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しかし、目から火が出る」ほどのこの衝撃は、いったいどうしたということであろうか? 外部から私の頭部を打ったものはなにひとつない。











そしてここが、ヨーガでいうブラーマ・ランドラ (梵の座)であり、サハスララ・チャクラなのである。

















下のバンプレシン、オキシトシンが視床下部の視索上校や室労核の神経分泌により支れていることが示され、最近は下座体前葉が次に記すような各種の分泌促進因子 releaingtag of下にあることが知られてきた


Third discovery—the secret of the hypothalamus

I have been trained in Kendo since I was a child. I was probably around three years old when my grandfather, who was born into a family of domain swordsmen and learned Hokushin Itto-ryu at Chiba-mon in Otamagachi, Edo, held a wooden sword for the first time. It is said that she looked at her grandfather’s face and cried, saying, “My eyes are scary!”


My grandfather, who was over 80 years old at that time, had become a true loving grandfather, and I was usually more attached to him than my mother, but at that time I was reminded of Toba, the swordsman who shone behind the wooden sword. It seems that Genzaburo (his grandfather’s name) had shrunk in his eyes.


I, who rarely cry, cried for almost an hour. Even so, my old mother still fondly tells me that you were never good at using a wooden sword.I later reached 3rd dan and quit due to lack of health, but I had a talent for swordsmanship. He is said to have had a grandfather’s blood, and the reason why he participated in side road tournaments around the country that were popular at the time as a boy and won an uncountable number of championships was probably due to his grandfather’s blood.

I liked the driveway. I thought it would be tough when I got hit on the elbow of my armor and lost my arm and accidentally dropped my bamboo sword, but it didn’t bother me. When his face was removed deep and vividly beyond his face, fire suddenly came out of his eyes and he smelled a pungent smell. There’s really fire coming out of your eyes.


It’s not an adjective at all. This is the fire that all those who have practiced Kendo know. At that moment, a flash of light flashed through my field of vision.


After a while, I came to my senses and realized this. That’s it. That person is the same as the fire back then.

And at the same time as my eyes lit up, I felt like I could smell that nostalgic smell of cinchona that was so big inside the metal, but…

But what could have happened to cause such a shock that my eyes were on fire? Nothing externally hit me on the head.

Then, what was happening inside my head? Or was it some kind of illusion?

I took a certain pose again, gently moving my head from one angle to another and making a special call, getting into a certain position.

Then, without any warning or sense, he started a fire in the same place as before. At the same time, I began to hear sounds deep inside my head.

I stood there in a bit of “shock”, secretly fearing that I would feel something similar to the electric shock in the back of my head again, but this time I didn’t feel any pain at all. .

Then, at the top of my head, an open star struck again.


There was no doubt that something major had changed inside my chest.

But what kind of anomaly is that?
It was a kind of shock caused by a chemical reaction.

An abnormal change occurred in the “hypothalamus” of Fukaei. The whole secret was the hypothalamus inside the diencephalon. This was the secret origin.


As you can see, the hypothalamus controls all endocrine glands.
And this is what yoga calls Brahma Randra (the seat of Brahma) and Sahasrara Chakra.


As previous yoga instructors have said, it is not the pineal gland. The hypothalamus is the Rihaswara chakra.

However, since the pineal gland is located right next to the hypothalamus, it must have been blocked.

However, the pineal gland itself also plays an important role. However, the sahasra chakra itself was not the pineal gland, but the hypothalamus.


The hypothalamus, as just mentioned, controls all endocrine organs through the pituitary system. So, what should be used to control it? Of course, it is the nerves.

Therefore, many important nerves are concentrated in the hypothalamus.

I created poses and mudras from ancient yoga that move this area, applying strong pressure to them, and at the same time concentrating intense thoughts (psychokinesis).

Over the course of a hundred days, I concentrated here my strong energy, both physical and spiritual.

As a result, a major change occurred in this nerve ending.

As a result of this abnormality, the nerve fibers became abnormal, but it is not known whether this was due to a change in the secretion fluid or the nerve waves, or whether it was due to a complex mixture of these secretion fluids. It caused a chemical reaction.

The shock from this chemical reaction violently hit the nerves in the thalamus, causing a flash of light to flash across the retina.

At that moment, the shock created a synapse in the nerve fibers here, and the fire caused the star to strike in the depths of my brain whenever I wanted.

At the same time, the structure of my brain changed completely. This is the fulfillment of the law of wisdom.

The Gumonjisōmeiho was a transformation of the brain tissue through chemical reactions inside the brain.
In terms of the physiological mechanism of the first Her, let’s look at the mechanism of Aikawa’s lower part physiologically. (Illustrated Guide to Endocrine Diseases by Masaharu Tsuchiya and others), located on the ventral side of the thalamus.

The diencephalon is responsible for the regulation of various functions such as body temperature, bixen, xinchen, exocrine, smooth muscle, etc.
It is valued as a place for tsugikyaku in minutes.

The endocrine gland regulation mechanism includes cardioneuronal regulation (sympathetic regulation).
It has been shown that vanpressin and oxytocin are supported by the neurosecretion of the supraoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus and the nucleus venus, and recently the anterior lobe of the inferior lobe has been shown to release tags of various secretagogue factors as described below. something has been known

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