
頭の中にある 真正仏舎利 Authentic Buddhist temple in my head

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頭の中にある 真正仏舎利これは





Authentic Buddhist priesthood in my head

It is called sahasrāra and is located on the top of the head.


It belongs to the diencephalon and occupies the lower part of both outer walls of the third ventricle. The bottom floor of the third ventricle is the part where the left and right hypothalamus are connected, and is called a “funnel” because it has a funnel shape. A pituitary gland (pituitary gland) is attached to the tip of this funnel. On the outer wall of the third ventricle, there is a groove called the hypothalamus that runs back and forth, and the area below this groove is called the hypothalamus, but the contents of the hypothalamus extend above it.

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