

世界平和 world peace






In the midst of the war, Ukraine is facing significant challenges. Since 2014, Ukraine has been embroiled in a conflict with Russia, particularly in the eastern regions of the country. This conflict has resulted in a devastating toll on Ukraine and its people.

The war in Ukraine has led to a high number of casualties, both among military personnel and civilians. It has caused significant damage to infrastructure, including homes, schools, hospitals, and basic utilities. Many people have been displaced from their homes, becoming internally displaced persons (IDPs) or seeking refuge in neighboring countries.

The war has also resulted in a humanitarian crisis, with limited access to essential supplies such as food, water, and healthcare. The ongoing conflict has made it difficult for humanitarian organizations to provide assistance to those in need. Additionally, there have been reports of human rights violations and atrocities committed by both sides of the conflict.

The international community has been closely monitoring the situation in Ukraine and has condemned the aggression and territorial violations. Diplomatic efforts have been made to seek a peaceful resolution, but progress has been slow. Economic sanctions have been imposed on Russia, aiming to pressure them into ceasing hostilities and respecting Ukraine’s sovereignty.

The people of Ukraine have shown resilience in the face of adversity, with many individuals and organizations working tirelessly to provide support and aid to those affected by the war. The path to peace and stability in Ukraine remains uncertain, but efforts to find a peaceful resolution and rebuild the country are ongoing.

守護仏とはどういう仏か? What kind of Buddha is the guardian Buddha?










Buddhist relics are sacred relics in temples and Buddhist temples of great importance to Buddhists. Butsushari generally refers to the remains or relics of Shakyamuni Buddha, or parts thereof.

After Shakyamuni Buddha passed away, his bones were broken into small pieces and many Buddha ashes were made. These Buddha relics were distributed in different regions and enshrined in many temples to spread the teachings of Buddhism.

Buddha relics are treasured as objects of faith, and Buddhists pay respect to them. In temples and Buddhist temples, special reliquary halls are built to store the relics of the Buddha, and devotees visit and hold memorial services there. In addition, Buddhist relics are sometimes donated or donated to obtain merit in the Buddhist faith.

Buddha’s ashes are considered important not only as a symbol of faith, but also as part of the history and tradition of Buddhism. Some Buddhist relics have historical and artistic value, and are also valued as works of art.

Buddhist reliquary is a sacred existence for believers and is valued as an object of faith. They serve as emotional support for many people as they concretely represent the teachings and values of Buddhism.


The Buddha, which is the absolute object of faith in that sect, is called the ‘honzon’. The principal image of the Agon sect is the “Shinjinshari”, which has been deeply revered by Buddhists since ancient times as a sacred object in which the Holy Spirit of Shakyamuni resides.
In the Agon sect, this is called “Shinsei Bussharison”.
For Buddhists, the Gautama Buddha, which is the sacred bones of Buddha, is the “living Buddha” itself, and is the only and highest principal image of Buddha in Buddhism.
It is not an imaginary or conceptual Buddha, nor a wooden or iconographic Buddha, but the sacred bones of Shakyamuni who actually existed as Buddha, and is the supreme principal image of Buddhism.




密教では、シャカの御遺骨、御遺身を「変化法身の釈迦」といって、生身のシャカ の本体とするのである。 遺骨、御身が生きているシャカの本体なのである。





この名前は、涅槃の智慧を、天(雷) のような法音をもって衆生にさとらせる仏という意味で、つまりシャカの説いた教法を、仏として表現したのである。



第二重のシャカは、胎蔵界マンダラ釈迦院のシャカで、これが、生身のシャカの本体とされる。本尊としてえがかれているのが、如来、如来舌など、生身のシャカの ゆいにつ御遺骨、御身である。

第三重のシャカは、ボードガヤの菩提樹の下でさとりをひらかれ、仏陀になられた説いている教義と関係なく、突然、仏舎利の霊験功徳が飛び出してきたりする。思う に、これは、その霊験功徳の偉大さに感激して思わずそういうかたちでほとばしり出 たものとみてよいのではなかろうか。


経論のほかに、奇蹟的な体験談もかず多く残されている。 それを集めたら、それだ




「宝悉地成仏陀羅尼経』唐・不空訳 (抄)


「あらゆる人々と如来とは、ともに法において平等に法身である。 ところが多く

の衆生は妄執にとらわれて、相依相関に依る縁起の世界を、実存の世界と誤り考えてしまう。そのために、常に、地獄・餓鬼・畜生・阿修羅・・天の六のい ずれかの、貧しく賤しい家に生まれ、法に親しむ善き友には近づかず、真理を説 智慧ある人には親しまず、悪い行いを犯して迷いの世界に漂流し、さとりを得られず、永遠に迷いの世界を脱することができないのである。



これを、法身駄都如意宝珠甘露薬王金剛精進 常住真如宝王太郎という。 末法のこの世界の人々が、仏舎利の一粒を手に入れて信仰し奉持するならば、 その人こそ本当の仏の弟子である。 なぜならば、この舎利は法身釈迦牟尼如来の 常住不変の本体だからである。

そのようにして仏舎利を持し信仰してこの大宝陀羅尼を一心に唱えれば、大 なる智慧を得て、すべてに巧みなる菩薩となることができるであろう。 また、人が、この真言をとなえ、仏性を求めて仏舎利を礼拝すれば、妊戒・盗・大妄語戒を破る四重罪と、五逆罪、仏法を誹謗した越三昧耶の罪な


貧乏や病気に苦しみ、あるいはさまざまな不運不幸に見舞われて、地獄のよう絶望の世界をさまよう者は、前世における悪い行為を懺悔し、仏法僧の三もしも仏舎利を得たら、その浄穢を論ぜず、そのまま一心に礼拝供養せよ。 そして心の底から仏の徳を念じてやまなければ、その身そのままに仏の清浄心を得て、金剛頂に住するであろう。この人を、仏身を持する者、金剛(のさとり)をれである。


持するもの、宝法を持する者というのである。すなわちこの人こそ大菩薩摩訶 なのである。


天界に住む神々と、僧侶、在家の仏教徒は、仏舎利を得たら七つの宝でできて いる瓶に盛り、これを都城の内なる道地において、七宝でできている塔を建立し 仏舎利を供養するならば、生きとし生ける一切衆生に大いなる功徳をもたら し、三界に生存する三有の苦しみを離脱し、涅槃の安楽にいたらせるであろう。 仏舎利を供養するということは、まさに生ける仏を供養することなのである。


利を守護仏とおよびするのである。守護仏とは、仏舎利のことなのである。 それは当然のことで、仏教の始祖たる仏陀シャカこそ、すべての仏教徒の一心の祈 りにこたえて、救いの手をさしのべてくださる守護仏なのである。



さて、わたくしは、さきの章で、密教が、盛大な仏舎利信仰をマンダラにとり入れ たとのべたが、密教が仏舎利信仰をとり入れたのは、マンダラだけではなかったので ある。


「駄都法」 「如意宝珠法」と名づける、密教において最極最奥とされる深秘の法がそ



Mie Buddha.




In esoteric Buddhism, Shaka’s bones and body are called “Shakyamuni’s body of transmutation,” and are regarded as the body of the living Shaka. Remains, you are the body of the living Shaka.

Esoteric Buddhism is the best in articulating and symbolizing the essence of Buddha, and it preaches that there are three types of Shaka. This is called “Mie no Shaka”

The first layer, Shaka, is one of the four Buddhas enshrined in the Womb Realm Mandala Chudai.

It is enshrined under the name Koraionbutsu.


This name means a Buddha who awakens the wisdom of Nirvana to sentient beings with a dharma sound like heaven (thunder), in other words, it expresses the Dharma taught by Shaka as a Buddha.

It is also known as the Buddha of the Self.


The second Shaka is the Shaka of the Womb Realm Mandala Shaka-in Temple, which is considered to be the main body of the Shaka in the flesh. The main object of worship is the remains of a living Shaka, such as Nyorai and Nyoraitongue, which are related to him.

The third-level shaka is enlightened under the bodhi tree of Bodgaya and becomes a Buddha. In my opinion, it is possible to regard this as something that burst out involuntarily in such a way as a result of being deeply moved by the greatness of the miraculous merit.


In addition to his treatises, there are also many accounts of his miraculous experiences. Collect it and that’s it

A large number of books can be completed in just one.

Let’s list one or two representative sutras from among them.


“Treasure of the Land of Buddha Dharani Sutra” Translated by Tang Fuku (excerpt)

At that time, the Buddha said to the great bodhisattvas, such as Kongote Kokuzo, as follows.

“Both all people and Tathagatas are equal Dharma Bodies in the Dharma.

The sentient beings are obsessed with delusions and mistakenly think of the world of dependent origination, which depends on interdependence, as the world of existence. For this reason, one must always be born into a poor and humble family in one of the six realms of Heaven: Hell, Hungry Ghosts, Beasts, Asuras, etc., and stay away from good friends who are familiar with the Dharma, and away from those who preach the truth and are wise. , committing bad deeds and drifting into a world of delusion, unable to attain enlightenment, and forever unable to escape from the world of delusion.

In order to bring these people to enlightenment, I will preach Daihodara.


This is called Hoshindato Nyoi Hoju Honeydew Medicine King Kongo Shojin Joju Shinnyohou Taro. If people in this world of the Latter Day of the Dharma acquire a piece of Buddha’s ashes and believe in it and hold it, that person is a true disciple of the Buddha. This is because this reliquary is the eternal and unchanging body of the Dhamma Shakyamuni Tathagata.

If you hold the sarira in this way, believe in it, and chant this Great Hodharani with all your heart, you will gain great wisdom and become a bodhisattva who is adept at all things. In addition, if a person recites this mantra and worships the Buddha’s ashes in pursuit of the Buddha nature, he will commit the four serious offenses of violating the precepts of pregnancy, theft, and blasphemy, the five treasonous offenses, and the crime of slandering Buddhism.

May all felonies be extinguished, and all good wishes fulfilled.

Those who suffer from poverty and illness, or suffer from various misfortunes, and wander in a hellish world of despair, should repent of their bad deeds in their previous lives, and discuss the purification of the Buddha’s ashes. Instead, let us devote ourselves wholeheartedly to the worship service. And if one does not cease to meditate on the Buddha’s virtue from the bottom of one’s heart, one will acquire the Buddha’s pure mind and live at the top of Vajra. This person is the one who has the body of Buddha, the vajra (no satori).


Those who have it, those who have the treasure law. In other words, this person is the Great Bodhisattva Maka.

“Great Prairie Nirvana Sutra” Translated by Wakana Tang

When the gods, monks, and lay Buddhists who live in the heavens obtain the Buddha’s ashes, they place them in jars made of the Seven Treasures, and build a pagoda made of seven treasures in the inner road of the city to place the Buddha’s ashes. If it is offered, it will bring great merit to all living beings, free them from the suffering of the three beings living in the three worlds, and bring them to the comfort of nirvana. To hold a memorial service for the relics of the Buddha is to hold a memorial service for the living Buddha.

Based on these sutras and the miraculous miracles that I myself have experienced, I am able to

Tori is regarded as a guardian buddha. Guardian Buddha is the relic of Buddha. It is only natural that Buddha Shaka, the founder of Buddhism, is the guardian Buddha who answers the single-minded prayers of all Buddhists and extends a helping hand.

Esoteric Buddhism’s deepest secret method-

– “Datoho” “Nyoihojuho”

Now, in the previous chapter, I said that Esoteric Buddhism incorporated the great worship of Buddhist relics into mandalas.

It was incorporated into the most important rituals of esoteric Buddhism.

The most profound and most secret method of esoteric Buddhism, called “Dadoho” and “Nyoihojuho”

In other words, they adopted the miraculous merits obtained by Indian Buddhists as training.



これを発見して、これを修行し、成仏法として、ほぼ完成した。霊障を発したホ トケを成仏させ得るのは、この「釈尊の成仏法」しかないのである。

もちろん、「如 意宝珠法」自体のなかに、成仏法が入っているが、 霊障まで発しているホトケを完全 成仏させるためには、「釈尊の成仏法」を併修して、万全を期すべきだと考えたので ある。霊障が少しでもあると、福徳宝生の徳は得られず、たとえ得ても、かえって自 分をきずつけることになるからである。

そして、それは、わたくしの考えた通りの結 果を得ることになったのである。


「如意宝珠立」というのである。わたくしが勝手にいっていると思われては困るの で、『密教大辞典』を見ていただこう。こうある。

略して宝珠立ともいう、所修の本尊を如意宝珠の三昧に引入れて修する法を如 意宝珠立の法という。


さて、生身の釈迦如来である真正仏舎利を本尊に、「如意宝珠法」と「成仏法」を 併修する。この法を、わたくしは「守護仏法」と名づけたのである。

なぜかというと、この法こそ、わたくしは、全仏教徒の総守り本尊を生み出す法で あると考えたからである。



われるかもしれない。そうではないのである。 「駄都法」の口伝によると、真正仏舎 利を本尊として、仏舎利をかたどった霊石・霊木に法を修するとき、これら霊石・霊 木は、ただちに真正仏舎利と同等になるのである。(ただし、本尊はかならず真正の 仏舎利でなければならない)

信徒は、ひとりひとり、真正仏舎利をいただいて祈るのである。 本尊・法、ともに 最高のものである。奇蹟が起きてあたりまえ、

「私」がいっさいないからだ。すべて、本尊・法、ともに、仏さまの御意志によ って成ったものだからである。 どこにも、「私」がないのだ。すべて「仏意」によ って成ったのである。

奇蹟ということばを使うならば、まず第一に、阿含宗が真正仏舎利を奉戴すること になったそもそものはじまりから、奇蹟が起きていたのである。

この真正仏舎利は、さきにちょっとのべたように、スリランカ国から拝受したので あるが、これは、わたくしのほうからお願いしたのではないのである。 スリランカ国 のほうから、お申し出があったのである。 最初、わたくしは信じなかった。 いや、信 じられなかった。 一笑にふしたのである。 それまで、わたくしは、スリランカにはいかなる知己もなかったのだ。寝耳に水、 一笑にふした。 しかし、真実と知って呆然と し、次いで、狂喜した。真実と知ってからも、何度か疑った。 どうして、こういうこ とになったのだろうか? ふしぎでふしぎでならなかった。

しばらくして、その事情らしいものを耳にして、なるほどと思った。 くわしくは知 おわらないが、最初、ある思惑を持った大教団が関係し、さいごにその思惑が外れて結 局、阿含宗がいただくことになったということらしいのだ。それを聞いた刹那、 わた くしは、「仏意だ」と感じた。いろいろなことがあったようだが、その経緯に、仏さ まのご意志を感じたのである。 わが教団に真正仏舎利がおまつりされるようにとの すべて仏さまのご配慮であると思った。






Nyoi Hoju Stand

I discovered this, practiced this, and almost completed it as a Buddhist law. It is only this “Shakyamuni Buddha’s law” that can make his toke, who has given off spiritual obstacles, attain Buddhahood.

Of course, the “Nyoi Hojuho” itself contains the method for attaining Buddhahood, but in order to completely attain Buddhahood even for those who are even suffering from spiritual disturbances, it is necessary to take all possible measures by simultaneously practicing the “Shakyamuni Buddha’s method for attaining Buddhahood.” I thought he was. This is because if one has even the slightest psychic disorder, one cannot obtain the virtues of happiness and good fortune, and even if one does, it will only harm oneself.

And it turned out to be exactly what I had envisioned.

How to repair

It is called ‘Nyoi Hojuryu’. I don’t want him to think that I’m saying this on my own, so let’s take a look at the “Esoteric Buddhism Encyclopedia”. There is this.

It is also called Hojuryu for short.

My case is a little different, but there is this way of training in Esoteric Buddhism.

By the way, we will practice “Nyoihojuho” and “Jobutsuho” at the same time, with the true Buddha reliquary, which is the living Shaka Nyorai, as the principal image. I named this law “Protective Buddhism”.

The reason for this is that this is the law that he believes is the one that creates the total guardian deity of all Buddhists.

It is only natural that miraculous miracles will occur when believers pray in front of this treasured pagoda, enshrining the Buddha Sharison, who has become a guardian Buddha, in a treasured pagoda. I wondered if it was strange that there were so many Buddha relics.

Why do miracles keep happening?

may be It is not so. According to oral traditions of the Dadoho, when the Buddha’s reliquary is the principal object of worship and a sacred stone or tree resembling the Buddha’s reliquary is used to perform the ritual, these relic stones or trees will immediately become equivalent to the genuine Buddha’s relic. . (However, the principal image must be a genuine Buddhist reliquary.)

Each believer receives a genuine Buddha relic and prays. Both the honzon and the Dharma are the highest. Miracles happen naturally,

Because there is no “I”. This is because both the principal image and the Dharma were created by the will of the Buddha. There is no “I” anywhere. Everything was created by the “Buddhist intention.”

If we use the word miracle, first of all, miracles have been occurring from the very beginning when the Agon sect came to enshrine genuine Buddha relics.

As I mentioned earlier, he received this genuine Buddha reliquary from Sri Lanka, but I did not ask for it. There was an offer from Sri Lanka. At first I didn’t believe it. I couldn’t believe it. I laughed at it. Until then, I had no acquaintances in Sri Lanka. I fell asleep and burst into laughter. But when he learned the truth, he was stunned, and then he was overjoyed. Even after knowing the truth, I doubted it several times. How did he end up like this?

After a while, I heard something that seemed to be the circumstances, and I thought I see. I don’t know the details, but it seems that at first it was related to a large cult with a certain purpose, but in the end, that purpose was lost, and in the end, the Agon sect was awarded. The moment I heard it, I felt that it was the Buddha’s intention. It seems that many things happened, but in the circumstances, I felt the will of the Buddha. He thought that it was all the consideration of the Buddha to have a genuine Buddha enshrined in our sect.

The second miracle is the teaching of the Nyoihoju method by His High Priest Jishū Oda, mentioned earlier.


What kind of Buddha is the guardian Buddha?

アメリカにとって、戦争に亡くなった人々の供養は非常に重要な意味 Memorial service for those who died in war is very important 


  1. メモリアルデー(Memorial Day): メモリアルデーは、アメリカ合衆国における戦争犠牲者を追悼するための祝日です。この日は通常、5月の最終月曜日に祝われ、国中で式典や行事が行われます。人々は戦争で亡くなった軍人や兵士たちを称え、彼らの勇気と犠牲を思い起こします。
  2. 戦争墓地(War Memorials): アメリカには、各地に戦争墓地や戦争記念碑があります。例えば、アーリントン国立墓地(Arlington National Cemetery)は、アメリカの軍人や退役軍人の埋葬地であり、戦争犠牲者への敬意を表しています。他にも、ワシントンD.C.には多くの戦争記念碑があり、人々はここで戦争犠牲者に思いを馳せます。
  3. 公的な儀式と行事: アメリカでは、戦争犠牲者を称えるための公的な儀式や行事が行われます。これには、メモリアルデーのパレードや追悼式典、花を墓地に供える行為などが含まれます。これらの行事は、戦争犠牲者とその家族に対する感謝の念を表すために行われます。
  4. 戦争犠牲者の記憶と教育: アメリカでは、学校や教育機関においても戦争犠牲者への敬意が払われます。歴史の授業や特別なイベントを通じて、学生たちは戦争の歴史やその影響について学び、戦争犠牲者の記憶を大切にするよう教育されます。




For America, memorial service for those who died in war is very important. The following is an explanation of memorial services for war victims in American culture and traditions.

Memorial Day: Memorial Day is a holiday to remember war victims in the United States. The day is usually celebrated on the last Monday in May, with ceremonies and events across the country. People honor soldiers and soldiers who have died in war and remember their bravery and sacrifice.
War Memorials: There are war cemeteries and war memorials throughout the United States. Arlington National Cemetery, for example, is a burial ground for American soldiers and veterans and pays tribute to war victims. Washington, D.C. also has many war memorials where people remember the war victims.
Public ceremonies and events: In the United States, public ceremonies and events are held to honor war victims. This includes Memorial Day parades, remembrance ceremonies, and flower offerings at cemeteries. These events are held to express gratitude to war victims and their families.
War Victims Remembrance and Education: In America, war victims are also honored in schools and educational institutions. Through history classes and special events, students are educated to learn about the history of war, its effects, and to cherish the memory of war victims.

Commemorating war victims in America is an important way of recognizing their sacrifice and showing gratitude to them.

火の洗礼 baptism of fire









Baptism is one of the religious ceremonies of Christianity, and it is an act performed by believers to publicly declare their faith and receive grace from God.

Baptism is generally done with water. Baptists (priests, pastors, etc.) use water and pour it over the head of the believer, while chanting certain words or prayers. It is believed that believers are cleansed from their sins and accepted as members of God’s family.

Baptism is an important ritual in all major Christian denominations (Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, etc.). Baptism makes a believer a member of the Christian Church and a commitment to follow the teachings of Christ. Baptism is also a condition for the first communion in Christianity.

There are two forms of baptism: adult baptism (adult baptism), which is performed voluntarily by individuals, and infant baptism, which is performed by parents or church representatives on infants and babies. Both forms symbolize the covenant of faith and have important implications in the Christian faith experience.

However, it should be recognized that within religious practices and beliefs there are different understandings and practices of the meaning and method of baptism.




アカシックレコード: akashic records)は、元始からのすべての事象、想念、感情が記録されているという世界記憶の概念で[1][2]アーカーシャあるいはアストラル光[注釈 1]に過去のあらゆる出来事の痕跡が永久に刻まれているという考えに基づいている[6]。宇宙誕生以来のすべての存在について、あらゆる情報がたくわえられているという記録層[7]を意味することが多い。アカシャ年代記: Akasha-Chronik: akashic chroniclesアーカシャ記録アカシアの記録[8])とも。近代神智学[注釈 2]の概念であり、その他の現代オカルティズムの分野(魔術等)でも神智学用語として引き合いに出されることがある。また、陰に陽に神智学運動の影響を受けている欧米のニューエイジや、日本の精神世界スピリチュアル占い予言といったジャンルでも使われる用語でもある。アカシックレコードが存在する科学的根拠はない[9]


Junpu” is a transliteration of the Sanskrit term “śuddha-vimala”, meaning “pure and immaculate”. Junpu is a manifestation of Kannon (Avalokiteshvara), the bodhisattva of compassion, who guides people on the path to enlightenment. She is also known as Junpu Fumon, Shichiku Fumon, or the Mother of Seven Quintillion Buddhas. The term “shichiku” refers to the infinite number of Buddhas that she is considered to be the mother of. Some argue that she is not a manifestation of Kannon because she is not referred to as such in Buddhist scriptures. In Shingon Buddhism, she is considered a buddha named Jun’gon Rurikai, while in Esoteric Buddhism, she is included as one of the Six Kannon manifestations



不動明王. Acalanatha











Fudo Myoo is a guardian deity and Buddhist statue revered in esoteric Buddhism, also known as Acalanatha in Sanskrit.

Fudo Myoo is believed to have an angry countenance that can sever evil spirits and delusions, while protecting his devotees. He is also believed to have the power to fulfill wishes such as prosperity and good luck.

Fudo Myoo is a guardian deity and Buddhist statue revered in esoteric Buddhism, also known as Acalanatha in Sanskrit.

Fudo Myoo is believed to have an angry countenance that can sever evil spirits and delusions, while protecting his devotees. He is also believed to have the power to fulfill wishes such as prosperity and good luck.















4月8日はお釈迦様のお誕生日です April 8th is Buddha’s birthday







Buddha was born as a prince of the Shaka tribe in a city in the northeastern part of India (now Nepal) more than 2,500 years ago.
Buddha was born near the Muyugi tree in Lumbini Gardens while his mother was on her way back to her parents’ house to give birth.
The Buddhacharita sutra states, “When Buddha was born, the heavens and earth vibrated in six ways, flowers of various colors bloomed all over the earth, and rains of nectar poured down from the sky.” Therefore, on the birthday of Buddha, a hall (hanamido) decorated with flowers was prepared, and a statue of the Buddha of birth, pointing to the sky with the right hand and pointing to the ground with the left hand, was enshrined, and amacha was poured over the Buddha of birth. to celebrate.
Buddha’s real name is Gautama Siddhartha, and after his awakening, he came to be called Shakyamuni or Shakyamuni, meaning “Buddha from the Shaka clan.”
Now, how can Buddha be freed from the suffering of birth, old age, sickness, and death that humans have been born with since childhood? After agonizing over this, he left the castle, abandoned his status as a prince, entered the Forest of Asceticism, and challenged all kinds of asceticism for six years in hopes of breaking free from his karma.
The reason why I desperately practiced asceticism was that in India at the time, the mainstream thought was that the mind was suffering because it had a body, and that the only way to free the mind was to separate the body from the mind. Siddhartha followed suit and tried to separate the mind from the body through penance to free the mind.
However, the more I hurt my body, the more my mind weakened, my heart weakened, and my willpower waned. Realizing that the body and mind are not separate but one, the Buddha escaped from the forest of asceticism, purified himself with the pure water of the Nirenzen River, and ate milk porridge offered by a girl named Sujata. After recovering his physical strength, he meditated for a week under the nearby Bodhi tree, and finally attained enlightenment.
A simple explanation of Buddha’s awakening is, “The world we live in is originally suffering, and human beings are beings who collect that suffering. However, people do not realize this, and it is natural for them to live happily. If you want to be happy and live in peace, first put yourself aside and wish for the happiness of those around you. By doing so, self-obsession will naturally fade from your heart, your desires will weaken, the power of your mind to remove anxiety and fear will increase, and you will be able to attain peace of mind.
Be sure to visit the temple during the flower festival.

真言密教の真髄 The essence of Shingon Esoteric Buddhism


真言密教において真言の説が最も大切なものであることは、いまさらことあたらしくいう必要 はないであろう。「密教」の上に、「真言」という言葉を冠しているのを見ただけでそれはわかる。 にもかかわらず、いままでその真言の読の方法について、工夫らしい工夫 研究らしい研究が なされていないのはいったいどうしたことであろうか。 わずかに、 「念珠をつまぐりながら、わが 耳にかすかに聞こゆる程度の声で」という程度のことである。これはまことにおどろくべきこと







声曲をいう。すなわち微妙の清音直除切音韻屈曲長短高下して三宝を詠歌頌す 声曲なり。元来は印度五明の一にして言語文字文典等を論究する学問なり。“青”に”まさ 清雅の音を以てしてすといい、”大”


わたくしが前の節において考え求めたところのものとは全く異る。 要するに、仏をほめたたえる 歌である。





密教は特に此の声曲歌を尊崇し、時処”には”の秘密瑜伽は歌 揚するが故に成仏も難からず、況んや諸願を求めて成就す。と説きて歌



とあり、これは、わたくしが思案したこととおなじところのものに思いあたっているかのごとくに 思われるが、のちにわたくしが体得した技法とはまったく異る。 どこまでもこれ である。外 に向って声を発して歌うのである。 わたくしの真言読はちがう。 口腔に発した真言の振動を共鳴 させながら、からだの内部、すなわち心と脳の深部に響かせてゆくのである。


さきの章にあげた「正念」 (五四頁)のところを見ていただきたい。 「次第念珠」の観想にこう

「わが誦するところの真言の字は本尊の臍輪(おへその穴)より入りて、本尊の心月輪に至り、右 にめぐりてつらなり住し、本尊の誦する真言の字はわが頂より入りて心月輪に至り、右にめぐりて つらなりす」


ただし、わたくしの場合は、たんなる真言の字ではなく、その振動である。ホトケのとなえる事 言の振動が、ホトケのへそからわがへそに入って咽喉にいたり、大振動を発して大脳の深部にいた り、大脳の部位を動かす。わが大脳のチャクラを動かした振動はしだいにホトケの大脳にいたり、 ホトケの大脳とわが大脳と共鳴する、 というように観想しつつ、実際に振動を発生させるのである。

わたくしは、昼夜の別なくトレーニングを進めているうち、しだいに、自分が、真言密教の真髄 に近づきつつあることを感じた。いまだかつて密教の指導者のだれもが気づかなかった秘密の技術 に迫りつつあることを知った。





ハタ・ヨーガの倒立(頭による逆立ち)が、先ずわたくしの首を強きわまるものにしていた。わ たくしは二十数年間毎朝三〇分の倒立をしてきた。これは倒立の限界である。 倒立したまま、しば しばわたくしは眠ったほどこの技に熟達している。 結核体質で幼少から首が細かったわたくしは、 倒立で、三十歳代に首の周囲が一・五インチも拡大した。 これがどれほどわたくしの発声器官を強 大にしたことか。


また、十数年にわたる寒中の滝行も、わたくしの腹筋と発声器官を強くしていた。 はじめて滝に 入ったとき、二日目に声をつぶした。滝に打たれながら、全身の力で読経し、真言を話する。 一か 月間、まったく声が出なかった。 こういう経験を十数回くりかえした。いまでは、どんな大きな滝 でも、わたくしの声を消すことはできない。何百メートル先きまでも、滝の音を圧して、 わたくしの声はる。


しかし、 クンダリニー・ヨーガの修行をしていなかったら、おそらく、それ以上のこころみは全 メドが立たなかったろう。 クンダリニー・ヨーガのチャクラ開発は、特殊な呼吸法に秘訣がある。 それと、チャクラ周辺の筋肉のバイブレーションだが。 先ずその呼吸法が役に立った。 ざっと説明してみよう。

音声というものは、呼吸と発声と共鳴の三つから成り立つ。そのいずれも同じ程度に重要である。 発声は そのものであり、共鳴はその振動を倍加させ、振動の力を増強するものであり、呼 吸はその両者の原動力である。

ところで、クンダリニー・ヨーガの呼吸法は、「火の呼吸」とよばれるように、フイゴの如く強 く激しい。 これが、発声と共鳴の原動力として、どれだけ強力に作用するか、想像以上のものであ


火の呼吸、発声、共鳴の三つの要素を完全にはたらかせるためには、からだ全体を強化しなけれ ばならないが、とりわけ、強い肋間筋と腹筋、 それに頑丈な横隔膜が必要である。

わたくしは、さきに、ムラダーラと、マニピューラの二つのチャクラを完成しかけていたと述べ たが、肋間筋 腹筋 横隔膜は、実に、ムラダーラとマニピューラの両チャクラが支配しているの である。この二つのチャクラを目ざめさせたら、この三つの器官はどのようにでもはたらかせるこ とができるのである。 それまでにこの二つのチャクラを完成しかけていたことは、まことにと いうべきだった。


音声の共鳴は、喉腔をとりまく骨組みの付加運動のはたらきによる。つまり、頭部の中の、腔と 骨の振動によって共鳴をつくりあげるわけである。 それは、練習によってだれにでもできるように なる。 上手下手の別はもちろんあるが。 だが、わたくしの場合はさらに特殊な工夫が必要であ った。というのは、その共鳴を、自然の法則に反して内部にとり入れなければならなかったからで ある。

生物の発声器官は、すべて、外部に向って音声を発するように出来ている。わたくしはそれを内 部に向ってしようというのである。思いもよらぬことであるが、ついにわたくしはそれをなし得る ようになった。それを可能にしたのは、やはりチャクラの力であった。


発声させ腔内で共鳴させた真言の振動を、脳の深部に送りこむ作業は、マニピューラ、 スヴァジスターナ アナハタ、の各チャクラの力を借りなければぜったいに出来ないのである。思 いきって、わたくしの完成したこの秘密技術の一部を洩らすことにしよう。 喉腔内でつくりあげた 共鳴の振動をそのまま脳の深部に送りこむことはできないのである。それはぜったいに出来ない。 わたくしは、何百回、何千回とくりかえしたあげく、ついに不可能とさとった。それは生体の法則 であるのだろう。ではどうすればよいのか?

最後にやってみたわたくしのこころみが成功した。 その振動を、いったん下部のマニピューラ・ チャクラに伝えこれと共鳴させるのである。 そうして、チャクラのバイブレーションとしてスヴァ ジスターナ アナハタとつづくチャクラの伝達系を通じて脳のチャクラに送りこむのである。



The essence of Shingon Esoteric Buddhism

There is no need to say again that the Shingon doctrine is the most important thing in Shingon Esoteric Buddhism. You can tell just by looking at the word “Shingon” on top of “Esoteric Buddhism”. In spite of this, how is it that he has not been able to carry out research that qualifies as ingenuity and ingenuity regarding the method of reading the mantra? It’s just something like, “In a voice that is barely audible to my ears, while picking a rosary.” this is truly amazing

It must be said. Or should I say negligence?

let’s see

However, Esoteric Buddhism has a peculiar thing called ‘Shomyo’.

According to the esoteric dictionary,



Say a voice song. In other words, it is a voice song that sings and praises the three treasures by flexing the phonological melody of the subtle clear sound. Originally one of the Five Mings of India, it is an academic discipline that examines language, letters, and literature. It is said to be “blue” with the sound of “masa” and “big”

This is what I can preach.”

It is quite different from what I sought in the previous section. In short, it is a song that praises the Buddha.





Of course, the dictionary of Esoteric Buddhism follows the previous sentence,

Esoteric Buddhism especially reveres this voice, song, and song, and sometimes the secret yogi of “” is sung, so it is not difficult to attain Buddhahood, and many wishes are fulfilled. preach and sing

Bete Tathagata

to immediately become the edge of Buddhahood.

It seems to me that this is the same thing that I thought about, but it is completely different from the technique that I learned later. It is this all the way. Singing with a voice to the outside. My mantra reading is wrong. While resonating the vibration of the mantra emitted from the oral cavity, it resonates deep inside the body, that is, the heart and brain.


I would like you to take a look at the “right thoughts” (page 54) mentioned in the previous chapter. Contemplation of “Shidai Nenju”

“The characters of the mantra that I recite enter from the umbilical ring of the principal image, reach the heart moon ring of the principal image, circle to the right, and reside in a continuous line. Enter and reach the ring of the moon, and go around to the right to see his tsuranari.”

Rather, it may be said that this contemplation is closer to what I am aiming for.

However, in my case, it is not just the letters of the mantra, but its vibrations. The vibrations of the whispering words of the hotoke enter the navel of the hotoke, enter the navel, reach the throat, emit large vibrations, reach the deep part of the cerebrum, and move the parts of the cerebrum. The vibrations that move the chakras of my brain gradually reach the cerebrum of the brain, and resonate with the cerebrum of the brain and my brain.

As I continued training day and night, I felt that I was gradually approaching the essence of Shingon Esoteric Buddhism. I knew I was approaching a secret technique that none of the esoteric leaders had ever been aware of.

Breathing of the seven fires and the transmission system of the chakras

I was able to complete it.

It had several.

First of all, he had practiced yoga.

Hatha yoga’s handstand (handstand with head) first made my neck extremely strong. For twenty-odd years, he has been standing upside down for half an hour every morning. This is the limit of inversion. Standing upside down, he is so adept at this trick that I often fell asleep. I was born with tuberculosis and had a thin neck from childhood. How this has strengthened my vocal organs.


In addition, the ten-odd years of running under waterfalls in the winter have also strengthened my abdominal muscles and vocal organs. When I entered the waterfall for the first time, I lost my voice on the second day. While being hit by the waterfall, recite the sutras with all your might and speak the mantra. For a month, I had no voice at all. I’ve had this experience dozens of times. Now no big waterfall can drown out my voice. Hundreds of meters away, my voice echoes over the sound of the waterfall.


However, without the Kundalini Yoga practice, I probably would not have been able to pursue any further endeavors. Kundalini yoga chakra development has its secrets in special breathing techniques. Also, the vibration of the muscles around the chakra. First of all, the breathing method helped. Let me briefly explain.

Sound consists of three things: breathing, vocalization, and resonance. Both are equally important. Vocalization is what she is, Resonance doubles and strengthens her vibration, Breath is the driving force of both.

By the way, the breathing method of kundalini yoga is strong and intense like Fuigo, as it is called “breath of fire”. It is more than you can imagine how powerful this will act as a driving force for vocalization and resonance.


In order for the three elements of fire breathing, vocalization and resonance to work perfectly, he must strengthen his whole body, above all strong intercostal and abdominal muscles, and a strong diaphragm.

I mentioned earlier that he was in the process of completing the two chakras, Muladhara and Manipura, but the intercostal muscle-abdominal-diaphragm is indeed ruled by both the Muladhara and Manipura chakras. Once these two chakras are awakened, these three organs can work in any way. He really should have said that by then he had nearly completed these two chakras.

Once you have mastered the breathing and vocalizations, you must create your own resonance chamber.

Speech resonance is due to the additional movement of the framework surrounding the throat cavity. In other words, resonance is created by the vibration of the cavities and bones in the head. Anyone can do it with practice. Of course there are differences between good and bad. However, in my case, a special device was required. For he had to bring that resonance inside, contrary to the laws of nature.

All the vocal organs of living things are designed to emit sounds toward the outside. I would like to turn it inward. Unexpectedly, at last I became like him who could do it. What made it possible was the power of chakra.


The manipura and svadhistana anahata chakras are the only chakras that can send the vibration of the mantra, which is uttered and resonated in the cavity, into the deep part of the brain. I dare you to divulge a part of this secret technology that I have perfected. The resonance vibration created in the throat cavity cannot be sent directly to the deep part of the brain. It can never be done. After repeating it hundreds and thousands of times, I finally realized that it was impossible. It must be the law of life. What should I do?

My last attempt was successful. Once the vibration is transmitted to the lower manipura chakra and resonated with it. Then, it is sent to the brain chakra through the chakra transmission chain that continues with sva jisthana anahata as the chakra vibration.