
食養生 「毎日の食生活=今の身体の状態」 Dietary regimen “Daily eating habits = current physical condition”

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  • 気候風土に合ったその土地でとれる食材を食べる
  • 季節に合った「旬」のものを食べる
  • 食材をまるごと食べる
  • 玄米などの穀物、自然発酵食、豆類、野菜等を多く摂る
  • 加工食品や食品添加物をできるだけ避ける
  • 食事の量は腹七分目
  • 一口ごとに十分に噛む
  • 水分を摂り過ぎない
  • 楽しい雰囲気で食卓を囲む
  • 食べ物に対して、感謝の気持ちを大切にする





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Diet is the most basic activity that is indispensable for our life support. Since our body is the result of our daily diet, we can say that “daily diet = current physical condition”. A diet that is desirable for good health creates a healthy body. The method for that is the dietary regimen.

The dietary regimen is conscious of the following ten items.

Looking at these basic items, you can think of a typical traditional Japanese dietary style based on brown rice. To reiterate, the basic principle is to cook “seasonal” ingredients, which are more nutritious than other seasons, as well as the skin and roots, and eat them as a whole. In other words, it is a habit of eating a “vegetarian diet”.

Today’s diet tends to consume more meat and confectionery than before, so while eating too much fat and sugar, it tends to lack nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. It is important to consciously eliminate this nutritional imbalance in our daily diet.





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