
ツァラトゥストラと阿含経  Tsaratustra and Aru Sutra



阿含仏教 超能力の秘密?君の潜在能力をひき出せ!!

(2020/8/7 19:42時点)


































 その私か困惑したのは、もう一つのテーマ、「永劫回帰」ewige Wiederkunftであった。




















Tsaratustra and Aru Sutra

There was a time when I thought that religion would have no charm if it was just a saint-kuniko or a serious and straightforward human being. That was when I was very young.

There are two things to it.

In Kikuchi Kan’s short story, there is a story of a man who was born in paradise.

A man bored with the life of paradise, in which a peaceful day continues, asks a man who came earlier.

“How long will this life last?”

The senior looks at the man and answers.


The man wondered if he should have been born in hell.

The other was Nietzsche’s “Zara Tustra”.

At that time, among the young people in their teens and twenties, there were a lot of people who fell in love with Nietzsche. I was one of them.

Nietzsche says that it is possible to think of “Zaratustra” as music, and in a letter addressed to the cast, what kind of music was put in it, and perhaps it was symphony. It consists of three themes. One is “superhuman”,

The first is “Permanent Return”.

Tsaratustra is going on.

”I will teach you superhumans. Humans are something that must be overcome.

What did you do to overcome humans? (“Introduction to Zara Tustra”)

Also, Tsaratustra said this.

”The superhuman is called a human being. It is inspired by the dark clouds. Lightning and “insanity”. Humans are a rope stretched between animals and superhumans.”

Tsaratustra further said.

“Abundant things have so far surpassed me to create something higher. But are you trying to be the ebb of this great tide? Rather than overcoming humans, beasts Are you going to return to?

What is a monkey for humans? It is a seed of laughter, or a disgrace of suffering. For superhumans, humans are just that.

You have followed the path from insects to humans. But you still have a lot of bugs in your interior. And once you were monkeys. Moreover, humans are still more monkeys than any monkey.

The wisest of you is only a patchwork of plants and ghosts, a mixed species.

But will I command you to become a ghost or a plant?

Listen, I teach you superhumans.”

As a teenage immature young man, I had a hard time understanding what superhumans were, but I could feel the endless excitement of each passage Nietzsche told. ..

At that time, I was suffering from the illness of tuberculosis, which was said to be an incurable disease. I was inspired by Nietzsche’s “will to power” to inspire me to live. It was Nietzsche who gave me hope to survive as I consider suicide every day. Nietzsche is like this.

“Do you know that only the discipline of suffering, the great suffering —- 13 disciplines ever created human upliftment?”

Nietzsche suggests that through suffering, something is created through the discipline of great suffering. The absence of pain is never ideal. One creates a higher self through great suffering.

The principle that guides this superhuman who aims for new possibilities of human beings is the “will to power” hidden in the roots of life and art, and it is created by overcoming suffering. At the end of it is a superhuman!

The sick and tired mind and body burned hot like a fire when thinking of a superhuman.

What I was confused about was another theme, “Eternal Regression” ewieg Wiederkunft.

Nietzsche says.

”One eye or one night, a devil sneaks into your most lonely loneliness

What if you add the suffix and say to you:

……… You will have to live this life as you lived and lived until now, and again and countless times. And there is nothing new in it.

But all the pain and all the delights and all the thoughts and sighs and all the words of your life, irreplaceable little things and great things must come back to you. Moreover, everything is in the same order and sequence

The hourglass is a fine dust that can be rotated repeatedly! ”

And even this spider and this moonlight among the trees, and even this moment and myself are right. It is Nietzsche’s idea of ​​eternal recursion that the same events in the dust, the eternity of existence, and you, along with it, are repeated forever.

Our life has neither the beginning nor the end. It just spins forever. And if all things return, what’s happening here has already happened exactly the same way countless times before, and it should repeat endlessly in the future. .. If so, wouldn’t it mean that our survival has no meaning or purpose?

What does it mean to be a superhuman?

It means that once in the past, I was a superman-oriented person, and also in the future.

I wonder if it means to repeat the superhuman orientation countless times. Then, if it was decided to stop such meaningless things, would they have been repeated numerous times in the past?

Then, it would be meaningless to become a superhuman.


Don’t you become a superhuman, will I jump out of the eternal loop and become another person?

How to solve the contradiction between superhuman and eternal regression. While thinking desperately in the hospital bed, my superhuman orientation became more and more inflamed.





