
深層心理学研究の主流と考えた無意識の層 The unconscious layer considered to be the mainstream of depth psychology research



  1. 本能や欲望が働く「本能の層」 この層には、人間の生存や繁殖に必要な本能的な欲求が含まれます。たとえば、食欲、性欲、排泄欲などです。フロイトは、本能の層を「エス(Es)」と呼びました。
  2. 社会的・文化的な規範が働く「自我の層」 この層には、自己認識や社会的・文化的な規範を反映した思考や行動が含まれます。自己観察や他者からの評価によって形成された自己像が、自我の形成に大きく関わっています。フロイトは、自我の層を「エゴ(Ego)」と呼びました。
  3. 過去の経験や抑圧された欲求が影響する「超自我の層」 この層には、過去の経験や社会的な価値観に基づいた内面的な規範が含まれます。たとえば、良心や道徳心、罪悪感、罰悪感などがあります。フロイトは、超自我の層を「スーパーエゴ(Superego)」と呼びました。






The unconscious layer considered to be the mainstream of depth psychology research




In depth psychology, the three main layers of the unconscious are:

“Instinct layer” where instincts and desires work This layer contains the instinctive desires necessary for human survival and reproduction. For example, appetite, sex drive, excretion drive, etc. Freud called the layer of instinct “Es”.
The “ego layer” where social and cultural norms work This layer includes thoughts and behaviors that reflect self-perceptions and social and cultural norms. The self-image formed by self-observation and evaluation by others is greatly involved in the formation of the ego. Freud called the ego layer the “ego”.
“Superego layer” influenced by past experiences and repressed desires This layer contains internal norms based on past experiences and social values. For example, conscience, morality, guilt, and remorse. Freud called the superego layer the “superego”.

The above three layers are considered mainstream in depth psychology. These layers have a great influence on human behavior and thought. ]]

Impulse Psychology——–“Psychology of Impulse Factor Pekta” and “Experimental Syndrome Theory”
Impulsometry——–“Sondy Test” Apparatus, Method, and General Interpretation
Impulse Diagnosis——–“Experimental Impulse Diagnosis” and “Linnaean Table”, Special Interpretation
Impulse Pathology——– “Impulse Pathology A, B” and “Ego Analysis”
Impulse Analysis——–“Fate Analysis”
Impulse Therapy——– “Fate Analysis Therapy”
As a true successor to Freud, it was only natural that he wanted to unify the many schools of depth psychology that were divided. The three layers of the unconscious that he considers the mainstream of deep psychology research are Freud’s personal unconscious, Jung’s collective unconscious, and his own family unconscious.


The unconscious layer is expressed in the three personality profiles of the foreground, the theoretical background, and the experimental background obtained as a result of . i.e.

Psychoanalytic Interpretation (S.Freud)
Symbolic Analytic Interpretation (C.G.Jung)
Fate-Analytical Interpretation (L.Szondi)
three interpretations of









  1. 本能や欲望が働く「本能の層」 この層には、人間の生存や繁殖に必要な本能的な欲求が含まれます。たとえば、食欲、性欲、排泄欲などです。フロイトは、本能の層を「エス(Es)」と呼びました。
  2. 社会的・文化的な規範が働く「自我の層」 この層には、自己認識や社会的・文化的な規範を反映した思考や行動が含まれます。自己観察や他者からの評価によって形成された自己像が、自我の形成に大きく関わっています。フロイトは、自我の層を「エゴ(Ego)」と呼びました。
  3. 過去の経験や抑圧された欲求が影響する「超自我の層」 この層には、過去の経験や社会的な価値観に基づいた内面的な規範が含まれます。たとえば、良心や道徳心、罪悪感、罰悪感などがあります。フロイトは、超自我の層を「スーパーエゴ(Superego)」と呼びました。


精児童と老人の知能アップ 求聞持法 Intelligent children and the elderly

精児童と老人の知能アップ について、教えて


  1. 知的活動をする 知的な活動は脳を刺激し、認知機能を維持するのに役立ちます。子供は学校の勉強や、読書、パズルなどを通じて、知的能力を向上させることができます。老人は、読書、クロスワードパズル、ボードゲーム、音楽、絵画などを通じて、認知機能を刺激することができます。
  2. 運動をする 運動は身体的健康を維持するだけでなく、認知機能を改善することにもつながります。子供は、スポーツや運動、遊びを通じて、身体と脳を刺激することができます。老人は、ウォーキング、ストレッチ、ヨガ、水泳などの軽い運動を行うことで、健康を維持し、認知機能を改善することができます。
  3. バランスの取れた食生活をする 健康的な食生活は、脳と身体の健康を維持するのに重要です。子供は、バランスの取れた食事を摂ることで、栄養バランスを整えることができます。老人は、食事に適切な栄養素を摂取することで、認知機能を改善することができます。
  4. 社会的活動をする 社会的な活動に参加することは、認知機能を改善するのに役立ちます。子供は、学校やサークルなどで友達と交流を深めることができます。老人は、趣味やボランティア活動などを通じて、社会とのつながりを保ち、認知機能を改善することができます。
  5. 睡眠を十分にとる 十分な睡眠は、脳と身体の健康を維持するのに重要です。子供は、規則正しい生活リズムを作ることで、十分な睡眠をとることができます。老人は、快適な睡眠環境を整え、規則正しい生活リズムを作




こういう混乱期に抑圧意識が突出してきて、行者を思いがけない分裂行動 や、反社会的行動に追いこむのである。だから、旅行の過程において抑意識をとり去り、純一無 雑な人格をつくり上げるように指導してゆかねばならない。にもかかわらず、古来の求聞持法の修 行法には、このことが全く欠落してしまっている。


昔から、 求聞持法を修行してやり損なうと精神 病者になるといわれ、また実際に分裂病患者が少なからず出ているのはこのためなのである。修行 指導者ともに心せねばならぬ所以である。




いままで、求聞持法は密教の大天才をつくるためにあった。 普通人以上の知能を持つエリートを集めて特殊訓練し、即身

わたくしはその反対のことをこころみたのである。普通人の知能以下のひとたちをこの法で訓練 して、普通人の知能にまでひき上げようと考えたのである。その結果は非常に有望なものであった。 わたくしは思ったのである。

生まれつき高い知能を持つ秀才を天才に仕上げ、すぐれたエリートをつくり出すことも必要であ ろうが、低い知能に生まれついた不幸な子供たちの知能を高めて、普通人の水準にひき上げてやる ことも、それに劣らぬ社会的意義を持つことではないだろうか、と。

そうしてわたくし Kiramama      はそのこころみにいどんだのである。結果は有望なものであった。相当重症の 精薄児童でないかぎり、かなりな知能の回復・向上が見られたのである。密教はこのこころみを発 させなければならぬのではなかろうか。

また、即身成仏を果たす宗教的大天才をつくり出すことも大切であろうが、ひとにぎりの大天才 をつくり出すことよりも、たとえ大天才にははるかに及ばずとも、大多数の真の良識を持った 「賢いひと」をつくり出すことのほうが、いま、はるかに必要なのではなかろうか。いや、それを なすことこそが、ひとにぎりの大天才をつくり出す目的なのではないのか。それは人類社会全体の 知的レベルをひき上げることである。この世の中をほんとうにしあわせなものにするためには、ひ とにぎりの大天才をつくるよりも、人類全体の知能を少しでもアップさせることのほうが有効であ るとわたくしは思うのだ。

わたくしは、人類の不幸はすべて人間が愚かなところに原因があると思っている。人間が愚かで あるがゆえに、殺し合い、傷つけ合い、奪い合う惨事が止まないのである。釈迦、キリストをはじ 過去に幾人かの大天才があらわれたが、ことごとく人間の愚かさの中に埋没してしまった。い まだに人間同士の愚劣な争いは止まない。それどころかエスカレートするばかりである。戦争、闘 略奪経済による環境汚染と自然破壊、すべて人類の愚かさが原因である。 わたくしはこの法を 人類社会全体の知的レベルの向上に用いたいのである。人間の愚かさは、教育だけでは解決つかな いものである。 それを解決するためには、特殊な方法が必要である。







人間はその奥深いところに未発達の部分を持っている。そうしてその未発達の部分が、人間や、 人間社会をしばしば強く動かすのである。これが不幸の原因である。人間は、自分では気がつかな くても、自分のからだや心の奥底に、自分の知らない非常に遠い過去からのものをそのまま受けつ いで残している。 人間に進化するまでの過程において必要であった人間以前の非人間的なものを、

そのまま心の奥かく秘めている。人間にまで進化した現在ではもはや不要であったり、あるいは かえって有害となるものを残している。人間の愚かな行動はそれに起因しているのである。 求聞持 法はそれをとり除いて、人間を賢くさせる方法を持つ。



教育や、また、「教え」を主にした一般の宗教では、人間の奥かくにひそむこの暗黒部分をと のぞくことが出来ない。なぜならば、その暗黒部分は究極のところで「教え」を拒否してしまう からである。

必要なのは、「教え」ではなく「方法」である。 求聞持法はその「方法」を持つ。 い や、その「方法」が求聞持法なのだ。 わたくしは、この法を、一部のエリートたち(あるいはエリー トを志す人たちだけでなく、人類全体に適用したいのだ。人類の知能はそれにより間違いなくレベ ルアップするだろう。

ところで、人間の知能について考えるとき、老人の知能低下の問題をそのままにしておくわけに はいかない。


「見当識」を失って、記憶のほとんどを忘失してしまった気の毒なひとたちである。 しかし、気 の毒なのは本人たちだけではない。 その家族たちも同様に気の毒である。中には、人間関係を荒廃 させ、あるいは経済的に破綻しようとしている悲惨な家庭がいくつもある。仔細に見てゆくとき、 これはもうひとつの社会問題であると思わざるを得ない。高齢化社会がすすみつつある現在、これ は今後よりいっそう深刻化してゆくであろう。 これはひとごとではない。おたがい切実な問題であ る。生きているかぎり、だれでも老人になるのだ。 そうして多少の個人差はあっても、老人になっ



すぐれた効果をあげることができるのである。 かなりの高年者でも、この法によって訓練するこ とにより、確実に脳の老化を防ぐことが出来る。もちろん、若ものたちのようなわけにはいかない けれども、うまくゆくと、その老人の過去のどの時代よりも若々しく冴えた頭のはたらきを見せる という皮肉な現象も起こり得るのだ。

老人は長い社会生活による豊富な経験と知識を持つ。 ながい間の経験による知恵も持っている。 この経験と知識と知恵を恍惚のかなたに消滅させてしまうことは、本人はもとより、社会にとっ ても損失である。

持法の訓練により、老人は、脳の活力と柔軟性をとりもどす。 それは老人の経済的自立も意 味するだろう。


もちろん、この二つを完全に果たすためには、今までとちがったあたらしい求聞持法が必要であ る。なぜならば、古来の求聞持法は、エリート集団の特殊訓練法であった。エリート中のエリート えりすぐって修行させることにより、はじめてその効果をあげることができるものであった。そ れをそのままこれらのひとたちに適用することは出来ない。ではどうしたらよいのか? そのこと についてはまたあとで述べよう。



During this period of confusion, a sense of oppression comes to the fore, driving the practitioner into unexpected schisms and anti-social behavior. Therefore, in the process of travel, we must guide them to get rid of their feelings of depression and build up a pure and unsophisticated personality. Nevertheless, this is completely absent from the ancient Gumonjiho practice.


Since ancient times, it has been said that if one fails to practice the Gumonjiho, one becomes a psychopath, and this is the reason why many schizophrenic patients actually appear. This is the reason why both training leaders must keep this in mind.




Intelligent children and the elderly

It was used to create a great genius who would attain Buddhahood.

Until now, the Gumonjiho was to create a great genius of esoteric Buddhism. Gather elites with higher intelligence than ordinary people, special train them, and

I tried to do the opposite. The idea was to use this method to train people whose intelligence was below that of an ordinary person, and to bring them up to the level of an ordinary person’s intelligence. The results were very promising. I thought.

It may be necessary to turn talented people who are born with high intelligence into geniuses and create an excellent elite, but he will raise the intelligence of unfortunate children who were born with low intelligence and raise them to the level of ordinary people. I wondered if this also has social significance equal to that.

That’s how I and him, Kiramama, went against that plan. The results were promising. Unless the children were severely thin children, a considerable recovery and improvement of intelligence was observed. Shouldn’t esoteric Buddhism have to make this intention come out?

It is also important to create religious great geniuses who can attain Buddhahood in their own lives. Isn’t it far more necessary now to create “smart people”? No, isn’t it the very purpose of him to create a handful of great geniuses? It is to raise the intellectual level of the entire human society. In order to make this world truly happy, I believe that it is more effective to raise the intelligence of the entire human race, even if only a little, rather than creating a great genius of his own.

I believe that human stupidity is the cause of all human misfortune. Human beings are foolish and they exist, so the tragedy of killing, hurting, and competing for each other never stops. Buddha, Christ, and many other great geniuses have appeared in the past, but they have all been buried in human stupidity. His silly fights between humans still don’t stop. On the contrary, it only escalates. Wars, struggles, environmental pollution and natural destruction caused by the predatory economy, are all caused by the stupidity of mankind. I would like to use this law to improve the intellectual level of the entire human society. Human stupidity cannot be solved by education alone. A special method is needed to solve it.

Human beings have an underdeveloped part deep inside them. And it is this underdeveloped part that often drives humans and human societies strongly. This is the cause of unhappiness. Even if we don’t realize it ourselves, we carry things from the very distant past that we don’t know about in the depths of our bodies and minds. The pre-human inhuman things that were necessary in the process of evolving into humans,


It’s hidden deep inside his heart. Now that he has evolved into a human being, he leaves things that are no longer necessary or even harmful. Human stupidity is due to it. Inquisitiveness has a way of getting rid of it and making people smarter.

He cannot look into this dark side that lies deep within human beings through education and general religions that focus on “teachings.” This is because the dark side of him ultimately rejects the “teachings.” What is needed is a “method,” not a “teaching.” Q&A has its “method”. No, that “method” is the Qinghuiho. I want to apply this law not only to some elites (or those who aspire to be elites), but to the entire human race.

By the way, when thinking about human intelligence, he cannot leave the problem of declining intelligence in the elderly as it is.

According to a survey by experts, there are currently about 300,000 elderly people in total ecstasy all over the country. so-called


These are the poor people who have lost most of their memories due to their disorientation. But they are not the only ones to feel sorry for them. I feel sorry for their families as well. Among them are a number of miserable families that have ruined relationships or are on the brink of financial bankruptcy. When you look closely, you can’t help but think that this is another social problem. With the aging society progressing, this will become even more serious in the future. This is not one. Both are serious issues. As long as one lives, one becomes old. In this way, even if there are some individual differences,

No one can prevent intellectual decline.

Then, what about the Qinghui method that dramatically improves human intelligence?

It can give excellent results. Even a very old person can certainly prevent aging of the brain by training according to this method. Of course, he can’t be like the young ones, but if things go well, the ironic phenomenon of him showing a younger and clearer head than any other age in the old man’s past can also occur. .

Elderly people have a wealth of experience and knowledge due to their long social life. He also has wisdom from long experience. Losing this experience, knowledge, and wisdom beyond ecstasy is a loss not only for the individual, but also for society.

Through the training of Hoho, the elderly regain the vitality and flexibility of the brain. It would also mean financial independence for the elderly.

These two things are possible.

Of course, in order to achieve these two goals completely, we need a new method of inquiry and hearing that is different from what has been done up until now. This is because the ancient Gumonjiho was a special training method for elite groups. An elite among elites, he was able to achieve its effect only by carefully selecting and training him. You can’t just apply it to these people. So what should we do? More on that later.

降三世明王  Trilokya Vijaya



降三世はサンスクリット語で、トライローキヤ・ヴィジャヤ(三界の勝利者 Trailokyavijaya)といい、正確には「三千世界の支配者シヴァを倒した勝利者」の意味。

経典によっては、そのまま、孫婆明王(そんばみょうおう)とも、後期密教の十忿怒尊ではシュンバ・ラージャ (Śumbharāja)とも呼ばれる。 その成立は、古代インド神話に登場するシュンバ (Śumbha)、ニシュンバ (Niśumbha) というアスラの兄弟に関係し、密教の確立とともに仏教に包括された仏尊である。

同体とされる勝三世明王は、降三世と起源を同じくするものの、「一面二臂タイプのトライローキャヴィジャヤ」として近年インドでも出土しており、ヴァジュラ・フーンカーラ菩薩 (Vajrahūṃkāra) とも言われる






  • オン・ニソムバ・バサラウンパッタ
  • Oṃ śumbha niśumbha hūṃ gṛhṇa gṛhṇa hūṃ gṛhṇāpaya hūṃ ānaya ho bhagavan vajra hūṃ phaṭ.
    • (オーン、シュンバよ、ニシュンバよ、フーン、捕えよ、捕えよ、フーン、捕えしめよ、フーン、引き入れよ、ホー、世尊よ、金剛よ、フーン、パット
  • One of the Five Great Meiou or the Eight Great Meiou. It is distributed to the east. An incarnation of Akshobhya. It surrenders and refuses the three poisons and anxieties of Tonjinchi, and the two obstacles of knowledge. There are eight-armed, four-armed, and two-armed statues, but most are eight-armed, and there are three and four sides. He tramples on Daijuten and his princess, Karasuma, and holds a sword and a pestle in his hand. Benefits include subjugation, victory, illness, and respect. Trailokyavijaya.Trailokyavijaya is a Sanskrit word for Trailokyavijaya, which means “the victor who defeated Shiva, the ruler of the three thousand worlds.”Depending on the scriptures, it is also called Sonba Myouou or Shumba Raja in the late esoteric Buddhism. Its formation is related to the Asura brothers Śumbha and Niśumbha, who appear in ancient Indian mythology, and is a Buddhist priest who was included in Buddhism with the establishment of esoteric Buddhism.Although it has the same origin as Trailokyavijaya, it has been excavated in India in recent years as a “one-sided, two-armed type trilo cavijaya,” and is also known as the Vajrahūṃkāra.


    Shiva was worshiped as the supreme god of Hinduism as “the god that houses the three worlds of the past, present and future” with his wife Parvati, but Dainichi Nyorai calls for the conversion of Shiva to save the Hindu world. In order to do so, he dispatched his subordinate, Trailokyavijaya (or it is said that Dainichi Nyorai himself changed to Trailokyavijaya and went directly), and finally surrendered the stubborn Shiva and Parvati by super power and went to Buddhism. Was converted. The name of the descending third generation Myo is, in other words, “the Myo who defeated Shiva containing the three worlds.”

    As shown in the picture on the right, the trailokyavijaya has the appearance of four sides and eight arms [11], with two hands tying the impressive “Trailokyavijaya”, and the remaining hands holding weapons such as bows and arrows and halberds. It is a brave figure, but the biggest feature is that it is trampling on Shiva and Parvati, who have fallen to the ground with both feet. Speaking of Buddha who trampled someone, the four heavenly kings are trampling on evil spirits, but the King of the Third King is a Buddha that stands out in that “although it is pagan, it is trampling on God.”


    On Nisomba Basaraunpatta
    Oṃ śumbha niśumbha hūṃ gṛ hṇ a gṛ hṇ a hūṃ gṛ hṇāpaya hūṃ ānaya ho bhagavan vajra hūṃ phaṭ.
    (Oh, Shumba, Nishumba, Hoon, Catch, Catch, Hoon, Catch, Hoon, Pull in, Ho, Seiko, Kongo, Hoon, Pat)

 仏陀の超能力開発のシステム  Buddha’s supernatural power development system















2 スヴァジスターナーチャクラ



3 マニピューラーチャクラ




4 アナハターチャクラ






5 ヴィシュダー・チャクラ







6 アジナー・チャクラ



 このチヤクラは、また、命令のチヤクラ、願望成就のチヤクラ、自在力のチヤクラともいわれ、熟達すると、自然に命令してこれを自在に動かし、自由に支配ナることができるようになる。すなわち、八種の自在力をそなえるようになる。八種の自在力とは、前にも述べたように、山身体を極限まで小さくして、岩などを自由に通り抜ける力 即からだを大空にいっぱいになるほど大きくする力 即蓮の糸や綿くずよりも軽くなる力 ㈲望みのままに、月にでも指をふれることができる力 即自分の意志するままに、どんなことがらでも実現できる力 ㈲世界を創造し、支配する力 閉万物を自分の意のままに従わせる力 ㈲大地のように身を重くすることのできる力、あるいは、自分の意欲の対象を必ず手に入れることのできる力、の八種である。

7 サハスララーチャクラ

 頭のなかの光明Murdhajyotioといわれるチヤクラである。Brahma randhra梵の座、梵の裂け目という頭蓋骨の接合するところの真下に位置する。梵の座、梵の裂け目とは、梵すなわち聖なるもの、と一体になる場所という意味である。






ESP development system

Chakra function

I looked at the chakra from the aspect of modern medicine and physiology called the endocrine gland. So how does Buddhism think and explain the chakra?

1 Muradara Chakra

Physical strength is constantly improving, is it the third of ordinary people? You will have five times as much energy. On the third day, I feel fine about the fourth night. It does not accept any illness and becomes a healthy body. Those who are sick will heal all their bad things. Even a dying sick person will kick the floor and stand up when concentrating on this chakra. Both men and women are 10 years or older younger than their actual age. Instead, it will have strong properties and fertility, so I will also teach you how to change that dryness into an intelligent dryness called Ojas.

2 Svaj Starner Chakra

If you concentrate your energy on this chakra, you will be more energetic, brave, and aggressively act in the position of the chakra.

It will be demonstrated. Don’t be afraid of anything, don’t be confused by anything, and with an unwavering belief, don’t be afraid of any difficulties. Demonstrate superhuman skill that transcends life and death.

3 Manipuler chakra

This chakra is what Yoger Sutra says, “By applying a sutra to the navel ring, you can know the tissues inside the body.” Being able to know the tissues in the body is not just about knowing, but also being able to freely control the tissues of the body. Because it has the power to freely control not only one’s own body but also the body of another person, it can heal a person’s illness immediately.

Since this chakra belongs to the “Samana Ki” of the Five Kis, it controls this chakra as it says, “If you overcome the Samana Ki, you can emit a flame from your body.” By doing so, you will be able to generate the energy of fire. The fire of psychokinesis is made using this chakura and Vishda chiyakura. The mystery of the Kundalini Esoteric Buddhism says, “When I enter and close my eyes, I see a yellowish incandescent flame rising like steam from this chakra, and when I go down the road, it is the same. You can see the colored flames wrapping around the abdomen from the waist. It may look like light smoke or fog. ” This chakra transforms the reproductive dryness enhanced by the Muradara chakra into another substance. In the same way, the toxins and toxins that have entered the body are decomposed by this chakra and converted into other substances. Therefore, even poisonous substances such as PCB and DDT can be made harmless by the power of this chakra.

When it became possible to produce a clear flame, it began to have the power to change the substance element and change it into a different substance.

4 Anahata chakra

The power of other minds appeared, and at the same time as the minds of others came to be grasped, the power to move the minds of others freely came out. Next, you will be able to interact with the high heart of the invisible (expressed as the Holy Spirit, the Spirit, and the Leading Spirit). An excellent heart that sees things that are incomprehensible and incomprehensible to me

It can be heard from there assimilated into the dryness of wisdom. In other words, even if a person’s body is unraveled, the energy of the person’s mind remains in this space, so if the vibration of this chakra becomes the same as the vibration of that mind, that mind would have. All things, consciousness, and intelligence are assimilated with me

It means that it will be yours. In that sense, if you become fully proficient in this chakra, you will be able to open the way to interact with the world of the spirit world (four dimensions).

5 Vishda chakra

It has superhuman hearing. In fact, when this chakra becomes available, you will be able to hear certain sounds that you have never heard before.

That is, human hearing is 40,000? You can only hear vibration waves of 500,000 kilocycles, but if you master this chakura, your hearing will be more than doubled. It means that you can hear the heartbeat of a person at a distance of 100 meters. By the way, the hearing of dogs is 80,000? It is said to be 90,000 kilocycles.

Also, listen to various voices. You will hear the voice of the leading spirit clearly.

The ability of Yoga Sutra to “understand the meaning of the screams of all creatures” is acquired.

It’s wrong. It is a Buddhist heavenly ear connoisseur.

In addition, this chakura has a deep relationship with the muscle movements of the head, upper limbs (both arms) and chest.

6 Ajina chakra

It will have abnormal clairvoyance. The ability of Yoga Sutra to “see the light that is associated with the manifestation of the mind, so that we can know even the finest things, hidden things that are hidden from the public, and things that are far away.” Is.

Telepathic ability is generated. It is this chakra that makes the “big skin” of the Yoger Sutra possible.

This chakura is also called a command chakura, a wish fulfillment chakura, and a free power chakura, and when you become proficient, you will be able to command and move it freely and control it freely. That is, it will have eight kinds of free power. As mentioned earlier, the eight types of free power are the power to make the mountain body as small as possible and freely pass through rocks, etc. The power to make the body so large that it fills the sky immediately. The power to be lighter than the power to be able to touch the moon as desired ㈲ The power to realize anything immediately as you wish ㈲ The power to create and control the world The power to obey at will ㈲ There are eight types of power: the power to be heavy like the earth, or the power to be sure to obtain the object of one’s motivation.

7 Sahasla Rachakra

It is a chakura called Mourdhajyotio in the head. It is located just below the joint of the skull, which is the seat of Brahma andrra 梵, and the rift of the 梵. The seat of the 梵, the rift of the 梵, means the place to be one with the 梵, that is, the sacred thing.

When this chakura was awakened, a light appeared in this part and it brilliantly shined. The light in my head.

This chakra integrates all chakras and controls it freely. He gradually transforms when he is free to control all the chakras. He transforms from a human to a strange creature, as insects gradually melt the hard epidermis that covers their entire body, naturally wearing supple but strong wings and transforming into flying butterflies. He transforms from the three-dimensional creature Homo sapiens to the four-dimensional creature super-human, Homo Excellence. In yoga, this was described as one with the sacred.

This chakra is said to be the place where the Holy Spirit dwells and interacts with the Holy Spirit. The practitioner who completed this chakra is called a superhuman, a master, and a savior. Superhumans transcend the physical world and are not restricted by time and space. As in Yoga Sutra, he is free to lose his body, fly from the hinterland of the Himalayas to Tokyo in an instant, and leave for Europe in a moment. He has mastered the secrets of time and space in the four-dimensional world. Just as the behavior of the creatures in the three-dimensional (three-dimensional) world seems to be nothing but the behavior of the creatures in the two-dimensional (planar) world, for us of the three-dimensional creatures, the movement of superhumans living in the four-dimensional world is

I can’t understand at all. In India, the Buddha is a superhuman, showing in form that he is the perfector of this chakra. You’re probably sure to see that shape.







 霊性とはなにか?  what is spirituality?



霊性(れいせい、れいしょう[1])は、非常にすぐれた性質や超人的な力能をもつ不思議な性質[1]、天賦の聡明さ[2]といった意味の漢語であり、肉体に対する[1][注釈 1]の意味でも用いられる。






Spirituality refers to the qualities or abilities related to the mind, soul, or spirit. It is often used in a religious context and refers to a higher-dimensional existence beyond the physical or material aspects of human life.

Spirituality can include various elements such as high spirituality, holiness, moral and ethical virtues, transcendent consciousness, profound insight, and spiritual energy or power gained through practices like meditation or prayer.

Spirituality can also refer to supernatural abilities or powers bestowed by God or other higher beings, such as clairvoyance, extrasensory perception, or the ability to reach enlightenment or Buddhahood.

However, interpretations and perspectives on spirituality can differ depending on religious or faith backgrounds, and since it is not scientifically proven, there is still room for debate on its existence and nature.

Spirituality refers to the qualities or abilities related to the mind, soul, or spirit. It is often used in a religious context and refers to a higher-dimensional existence beyond the physical or material aspects of human life.

Spirituality can include various elements such as high spirituality, holiness, moral and ethical virtues, transcendent consciousness, profound insight, and spiritual energy or power gained through practices like meditation or prayer.

Spirituality can also refer to supernatural abilities or powers bestowed by God or other higher beings, such as clairvoyance, extrasensory perception, or the ability to reach enlightenment or Buddhahood.

However, interpretations and perspectives on spirituality can differ depending on religious or faith backgrounds, and since it is not scientifically proven, there is still room for debate on its existence and nature.






釈尊の「成仏法」を修行すると、それがよくわかるようになるのであるが、ここは、瞑想によって悟を完成し、仏陀になられた大霊覚者ゴータマ・ブッダ、釈尊の語るところによって、 それを知っていただこう。







不動心を得、宿命 智通を覚りて作証しぬ。我行 有り相貌 有り、本




・無量の成敗劫なり。 彼の衆生某と名づけ、彼昔更に歴ぬ。我曾て彼に


生じ、是の如き姓、 是の如き字にして、 是の如く生じ是の如く飲食し、 是の


如く苦楽を受け、是の如く長寿し是の如く久しく住し是の如く寿り、此に死して彼に生じ、彼に死して此に生じ、 我生じて此に在り、 是の如き姓、 是の如き字にして是の如く生じ是の如く飲食し、 是の如く苦楽を受け、 是の 如く長寿しの如く久しく住し是の如く寿りぬと。これを我その時初夜に



じ謂く宿命 智を作証明達しぬ。 また次に梵志、我巳に是の如き定

心を得、清浄にして穢無く煩無く、柔軟にして善く住し不動心を得、 生死智


死時生時、 好色悪色、妙と不妙と、善処及び不善処に往来するを見、この衆 ぜんしょ

生の所作業に随いてその如真を見、若しこの衆生身悪 [行)、口・意悪行を

成就し聖人を誹謗し、邪見にして邪見業を成就すれば、彼これに因命終りて必ず悪処に至り地獄の中に生ぜん。 若しこの衆生身妙行、

意妙行を成就し、聖人を誹謗せず、正見にして正見業を成就すれば、 彼 これに因縁して身壊れ、命終りて必ず善処に昇り天中に上生せんと見 る]。 これを我その時中夜にこの第二明達を得と謂い、本放逸無きを以て遠 離に楽し修行精動し、謂く無智滅して而も智生じ、闇壊れて面も明成り、 無明滅して而も明生じ、謂く生死智を作証し明達しぬ。 また次に梵志、 我巳 にの如き心を得、清浄にして穢無く煩無く、柔軟にして善く住し不動心 を得、漏尽智通を学び作証し、我この苦の如真を知り、この苦の習を知り、 この苦滅を知り、この苦滅道の如真を知り、この漏の如真を知り、この漏 習を知り、この滅を知り、この滅道の如真を知り、 我是の如く知 是の如く見、欲漏心解脱し、有漏・無明漏心解脱し、解脱し巳りてすな わち解脱を知り、生巳に尽き梵行巳に立ち所作巳に弁じ、更に有を受けずと 真を知る。これを我その時後夜にこの第三明達を得と謂い、本放逸無きを 以て遠離に住し修行精勤し、謂く無智滅しても智生じ、闇壊れて而も明成り、無明滅して而も明生じ、謂く漏尽智を作証し明達しぬ。


わたし(釈尊は、つねに努力精進し、その想いは確立してすこしもみだ れず、体は安楽で動揺せず、心は禅定に入って静かである。 そのわたしがあ るとき、瞑想に入ってしだいに禅定が深まってきた。 第一禅定から第二、第 三、第四禅定まで深まるにつれて、心に想い浮かぶなにものもなくなり、喜 びや楽しみだけとなり、そして遂にはそれもなくなって、ただ清浄な想いだ けとなった。

そのとき、わたしの心は、一点のけがれもなく、清く明るく、絶対不動で あった。そしてわたしの心の眼はおのずから前世の光景に向けられていっ た。それは一生だけではなく、二生、三生、十生、二十生、そして無限の生 生きかわり死にかわりした光景が展開してきた。これが第一の智慧で ある。


what is spirituality




Spirituality (reisei, reisho [1]) is a Chinese word meaning such as a mysterious disposition [1] that has a very good nature or superhuman strength, or a natural intelligence [2]. Also used in the sense of spirit[1][note 1]. It is also translated from English: spirituality and Latin: spiritualitas [3], and is also translated as spirituality, which refers to the state of religious mind, especially the reality and tradition of piety and faith in the Catholic Church [3]. Four]. The origin of spirituality as a Catholic theological term dates back to the 5th century[3], but it began to be actively used as a theological term in the early 20th century[5]. Since then, it has been widely used as a religious term and a general cultural term beyond the framework of Christian terminology [3].

I believe that humans are spiritual beings.

This is because humans have a special life form.

What are special life forms?


If you practice Shakyamuni’s “Buddha Dharma”, you will come to understand it well, but here is the great enlightened person Gautama Buddha, who achieved enlightenment through meditation and became a Buddha, according to the words of Shakyamuni. I want you to know that.

This is what Shakyamuni says in the Chuagami Sutra, a sutra directly written by Shakyamuni.

Middle Agon Sutra “Orange Garden Sutra”



I have the determination to write like this, clean and free from pollution and flexibility.


Acquire a sense of steadfastness, wake up to your destiny and wisdom, and write a work. There is a book


As I remember my countless careers, there are so-called lifetimes, two lives, a hundred lives, a thousand lives, a secular life, and so on.


・There are countless successes and failures. Named his sentient beings, he has a long history. to him


Born, surname like this, letters like this, birth like this, eating and drinking like this,


Like this, I received joys and sorrows, lived like this, lived like this, lived like this, lived like this, lived like this, died like this and was born to him, died to him and was born here, I was born and am here, like this. The family name is written like this, and it is born like this, eats and drinks like this, suffers joys and sorrows like this, lives like this for a long time, and lives like this. I made this on the first night

It is said that this is the first attainment of mastery.

Even if Ignorance disappears, wisdom arises

The so-called destiny wisdom has not been achieved. Next, Bonshi and I have this kind of determination.

Acquire the heart, clean and free from impurities, flexible and well-living, acquire a steadfast heart, and the wisdom of life and death.

By learning the arts and making testimony, I can pass through the eyes of the clairvoyant of purity, so that this sentient being

In death and in life, lecherous and lewd, strange and strange, going back and forth between good and bad, all of this people.

Follow the work of life and see the reality, and if this sentient beings are bad [deeds], mouth / bad deeds

If one succeeds in slandering a sage, blaspheming a sage, and accomplishing a wicked act, he will surely end up in a bad place and be reborn in hell. Young sentient beings perform miracles,

If one achieves a miracle, does not slander a sage, and sees the right view and achieves the right view, one will be broken due to this, and after one’s life ends, one will surely rise to a good place and rise to the heavens]. This is what I call this second enlightenment in the middle of the night. It flickers and then the light arises, and the so-called wisdom of life and death cannot be proved and attained. Next, I will acquire a heart like Bonshi and I, clean and free from impurities, flexible and well-living, gaining an immovable mind, learning the flow of wisdom and writing, and I will know the truth of this suffering. Know this practice of suffering, know this suffering, know this reality of suffering, know this reality of leakage, know this reality of leakage, know this destruction, know this reality of destruction. To know, to know as I am, to see as I am, to be liberated from greed and ignorance, to be liberated from ignorance and ignorance, to be liberated, in other words, to know liberation, to be exhausted in life, and to stand in the spirit of the gods. To speak to the snake, and to know the truth without receiving existence. This is what I call this 3rd Awakening at that time and at night. There is no flicker and then the light arises, and the so-called leaked wisdom cannot be proved and clarified.

(I referred to “Kokuyaku Issaikyo” for reading down)

I (Shakyamuni) is always striving and diligent, his thoughts are firmly established and not disturbed, his body is comfortable and unshakable, and his mind is calm and tranquil. From the first meditation to the second, third, and fourth meditations, the mind ceased to have any thoughts, only joy and pleasure, and finally it ceased to exist. It was nothing but pure thoughts.

At that time, my heart was pure, bright, and absolutely unmoving. And my mind’s eye naturally turned to the scene of my previous life. It was not just one life, but two, three, ten, twenty, and infinite lives, and a scene of life and death unfolded. This is the first wisdom he has.




それからわたしの心は、あらゆる衆生の相に向けられてきた。わたしは超人的な眼力でその相を見た。そこには貴いもの、賤しいもの、美しいもの、醜いもの、幸福なもの、不幸なものの、それぞれの宿業が渦巻いてい た。 これが第二の智慧である。

それからわたしは、苦集滅道の四(四つの真理)をありのままに 知り、わたしの心は、あらゆる存在の相から、全く解放され、ふたたびそれ に執着することはなくなった。これが第三の智慧である。

釈尊は瞑想によって、自分の前生の、二生、 三生、 十生、 二十生、さらには無 限の生涯の生き変わり死に変わりしてきた光景を見ているのである。 それは自 分だけではなく、あらゆる人間の前生と、さらに後有(このつぎの人生)を見て いるのである。

釈尊はここで、決しておとぎ話や、たとえ話寓話をのべているのではない。 釈尊の成仏法を修行すれば、その真実であることがすぐわかる。 その修行により、わたくし自身、人の三、四世代前、そしてつぎの世代における存在までは透 視できるようになっているのである。

人間の生命は、多くの人たちが考えているように、決してひとつの生涯だけで 終わるものではないのである。 ある生涯が終わったら、またひきつづき、つぎの 生命形態に移っていくのである。

多くの人たちはその認識がなく、ひとつの生涯のみで、人の生命は終わるもの と思っている。ここに、決定的な、そして致命的な生命観の欠陥があるのであ





いわゆる来所を知り、住所を知る智慧である。 これを得れば、人はおのずから、 なにをなすべきか、なにをなさざるべきかがわかってくる、そこから人間の真の 進歩発展がスタートするのである。それがないから、人間は、霊的に少しも進 歩せず、発展せず、いつまでも低いところを輪廻して、無限にさまよい歩いてい



この無知を、釈尊は、 「無明」 (avidya) と名づけたのである。






真実を悟る智慧を持たず、真っ暗闇の中を、手さぐりで歩いている状態であ る。まことに人間はそのとおりではないか。 来たるところを知らず、往くところ を知らず、ただ現在(現生)あるのみである。その現在を、ひたすら目先の利益 追求に狂奔する。その結果、いかなるところに往くのか、いかなる世界に、いか 生命形態として存在することになるのか、まったくお先真っ暗である。 「第三の目」は、このお先真っ暗な闇の世界を見通すのである。「第三の目」に闇はない。 真昼のごとく明らかに見ることができるのである。

奇妙なことに思われるかもしれないが、わたくしは、釈尊の十生、二十生を見 通す力を思うごとに、ショウジョウバエを想い起こすのである。

ショウジョウバエは、その世代が極端に短い。 ふつう、一世代がわずかに約1カ月である。だから、何十世代もの変遷を短時間で見ることができる。

そこで、生物学者や、遺伝学者は、ショウジョウバエを使って、その変化を実 験する。ひとつの遺伝子の変化が、何十世代のうちに、どういう結果を生ずる 目のあたりに知ることができるのである。



彼のように、何十世代もの人間の移り変わりを如実に見ることのできる力をそ なえていれば、ひとつの原因が、どのような経過を経て、どのような結果をもた らしたか、つぶさに知ることができる。 彼がじっさいに語っているように、その 人間がなんという名前で、いつ、どこに生まれて、どういう人生を送ったか、ま その人生を終わって、つぎにまたどういう人生を迎えたか、ある生涯のどんな





さきほどの中阿含経 「黄蘆園経」では、釈尊の瞑想の深まり、生き生きと語瞑想のすべてがここに表現されているといってよい。







3 からだは安楽で動揺しない。












2、 それは一生だけでなく、二生、三生、十生、二十生とかぎりなくさか















それは第三の智慧の獲得であり、「解脱の瞑想」 であった。

いかがであろうか? すばらしい体験だとあなたは思わないだろうか? れが仏陀の瞑想なのである。そうしてだれでも、仏陀の瞑想をすればこういう境 地に達することができるのだ。

だが、そういうと、あなたはいうかもしれない。釈尊のような大天才と、凡人 であるわれわれと、どうしていっしょになるものか、釈尊がそういうすばらしい 体験をしたからといって、それがそのままわれわれに通ずるとはかぎらないの だ。むしろ、鶏のまねをするカラスで、けっきょく、骨折り損のくたびれもうけ ということになるのではないか、と。


釈尊とおなじ瞑想をすることにより、われわれもまた彼とおなじ結果に到達す ることが可能なのである。 最初の道を切り開くものは天才でなければならぬ。 し かし、すでに天才の開いた道は、だれでも歩むことができるのである。





Since then, My heart has been directed to all aspects of sentient beings. I saw that face with superhuman eyesight. There swirled the karma of the noble, the humble, the beautiful, the ugly, the happy, and the miserable. This is the second wisdom.


After that, I came to know the Four Paths of Suffering and Destruction (Four Truths) as they were, and my mind was completely freed from all aspects of existence, and I never clung to them again. This is the third wisdom.

Through his meditations, the Buddha sees the scenes of his previous lives, which have been transformed into the rebirths and deaths of his second, third, ten, twenty, and even infinite lives. He sees not only himself, but all human beings in their previous and subsequent lives.

The Buddha is not telling fairy tales or parables here. If you practice Shakyamuni Buddha’s Dharma, you will soon find out its truth. Through his training, I have become able to see myself, three or four generations before and even the next generation.

Human life, as many people think, does not end with just one lifetime. After one life is over, one moves on to the next life form.

Many people are unaware of this and believe that human life is over in only one lifetime. Here lies a crucial and fatal flaw in the view of life.


Spirituality is the nature of knowing it.

It is the ability to know where people come from, where they leave, and where they are going.


It is the wisdom to know the so-called arrival and address. Once people have this, they will naturally understand what they should do and what they should not do, and that is where true progress and development of human beings will begin. Without it, human beings do not make any progress or develop spiritually, and continue to wander endlessly in circles in the low places.

It is. No, that’s not all. As a result, human beings

He will destroy the world with his own hands.

This ignorance is what the Buddha called ignorance (avidya).

Drosophila Logic


“The word ‘ignorance’ has two meanings.

Total ignorance and total darkness.

“Ming” has two meanings: wisdom and light.

Lacking the wisdom to perceive the truth, he walks fumbling in pitch darkness. Is it not so with humans? He does not know where he is coming, he does not know where he is going, he is only present. In the present, he is frantically pursuing immediate profit. As a result, where he will go, what kind of world he will exist in, and what kind of life form he will exist in, the future is completely dark. The “third eye” sees through the dark world ahead. There is no darkness in the “third eye”. You can see it as clearly as it is at noon.

Strange as it may seem, every time I think of Buddha’s ability to see through his ten or twenty lives, I think of fruit flies.

Drosophila have an extremely short generation. Usually, one generation is only about one month. So you can see the transition of dozens of generations in a short time.

So biologists and geneticists use fruit flies to experiment with the changes. It is possible to see with one’s own eyes what kind of results a change in one gene will produce in dozens of generations.

So is the wisdom of the Buddha.


Like him, if you have the power to see the transitions of dozens of generations of human beings, you will be able to understand how a single cause has led to what kind of process and what kind of result. You can know in detail. As he actually says, what was the name of that person, when and where was he born, what kind of life did he lead, and what kind of life did he end his life, and what kind of life did he face again, a certain life What kind of

It is

Across all human beings, what the result of the action was in the next lifetime

can know. This is the real deal.

From Buddha Meditation to Reincarnation Meditation

It can be said that the deepening of Shakyamuni’s meditation and the lively speech meditation are all expressed here in the Middle Agon Sutra “Huang Roen Sutra” that I mentioned earlier.

Jumping over the 21st-century gap in time and space, dear readers, this is what meditation really is. This is where meditation is all about.

Let us delve a little deeper into this experience of Buddha.

Buddha’s meditation experience has five stages

Here, the depth of meditation and its results are vividly told.

first stage

1. To be able to continue devoting oneself to one purpose at all times, to be able to consolidate one’s thoughts,

3 His body is easy and restless.

second stage

4. The mind is always calm and quiet.

From the first meditation to the second, third, and fourth meditation, it gradually deepens,

1. Nothing comes to mind,

2, only joy and pleasure,

third stage

3. At last filled with nothing but pure thoughts,

4. Not a single point of blemish, clean and bright, absolutely immovable.

Then the eyes of my heart opened,

1. The scene in my previous life begins to unfold.

fourth stage

2. It is not only a lifetime

Ascending, the spectacle of an infinite life, transformed into rebirth and death, unfolds.


It was a retrospective to the root of life and the acquisition of the first wisdom.

The mind’s eye expands further and further, transcending the limits of one’s ability to see the past and the present.

And all the people flowing into the future are seen through.


It was a grasp of the substance of the lodging that regulates existence.

This is the acquisition of the second wisdom.

fifth stage

I then



1. Clearly know the four truths that will free you from karma,

2. Completed commentary and transcendence from all beings.

It was the acquisition of the third wisdom, “meditation of liberation”.

What do you think? Isn’t it a wonderful experience for you? This is Buddha’s meditation. So anyone can reach this state by meditating on the Buddha.

But then you might say, How can a great genius like Buddha and ordinary people like us get together? Or rather, a crow imitating a rooster, and in the end he would end up getting tired of his unsuccessful efforts.

It is not so.

By doing the same meditation as the Buddha, we can also reach the same results as he did. A genius must be the one who paves the first path. However, anyone can follow a path that has already been opened by a genius.

心の解脱 教えて



