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  • 東寺講堂像(坐像) – 空海(弘法大師)の創意に基づくという意味で「弘法大師様(よう)」と呼ばれる像容。両目を見開き、上唇で下唇を噛み、両牙を下方に出すのが特徴。後世多く作られた、天地眼(片目を半眼にする)・牙上下出(牙を片方は上、もう片方は下に出す)の不動明王とは図像的に異なっている。[7]



Many Myo-o statues of esoteric Buddhism have a mysterious appearance with multiple faces and multiple arms (multiple faces and multiple pairs of arms), but Fudo Myo-o has one face and two arms and a three-pronged sword that wards off demons (at the same time it drives away demons and people’s worldly desires). It is like a lasso for tying up evil and hoisting people up to save them from worldly desires. One end has a ring and the other end has half of a tokko pestle). He has a sense of the four-armed Fudo Myoo, but it is rare to be modeled as a three-dimensional figure). The sword may have a dragon (Kurikara) wrapped around it, hence the name ‘Kurikara sword’.

Also, the body is basically expressed in an ugly blue-black color in many statues. It is generally said that the top is nana-mage or eight-leaf lotus, the robe is reddish-colored, and the right fang sticks out and the left fang sticks out. Fudo Myoo is a central figure among many Myoo. Typical image shapes are shown below.

Toji Kodo statue (seated statue) -The statue is called ‘Kobo Daishi-sama (Yo)’ in the sense that it is based on Kukai (Kobo Daishi)’s original idea. It is characterized by opening both his eyes, biting the lower lip with the upper lip, and protruding both fangs downward. It is iconographically different from Tenchigan (one eye half-eyed) and Fudo Myo-o with fang upper and lower fangs (one fang sticks out and the other fang sticks out). [7]

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