
意訳 般若心経  heart sutra

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かの水を見よ。 するという縁をあたうれば熱湯となり、蒸気 となって空にとけこむ。

さむればふたたび水となり、雨となって地に降りそそぐ。 寒の縁にあわばか たき氷となり、つめたきの柱となる。

水の自生に変りなく、ただ緑によってかく変化す。 世のことす べてみなこの嬉し、あるも無きも本質は一体にして、すべて因縁次第なり。



人の心の作用の、受識のはたらき、すべてこの理にほかならず。人はき、悲しみ、あるいは喜ぶ、されど、人の性 の内に驚き、悲しみ、喜びの、一定の性のあるにはあらず


。因縁因果の理法により、因に応じ、縁が 動いて、かりに相をあらわすのみ。 これを空の理と云うぞ。








Behold the water If you meet the fate of doing so, it will become hot water, and it will become steam and dissolve in the sky.

When it cools down, it becomes water again, and then falls to the ground as rain. On the edge of the cold, he becomes a splinter of ice and a pillar of cold.

It does not change with the nature of the water, but it changes with the green. Everything in the world is this joy, whether it exists or not, the essence is one, and it all depends on fate.




The actions of the human mind, the workings of perception, are all nothing other than this reason. People are sad, sad, or happy, but there is no fixed nature of surprise, sadness, or joy within human nature.


. According to the theory of cause and effect, the edge moves according to the cause, and it only shows the phase. I call this the reason of the sky.




I will tell the curse

“Put on empty truths,

Ayume will eventually get there.

Under free mercy, do, do, do, just earnestly.

To him who is liberated from karma”

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