦八苦しているうちに、阿含の文献の中に、「ゴータマ・ブッダは・*ヨーガの達人”と呼ばれる」という文章を発見した。

この事を考えているうちに、このヨーガ』は、ラージャ・ヨーガと、クンダリニー・ヨ ーガに違いないと、思いあたった。 それを端緒にして、十数年かかって、私は仏陀の成仏法の秘密を解いた。 まさに・仏陀釈尊は、クンダリニー・ヨーガの達人だったのである。 クンダリニー・ヨーガの体得なくして、仏陀の成仏法には一指もふれることができないであろう。



択 法費支


「択」とは「えらぶ」という意味で、あらゆるもの(法)の中から真実のものをえらび出し、 真実ならざるものは捨て去る智慧の獲得である。 さきにのべた「事物の明確な認識と予知」の力は、この択法覚支から得られるのである。

精進覚支 精進力が、倍加する。




精進努力し、能力が増加、あるいはあたらしい能力を身につけることに喜びを感じ、ます ます訓練に精勤するようになる。どんなにきびしい修行でも、喜びをもって受け入れるよう になる。

それは、クンダリニー・ヨーガのチャクラを動かすことにより、訓練が楽しくなるホルモ ンを湧出させるからである。



きょうあん 軽 安覚支


軽 安覚支 常に、身心を軽快明朗にして、心が惜冥(暗く濁る)したり、渋滞したりしない修行。 喜覚支をさらに進めたもので、クンダリニー・ヨーガと併合した、特殊な訓練で得られる 能力である。 聖者特有の、のびやかな姿体と、平安で穏やかな人相となってくる。京信念をはなれて、なにごとにも心がかたよったり、心の平静が乱されなくなる。







定覚支定方法について、超人としての能力が飛躍的に強化される。 宿屋なビ力(精神統一)の強化により、感覚器官が増幅される。 この1極限は、不可視光線(赤外線、紫外線)を見ることができ、超音波を聞くこと 力できるようになる。その結果、天災地変も予知することが可能となる。そこまで到達する ことは容易ではない。この修行によって、聖者たちは、大なり小なり、この能力 るのである。

和心者でも、予感や、予知力が身にそなわる。どんな初心者でも、とにかく えてくることはまちがいない。


この修行を完成した超人の力は、ふつうの人の「常識」を越え、常識を破壊してしまうだ ろう。たとえば

これは、一つの例えであるが、かれの思念の力は、他人の内臓の中にできた腫瘍(ガンな ど)を、その念の集中力で、破壊、あるいは溶かしてしまうことも可能である。仏陀やその 弟子たちは、そのようにして、病人を癒したものである。(ただ、この場合、ガンを破壊して も、破壊されたガン細胞が他に転移するおそれがあるので、ガン細胞そのものを死滅させる ほどの念の力が伴わなければ危険であり、軽々しくこれを行うことはできない。それほどの 力は、仏陀ご自身でなければ持てないのかもしれない。一つの可能性の例として、あげたわ けである)

そんな力は例外としても、念力法、念覚支法を修行した場合、中等程度の者でも、常人の 信じられないような念の力を持つようになる。

いかがであろうか? これが、仏陀釈尊の、弟子たちに教えた「仏法」なのである。

れが、真実の仏教なのだ。あなたがこれまで常識として考えていた仏教とは、大分ちが うのではなかろうか?

多くの人が仏教だと思っている『法華経』とか『阿弥陀経』は、仏陀釈尊がお説きになっ たものではないのである。これら「大乗経典」とよばれる経典は、仏陀がお亡くなりになっ て二、三百年もたってから、無名の人たちによって創作されたものである。だから、これら の経典は、学問的には「創作経典」とよばれているのである。

創作経典の中には、「成仏法」は全く欠落している。一行も書かれていない。当然であろう。 「成仏法」は、仏陀釈尊しか教えることが不可能だからだ。無名の人たちが勝手に創作した大 乗経典に「仏陀の成仏法」が全くないのは、当然至極というべきだろう。 日本の仏教は「大乗仏教」である。つまり、「創作仏教」であって、「仏陀の仏教」ではな い。従って、「仏陀の成仏法」は全くない、というわけである。 日本の仏教徒が、仏陀の成仏法を全く知らない、というのは、ここに原因があるのである。 私は、このことが心から残念でならないのだ。


With this training, the power of being human begins to be acquired. Special training for Kundalini Yoga begins.

Wisdom method (also called intelligence method) This is a training to acquire a high degree of wisdom. I will start by practicing the method of sagacity.

The above five strengths method is used as the basic training, and based on this five strengths method, the next full-scale training will be started.


Seven Party Branch Law




The Seven Factors of Awakening are all combined with the training of Kundalini Yoga. This is my discovery. At first, I challenged the Buddha’s Buddhahood method and was completely sick. I couldn’t get my hands or legs out. While struggling to get a clue, I found the sentence “Gautama Buddha is called * Yoga Master” in Agama’s literature.

While thinking about this, I realized that this yoga must be Raja Yoga and Kundalini Yoga. With that as a starting point, it took me more than a dozen years to unlock the secret of Buddha’s Buddhahood. Indeed, Buddha Shaka was a master of Kundalini yoga. Without the knowledge of Kundalini Yoga, one would not be able to touch the Buddha’s Buddhahood.


Choice of legal expenses


“Choice” means “selection”, and is the acquisition of wisdom to select the true one from all things (laws) and to throw away the untrue one. The power of “clear recognition and prediction of things” mentioned earlier can be obtained from this alternative sense.

Devotion support The devotion power doubles.




I am delighted to work hard, increase my abilities, or acquire new abilities, and I become more and more devoted to training. No matter how hard the training is, you will be happy to accept it.

This is because moving the Kundalini Yoga chakra creates a form that makes training fun.




Today’s light safety support


Light and secure training Always keep your body and mind light and clear, and practice so that your mind does not become lonely (dark and muddy) or traffic jams. It is a further advancement of the joyous sensation, and is an ability obtained by special training combined with Kundalini Yoga. The laid-back figure peculiar to the saint and the peaceful and calm face. Beyond the Kyo belief, everything will be stiff and the calmness of the mind will not be disturbed.

It is a practice to abandon the obsession with the subject.

Car cheap. Then, the heart as a saint comes to me.


Jokaku support




The ability as a superhuman will be dramatically strengthened with regard to the method of determining the decency. The sensory organs are amplified by strengthening the inn’s power (unification of mind). In this one limit, invisible light (infrared rays, ultraviolet rays) can be seen, and ultrasonic waves can be heard. As a result, it becomes possible to predict natural disasters. It’s not easy for him to get there. By this practice, the saints, more or less, have this ability.

Even a Japanese-minded person has a sense of precognition and precognition. There is no doubt that any beginner will come back.

Seven Factors of Awakening

The power of the superhuman who completed this training will exceed the “common sense” of ordinary people and destroy the common sense. for example

This is an analogy, but the power of his thoughts can destroy or dissolve the tumor (his cancerous throat) that has formed in the internal organs of another person with his concentration. Is. The Buddha and his disciples thus healed the sick. (However, in this case, even if the cancer is destroyed, the destroyed cancer cells may metastasize to other cancer cells, so it is dangerous unless the cancer cells themselves are killed. You can’t do that. You may not have that much power unless you are the Buddha himself. I’ve given it as an example of one possibility.)

With the exception of such powers, if you practice the Psychokinesis Law and the Seven Factors of Awakening Law, even moderate people will have the unbelievable power of psychokinesis of ordinary people.

How about this? This is the “Buddhism” that Buddha Shakuson taught his disciples.

This is true Buddhism. Isn’t he Oita different from the Buddhism you used to think of as common sense?

The “Lotus Sutra” and “Amida Sutra”, which many people consider to be Buddhism, are not hiss, as Buddha Shaka Nyorai preached. These “Mahayana scriptures” were created by unknown people a few hundred years after the death of the Buddha. Therefore, these scriptures are academically called “creative scriptures”.

The “Buddhahood Law” is completely missing in the creative scriptures. No line is written. Naturally. This is because the “Buddhahood Law” can only be taught by Shaka Nyorai. Naturally, it should be said that there is no “Buddha’s Buddhahood Law” in the Daijo scriptures created by anonymous people. Buddhism in Japan is “Mahayana Buddhism”. In other words, it is “creative Buddhism”, not “Buddha Buddhism”. Therefore, there is no “Buddha’s Buddhahood Law”. This is the reason why Japanese Buddhists do not know the Buddha’s Buddhahood method at all. I’m really sorry for this.

如意輪観音 人々を苦悩から救い、あらゆる願いを叶える観音菩薩



















人はどんな因縁を持つか  What kind of connection does a person have?



真言は短呪の「オン・シャレイ・シュレイ・ジュンテイ・ソワカ」(Oṃ cale cule cunde svāhなどがよく知られている。長咒は「ナモサッタナン・サンミャクサンモダクチナン・タニヤタ・オン・シャレイ・シュレイ・ジュンテイ・ソワカ」。









身にっかない。 無理に溜めようとすると、自分が病気になったり、家族が病気になったりする。これぱ、


人の上に立つ因縁である。この因縁をもつ人は、必ず、大なり小なり人の上に立って、大好感傷どなる。但し、この頭領運に二種類あって、純然たる頭領運と、組織内の頭領運とに分けられる、純然たる頭領運は、だいたい創業者として成功する。組織内に頭領  課長、部長という一分野の首長で終わる。







Fate of sexuality

It is the cause of men and women suffering and being hurt by the opposite sex (sometimes of the same sex). This is the cause of the decline in family luck.
In addition, if the husband and wife are suffering from the trouble of the sexuality of the sexual spring, it will be the cause of the sexuality.

Let’s change
Fate of unbalanced work

It is a cause that appears on the profession.
Religious artists, artists, entertainers, judges, and water business are suitable for those who have this connection. It is necessary to compare which one is better with another cause, but anyway, there is this cause.
A person never sprouts outside of these professions. In other words, it has something to do with aptitude, but with that in mind, it is fateful that it will not grow outside of that profession.

Occupational aptitude is very important, and therefore various aptitude tests have been devised, but aptitude and aptitude are determined by factors.
People’s occupations can be roughly divided into three types: technical (production business, engineer), sales (sales business, sales, merchant), and organizational (public official, politician). All have ties that are suitable for each line and those that are not, and if you get a job that is not suitable, you will never sprout, so if you do not select carefully, you will be unhappy in your life. ..

Fortune and water

With good fortune, Oshichi comes in many times more than people, but it flows out like water,
I don’t get it. If you try to collect it forcibly, you may get sick or your family may get sick. This is
In the fortune of water, water does not rot and is clean as long as it is flowing. The pooled water is always turbid and rots. In the same way, a person who has this connection always has money flowing and wears it, and a person who has any connection always has money flowing and does not acquire it. If you forcibly save money, the phenomenon of corruption will occur, and sick people and people will appear in your family.
I’m fooled by people and all the money goes out.

Fate of luck

It is a cause that stands on people. A person with this connection will always stand on top of a person, more or less, and become very sentimental. However, there are two types of head luck, and pure head luck, which can be divided into pure head luck and head luck within the organization, generally succeeds as a founder. It ends with a chief in one field, a section chief and a department manager within the organization.
The head luck is in the category of good prisoners, but on the other hand, he has lonely luck and tends to be unhappy at home in his later years.

A person without a head luck always fails when he becomes a head. You should choose a person with good luck, settle for the second place, and concentrate on assisting well. That is the best way to fully demonstrate your talents and skills. If you take that position with ambition, things will be congested and you will have a lot of trouble and you will definitely fail.

Child rim

The relationship with the child is a thin cause.
With this connection, children will not be born, or even if they are born, they will die by the age of five or six. In addition, not only is the relationship with my own child thin, but even if I get an adopted child, this connection will not work. If the adopted child’s luck (life force) is strong, he will collide and go out, and if his life force is weak, he will die.

The cause of misfortune

It is the cause of suffering from dystocia during childbirth. If you hit it when your vitality is weak during a period of decline, you risk dying. Often there is a spiritual disorder of Mizuko or a relative who died of dystocia.

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Buddha Japan journal

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人はどんな因縁を持つか   What kind of connection does a person have?



















これから、人の持つ因縁について解説するが、それでは、そういう母縁というものが、どうして人間にあるのか、ここでは、あるからある、というよりほかない。強いて聞かれるならば、それならあなたはどうしてそういう顔をしているのであるか寸9 かれた場合、あなた
は何と答えるか?・ こういう顔をして生まれてきたのだから、こういう顔をしているのである、とでも答えるほかないではないか。原因はともあれ、人間は、それぞれ様々な因縁を持って生まれて来、様々な因縁を持って生きているのである。その因縁という現象を分析、解説














Fate that damages her husband’s luck

It is a cause that women have.

Husband’s luck (damaging and shaving the life turnip with invisible power, but it does not necessarily mean laying the husband under his hips or abusing him in daily life. Of course, in such cases as well. There is nothing wrong with it, but as I wrote before, there are cases where the fate appears in the character and cases where it does not appear at all in the personality. This is also the case with this fate, and rather the woman with this fate is abusive. It is difficult to get rid of it because there are many good wives and wise mothers who can be used by their husbands. Edogawa Yanagi “Poison is decocting medicine between the next”
There is a phrase, but this impresses me with the phrase “a woman with this prisoner relationship”.

The meaning of this phrase is that the owner is sick and sleeps all year round. When I ask the house, the young beautiful Hosono is brewing medicine in the next room where the owner is sleeping. However, in reality, this beautiful Hosono is poisonous to the sick husband, so it is ironic that Hosono is decocting the medicine and that the poison is the medicine.

Having a woman with this connection as a wife can make her husband sick all year round, or work poorly, failing all year round, and prone to traffic jams. Luck is very bad because of the loss of vitality. No matter how talented or skillful you are, you will always be caught up in one misfortune. The more you can use it in your heart, the worse your husband’s luck will be, which is troublesome.

As is often the case in the world, there are cases where a husband who has been waiting for a fine prince makes another woman, and people are wondering because he is far more brilliant and smarter than that woman. This is because Hosono has a cause to hurt her husband’s luck, so her husband has a vital self-defense instinct.

What kind of connection do you have? Of course, it often happens in middle age that I could afford it economically in the middle age.
One of the reasons is that Hosono’s color has declined, but basically, when he was young,
My husband also has a stronger vitality, so I can tolerate my wife’s luck damage, so I feel so much
No, but as we get older, our vitality weakens and we want a place to relax.
The woman who has this strong connection is the so-called “post-family luck”, which is the cause of sexuality.
One husband escapes to another woman as mentioned above, and a husband who has no sexual relations escapes to a hobby,
Immerse yourself in work and become a cold family.
If you are a husband with weak vitality, you will die. In other words, this is the reason why it is called post-family luck. If you want to have a happy family as a woman, you must first cut it.

○ Fate of marital relationship disorder

It is a cause of disability in marital relationship and marriage. Somehow their personalities don’t match each other, and they are dissatisfied all year round, and they are constantly messing around and becoming a cold family.

Or, although they have a love for each other, one of them gets sick and is forced to live separately, or because of work, they live in a farewell. Anyway, regardless of whether or not you have a love affair, the couple will not get along well because of the relationship such as Shuto. I can’t go to the point where I’m divorced, but anyway, I’m going to get one step closer all year round.

to illness or injury, and killing the chance.

The other day, there was such a person who visited me.
He was a 47- and 8-year-old office worker and a fine person, but this was the reason for this. When asked, he says he has changed his place of employment eight times so far. I thought that he was a hard-working hard worker, but when I asked him, he worked for a first-class conglomerate company, but when he was seconded to an affiliated subsidiary, the company merged with another company. Or, it will be closed due to poor performance. Returning to the head office, the number of employees of the same period who remained at the head office has advanced considerably, and the process
Since he is in trouble, he is sent to a subsidiary company as a seconded executive. Then again, the company goes crazy, and so far it has been repeated.

As a reminder, it doesn’t mean that all the companies he went to are ruined because of his poor management skills (in terms of skill, he’s more than average). I have a skill). Whether this person goes or not, the company is ruined.

This person would have to go to such a company. The company is getting crazy this time, so I came to consult with him, but it was a typical cause of a halfway setback.

In the case of the weak-willed type, I immediately get tired or distracted and change the company from myself, but in the case of the strong-willed type, I will make an effort to change the company. It’s not exposed, but it has to change passively. The result will be the same regardless of the person’s will, thoughts, and attitude. That is called fate
However, it is scary. When I tried to make sure that something happened to my mind, this
After all, it’s no good to have a connection with. External conditions do not allow it. I’m always frustrated.

From ancient times, it is often said that “everyone has three chances in a lifetime”, but even those without luck have three chances, and even those with luck have more than three chances. There are no times. If the chance of being the best in life is crushed by this cause a couple of times, we must think that the human being will not sprout for the rest of his life. Then, the scary part of this fate is that this fate is always inherited by the child, and in that case, the child becomes deeper and worse than the parent.




この因縁は、家運。つまり家の運気が次第におとろえてきている家系に生まれている人が 持つ因縁である。


 こういう人は、父、あるいは祖父の代までは、かなりの生活をした家に生まれている人が 多い。祖父か父の代あたりから、次第に家運が傾いてきている。そうして、自分の代になっ てからは、なお一層はっきりと運が悪くなっている。相当の力量、才能、手腕があるのだが、 それを発揮する場を持つことが出来ない。そういうチャンスを持つことが出来ない。そうして、 自分よりも劣った者が追い越してゆくのを、みすみす歯ぎしりしながら見送ることになる。

 たまにチャンスがめぐって来そうになると、人の妨害、邪魔に遭ったり、或いは自分の思 わぬミスや病気などで、せっかくのチャンスを失ってしまう。要するに、二言でいうと運が 悪いのである。実力かおりながら、妙にめぐり合わせが悪く、ウダツがあがらない。年をと るほど運気がおとろえ、生活が悪くなっていく。

 この因縁から出てくるのが、次に掲げる、 この因縁を持つ人は、何をやっても、一応、七、八分通りまでは順調に進むが、あともう べ二分というところで必ずダメになる。決して実らないのである。この因縁を、一名、「虚 花の命」というのは、「七重八重、花は咲けども山吹の、実のひとつだになきぞ悲しき」と いう古歌の山吹の花と同様、花咲けども実らず、すべてムダ花であるというところからきて いるのである。よそ目には華やかに見えて、内実は空しいのである。苦労したあげく、さい ごの収穫はごっそりと人に持ってゆかれてしまう。

 この因縁を持つ人は、わりあい運気(生命力)の強い人が多く、中途で挫折しては、また 立ち上かって仕事をし、また七、八分通りで挫折して、そのままになるかと思うとまた立ち 上かって、また挫折する、というように、七転八起の起伏のはげしい人生を送る人が多い。


 大体、因縁のあらわれ方には二通りあるのであって、その因縁が、そのままその人の性格 にあらわれている場、性格には全然あらわねないとがある。

 この中途挫折の囚縁の場合も、この囚緻がそのまま性格にあらわれて、非常に気の弱い意 志薄弱の型と、逆に、非常に気のつよい意志強固の型がある。

 意志薄弱のタイプは、何をやってもすぐにあきてしまって、ながつづきしない。気うつり がはげしい。学業、職業、すべてがそうで、転々とする。文字通りの中途挫折、薄志弱行の 型である。

 もう一つのほうは、これと全く反対で、性格もつよく、意志も強固で、努力家でもある。 然るに、かえってその強さが人と相容れず、上の者と衝突したり、同僚と円満に協調出来な かったりして、失敗し、挫折する。あるいは、ここ一番という大事なところで、きまってつ まらぬミスをしたり、人の誤解をうけたり、妨害をうけたりする。また、病気や怪我などで 手違いが生ずる、というように、必ずなにかしら障害が発生して、チャンスをつぶすのである。


 四十七、八歳の会社員で、立派な人物であったが、この人に、この因縁があったのである。 聞いてみると、今までに八回も勤め先を変えているという。意志強固の努力家型だが、と思っ て聞いてみると、この人は、一流の財閥会社に勤めているのだが、系列の子会社に出向させいわば、根無し草の人生である。居住、職業が定まらず、転々とする。一時的に幸運を得 ることがあっても、永続しない。一生、ホームレスか、それに近い境界となる。

 女性の場合、ちゃんとした結婚生活をつづけることが出来ない。再婚、三婚し、しかしい くら結婚を繰り返しても、決して安定した夫婦生活を持つことは出来ない。





 この因縁は、肉親の者同士、血縁の者同士が、たがいに運気生命力を損ねあい、傷つけあっ て分散してゆくのである。

 毛利元就の「三本の矢」の教訓を逆にいって、おたがいに助けあい、協力しあってゆくべ き肉親血縁の者が、離散し、孤立して、次第に没落してゆく。


これは、血縁の者回士でお互いの迎気(生命力)をで、無点 識のうちに反発しあって争うのである。この場合、運気を傷つけあうといっても、必ずしも 表面立って争いをするとは限らない。ただ同じ屋根の下に住んでいるというだけで、相手の 運気(生命力)を損ねるのである。それはちょうど、何か目に見えない光線のようなものを 放射しあって、相手の生命力を傷つけるように思われる。人間の生命というものは、自分を 守るという自衛本能を持っているから、その本能がはたらいて、無意識のうちに生命力を結

集して相手に反発する。その結果として、相手の何でもないような動作や一言一句が非常に 気にさわる(神経が立っているので)。そこで静が始まるのである。肉親同士で異常に仲が 悪いのはこのためである。それに加えて財産などの利害関係がからむと、非常に深刻な争い に進展してゆく。

 この因縁のある家庭で、もし、同居の肉親同士が不和でなければ、家族の中に誰か一人、 年中病気で苦しむ者か、極端に不運で運の開かぬ不遇の者が必ず出る。

 相当の才能、手腕がありながら、常にチャンスを逸したり、チャンスに恵まれない不遇の人、 あるいは長年病弱の人は、前記の「中途挫折の因縁」か、または、この「肉親血縁相剋の因縁」

によって運気(生命力)を剋害されているのではないかを疑ってみるべきである。どちらか の因縁があったら、それを断ち切らぬ限り、いくら努力しても一生空転するばかりなのだ。

 この因縁を持つ人、(あるいはこの因縁のある家系)には、必ず、といっていいほど、霊 的な障害がある。つまり、三代か四代前に、その家(または人)を強く恨んで亡くなった怨 念のホトヶがいるのである。



 前に述べた「家運衰退の因縁」、「中途挫折の因縁」、「運気不定・浮沈の因縁」は、いずれ も霊障のホトヶより生じていることが多い。




“Fate of halfway setback”

This connection is family luck. In other words, it is the cause of people born in a family whose family’s luck is gradually declining.

Many of these people were born in a house where they lived a considerable amount of life until their father’s or grandfather’s generation. From around my grandfather’s or father’s generation, my family’s luck is gradually leaning. Then, after taking my place, I’m even more clearly out of luck. I have considerable ability, talent, and skill, but I can’t have a place to demonstrate it. I can’t have such a chance. Then, I will see off the person who is inferior to me overtaking while bruxing my teeth.

Occasionally, when chances came around, people would be disturbed, disturbed, or due to unexpected mistakes or illnesses, they would lose their chances. In short, in two words, you’re out of luck. Despite his ability, the match is strangely bad, and Udatsu does not rise. The older you get, the less luck you get and the worse your life gets.

What comes out of this connection is as follows: No matter what you do, people with this connection will go smoothly up to 7 or 8 minutes, but it will definitely be useless in about 2 minutes. .. It never bears fruit. One person, “Imaginary Flower Life,” is the same as Yamabuki’s flower in the old song, “Seven-folded and double-flowered, flowers are blooming but Yamabuki’s, one of the fruits is sad.” It comes from the fact that it is all wasteful flowers. It looks gorgeous to the outside, and the truth is empty. After a lot of hard work, the harvest of the sardines is taken away by people.

Many people with this connection have strong luck (life force), and if they are frustrated in the middle, they will stand up and work again, and they will be frustrated on 7 or 8 minutes street and will remain as they are. In addition, many people lead a rugged life with ups and downs, such as standing up and frustrating again.

Then, in the end, it ends up being frustrated.

In general, there are two ways in which a fate appears, and there are cases where the fate appears in the person’s personality as it is, and the personality does not appear at all.

In the case of this halfway frustrated prisoner, this prisoner’s personality appears as it is, and there are a very weak type with a weak will and a very strong type with a strong will.

The weak-willed type is tired immediately no matter what he does, and does not continue. The feelings are terrible. Schoolwork, profession, everything is the same, and it changes. It is literally a halfway frustration, a weak line.

The other one is the opposite, has a good personality, a strong will, and is a hard worker. However, on the contrary, its strength is incompatible with people, and it fails and frustrates because it collides with superiors and cannot cooperate well with colleagues. Or, in the most important place here, you can make boring mistakes, get misunderstood by people, or get disturbed. In addition, some kind of obstacle always occurs, such as making a mistake due to illness or injury, and killing the chance.

The other day, there was such a person who visited me.

A 47- and 8-year-old office worker who was a good person, but this person had this connection. When asked, he says he has changed his place of employment eight times so far. I think that he is a hard-willed hard worker, but when I ask him, he works for a first-class conglomerate company, but if he is seconded to an affiliated subsidiary, it is a life of rootless grass. The residence and occupation are undecided, and it changes. Even if you get lucky temporarily, it will not last. For the rest of your life, you will be homeless or close to it.

In the case of women, it is not possible to continue a proper marriage. No matter how many times you get married again, you get married three times, but you can never have a stable married life.

If there is a “fate of sexuality”, it is a miserable fate of falling into an affair or prostitution.

The cause of the decline in family luck

Again, the root comes from the cause of the decline in family luck.

This cause is that relatives and relatives lose their luck and vitality, hurt each other, and disperse.

Contrary to the lesson of Mori Motonari’s “Three Arrows”, people with close relatives who help each other and cooperate with each other are separated, isolated, and gradually fall.

It is just a sign of the decline in family luck.

This is a blood-related person who fights against each other by repelling each other (life force) without any point. In this case, even if you hurt your luck, you don’t necessarily have to fight on the surface. Just living under the same roof damages the other person’s luck (life force). It just seems to radiate something like an invisible ray, damaging the vitality of the other person. Human life has a self-defense instinct to protect oneself, so that instinct works and unknowingly connects vitality.

Gather and repel the opponent. As a result, the other person’s nonsense movements and word-for-word are very disturbing (because they are nervous). That is where the stillness begins. This is the reason why relatives are unusually unfriendly. In addition to that, when interests such as property are involved, it will develop into a very serious conflict.

In this family with a connection, if the relatives living together are not at odds with each other, there will always be one person in the family who suffers from illness all year round or who is extremely unlucky and unlucky.

Although he has considerable talent and skill, he always misses a chance or is not blessed with a chance, or a person who has been sick for many years

You should suspect that your luck (life force) has been compromised by. If there is a cause for either, unless you cut it off, no matter how hard you try, it will just spin for the rest of your life.

A person with this connection (or a family with this connection) always has a spiritual disability. In other words, there is a grudge Hotoka who died with a strong grudge against the house (or person) before the third or fourth generation.

, Suspicious death

In most cases, the person who died of suspicious death suffered from a spiritual disorder.

The above-mentioned “cause of decline in family luck”, “cause of frustration in the middle”, and “cause of indefinite luck / ups and downs” are all often caused by the spiritual disorder.

Unless this spiritual disorder is resolved, this prison relationship will continue for generations.

According to the Buddhahood Law, there is no other way but to dismantle the spiritual disorder of the Buddhahood.

家運衰退の因縁  肉親血縁相剋の因縁


これは、肉親血縁相剋の因縁の変形で、親がわが子の生命力を害するのである。そのため もし、そのが非常に生命力が強ければ、素行が乱れるようになって、幼少にして、家を飛び出す。これは親のそばにいると生命力を削られて、危険なので親のもとを飛び出すようになるのである(もちろん、本人はそのことを知らないが)。




















夫婦縁破れる因縁 色情の因縁










Fate of the decline of family luck: Fate of relatives and blood relatives

This is a variant of the kinship of relatives, and the parent impairs the vitality of his or her child. Therefore, if the f has a very strong vitality, the behavior will be disturbed, and he will leave the house as a child. If you are near your parents, you will lose your vitality and you will jump out of your parents because it is dangerous (though you do not know that, of course).

Recently, various measures have been devised for the delinquency problem of boys and girls, but I would like parents in the world to be aware of this connection.

Don’t say that the cause is a superstition, I want you to think carefully about whether or not you have such a thing.

Whether it is a father or a mother, if there is this connection, the child will always rebel abnormally. Of course, it is true that there is a period of rebellion during the child’s growth, but the rebellion caused by this cause is unusual. This is because the self-defense instinct works against something that infringes one’s vitality and tries to mobilize my vitality to counterattack, as in the case of the above-mentioned relatives and relatives. Everything is rebellious and repulsive. It is a poor figure that protects me.

Whenever I see a parent and a child with this connection, I remember the appearance of a puppy desperately trying to bite an enemy by raising his hair and exposing his kiba.

There are other reasons why there are many poorly behaved children in successful families, but fortunate parents are likely to have a connection with having a child at the same time. It is easy to occur.

Parents with poorly behaved children and parents with children who do not understand what their parents say abnormally should first investigate the existence of this cause as one of the fundamental measures. Without this cause, it can be fixed relatively easily, but as long as this cause is present, it will never be fixed.

This connection often results from the spiritual disorder of Mizuko.

This is the cause of giving back the favor.

This is also rooted in the cause of the decline in family luck.

In short, it tricks or hurt the beneficiaries (master, teacher, superior, business partner, senior, etc.), and gives the river r some kind of loss. What’s wrong is killing (if the person also has a prison affair) and robbing money. Even if you don’t go that far, you will always betray those who are indebted.

Because a fate is not always a personality, a person who waits for a “fate to return a favor” does not necessarily have a personality to return a favor. As I wrote earlier, a person who has a frustration in the middle does not necessarily have a weak-minded personality (of course, the fate that he has becomes that person’s personality as it is. There are many people who do it).

In the case of the cause of this reverse grace, as a personality, contrary to the thing of returning the grace with a grace, ∵ heart

It is often the case that they have the intention of trying to get rid of their grace, and while making such efforts, they end up giving back their grace as a result. For example, I am loyal to my husband (company) and do my best, but on the contrary, it produces results that are not good for my husband (company). If you make an effort to create a specialty or a business partner, the business partner will issue a non-sufficient bill of tens of millions or hundreds of millions of yen or go bankrupt, causing a great deal of trouble to the owner (company). It will be something like that.

Generally, a person who is indebted to oneself is a person who likes or trusts oneself, enhances oneself, and helps oneself. To inflict or repel such damage, albeit unconsciously, to such a person is to take your own limbs. You will lose your strong ally. There, he becomes isolated and unsupported, and becomes a failure in his life.

Both people who use people and people who use people need to be careful about this cause.

Fate of breaking the relationship between husband and wife

It is a cause that women have.

Husband’s luck (life force) is damaged by invisible power and scraped. However, it does not necessarily mean that the husband is laid under his hips or abused in daily life. Of course, that is also the case

There is nothing wrong with it, but as I wrote before, there are cases where the fate appears in the personality and cases where it does not appear at all in the personality. The same is true for this connection, and rather, many women with this connection are good wives and wise mothers who can be used by their husbands, so it is difficult to get rid of them. In Edogawa Yanagi,

“Poison is decocting medicine between the next”

There is a phrase, but this impresses me with the phrase “a woman with this prison class”.

The meaning of this phrase is that the owner is sick all year round, and when he asks the house, the young beautiful Hosono is brewing the medicine in the next room where the owner is sleeping. But in reality, this beautiful

It is ironic that Hosono is decocting the medicine because Hosono is poisonous to the sick husband.

If a wife has a woman with this connection, her husband will be sick all year round, or his job will not go well, and he will tend to fail or be congested all year round. Luck is very bad because of the loss of vitality. No matter how talented or skillful you are, you will always be caught up in one misfortune. The more you can use it in your heart, the worse your husband’s luck will be, which is troublesome.