
アージュニヤー・チヤクラを教えて Tell me about Ajnya Chakra メシアの法 求間持聪明法秘伝 The Law of the Messiah: The Secret of the Law of the Law of the Messiah

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Tell me about Ajnya Chakra



The “Ajnya Chakra” is one of the seven major energy centers called “Chakras” that exist in the human body in the yogic and Hindu traditions. Like other chakras, the Ajnya chakra is said to have deep connections with aspects of the body, mind, and soul.

Ajnya chakra is an energy center located just above the eyebrows. In Sanskrit, “Ajna” means “beyond perception,” and this chakra is thought to govern perception, intuition, and insight. It is also known as the third eye and can be used by people to access their inner intuitive knowledge.

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