

今日の運勢 12月29日 Today’s fortune December 29







Nine purple Mars day

There are financial problems and difficulties related to women. It may be contrary to people. A day of flashy hardships.

It’s a day when you can feel better and be more active.
However, work luck and interpersonal luck are poor, and it is likely that they will collide with their surroundings or become isolated.
We encourage you to be confident and proactive, but don’t stick to your thoughts and try to be in harmony with others.

今日の運勢 12月28日 Today’s fortune December 28



この日には不遇、失意気味の来訪者が多いものです。自分自身も、憂い事で憂鬱になるものです。 部下や子供の問題も出る。この日は特に陰徳に心がけることが大切です


Ichihaku Mercury Day

There are many unlucky and disappointed visitors on this day. I myself am also depressed by melancholy. There are also problems with subordinates and children. It is especially important to keep in mind the immorality on this day

A day when my heart feels restless due to unspeakable anxiety and tension.
If you try to get rid of what you have to do or what you are in a hurry, you will get bad results.
It is important to never be impatient and be natural

今日の運勢 12月27日 Today’s fortune December 27



仕事の事、旅行の事、病人の事、などが出やすい日。こみいった事が多い。いそがしい割に成果は少ない。 短慮は禁物。いやな仕事も進んで引き受ける位の気持ちが大切。


Nikuro Saturn Day

A day when work, travel, sick people, etc. are easy to come out. There are many things that are complicated. Although it is busy, there are few results. Don’t be short-sighted. It is important that you are willing to take on unpleasant work.

A day when I feel better and get good results.
Let’s challenge various things with confidence.
You can overcome even some risks.

今日の運勢  12月26日  Today’s fortune December 26



望み事を持った人が来訪する。思い掛けない事が起こる。善因善果。神、親、社会、衆生、物のご恩をかみしめ精神本位で行動すべき日 今まで9日間の行動の善悪によって思いがけない吉凶が生じます。



Three blue Jupiter day

A person with a desire visits. Something unexpected happens. Good cause and good effect. The day when we should act in a spiritual manner with the grace of God, parents, society, sentient beings, and things. The good and evil of our actions for the past nine days will cause unexpected good and evil.

A day when no matter what you do, you will not get results and bad things will flourish.
It is important to refrain from positive actions and to be conservative in everything.
Impulsive behavior backfires because it slows down your imagination and intuition.

今日の運命 12月25日 Today’s fate December 25





○夫の運気を剋害する因縁   ○夫婦縁破れる因縁  ○ Fate that damages husband’s luck ○ Fate that breaks the relationship between husband and wife



















これから、人の持つ因縁について解説するが、それでは、そういう母縁というものが、どうして人間にあるのか、ここでは、あるからある、というよりほかない。強いて聞かれるならば、それならあなたはどうしてそういう顔をしているのであるか寸9 かれた場合、あなた
は何と答えるか?・ こういう顔をして生まれてきたのだから、こういう顔をしているのである、とでも答えるほかないではないか。原因はともあれ、人間は、それぞれ様々な因縁を持って生まれて来、様々な因縁を持って生きているのである。その因縁という現象を分析、解説














Fate that damages her husband’s luck

It is a cause that women have.

Husband’s luck (damaging and shaving the life turnip with invisible power, but it does not necessarily mean laying the husband under his hips or abusing him in daily life. Of course, in such cases as well. There is nothing wrong with it, but as I wrote before, there are cases where the fate appears in the character and cases where it does not appear at all in the personality. This is also the case with this fate, and rather the woman with this fate is abusive. It is difficult to get rid of it because there are many good wives and wise mothers who can be used by their husbands. Edogawa Yanagi “Poison is decocting medicine between the next”
There is a phrase, but this impresses me with the phrase “a woman with this prisoner relationship”.

The meaning of this phrase is that the owner is sick and sleeps all year round. When I ask the house, the young beautiful Hosono is brewing medicine in the next room where the owner is sleeping. However, in reality, this beautiful Hosono is poisonous to the sick husband, so it is ironic that Hosono is decocting the medicine and that the poison is the medicine.

Having a woman with this connection as a wife can make her husband sick all year round, or work poorly, failing all year round, and prone to traffic jams. Luck is very bad because of the loss of vitality. No matter how talented or skillful you are, you will always be caught up in one misfortune. The more you can use it in your heart, the worse your husband’s luck will be, which is troublesome.

As is often the case in the world, there are cases where a husband who has been waiting for a fine prince makes another woman, and people are wondering because he is far more brilliant and smarter than that woman. This is because Hosono has a cause to hurt her husband’s luck, so her husband has a vital self-defense instinct.

What kind of connection do you have? Of course, it often happens in middle age that I could afford it economically in the middle age.
One of the reasons is that Hosono’s color has declined, but basically, when he was young,
My husband also has a stronger vitality, so I can tolerate my wife’s luck damage, so I feel so much
No, but as we get older, our vitality weakens and we want a place to relax.
The woman who has this strong connection is the so-called “post-family luck”, which is the cause of sexuality.
One husband escapes to another woman as mentioned above, and a husband who has no sexual relations escapes to a hobby,
Immerse yourself in work and become a cold family.
If you are a husband with weak vitality, you will die. In other words, this is the reason why it is called post-family luck. If you want to have a happy family as a woman, you must first cut it.

○ Fate of marital relationship disorder

It is a cause of disability in marital relationship and marriage. Somehow their personalities don’t match each other, and they are dissatisfied all year round, and they are constantly messing around and becoming a cold family.

Or, although they have a love for each other, one of them gets sick and is forced to live separately, or because of work, they live in a farewell. Anyway, regardless of whether or not you have a love affair, the couple will not get along well because of the relationship such as Shuto. I can’t go to the point where I’m divorced, but anyway, I’m going to get one step closer all year round.

○夫の運気を剋害する因縁   ○夫婦縁破れる因縁












Fate that damages her husband’s luck

It is a cause that women have.

Husband’s luck (damaging and shaving the life turnip with invisible power, but it does not necessarily mean laying the husband under his hips or abusing him in daily life. Of course, in such cases as well. There is nothing wrong with it, but as I wrote before, there are cases where the fate appears in the character and cases where it does not appear at all in the personality. This is also the case with this fate, and rather the woman with this fate is abusive. It is difficult to get rid of it because there are many good wives and wise mothers who can be used by their husbands. Edogawa Yanagi “Poison is decocting medicine between the next”
There is a phrase, but this impresses me with the phrase “a woman with this prisoner relationship”.

The meaning of this phrase is that the owner is sick and sleeps all year round. When I ask the house, the young beautiful Hosono is brewing medicine in the next room where the owner is sleeping. However, in reality, this beautiful Hosono is poisonous to the sick husband, so it is ironic that Hosono is decocting the medicine and that the poison is the medicine.

Having a woman with this connection as a wife can make her husband sick all year round, or work poorly, failing all year round, and prone to traffic jams. Luck is very bad because of the loss of vitality. No matter how talented or skillful you are, you will always be caught up in one misfortune. The more you can use it in your heart, the worse your husband’s luck will be, which is troublesome.

As is often the case in the world, there are cases where a husband who has been waiting for a fine prince makes another woman, and people are wondering because he is far more brilliant and smarter than that woman. This is because Hosono has a cause to hurt her husband’s luck, so her husband has a vital self-defense instinct.

What kind of connection do you have? Of course, it often happens in middle age that I could afford it economically in the middle age.
One of the reasons is that Hosono’s color has declined, but basically, when he was young,
My husband also has a stronger vitality, so I can tolerate my wife’s luck damage, so I feel so much
No, but as we get older, our vitality weakens and we want a place to relax.
The woman who has this strong connection is the so-called “post-family luck”, which is the cause of sexuality.
One husband escapes to another woman as mentioned above, and a husband who has no sexual relations escapes to a hobby,
Immerse yourself in work and become a cold family.
If you are a husband with weak vitality, you will die. In other words, this is the reason why it is called post-family luck. If you want to have a happy family as a woman, you must first cut it.

○ Fate of marital relationship disorder

It is a cause of disability in marital relationship and marriage. Somehow their personalities don’t match each other, and they are dissatisfied all year round, and they are constantly messing around and becoming a cold family.

Or, although they have a love for each other, one of them gets sick and is forced to live separately, or because of work, they live in a farewell. Anyway, regardless of whether or not you have a love affair, the couple will not get along well because of the relationship such as Shuto. I can’t go to the point where I’m divorced, but anyway, I’m going to get one step closer all year round.

今日の運勢 12月24日  Today’s fortune December 24





Five Yellow Saturn Day

The small ego is easy to break. We receive visits from people who are desperate. Leave your name and cultivate your feelings toward heaven

The day when relationships deteriorate.
In particular, it is a day when people close to you can easily make you suspicious, misunderstand or misunderstand.
Even if you are stubborn and repulsive, it will have the opposite effect, so please be calm and calm.
You’re also less focused, so make sure you have time to heal and recharge your energy.

今日の運勢  12月23日 Today’s fortune December 23






Six Platinum Star Day

There was contact with a person who had a new project. It’s easy to get upset and fight. Losing is winning. If you get angry, lose yourself, don’t be proud of yourself. Heartwarming and heartwarming.

The day when relationships deteriorate.
It’s a day when you often feel stressed even in exchanges that should normally be fun.
It’s important to be modest so that you don’t get a grudge or annoyance from others.
Minimize interaction with people and secure your own healing time.















○ Fate of halfway setback

No matter what you do, people with this connection will go smoothly up to the 7th and 8th minutes, but it will definitely be useless in the next 1 or 2 minutes. It never bears fruit. One person said that “the life of an imaginary flower” is “seven-fold and eight-fold, the flower is blooming but Yamabuki is one of the fruits, and it is sad.”
Like the Yamabuki flower of the old song, the flower blooms, but it does not bear fruit, and it all comes from the fact that it is a waste flower. It looks gorgeous to the outside, and the truth is empty.

After a lot of hard work, the harvest of the sardines is taken away by people.
Many of the people who have this connection have strong luck (life force), and if they are frustrated in the middle, they will come back again.
People who stand up and work, frustrate on the 7th and 8th minute streets, stand up again and frustrate when they think that they will remain, and so on. There are many.
Then, in the end, it ends up being frustrated. In general, there are two ways in which a fate appears, and the fate is the person’s personality as it is.
There are cases where it appears and cases where it does not appear at all in personality.

Even in the case of the cause of this halfway frustration, this cause appears as it is in the character, and there are a very weak type with a weak will and a very strong type with a strong will.
The weak-willed type gets tired immediately no matter what he does, and does not continue. I’m very depressed. Schoolwork, profession, everything is the same, and it changes.

It is a type of literally halfway frustration and weakness.

The other is the exact opposite, with a good personality, a strong will, and a hard worker.
However, on the contrary, its strength is incompatible with the great one, and it fails and frustrates because it collides with the superior and cannot cooperate well with colleagues. Or, at the most important point here, you can make boring mistakes, get big misunderstandings, or get disturbed. In addition, some kind of obstacle always occurs, such as making a mistake due to illness or injury, and killing the chance.

The other day, there was such a person who visited me.
He was a 47- and 8-year-old office worker and a fine person, but this was the reason for this. When asked, he says he has changed his place of employment eight times so far. I thought that he was a hard-working hard worker, but when I asked him, he worked for a first-class conglomerate company, but when he was seconded to an affiliated subsidiary, the company merged with another company. Or, it will be closed due to poor performance. Returning to the head office, the number of employees of the same period who remained at the head office has advanced considerably, and the process
Since he is in trouble, he is sent to a subsidiary company as a seconded executive. Then again, the company goes crazy, and so far it has been repeated.

As a reminder, it doesn’t mean that all the companies he went to are ruined because of his poor management skills (in terms of skill, he’s more than average). I have a skill). Whether this person goes or not, the company is ruined.

This person would have to go to such a company. The company is getting crazy this time, so I came to consult with him, but it was a typical cause of a halfway setback.

In the case of the weak-willed type, I immediately get tired or distracted and change the company from myself, but in the case of the strong-willed type, I will make an effort to change the company. It’s not exposed, but it has to change passively. The result will be the same regardless of the person’s will, thoughts, and attitude. That is called fate
However, it is scary. When I tried to make sure that something happened to my mind, this
After all, it’s no good to have a connection with. External conditions do not allow it. I’m always frustrated.

From ancient times, it is often said that “everyone has three chances in a lifetime”, but even those without luck have three chances, and even those with luck have more than three chances. There are no times. If the chance of being the best in life is crushed by this cause a couple of times, we must think that the human being will not sprout for the rest of his life. Then, the scary part of this fate is that this fate is always inherited by the child, and in that case, the child becomes deeper and worse than the parent.