











  • クンダリニー・ヨーガでは、チャクラを統合して制御し、超常的な力を得ることが目指される。
  • サハスラーラ・チャクラはクンダリニー・ヨーガの最終目標で、完成した修行者は超人と呼ばれる。
  • 仏陀の頭部が大きく盛り上がった「肉髻」は、サハスラーラ・チャクラの完成を象徴している。
  • 四神足法は欲神足法、勤神足法、心神足法、観神足法の四つの修行法から成り立ち、大聖者に至る。
  • 四神足法の修行者は欲神足法から出発し、精神的能力を高めていく。
  • 釈尊の成仏法において、「法」の中心は四神足法であり、これには五力法が補助として関与する。
  • クンダリニー・ヨーガのチャクラ開発と四神足法の関連があり、各チャクラのエネルギーを統合させる技法が必要とされる。
  • クンダリニーの覚醒は仏陀の成仏法には含まれず、危険で限定的な方法であるため、代わりに安那般那(アーナーパーナ)の法が教えられた。


このチャクラはすべてのチャクラを統合してこれを自由に制御する。 すべての チャクラを自由に制御することができるようになると、彼はしだいに変身する。 クンダリニー・ヨーガでは、これを聖なるものと一体になる、と形容する。 このチャクラに、聖霊が宿り、聖霊と交流するようになるといっている。この チャクラを完成した修行者を、超人、大師、救済者と呼ぶ。 超人は物質世界を超 越し、時間と空間の制限を受けなくなる。

インドでは、仏陀が超人であるとして、このチャクラの完成者であることを、 形を示している。それは、仏像の頭頂がまるで帽子でもかぶったように大きく盛り上がっており、これを「肉髻」と呼ぶ。サハスラーラ・チャクラの修行が 完成して頭骨がこのように発達していることを示すのである。

以上が、 クンダリニー・ヨーガの奥義として伝えられるものである。


ようなものであろうか? とくに、輪廻転生瞑想法の原典である四神足法との関 連はどのようなものであるか。







欲神足法で得た能力をベースに、肉体上の基本的諸条件を、さらに飛躍的に向 上させる修行法。


肉体的能力の向上発達を基に、精神的能力を充実させ、さらに段階的にその能 力を飛躍向上させていく。

すなわち、脳の欠陥部分を補強するための準備段階として、古い脳を人に進化 させる修行法である。ワニとウマの獣性の脳を霊性の脳に変えていくのである。

新しい脳である新皮質を向上させるとともに、霊性の場である間脳を開く。 同時に、 間脳に付属する視床下部と、古い脳辺縁系との神経回路を補充強 化する修行法である。知性と霊性の完全なる融合だ。


四神足法を成就したとき、その修行者は、仏陀に準ずる大聖者となる。業を 超え、因縁を解脱し、生者、死者ともに解脱成仏させる大聖者である。





五力法も修行法であるが、これは、四神足法の補助のようなもので、 四神足法 に対し、つぎのように付随される。

(四神足法) (五力法)







観神足 慧力

四神足法 五力法以外の道品、すなわち、 四念住、四正断、 七覚支、八正道

は、「教え」 である。これらの教えは、四神足法について、つぎのように付随さ れる。


  • 欲神足

四正断 七党支 八正道


勤神足 心神足
















アージュニャー・チャクラ サハスラーラ・チャクラ


それは、四神足法は、 クンダリニー・ヨーガのチャクラを開発しただけでは不 十分だということである。 チャクラを開発すると同時に、各チャクラを統合して

機能させていく技法が必要なのである。 わたくしはいま、非常に重大、という言 葉を使ったが、それはそれ以上、絶対に必要なポイントなのである。



チャクラは、チャクラを覚醒、発動させる技術によって活動を開始し、チャク ラ特有の力を発生する。 しかし、それだけでは、四神足法が目的とする神力(超 常的能力)にまではとうてい、至ることができない。どうしても、これらのチャ クラを統合して、さらにパワーを加圧加増して、重点的にはたらかせる技法が 必要なのである。



1、各チャクラが発生したエネルギーを、自由にコントロールし、かつ、自分 必要とする場所に自在に送達させることのできる回路を持つ。


2、その回路作製を可能ならしめるための神経経路を補強、 さらに、新たにつ




ただし、まったくないのではなく、これに類似した技法がひとつある。 それは、スシュムナー管と、ピンガラ、イダーという気道を使う法である。 クンダリニー・ヨーガというのは、だれもが体内に持つクンダリニーと名づけ 強大な生命の根源力を目ざめさせて、これにより、超常的体力を獲得し、特殊 な精神領域に到達しようとするヨーガである。

クンダリニーは、脊柱のいちばん下部、尾骨のチャクラ (ムーラーダーラ) の部分に、蛇が三巻き半、 とぐろを巻いたようなかたちで眠っている。 クンダリ ニーというのは、「巻かれているもの」という意味である。




ないの延髄にまで届いている。また、スシュムナー管の内側には、ヴァジリニーとよ ばれる気道があり、さらにその内側には、クモの糸のように細かいチトリニとよ ばれる気道がある。

特殊な瞑想・思念・ムドラー・マントラ詠唱などの動作によってチャクラが 発動し、 クンダリニーが目ざめると、クンダリニーは噴火した火のような激しい 勢いで、スシュムナー管を上昇していく。 クンダリニーを Serpent fire (サーペン ト・ファイア、蛇の火) とよぶのも、そこからきているのである。

クンダリニーの目ざめとともに、スシュムナー管の両側にあるピンガラとイ ダーという二つの気道が開き、クンダリニーのエネルギーは、この二つの気道を も螺旋状に上昇していく。この二つの気道は、その後のクンダリニーの力を調 節するはたらきをする。


ので、スシュムナー管、ピンガライダーの両気道を上昇するクンダリニーのエ ネルギーは、最終的に、サハスラーラ・チャクラにまで到達して、その目的を達 するのである。

以上が、 クンダリニー・ヨーガの気道の技法とされるものである。

四神足法も、このクンダリニー・ヨーガの技法を、そのまま使ったらよいので はなかろうか?

そうはいかないのである。単にチャクラを目ざめさせ、そのエネルギーを発動 させただけでは、四神足法の目的を達成することはできないのである。各チャク ラを統合し、そのエネルギーをさらに増幅して目的のものに集中する方法が、 ど うしても必要なのである。


わたくしは、阿含経はもとより、釈尊にまつわるさまざまな伝説に至るまで、 あらゆるものを分析した結果、釈尊の成仏法には、クンダリニー・ヨーガのクン ダリニー覚醒法がもちいられた形跡を発見することができなかった。(彼自身は、それを完全に成就していたであろうが) なぜか?

クンダリニーの覚醒は、あまりにも激烈、過激すぎて、 完全な脳を新しくつく りあげるのには適切でないのである。 クンダリニー・ヨーガは、人間の脳の欠陥を是正する方法ではなく、そこを通り抜けて一挙に、別次元の高度の意識領域に 突入してしまう方法なのである。

これは危険すぎるし、かつ、ごく限られた特殊な人にしかもちいられない方法 であった。

釈尊は、だれでもが実行できる修行法を教えた。一心に修行さえすれば、だれ でもが成仏できる方法を教えたのである。だから、チャクラを使うことはとり入 れたが、 クンダリニー・ヨーガの覚醒法はとり入れなかったのである。 クンダリ ニー・エネルギーは使ったけれども、その方法はまったくちがっていたのであでは、どのようにしたのであろうか?

仏陀の Anāpāna の法



是の如く我れ聞きぬ。一時、仏、舎衛国の祇樹給孤独園に住まいたまえ 雨の時世尊、諸の比丘に告げたまわく 「安那般那の念を修習せよ。 若し 比丘の安那那の念を修習するに多く修習せば身心止息することを得て有 覚、有観、寂滅、 純一にして明分なる想を修習満足す。 何等を安那般那の を修習するに多く修習し巳らば身心止息し、有覚、有観、寂滅、純一にし 明分なる想を修習満足すと為す。是の比丘、若し聚落城邑に依りて止 朝に衣を著け鉢を持ち、村に入りて乞食するに善く其の身を護り、諸 門を守りく心を繋けて住し、乞食し巳つて住処へ還えり、衣鉢を挙げ 足を洗っては林中の閑房の樹下、或は空露地に入りて端身正坐し、念




Kundalini yoga aims to integrate and control the chakras and gain supernatural powers.
Sahasrara Chakra is the ultimate goal of Kundalini Yoga, and practitioners who have achieved it are called superhumans.
The swollen “flesh topknot” on the Buddha’s head symbolizes the completion of the Sahasrara chakra.
The Four God Foot Methods consist of four training methods: Desire God Foot Method, Kinshin Foot Law, Shinshin Foot Law, and Kanshin Foot Law, and lead to becoming a great sage.
Practitioners of the Shishin Ashiho start from the Desireshin Ashiho and increase their mental abilities.
In Shakyamuni Buddha’s method of attaining Buddhahood, the center of the “Dharma” is the Four Gods’ foot method, to which the Five Powers method is involved as an auxiliary.
There is a connection between chakra development in Kundalini Yoga and the Four God Foot Method, which requires a technique that integrates the energy of each chakra.
Kundalini awakening was not part of the Buddha’s Dharma of Buddhahood, and as it was a dangerous and limited method, the Dharma of Annapana was taught instead.


This chakra integrates all chakras and controls them freely. Once he is able to freely control all his chakra, he gradually transforms. In Kundalini Yoga, this is described as becoming one with the sacred. It is said that the Holy Spirit resides in this chakra and that you will be able to communicate with the Holy Spirit. Practitioners who have perfected his chakra are called superhumans, masters, and saviors. Superhumans transcend the material world and are no longer subject to the limitations of time and space.

In India, the Buddha is considered to be a superhuman being and is the perfector of this chakra. The top of the statue’s head is raised as if it were wearing a hat, and this is called the “meat topknot.” This indicates that the cultivation of the Sahasrara chakra has been completed and the skull has developed in this way.

These are the secrets of Kundalini Yoga.

So, what is the relationship between this Kundalini Yoga training method and Shakyamuni Buddha’s Buddhahood method?

In particular, what is its relationship with the Four Gods Foot Method, which is the original source of the reincarnation meditation method?

First, let’s take a look at the Four God Foot Laws.

Explanation of the Four God Foot Laws

Desire foot method

Kushin foot method

Shinshin foot method

Training to perfect the fundamental conditions of human life force, especially in the physical body.

A training method that dramatically improves the basic physical conditions based on the abilities gained through the Desire Foot Method.

Kanshin foot method

Based on the improvement and development of physical abilities, mental abilities will be enriched, and those abilities will be further improved step by step.

In other words, it is a training method that allows the old brain to evolve into a human being as a preparatory step for reinforcing the defective parts of the brain. It transforms the beastly brains of crocodiles and horses into spiritual brains.

It improves the neocortex, the new brain, and opens the diencephalon, the place of spirituality. At the same time, it is a training method that replenishes and strengthens the neural circuits between the hypothalamus, which is attached to the diencephalon, and the old limbic system. It is the perfect fusion of intellect and spirituality.

The above is an outline of the Four God Foot Methods.

When a practitioner achieves the four divine foot practices, he or she becomes a great sage on a par with the Buddha. He is a great sage who transcends karma, liberates from fate, and enables both the living and the dead to attain liberation and Buddhahood.

Can be classified into species.

Shakyamuni Buddha’s training methods for attaining Buddhahood in the Seven Courses and Thirty-Seven Ways can be broadly divided into two parts: “teachings” and “dharma.”

The center of the “Dharma” is the Four God Foot Laws.

No, rather than the center, the law is only the Four Divine Foot Laws.

The five-power method is also a training method, but it is something like an auxiliary method to the four god foot method, and is attached to the four god foot method in the following way.

(Four God Foot Law) (Five Power Law)

greedy legs

Devotion (faith)

God foot –



constant force

Kanshin Foot Keiriki

The four divine foot practices, the teachings other than the five power practices, namely, the fourfold meditation, the four right judgments, the sevenfold enlightenment, and the eightfold path.

is “teaching”. These teachings are annexed to the Shishin Ashiho as follows.

(Furthermore, the Five Root Law is the meditation and practice that is the basis of the Five Power Law.)


greedy feet

Four Right Decisions, Seven Parties, Eightfold Path


Shinshin-ashi Shinshin-ashi

Main sightseeing foot

However, the teachings are no longer necessary for saints who have mastered the Kanshin-ashi, and the Eightfold Path is a teaching that applies to all other practitioners of the Three Divine Foot.

Four God Foot Methods and Kundalini Yoga

Now, how is the above-mentioned training of the Four Gods Ashiho practiced?

It begins with the development of the Kundalini Yoga chakras.

The relationship is as follows.

mooladhara chakra

greedy legs

svadhisthana chakra

God foot

manipura chakra

anahata chakra


Vishuddha chakra

Kanshin foot

ajna chakra sahasrara chakra

That being said, there is something very important here.

This means that it is not enough to develop the chakras of Kundalini Yoga for the Four Gods. Develop your chakras and at the same time integrate each chakra.

We need techniques to make it work. I just used the word “very important,” but it is more than that, it is an absolutely necessary point.

What does that mean?


Chakras are activated by techniques that awaken and activate chakras, generating a power unique to chakras. However, this alone will never reach the level of divine power (supernatural ability) that Shishin Ashiho aims to achieve. There is a need for a technique that integrates these chakras, increases their power even more, and works in a focused manner.

There are two techniques.


1. It has a circuit that allows it to freely control the energy generated by each chakra and send it wherever it is needed.

In particular, circuits for the brain are important.

2. Reinforcement of neural pathways to enable circuit creation, and new connections.

In particular, this is said to “reinforce the neural pathways connecting the neocortex and hypothalamus.”

Indeed, it is an indispensable technique.

These two techniques are not found in Kundalini Yoga.

However, there is one technique that is similar to this one. It is a method that uses the Sushumna tube and the airways called Pingala and Ida. Kundalini Yoga is a yoga that aims to awaken the powerful fundamental power of life called Kundalini, which everyone has within their bodies, thereby acquiring supernatural physical strength and reaching a special spiritual realm.

Kundalini lies at the bottom of the spinal column, in the coccygeal chakra (muladhara), shaped like three and a half coils of a snake. Kundalini means “that which is coiled.”

The Linga Kundalini is wrapped around the phallus called Svayamphu.

and its head closes the entrance to the Sushumna tube.

The Sushumna canal is a passageway for vital air in the hollow part of the spinal column, from the coccyx to the lower part of the brain.

It has reached the medulla oblongata. Also, inside the Sushumna canal there is an airway called the Vasilini, and further inside that there is an airway called the Chitrini, which is as fine as a spider’s thread.

When the chakras are activated and the kundalini is awakened through special actions such as meditation, thought, mudra, or chanting of mantras, the kundalini moves up the sushumna channel with the intensity of an erupting fire. This is why Kundalini is called Serpent fire.

With the awakening of Kundalini, the two airways, Pingala and Ikonda, on either side of the Sushumna channel open, and Kundalini energy spirals up through these two airways as well. These two airways serve to regulate the subsequent Kundalini force.

The purpose of Kundalini Yoga is to reach the highest state of unity with the divine.

Therefore, the Kundalini energy that ascends through both the Sushumna channel and the Pingalida airway eventually reaches the Sahasrara Chakra and achieves its purpose.

The above are the airway techniques of Kundalini Yoga.

Why not use this technique of Kundalini Yoga as it is for the Four God Foot Method?

That doesn’t happen. Simply awakening the chakras and activating their energy will not achieve the purpose of Shishin Ashiho. We desperately need a way to integrate the chakras, amplify their energy, and focus it on a goal.

So why not awaken Kundalini and use it?

As a result of analyzing everything from the Agon Sutra to various legends related to Shakyamuni Buddha, I have found evidence that Shakyamuni Buddha’s method of attaining Buddhahood was based on Kundalini Yoga’s Kundalini Awakening Method. I couldn’t do it. (though he himself would have accomplished it perfectly) Why?

The awakening of the kundalini is too violent, too extreme, to be suitable for his ascension to create a new, complete brain. Kundalini Yoga is not a method of correcting defects in the human brain, but a method of passing through them and suddenly entering another dimension of higher consciousness.

This method was too dangerous and could only be used by a very limited number of special people.

Shakyamuni Buddha taught a method of ascetic training that anyone can practice. He taught how anyone can attain Buddhahood as long as they practice earnestly. Therefore, although he adopted the use of chakras, he did not adopt the awakening method of Kundalini Yoga. Kundali He used knee energy, but in a completely different way.

So how did we do it?

Buddha’s Anāpāna Dharma

earth server

The most detailed explanation of Annabanna, which is the center of Shakyamuni’s training method, is in the Zaragon.

Just like that, I won’t listen. For a time, the Buddha resided in the Solitary Garden of Gishukya in the Savi state.During the rainy season, the Blessed One said to all the bhikkhus, “Practice the thought of Annahna; The more you practice, the more you will be able to calm your body and mind, and the more you will be satisfied with the practice of sentience, thoughts, annihilation, pure and clear thoughts. When one’s body and mind are at rest, one becomes aware, one’s thoughts are lost, one is pure, and one is satisfied with the practice of clear thoughts.If a bhikkhu were to rest in the village of Jurakseong, in the morning he would put on his robes and take a bowl. When he enters the village and begs, he protects himself and lives there with a heart that protects the gates. After begging, he returns to his home, takes up his clothes, washes his feet, and goes to a quiet room in the forest. Go under a tree or in an open field, sit upright, and pray.

Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis

Buddha 2Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis   sサイト

大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 “Kongokai” expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai


胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai



仏陀と旅人: 悟りの探り  仏舎利尊の宝塔

1. “仏陀と旅人: 悟りの探求”
2. “叡智の道: 仏陀とクンダリニー・ヨーガ”
3. “悟りの旅: 仏陀の教えと心の冒険”





「帰命頂礼仏舎利尊宝生のその力 功徳のほどを伝うべし…」。





「大悲神変妙にして、 化導利生はてしなし…」。







帰命頂礼仏舎利尊宝生のその力 功徳のほどを伝うべし そもそも祀る宝塔は 仏の慈悲のかぎりなく 大悲方便止まずして 末世の衆生救わんと一 舎利をとどめ置き給う 变化法身舍利尊納め祀れる霊祠なり 霊処かずあるその中に 仏舎利尊の宝塔は 法身歇都如意宝珠草

大悲神変妙にして、 化導利生はてしなし 礼拝供養の徳積めば 悪業一切断ち切りて 福徳果報かぎりなし この塔安置のところには 諸難のせまる恐れなく 人みなすべて安穏に 牛馬の末に至るまで 疫病苦厄のうれいなし されば行者は宝塔の 日々の供養を忘るるな 至心に礼拝供養せば、 法身如来あらわれて たとえ瓦石や木ぎれにて、 つくろといえど宝塔の 忽ち変じて七宝の ちりばめ輝くさまとなり、 紫磨黄金の大光明 十方世界を照らすなり、 光の中に声あって。 微妙の法を說き給う 法身如来の声なれば 凡夫の法性たちまちにひらきて悉地を成ずなり 衆生の胸にしみ透る。 声なき声ぞ尊とけれ さてまた過去世に貪りの 罪にむくわれ身にまとう。 衣類さえなき貧しさに なげく貧窮の人にても 至心に宝生いのるなら法身如来たちまちに 三辦宝珠と変化して 宝の雨を降らすなり、

百味の飲食かぎりなし 日々に富貴の身とならんまた業病や難病の 苦患にもだゆる身なりとも至心に礼拝供養せば 重き病いもその日より癒えて天寿を全うす 功徳ほとほとのべがたし。 先づは信心あつくして 供養の徳を積むことぞ とりわけ解脱をねがうべし 人のうらやむ財産も 巨万の富も権勢も。 悪因ひとつあるならば すべて苦の種泣きの種 家系の因縁断ち切りて 先祖の業障除くべし 父母祖父や祖母どちの一

おかせし悪因悪業は 血肉を通して子や孫の 悪しき運命のもととなる れに犯せし罪とがの一覚えもなきに苦しむは 父母先祖の因縁ぞ家系の因縁はどくベー つぎにはわが身の因縁ぞ 因縁悪しき父母や 業障ふかき祖父祖母を 持つは己れが前の世に 犯せし罪の果報ぞや – 先祖うらむな身を悔め わが身の不徳かえりみて 至心に解脫の供養せよ 八十億劫積もり来し 生死輪廻の罪障も。 消えて菩提の道ひらく。 無間地獄中餓鬼地獄 畜生界に生きる身も 大光明を身にうけて 抜苦与楽の門に入る。 三種供養ぞ尊とけれ まず第一は事の供養 身供養とも申すなり 香華燈塗をととのえて 力のかぎり供養せよ 供養の種をまかざれば 福徳宝生のぞみなし

種籾一升まきおけば一 五升や一斗はみのるぞや 種を惜しみてまかずして 米麦とれたるためしなし 功徳の種をまかずして 果報の德は得ぬものぞ まけばまくほどみのるもの骨身惜しまずまくことぞ 解脫宝生ねがうなら 梵行功徳の種をまけ さて第二には行供養 わが身わが子を助けんと 思わば人をまず救え」 これが因果の大法と 釈迦牟尼如来は說きませりわが身わが身といううちは 決して因縁解けぬぞや わが身わが身といい暮らし 因縁積んで今の身ぞ されば行者は徳を積み 力っくして救うべし

舎利供養をなす人は一 十種の功徳身にうけて おのずと人の上に立ち 人を助ける身とならん されどおごるか高ぶるか おごり怒りは百千の 功徳の種を焼くと知れ 下座の精進忘るるな 如来の加持力身にうけて 悩める人を救うべし 苦しむ人の杖となれ 仏舎利供養を弘むべし さて第三に理の供養 生身如来の說きませる。 七科三十七道品 成仏法の尊きを

ひろく世間に伝うべし 聖経の護持宣布をば 理の供養と申すなり 事・行・理の三供養 仏舎利供養の根本ぞ 三種供養を忘るるな 生身如来の說き給う 三福道こそこれなるぞ 法身如来のみもとにて 正法仰ぐ聖衆の


諸仏讃歎あそばさる。 諸天善神より集い 昼夜行者を護るなり 因縁解脱は大悲にて 福德宝生大慈なり

大慈大悲のみほとけの一 变化法身积迦如来

变化法身舍利尊 福徳宝生身にうけて 因縁解脱の道を行く 仏舎利尊ぞありがたし 仏舎利尊ぞ尊とけれ 婦命頂礼 从舍利尊 宝生解脫加持門の 信解のしるべ示さんと のちの世のため人のため つづりてあらあら和讃とす

The power and merit of Kimyō-chorei Butsu-sari-son Hosho should be handed down.In the first place, the treasure pagoda enshrined is the Buddha’s mercy. In the midst of many spiritual places, the pagoda of Buddha’s sarison is the Dharma body and the capital Nyoi Hojugusa.

Great grief is strange, and life is endless.If you accumulate the virtues of worship and memorial services, you will cut off all evil deeds, and there will be no end to good and good deeds.There is no fear of misfortune approaching where this tower is enshrined, and everyone will live in peace. Until the suffering of the plague is over, so the ascetic should not forget to perform the daily memorial service at the pagoda. As the shimmering cloisonné shines, the great light of purple polished gold illuminates the world in ten directions, and there is a voice in the light. The voice of Dharmakaya Tathagata, who teaches the subtle laws, will instantly open up the Dharma of ordinary people, form an entire land, and permeate the hearts of sentient beings. A voice without a voice is precious, but he is also covered in the sin of covetousness in his past life. He grieves at the poverty of not even having clothes.

There is no limit to the variety of foods and drinks, and you will become rich and noble every day. death. First of all, he must be devoted and accumulate the virtues of offerings. If there’s one bad cause, he’s a seed of bitterness.

Evil deeds through blood and flesh become the cause of evil destinies for children and grandchildren.If one suffers without even remembering the sin committed by one, the fate of parents and ancestors, the fate of family lineages, and then my own body. The fate of having bad luck parents and unskilled grandparents is the retribution of the sins you committed in the previous world. The sins of the cycle of life and death that have piled up. Disappear and open the path of Bodhi. Mugen Jigoku Chugaki Jigoku The body that lives in the animal world receives the great light and enters the gate of pain and pleasure. It is said that the three kinds of memorial services are precious, but he is the first one.

If you sow 1 sho of seed rice, you will get 1.5 sho or 1 to. If you want to understand the treasure, sow the seeds of the merits of Brahman practice. As long as I’m telling you, you’ll never be able to solve your fate.

Those who perform relics receive 10 kinds of merit, and naturally stand above others and become a person who helps people. Receiving the blessings of the Ruruna Tathagata, save the afflicted; Seven Departments Thirty-seven Dohins The Preciousness of Buddhism

It should be spread widely to the world The promulgation of the sacred sutra is called the rites of truth. At the presence of Dharmakaya Tathagata

Great vow to save the world

Praise the Buddhas. Gathering from all heavenly good deities, protecting the ascetic day and night, liberation from karma is great compassion, happiness is great compassion

Great Compassion, Great Compassion, One of the Transformations

Thank you to the Buddha Shari Mikoto, who is going on the path of liberation from karma, and he is a sign of faith from Shari Mikoto Hojo liberation Kajimon. For the sake of the world to come


仏舎利宝珠尊和讃の講義をいたします。 和讃には非常にやさしいことばで、教え、 行 の仕方、信仰の心 がまえなどが説かれております。やさしいことばですので、うっか りして、和讃が説いているところの深い意味を汲み取れないでいる 人がいるかもしれません。また、やさしいことばだからということ で、その意味をあまり深く味わおうとしない人も多いかもしれない。
しかし和讃というのは、やさしいことばの山に、たいへん重要な 内容が込められております。毎日読誦するものですから、この講義 で深い意味を知り、読誦するたびにその内容をかみしめて、行の糧
また、もう暗記してしまっているから、と勤 行 のときも口先だ けで和讃を唱えている人もいるかもしれませんが、それでは本当の 勤行にならない。やはり、暗記していても聖典をおしいただきなが ら、その内容を深く心にめぐらせて、読誦しなければいけない。そ れが本当のお経の読み方です。

What is Wasan
bluntly hoju sonwa
I will give a lecture on the Buddhist relics Hojuson Wasan. Wasan preaches teachings, manners of conduct, the mindset of faith, etc. in very easy words. His words are easy to understand, so there may be people who inadvertently follow him and fail to grasp the deep meaning of what Wasan is preaching. Also, because it is a simple word, there may be many people who do not try to deeply appreciate its meaning.
However, Wasan is a mountain of gentle words that contains very important content. Since you will recite every day, you will learn the deep meaning in this lecture, and each time you recite it, you will be able to reflect on what you have read and use it as food for your practice.
It must be kongyō.
Also, there may be people who verbally recite the hymns to him during the religious service, saying that they have already memorized them, but that would not be a true religious service. After all, even if you have memorized the scriptures, you have to read them while listening to the scriptures and let the contents go deep into your heart. That is the true way of reading sutras.


“叡智の交差点: 仏教とヨーガの奥深い結びつき メシアの法 求間持聪明法秘伝   21 The Law of the Messiah: The Secret of the Law of the Law of the Messiah 

1. “仏陀の道: 霊性の旅”
2. “悟りの探求: 旅人の物語”
3. “叡智の交差点: 仏教とヨーガの奥深い結びつき”





**章1: 道の交わり**


**章2: 修行の40年**


**章3: 精通の本質**



















1. “仏陀の成仏法とクンダリニー・ヨーガ: 比較と体得の旅”
2. “仏陀の気道法とクンダリニー・ヨーガ: 共通点と違いを探る”
3. “仏陀の修行法とクンダリニー・ヨーガ: 究極の目的への道”

**第1章: 道の交わり**


**第2章: 修行の40年**


**第3章: 精通の本質**














1. “仏陀の気道法とクンダリニー・ヨーガ: 知るべき共通点と違い”
2. “四十年の修行: 仏陀の気道法を復原し体得した旅”
3. “クンダリニー・ヨーガと仏陀の法: 地球を救済する究極の救世主”

1. 道教の気道の法は、仏陀の気道の法を受け継ぎつつ、道教独自の発展を経ている。
2. 仏陀の成仏法は阿含経に散在しており、クンダリニー・ヨーガと道教の修行法との対照を通じて理解が進む。
3. 三十歳で仏道に志し、四十年かけて仏陀の成仏法をほぼ復原し、体得したと語る。
4. クンダリニー・ヨーガの気道は三本あり、中心のスシュムナー管が重要である。
5. クンダリニーの目覚めによりエネルギーがスシュムナー管を上昇し、ピンガラとイダーの気道も活性化する。
6. ピンガラは太陽の気道とされ、イダーは月の気道として、それぞれ異なるエネルギーを制御する。
7. クンダリニー・ヨーガの過ちによりピンガラを通ってしまうと、修行者は激しい体内熱により危険にさらされる。
8. 仏陀はクンダリニー・ヨーガの不安定さを理由に、弟子たちには使用しなかった。
9. クンダリニー・ヨーガのチャクラ開発法は不安定であり、仏陀は完璧な成仏法を弟子たちに教えた。
10. 仏陀の修行法には、まだ続きがある。









さきにあげたミラクルの池の伝説や、雑阿含経に説かれる仏陀の奇蹟- 上半身か




Of course, not all Taoist airway laws are the same as Buddha’s airway laws.
It was said that he accepted the Buddhist airway law and developed it into something unique to Taoism.
Is. The prototype is in the Buddha, and it can be traced back to the Buddha. and
It also involves Kundalini Yoga at the same time.
It is extremely difficult to know the practice of the Buddhahood Buddhahood. That’s very
It is only scattered in Agama, and it can be said that it is almost impossible.
However, the practice of Kundalini yoga and Taoism is the practice of the Buddha in Agama.

If you practice it in contrast to it, there are things that naturally come to mind as male sins.
To. And as I gained more experience, refined, and practiced, suddenly with a flash of light.
There is something that shows the shape.
I aspired to Buddhism at the age of thirty, and since then I have continued to seek the Buddhahood method of Buddhahood.
Forty years later, I was finally able to recover from this and be convinced that I had mastered it.
And at that moment, I took it. This law is the earth that is about to be destroyed
That it was the ultimate savior’s law to save.

The perfect Buddha airway

By the way, in the previous section, the law of the Buddha’s airway is Kundalini Yoga.
He said that it supplemented the inadequate part of the law.
What does that mean?
There are three airways in Kundalini Yoga.



Top secret breathing method ”


Let’s go

One is the Sushmuner tube and the other two are the Pingala and Eider airways.
The central airway is the Sschmuner’s canal. This is the tail bone, as I mentioned earlier.
It starts from and reaches the medulla oblongata.
When Kundalini awakens with the power of a special idea, the energy is explosive.
Ascend the Sschmuner’s canal to the medulla oblongata. At the same time, Kundalini is Pingala, Ida’s
Ascends the airways and acts as a kundalini energy regulator and other ancillary function.
The pingala on the right side of the spinal cord is called the airway of the sun and is the airway that controls heat.
The ider on the left, called the lunar airway, controls the flow of cold air. If you accidentally pingara
When Kundalini wakes up, he has a tremendous body that is completely out of control from the outside.
In the worst case, the practitioner will literally turn black and burn to death because of the internal heat.
It is said that there is.
Gopi Krishna, the author of Kundalini, is in danger of himself because of this mistake.
It describes the experience of being able to survive the death.
It is this that I conclude that the Buddha is the perfector of Kundalini Yoga.

From the point.
The legend of the miracle pond mentioned earlier and the miracle of the Buddha explained by Samsung-the upper body?
The miracle of putting out fire and water from the lower half of the body is done using this Pingara and Ida.
It is energy radiation. This miracle is unique to the Kundalini Yoga completer
Now, as Kundalini awakens and the energy moves up and down the airway smoothly, Osamu
When the line goes smoothly, the Kundalini reaches the Sahaslara chakra, where the training begins.
Complete. (However, practitioners who can reach this point are rare in ancient times.)
Thus, the kundalini reaches from the caudal bone to the medulla oblongata and then rises further.
And finally, it’s supposed to reach the top of the Sahaslara chakra.
However, it is clear what the route from the medulla oblongata to Sahaslara is.
It is not.
The spinal column runs from the tail bone to the medulla oblongata, so it’s a straight road.
I’m sorry. However, what is the route from the medulla oblongata to Sahaslara?

I did not let the Buddha use Kundalini Yoga earlier for his disciples.
It’s because it’s too radical, but it wasn’t the only thing.
The Kundalini Yoga chakra development method was unstable and uncertain.
The Buddha created the perfect Buddhahood method and taught it to his disciples.
Buddha’s practice is still going on


1. 「阿合仏教の修行術:霊性開顕への四つの階梯」
2. 「成仏法:シャカの教えから読み解く霊性完成の道」
3. 「グルとの霊的結びつき:霊性開顕の修行における重要性」















1 教えとして「縁起の教理」
2 修行法として「七科三十七道品」(三十七菩提分法”とも呼ぶ)
二 シダゴン(斯陀含)
シュダオン  けがれをすべてとり除いた聖者
シダゴン   められた聖者
アナゴン   (次元を)飛躍した聖者
アルハット   仏陀

四念処法-‐―身念処法 受念処法 心念処法 法念処法
四神足法一-―‐―欲神足法 勤神足法
五根法ー一信根法 精進根法 念根法 定根法 慧根法
五力法l‐信力法 精進力法 念力法 定力法 慧力法
七覚支法-‐‐‐択法覚支法 精進覚支法 喜覚支法 軽安覚支法
定覚支法 念覚支法



Analyzing Aai Buddhism, it consists of two parts.


1 As a teaching, “the doctrine of auspiciousness”
2 As a training method, “Seven departments and thirty-seven dozens” (also called “37 Bodhipakkhi”)
If this is called by the classification method of posterity, “the doctrine of auspiciousness” is “religion”.
Four steps leading to liberation
“Four steps leading to liberation”
Anyone must go through these four steps to reach liberation.
And if you follow these four steps according to the excellent Holy Master,
The lever can also reach liberation. Of course, you are right.
What are the four ladders?
One, Shudaon (Sudagaki)
2. Sidagon (including this)
Three, Anagon (including Anagon)
Four, Arhat (Arhat)
To explain,
Shudaon The saint who removed all his injuries
Sidagon, the saint
Anagon (a dimension) a leap of saint
Alhat Buddha
It is also called “Budda”, a saint who transcends (large dimensions) and is completed.
How will the practitioner walk through these four steps?
Method and system of spiritual completion
That is the practice of spiritual completion left by Shaka. This is called the “Buddhahood Law”. The Buddhahood means the completion of spirituality, and the person who fulfills it is called “Budda”. That is why I call that method the “Buddhahood Law.”
It is a method for a certain Buddhahood from seven systems and thirty-seven curriculums
And system. Is a Buddhist term.
The historical fact that Shaka was actually told only by Agama
Since there is no such “Buddhahood method” other than Agama, I say so.
be. I consider it a true Buddhist scripture, such as a scripture without the “Buddhahood Law”.
Cannot be done. Of course, there will be some significance and value of existence.
However, it is not the mainstream. It should be called a sidestream.

The seven departments and thirty-seven dozens are as follows.
Satipatthana method — Satipatthana method, Satipatthana method, Satipatthana method, Satipatthana method
Four Right Exertions — Cutting Method
Iddhipada Iddhipada ——– Iddhipada Iddhipada
Defensive law
Shinshin foot method
Cutting method
Kanjin foot method
Indriya method-Ichishinne method, Seishin root method, Nene method, Samadhi method, Keine method
Five-strength method l-credit method, devotion method, psychokinesis method, definite power method, morality method
Seven Factors of Awakening — Selective Factors of Awakening
Jokaku support method
Seven Factors of Awakening
Compensation law
Orthodox method
That is all.
These seven subjects, thirty-seven kinds of curriculum,
2, practice
3, tapas (training)
Can be classified into.
The Satipatthana method and the Indriya method are meditations.
The Four Right Exertions, the Five Strengths, the Seven Factors of Awakening, and the Noble Eightfold Path are practices and meditations.
Iddhipada is a special tapas.
Iddhipada is a mythical power (supernatural power), and this Iddhipada method is a supernatural mythical power.
There are four types of training to obtain. My tapas mentioned earlier belongs to this
To do.
Of these seven subjects, meditation and practice subjects are taken into consideration, centering on tapas.
Do it.
The priest decides which subjects to take and how to train. Osamu
Each person has different qualities and ties, so when you look at it, the guru decides.
Guru plays a major role in this training. A little about Guru
Spiritual baptism
Undoubtedly find a guru that reveals spirituality and accept it
It can be said that he was successful as he was able to improve his skills. It ’s that important and it ’s difficult.
Without a guru, proper spiritual manifestation of Buddhist training is impossible. Ordinary Buddhism
It is different from devotion. How to believe, how to believe, lectures and interpretations of scriptures
Anyway, the Buddhist training of spirituality is a powerful spirit.
You can’t do it without the help of a doctor of the church
It is.
For example, the modern Indian saint Ramana Maharishi, to his introductory
When performing the acceptance ritual in the “method of staring”, he combined the brilliance and power of his eyes.
It is said that he broke the heart of his hand and cut off the flow of thoughts. With time
It is said that the other party felt as if an electric current had flowed into his body.
This kind of spiritual experience first cleanses the disciple and wants to be spiritual.
You will have a longing to do it, and you will have a spiritual aspiration.

Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis

Buddha 2Japan journala

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis   sサイト

大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 “Kongokai” expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai


胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai




デジタル  健康   PC カメラ 家電





1. “瞑想への第一歩:準備の大切さ”
2. “心地よい瞑想のための環境整え”
3. “身体・食事・睡眠:瞑想への道を整える”










































2、加工や精製の過程で栄養価値を損っている精製、加工食品を避けること。つまり、砂糖やキャンデー、純粋澱粉食品(菓子など)、アルコ      ール飲料、ソフトドリックその他、過程の差はあっても必須栄養素の含有量がほとんど無に等しい加工食品の摂取は、過度にならないように心がけること。














Preparing for meditation


Adjust the Six Codes


Before going into meditation, first prepare the Six Codes.


What is the Six Codes?
1. Adjust the environment (place)
2. Adjust food and drink
3. Adjust your sleep
Four, get ready
Five, adjust your breath
Six, to adjust the mind, to adjust the body, five, to adjust the loyalty, six, to adjust the mind.

Adjust the environment

First, it is important to adjust the environment.
The best is a place with excellent natural landscapes and clear air, such as mountains, forests and beaches.
If it is a mountain, it is most ideal, such as where there is a waterfall.

In the city, the room should be as quiet and clean as possible. The simpler the interior furnishings and furniture, the better. It is even better to put plants.

The rays should not be too bright. If you use curtains, light green or light blue is good. A soft harmony should be achieved with the optic nerve by balancing the room furnishings with the out-of-window view.

It is not good that the temperature is too hot, too cold, or too humid. Even if it’s hot, don’t use a fan or a fan as much as possible. And we have to go to the air circulation well.

The above is an “environment” in the narrow sense of “a place of training”, but in a broader sense, a student who can continue to practice this reincarnation meditation method.
It is to create a living environment.

It is important to create an environment so that the environment does not allow it no matter how much white it is. It is one of the important ways to create an environment that regulates people’s lives, such as not drinking heavy alcohol and refraining from smoking.


Prepare food

Secondly, preparing food is as follows.

60,000 is originally intended to nourish the body and mind, to maintain good health, and to utilize a fulfilling spirit.

There are two things to do with it: a moderate amount and a good quality one that helps the body.
Forced to be taken from the body tissue of the whitefish, resulting in weakened muscles and skin.


Protein burning is occurring in the body, but due to the fat that remains intact
I often don’t understand that. The next time the Abara bone becomes visible from the outside, it is clearly protein deficient. Therefore, many of the healthiest vegetarians are vegetarians with eggs and milk. In other words, eggs and dairy products are included in the diet while avoiding meat. Eggs and milk provide the highest quality protein.

These are like swatches that contain the amino acids in their entirety.

In addition to this, I recommend incorporating small amounts of fish and sometimes meat offal into the vegetarian lifestyle to ensure more complete nutrition.

Vitamin yo is the most deficient nutrient when vegetarian.

Also, methionine is deficient.

I have to eat a meal to help my training
Dr. Roger Williams mentioned above as a way to not only maintain good health, but also to enable outstanding health:
1. Change your diet and eat a wide range of milk, eggs and dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables, fish and meat, and grains.
2. Avoid refined and processed foods that impair nutritional value in the process of processing and refining. In other words, do not overdose sugar, candy, pure starch foods (confectionery, etc.), alcoholic beverages, soft drinks, and other processed foods that contain almost no essential nutrients even if there are differences in the process. Keep in mind.
3. Foster “body wisdom” that can be judged as good food and bad food

Vitamin and mineral supplements (foods to supplement certain nutrients)
Taking nutrition as insurance
To go.

Adjust sleep

Third, adjust your sleep.

After working, working, and working, human beings must always rest and recover their physical strength. Sleep is the best rest and is a must for human beings to live.

However, for a healthy adult, six or seven hours of sleep is sufficient. If you sleep too much, your mind will not behave and your heart will be darkened. However, if you do not sleep well, your head will be dull and you will not be able to concentrate, which is not suitable for training.

Therefore, you should always sleep at a fixed time, maintain moderation, and always feel refreshed when you start training. In short, you don’t run out of sleep and you don’t sleep too much.

Fourth, prepare yourself, fifth, breathe, and sixth, mind.

Since these three conditions should be performed according to one, they will not be explained separately, but will be listed in order as one operation.

Get ready

Getting ready is a break for us to learn the right way to breathe. Before starting this training, which means that you have to adjust sharply, every time you walk, stop, move, be quiet, or do something, you are all careful and meticulous. I have to. If the movement is rough, the breathing will be disturbed. If you breathe hard, your heart will be disturbed and it will be difficult to hold back. Even if you sit still for breathing or meditation, your mind tends to be disturbed and you do not feel calm.
Therefore, you have to be careful before you start sitting. Be careful like that, and when you are about to start sitting still, your body and mind will be even better.
You have to choose a place where you can calm down.

When you get to the place where you should sit for the first time, you have to settle down firmly in that place. Always try to stay calm. For that purpose, the posture should be correct from the leg on which it sits.