
梵字 無量無辺の意義と徳をそなえる種子 Sanskrit: A seed endowed with immeasurable meaning and virtue.

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A seed endowed with infinite meaning and virtue.
The symbolic Sanskrit that represents each deity with a single character is called a seed.

Usually, the seed is the honorable name of each deity or the ichiu taken from the mantra. Warm
Just as many fruits can be obtained from the seeds of plants, we can derive the Buddha’s dignified form from the Sanskrit characters, which are the symbols and mantras of the Buddha.
It is said that it was named Seed because it can produce Buddha fruit such as Buddha’s wisdom and satori.
In this way, the seeds that represent the boar are endowed with immeasurable significance and virtue, so they should be recited and heartfelt.
It is said that if you remember this and copy it, you will quickly attain Bodhi.

buddhist meditation method
Well, in ancient India, even before Buddhism came into existence, meditation was one of the training methods of Brahmins.
I did. It is said that Shakyamuni attained the highest enlightenment through meditation. Buddhist meditation is true
Since it is a method of awakening to reason and mastering true wisdom, it can be said to be the basic and most advanced method of Buddhist training.


梵字 阿字  he A-ji  Sanskrit character   siddhamātṛkā, シッダマートリカー

Sanskrit character he A-ji Sanskrit character siddhamātṛkā, Siddhamatrika






Let’s actually write the A character, which represents all respects.
We will compose by combining the basic dotted line drawings that we have learned. First, mark the point A neatly overlapping the square, and then write the letter f in the shape of a field with horizontal diagonal lines.
Next, draw ⑧ bay line drawing P.


Let’s actually write the A-ji that represents all the honors (seeds).
We will combine and compose the basic dotted line art that we have learned. First, write a point (⑥ in the shape of a horizontal diagonal line f) by striking the point in a square.
Next, write ⑧ Bay line art P.


Then, ③ draw both vertical lines and continue to draw the tsumugi dottle without removing the brush.

Then, ③ draw both vertical lines and continue to draw the warbler without pulling out the brush.




Sanskrit character he A-ji Sanskrit character siddhamātṛkā, siddhama liquor





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