

阿含経( Ⅰ)     雑 阿含経: 一切 事 経 出家 仏教 とは 世 を 捨て て 家族 と 離れ、 僧侶 として 修業 を 進め て いく。 要するに お 坊さん を 主体 と し た 仏教 です。 出家 し ない で 世俗 で 生活 し ながら 仏教 を 信心、 修行 し て いく 在家 の 人 を 主体 と する のが 在家 仏教 です。 在家 として 仏道 を 実践 する 人 にとって は、 一番 重要 な お 経 と 言える でしょ う。 それ は なぜ かと いう と、 この お 経 に 基 ずい て 修行 する なら ば、 在家 の 者 で あっ ても 出家 以上 の 存在 になり、 現世 で 成仏 する こと も 可能 で ある と 説か れ て いる から です。 お釈迦様 の 仏教 は 出家 仏教 でも なけれ ば 小乗仏教 でも なく、 在家 の 者 でも 成仏 できる と 説か れ て いる の だ、 という こと が はっきり 示さ れ て いる のが、 この「 一切 事 経」 なの です。 < 如是我聞( に ょぜがもん) > 「私 は この よう に 仏 さま から うかがい まし た」 という 意味 です。 この 私 とは お釈迦様 の 十大弟子 の ひとり で、 記憶 力 第一 と 言わ れ た アーナンダ( 阿 難) で ある とさ れ て おり ます。 アーナンダ という 方 は、 二十 五 年間 にわたって お釈迦様 の お そば 近く に 仕え、 その 説法 の 一言一句 を 残ら ず 記憶 し て い まし た。 お釈迦さま が お 亡くなり に なっ た 直後、 この アーナンダ や 大 長老 の マハ― カッ サバ を 含め た 五百 人 の 仏弟子 たち < 如是我聞( に ょぜがもん) > 「私 は この よう に 仏 さま から うかがい まし た」 という 意味 です。 この 私 とは お釈迦様 の 十大弟子 の ひとり で、 記憶 力 第一 と 言わ れ た アーナンダ( 阿 難) で ある とさ れ て おり ます。 アーナンダ という 方 は、 二十 五 年間 にわたって お釈迦様 の お そば 近く に 仕え、 その 説法 の 一言一句 を 残ら ず 記憶 し て い まし た。 お釈迦さま が お 亡くなり に なっ た 直後、 この アーナンダ や 大 長老 の マハ― カッ サバ を 含め た 五百 人 の 仏弟子 たち ● 阿含経( Ⅰ)   雑 阿含経:   一切 事 経   の 現代語 訳 (Ⅰ-1) この よう に 私 は 聞き まし た。 或 る 時、 仏様 が カピラヴァットウ の ニグローダ 園 に おと どまり に なっ て おら れ まし た。 そこ へ 在家 の 弟子 で あり、 仏様 の 従兄弟 でも ある マハナーマ が、 数人 の 在家 信者 を 引き連れ て 現れ、 仏 足 頂礼 の 礼 を し て 仏 さま の 前 に 座り、 質問 いたし まし た。 「世尊 よ、 優婆塞( うば そく・在家 仏教 徒) とは どの よう な 人 に対して 名 つけ られ た もの で あり ましょ う か?」 と。 仏様 は マハナーマ に「 在家 の 者 が 仏 や 師 と なる 僧侶 の もと に 行き、『 自分 が 生き て いる 限り、 死ぬ までの 今後 一生 を通して 三宝 に 帰依 いたし ます。 私 を 優婆塞 として お 認め ください』 と 申し出 て、 仏 や 僧侶 が それ を 認める なら ば、 その 者 は 優婆塞 となり ます」 と 告げ られ まし た。 (Ⅰ-2) マハナーマ は 仏様 に 申し上げ まし た。「 世尊 よ、 完全 な 優婆塞 に なる には どの よう に すれ ば よろしい の でしょ う か?」 と。 仏様 は マハナーマ に 告げ られ まし た。「 その 者 に 信 が あっ ても 戒 が なけれ ば 真 の 優婆塞 とは 呼べ ませ ん から、 精進 し て 浄戒 を 守っ て、 信 と 戒 の 両方 を 身 に つけ なさい」 (Ⅰ-3) 「信 と 戒 が そろっ ても、 布施 を 行わ なけれ ば 真 の 優婆塞 とは 呼べ ませ ん。 努力 と 工夫 によって 布 施行 を 実践 し、 信 と 戒 と 施( 布施) を 円満 に 納め なさい」 (Ⅰ-4) 「もろもろ の 都合 を つけ て、 おり ある ごと に 出家 の ところ へ 参詣 し、 正法 を 拝聴 し なけれ ば 真 の 優婆塞 とは いえ ませ ん。 努力 と 工夫 を 重ね て 出家 の いる 塔寺 に 参詣 し、 沙門 の 教え を 受け なさい。 この 修行 を 聞( もん) と 言い ます。 一心 に 正法 を 拝聴 し て 聞 を 実践 し なさい。 しかし 拝聴 する だけで その 内容 を 身 に つけ なけれ ば、 やはり 真 の 優婆塞 とは 言え ませ ん。 です から おり ある ごと に 出家者 を 訪れ、 専心 し て 説法 を 拝聴 し、 聞い た 内容 を よく 身 に つけ て 保ち なさい。 これ が 持( じ) の 修行 です。 諸法 の 深い 意味 を 観察 する 修行 を 観( かん) と 言い ます が、 この 観 が なけれ ば、 やはり 真 の 優婆塞 とは 言え ませ ん。 努力 と 工夫 を 重ね て 信・戒・施・聞 の 修行 を 行い、 聞 で 学ん だ こと を 持 の 修行 で よく 保ち、 保っ た 内容 の 深い 意味 を 観察 し て、 観 の 修行 を 実践 し なさい」 (Ⅰ-5) マハナーマ は 仏様 に 質問 し まし た。「 世尊 よ、 自分 を 安 慰し ても 他 を 安 慰し ない 優婆塞 とは どの よう な 優婆塞 を 指す の でしょ う か?」 仏様 は マハナーマ に 告げ られ まし た。 「自分 は 仏 の 戒 を 受け て それ を 守っ ても、 他者 に 仏 の 正しい 戒 を 受ける こと も、 又 それ を 保つ こと も 勧め ない。 自分 は 布施 を 行っ ても、 他者 が 布施 を 実践 する よう には 勧め ない。 自分 は 塔寺 に 参詣 し て もろもろ の 沙門 に 見え ても、 他者 に 塔寺 に 参詣 し て もろもろ の 沙門 に 見える よう には 勧め ない。 自分 は 熱心 に 沙門 の 説法 を 拝聴 し ても、 他者 に 正法 を 拝聴 し て それ を 受け 保つ よう には 勧め ない。 自分 は 仏法 の 深遠 な 教義 を よく 観察 し て それ について 熟考 し ても、 他者 には 仏法 の 深遠 な 教義 を よく 観察 し て、 それ について 熟考 する よう には 勧め ない。 自分 は 深遠 な 仏法 を 知り、 法 に 近 つき、 法 を 追求 し ても、 他者 が 法 に 近 つき 法 を 追求 する よう には 勧め ない。 マハナーマ よ、 この よう に 八 法 だけを 成就 する もの は、 自分 を 安らか に し 慰め ても 他 を 安らか に し 慰め ない 優婆塞 という の です。」 (Ⅰ-6) マハナーマ は 仏様 に 申し上げ まし た。「 世尊 よ いくつ の 法 を 成就 する 優 婆 塞が、 自分 を 安 ん じ 他 を 安んずる 優婆塞 なの でしょ う か?」 と。 「優婆塞 の 十六 法 を 成就 する 者 が、 自分 を 安 ん じ 他 を 安んずる 優婆塞 です。 では 十六 法 とは どの よう な もの でしょ う か? マハナーマ よ。 自分自身 が 正しい 信 を 持つ と共に、 他者 にも それ を 確立 さ せる。 自分 が 浄戒 を 保つ と共に、 他者 にも 浄戒 を 確立 さ せる。 自分 が 布施 を 行う と共に、 他者 にも 布 施行 を 教える。 自分 が 塔 寺 参詣 し て もろもろ の 沙門 に 見える と共に、 他者 にも 塔寺 への 参詣 と 沙門 に 見える こと を 教える。 自分 が 沙門 の 説法 を ひたすら 拝聴 する と共に、 他者 にも 説法 を 拝聴 する こと を 教える。 自分 が 法 を 受持 する と共に 他者 に 受持 する こと を 教える。 自分 が 仏法 の 深 義 を 観察 する と共に、 他者 に 仏法 の 深 義 を 観察 する こと を 教える。 自分 が 仏法 の 深 義 を 知っ て 法 に 近 つき つき 法 を 追求 する と共に、 他者 に 仏法 の 深 義 を 理解 さ せ て、 又 法 に 近 つき 法 を 追求 する 修行 を 行わ せる。 マハナーマ よ。 この 十六 法 を 成就 する 優婆塞 の もと には、 あの もろもろ の 大衆 が すべて 参詣 する よう になり ます。 その 大衆 とは いわゆる バラモン たち、 クシャトリア たち、 長者 たち、 沙門 たち で あり、 それら の 人々 の 中 において も 十六 法 を 成就 する 優婆塞 の 威徳 は 大いに 輝き 続ける のと 同じ よう に、 優婆塞 の 十六 法 を 成就 する 者 の 威徳 は 大いに 輝き 続ける の です。 マハナーマ よ。 この よう に 優婆塞 の 十六 法 を 成就 する 者 は、 世間 に 得 難い 存在 なの です」 と。 マハナーマ は この 仏 さま の 説法 を 拝聴 し て 大いに 喜び、 また 仏 の 教法 を 讃 歎 し た のち に 座 を 立っ て 礼 を 行い、 その 場 を 去り まし た。 ● 阿含経( Ⅰ)   雑 阿含経:   一切 事 経 の 解説 (Ⅰ-1) < 優婆塞( うば そく) とは 何 か > パーリ 語、 サンスクリット 語 の ウパーサカ を 漢字 に 音 写し た もの で、 普通 は 男性 の 在家 信者 を 指し ます。 女性 の 在家 信者 は 優婆夷( うばい) と 呼び ます。 「寿 尽く る まで 三宝 に 帰依 し」 の 三宝 とは 仏・法・僧、 つまり 仏様 と 仏 さま の 教法、 そして お釈迦様 の 教法 を 実践 する 僧伽( そう ぎゃ・教団) の こと。 ひとたび 入行 し て 本当 の 仏 さま の 修行 を 始め た なら ば、 やはり 一生涯 にわたって 仏 さま の 教え を 守っ て いく という 気持ち気持ち が 生ずる のは 当然 です。 自分 は 生涯 を かけ て 修行 を する、 という つもり で 信仰 し て いる だろ う か? と よく 考え て ごらん なさい。 もしも そういう 気持ち が なけれ ば、 因縁 を 切る こと など とても でき ませ ん。 (Ⅰ-2) < 修行 の 根本 と なる 信 > 宗教 において は 信 が 一番 の 根本 です。 この 気持ち が あっ て 初めて、 お釈迦様 の 教え を 実行 しよ う という 気 に なる の です。 そこで 優婆塞 に なる。 お釈迦様 は、 この 自分 に対して お 説き くださっ て いる。 その よう に 心 の 底 から 感激 し て 読む のが、 正しい お 経 の 読み方 です。 < 正しく 信 を 育てる 戒 > お釈迦様 は「 信」 だけでは だめ だ、「 戒」 が 必要 なの だ と おっしゃっ て い ます。「 戒」 には 二つ の 意味 が あり ます。 一つ は 修行者 として やっ ては いけ ない こと の 取り決め。 もう 一つ は 修行者 として やら なけれ ば いけ ない こと です。 私 たち がやら なけれ ば いけ ない 戒 は、 まず 第一 に 一日 一回 必ず 勤行 を する こと です。 そして 導師 から 授かっ た 戒行・課 行 を 必ず 実行 する という こと。 修行 も 同じ。 一生懸命 に 勤行 を し、 先祖先祖 の ご 供養 を し て、 信仰 の 種 を まく。 その 種 が すくすくと 伸び て いく ため には、 戒 が なけれ ば いけ ない の です。 (Ⅰ-3) < 徳 の もと と なる 布施 の 行 > お釈迦様 は、 布施 を し なけれ ば、 信 と 戒 が あっ ても 完全 な 優婆塞 とは 呼べ ない と 説か れ て おり ます。 布施 によって 初めて 徳 が 生じる から です。 信 を 持ち 戒 を 保つ という こと は、 自分 だけの こと を やっ て いる に すぎ ませ ん。 他 の 人 に 何 かを 施す という こと は、 他 の 人 に プラス を 与える こと になり ます。 どの よう な 難行苦行 で あっ ても、 自分の こと ばかりを 考え て い た のでは、 徳 は 生まれ ませ ん。 他 の 人 に 何 かを 与え て こそ、 自分 の 身 に 徳 が 生じる の です。 人間 という もの は 徳 が なけれ ば 何一つ 成功 さ せる こと は でき ませ ん。 私 は いつも「 人 の 不幸 の 元凶 は 因縁 で ある。 その 因縁 を 切る 成仏 法 を 実践 する こと によって のみ、 人 は 本当 の 幸福 を 得る こと が できる」 と 申し上げ て おり ます。 しかし 不徳 の 身 では、 その 成仏 法 でさえ やり 通す こと が でき ない の です。 一つ の こと を 成功 さ せよ う と 思っ た なら ば、 自分 を 助け て くれる 縁 が なけれ ば いけ ませ ん。 これ が 助 縁 です。 助 縁 は 徳 から 生じ ます。 その 縁 は 徳 に 応じ て 生じる の です。 ソロバン 勘定 を 離れ、 欲得 を 抜き に し て 仏 さま の ため に 働く こと によって のみ、 奇跡的 な 素晴らしい 結果 が 得 られる わけ です。 損得 勘定 を 捨て なさい。 少なくとも 仏 さま の お 手伝い を する、 あるいは 仏様 を 礼拝 する 時 は、 ソロバン 勘定 を 捨て て やっ て ごらん なさい。 そして 本業 にも 精 を 出し て 御覧 なさい。 そう すれ ば、 必ず 素晴らしい 結果 を 導き出す こと が でき ます。 Akane Sutra (I) Satsuki Aru Sutra: All the events of the family Buddhism Abandon the world and leave the family, and continue training as a priest. In short, it is a Buddhism whose main subject is a monk. In-home Buddhism is mainly composed of in-home people who practice and practice Buddhism while living in a secular world without having to go home. For those who practice Buddhism as a resident, it can be said to be the most important one. The reason for this is that if we practice based on this process, it is said that even if a person is a resident, it becomes more than a birth, and it is possible to conclude in this world. Buddha’s Buddhism is also a Buddhist Buddhism It is this “everything” that clearly states that it is said that it is possible to practice Buddhism not only in Mahayana Buddhism but also in the home. <Nyoze gamon> It means that I was asked by the Buddha in this way. I am one of the 10 Great Disciples of Buddha, and is said to be Ananda, who was said to have the highest memory. For twenty-five years, Ananda served near the Buddha’s side and remembered every word of his doctrine. Immediately after the Buddha died, 500 Buddhist disciples, including this Ananda and the elder Maha Kassaba <Nyoze gamon> It means that I was asked by the Buddha in this way. I am one of the 10 Great Disciples of Buddha, and is said to be Ananda, who was said to have the highest memory. For twenty-five years, Ananda served near the Buddha’s side and remembered every word of his doctrine. Immediately after the Buddha died, 500 Buddhist disciples, including this Ananda and the elder Maha Kassaba ● Ah Sutra (I) Miscellaneous Ah Sutra: A modern translation of everything (I-1) I heard this way. At one point, the Buddha stayed in the Nigroda Garden in Capilavatto. Mahanama, a disciple of the resident and a cousin of the Buddha, appeared with a few followers of the house, and sat in front of the Buddha to ask and question. “Oh, what kind of person is the Ubasou (a Buddhist priest)?” The Buddha said to Mahanama that “the resident is a Buddha or I went to my master monk and said, “As long as I live, I will devote myself to the three treasures for the rest of my life. Please admit me as an apostolic fortress.” If a Buddha or a monk admits that, that person will become an abomination.” (I-2) Mahanama told the Buddha. “Sir, what is the right way to become a complete fortress?” The Buddha was told Mahanama. “If a person has faith, but if the command is proper, then it cannot be called a true dominance, so vegetatively defend the sanctification and acquire both the trust and the belief.” (I-3) “Even if you have all the faith and commandments, you cannot call it a true domination if you do the service. You will practice the service with your efforts and ingenuity, and you will be satisfied with the belief, command and action. (I-4) “For every reason, visit the birthplace at every opportunity and listen to the law, but it is true that even though it is a true dominion, efforts and efforts are repeated. Please visit the temple where the priest is at home and take the teachings of Shamon. This practice is called Mon. Listen to the Holy Law and practice the hearing, but just listen to it. After all, it is still a true doomsday, so it is important to visit the ancestors, listen to the sermons devotedly, and keep what you hear. The practice of observing the deep meaning of various laws is called “Kan”, but if this view is not true, it cannot be said that it is a true dominion. Practice the belief, commandments, practices, and hearings, and keep what you have learned in your training well, and observe the deep meaning of the content that you have held, and practice the training of observation” (I-5). Mahanama asked the Buddha a question. “Sir, what do you mean by a prince who comforts himself but not the other, what does it mean? The Buddha was told Mahanama. “I do not accept or obey the Buddha’s commandments, nor do I recommend others to receive or retain the correct Buddha’s commandments. Even if I give them, others do them. I don’t recommend that I look at all the temples of Tomonji and look like all the same, but I don’t recommend others to see all the temples of Tomonji. However, even if you carefully observe the profound doctrine of Buddhism and ponder it, it is not recommended to others. We do not recommend that you carefully observe these doctrines and reflect on them. Even if I know profound Buddhist law, approach it, and pursue it, I do not encourage others to approach it and pursue it. Mahanama, the one who fulfills only the eight laws in this way is a dominance that comforts oneself and comforts the other but does not comfort. (I-6) Mahanama told the Buddha. “How many honors do you have, fulfilling the law of the world, is it the one that secures oneself and the other?” “A person who fulfills the 16th law of the Yuba fortress is the Yuba fortress who keeps himself safe and rests. Then what is the 16th law? Mahanama. While having the right belief in yourself, establish it in others. While maintaining the sanction of oneself, establish the sanctification of others. Not only do you do it, but you also teach others how to do it. Teach yourself that you will be able to see all kinds of temples when you visit the temple, and teach others that you can see the temple and temples. Teach yourself to listen to Shamon’s doctrine and teach others to listen to it as well. Teach yourself to accept the law and accept it to others. Teach yourself to observe the profound meaning of Buddhist law and to observe others as well. I approached the law by knowing the deep meaning of Buddhism At the same time as pursuing the law, let other people understand the deeper meaning of Buddhism and also practice to pursue the law. Mahanama. Under the Yuba fortress, which fulfills this 16th law, all the masses will come to visit. The masses are the so-called Brahmins, Kshatrias, the elders, and the Shamons, and among them, the dominance of the dominion that fulfills the 16th law continues to shine as much as the dominance. The virtue of those who fulfill the sixteenth law will continue to shine greatly. Mahanama. Those who fulfill the 16th law of domination in this way are inaccessible to the public.” Mahanama was very pleased to hear this Buddha’s doctrine, and after praising the Buddhist doctrine, he stood at the stage to thank him and left the place. ● Ah Sutra (Ⅰ) Miscellaneous Ah Sutra: All things (I-1) <What is Yuba Soku?> Uparisaka in Pali or Sanskrit is a transcription of the characters in Kanji, and usually refers to a male resident. A female layman is called a prince. The three treasures of “return to the three treasures until the end of their lives” are the Buddha, the law, and the monks, that is, the Buddhist and Buddhist teachings, and the Buddhist monks who practice the Buddhist teachings. It is natural that once you enter and begin to practice the real Buddha’s training, you will feel the desire to keep the Buddhist teachings for the rest of your life. Do you believe that you will practice for the rest of your life? Please think carefully. If I feel that way, I can’t really cut the ties. (I-2) <Belief that is the basis of training> In religion, belief is the most fundamental. Only with this feeling will I be motivated to carry out Buddha’s teachings. There, it becomes an auntie. Buddha is preaching to me. Like that from the bottom of my heart Impressed reading is the correct way of reading. <Kai to grow faith correctly> Buddha says that “Kai” is not enough, and “Kai” is necessary. “Kai” has two meanings. One is the arrangement of things that must not be done as a practitioner





















か6 ず、涅槃界に至ることを得と謂うなり。是の故に阿
















【三善根】さんぜんごん 無貪善根・無限善根・無療善根の三根。一切の善法がこの三つか


















































It’s like listening. Temporarily in the Buddhist temple of Gion, a lonely garden
Shiki. At the time of the earthquake, he told Abashi, “Sanzen (Sanzen)
There is a fortune, and there is no need for exhaustion, and eventually to the world of the Nirvana.
What do you do three times? Seek merit in the so-called Nyorai place. This
I’m sorry that the good roots of the Seek merit in the law. this
I’m sorry that my good roots are exhausted. Seek merit in the saints. This good
I’m sorry for being exhausted. I’m sorry, this Sanzen root can run out
No, it is a so-called growl that it reaches the Nirvana world. Because of that
Difficult, in search of expedient, get this inexhaustible fortune
Then. Asaku, it’s hard to make a study of this.” When
Asa, do not delight in hearing the Buddhist opinion.
I heard this. This is when the Buddha is staying at Gion Seisha in Korsala. One day, Seson told Abashi this way.
“There is a Sanzen root (Mifukudo), but its merit is endless and it can reach the Nirvana world.
It is something. What are the three good roots (fortunes)? (First) in so-called Nyorai
The merit of this good root (fortune) that seeds merit is endless. (Secondly) seeding merit in the law,
The merit of this good root (fortune) is infinite. (Thirdly) This good root (fortune) merit that seeds merit in the saints
Is infinite. Asan, the merit of this Mizen (Mifukudo) is endless, and you can enter the world of Nirvana.
is. Therefore, Osamu, practice Sanzen (Mifukudo) and obtain this infinite blessing. in this way
Abashi, learn this Sanzen root (Sanpukudo).”
After receiving this teaching, Asa was delighted and devoted himself to training.

Sanzen is called Mifukudo. To explain this

I will.

When you draw “Sanzen” in “Buddhist Dictionary” (Gen Nakamura, Tokyo Book),

[Sanzen roots] Sanzengo: Sangen, which is rootless, rootless, and nonsensical. Are all good laws these three?

Because they are born from Specifically, they appear as an offering, charity, and love. A pair of three poisons.

Is written. However, the content of Mizenne, which is explained in this “Three memorial products,” is completely different.

I will. Nevertheless, I thought that teaching it to the disciples under the name Mizen was a source of great misunderstanding.

So how should this practice be called?

In the sutra,

“Catch this inexhaustible fortune”

As you can see, this practice method is three ways to get inexhaustible fortune. Therefore, I named it “Mifukudo”. If this name is used, it is confused with the three good roots of unscrupulous roots, unemployed good roots, and uncurated good roots

It is not.

I read Mizen roots by changing them to “Mifukudo.”

Now, if you read the sutras on the right, you need Sanzen (Mifukudo) to reach Nirvana.

You can see that Buddha is preaching this.

What is Nirvana?

It is usually used to mean the border of Nirvana or the border (though this has a different meaning in the Nihonkei, it will be described later). As I touched on “The Five Commandments” (see page 37 of this book), Nirvana in Sanskrit is called Nirvana, but it is a border beyond life and death, a state of complete liberation. Full commentary is a state where you are completely free from work and affiliation.

We are a lump of work and fate. I am continuing to reincarnate due to my work and my relationship. Reincarnation is a life-and-death transition that is endlessly repeated. It is called reincarnation because it repeats life and death as if the wheels of a car were turning continuously. It is also called life-and-death flow or live-flow transfer. If it is a straight line, you will eventually reach the end point. However, the circle has no end. There is no end point. It’s infinite because it rotates. However, life and death are repeated.

If you say so,

“Isn’t it okay to go around without a doubt? I think we can be reborn into various things and enjoy various lives. Becoming a man, a woman, or becoming great

Moreover, it’s rather fun because you can enjoy various lives.” Some people find it more enjoyable to reincarnate, rather than a one-time life.

However, reincarnation is never fun. It’s rather painful. Since reincarnation is a pain, Buddha practiced hoping to get out of reincarnation.

Why is Buddha explained that reincarnation is a pain?

To understand it, we first need to know the Buddhist view of life.

In Buddhism, we first see that life is suffering. Think of life as suffering. I also agree with that. Certainly there is fun in life. However, if you try to offset the pain and the comfort that you experience in your life one by one, you will have more suffering. Isn’t it sometimes that there is joy in the suffering of?

Moreover, that joy often causes the next suffering.

In Buddhism, there are many questions about the people of Russia. Four sufferings are the basic sufferings of humans. In addition, there are four sufferings associated with the four sufferings. This is called the 8th pain together with the first 4th pain. Usually, they are collectively referred to as hardships.

It is important as a basic tenet of Buddhism, so let’s review it again.

First of all, the four pains are the pains of life, old age, illness, and death. This is the basic human suffering. Furthermore, the suffering that comes with the four pains comes out. There are four types: Aibetsu separation, grudge hate, unwillingness, and Goinen. Collectively, these sufferings are referred to as struggles. In this way, humans are really a painful mass.

The first of the four pains is raw pain. As you can see by looking back at your life, living is a pain. Being born is a pain. Some things are fun just because we are alive, but that fun becomes a pain in the next moment. Therefore, life can only be said to be suffering.

The second is the suffering of old people. As long as we are alive, we all get older. Be sure to get old. Again, this is not fun. There will be joy only for old people. However, as you get older, your physical strength, energy, and intellect will decline, so “old” is by no means pleasant.

When I wake up in the morning and look in the mirror to shave,

“Oh, I’m old”

I often feel that. Even if you’re young, you can’t exert yourself as strong as when you were young. Old suffering is something everyone enjoys.

The third is illness. As long as you are alive, you may get sick. No one thinks that illness is fun. Some can be gained by illness, but relative illness is painful.

Fourth is the suffering of death. All human beings will die. Unless you are an enlightened person, death is lonely, painful, and painful.

The above is four pains. Adding to these four pains, Aibetsu separation, grudge hate, unsuccessful suffering, and five indulgence, it becomes eight pains.

Love separation is the suffering that you have to separate from what you love. No matter how much you love each other, or couples, parents, children, siblings, or friends, you must someday separate them. There are goodbyes and deaths. In any case, separating yourself from your loved one is really painful and painful, but it is unavoidable.

And it’s not just about relationships. What we love is not necessarily human. For example, some people really love money.

“Oh, my money is my lover. I don’t need anything else.”

Others love their position. I love the post of the Prime Minister, president of the company, and executives.

But whether it’s money or status, there will always be a time when we have to get away with them. How much,

“I refuse!”

When I screamed, it didn’t happen.

The next grudge hate is suffering that you have to meet with a person who is grinning or hating, but this is also the pain that is as good as the love separation.

“If you don’t like that hate or grudge, you should meet up.” Maybe it’s like that, but because I’m unable to leave because of my relationship, it’s very painful.

It is. One of them is the “cause of marital relationship disorder”. Even if you first love each other and get married, if there is a “cause of marital relationship disorder” that causes grudge hatred, the couple will hate each other. Well

He hates each other like his parents, and fights from morning till night.

“If so, why not break up?”

The theory is correct. However, I can’t say goodbye. Due to various relationships, financial reasons, and various other reasons, I cannot divorce. This is the dreadful part of the connection. I have no choice but to put up with it, but I can’t stand it and I have to fight every day.






















か6 ず、涅槃界に至ることを得と謂うなり。是の故に阿
















阿含経( Ⅰ)     雑 阿含経: 一切 事 経 出家 仏教 とは 世 を 捨て て 家族 と 離れ、 僧侶 として 修業 を 進め て いく。 要するに お 坊さん を 主体 と し た 仏教 です。 出家 し ない で 世俗 で 生活 し ながら 仏教 を 信心、 修行 し て いく 在家 の 人 を 主体 と する のが 在家 仏教 です。 在家 として 仏道 を 実践 する 人 にとって は、 一番 重要 な お 経 と 言える でしょ う。 それ は なぜ かと いう と、 この お 経 に 基 ずい て 修行 する なら ば、 在家 の 者 で あっ ても 出家 以上 の 存在 になり、 現世 で 成仏 する こと も 可能 で ある と 説か れ て いる から です。 お釈迦様 の 仏教 は 出家 仏教 でも なけれ ば 小乗仏教 でも なく、 在家 の 者 でも 成仏 できる と 説か れ て いる の だ、 という こと が はっきり 示さ れ て いる のが、 この「 一切 事 経」 なの です。 < 如是我聞( に ょぜがもん) > 「私 は この よう に 仏 さま から うかがい まし た」 という 意味 です。 この 私 とは お釈迦様 の 十大弟子 の ひとり で、 記憶 力 第一 と 言わ れ た アーナンダ( 阿 難) で ある とさ れ て おり ます。 アーナンダ という 方 は、 二十 五 年間 にわたって お釈迦様 の お そば 近く に 仕え、 その 説法 の 一言一句 を 残ら ず 記憶 し て い まし た。 お釈迦さま が お 亡くなり に なっ た 直後、 この アーナンダ や 大 長老 の マハ― カッ サバ を 含め た 五百 人 の 仏弟子 たち < 如是我聞( に ょぜがもん) > 「私 は この よう に 仏 さま から うかがい まし た」 という 意味 です。 この 私 とは お釈迦様 の 十大弟子 の ひとり で、 記憶 力 第一 と 言わ れ た アーナンダ( 阿 難) で ある とさ れ て おり ます。 アーナンダ という 方 は、 二十 五 年間 にわたって お釈迦様 の お そば 近く に 仕え、 その 説法 の 一言一句 を 残ら ず 記憶 し て い まし た。 お釈迦さま が お 亡くなり に なっ た 直後、 この アーナンダ や 大 長老 の マハ― カッ サバ を 含め た 五百 人 の 仏弟子 たち ● 阿含経( Ⅰ)   雑 阿含経:   一切 事 経   の 現代語 訳 (Ⅰ-1) この よう に 私 は 聞き まし た。 或 る 時、 仏様 が カピラヴァットウ の ニグローダ 園 に おと どまり に なっ て おら れ まし た。 そこ へ 在家 の 弟子 で あり、 仏様 の 従兄弟 でも ある マハナーマ が、 数人 の 在家 信者 を 引き連れ て 現れ、 仏 足 頂礼 の 礼 を し て 仏 さま の 前 に 座り、 質問 いたし まし た。 「世尊 よ、 優婆塞( うば そく・在家 仏教 徒) とは どの よう な 人 に対して 名 つけ られ た もの で あり ましょ う か?」 と。 仏様 は マハナーマ に「 在家 の 者 が 仏 や 師 と なる 僧侶 の もと に 行き、『 自分 が 生き て いる 限り、 死ぬ までの 今後 一生 を通して 三宝 に 帰依 いたし ます。 私 を 優婆塞 として お 認め ください』 と 申し出 て、 仏 や 僧侶 が それ を 認める なら ば、 その 者 は 優婆塞 となり ます」 と 告げ られ まし た。 (Ⅰ-2) マハナーマ は 仏様 に 申し上げ まし た。「 世尊 よ、 完全 な 優婆塞 に なる には どの よう に すれ ば よろしい の でしょ う か?」 と。 仏様 は マハナーマ に 告げ られ まし た。「 その 者 に 信 が あっ ても 戒 が なけれ ば 真 の 優婆塞 とは 呼べ ませ ん から、 精進 し て 浄戒 を 守っ て、 信 と 戒 の 両方 を 身 に つけ なさい」 (Ⅰ-3) 「信 と 戒 が そろっ ても、 布施 を 行わ なけれ ば 真 の 優婆塞 とは 呼べ ませ ん。 努力 と 工夫 によって 布 施行 を 実践 し、 信 と 戒 と 施( 布施) を 円満 に 納め なさい」 (Ⅰ-4) 「もろもろ の 都合 を つけ て、 おり ある ごと に 出家 の ところ へ 参詣 し、 正法 を 拝聴 し なけれ ば 真 の 優婆塞 とは いえ ませ ん。 努力 と 工夫 を 重ね て 出家 の いる 塔寺 に 参詣 し、 沙門 の 教え を 受け なさい。 この 修行 を 聞( もん) と 言い ます。 一心 に 正法 を 拝聴 し て 聞 を 実践 し なさい。 しかし 拝聴 する だけで その 内容 を 身 に つけ なけれ ば、 やはり 真 の 優婆塞 とは 言え ませ ん。 です から おり ある ごと に 出家者 を 訪れ、 専心 し て 説法 を 拝聴 し、 聞い た 内容 を よく 身 に つけ て 保ち なさい。 これ が 持( じ) の 修行 です。 諸法 の 深い 意味 を 観察 する 修行 を 観( かん) と 言い ます が、 この 観 が なけれ ば、 やはり 真 の 優婆塞 とは 言え ませ ん。 努力 と 工夫 を 重ね て 信・戒・施・聞 の 修行 を 行い、 聞 で 学ん だ こと を 持 の 修行 で よく 保ち、 保っ た 内容 の 深い 意味 を 観察 し て、 観 の 修行 を 実践 し なさい」 (Ⅰ-5) マハナーマ は 仏様 に 質問 し まし た。「 世尊 よ、 自分 を 安 慰し ても 他 を 安 慰し ない 優婆塞 とは どの よう な 優婆塞 を 指す の でしょ う か?」 仏様 は マハナーマ に 告げ られ まし た。 「自分 は 仏 の 戒 を 受け て それ を 守っ ても、 他者 に 仏 の 正しい 戒 を 受ける こと も、 又 それ を 保つ こと も 勧め ない。 自分 は 布施 を 行っ ても、 他者 が 布施 を 実践 する よう には 勧め ない。 自分 は 塔寺 に 参詣 し て もろもろ の 沙門 に 見え ても、 他者 に 塔寺 に 参詣 し て もろもろ の 沙門 に 見える よう には 勧め ない。 自分 は 熱心 に 沙門 の 説法 を 拝聴 し ても、 他者 に 正法 を 拝聴 し て それ を 受け 保つ よう には 勧め ない。 自分 は 仏法 の 深遠 な 教義 を よく 観察 し て それ について 熟考 し ても、 他者 には 仏法 の 深遠 な 教義 を よく 観察 し て、 それ について 熟考 する よう には 勧め ない。 自分 は 深遠 な 仏法 を 知り、 法 に 近 つき、 法 を 追求 し ても、 他者 が 法 に 近 つき 法 を 追求 する よう には 勧め ない。 マハナーマ よ、 この よう に 八 法 だけを 成就 する もの は、 自分 を 安らか に し 慰め ても 他 を 安らか に し 慰め ない 優婆塞 という の です。」 (Ⅰ-6) マハナーマ は 仏様 に 申し上げ まし た。「 世尊 よ いくつ の 法 を 成就 する 優 婆 塞が、 自分 を 安 ん じ 他 を 安んずる 優婆塞 なの でしょ う か?」 と。 「優婆塞 の 十六 法 を 成就 する 者 が、 自分 を 安 ん じ 他 を 安んずる 優婆塞 です。 では 十六 法 とは どの よう な もの でしょ う か? マハナーマ よ。 自分自身 が 正しい 信 を 持つ と共に、 他者 にも それ を 確立 さ せる。 自分 が 浄戒 を 保つ と共に、 他者 にも 浄戒 を 確立 さ せる。 自分 が 布施 を 行う と共に、 他者 にも 布 施行 を 教える。 自分 が 塔 寺 参詣 し て もろもろ の 沙門 に 見える と共に、 他者 にも 塔寺 への 参詣 と 沙門 に 見える こと を 教える。 自分 が 沙門 の 説法 を ひたすら 拝聴 する と共に、 他者 にも 説法 を 拝聴 する こと を 教える。 自分 が 法 を 受持 する と共に 他者 に 受持 する こと を 教える。 自分 が 仏法 の 深 義 を 観察 する と共に、 他者 に 仏法 の 深 義 を 観察 する こと を 教える。 自分 が 仏法 の 深 義 を 知っ て 法 に 近 つき つき 法 を 追求 する と共に、 他者 に 仏法 の 深 義 を 理解 さ せ て、 又 法 に 近 つき 法 を 追求 する 修行 を 行わ せる。 マハナーマ よ。 この 十六 法 を 成就 する 優婆塞 の もと には、 あの もろもろ の 大衆 が すべて 参詣 する よう になり ます。 その 大衆 とは いわゆる バラモン たち、 クシャトリア たち、 長者 たち、 沙門 たち で あり、 それら の 人々 の 中 において も 十六 法 を 成就 する 優婆塞 の 威徳 は 大いに 輝き 続ける のと 同じ よう に、 優婆塞 の 十六 法 を 成就 する 者 の 威徳 は 大いに 輝き 続ける の です。 マハナーマ よ。 この よう に 優婆塞 の 十六 法 を 成就 する 者 は、 世間 に 得 難い 存在 なの です」 と。 マハナーマ は この 仏 さま の 説法 を 拝聴 し て 大いに 喜び、 また 仏 の 教法 を 讃 歎 し た のち に 座 を 立っ て 礼 を 行い、 その 場 を 去り まし た。 ● 阿含経( Ⅰ)   雑 阿含経:   一切 事 経 の 解説 (Ⅰ-1) < 優婆塞( うば そく) とは 何 か > パーリ 語、 サンスクリット 語 の ウパーサカ を 漢字 に 音 写し た もの で、 普通 は 男性 の 在家 信者 を 指し ます。 女性 の 在家 信者 は 優婆夷( うばい) と 呼び ます。 「寿 尽く る まで 三宝 に 帰依 し」 の 三宝 とは 仏・法・僧、 つまり 仏様 と 仏 さま の 教法、 そして お釈迦様 の 教法 を 実践 する 僧伽( そう ぎゃ・教団) の こと。 ひとたび 入行 し て 本当 の 仏 さま の 修行 を 始め た なら ば、 やはり 一生涯 にわたって 仏 さま の 教え を 守っ て いく という 気持ち気持ち が 生ずる のは 当然 です。 自分 は 生涯 を かけ て 修行 を する、 という つもり で 信仰 し て いる だろ う か? と よく 考え て ごらん なさい。 もしも そういう 気持ち が なけれ ば、 因縁 を 切る こと など とても でき ませ ん。 (Ⅰ-2) < 修行 の 根本 と なる 信 > 宗教 において は 信 が 一番 の 根本 です。 この 気持ち が あっ て 初めて、 お釈迦様 の 教え を 実行 しよ う という 気 に なる の です。 そこで 優婆塞 に なる。 お釈迦様 は、 この 自分 に対して お 説き くださっ て いる。 その よう に 心 の 底 から 感激 し て 読む のが、 正しい お 経 の 読み方 です。 < 正しく 信 を 育てる 戒 > お釈迦様 は「 信」 だけでは だめ だ、「 戒」 が 必要 なの だ と おっしゃっ て い ます。「 戒」 には 二つ の 意味 が あり ます。 一つ は 修行者 として やっ ては いけ ない こと の 取り決め。 もう 一つ は 修行者 として やら なけれ ば いけ ない こと です。 私 たち がやら なけれ ば いけ ない 戒 は、 まず 第一 に 一日 一回 必ず 勤行 を する こと です。 そして 導師 から 授かっ た 戒行・課 行 を 必ず 実行 する という こと。 修行 も 同じ。 一生懸命 に 勤行 を し、 先祖先祖 の ご 供養 を し て、 信仰 の 種 を まく。 その 種 が すくすくと 伸び て いく ため には、 戒 が なけれ ば いけ ない の です。 (Ⅰ-3) < 徳 の もと と なる 布施 の 行 > お釈迦様 は、 布施 を し なけれ ば、 信 と 戒 が あっ ても 完全 な 優婆塞 とは 呼べ ない と 説か れ て おり ます。 布施 によって 初めて 徳 が 生じる から です。 信 を 持ち 戒 を 保つ という こと は、 自分 だけの こと を やっ て いる に すぎ ませ ん。 他 の 人 に 何 かを 施す という こと は、 他 の 人 に プラス を 与える こと になり ます。 どの よう な 難行苦行 で あっ ても、 自分の こと ばかりを 考え て い た のでは、 徳 は 生まれ ませ ん。 他 の 人 に 何 かを 与え て こそ、 自分 の 身 に 徳 が 生じる の です。 人間 という もの は 徳 が なけれ ば 何一つ 成功 さ せる こと は でき ませ ん。 私 は いつも「 人 の 不幸 の 元凶 は 因縁 で ある。 その 因縁 を 切る 成仏 法 を 実践 する こと によって のみ、 人 は 本当 の 幸福 を 得る こと が できる」 と 申し上げ て おり ます。 しかし 不徳 の 身 では、 その 成仏 法 でさえ やり 通す こと が でき ない の です。 一つ の こと を 成功 さ せよ う と 思っ た なら ば、 自分 を 助け て くれる 縁 が なけれ ば いけ ませ ん。 これ が 助 縁 です。 助 縁 は 徳 から 生じ ます。 その 縁 は 徳 に 応じ て 生じる の です。 ソロバン 勘定 を 離れ、 欲得 を 抜き に し て 仏 さま の ため に 働く こと によって のみ、 奇跡的 な 素晴らしい 結果 が 得 られる わけ です。 損得 勘定 を 捨て なさい。 少なくとも 仏 さま の お 手伝い を する、 あるいは 仏様 を 礼拝 する 時 は、 ソロバン 勘定 を 捨て て やっ て ごらん なさい。 そして 本業 にも 精 を 出し て 御覧 なさい。 そう すれ ば、 必ず 素晴らしい 結果 を 導き出す こと が でき ます。 Akane Sutra (I) Satsuki Aru Sutra: All the events of the family Buddhism Abandon the world and leave the family, and continue training as a priest. In short, it is a Buddhism whose main subject is a monk. In-home Buddhism is mainly composed of in-home people who practice and practice Buddhism while living in a secular world without having to go home. For those who practice Buddhism as a resident, it can be said to be the most important one. The reason for this is that if we practice based on this process, it is said that even if a person is a resident, it becomes more than a birth, and it is possible to conclude in this world. Buddha’s Buddhism is also a Buddhist Buddhism It is this “everything” that clearly states that it is said that it is possible to practice Buddhism not only in Mahayana Buddhism but also in the home. <Nyoze gamon> It means that I was asked by the Buddha in this way. I am one of the 10 Great Disciples of Buddha, and is said to be Ananda, who was said to have the highest memory. For twenty-five years, Ananda served near the Buddha’s side and remembered every word of his doctrine. Immediately after the Buddha died, 500 Buddhist disciples, including this Ananda and the elder Maha Kassaba <Nyoze gamon> It means that I was asked by the Buddha in this way. I am one of the 10 Great Disciples of Buddha, and is said to be Ananda, who was said to have the highest memory. For twenty-five years, Ananda served near the Buddha’s side and remembered every word of his doctrine. Immediately after the Buddha died, 500 Buddhist disciples, including this Ananda and the elder Maha Kassaba ● Ah Sutra (I) Miscellaneous Ah Sutra: A modern translation of everything (I-1) I heard this way. At one point, the Buddha stayed in the Nigroda Garden in Capilavatto. Mahanama, a disciple of the resident and a cousin of the Buddha, appeared with a few followers of the house, and sat in front of the Buddha to ask and question. “Oh, what kind of person is the Ubasou (a Buddhist priest)?” The Buddha said to Mahanama that “the resident is a Buddha or I went to my master monk and said, “As long as I live, I will devote myself to the three treasures for the rest of my life. Please admit me as an apostolic fortress.” If a Buddha or a monk admits that, that person will become an abomination.” (I-2) Mahanama told the Buddha. “Sir, what is the right way to become a complete fortress?” The Buddha was told Mahanama. “If a person has faith, but if the command is proper, then it cannot be called a true dominance, so vegetatively defend the sanctification and acquire both the trust and the belief.” (I-3) “Even if you have all the faith and commandments, you cannot call it a true domination if you do the service. You will practice the service with your efforts and ingenuity, and you will be satisfied with the belief, command and action. (I-4) “For every reason, visit the birthplace at every opportunity and listen to the law, but it is true that even though it is a true dominion, efforts and efforts are repeated. Please visit the temple where the priest is at home and take the teachings of Shamon. This practice is called Mon. Listen to the Holy Law and practice the hearing, but just listen to it. After all, it is still a true doomsday, so it is important to visit the ancestors, listen to the sermons devotedly, and keep what you hear. The practice of observing the deep meaning of various laws is called “Kan”, but if this view is not true, it cannot be said that it is a true dominion. Practice the belief, commandments, practices, and hearings, and keep what you have learned in your training well, and observe the deep meaning of the content that you have held, and practice the training of observation” (I-5). Mahanama asked the Buddha a question. “Sir, what do you mean by a prince who comforts himself but not the other, what does it mean? The Buddha was told Mahanama. “I do not accept or obey the Buddha’s commandments, nor do I recommend others to receive or retain the correct Buddha’s commandments. Even if I give them, others do them. I don’t recommend that I look at all the temples of Tomonji and look like all the same, but I don’t recommend others to see all the temples of Tomonji. However, even if you carefully observe the profound doctrine of Buddhism and ponder it, it is not recommended to others. We do not recommend that you carefully observe these doctrines and reflect on them. Even if I know profound Buddhist law, approach it, and pursue it, I do not encourage others to approach it and pursue it. Mahanama, the one who fulfills only the eight laws in this way is a dominance that comforts oneself and comforts the other but does not comfort. (I-6) Mahanama told the Buddha. “How many honors do you have, fulfilling the law of the world, is it the one that secures oneself and the other?” “A person who fulfills the 16th law of the Yuba fortress is the Yuba fortress who keeps himself safe and rests. Then what is the 16th law? Mahanama. While having the right belief in yourself, establish it in others. While maintaining the sanction of oneself, establish the sanctification of others. Not only do you do it, but you also teach others how to do it. Teach yourself that you will be able to see all kinds of temples when you visit the temple, and teach others that you can see the temple and temples. Teach yourself to listen to Shamon’s doctrine and teach others to listen to it as well. Teach yourself to accept the law and accept it to others. Teach yourself to observe the profound meaning of Buddhist law and to observe others as well. I approached the law by knowing the deep meaning of Buddhism At the same time as pursuing the law, let other people understand the deeper meaning of Buddhism and also practice to pursue the law. Mahanama. Under the Yuba fortress, which fulfills this 16th law, all the masses will come to visit. The masses are the so-called Brahmins, Kshatrias, the elders, and the Shamons, and among them, the dominance of the dominion that fulfills the 16th law continues to shine as much as the dominance. The virtue of those who fulfill the sixteenth law will continue to shine greatly. Mahanama. Those who fulfill the 16th law of domination in this way are inaccessible to the public.” Mahanama was very pleased to hear this Buddha’s doctrine, and after praising the Buddhist doctrine, he stood at the stage to thank him and left the place. ● Ah Sutra (Ⅰ) Miscellaneous Ah Sutra: All things (I-1) <What is Yuba Soku?> Uparisaka in Pali or Sanskrit is a transcription of the characters in Kanji, and usually refers to a male resident. A female layman is called a prince. The three treasures of “return to the three treasures until the end of their lives” are the Buddha, the law, and the monks, that is, the Buddhist and Buddhist teachings, and the Buddhist monks who practice the Buddhist teachings. It is natural that once you enter and begin to practice the real Buddha’s training, you will feel the desire to keep the Buddhist teachings for the rest of your life. Do you believe that you will practice for the rest of your life? Please think carefully. If I feel that way, I can’t really cut the ties. (I-2) <Belief that is the basis of training> In religion, belief is the most fundamental. Only with this feeling will I be motivated to carry out Buddha’s teachings. There, it becomes an auntie. Buddha is preaching to me. Like that from the bottom of my heart Impressed reading is the correct way of reading. <Kai to grow faith correctly> Buddha says that “Kai” is not enough, and “Kai” is necessary. “Kai” has two meanings. One is the arrangement of things that must not be done as a practitioner





















か6 ず、涅槃界に至ることを得と謂うなり。是の故に阿
















【三善根】さんぜんごん 無貪善根・無限善根・無療善根の三根。一切の善法がこの三つか


















































It’s like listening. Temporarily in the Buddhist temple of Gion, a lonely garden
Shiki. At the time of the earthquake, he told Abashi, “Sanzen (Sanzen)
There is a fortune, and there is no need for exhaustion, and eventually to the world of the Nirvana.
What do you do three times? Seek merit in the so-called Nyorai place. This
I’m sorry that the good roots of the Seek merit in the law. this
I’m sorry that my good roots are exhausted. Seek merit in the saints. This good
I’m sorry for being exhausted. I’m sorry, this Sanzen root can run out
No, it is a so-called growl that it reaches the Nirvana world. Because of that
Difficult, in search of expedient, get this inexhaustible fortune
Then. Asaku, it’s hard to make a study of this.” When
Asa, do not delight in hearing the Buddhist opinion.
I heard this. This is when the Buddha is staying at Gion Seisha in Korsala. One day, Seson told Abashi this way.
“There is a Sanzen root (Mifukudo), but its merit is endless and it can reach the Nirvana world.
It is something. What are the three good roots (fortunes)? (First) in so-called Nyorai
The merit of this good root (fortune) that seeds merit is endless. (Secondly) seeding merit in the law,
The merit of this good root (fortune) is infinite. (Thirdly) This good root (fortune) merit that seeds merit in the saints
Is infinite. Asan, the merit of this Mizen (Mifukudo) is endless, and you can enter the world of Nirvana.
is. Therefore, Osamu, practice Sanzen (Mifukudo) and obtain this infinite blessing. in this way
Abashi, learn this Sanzen root (Sanpukudo).”
After receiving this teaching, Asa was delighted and devoted himself to training.

Sanzen is called Mifukudo. To explain this

I will.

When you draw “Sanzen” in “Buddhist Dictionary” (Gen Nakamura, Tokyo Book),

[Sanzen roots] Sanzengo: Sangen, which is rootless, rootless, and nonsensical. Are all good laws these three?

Because they are born from Specifically, they appear as an offering, charity, and love. A pair of three poisons.

Is written. However, the content of Mizenne, which is explained in this “Three memorial products,” is completely different.

I will. Nevertheless, I thought that teaching it to the disciples under the name Mizen was a source of great misunderstanding.

So how should this practice be called?

In the sutra,

“Catch this inexhaustible fortune”

As you can see, this practice method is three ways to get inexhaustible fortune. Therefore, I named it “Mifukudo”. If this name is used, it is confused with the three good roots of unscrupulous roots, unemployed good roots, and uncurated good roots

It is not.

I read Mizen roots by changing them to “Mifukudo.”

Now, if you read the sutras on the right, you need Sanzen (Mifukudo) to reach Nirvana.

You can see that Buddha is preaching this.

What is Nirvana?

It is usually used to mean the border of Nirvana or the border (though this has a different meaning in the Nihonkei, it will be described later). As I touched on “The Five Commandments” (see page 37 of this book), Nirvana in Sanskrit is called Nirvana, but it is a border beyond life and death, a state of complete liberation. Full commentary is a state where you are completely free from work and affiliation.

We are a lump of work and fate. I am continuing to reincarnate due to my work and my relationship. Reincarnation is a life-and-death transition that is endlessly repeated. It is called reincarnation because it repeats life and death as if the wheels of a car were turning continuously. It is also called life-and-death flow or live-flow transfer. If it is a straight line, you will eventually reach the end point. However, the circle has no end. There is no end point. It’s infinite because it rotates. However, life and death are repeated.

If you say so,

“Isn’t it okay to go around without a doubt? I think we can be reborn into various things and enjoy various lives. Becoming a man, a woman, or becoming great

Moreover, it’s rather fun because you can enjoy various lives.” Some people find it more enjoyable to reincarnate, rather than a one-time life.

However, reincarnation is never fun. It’s rather painful. Since reincarnation is a pain, Buddha practiced hoping to get out of reincarnation.

Why is Buddha explained that reincarnation is a pain?

To understand it, we first need to know the Buddhist view of life.

In Buddhism, we first see that life is suffering. Think of life as suffering. I also agree with that. Certainly there is fun in life. However, if you try to offset the pain and the comfort that you experience in your life one by one, you will have more suffering. Isn’t it sometimes that there is joy in the suffering of?

Moreover, that joy often causes the next suffering.

In Buddhism, there are many questions about the people of Russia. Four sufferings are the basic sufferings of humans. In addition, there are four sufferings associated with the four sufferings. This is called the 8th pain together with the first 4th pain. Usually, they are collectively referred to as hardships.

It is important as a basic tenet of Buddhism, so let’s review it again.

First of all, the four pains are the pains of life, old age, illness, and death. This is the basic human suffering. Furthermore, the suffering that comes with the four pains comes out. There are four types: Aibetsu separation, grudge hate, unwillingness, and Goinen. Collectively, these sufferings are referred to as struggles. In this way, humans are really a painful mass.

The first of the four pains is raw pain. As you can see by looking back at your life, living is a pain. Being born is a pain. Some things are fun just because we are alive, but that fun becomes a pain in the next moment. Therefore, life can only be said to be suffering.

The second is the suffering of old people. As long as we are alive, we all get older. Be sure to get old. Again, this is not fun. There will be joy only for old people. However, as you get older, your physical strength, energy, and intellect will decline, so “old” is by no means pleasant.

When I wake up in the morning and look in the mirror to shave,

“Oh, I’m old”

I often feel that. Even if you’re young, you can’t exert yourself as strong as when you were young. Old suffering is something everyone enjoys.

The third is illness. As long as you are alive, you may get sick. No one thinks that illness is fun. Some can be gained by illness, but relative illness is painful.

Fourth is the suffering of death. All human beings will die. Unless you are an enlightened person, death is lonely, painful, and painful.

The above is four pains. Adding to these four pains, Aibetsu separation, grudge hate, unsuccessful suffering, and five indulgence, it becomes eight pains.

Love separation is the suffering that you have to separate from what you love. No matter how much you love each other, or couples, parents, children, siblings, or friends, you must someday separate them. There are goodbyes and deaths. In any case, separating yourself from your loved one is really painful and painful, but it is unavoidable.

And it’s not just about relationships. What we love is not necessarily human. For example, some people really love money.

“Oh, my money is my lover. I don’t need anything else.”

Others love their position. I love the post of the Prime Minister, president of the company, and executives.

But whether it’s money or status, there will always be a time when we have to get away with them. How much,

“I refuse!”

When I screamed, it didn’t happen.

The next grudge hate is suffering that you have to meet with a person who is grinning or hating, but this is also the pain that is as good as the love separation.

“If you don’t like that hate or grudge, you should meet up.” Maybe it’s like that, but because I’m unable to leave because of my relationship, it’s very painful.

It is. One of them is the “cause of marital relationship disorder”. Even if you first love each other and get married, if there is a “cause of marital relationship disorder” that causes grudge hatred, the couple will hate each other. Well

He hates each other like his parents, and fights from morning till night.

“If so, why not break up?”

The theory is correct. However, I can’t say goodbye. Due to various relationships, financial reasons, and various other reasons, I cannot divorce. This is the dreadful part of the connection. I have no choice but to put up with it, but I can’t stand it and I have to fight every day.






















か6 ず、涅槃界に至ることを得と謂うなり。是の故に阿
















【三善根】さんぜんごん 無貪善根・無限善根・無療善根の三根。一切の善法がこの三つから生まれるからである。それらは具体的には施・慈・慧となって現われる。三毒の対。と書かれています。しかし、この『三供養品』に説かれる三善根は、その内容がまったく異なります。それなのに、これを三善根という名称のままで弟子たちに教えるのは、非常な誤解を生むもとだとわたくしは考えました。














The secret is explained in “Three memorial products.” Read this sutra, which is the origin of Buddhism

Okay. Temporary Buddhist escort Gion supply loneliness
The garden. Elegance of the Honor of the Honor. Arisan Zenne. Not
Exhausted. The stage of Nirvana. The reason is three. Place
The so-called Nyorai metaphysical merit. This good root is inevitable
Exhausted. In the law. Metaphysical merit. This is the root
Exhaustion. The sacred metaphysical merit. This is the root
Exhaustion. The so-called “Asa”. These three good roots are inexhaustible
Toki Nirvana. Due to misery. Hunting flight
This is inevitable. Yorozu. Our work policy
Study. The Edoan Buddhist Buddhist theory. Delight

It’s like listening. Temporarily in the Buddhist temple of Gion, a lonely garden
Shiki. At the time of the earthquake, he told Abashi, “Sanzen (Sanzen)
There is a fortune, and there is no need for exhaustion, and eventually to the world of the Nirvana.
What do you do three times? Seek merit in the so-called Nyorai place. This
I’m sorry that the good roots of the Seek merit in the law. this
I’m sorry that my good roots are exhausted. Seek merit in the saints. This good
I’m sorry for being exhausted. I’m sorry, this Sanzen root can run out
No, it is a so-called growl that it reaches the Nirvana world. Because of that
Difficult, in search of expedient, get this inexhaustible fortune
Then. Asaku, it’s hard to make a study of this.” When
Asa, do not delight in hearing the Buddhist opinion.
I heard this. This is when the Buddha is staying at Gion Seisha in Korsala. One day, Seson told Abashi this way.
“There is a Sanzen root (Mifukudo), but its merit is endless and it can reach the Nirvana world.
It is something. What are the three good roots (fortunes)? (First) in so-called Nyorai
The merit of this good root (fortune) that seeds merit is endless. (Secondly) seeding merit in the law,
The merit of this good root (fortune) is infinite. (Thirdly) This good root (fortune) merit that seeds merit in the saints
Is infinite. Asan, the merit of this Mizen (Mifukudo) is endless, and you can enter the world of Nirvana.
is. Therefore, Osamu, practice Sanzen (Mifukudo) and obtain this infinite blessing. in this way
Abashi, learn this Sanzen root (Sanpukudo).”
After receiving this teaching, Asa was delighted and devoted himself to training.

Sanzen is called Mifukudo. To explain this

I will.

When you draw “Sanzen” in “Buddhist Dictionary” (Gen Nakamura, Tokyo Book),

[Sanzen roots] Sanzengo: Sangen, which is rootless, rootless, and nonsensical. Are all good laws these three?

Because they are born from Specifically, they appear as an offering, charity, and love. A pair of three poisons.

Is written. However, the content of Mizenne, which is explained in this “Three memorial products,” is completely different.

I will. Nevertheless, I thought that teaching it to the disciples under the name Mizen was a source of great misunderstanding.

So how should this practice be called?

In the sutra,

“Catch this inexhaustible fortune”

As you can see, this practice method is three ways to get inexhaustible fortune. Therefore, I named it “Mifukudo”. If this name is used, it is confused with the three good roots of unscrupulous roots, unemployed good roots, and uncurated good roots

It is not.

I read Mizen roots by changing them to “Mifukudo.”

Now, if you read the sutras on the right, you need Sanzen (Mifukudo) to reach Nirvana.

You can see that Buddha is preaching this.

What is Nirvana?

It is usually used to mean the border of Nirvana or the border (though this has a different meaning in the Nihonkei, it will be described later). As I touched on “The Five Commandments” (see page 37 of this book), Nirvana in Sanskrit is called Nirvana, but it is a border beyond life and death, a state of complete liberation. Full commentary is a state where you are completely free from work and affiliation.

We are a lump of work and fate. I am continuing to reincarnate due to my work and my relationship. Reincarnation is a life-and-death transition that is endlessly repeated. It is called reincarnation because it repeats life and death as if the wheels of a car were turning continuously. It is also called life-and-death flow or live-flow transfer. If it is a straight line, you will eventually reach the end point. However, the circle has no end. There is no end point. It’s infinite because it rotates. However, life and death are repeated.

三善根】さんぜんごん 無貪善根・無限善根・無療善根の三根。一切の善法がこの三つから生まれるからである。それらは具体的には施・慈・慧となって現われる。三毒の対。と書かれています。しかし、この『三供養品』に説かれる三善根は、その内容がまったく異なります。それなのに、これを三善根という名称のままで弟子たちに教えるのは、非常な誤解を生むもとだとわたくしは考えました。














The secret is explained in “Three memorial products.” Read this sutra, which is the origin of Buddhism

Okay. Temporary Buddhist escort Gion supply loneliness
The garden. Elegance of the Honor of the Honor. Arisan Zenne. Not
Exhausted. The stage of Nirvana. The reason is three. Place
The so-called Nyorai metaphysical merit. This good root is inevitable
Exhausted. In the law. Metaphysical merit. This is the root
Exhaustion. The sacred metaphysical merit. This is the root
Exhaustion. The so-called “Asa”. These three good roots are inexhaustible
Toki Nirvana. Due to misery. Hunting flight
This is inevitable. Yorozu. Our work policy
Study. The Edoan Buddhist Buddhist theory. Delight

It’s like listening. Temporarily in the Buddhist temple of Gion, a lonely garden
Shiki. At the time of the earthquake, he told Abashi, “Sanzen (Sanzen)
There is a fortune, and there is no need for exhaustion, and eventually to the world of the Nirvana.
What do you do three times? Seek merit in the so-called Nyorai place. This
I’m sorry that the good roots of the Seek merit in the law. this
I’m sorry that my good roots are exhausted. Seek merit in the saints. This good
I’m sorry for being exhausted. I’m sorry, this Sanzen root can run out
No, it is a so-called growl that it reaches the Nirvana world. Because of that
Difficult, in search of expedient, get this inexhaustible fortune
Then. Asaku, it’s hard to make a study of this.” When
Asa, do not delight in hearing the Buddhist opinion.
I heard this. This is when the Buddha is staying at Gion Seisha in Korsala. One day, Seson told Abashi this way.
“There is a Sanzen root (Mifukudo), but its merit is endless and it can reach the Nirvana world.
It is something. What are the three good roots (fortunes)? (First) in so-called Nyorai
The merit of this good root (fortune) that seeds merit is endless. (Secondly) seeding merit in the law,
The merit of this good root (fortune) is infinite. (Thirdly) This good root (fortune) merit that seeds merit in the saints
Is infinite. Asan, the merit of this Mizen (Mifukudo) is endless, and you can enter the world of Nirvana.
is. Therefore, Osamu, practice Sanzen (Mifukudo) and obtain this infinite blessing. in this way
Abashi, learn this Sanzen root (Sanpukudo).”
After receiving this teaching, Asa was delighted and devoted himself to training.

Sanzen is called Mifukudo. To explain this

I will.

When you draw “Sanzen” in “Buddhist Dictionary” (Gen Nakamura, Tokyo Book),

[Sanzen roots] Sanzengo: Sangen, which is rootless, rootless, and nonsensical. Are all good laws these three?

Because they are born from Specifically, they appear as an offering, charity, and love. A pair of three poisons.

Is written. However, the content of Mizenne, which is explained in this “Three memorial products,” is completely different.

I will. Nevertheless, I thought that teaching it to the disciples under the name Mizen was a source of great misunderstanding.

So how should this practice be called?

In the sutra,

“Catch this inexhaustible fortune”

As you can see, this practice method is three ways to get inexhaustible fortune. Therefore, I named it “Mifukudo”. If this name is used, it is confused with the three good roots of unscrupulous roots, unemployed good roots, and uncurated good roots

It is not.

I read Mizen roots by changing them to “Mifukudo.”

Now, if you read the sutras on the right, you need Sanzen (Mifukudo) to reach Nirvana.

You can see that Buddha is preaching this.

What is Nirvana?

It is usually used to mean the border of Nirvana or the border (though this has a different meaning in the Nihonkei, it will be described later). As I touched on “The Five Commandments” (see page 37 of this book), Nirvana in Sanskrit is called Nirvana, but it is a border beyond life and death, a state of complete liberation. Full commentary is a state where you are completely free from work and affiliation.

We are a lump of work and fate. I am continuing to reincarnate due to my work and my relationship. Reincarnation is a life-and-death transition that is endlessly repeated. It is called reincarnation because it repeats life and death as if the wheels of a car were turning continuously. It is also called life-and-death flow or live-flow transfer. If it is a straight line, you will eventually reach the end point. However, the circle has no end. There is no end point. It’s infinite because it rotates. However, life and death are repeated.







The amazing effect of meditation

効果 The effect of this meditation method can be said to be truly “magical”.
So where does that effect come from? In short, it is as follows.
It is derived from the stimulation of the solar plexus, the center of the autonomic nervous system, by the diaphragm and the hormonal expulsion by the stimulation of the manipula chakrahe.
Let’s get that effect.
1. Promote the body’s metabolism.
The function of the lungs is enhanced, and oxygen is blown into the blood many times more than before,
Send all over.

2. Encourage muscle development.
When metabolism becomes active, it is natural that the tissues throughout the body are strengthened and muscles develop. In particular, the muscles of the internal organs are strengthened.

3. The function of the nerve is stabilized.
This is because the autonomic nerve is stabilized.
Autonomic nervous system (vegetable nervous system) refers to all internal organs, glands, blood vessels, etc.
The involuntary nerves that govern the organs that respond to relationships, and the various functions of these organs
Is automatically adjusted. That is why it is called the autonomic nervous system.
The autonomic nervous system has two features. that is,
First, work automatically without will.
Second, there are always two types of nerves, the sympathetic nerve and the parasympathetic nerve.
Under the control o




– 視床下部が霊性の「場」である理由は、「密教・超能力の秘密」において、生理学、ホルモン分泌学、酵素薬理学の三つの面から解明されている。
– 視床下部と第三の目が連携して活動すると、人間は霊性を顕現する。これが究極的には「密教・超能力の秘密」で述べられるように、カミやホトケに至ることも可能。
– 古代密教はシャカの「成仏法」を受け継ぎ、霊性の場を再開発した。しかし、後世の密教は大乗仏教の影響でそれを様式化し、本来の意味を失ってしまった。
– 古代密教の仏像は、霊性の表象を継承し、多くが第三の目を持っている。その代表が摩醗首羅で、眉間に第三の目があり、三つの目を持っている。
– 人間は新皮質と辺縁系の中間にある「間脳」に霊性の場を持っていたが、これを失ってしまった。これが第三の目が「残跡」となり、霊性の場が働かなくなった原因。
– 新皮質は知性を追求し、霊性の場を抑え込んだ。新皮質が地球上の企業などを牽引するが、その目標は主に「より便利に」「より速く」であり、霊性の側面は抑圧されている。
– 人間が霊性の場を失った理由は、新皮質が進化の名目で間脳を押さえつけ、霊性の側面を後退させた結果。これが「業」と呼ばれる人間の欲望とも関連している。
– 現代社会は新皮質文明であり、新皮質の追求が「より便利に」「より速く」に偏っている。これが新皮質が霊性の場を制約した結果として反映されている。
– 新皮質脳が間脳を押しつぶした時期は不確定。人類の歴史において、知性と霊性が一時に花開いた時代があったが、具体的な時期は言及されていない。
– 質問に対して、K氏は人間の精神活動が原始時代から非常なスピードで進化し、進歩してきたかどうかに疑問を呈しており、具体的な時期についても疑問視している。

– The reason why the hypothalamus is a spiritual “field” is elucidated in “Secrets of Esoteric Buddhism and Psychic Powers” from three aspects: physiology, hormone secretion, and enzyme pharmacology.
– When the hypothalamus and third eye work together, humans manifest spirituality. This can ultimately lead to kami and hotoke, as described in “Secrets of Esoteric Buddhism and Superpowers”.
– Ancient Esoteric Buddhism inherited Shaka’s “Dharma of Buddhahood” and redeveloped the spiritual field. However, later esoteric Buddhism became stylized under the influence of Mahayana Buddhism and lost its original meaning.
– The Buddhist statues of ancient Esoteric Buddhism inherited representations of spirituality, and many had a third eye. The representative of this is Makishura, who has a third eye between his eyebrows and has three eyes.
– Humans used to have a spiritual place in the diencephalon, which is located between the neocortex and the limbic system, but we have lost this place. This is the reason why the third eye became a “residue” and the spiritual field stopped working.
– The neocortex pursued intellect and suppressed the spiritual field. The neocortex drives companies on earth, but its goals are mainly “more convenient” and “faster,” and the spiritual aspect is suppressed.
– The reason humans have lost their spirituality is because the neocortex suppressed the diencephalon in the name of evolution, causing the spiritual side to retreat. This is also related to human desire called “karma.”
– Modern society is a neocortical civilization, and the pursuit of neocortex is biased toward “more convenient” and “faster.” This is reflected as a result of the neocortex restricting the field of spirituality.
– It is uncertain when the neocortical brain crushed the diencephalon. There was a time in human history when intelligence and spirituality blossomed, but no specific period is mentioned.
– In response to the question, Mr. K doubts whether human mental activity has evolved and progressed at a very rapid pace since primitive times, and also questions the specific period.




「なぜ、人間は、その霊性の『場』を失ってしまったのですか? 退化、とは考えられませんね
人類がいまかかえる問題に、大声で1 告は発するけれども、なんの答も出すことができない。



“I explain why the hypothalamus is a spiritual “field” in “secrets of esotericism and supernatural powers” from the three aspects of physiology, hormone secretion, and enzyme pharmacology. This hypothalamus is the third
Humans manifest spirituality when they work in tandem with their eyes. At its ultimate, it reaches even kami and hotoke, as described in “Secrets of Esoteric Buddhism”. Humans had a place of spirituality between the neocortex, which is the place of intelligence and reason, and the “diencephalon,” which is in the middle of the limbic system, which is the seat of instinct. This balances humans. However, humans have lost the spiritual field in this brain.
“But there were people who knew it. The representative was Shaka. Shaka completed the system for redeveloping this place of spirituality under the name of “Singapore Law.” Confronting L Chapter 1 “Horon Revolution” and “Secrets of Esoteric Buddhism”—76
“Why do you say “Old esoteric Buddhism”?”
“Early esoteric Buddhism, under the influence of Mahayana Buddhism, stylized Shaka’s system. It made it completely different.”
“So that’s it”
“But Buddhist statues and paintings still represent ancient esoteric Buddhist images. This is why many esoteric Buddhist images have a third eye.”
“That’s the eye in the middle of your eyebrow, right?”
“Yes. The Buddhist image that should be called a representative of the esoteric Buddhism is Mago Shura. This is the Mah6uvara in Sanskrit.
It is a transcribed version of (Maheshbara), which is translated into Chinese as “Great Free Sky” and is considered to be the presiding deity of the universe. There is a third eye between the brows, for a total of three eyes. We have two eyes. One of the two eyes is the eye that leads to the limbal brain, and the other is the eye that leads to the brain of the neocortex. These two pairs form a pair to see the phenomenon world (material world). is. Besides this, there was actually another eye. It is a spiritual eye that leads to the brain of the hypothalamus of the diencephalon, the eye that sees the spiritual world. This is what is called the third.”
“So, at the same time that the third eye becomes “the remnant”, the spiritual “place” that your teacher says is also working.
Does that mean it’s gone? ”
“Yes, but that is because the spiritual “field” has been closed and it has stopped working, so the third eye has also stopped working, and it has become just a “residual.” , There is a close correlation, so IL
K thought for a while,
Said the small neck.
“Why did humans lose their spiritual “place”? I can’t think of degeneration.
e. Human mental activity is evolving and advancing at an extremely high rate since the primitive times, so it cannot be considered degenerate.”
“Is that the reason?” I said.
Why has the “third eye” gone?
“There is, of course, a big reason why the third eye was closed. My spiritual “field” is in the hypothalamus of the diencephalon, which, in short, is a material desire. It is a psychic area that controls your instincts, and sometimes denies, and longs for something more sublime, and then it may be said that it is an area of ​​the neocortical system.
The intelligence of the neocortex is to think (analyze and interpret) God and try to understand the Buddha, while spirituality is the tendency to become one with God and assimilate with Buddha. Apparently it is different from the neocortical system.
According to Dr. Tokemi’s expression, whether the neocortex is alive or not is “living better” and “living higher” (see inset on page 64). I admire the creative action for that purpose. As a result, what is said to have been created is spiritually (and ethics and morals) mentally, and science (and technology) physically. In other words, “living better” created science and technology, and “living higher” created philosophy and ethics. However, the philosophy and ethics are now at a dead end,
I make a loud announcement to the problem that humanity is facing, but I can not give any answer.
On the other hand, the neocortex’s goal of “living better” has become the pursuit of “more convenient” and “faster.” Please see. The modern society is a neocortical civilization and a product of the neocortex, but the goals of the modern society are “more convenient” and “faster”. Toe All companies on the planet are acting like crazy fathers with that in mind. The neocortex knows that it ends up squeezing itself, but cannot stop it. The reason is that the neocortex itself held back the spiritual “field”, which was the function of the diencephalon to keep it down, “there could be such a thing?”
“This kind of phenomenon always occurs in the cerebrum. For example, the neocortex develops as animals get higher, and the old cortex is gradually pushed to the bottom of the cerebral hemisphere. This is a common theory of cerebral physiology, and the same phenomenon as this has occurred in the human cerebrum.
The neocortex has squeezed the diencephalon under the great cause that it is the advancement and evolution of mankind, leading to peace and prosperity. It is the good point of the neocortex to come up with such a reason.
I have said that spirituality is a spiritual domain that controls material desires and instinct, sometimes even denies it, and longs for something more sublime. Is to brake. Depending on how you think about it, you can call it an enemy of the neocortex. So the neocortex did everything possible to crush the spiritual field. All human desires (cerebral greens) have been added to this. This is the “work” of humans.
Therefore, what is called intellect still regards spirituality and spirituality as superstition. U When people who claim themselves to be unintelligible hear the word “spirit,” they immediately brush their teeth.
That’s why they come out and bite.”
“Ha ha ha ha ha ha, I see, I see.”
Said Mr. K in a loud laugh,
“That is, when was it in human history when the neocortical brain crushed the diencephalon?”
In the era when the intellect (neocortical brain) and the spiritual face brain) opened at once, on the contrary I asked Mr. K a question.
“Mr. K, you said earlier, that human mental activity has evolved and progressed with great speed since the primitive times. Is that true?”

Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis

Buddha 2Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis   sサイト

大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 “Kongokai” expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai


胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai






















か6 ず、涅槃界に至ることを得と謂うなり。是の故に阿
















【三善根】さんぜんごん 無貪善根・無限善根・無療善根の三根。一切の善法がこの三つか

































































か6 ず、涅槃界に至ることを得と謂うなり。是の故に阿
















【三善根】さんぜんごん 無貪善根・無限善根・無療善根の三根。一切の善法がこの三つから生まれるからである。それらは具体的には施・慈・慧となって現われる。三毒の対。と書かれています。しかし、この『三供養品』に説かれる三善根は、その内容がまったく異なります。それなのに、これを三善根という名称のままで弟子たちに教えるのは、非常な誤解を生むもとだとわたくしは考えました。















– ジャーナリストのK氏からの質問に対し、霊性の修行において瞑想が重要であることを語った。
– K氏の質問に対し、間脳の開発も瞑想から始まるのかという問いには「いいえ」と答えた。
– 霊性の完成は瞑想だけではなく、カルマからの超越が必要であると説明した。
– カルマは地球引力のようなものであり、人間はカルマと因縁によって繋縛されていると述べた。
– 霊性の到達点は引力からの脱出であり、これを「反重力の修行」と表現した。
– 霊性の成就には間脳の視床下部からの波動変化が重要であり、これにより特殊な霊的存在になると説明した。
– 霊性が成就すると特殊な「霊光」が発生し、その源は間脳であると述べた。
– 瞑想は手段に過ぎず、大脳辺縁系と新皮質脳しか動かせないため、間脳を刺激する瞑想が必要であると強調した。
– カルマを越えるためには特殊な練行(tapas)が絶対に必要であると述べた。
















カルマとはなにか? いうならば、地球における引力のようなものである。


























Anti-gravity training

Earlier, journalist K asked me what electronics and spirituality were, and I said that it started with meditation.

After that, after the story went a long way,
“Then, is it meditation to develop the diencephalon?” I,
I covered it with “No”.

“Isn’t it meditation?”


I also covered this.

Mr. K stared at me with a stern look.

So I answered.

“It starts with meditation.”

I see, Mr. K nodded. I explained.

It starts with meditation, but it’s not just about meditation.

The perfection of spirituality is impossible with meditation. At the level of mental stability, desire regulation, instinct suppression, etc.

It is a boundary that cannot be reached at last. A change in thoughts and thoughts is not enough.


The goal of spiritual completion is transcendence from karma.

What is karma? It’s like an attractive force on the earth.

Everything that exists on Earth is under the control of Earth’s gravitational pull. Nothing can escape from attraction.

No, the very existence of the earth is made up of attraction.

The same is true of human karma. All people are subject to absolute regulation of reincarnation karma, from karma,

Various “fate L has arisen and is binding human beings.

No, human beings have been established in connection with karma. When I was completely released from the bond between this karma and the fate,

It is spiritual.

It is an escape from attraction. It is an anti-gravity practice.

It changes the vibration of myself. By that.

The origin that changes the vibration of human beings is in the hypothalamus of the diencephalon.

From here, the vibrations of the whole body change, and it becomes an existence with special mental vibrations and physical vibrations.


It’s different from a normal human being, unregulated by karma,

It becomes nothing more than a highly spiritual being. When this is achieved,

A special “religious light” will be generated. The occurrence of this special ojofu indicates that the wave motion of the whole body has changed.

The aura will be discussed later, but the source of this aura is the diencephalon.

The above “change of dimension” is impossible only by meditation.

Of course, mental stability, concentration,

Meditation to a completely new higher dimension, etc. is absolutely necessary for this practice.

But that’s just one way. Meditation can only move the limbic system and the neocortical brain.

That’s why meditation alone is not enough. Unless it is a meditation that works the diencephalon

No aura is generated. Therefore, karma cannot be crossed.

Then what do you need?
It is a special tapas (training).

Scholars translate tapas as penance, but I would like to translate this as penance.

And this practice is absolutely necessary.

Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis

Buddha 2Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis   sサイト

大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 “Kongokai” expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai


胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai




メシアの法 求間持聪明法秘伝  3

























The way to use the kundalini energy of the mind is completely different from the Sandriny Yoda method, and it is a method of “using, mari, kundalini energy!”

How is it done?

I want to be free, but it’s far from Kundalini
“I want to come”, knowing the energy points (acupuncture points) and using this, I’m shining.

This is the most secret of Taoism, and very few people know it. (I think that this acupuncture point, the part called the acupoint in China, is a kind of chakra) (Henri Masbello mentions this in his book) is a little away from the Kundalini chakra. It is in. Taoism, as it is now, uses this chakra to evoke a strong “ki”. It can be said to be an alternative to Kundalini. I don’t know Kundalini itself.

In the Buddha’s Iddhipada method, this Taoist chakra is used to first evoke a strong “Qi” energy. Next, send this “ki” to the favorite Kundalini chakra.

This “ki” is slowly moved around the sleeping area of ​​the kundalini.

Kundalini slowly begins to wake up.

Michiatsu said that he would use this “ki” to awaken the kundalini, and he might have used it to complete the method of using only “ki”.

I am wondering if it has disappeared someday. In other words, I think that only a small starting motor for starting a huge motor called Kundalini was transmitted to.

I can only admire this secret method of the Buddha, who uses the radical energy of Kundalini in a wonderfully controlled manner.

However, this is not the only secret method of the Buddha. The Buddha teaches us even more surprising secrets.
In a nutshell, the airways of Bingala and Eider are used for accelerators and brakes. However, I don’t know if this is Kundalini Yoga’s Pingala, Eider itself.

Or it may be an airway that was newly created with anxiety. For Kundalini Yoga’s Bingala and Ida, as mentioned earlier, rise three times through the spinal column, but these two airways of the Buddha are on the opposite side, the belly.
Because it is Satofull. However, I suspect that, given the function of these two airways, this is still Pingala and Ida, and that the Buddha was changed in this way. Therefore, these two airways are still called Pingara and Ida.
I will call it by name.

Now, from the functions of these two airways, what kind of function does the Pingara airway have for kundalini energy?

Eider’s airways have the function of calming and condensing.
In other words, as I said earlier, it acts as an accelerator and a brake.
It is used as follows.

Two Sushmuner tubes

As mentioned earlier, in Kundalini yoga, from the tail paper bone to the medulla oblongata, the spine
The Sschmuner pipe runs straight through the pillar. Awakened Kundalini climbs here
Let’s go
Buddha’s Law 16
According to the Buddha’s law, there is another Sushmuner tube. In other words, there are two. Kundalini
-The opposite of yoga, from the caudal skull through the perineum, straight to the midline of the abdomen, through the brain ring
The airway leading to the throat. The awakened Kundalini, along with the Sushmuner tube on the back,
This abdominal Sushmuner tube also rises. (Rather than rising, raise)
While controlling the kundalini energy of this abdominal sshmuner, each chi
It is the two airways of the Buddha, Pingara and Ida, that develop and make a leap forward in Jakura.

In other words, about 5 to 8 cm below the adjacent ring (depending on the individual), it is sold from the abdominal Sushmuner, and rises and falls through each chakra, related organs, and nerves. Alternatively, from the throat to the inside of the brain, deep inside the nasal column, deep inside the layer.
In the cerebellum part of the medulla oblongata, these three cares and techniques are absolutely necessary for the development and awakening of the chakra, and the main development of the chakra without it.・ It can be said that electricity is impossible. In particular, it is an indispensable technique for enhancing neural pathways in the hypothalamus and diencephalon.

It is a delicate technique that can only be called a divine technique.
Then, how is the practice of the Buddha’s law, which can be called this divine technique, done?
It is roughly divided into three laws.

1, a training method to awaken the kundalini
2. Training method to develop chakra
3, Pingara, a training method to develop the airway of Ida

It is a special breathing method, a unique meditation / idea, a mantra chanting, a mudra (hand sign, po).
Z) etc. Let me explain each one. However, this book is a training book
For more information on the practical skills, see another book by the author (“Kumon Mochi Satoshi Hosekiden” and others).
Please refer to, or learn about the author.

メシアの法 求間持聪明法秘伝  2








1. “仏陀の成仏法とクンダリニー・ヨーガ: 比較と体得の旅”
2. “仏陀の気道法とクンダリニー・ヨーガ: 共通点と違いを探る”
3. “仏陀の修行法とクンダリニー・ヨーガ: 究極の目的への道”

**第1章: 道の交わり**


**第2章: 修行の40年**


**第3章: 精通の本質**














1. “仏陀の気道法とクンダリニー・ヨーガ: 知るべき共通点と違い”
2. “四十年の修行: 仏陀の気道法を復原し体得した旅”
3. “クンダリニー・ヨーガと仏陀の法: 地球を救済する究極の救世主”

1. 道教の気道の法は、仏陀の気道の法を受け継ぎつつ、道教独自の発展を経ている。
2. 仏陀の成仏法は阿含経に散在しており、クンダリニー・ヨーガと道教の修行法との対照を通じて理解が進む。
3. 三十歳で仏道に志し、四十年かけて仏陀の成仏法をほぼ復原し、体得したと語る。
4. クンダリニー・ヨーガの気道は三本あり、中心のスシュムナー管が重要である。
5. クンダリニーの目覚めによりエネルギーがスシュムナー管を上昇し、ピンガラとイダーの気道も活性化する。
6. ピンガラは太陽の気道とされ、イダーは月の気道として、それぞれ異なるエネルギーを制御する。
7. クンダリニー・ヨーガの過ちによりピンガラを通ってしまうと、修行者は激しい体内熱により危険にさらされる。
8. 仏陀はクンダリニー・ヨーガの不安定さを理由に、弟子たちには使用しなかった。
9. クンダリニー・ヨーガのチャクラ開発法は不安定であり、仏陀は完璧な成仏法を弟子たちに教えた。
10. 仏陀の修行法には、まだ続きがある。









さきにあげたミラクルの池の伝説や、雑阿含経に説かれる仏陀の奇蹟- 上半身か




Of course, not all Taoist airway laws are the same as Buddha’s airway laws.
It was said that he accepted the Buddhist airway law and developed it into something unique to Taoism.
Is. The prototype is in the Buddha, and it can be traced back to the Buddha. and
It also involves Kundalini Yoga at the same time.
It is extremely difficult to know the practice of the Buddhahood Buddhahood. That’s very
It is only scattered in Agama, and it can be said that it is almost impossible.
However, the practice of Kundalini yoga and Taoism is the practice of the Buddha in Agama.

If you practice it in contrast to it, there are things that naturally come to mind as male sins.
To. And as I gained more experience, refined, and practiced, suddenly with a flash of light.
There is something that shows the shape.
I aspired to Buddhism at the age of thirty, and since then I have continued to seek the Buddhahood method of Buddhahood.
Forty years later, I was finally able to recover from this and be convinced that I had mastered it.
And at that moment, I took it. This law is the earth that is about to be destroyed
That it was the ultimate savior’s law to save.

The perfect Buddha airway

By the way, in the previous section, the law of the Buddha’s airway is Kundalini Yoga.
He said that it supplemented the inadequate part of the law.
What does that mean?
There are three airways in Kundalini Yoga.



Top secret breathing method ”


Let’s go

One is the Sushmuner tube and the other two are the Pingala and Eider airways.
The central airway is the Sschmuner’s canal. This is the tail bone, as I mentioned earlier.
It starts from and reaches the medulla oblongata.
When Kundalini awakens with the power of a special idea, the energy is explosive.
Ascend the Sschmuner’s canal to the medulla oblongata. At the same time, Kundalini is Pingala, Ida’s
Ascends the airways and acts as a kundalini energy regulator and other ancillary function.
The pingala on the right side of the spinal cord is called the airway of the sun and is the airway that controls heat.
The ider on the left, called the lunar airway, controls the flow of cold air. If you accidentally pingara
When Kundalini wakes up, he has a tremendous body that is completely out of control from the outside.
In the worst case, the practitioner will literally turn black and burn to death because of the internal heat.
It is said that there is.
Gopi Krishna, the author of Kundalini, is in danger of himself because of this mistake.
It describes the experience of being able to survive the death.
It is this that I conclude that the Buddha is the perfector of Kundalini Yoga.

From the point.
The legend of the miracle pond mentioned earlier and the miracle of the Buddha explained by Samsung-the upper body?
The miracle of putting out fire and water from the lower half of the body is done using this Pingara and Ida.
It is energy radiation. This miracle is unique to the Kundalini Yoga completer
Now, as Kundalini awakens and the energy moves up and down the airway smoothly, Osamu
When the line goes smoothly, the Kundalini reaches the Sahaslara chakra, where the training begins.
Complete. (However, practitioners who can reach this point are rare in ancient times.)
Thus, the kundalini reaches from the caudal bone to the medulla oblongata and then rises further.
And finally, it’s supposed to reach the top of the Sahaslara chakra.
However, it is clear what the route from the medulla oblongata to Sahaslara is.
It is not.
The spinal column runs from the tail bone to the medulla oblongata, so it’s a straight road.
I’m sorry. However, what is the route from the medulla oblongata to Sahaslara?

I did not let the Buddha use Kundalini Yoga earlier for his disciples.
It’s because it’s too radical, but it wasn’t the only thing.
The Kundalini Yoga chakra development method was unstable and uncertain.
The Buddha created the perfect Buddhahood method and taught it to his disciples.
Buddha’s practice is still going on

「メシアの法 求間持聪明法秘伝 1

メシアの法 求間持聪明法秘伝 1

呼吸法、といっているけれども、たんなる呼吸作用のコントロール法ではなく、このあとで説く「チャクラ」「プラーナ」「クンダリニー・エネルギー」(気道) 「ムドラー」「瞑想」「マントラ詠唱」など、すべての技法を綜合しておこなわれるもので、仏陀の成仏法の最終段階のものである。


この四つの呼吸法 (繰り返していうが、たんなる呼吸法ではない)で、仏陀の成仏法は完成されるのである。








行息」 気息を行らす

















Although it is called the breathing method, it is not just a method of controlling the breathing action, but all techniques such as “chakra”, “prana”, “kundalini energy” (airway), “mudler”, “meditation”, and “mantra chanting”. It is the final stage of the Buddhist mantra meditation.

These four breathing methods (again, not just breathing methods) complete the Buddhahood’s Buddhahood method.
I will explain this breathing method later. Oak

Buddha’s airway law

If you read the previous section, you’ll probably understand. The Buddha also used the dead path in the Iddhipada method.

“Breathing” To breathe, there must be a way to go around. That way is the airway.
However, the airway of the Buddha is quite different from the airway of Kundalini Yoga.
It can be said to supplement the deficiencies in the Kundalini Yoga airways-the inadequate rather than the deficiencies.
Why can you say that?
I think that the Buddha’s breathing method later moved to China and became a Taoist sendo. In other words, the origin of Taoist training lies in the Buddhahood’s Buddhahood method.
One of the basic practices of Taoism is the “law of shyness.” In addition, there is a “law of spirit”. These are none other than Shaka’s “law of breath”, which is explained in Agama.
The following is one proof that Taoism has accepted the Buddhahood of the Buddhahood. There is a part called Mudmaru in the airway of the Taoist shyness law that I just mentioned. At the top of the head, in Kundalini Yoga, it is the part corresponding to the Sahaslara chakra, which is the best part of Satori in Taoism.

Where did the name Mudmaru come from?
This is a transcription of the “Nirvana” or Nirvana that the Buddha preaches. It was named because it reaches Nirvana when this part is awakened.
This is very interesting because it talks about the connection between Buddhist practice, Kundalini yoga, and Taoism. In addition to this, there are some similar examples.


Buddha Japan journal
Send Japanese Buddhism


“Nirvana aims for wisdom and compassion.”


「準胝尊信仰: 二世にわたる救いの真意

1. 「輪廻転生の秘密: 幸福な来世への道」
2. 「準胝尊信仰: 二世にわたる救いの真意」
3. 「準胝尊の教え: 幸福な人生を選ぶ三つの道」








「準胝尊信仰: 二世にわたる救いの真意



来世を迎える方法は瞑想法だけではない。 ほかにも、いくつか方法がある


わたくしは、「輪廻転生瞑想法」を発表するにあたり、「阿含経」をはじめとす いろいろな経典や文献を調べ、また霊視もおこない、輪廻転生についての研そして、その過程で、



準胝尊とは、阿含宗の本尊である真正仏舎利尊(仏舎利とは釈尊の御遺骨であ り、古来、生ける釈迦として尊崇される。「真正」とわざわざ銘打つのは、世に仏舎利と称されているもののほとんどは、蝋石の類であり、正真正銘の仏舎利はじつに稀 だからである)の化身で、準観音のことであるが、この観音さまは如来とし ての尊格を持たれており、準胝如来としてお祀りすることもある。


何度もいっているように、 人間は死ねばそれで終わりではない。肉体が滅び も魂魄は残り、それがつぎの世に生まれ変わっていく。しかも、一度生まれ 変わればそれで終わりなのではなく、車の輪が廻るように何度も何度も生と死 くり返す。それで輪廻転生とよぶわけである。

ただし、かならずしも再び人間に生まれ変われるという保証はなく、生きて いるときの業しだいでは、馬や牛や豚などの家畜に生まれたり、犬や猫に生ま れ変わることもありうる。

どうせ生まれ変わるのならば、やはり人間に生まれ変わるのがよいと思うの が当然であろう。

では、ただ人間に生まれ変われたならば、果たしてそれだけで満足であろう か?

やはり、人として生まれ変わるのであれば、来世はできるだけ幸福な人間と して生まれていきたい、と思うはずである。

前述のように、その願いをかなえてくださるのが、準胝尊なのである。それ は阿含宗の信徒が毎日読誦している、「準胝観音経」に記されている。短いお経 であるから、まず全経文を読んでみよう。


「 功徳 こと無し。天上及び人間福を受くること仏の如く等し。此の如意珠に遇はば定 で無等等を得ん。若し我れ大悲の一人として二世の順を成ぜずんば我虚妄罪過のにして本覚に帰らず大悲を捨てん」この中に「二世の願を成ぜずんば」という部分があるが、これこそ、準胝が「人がよい境界へ転生するように助けてくださる仏さま」であることの文証 なのである。

にさきほどものべたように、準胝尊は如意宝珠、つまり真正仏舎利尊の変化身 である。この尊は絶大な神通力を誇る二大龍王を眷属としてしたがえており、 この尊を心から信じて、心静かにそのご真言を読誦する者をあらゆる大難から 守り、悪因縁を解脱させ、さらにはあらゆる福徳を授けてくださる。

しかし、とくにすばらしいのは、さきにあげた「二世の願」を持つことであ る。二世とは現世と来世のことである。 準胝尊は現世と来世にわたってわたく したちを救う、という誓願を持っておられるのである。

わたくしはこれまで、「二世の願」とは現世で人々を因縁解脱(成仏)に導 き、現世だけで完全に解脱できなかった人は来世で因縁解脱を成就させるとい う誓願である、と単純に考えていた。しかし、もっと深い意味があると思いい たったのである。

つまり、来世での救いとは、来世で因縁解脱を成就するということだけではなく、よい境界の人間として来世へ生まれていく、という意味も含まれていた のである。


つまり、準胝尊の信仰には、つぎの三種類の選択肢があるわけである。 まず第一の選択肢は、「現世において最高の福徳を得て、さらにこの世におい て完全に解説を得て仏になる」というものである。

第二の選択肢は、「もう二度と生まれ変わりたくないと願う人は、死後に涅槃 (ニルヴァーナ)に入り、完全に生死輪廻の流れを絶つ」というものである。

最後の第三の選択肢は、「来世もよい境界に生まれ変わって幸福な人生を享受 したいと願う人は、その願いどおりの来世を迎えることができる」というもの である。



来世はいまよりももっと幸運な人間に生まれて、幸福を享受したいという人 は第三の選択肢を選べばよろしい。また、もう輪廻転生などイヤだ 人生なん こりごりだという人は第二の選択肢を選べばよいだろう。どれを選んでも よいわけだからすばらしいのである。


万が一にでも、死後に心細いことが起きたならば、すぐに準胝尊真言を唱え なさい。 準如来は現世と来世の二世にわたって成仏へ導いてくださる仏さま であるから、死後の世界でもかならず救ってくださる。

そのためには、生きているいまから準胝尊真言行をおこなうことが大切であ る。準胝尊真言は如意宝珠(文字どおり「意の如く宝を生み出す珠」。古来インドで は、この世界のどこかに、 如意宝珠があると信じられてきた。釈尊滅後、仏舎利を祀 り、祈りを込めたところ、つぎつぎと生じる霊験に、人々は仏陀の御遺骨こそ


Meditation is not the only way to welcome the afterlife. There are some other methods

I conducted research with the help of Kanjunson, who recommended that I practice these methods along with the reincarnation meditation method.

In order to publish my “Reincarnation Meditation Method,” I researched various sutras and literature written by him, including the “Agon Sutra,” and also conducted spiritual readings, and in the process, researched about reincarnation.

“Junior Venerables are Buddhas who help us reincarnate into good boundaries.”

That’s what I realized.

Jun-eson is the main image of the Agon sect, the True Buddha Sharison (Buddha Sharison is the ashes of Shakyamuni Buddha, and since ancient times it has been revered as the living Buddha. The purpose of inscribing it as “Genuine” is because it is called Buddha Sharison in the world. Most of the statues that exist are of the Rouseki type, and authentic Buddha’s relics are extremely rare), and are quasi-Kannon, but this Kannon has the dignity of a Tathagata and is quasi-Kannon. It is sometimes worshiped as the Buddha of Death.

The true meaning of the second generation’s great wish

As I have said many times, when a person dies, it is not the end. When his body perishes, his soul remains, and it is reborn in the next world. Moreover, once we are reborn, that is not the end; we continue to live and die over and over again, like the wheels of a wheel turning. That is why it is called reincarnation.

However, there is no guarantee that they will be reincarnated as humans again, and depending on their karma during their lifetime, they may be reborn as livestock such as horses, cows, or pigs, or as dogs or cats.

It’s natural for him to think that if he was going to be reborn anyway, it would be better to be reborn as a human.

So, if you were simply reborn as a human, would that be enough?

After all, if he were to be reborn as a human being, he would want to be born as the happiest person possible in his next life.

As mentioned above, the person who makes that wish come true is Jun Fuson. This is written in the “Junkei Kannon Sutra,” which is recited every day by members of the Agon sect. Since it is a short sutra, let’s read the entire text first.


“Merit is nothing. Receiving heavenly and human blessings is the same as being a Buddha. If I am blessed with this Nyoi Bead, I will attain no merits. If I, as one of the great tragedies, will attain the order of the second generation.” There is a part in this that says, “Fulfill the wishes of the second generation,” and this is exactly what Jun-Fei says, “A person is a good boundary.” This is proof that the Buddha is a Buddha who helps people to be reincarnated.

As mentioned earlier, the Quasi-Feison is the Nyoi Hoju, that is, the incarnation of the True Buddha’s Sharizon. This deity is a follower of the two great dragon kings who boast tremendous divine power, and protects those who sincerely believe in this deity and recite its mantra in a calm manner from all kinds of troubles, frees them from bad fates, and even frees them from all kinds of troubles. He bestows blessings.

However, what is especially wonderful is that he has the aforementioned “wish of the second generation”. Nisei refers to this life and the next life. He has a vow that he will save us both in this life and the next.

I have always believed that the “Nisei Vow” is a vow to lead people to liberation from their karma (reaching Buddhahood) in this life, and for those who cannot achieve complete liberation in this life to achieve liberation from their karma in the next life. , I simply thought. However, he thought there was a deeper meaning, so he did just that.

In other words, he believed that salvation in the next life did not only mean attaining liberation from one’s fate in the next life, but also meant being born into the next life as a person with good boundaries.

I realized this clearly this time.

In other words, there are the following three options for the faith of a quasi-feeson. The first option is to “obtain the highest blessings in this world, and furthermore, in this life, he will gain complete explanation and become a Buddha.”

The second option is that “those who wish to never be reborn again enter Nirvana after death, and completely stop the cycle of life and death.”

The third and final option is that “those who wish to be reborn with good boundaries in their next life and enjoy a happy life will be able to live their next life in accordance with their wishes.”

I think everyone should choose one of them. Choose after dying

Because it is too late to do so.

If you want to be born a more fortunate person than you are now and enjoy happiness in your next life, you should choose the third option. Also, if you don’t want to reincarnate anymore and find life boring, you should choose the second option. Whichever he chooses is fine, which is great.

Mantra practice of salvation for two generations

In the unlikely event that something unsettling happens after death, he should immediately recite the mantra of “Jibeison.” Since the Quasi-Tathagata is the Buddha who guides you to Buddhahood in both this life and the next life, he will definitely save you even in the world after death.

To achieve this, it is important to practice the Mantra of Juseison from the moment you are alive. The Mantra of Junfuetun is Nyoi Hoju (literally, “a bead that produces treasures like one’s will”. In ancient India, it has been believed that there is a Nyoi Hoju somewhere in this world. After the death of Shakyamuni Buddha, Buddha’s ashes were enshrined. As the people prayed, miraculous experiences occurred one after another, and they realized that the remains of the Buddha were indeed there.

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Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis

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大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 “Kongokai” expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai


胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai