
運命改変の冒険:若者が発見した仏教の新たな可能性 A life-altering adventure: A young man discovers new possibilities in Buddhis



– 宿命転換成る
– かれが知能の目ざましい飛躍に自覚した
– 日本の仏教に成仏法がないことに不思議感じ、成仏法を求めて研究
– キリスト教にキリストがいないのと同じく、成仏法が仏教の重要な要素
– 仏教徒はシャカを教師として崇敬し、成仏法を学び救われると信じる
– かれは仏教の聖職者たちが成仏法の不在に疑問を持っていないことに疑念
– 成仏法を求めて阿含経の中で発見し、日本の仏教が古代中国の仏教を移入した結果理解
– かれは阿含宗を立て、多くの障害に直面するが強い決意を持つ
– 教団は全国に信徒三十数万人あり、大規模な法要や活動を行っている
– かれは著作活動も行い、ベストセラー著者である
– 財産よりも信者たちをかけがえのない財産と考え、健康で幸せな生活を営んでいる
– かれの教団は通信衛星を持ち、巨大な総本山寺院を建設中である
– かれの弟子は数千人で、教済活動や社会奉仕活動を行っている
– かれの人生の歩みが若者たちに望みを与えるものであると述べ、運命を変えられる可能性を強調。













仏教に成仏法がないということは、たとえば、キリスト教にキリストがいな いのと同じことなのである。

なぜかというと、神は人類を救うために、神のひとり子であるキリストをこ の世につかわされた。キリストによって人類は救われる、ということである。 仏教では、シャカその人が人類を救うのではなく、シャカの教えた成仏法によ って人類が救われるのである。 成仏法を学ぶことによって人類は救われるのだ。 だから仏教徒はシャカを偉大なる教師として崇敬するのである。その成仏法が なかったら、仏教の価値はほとんどない。残るのは倫理・道徳の教えだけであ る。倫理と道徳だけでは、人類は救われず、社会も成り立たない。 宗教がぜっ たいに必要である。 そして、仏教を宗教として成立させるのは、成仏法がある からだ。その成仏法が、日本の仏教にはないのである。これほど不思議なこと はない。 日本に仏教が伝来して、およそ一五〇〇年、その間、かぞえきれない 程の天才があらわれているのに、どうしてこの成仏法が行方不明のままなの か?じつに不思議きわまるはなしである。

しかし、ほんとうに仏教を求めようと思ったら、不思議がってばかりはいら れない。 成仏法をさがさねばならぬ。

かれは、仏教の聖職者たちだれ一人としてこれをおかしいと考える者がいな いのも不思議だと思った。一体、どういうことなのだろうか。

かれはしばしば、こういうことを考える自分のほうが異常なのだろうかと 疑った。なんとも思わない伝統仏教の僧侶たちのほうが正常なのだろうかと、 一晩中、 まんじりともせず考えたこともしばしばあった。

しかし、シャカの教えた一番大切なことをそっちのけにしておいて、ただ、 シャカを仏様として礼拝するだけで人が救われるとは、どう考えてもあり得な いことだ。かれは、頭をふって疑惑を払いのけ、成仏法の追求に血まなこにな



仏法がない。これは仏教とはいえぬ。 ぜひとも成仏法をさがし出さねばなら

ぬ」などといっているかれに教える仏教学者も僧侶もいない。異端者だからで ある。だからかれはすべて独学である。難解な専門用語につきあたり、一行の 文章を解くのに数ヶ月もかかることがしばしばあった。それを解くために、何 十冊もの論書や経典を読まねばならぬのである。 また、そういう書物だけでは解けないものがある。インスピレーションでしか解けないものがあるのである。




求聞持聡明法がそのかれを救った。 求聞持法体得ののち、かれの前に立ちは だかる壁は無くなった。難解の経典も、しばらくじっと見つめていると、自然 にその意味が流れこむように理解されてくるのであった。


と同時に、かれは、なぜ日本の仏教が成仏法を持っていなかったかが理解され た。

日本の仏教は大乗仏教であるが、この日本の大乗仏教は古代中国の仏教を そのまま移入したものである。ところが、当時の中国仏教は、すべての経典が 全部、シャカ自身の説いたものであると考える誤りをおかしていた。そして、 その考えの上に立って、あらゆる経典を分類整理し、ランクづけをしたのであ る。その結果、阿含経を最低レベルの経典とし、「小乗経典」と呼び、大乗経 最上のものとした。以来、阿含経は、学ぶに足らぬ経典とされ、だれもか えりみなくなってしまった。ところが、実際は、この阿含経だけがシャカの説 経典だったのである。なんという皮肉であろうか。 中国仏教が最低とした 阿含経だけがシャカの説いた真実の仏教経典であって、最上とした大乗経典は すべてシャカと関わりのない作者不詳の偽作経典だったのである。


シャカの教えた成仏法が、シャカの説いた阿含経のみに記され、 シャカ以外 の人間が書いた偽経の中に書かれていないのは、当然すぎるほど当然であろう。 日本の仏教は、以上のことが明らかになった現在でも、これについては一切、 かぶりである。

かれは、自分の発見したものを、あまねく日本の仏教徒に知らせることが 自分のなすべき義務であり、責任であり、使命であると考えた。それをとると らないはかれらの自由である。 しかし、この真実だけはかれらに告げておかね ばならぬ。それが仏教の聖職者として世に立つ自分の責務である。 そうかれは 考えたのである。

何度か躊躇したのち、かれは阿含宗という一宗を立てることを決心した。 大 きな困難が予想された。 それは、日本中の仏教を敵にまわすことだからである。 しかし、一旦、決意すると、かれは一歩もひかぬ強い性格になっていた。かれ その決心を断行した。予想された障害が、つぎつぎとあらわれた。


ことを、かれらは充分、知っていたからである。 一部の人たちは、マスコミを 煽動して、かれをつぶすことを計画した。

かれの若い頃の前科酒税法違反の暴露戦術に出たのである。これは 今でも、年一、二回、年中行事のようにおこなわれる。仏教宗教のことなど 全く知識のない若い記者などが、かれの敵がわの言い分を鵜呑みにして、かれ 邪教の親玉のごとく考え、正義の使者を気取って書き立ててくるのである。 殊に、かれの教団の大きな行事のある直前には、必ず、そういう記事が出る。 しかし、かれはまことにご苦労な事だと笑って、歯牙にもかけない。

今から三五年前、かれは、ただ一人の弟子をつれて、ほとんど無一文で教団 を始めた。

いま、かれの教団は全国に信徒三十数万人。毎年二月十一日に、京都の 総本山建立地でおこなわれる「火の祭典、阿含宗大柴燈護摩供」には、全国か

五〇万人を越える参拝者が集まる。 本年は、五六万人に達した。この総本山 京都市の中心にあり、広さ約十二万坪 (およそ一〇〇エーカー)に達する。

この山上に、かれは総本山寺院を建立中であるが、これは昭和年代に入って 日本最大の寺院建築である。かれの教団は、現時点に於て、日本で唯一つ、通 信衛星を持つ教団であり、この寺院にはその放送設備が完備されている。この 寺院の建築費は、およそ二五〇億円、ざっと二億ドルである。 土地の評価額も、 大体、おなじ程度と銀行が査定している。

東京の関東別院は、土地、建物、およそ、五〇〇億円、およそ四億ドルの評 価である。その他、日本の各地に、かれの教団はいくつかの道場を持っている。 世間の多くの人びとは、かれが多額の私有財産を持っていると想像している ようだ。しかし、かれも、かれの家族も、全くといっていいほど個人の財産を 持っていない。かれの妻が、歯科医師として開業していた当時に彼女が購入し 木造の貧弱な建物が一棟だけである。評価はおそらく五、六千万円に達する かどうか。 株ブームのこの頃であるが、 株式投資は一切していない。

税務署も世間と同じような想像をしていたようだ。もっとも、そういう趣旨 の投書がいくつかあったらしい。調査にあたったお役人たちは、かなり長い間、

かれとかれの家族がほとんど無資産であることを信じなかった。どこかに隠し 預金があるものと確信していたようである。 しかし、厳重きわまる調査の結果、 それに類したものはどこにもない、と判ったとき、かれらは非常に驚いたよう であった。

かれもかれの妻も、金や物を財産だとは思っていないのである。かれらに限 りなく信頼と期待をよせてくれる信徒たちこそ、かけがえのない財産だと思っ ている。そして、かれは、求聞持聡明法と成仏法の修行により、持って生まれ 能力の何倍もの力を授けられた。



である。そのほとんどがベストセラーに入っている。殊に一九八二年に発行し 「守護霊を持て」シリーズは二〇〇万部を超える大ベストセラーになってい る。昨年末に出版した小説『一九九九年・地球壊滅」は、発売当日に五万部を売り尽くして話題になった。


教団におけるさまざまな仕事のほかに、この著作活動で、かれは毎日、三時 間以上の睡眠をとることができない。 しかし、かれは現在この上なく健康であ る。かれは、ここ三〇年間、毎月数回、各地で行われる教団の例祭に一回も休 んだことがない。一九八五年六月、日本の宗教教団で初めて、中国の北京市、 およびハルビン市において、世界平和を祈る法要を営み、バチカンでローマ法 世界平和を語り合い、サン・クレメンテ教会において世界の宗教史上はじ めてのカソリック・仏教の合同法要を挙行し、FAOに寄進を寄せ、アフリカ のチャドに井戸、トラックを贈る活動を行った。

国内に於ても、東京都内に社会福祉法人特別老人養護施設を建設し、 京都市 に総合病院を持つ。

現在、かれの弟子数千人は、日本各地において、多くの悩む人、病める人の 教済活動をしている。

信者三〇数万人というのは、日本ではさして大きい教団とはいえない。 しか

し、かれの教団の信徒は非常にレベルが高く、殊に若ものたちが多く、活発な 活動で知られている。

以上が、一七歳で結核で倒れ、病弱のため高等教育を受けることが出来 ず、これという学歴を持たない、しかも二〇歳代で前科を持つという汚辱にま みれ、病弱と仕事の失敗のため、三度自殺をはかった一人の若ものが、運命を 変えようと決心してその後たどった人生である。この歩みは、人生に迷い、悩 み、苦しみ、躓いて、いままさに望みを失おうとしている若ものたちに、プレ ゼントするだけの価値があるのではなかろうか?



り出す。 思うままに自分を変え、他人を動かし、集団や環境を、自分の理念の通りに創造して行く、そういう力をあたえるシステムがここにある」


身である。自分の体験を語ることがベストであり、かつ、それが、義務であろ うと思うので、敢えて率直に語らせていただいた。



“The charm of Buddhism: Rising from failure and discovering the method to attain Buddhahood”
“The Miracle of Buddhism: A Life Story of One Person Who Overcame Adversity”





– Fate changes
– He realized a remarkable leap in intelligence.
– Feeling strange that there is no method for attaining Buddhahood in Japanese Buddhism, he began researching in search of a method for attaining Buddhahood.
– Just as there is no Christ in Christianity, Buddhahood is an important element of Buddhism.
– Buddhists revere Shaka as a teacher and believe that one can learn the Dharma of attaining Buddhahood and be saved.
– He doubts that Buddhist clergy do not question the absence of Buddhahood Dharma.
– Discovered in the Agon Sutra in search of the method of attaining Buddhahood, and understood as a result of Japanese Buddhism importing ancient Chinese Buddhism
– He established the Agon sect and faced many obstacles, but with strong determination.
– The cult has over 300,000 members nationwide and holds large-scale memorial services and activities.
– He also writes and is a best-selling author.
– He considers his followers to be more irreplaceable assets than property, and lives a healthy and happy life.
– His cult has communication satellites and is building a huge head temple.
– His disciples number in the thousands and are engaged in teaching and social service activities.
– He said his life path gives hope to young people and emphasized the possibility of changing their destiny.











fate changes


The next thing he realized was a remarkable leap in intelligence.

He found it strange that Japanese Buddhism did not have a method for attaining Buddhahood, so he searched for one.

He said earlier that he entered into the study of all the Buddhist scriptures.

The fact that Buddhism does not have a method for attaining Buddhahood is the same as, for example, Christianity without Christ.

The reason is that God sent his only begotten son, Christ, into this world to save humanity. It means that humanity is saved through Christ. In Buddhism, humankind is not saved by Shaka himself, but by the method of attaining Buddhahood taught by Shaka. Humanity can be saved by learning the Dharma of attaining Buddhahood. That is why Buddhists revere Shaka as a great teacher. Without him, Buddhism would have little value. All that remains is the teaching of ethics and morality. Ethics and morality alone cannot save humanity and create a society. Religion is very necessary to him. And what makes Buddhism a religion is his body, which has the method of attaining Buddhahood. This method of attaining Buddhahood does not exist in Japanese Buddhism. There is nothing more strange than this. It has been about 1500 years since Buddhism was introduced to Japan, and during that time countless geniuses have appeared, so why is this method of attaining Buddhahood still missing?This is a truly mysterious story. .

However, if he really wanted to pursue Buddhism, he would become frustrated with all the doubts. We must search for the method of attaining Buddhahood.

He thought it strange that none of the Buddhist clergy thought this was strange. What exactly is that?

He often wondered if he was abnormal for thinking this way. He would often spend all night wondering if the traditional Buddhist monks who thought nothing of it were normal.

However, no matter how you look at it, it is impossible for him to ignore the most important thing that Shaka taught and think that people can be saved simply by worshiping Shaka as a Buddha. He shook his head to dispel his doubts and devoted himself to the pursuit of Buddhahood.

However, it was extremely difficult.

First, he had no Buddhist teacher. “Japanese Buddhism has developed

There is no Buddhism. This cannot be called Buddhism. We must search for the method of attaining Buddhahood.

There are no Buddhist scholars or monks who can teach him who says, “Nu.” He is because he is a heretic. So he is self-taught. Due to the difficult technical terms, it often took several months to unravel a single line of text. In order to solve this problem, one must read dozens of treatises and scriptures. Also, there are some things that cannot be solved with such books alone. There are some things that can only be solved through inspiration.


I didn’t make any progress. I spent a lot of time groping aimlessly in the thicket of all the sutras.

He was walking around. He almost despaired many times, but he did not give in.

Gumonji’s wise method saved him. After he had mastered the Gumonji Dharma, the wall that stood before him was no longer there. Even if I stared at a difficult scripture for a while, I would naturally begin to understand its meaning.

He finally discovered the method of attaining Buddhahood in a sutra called Agon Sutra. It was hidden in the Agon Sutra under the name “Shichika Thirty-Seven Dohon”. discover it

At the same time, he understood why Japanese Buddhism did not have a method for attaining Buddhahood.

Japan’s Buddhism is Mahayana Buddhism, and this Japanese Mahayana Buddhism is a direct import of ancient Chinese Buddhism. However, Chinese Buddhism at the time made the mistake of thinking that all the sutras had been preached by Shaka himself. Based on this idea, he categorized and ranked all the scriptures. As a result, he considered the Agon Sutra to be the lowest level sutra, calling it the “Hinayana Sutra,” and considered the Mahayana Sutra to be the highest. Since then, the Agon Sutra has been considered a sutra worthless to study, and no one has respected him. However, in reality, this Agon Sutra was the only scripture that Shaka preached. How ironic! The Agon Sutra, considered the worst in Chinese Buddhism, was the only true Buddhist sutra preached by Shaka, and the Mahayana Sutra, considered the best, was a fake sutra by an unknown author who had nothing to do with Shaka.

In modern times, research into Sanskrit and Pali progressed, and this error was discovered.

It is only natural that the method of attaining Buddhahood taught by Shaka is recorded only in the Agon Sutra that Shaka preached, and not in the false sutras written by anyone other than Shaka. Even now that the above has become clear, Japanese Buddhism is still a cover-up regarding this matter.

He considered it his duty, responsibility, and mission to make his discoveries known to all Japanese Buddhists. If he takes it, he does not take it, it is their freedom. But he must tell them this truth. That is my responsibility as a Buddhist priest. That’s what he thought.

After some hesitation, he decided to establish a sect called the Agon sect. Great difficulties were expected. This is because it would make Buddhism in Japan an enemy. However, once he made up his mind, he became a strong character who never backed down. He carried out his decision. The expected obstacles appeared one after another.

Traditional Buddhists avoided any debate with him. his claim is correct

Because they knew that very well. Some people planned to incite the media and destroy him.

This was a tactic to expose his previous conviction for violating the Liquor Tax Law when he was young. This event is still held once or twice a year as an annual event. Young journalists and others who have no knowledge of the Buddhist religion accept the claims of their enemies at face value, think of them as the leaders of a cult, and pretend to be messengers of justice. In particular, articles like this always appear right before a big event for his cult. However, he laughed and said that it was a real pain, and did not even bother about it.

Thirty-five years ago, he started a cult with almost no money and only one disciple.

His church now has over 300,000 members nationwide. Every year on February 11th, people from all over the country participate in the “Fire Festival, Agon Shu Daisaito Goma-ku,” which is held at the headquarters of the temple in Kyoto.

Over 500,000 worshipers gather. This year, the number reached 560,000. This head temple is located in the center of Kyoto City and covers an area of approximately 120,000 tsubo (approximately 100 acres).

On this mountaintop, he is currently constructing the head temple, which is the largest temple building in Japan since the Showa era. His cult is currently the only cult in Japan with a communications satellite, and this temple is fully equipped with its broadcasting equipment. The construction cost of this temple was approximately 25 billion yen, roughly 200 million dollars. Banks estimate that the appraised value of the land is roughly the same.

Kanto Betsuin in Tokyo is valued at approximately 50 billion yen, or approximately 400 million dollars, including land and buildings. Additionally, his cult has several dojos throughout Japan. Many people in the world like him imagine that he has a large amount of private property. However, neither he nor his family own any personal property at all. There is only one modest wooden building that his wife purchased when she was practicing as a dentist. Whether his evaluation will probably reach 50,600 million yen. Although it was the time of the stock boom, I did not invest in stocks at all.

It seems that the tax office had the same idea as the public. However, it seems that there were several letters to that effect. For quite some time, the officials who conducted the investigation

He could not believe that he and his family had almost no assets. It seems that he was convinced that there was a hidden deposit somewhere. However, they seemed very surprised when, after intense investigation, they discovered that nothing like it existed anywhere else.

Neither he nor his wife consider money or things to be assets. They believe that the believers who have unlimited trust and expectations for them are an irreplaceable asset. And through his training in the Law of Pursuit of Purity and the Law of Pursuing Buddhahood, he was endowed with powers many times greater than what he was born with.

Moreover, what more wealth do we need than the joyful life we live, day and night, bathed in the light of Buddha Shaka’s wisdom and compassion?

For the past 20 years, he has published two books a year, and this is his 40th book.

It is. Most of them are among the best sellers. In particular, his “Have a Guardian Spirit” series published in 1982 has become a huge bestseller, selling over 2 million copies. His novel “1999 Earth Destruction”, published at the end of last year, became a hot topic of discussion, selling 50,000 copies on the day of its release.

he says.

In addition to his various duties at the church, this writing activity prevents him from getting more than three hours of sleep each day. However, he is currently in excellent health. For the past 30 years, he has never missed a single day because of the cult’s annual festivals, which are held several times a month in various locations. In June 1985, for the first time, a Japanese religious order held a memorial service to pray for world peace in Beijing and Harbin, China, held a memorial service to pray for world peace in the Vatican, and held a memorial service to pray for world peace in the Vatican, and held a memorial service to pray for world peace in the Church of San Clemente. They held the first Catholic-Buddhist joint memorial service in history, made a donation to FAO, and worked to donate wells and trucks to Chad in Africa.

Domestically, we have built a social welfare corporation special care facility for the elderly in Tokyo and a general hospital in Kyoto.

Currently, several thousand of his disciples are engaged in evangelism work for many suffering and sick people throughout Japan.

With over 300,000 members, it cannot be called a very large religious organization in Japan. deer

However, the members of his cult are of very high quality, especially many young people, and are known for their active activities.

As a result, he fell ill with tuberculosis at the age of 17, was unable to receive higher education due to his infirmity, had no academic background, was surrounded by the stigma of having a criminal record in his 20s, and was unable to work due to his infirmity. This is the story of the life of a young man who attempted suicide three times because of his misfortune, but decided to change his fate. Isn’t this journey worth giving as a gift to young people who are lost, worried, suffering, stumbling, and are about to lose hope in life?

“You can change your destiny at any age. Even at 50, 60, or 70.

is possible. Change your personality, remodel your brain cells, and live the life you want.

Start out. Change yourself as you wish, move others, and create a group.


Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis





脳と報酬系 brain and reward system










  • 報酬系(ほうしゅうけい、英: reward system)とは、ヒト・動物の脳において、欲求が満たされたとき、あるいは満たされることが分かったときに活性化し、その個体に快の感覚を与える神経系のことである。
  • 変性意識状態

Brain and reward system



Wilder Penfield

Through his career, he has made a great contribution not only to the development of neurosurgery, which is the basis of today’s brain science, but also to the development of neuroscience to this day. He was a pioneer in the surgical treatment of epilepsy and did not undergo general anesthesia during brain surgery, but with local anesthesia at the incision. Such a procedure is possible because the brain itself does not have sensory receptors including pain. Since the patient is conscious during surgery using this procedure, it is possible to identify the function of the local brain by electrical stimulation of the cerebral cortex, and the function should be preserved when determining the excision site of the diseased brain region. It has become possible to determine the area of ​​the cerebral cortex. Since brain surgery is now performed with general anesthesia in order to prioritize the safety of anesthesia worldwide, such surgical procedures are rarely performed, but recently it has improved the safety of anesthesia in general. It has been resurrected with it.

Dwarf in the brain

Dr. Wilder Graves Penfield (1891-1976), an American neurosurgeon, conducted research to better understand how the brain perceives the body while treating patients with epilepsy. Each of the hemispheres has two maps (also known as Penfield’s maps).
One is the map of movement, where we manipulate our movements. The other is the sensory map, where the sensory information of the body is processed. The dwarf (homunculus) in the figure on the left is a three-dimensional doll of the map. Looking at the figure, you can see how the brain looks at the body.

There are 12 pairs of special nerves that come directly from the brain. Some of these convey sensory information from the eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, and others control the muscles of the head and throat. Some supply important organs such as the heart and lungs and various glands.

The reward system is a nerve that activates in the human / animal brain when a desire is satisfied or is found to be satisfied, and gives the individual a sense of pleasure. It is a system.
The desires here are from biological and short-term ones such as thirst, appetite, and desire to regulate body temperature, to higher and social ones such as being praised by others, being loved, and raising children. Even long-term ones are included. Cognitive psychologists argue that in humans, the latter desire plays a more important role in behavioral decisions.
In mammals, the reward system is said to be the dopamine nervous system (also known as the A10 nervous system), which projects from the ventral tegmental area of ​​the midbrain to the cerebral cortex. This is also supported by the fact that most of the addictive drugs such as stimulants and cocaine have a dopamine-activating effect. There is also a report that if an electrode is inserted into the midbrain in an animal and a device is created in which an electric current flows when the individual presses a button, the electrode is continuously pressed.
The function of the reward system plays an important role in learning and adaptation to the environment. For example, we can prioritize work by suppressing short-term desires such as fatigue and hunger by predicting long-term rewards, such as “you will get a bonus when you complete this work.” However, when the bonus that was relied on is cut, the reward system is suppressed and it makes me feel uncomfortable. There is also a report that the function of the reward system nervous system affects the plasticity of the cerebral cortex, and the reward system is also important in learning. The word “praise and grow” can say this.
The reward system is activated not only when the desire is satisfied, but also when the person is acting in the hope of getting a reward. For example, when a thirsty person drinks water, the reward system is activated in the brain and a feeling of pleasure is felt. However, if a human finds a vending machine while walking, it can be inferred that he / she can drink water at that point, so the reward system is activated at the time of finding it. Schultz et al. (1993) conducted a similar experiment in monkeys. They created a device that presents a visual stimulus and feeds a few seconds later, accustoming the monkeys to it. At the same time, when electrodes were inserted into dopaminergic cells in the midbrain and activity was recorded, the cells were activated when food came out at the beginning of the experiment, but as they became accustomed to the experiment, visual stimulation was presented. At that time, neural activity was activated.
Altered state of consciousness

長寿と平和の秘密:普賢延命法の奥深い智慧を探る  The secret of longevity and peace: Exploring the profound wisdom of Fugen Life Extension Law






  • オン・バザラユセイ・ソワカ (Oṃ vajrāyuṣe svāhā) [注 2][3]




與佛有因 與佛有緣











となうるところの眞言は 觀

いままさに座す觀音光明世界一切の悪因を離れ、もろもろの惡業を捕って觀音妙法實相 の聖













The Bodhisattva of Great Peace and Absolute Truth is said to have the wisdom to produce enlightenment, and it is said that if one enters the meditation established by this Bodhisattva, a life of ease that transcends the limits of time will be created, hence the name “Fugen Prolonged Life.” [4]

Fugen Enmei Bodhisattva is an esoteric Buddhism bodhisattva statue derived from Fugen Bosatsu (an attendant of Shakyamuni Nyorai, who is also enshrined as the Solitary Buddha), and is a Buddhist Bodhisattva statue that is based on the “Fugen Enmei-ho” ritual to pray for disaster prevention, longevity, etc. ” is created as the principal image.


Oṃ vajrāyuṣe svāhā [Note 2][3]


10 prolonging life poems and sounds


sight sound
Namu Buddha
There is a Buddha, there is a Buddha

State of affairs
Buddhist priest green
Morning view sound
everlasting pleasure
evening sight sound
Nennen Yuushinki
thoughts and thoughts
remembrance and detachment




quasi-sleepy sound

Quasi-exhibition meritorious group. Be quiet and be at peace
If you recite it, you will be able to overcome all kinds of difficulties.
No harm to other people. Heaven and
Receive human blessings, palm like a female.
However, in this sense, excess is determined and nothing is equal.

If I were to fulfill the world’s wishes as one of the founders of my vow and great sorrow, I would become a fuss in the midst of my delusional sins.
Don’t go back to the main list and throw away your great sadness.


The shape that Kannon is currently making is

Kanon Myoho Reality The aspect of Buddhist objects

The thought I have is Kanon Myochi
Great wisdom.

The true word that comes to mind is visible
Great Divine Spell of Vision

I am satisfied with all the three Cs.
Right now, I am sitting in the world of Guan Yin Light, detaching myself from all evil causes, catching all the evil deeds, and becoming the holy spirit of Guan Yin Myoho, the reality of reality.
Because there is no evil cause in the mind, and there is no harm in the body, there is nothing in the mind.

without sadness,

without anger,

Don’t be afraid,

Without arrogance,

Without any pain in my body,

without suffering,

All demonic obstacles and enemies will be expelled, and everything will be cleared both inside and outside.

The painful enemy is gone, and everything is safe both inside and outside.

Light-enlightening Samadhi action
Immediately, all evil will come to pass, and Buddha will come to pass.
Shami taste

Words (ten chants)


 Japan journal
Send Japanese Buddhismニルヴァーナを智慧と慈悲をめざす。”Nirvana aims for wisdom and compassion.”

生きる喜びを感じるためのアージュニャー瞑想法と脳内モルヒネの不思議   Ajna meditation method to feel the joy of living and the wonders of morphine in the brain














次長出入息呼吸法 (約二分)

次長出息呼吸法 (約五分)

銀に納めておいた魔法のクンダリニー・パールを舌先で取り出し、舌の下に 置きなさい。

次 反式呼吸法


次 反式呼吸法に乗せて、パールをしだいに下方へ移動させなさい。約五回くら


次 関元で、パールは二倍くらいに膨張し、しだいに光を放ち、輝きはじめる。 (呼吸法五回くらい)

次 パールは元の形状にもどる。 (反式呼吸法つづく)

次 パールは原状にもどり、プラーナ・ルートを上昇する。

次 バールは銀交に到達するが、依然、上昇をつづける。

次 「端」 「水溝」「素」「神庭」と、チャクラ・プラーナ・ルートを上昇する。 次 「前頂」と「百会」の中間から、パールは、脳の中心に向かって進入してゆ

次パールは、中脳の「下垂体」に到達し、アージュニャー・チャクラに止ま る。


輝きとともに、下垂体前葉ホルモン、脳内モルヒネ物質エンドルフィンの分 がつよくなる。(呼吸法の回数随意)

次 パールはしだいに輝きをおさめ、大きさも原状に復する。

次 呼吸法に乗って、パールはしだいに上昇し、チャクラ・プラーナ・ルートに


次 長出入息呼吸法

呼吸法一〇回くらいで、呼吸を元にもどし、パールを舌の先で転がし、銀交 の中に納めてしまう。





モルヒネは、アヘンの主な有効成分で、そのアヘンはケシの実から抽出されたも のである。

このケシの実からの抽出物は、数千年にわたり、痛みをやわらげ、強烈な快感を 得るために使われてきた。痛みも快感も、人間を行動にかりたてるつよい力を持っ ている。


中国のアヘン戦争を経て、現代のヘロイン中毒まで、人間の歴史の中で大きな役わ を果たしてきたとしても、さして驚くに値しないであろう。

だが、これとおなじ物質が、人間の脳の中につくり出されるということを知った ら、だれでももっと驚くのではないだろうか。

一九七五年、スコットランドのアバディーン大学のジョン・ヒューズと、ハン ス・コステリッツが、はじめてこの物質を発見した。かれらは、ブタの脳からモル ヒネとおなじ作用をする物質の抽出に成功した。その方法は、すこぶる複雑で、大 量の脳が必要なため、二人は、スコットランドの屠殺場から二千頭以上のブタの脳 を寄付してもらい、そこから少量の物質を抽出した。かれらは、この物質に「頭の 「中」という意味の、エンケファリンという名をつけた。(エンケファリンは、ペプ チド、つまりアミノ酸で、タンパク質である)

そののち、エンケファリンよりも重要なはたらきをするエンドルフィンが発見さ れた。これもモルヒネに似た物質である.


どうしてわれわれの脳の中に、モルヒネに似た物質がつくられるのであろうか。 動物を使った研究では、ストレスが生じるとき、主として間脳底にある内分泌腺 の下垂体から、この物質が放出されて、血流の中に入りこむことが明らかにされた のである。

これは、ストレスによる苦痛に対抗するためと解釈されている。 研究では、出産 時 陣痛が近づくと、母体の血液中のエンドルフィン濃度が急に高まり、お産の最 中には、親も子も正常の一〇倍もの値を示すという。これは、母親のからだが現在 経験している痛みやストレスから、自分の子どもを守ろうとしていることのあらわ れなのである。


長距離のジョギングとか、スカイダイビング、登山といったハードなスポーツ に、この物質を放出させて、麻薬的効果をあらわすものと思われている。


一定のリズムで長距離をジョギングすると、つよい喜びの感情”多幸感”が生 まれてくるとかれらは報告している。モルヒネ効果である。 ジョギングなどが病 みつきになるのはこのためだろうと、考えられている。


というのは、これまで、人間が行動するのは、現実的になんらかの報酬を得るた めだと考えられていた。

脳の中に、報酬系とよばれる領域があり、それは、視床下部にある内側前脳束と いうあたりで、その辺に報酬系回路があるとされる。

われわれがなにか行動をするのは、この報酬系回路がはたらくからだと考えられ たのである。


然考えられた。行動が学習されるのは、その行動にともなって、報酬系が作動す るためだと考えられるからである。


Joyful Ajna Meditation





Isn’t there nothing better than being alive?

Let’s stand up with gratitude for being alive and joy in being alive.

Money cannot buy tomorrow.

As long as you are alive, anything is possible. turn a pinch into an opportunity

Let’s send today with joy and welcome tomorrow with joy.

Here is a meditation method that makes the heart happy.

Your life will always be rosy!

life is so much more fun




First, the lotus (or half lotus)
Junior in-breath breathing method (about 2 minutes)
Jikou Exhaust Breathing Method (about 5 minutes)
Take out the magic kundalini pearl encased in silver with the tip of your tongue and place it under your tongue.
Next Anti-breathing method
Bring the pearls into your chakra prana root with this breathing technique.
Next Gradually move the pearl downwards, using the anti-breathing method. about five times
Let the red breath reach the manipura chakra of Sekimoto.
At the next Sekimoto, the pearl expands to about twice its size and gradually emits light and begins to shine. (About five breathing exercises)
Next The pearl returns to its original shape. (Continued with anti-breathing method)
Next The pearl returns to its original state and ascends the prana root.
Next Bar reaches silver exchange, but still continues to rise.
Next Ascend the chakra prana route through “edge”, “water groove”, “prime” and “Kanba”. Next From halfway between the front crest and Hyakukai, Pearl enters the center of the brain.
The next pearl reaches the ‘pituitary gland’ in the midbrain and stops at the Ajna Chakra.
At this time, the pearl expands to about twice its size and gradually emits light and begins to shine.
Along with the radiance, the anterior pituitary hormone and endorphin, a morphine substance in the brain, are enhanced. (Optional number of breathing exercises)
Next The pearl gradually loses its brilliance and returns to its original size.
NextBy breathing, the pearl will gradually rise and enter the chakra prana route.
Enter, descend, return to the original bank.
next long in-breath breathing method
After about 10 breaths, I return to normal breathing, roll the pearl with the tip of my tongue, and put it in the silver coin.




morphine in the brain


A substance similar to morphine is secreted in the brain.

Morphine is the main active ingredient in opium, which is extracted from the poppy seed.

This poppy seed extract has been used for thousands of years to relieve pain and provide intense pleasure. Both pain and pleasure have a strong power to impel people to action.

If so, this substance, which is said to relieve pain and produce great pleasure, has been used since ancient times.

It should come as no surprise that it has played a major role in human history, from the Chinese Opium Wars to modern day heroin addiction.

However, he and others who learned that the same substance as this is produced in the human brain would be even more surprised.

The substance was first discovered in 1975 by John Hughes and Hans Kosterlitz at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. They succeeded in extracting a substance from the brain of pigs that had the same effect as that of molhi. Because the method was so complex and required so much brain, they obtained over 2,000 donated pig brains from Scottish slaughterhouses and extracted small amounts of material from them. They named this substance Enkephalin, which means ‘inside’ the head. (Enkephalins are peptides, or amino acids, and proteins.)

Later, endorphins were discovered that had more important functions than enkephalins. It is also a substance similar to morphine.


How is it possible that a morphine-like substance is produced in our brains? Animal studies have shown that when stress occurs, the substance is released into the bloodstream primarily by the pituitary gland, an endocrine gland located in the base of the diencephalon.

This has been interpreted to combat the pain caused by stress. Studies have shown that as labor nears labor, endorphin levels in the mother’s blood rise sharply, with levels 10 times higher than normal in both parent and child during labor. This is an indication that the mother’s body is trying to protect her child from the pain and stress she is currently experiencing.

Endorphins not only relieve pain, but also give pleasure and pleasure

Strenuous sports such as long-distance jogging, skydiving, and mountaineering are believed to release this substance and have narcotic effects.

A common example is the feeling of “exhilaration” experienced by avid joggers.

They reported that jogging long distances at a steady rhythm produced a strong feeling of joy, euphoria. morphine effect. It is believed that this is why jogging and other activities become addictive.

This was an event that greatly shook the history of past values.

For hitherto it was thought that man acted for the sake of some real reward.

In the brain, there is an area called the reward system, which she calls the medial forebrain bundle in the hypothalamus, and it is said that reward circuits are located around it.

It was thought that the reason why we do something is because this reward circuit works.

In addition, it is true that it will be greatly related to the learning of behavior and thinking.

Naturally thought. This is because actions are learned because the reward system is activated along with the action.



Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis

三界の勝利者 Trailokyavijaya  五大明降三世



五大明降三世はサンスクリット語で、トライローキヤ・ヴィジャヤ(三界の勝利者 Trailokyavijaya)といい、正確には「三千世界の支配者シヴァを倒した勝利者」の意味。

経典によっては、そのまま、孫婆明王(そんばみょうおう)とも、後期密教の十忿怒尊ではシュンバ・ラージャ (Śumbharāja)とも呼ばれる。 その成立は、古代インド神話に登場するシュンバ (Śumbha)、ニシュンバ (Niśumbha) というアスラの兄弟に関係し、密教の確立とともに仏教に包括された仏尊である。

同体とされる勝三世明王は、降三世と起源を同じくするものの、「一面二臂タイプのトライローキャヴィジャヤ」として近年インドでも出土しており、ヴァジュラ・フーンカーラ菩薩 (Vajrahūṃkāra) とも言われる






  • オン・ニソムバ・バサラウンパッタ
  • Oṃ śumbha niśumbha hūṃ gṛhṇa gṛhṇa hūṃ gṛhṇāpaya hūṃ ānaya ho bhagavan vajra hūṃ phaṭ.
    • (オーン、シュンバよ、ニシュンバよ、フーン、捕えよ、捕えよ、フーン、捕えしめよ、フーン、引き入れよ、ホー、世尊よ、金剛よ、フーン、パット
  • One of the Five Great Meiou or the Eight Great Meiou. It is distributed to the east. An incarnation of Akshobhya. It surrenders and refuses the three poisons and anxieties of Tonjinchi, and the two obstacles of knowledge. There are eight-armed, four-armed, and two-armed statues, but most are eight-armed, and there are three and four sides. He tramples on Daijuten and his princess, Karasuma, and holds a sword and a pestle in his hand. Benefits include subjugation, victory, illness, and respect. Trailokyavijaya.Trailokyavijaya is a Sanskrit word for Trailokyavijaya, which means “the victor who defeated Shiva, the ruler of the three thousand worlds.”Depending on the scriptures, it is also called Sonba Myouou or Shumba Raja in the late esoteric Buddhism. Its formation is related to the Asura brothers Śumbha and Niśumbha, who appear in ancient Indian mythology, and is a Buddhist priest who was included in Buddhism with the establishment of esoteric Buddhism.Although it has the same origin as Trailokyavijaya, it has been excavated in India in recent years as a “one-sided, two-armed type trilo cavijaya,” and is also known as the Vajrahūṃkāra.


    Shiva was worshiped as the supreme god of Hinduism as “the god that houses the three worlds of the past, present and future” with his wife Parvati, but Dainichi Nyorai calls for the conversion of Shiva to save the Hindu world. In order to do so, he dispatched his subordinate, Trailokyavijaya (or it is said that Dainichi Nyorai himself changed to Trailokyavijaya and went directly), and finally surrendered the stubborn Shiva and Parvati by super power and went to Buddhism. Was converted. The name of the descending third generation Myo is, in other words, “the Myo who defeated Shiva containing the three worlds.”

    As shown in the picture on the right, the trailokyavijaya has the appearance of four sides and eight arms [11], with two hands tying the impressive “Trailokyavijaya”, and the remaining hands holding weapons such as bows and arrows and halberds. It is a brave figure, but the biggest feature is that it is trampling on Shiva and Parvati, who have fallen to the ground with both feet. Speaking of Buddha who trampled someone, the four heavenly kings are trampling on evil spirits, but the King of the Third King is a Buddha that stands out in that “although it is pagan, it is trampling on God.”


    On Nisomba Basaraunpatta
    Oṃ śumbha niśumbha hūṃ gṛ hṇ a gṛ hṇ a hūṃ gṛ hṇāpaya hūṃ ānaya ho bhagavan vajra hūṃ phaṭ.
    (Oh, Shumba, Nishumba, Hoon, Catch, Catch, Hoon, Catch, Hoon, Pull in, Ho, Seiko, Kongo, Hoon, Pat)

チャクラ覚醒の秘密:体内のエネルギー活性化法 The secret of chakra awakening: how to activate energy in the body  The secret of chakra awakening: how to activate energy in the body






1. チャクラの覚醒には、特殊な振動を使った秘伝の方法が必要です。
2. チャクラの場所を正確に把握し、特殊な振動をその場所に叩きつけます。
3. 振動を伝えるための新しいルートを作り、それを通じてチャクラに振動を送ります。
4. この振動がチャクラを覚醒させる秘法であり、横隔膜、胸腔、腹腔を使用して行われます。



1. Chakra awakening requires a secret method using special vibrations.
2. Accurately locate your chakras and apply special vibrations to those locations.
3. Create new routes for vibrations and send them through them to your chakras.
4. This vibration is the secret method of awakening the chakras and is performed using the diaphragm, thoracic cavity, and abdominal cavity.

This is an overview of the chakra awakening method, which is considered the secret of Kundalini Yoga.

















このチャクラを覚醒すると、体力が異常に増進して、普通の人の三~五倍の精力をもつようになる。三日、四日の徹夜くらい平気になる。一切の病気を受けつけず、健康体そのものとなる。病弱だった者は、その悪いところが、みな癒ってしまう。このチャクラに Samyama を集中してそのエネルギーが発動したとき、瀕死の病人でも床を蹴って立ち上がるだろう。男女ともに実際の年齢より一〇歳以上若くなる。




2 SPLEEN O SPLENIC Svadhisthana







「Nabi-cakra (臍輪)に Samyama を向けることにより、体内の配列、組織を知ることができる」(自在力 第3節)
この章について、佐保田鶴治博士は、トーン・外ん小胴輪。というのは、実際の癖の孔ではなくて、そのあたりにあると想像される神秘な車輪状の場所で、一六の輻をもっているといわれる。一説には、後世のハタ・ヨーガで説く六つのチャクラのなかの下から三つ目にあるマニプーラ・チャクラ (Manipira-cakra)のことであるともいう。いずれにせよ、肉眼で見える部分ではなく、幽体に属するものとされている。チャクラについては、ここで詳説する暇がない。臍輪は気体(生命エネルギーからなる身体)の中央にあるから、これに綜制をおこなうと身体内の組織がわかる、というのである」(『解説ヨーガ・スートラ』平河出版社)




それは、医学的には、ソーラー・プレクサスと名づけられた「太陽神経叢」のことである。腹腔神経叢、内臓動脈軸叢ともいわれ、腹腔動脈より出る上腸間膜動脈の起始部にある交感神経の大きい神経叢である。(次頁図参照)。胃の裏がわにあってさなれる神秘な車輪状の場所で、一六の輻をもっているといわれる。一説には、後世のハタ・ヨーガで説く六つのチャクラのなかの下から三つ目にあるマニプーラ・チャクラ (Manipira-cakra)のことであるともいう。いずれにせよ、肉眼で見





すなわち、ここから出る神経は、食道、胃、腹部血管、肝、輸胆管、膵臓、副腎、腸等に分布している。また、この神経叢は大小内臓神経、迷走神経、第十二胸神経節、第一腰神経節などが集まっており、内臓の神経としては最も重要な 叢 である。チャクラというのは、いずれも、今まで、空想的、神秘的場所とのみ考えられてきた。




「Samyama を向ければ、体内の組織を知ることができる」とあるが、この Samyam-a というのは、特別な修行を経た特殊な集中力をいう。あとでくわしく説明するが、
コールすることができるという意味である。実際にこのナービ・チャクラに Samyamaを集中すると、この太陽神経叢に属する内臓器官――それは食道から、胃、肝臓、膵臓、脾臓、副腎、腸にいたるまで、すべてを自分の思うようにコントロールできるのである。これらの臓器官が、どうにかすぎいい、いしでいいようであれば直ちに正常にもどしてしまう、いいわ、調べ、ごャード網駅、威、強滅、いった、キャラバに活動すると、他い通い力がたらいいてきて、個人、いいにいようにするようになると同時に、他人の心を目いていて、目に思い、単品、枠、主とすると心も交流するこきれいさに、下町な、理解できいことなど大地にみちすごい、、、チャーボードにしてそこかいことができる。つまり、人にはないで、、、持っていたい、エネルギーはこの空間に痕跡をとどれているので、このチャンスで、、、茨と同じになれば、その心が持っていたべてのもの、意識も、知能もみな自分と同化して自分のものになるということである。


















頭のなかの光明 Mirdha jyotis といわれるチャクラである。Brahma-randhra 梵の座、先の裂け目という頭蓋骨の接合するところの真下に位置する。梵の座、梵の裂け目とは、梵すなわち聖なるもの、と一体になる場所という意味である。





This is because the name “hormone” gives the impression that it is related only to the female genitals, and that is why it is taken care of. The same is true for androgens (androgens are also secreted not only by the testicles but also by the adrenal cortex, author).

Health and hormonal science


Kundalini Yoga knew decades ago that one of the state’s leading endocrinologists was screaming loudly and was taking advantage of it. Women also acquire age-dependent, youthful feminine qualities-compassion, tenderness, lighting, supple and charming appearance, and beautiful voice through this chakra training. It is rich in various hormones such as testosterone, androsterone, and estrogen, which are secreted from the whole in men and from the ovaries in women, regardless of age.
This is because it has a special technique to secrete it. It works the same for men. This technique creates a heroic man with a strong fighting spirit.


The chakra is the base where it works.

Chakra function




In the previous section, I looked at the chakra from the aspect of modern medicine and physiology called the endocrine gland. Now let’s take a look at how Kundalini Yoga thinks and explains the chakra from the perspective of Kundalini Yoga.




1 = Mueller Dara Chakra


Adrenal gland / dismissal

The gonad of the endocrine gland, the site of the kidney.
When you awaken this chakra, your physical strength will increase abnormally, and you will have three to five times as much energy as a normal person. I feel fine all night on the 3rd and 4th. It does not accept any illness and becomes a healthy body. Those who are sick will heal all the bad things. When her Samyama is concentrated in this chakra and its energy is activated, even a dying sick person will kick the floor and stand up. Both men and women are over 10 years younger than their actual age.

Instead, you will have strong sexual desire and fertility, so you can use that energy.
We also use a method called jas that converts it into intelligent energy.


2 = Svadishtana chakra

2 SPLEEN O SPLENIC Svadhisthana




It is the part of the adrenal gland that releases the hormones of fighting and heroes.
When this chakra awakens and activates energy, it becomes more energetic and brave.
You will be able to actively and boldly act. Don’t be afraid of anything, don’t be confused by anything,
With a fearless and immovable belief, he will not be swayed by any difficulties. Demonstrate superhuman skill that transcends life and death.

3 = Manipula chakra

Sun nerve
Adrenal gland, pancreas, spleen, stomach, liver
Thymus / heart / lung occupation


The mystery of yoga, “Yoga Sutras,” says:
“By pointing his Samyama at the Nabi-cakra (umbilical ring), you can know the arrangement and tissue in the body” (Section 3 of Freedom).
About this chapter, Dr. Tsuruji Sahoda is a tone and a small torso. It is said that it is not an actual hole of habit, but a mysterious wheel-shaped place that is supposed to be around it, and has 16 spokes. One theory is that it is the Manipira-cakra, which is the third from the bottom of the six chakras described in later Hatha yoga. In any case, it belongs to the ghost body, not the part visible to the naked eye. I don’t have time to elaborate on the chakras here. Since the umbilical ring is located in the center of the gas (the body consisting of life energy), it is said that the tissues inside the body can be understood by controlling it. “(” Commentary Yoga Sutra “Hirakawa Publishing Co., Ltd.)




It is explained that this is a little different. The doctor is said to be a mysterious place that can be imagined around that area, “but this part is by no means a fantasy place. It certainly exerts a great power that seems to be mysterious, but it is clearly medically confirmed.
It is medically the “solar plexus” named Solar Plexus. Also called the peritoneal plexus or visceral arterial plexus, it is a large plexus of sympathetic nerves at the origin of the superior mesenteric artery that emerges from the peritoneal artery. (See the figure on the next page). It is a mysterious wheel-shaped place where the back of the stomach is laid on the back, and it is said to have 16 spokes. One theory is that it is the Manipira-cakra, which is the third from the bottom of the six chakras described in later Hatha yoga. In any case, see with the naked eye
It is supposed to belong to the ghost body, not the part that can be eaten. I don’t have time to elaborate on the chakras here. Since the umbilical ring is located in the center of the gas (the body consisting of life energy), it is said that the tissues inside the body can be understood by controlling it. “(” Commentary Yoga Sutra “Hirakawa Publishing Co., Ltd.)

It is explained that this is a little different.


The doctor is said to be a mysterious place that can be imagined around that area, but this part is by no means a fantasy place. It has great power, which seems to be mysterious, but it is clearly medically confirmed.

It is the “solar plexus” medically named Solar Plexus. Also called the peritoneal plexus or visceral arterial plexus, it is a large plexus of sympathetic nerves at the origin of the superior mesenteric artery that emerges from the peritoneal artery. (See the figure on the next page). The back of my stomach is on my stomach
This name was given because it sends nerves to each organ like the rays of the sun.

That is, the nerves exiting from here are distributed in the esophagus, stomach, abdominal blood vessels, liver, bile duct, pancreas, adrenal gland, intestine and the like. In addition, this nerve plexus is a collection of large and small visceral nerves, stray nerves, twelfth thoracic ganglion, first lumbar plexus, etc., and is the most important plexus as a visceral nerve. Until now, chakras have only been considered as fantasy and mysterious places.


These sites are by no means such things, and as mentioned earlier, they are deeply related to endocrine glands, nerve groups, enzymes, etc., and in fact, they are very important places from a medical point of view and are important. It is a place to work.


“If you point Samyama, you can know the tissues in your body,” but his Sammy am-a is a special concentration that has undergone special training. I will explain in detail later,
To know this organization is not just to know the organization, but to freely control the organization.
It means that you can call. When he actually concentrates his Samyama on this Navi Chakra, it controls everything from the esophagus to the stomach, liver, pancreas, spleen, adrenal glands, and intestines to the internal organs of this solar plexus. You can. If these organ officers are somehow too good, and if they are okay, they will immediately return to normal, okay, research, goyad net station, prestige, annihilation, etc. It’s a downtown area where you can get better and better, and at the same time, you’ll be able to look at the hearts of others, think about them, and interact with each other as a single item, frame, and mainly. It’s amazing to be able to understand things on the ground, and you can make it into a charboard. In other words, people don’t have it, I want to have it, energy has traces in this space, so at this chance, if it becomes the same as thorns, everything that the heart has, consciousness However, all intelligence is assimilated with oneself and becomes one’s own.

In that sense, if you become fully proficient in this chakra, you will be able to open the way to interact with the world of the spirit world (four dimensions).



5 = Vishudda chakra

Vishudda ”
Thyroid / epithelial body,
(Parathyroid gland) Salivary gland


It is the site of the thyroid gland and salivary glands.
By moving this chakra, superhuman hearing is provided. In fact, when this chakra becomes available, you will be able to hear certain sounds that you have never heard before. This is my own experience, but what kind of sound it is is
I’ll lie down here. When I teach a disciple, by examining what kind of sound the disciple heard, it becomes a criterion for judging whether or not the disciple really learned this chakra. Even if you don’t use such things as criteria, the leader knows, but if
If you let us know in advance that it is such a sound, you may hear such a sound by self-suggestion, so you should hide anything similar to it. It does not mean that the law is not open to the public. However, it can be said that human hearing is 40,000 to 50,
You can only hear vibration waves of 000 kHz, but if you master this chakra, your hearing will be more than doubled. The heart of a person who is 100 meters away
You can also hear the heartbeat of the viscera. By the way, the hearing of dogs is 80, 〇 〇
It is said to be 〇 to ​​90, 000 kilohertz.

Also, listen to various voices. You will hear the voice of the leading spirit clearly.
This is also the ability of Yoga Sutras to “understand the meaning of the screams of all creatures.” It is a Buddhist heavenly ear connoisseur.
In addition, this chakra is closely related to the muscle movements of the head, upper limbs (both arms) and chest.


6 = Ajnya Chakra

6 Pituitary gland


You will have abnormal clairvoyance. In “Yoga Sutras”, “By shining light on the manifestation of the mind, we can know even the finest things, hidden things that are hidden from the public, and things that are far away. Is the ability.
Telepathic ability is generated. This chakra is the Siddy that makes it possible to do the “Great Deflection” in “Yoga Sutras”.
This chakra is also called the command chakra, the desire fulfillment chakra, and the free power chakra, and when you become proficient, you will be able to command nature, move it freely, and control it freely.


7 Sahasrara chakra

Pineal gland / pineal gland ”

It is the part of the pineal gland, pineal gland, and hypothalamus.

A chakra called Mirdha jyotis. Brahma-randhra Located just below the junction of the skull, the seat of the sword, the rift at the tip. The seat of the 梵, the rift of the 梵, means the place to be one with the 梵, that is, the sacred thing.

When you awaken this chakra, a light appears in this part and it shines brightly. The light in my head.

This chakra integrates all chakras and controls it freely. He gradually transforms when he has free control over all the chakras. Kundalini Yoga describes this as one with the sacred. It is said that the Holy Spirit will dwell in this chakra and will interact with the Holy Spirit. The practitioner who completed this chakra is called a superhuman, a master, and a savior. Baiyue transcends the physical world and is no longer restricted by time and space. In India, the Buddha is a superhuman, showing in form that he is the perfector of this chakra. The top of the Buddha’s head is raised as if he was wearing his hat, which is called “flesh training”. It shows that the training of the Sahaslara chakra is completed and the skull is developed in this way.

The above is the mystery of Kundalini Yoga.

2 SPLEEN O SPLENIC Svadhisthana

Table of chakras and endocrine
Controlled endocrine therapy
And internal employment
Gonad / kidney
Adrenal gland / dismissal
2 SPLEEN O SPLENIC Svadhisthana
Sun nerve
Adrenal gland, pancreas, spleen, stomach, liver
Thymus / heart / lung occupation
Vishudda ”
Thyroid / epithelial body,
(Parathyroid gland) Salivary glands,
Pituitary gland
Pineal gland / pineal gland ”



























実践 輪廻転生瞑想法〈3〉あなたも仏陀になれる水晶龍神瞑想法

(2021/4/7 10:43時点)


(2021/4/7 10:43時点)


Therefore, let’s take the plunge and give an overview of the chakra awakening method.


Earlier, I mentioned that creating routes for chakras and Senfu ruggies would help awaken the chakras. That’s exactly right, without it

It can be said that the awakening of the chakra is almost impossible. In particular, route building for Ajnya Chakrahe plays a very important role.


However, that alone will not achieve the awakening of the chakras. It’s a completely different method.


The course is roughly as follows.


Secret mantra special chanting method


I, the practitioner knows the exact location of his chakra.

The location varies from person to person, so the cap will tell you the exact location)

2. Hit a special vibration on the place of this chakra. To that end, first

3. Create a vibration route that conveys this special vibration. There are some routes that overlap with the chakra / thousand ruggie routes that have been created so far, but most of them will be newly created. It is a route that leads directly to the chakras.

Use “XX” to create this route. -(Especially secret, but if you read this book carefully, you should be able to get a hint)

4. Can generate and write the special vibration.

5. Transmit the vibration to the route and hit the chakra.


It is as above.

This vibration is a special secret method that awakens the chakras, and is my most secret secret.

This special vibration uses the diaphragm, thoracic cavity, and abdominal cavity to cause special vibration.


Reincarnation Meditation III










By the way, one physical “force” is needed to reverse the intention.
It is also clear that there is.

The intention is intangible, and the physical force is not without it, but it is very weak. Needs to be strengthened. It’s not just about doing it, it’s about making it powerful enough to “move” and “stimulate” the chakras in the end.
You have to.

In other words, a kind of conversion work must be done to enhance the psychological action to the physical action.

If conversion is over, it can be said to be strengthening. Here is the secret of “breathing”.

Where, how, and how to retain the power generated by will and breathing is the secret of Shakuson’s Kundalini Yoga.
It starts with making a path

First, the route of chakra energy is shown.

This basic route uses the “meridian” route of Chinese medicine.



恋愛と運命:家族的無意識が描く人生の謎   Love and fate: The mystery of life drawn by the familial unconscious
















これから、人の持つ因縁について解説するが、それでは、そういう母縁というものが、どうして人間にあるのか、ここでは、あるからある、というよりほかない。強いて聞かれるならば、それならあなたはどうしてそういう顔をしているのであるか寸9 かれた場合、あなた
は何と答えるか?・ こういう顔をして生まれてきたのだから、こういう顔をしているのである、とでも答えるほかないではないか。原因はともあれ、人間は、それぞれ様々な因縁を持って生まれて来、様々な因縁を持って生きているのである。その因縁という現象を分析、解説














Fate that damages her husband’s luck

It is a cause that women have.

Husband’s luck (damaging and shaving the life turnip with invisible power, but it does not necessarily mean laying the husband under his hips or abusing him in daily life. Of course, in such cases as well. There is nothing wrong with it, but as I wrote before, there are cases where the fate appears in the character and cases where it does not appear at all in the personality. This is also the case with this fate, and rather the woman with this fate is abusive. It is difficult to get rid of it because there are many good wives and wise mothers who can be used by their husbands. Edogawa Yanagi “Poison is decocting medicine between the next”
There is a phrase, but this impresses me with the phrase “a woman with this prisoner relationship”.

The meaning of this phrase is that the owner is sick and sleeps all year round. When I ask the house, the young beautiful Hosono is brewing medicine in the next room where the owner is sleeping. However, in reality, this beautiful Hosono is poisonous to the sick husband, so it is ironic that Hosono is decocting the medicine and that the poison is the medicine.

Having a woman with this connection as a wife can make her husband sick all year round, or work poorly, failing all year round, and prone to traffic jams. Luck is very bad because of the loss of vitality. No matter how talented or skillful you are, you will always be caught up in one misfortune. The more you can use it in your heart, the worse your husband’s luck will be, which is troublesome.

As is often the case in the world, there are cases where a husband who has been waiting for a fine prince makes another woman, and people are wondering because he is far more brilliant and smarter than that woman. This is because Hosono has a cause to hurt her husband’s luck, so her husband has a vital self-defense instinct.

What kind of connection do you have? Of course, it often happens in middle age that I could afford it economically in the middle age.
One of the reasons is that Hosono’s color has declined, but basically, when he was young,
My husband also has a stronger vitality, so I can tolerate my wife’s luck damage, so I feel so much
No, but as we get older, our vitality weakens and we want a place to relax.
The woman who has this strong connection is the so-called “post-family luck”, which is the cause of sexuality.
One husband escapes to another woman as mentioned above, and a husband who has no sexual relations escapes to a hobby,
Immerse yourself in work and become a cold family.
If you are a husband with weak vitality, you will die. In other words, this is the reason why it is called post-family luck. If you want to have a happy family as a woman, you must first cut it.

○ Fate of marital relationship disorder

It is a cause of disability in marital relationship and marriage. Somehow their personalities don’t match each other, and they are dissatisfied all year round, and they are constantly messing around and becoming a cold family.

Or, although they have a love for each other, one of them gets sick and is forced to live separately, or because of work, they live in a farewell. Anyway, regardless of whether or not you have a love affair, the couple will not get along well because of the relationship such as Shuto. I can’t go to the point where I’m divorced, but anyway, I’m going to get one step closer all year round.

普賢菩薩 あらゆる場所に現れ、命あるものを救う慈悲を司る菩薩


名サマンタバドラ (Samanta bhadra) の「サマ 「タ」は「く」、「バドラ」は「賢」と漢訳しま す。 「賢」とは具体的には「さとりを求める心か 起こる、成仏しようとする願いと行ない」のこ とです。それが、ときとところを選ばず在して いるということを象徴したのがこの菩薩です。 で すから、菩薩行を実践する者をつねに守護するほ とけでもあります。

白象に乗り、文殊菩薩とともに釈迦如来 の脇侍をつとめます。 文殊菩薩のに対して、 (行)をつかさどります。
















なぜ戦争が絶えないのか? 仏教が教える平和の道 戦争からの脱却:仏教が示す心の改造と運命の解放  Why do wars never end? The path of peace taught by Buddhism


1. 戦争や殺戮がなぜ絶えないのか、その原因には人間の脳の構造的欠陥があると主張されている。
2. これまでの宗教や倫理は意識の改造に焦点を当ててきたが、脳の欠陥を修正しないかぎり平和は訪れないと指摘されている。
3. 第二の原因は心理学における「運命の反復」現象であり、特殊な祖先の抑圧された欲求が子孫の行動を運命的に決定するとされている。
4. 遺伝だけでなく、血縁関係でない場合でも運命の反復が起きる例があり、その伝達機構はバイブレーションと考えられている。
5. 人類の歴史は戦争の歴史であり、戦争による死者の怨念が次の戦争を引き起こすというサイクルが続いている。
6. 地球に平和と安穏をもたらすためには、宇宙意識のバイブレーションからくる死者の怨念を消滅させる必要があるとの立場が提示されている。
7. これらの問題の解決は難しく、次に起きる戦争が人類絶滅の危機であると警告されている。


1. It is argued that the reason why wars and killings continue is due to a structural defect in the human brain.
2. Religions and ethics to date have focused on modifying consciousness, but it has been pointed out that peace will not come unless the defects in the brain are corrected.
3. The second cause is the phenomenon of “repetition of fate” in psychology, in which the repressed desires of special ancestors are said to fatefully determine the behavior of descendants.
4. In addition to genetics, there are examples of repeat fate occurring even in non-blood relations, and the transmission mechanism is thought to be vibration.
5. Human history is a history of wars, and the cycle continues in which the grudges of the dead in wars cause the next war.
6. The position is presented that in order to bring peace and tranquility to the earth, it is necessary to eliminate the grudges of the dead that come from the vibrations of cosmic consciousness.
7. Solving these problems will be difficult, and there are warnings that the next war will threaten the extinction of humanity.
































どうして運命の反復が起きるのか? ソンディは、その原因を、遺伝趣性にあるとする。





「個人の無意識層の中に抑圧されている特殊な祖先の欲求」とは、或る個人の無意風のなかに、特殊な祖先(すでに死者となっている)の欲求 (怨念)が抑圧されていて、その個人(子孫)の行動を決定する、ということにほかならない。












Why is this barbaric slaughter and war constant, even though science and technology have advanced and so many religions, ethics, and morals have been preached?
War has never been started to stop the war, to correct injustice, and to stop it.
The ongoing war and struggle are endlessly expanding violence, poverty, environmental destruction and the devastation of humanity.
Many people are afraid that one day a catastrophe will come.


Most of humanity is worried that they have to do something about it, and they feel despair from the bottom of their hearts, hoping for eternal peace.


There are two causes.
There are two major causes that many people are unaware of.
The first is the structural defect of the human brain.
As we will see later, humans have fatal defects in their brains. Unless this defect is corrected and remodeled, peace and peace will never come to humankind.
The defective brain gave birth to the defective civilization.
Until now, religion, ethics, and morality have considered only “remodeling of consciousness.” It is “Iwayama”.
In other words, the aim was to “change the way we think about things.” He preached a “teaching” that would change the way we think about things.
However, no matter how much you try and change your mind, you will not be able to achieve a satisfactory effect. Because there is a defect in the brain that accepts it.
No effect can be expected unless the defects that exist in the root of consciousness, thought, and generation are removed.
There is a popular saying, “Nembutsu in the ears of horses.”
No matter how good the teachings are, what if there is a horse brain in a part of the human brain?
Unless the horse part is removed, it is an old word, but I do not know when and how the beast’s heart, “Imashinsaru”, will start to move. No, the horse’s brain is exposed only when it is the most important time here.
And, as we will see later, there is actually a horse’s brain in our brain. Unless this brain is remodeled, peace and peace will never come to humankind. We must be fully aware that defective brains cannot be remodeled by teaching and reasoning alone.
The second is the phenomenon of “repetition of fate” due to the rebellious obsession in psychology.
Many are too ignorant of this.

Modern psychology, which focuses on the deep psychology of human beings, began with Sigmund Freud’s analysis of the individual’s unconscious layer. He then proceeded to Carl Gustav Jung’s collective unconscious (crowd psychology). On the other hand, Lipot Sondy focuses on the third area of ​​the unconscious, “family unconscious,” which lies between these two layers.
I got it.

In other words, he discovered a “family” between the “individual” and the “crowd”.

This was a special area of ​​the unconscious. Sondy wrote this theory,


“Fate Analysis Psychology”


I named it, but according to it,

The special ancestral desires that are suppressed within the unconscious layer of the individual become the unconscious choice behaviors of the offspring in the form of romance, friendship, occupation, illness, and death, which determine their fate.

It was.
In short, the suppressed desires and conflicts of special ancestors act on the unconscious consciousness of the descendants, and the love (marriage), friendship, occupation, illness, and death of the descendants are destined to be decided. be.
The resulting phenomenon is “repetition of fate.” It is a phenomenon in which the fate of a specific ancestor is repeated as it is.


There are two types of repetition, one is to repeat the same fate, and the other is to follow a similar fate within a certain vaccine, both of which follow one principle discovered by Sondy. Repetitive phenomena occur. (Sondy argues with many examples, but the examples of the two major writers Balzac and Dostoevsky are particularly famous.


Why is the repetition of fate happening? Sondy blames heredity on the cause.
However, I think it is impossible to attribute all the causes of this repetition of fate solely to genetic plasticity. We have to think about other causes.
This is because, such as step-parents, step-grandparents, step-grandparents, etc., not directly related to each other, and therefore, even in relationships where the gene (DNA) is not inherited.


Repetitive manifestation of fate


Because the elephant is awake. In other words, even if it is not inherited by a gene, the suppressed desires and conflicts of a special ancestor act on the unconscious consciousness of its offspring and determine its fate. There are many examples.

What exactly does this mean?
Let’s just say it.
“The desire of a special ancestor suppressed in the unconscious layer of an individual” means that the desire (grudge) of a special ancestor (already dead) is suppressed in the unconsciousness of an individual. It is nothing but determining the behavior of the individual (descendant).

In other words, the grudges of the dead move the unconscious consciousness of the living, and take actions to satisfy the grudges (desires) of the dead. It will follow the same path as the life of the dead. That is the repetition of fate. And what you have to pay attention to here is

It is the transmission mechanism of the grudge of the dead. If it doesn’t necessarily depend on genes, what exactly conveys that grudge?

The answer would be a kind of vibration.

By the way, one nation, one race, one race is a fateful community and one family.

The iterative theory of fate could be applied to this as it is. In that case,
It appears as a phenomenon that “history repeats itself”. For individuals, the repetition of fate, the country ,.


“In the case of the history family / society, it appears as a repeating history.
The history of mankind is the history of war.
The grudges of the dead from the war drive living humans to the next war. Thus, the history of war is endlessly repeated.

At this rate, when the war stops, it will be when humankind is extinct.
The universe is seen by the consciousness of the universe. Peace and peace will never come to the earth unless the grudges of the dead that cover the whole earth are extinguished from the vibration of the cosmic consciousness.

Now that it is predicted that the next war will be the war of extinction of humankind, how to solve these two problems, and how they can be solved, it is not the most urgent and urgent problem for humankind. mosquito.
What do you think?

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意志強固な人々の運命:中途挫折の因縁に迫る    The fate of strong-willed people: Approaching the causes of mid-year setbacks


– 中途挫折の因縁とは、「虚花の命」と呼ばれ、成功の一歩手前で必ず失敗する傾向があり、無駄な努力とされる。
– この因縁を持つ人は、一時的な成功を収めつつも、結局は挫折し続ける運命にある。
– 中途挫折の因縁は、性格に現れる場合と全く現れない場合があり、気の弱い意志薄弱型と気の強い意志強固型が存在する。
– 意志薄弱型はすぐに飽きてしまい、何事も続かない傾向があり、気うつりが激しい。逆に、意志強固型は強い意志と努力を持つが、衝突や障害により挫折しやすい。
– 具体例として、立派な社員であるが、出向させられる先の会社が必ず問題を抱えており、繰り返し挫折している事例が述べられている。
– この因縁は経営の腕や手腕とは無関係であり、その人の周りの状況や縁によって引き起こされるものである。
– 薄志弱行タイプは自ら転々と会社を変えるが、意志強固タイプは他動的に状況が変わり、結局同じく挫折する運命にある。
– 因縁は人生の重要なチャンスを繰り返し奪い、三度のチャンスを超えると再び好機が訪れることはまれ。また、この因縁は遺伝し、子供の方が一段と深刻な因縁を背負うことがある。


The fate of failure mid-way is called a “dead life,” and it tends to always fail one step before success, which is considered a wasted effort.
– People with this fate are destined to continue to fail in the end, even if they achieve temporary success.
– The cause of mid-career failure may or may not be manifest in one’s personality, and there are two types: weak-willed, weak-willed types and strong-willed, strong-willed types.
– Weak-willed types tend to get bored easily, don’t stick with anything, and are easily distracted. On the other hand, strong-willed people have strong will and effort, but are easily defeated by conflicts and obstacles.
– As a specific example, a case is mentioned in which an employee is a fine employee, but the company to which he is seconded always has problems and he is repeatedly frustrated.
– This fate has nothing to do with managerial skill or ability, but is caused by the circumstances and connections around the person.
– The weak-willed type will change companies on their own, but the strong-willed type will change situations passively, and in the end, they will be doomed to setbacks as well.
– Fate repeatedly deprives people of important opportunities in life, and after three chances, chances rarely come again. Moreover, this fate is inherited, and children may bear even more serious fates.













○ Fate of halfway setback

No matter what you do, people with this connection will go smoothly up to the 7th and 8th minutes, but it will definitely be useless in the next 1 or 2 minutes. It never bears fruit. One person said that “the life of an imaginary flower” is “seven-fold and eight-fold, the flower is blooming but Yamabuki is one of the fruits, and it is sad.”
Like the Yamabuki flower of the old song, the flower blooms, but it does not bear fruit, and it all comes from the fact that it is a waste flower. It looks gorgeous to the outside, and the truth is empty.

After a lot of hard work, the harvest of the sardines is taken away by people.
Many of the people who have this connection have strong luck (life force), and if they are frustrated in the middle, they will come back again.
People who stand up and work, frustrate on the 7th and 8th minute streets, stand up again and frustrate when they think that they will remain, and so on. There are many.
Then, in the end, it ends up being frustrated. In general, there are two ways in which a fate appears, and the fate is the person’s personality as it is.
There are cases where it appears and cases where it does not appear at all in personality.

Even in the case of the cause of this halfway frustration, this cause appears as it is in the character, and there are a very weak type with a weak will and a very strong type with a strong will.
The weak-willed type gets tired immediately no matter what he does, and does not continue. I’m very depressed. Schoolwork, profession, everything is the same, and it changes.

It is a type of literally halfway frustration and weakness.

The other is the exact opposite, with a good personality, a strong will, and a hard worker.
However, on the contrary, its strength is incompatible with the great one, and it fails and frustrates because it collides with the superior and cannot cooperate well with colleagues. Or, at the most important point here, you can make boring mistakes, get big misunderstandings, or get disturbed. In addition, some kind of obstacle always occurs, such as making a mistake due to illness or injury, and killing the chance.

The other day, there was such a person who visited me.
He was a 47- and 8-year-old office worker and a fine person, but this was the reason for this. When asked, he says he has changed his place of employment eight times so far. I thought that he was a hard-working hard worker, but when I asked him, he worked for a first-class conglomerate company, but when he was seconded to an affiliated subsidiary, the company merged with another company. Or, it will be closed due to poor performance. Returning to the head office, the number of employees of the same period who remained at the head office has advanced considerably, and the process
Since he is in trouble, he is sent to a subsidiary company as a seconded executive. Then again, the company goes crazy, and so far it has been repeated.

As a reminder, it doesn’t mean that all the companies he went to are ruined because of his poor management skills (in terms of skill, he’s more than average). I have a skill). Whether this person goes or not, the company is ruined.

This person would have to go to such a company. The company is getting crazy this time, so I came to consult with him, but it was a typical cause of a halfway setback.

In the case of the weak-willed type, I immediately get tired or distracted and change the company from myself, but in the case of the strong-willed type, I will make an effort to change the company. It’s not exposed, but it has to change passively. The result will be the same regardless of the person’s will, thoughts, and attitude. That is called fate
However, it is scary. When I tried to make sure that something happened to my mind, this
After all, it’s no good to have a connection with. External conditions do not allow it. I’m always frustrated.

From ancient times, it is often said that “everyone has three chances in a lifetime”, but even those without luck have three chances, and even those with luck have more than three chances. There are no times. If the chance of being the best in life is crushed by this cause a couple of times, we must think that the human being will not sprout for the rest of his life. Then, the scary part of this fate is that this fate is always inherited by the child, and in that case, the child becomes deeper and worse than the parent.

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