
密教法具の一種である金剛杵について About Vajrayana, a type of esoteric Buddhist tool

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金剛杵(こんごうしょ、サンスクリット語वज्र vajra ヴァジュラ、ヴァジラ[要出典]チベット語རྡོ་རྗེワイリー方式rdo rje ドルジェ)は、日本仏教の一部宗派(天台宗真言宗禅宗[1]チベット仏教の全宗派で用いられる法具



About Vajrayana, a type of esoteric Buddhist tool


Kongosho is a Buddhist tool used during esoteric Buddhist rituals, and is used during Buddhism in Shingon, Tendai, and Zen Buddhism. It is said to have been possessed by Indra, the Hindu thunder god of India, and has a mythical weapon as a motif. Introducing the types and effects.

Meaning of legal tools

Many people have seen the Vajra because it is a Buddhist tool held in the right hand of Kobo Daishi Kukai in Buddhist statues and portraits. Kongo means a very hard substance (golden stone) such as diamond, and is thought to crush the anxieties in the human mind.


Since the usage of the esoteric Buddhist esoteric Buddhist esoteric Buddhism is considered to be the mystery of Shingon esotericism, it is taught by Acharya when he enters the Buddhist gate. When used by the general public, hold it with both hands while unifying the spirit. Imagine that your consciousness and body are unified.


If you have any thoughts, it is thought that you can cut them by imitating cutting with a Vajra. Anyone can do the basic usage immediately. When you want to unify your mind, you can use it to improve your concentration.


Vajrayana is a type of esoteric Buddhist esoteric Buddhist esoteric Buddhist esoteric Buddhist esoteric Buddhist esoteric Buddhist esoteric Buddhist esoteric Buddhist esoteric Buddhist esoteric Buddhist esoteric Buddhist esoteric Buddhist esoteric Buddhist esoteric Buddhism. It is thought that there is “a powerful power to realize wishes”, and many people keep it close to them.


Like the amulet we believe in, it is an item that fulfills your wishes, so you can use it close to us. If you believe in spirituality, you can use it like a gemstone.


This item is recommended for people who have a hobby called a temple girl, and if it is very powerful and has a good auspicious effect, it is easy to incorporate it into the interior of the room. There are many types, so let’s put the Vajra that you are interested in close to you and make your wish come true.


The design of the Vajra is different because the name changes depending on the number of “鈷”. The one with one blade is called Dokkosho, which expresses that the person who sings the Nembutsu and prays becomes one with the Buddha. The number of blades is only odd.


In addition, the one with three blades is Sankosho, which is characterized by the fact that the three works of the prayer can be directly connected to the Three Cs of the Buddha. The one with five blades is called Gokosho, and the fact that Gochi is originally one is a symmetric shape.


The one that has a bell shape instead of a blade on only one side is called a Kongo bell, and it rings to become one with the gods and Buddha during the training. There is a demon-faced Vajra with a demon’s face decoration on the handle, and the shape of the Vajra, such as the Vajra pearl, adds the meaning of a talisman to dispel danger and disaster.

Kongosho, Sanskrit: वज्र vajra Vajra, Vajra [Source], Tibetan: རྡོ་ རྗེ; Wiley method: rdo rje ] And the legal tools used in all denominations of Tibetan Buddhism.

The Buddhist teachings destroy the worldly desires and express the bodhicitta spirit (the spirit of seeking enlightenment), which is likened to a weapon in Indian mythology.


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