

精児童と老人の知能アップ ヒトを改造する技術 求閒持 Increasing the intelligence of young children and the elderly Techniques for modifying humans Secrets of the secret method of gaining wisdom 11聪明法秘伝 11

精児童と老人の知能アップ について、教えて


  1. 知的活動をする 知的な活動は脳を刺激し、認知機能を維持するのに役立ちます。子供は学校の勉強や、読書、パズルなどを通じて、知的能力を向上させることができます。老人は、読書、クロスワードパズル、ボードゲーム、音楽、絵画などを通じて、認知機能を刺激することができます。
  2. 運動をする 運動は身体的健康を維持するだけでなく、認知機能を改善することにもつながります。子供は、スポーツや運動、遊びを通じて、身体と脳を刺激することができます。老人は、ウォーキング、ストレッチ、ヨガ、水泳などの軽い運動を行うことで、健康を維持し、認知機能を改善することができます。
  3. バランスの取れた食生活をする 健康的な食生活は、脳と身体の健康を維持するのに重要です。子供は、バランスの取れた食事を摂ることで、栄養バランスを整えることができます。老人は、食事に適切な栄養素を摂取することで、認知機能を改善することができます。
  4. 社会的活動をする 社会的な活動に参加することは、認知機能を改善するのに役立ちます。子供は、学校やサークルなどで友達と交流を深めることができます。老人は、趣味やボランティア活動などを通じて、社会とのつながりを保ち、認知機能を改善することができます。
  5. 睡眠を十分にとる 十分な睡眠は、脳と身体の健康を維持するのに重要です。子供は、規則正しい生活リズムを作ることで、十分な睡眠をとることができます。老人は、快適な睡眠環境を整え、規則正しい生活リズムを作




こういう混乱期に抑圧意識が突出してきて、行者を思いがけない分裂行動 や、反社会的行動に追いこむのである。だから、旅行の過程において抑意識をとり去り、純一無 雑な人格をつくり上げるように指導してゆかねばならない。にもかかわらず、古来の求聞持法の修 行法には、このことが全く欠落してしまっている。


昔から、 求聞持法を修行してやり損なうと精神 病者になるといわれ、また実際に分裂病患者が少なからず出ているのはこのためなのである。修行 指導者ともに心せねばならぬ所以である。




いままで、求聞持法は密教の大天才をつくるためにあった。 普通人以上の知能を持つエリートを集めて特殊訓練し、即身

わたくしはその反対のことをこころみたのである。普通人の知能以下のひとたちをこの法で訓練 して、普通人の知能にまでひき上げようと考えたのである。その結果は非常に有望なものであった。 わたくしは思ったのである。

生まれつき高い知能を持つ秀才を天才に仕上げ、すぐれたエリートをつくり出すことも必要であ ろうが、低い知能に生まれついた不幸な子供たちの知能を高めて、普通人の水準にひき上げてやる ことも、それに劣らぬ社会的意義を持つことではないだろうか、と。

そうしてわたくし Kiramama      はそのこころみにいどんだのである。結果は有望なものであった。相当重症の 精薄児童でないかぎり、かなりな知能の回復・向上が見られたのである。密教はこのこころみを発 させなければならぬのではなかろうか。

また、即身成仏を果たす宗教的大天才をつくり出すことも大切であろうが、ひとにぎりの大天才 をつくり出すことよりも、たとえ大天才にははるかに及ばずとも、大多数の真の良識を持った 「賢いひと」をつくり出すことのほうが、いま、はるかに必要なのではなかろうか。いや、それを なすことこそが、ひとにぎりの大天才をつくり出す目的なのではないのか。それは人類社会全体の 知的レベルをひき上げることである。この世の中をほんとうにしあわせなものにするためには、ひ とにぎりの大天才をつくるよりも、人類全体の知能を少しでもアップさせることのほうが有効であ るとわたくしは思うのだ。

わたくしは、人類の不幸はすべて人間が愚かなところに原因があると思っている。人間が愚かで あるがゆえに、殺し合い、傷つけ合い、奪い合う惨事が止まないのである。釈迦、キリストをはじ 過去に幾人かの大天才があらわれたが、ことごとく人間の愚かさの中に埋没してしまった。い まだに人間同士の愚劣な争いは止まない。それどころかエスカレートするばかりである。戦争、闘 略奪経済による環境汚染と自然破壊、すべて人類の愚かさが原因である。 わたくしはこの法を 人類社会全体の知的レベルの向上に用いたいのである。人間の愚かさは、教育だけでは解決つかな いものである。 それを解決するためには、特殊な方法が必要である。







人間はその奥深いところに未発達の部分を持っている。そうしてその未発達の部分が、人間や、 人間社会をしばしば強く動かすのである。これが不幸の原因である。人間は、自分では気がつかな くても、自分のからだや心の奥底に、自分の知らない非常に遠い過去からのものをそのまま受けつ いで残している。 人間に進化するまでの過程において必要であった人間以前の非人間的なものを、

そのまま心の奥かく秘めている。人間にまで進化した現在ではもはや不要であったり、あるいは かえって有害となるものを残している。人間の愚かな行動はそれに起因しているのである。 求聞持 法はそれをとり除いて、人間を賢くさせる方法を持つ。



教育や、また、「教え」を主にした一般の宗教では、人間の奥かくにひそむこの暗黒部分をと のぞくことが出来ない。なぜならば、その暗黒部分は究極のところで「教え」を拒否してしまう からである。

必要なのは、「教え」ではなく「方法」である。 求聞持法はその「方法」を持つ。 い や、その「方法」が求聞持法なのだ。 わたくしは、この法を、一部のエリートたち(あるいはエリー トを志す人たちだけでなく、人類全体に適用したいのだ。人類の知能はそれにより間違いなくレベ ルアップするだろう。

ところで、人間の知能について考えるとき、老人の知能低下の問題をそのままにしておくわけに はいかない。


「見当識」を失って、記憶のほとんどを忘失してしまった気の毒なひとたちである。 しかし、気 の毒なのは本人たちだけではない。 その家族たちも同様に気の毒である。中には、人間関係を荒廃 させ、あるいは経済的に破綻しようとしている悲惨な家庭がいくつもある。仔細に見てゆくとき、 これはもうひとつの社会問題であると思わざるを得ない。高齢化社会がすすみつつある現在、これ は今後よりいっそう深刻化してゆくであろう。 これはひとごとではない。おたがい切実な問題であ る。生きているかぎり、だれでも老人になるのだ。 そうして多少の個人差はあっても、老人になっ



すぐれた効果をあげることができるのである。 かなりの高年者でも、この法によって訓練するこ とにより、確実に脳の老化を防ぐことが出来る。もちろん、若ものたちのようなわけにはいかない けれども、うまくゆくと、その老人の過去のどの時代よりも若々しく冴えた頭のはたらきを見せる という皮肉な現象も起こり得るのだ。

老人は長い社会生活による豊富な経験と知識を持つ。 ながい間の経験による知恵も持っている。 この経験と知識と知恵を恍惚のかなたに消滅させてしまうことは、本人はもとより、社会にとっ ても損失である。

持法の訓練により、老人は、脳の活力と柔軟性をとりもどす。 それは老人の経済的自立も意 味するだろう。


もちろん、この二つを完全に果たすためには、今までとちがったあたらしい求聞持法が必要であ る。なぜならば、古来の求聞持法は、エリート集団の特殊訓練法であった。エリート中のエリート えりすぐって修行させることにより、はじめてその効果をあげることができるものであった。そ れをそのままこれらのひとたちに適用することは出来ない。ではどうしたらよいのか? そのこと についてはまたあとで述べよう。



During this period of confusion, a sense of oppression comes to the fore, driving the practitioner into unexpected schisms and anti-social behavior. Therefore, in the process of travel, we must guide them to get rid of their feelings of depression and build up a pure and unsophisticated personality. Nevertheless, this is completely absent from the ancient Gumonjiho practice.


Since ancient times, it has been said that if one fails to practice the Gumonjiho, one becomes a psychopath, and this is the reason why many schizophrenic patients actually appear. This is the reason why both training leaders must keep this in mind.




Intelligent children and the elderly

It was used to create a great genius who would attain Buddhahood.

Until now, the Gumonjiho was to create a great genius of esoteric Buddhism. Gather elites with higher intelligence than ordinary people, special train them, and

I tried to do the opposite. The idea was to use this method to train people whose intelligence was below that of an ordinary person, and to bring them up to the level of an ordinary person’s intelligence. The results were very promising. I thought.

It may be necessary to turn talented people who are born with high intelligence into geniuses and create an excellent elite, but he will raise the intelligence of unfortunate children who were born with low intelligence and raise them to the level of ordinary people. I wondered if this also has social significance equal to that.

That’s how I and him, Kiramama, went against that plan. The results were promising. Unless the children were severely thin children, a considerable recovery and improvement of intelligence was observed. Shouldn’t esoteric Buddhism have to make this intention come out?

It is also important to create religious great geniuses who can attain Buddhahood in their own lives. Isn’t it far more necessary now to create “smart people”? No, isn’t it the very purpose of him to create a handful of great geniuses? It is to raise the intellectual level of the entire human society. In order to make this world truly happy, I believe that it is more effective to raise the intelligence of the entire human race, even if only a little, rather than creating a great genius of his own.

I believe that human stupidity is the cause of all human misfortune. Human beings are foolish and they exist, so the tragedy of killing, hurting, and competing for each other never stops. Buddha, Christ, and many other great geniuses have appeared in the past, but they have all been buried in human stupidity. His silly fights between humans still don’t stop. On the contrary, it only escalates. Wars, struggles, environmental pollution and natural destruction caused by the predatory economy, are all caused by the stupidity of mankind. I would like to use this law to improve the intellectual level of the entire human society. Human stupidity cannot be solved by education alone. A special method is needed to solve it.

Human beings have an underdeveloped part deep inside them. And it is this underdeveloped part that often drives humans and human societies strongly. This is the cause of unhappiness. Even if we don’t realize it ourselves, we carry things from the very distant past that we don’t know about in the depths of our bodies and minds. The pre-human inhuman things that were necessary in the process of evolving into humans,


It’s hidden deep inside his heart. Now that he has evolved into a human being, he leaves things that are no longer necessary or even harmful. Human stupidity is due to it. Inquisitiveness has a way of getting rid of it and making people smarter.

He cannot look into this dark side that lies deep within human beings through education and general religions that focus on “teachings.” This is because the dark side of him ultimately rejects the “teachings.” What is needed is a “method,” not a “teaching.” Q&A has its “method”. No, that “method” is the Qinghuiho. I want to apply this law not only to some elites (or those who aspire to be elites), but to the entire human race.

By the way, when thinking about human intelligence, he cannot leave the problem of declining intelligence in the elderly as it is.

According to a survey by experts, there are currently about 300,000 elderly people in total ecstasy all over the country. so-called


These are the poor people who have lost most of their memories due to their disorientation. But they are not the only ones to feel sorry for them. I feel sorry for their families as well. Among them are a number of miserable families that have ruined relationships or are on the brink of financial bankruptcy. When you look closely, you can’t help but think that this is another social problem. With the aging society progressing, this will become even more serious in the future. This is not one. Both are serious issues. As long as one lives, one becomes old. In this way, even if there are some individual differences,

No one can prevent intellectual decline.

Then, what about the Qinghui method that dramatically improves human intelligence?

It can give excellent results. Even a very old person can certainly prevent aging of the brain by training according to this method. Of course, he can’t be like the young ones, but if things go well, the ironic phenomenon of him showing a younger and clearer head than any other age in the old man’s past can also occur. .

Elderly people have a wealth of experience and knowledge due to their long social life. He also has wisdom from long experience. Losing this experience, knowledge, and wisdom beyond ecstasy is a loss not only for the individual, but also for society.

Through the training of Hoho, the elderly regain the vitality and flexibility of the brain. It would also mean financial independence for the elderly.

These two things are possible.

Of course, in order to achieve these two goals completely, we need a new method of inquiry and hearing that is different from what has been done up until now. This is because the ancient Gumonjiho was a special training method for elite groups. An elite among elites, he was able to achieve its effect only by carefully selecting and training him. You can’t just apply it to these people. So what should we do? More on that later.


Buddha Japan journal
Send Japanese Buddhism


新皮質世界と世界の共存  Coexistence of the neocortical world and the world


このあと、急速に新皮質は発達します。 新皮質はギリシャにおいて哲学を生み、これが 科学へと進んでゆくのです。そして遂には太陽のエネルギーを手中にし、人間を月に送りこむま でになったのです。

しかし、そのように急速に爆発的に発達した新皮質は、第三の目を閉ざし、霊性の場である視 床下部をふさいでしまった。人類は、霊性の目を閉じ、霊性の場をふさぐことにより、科学とい う名の物質的欲望をみたしてきたのです。そのためにはどうしても、霊性の場はふさがれてしま わなければならなかったのです。

しかし、この脳のアンバランスが、そのまま人類をアンバランスの存在にしてしまった。一面で賢いヒトとよばれるかと思うと、一面では超 愚人とよばれる矛盾きわまる存在にしてし まったのです。そしてまたこの脳のアンバランスが、そのままこの世界をアンバランスの状態に してしまったのです。この世界は、人間の脳がそのままかたちをあらわしたものです。 人類の脳 がかたちをとったものがこの世界なのです。 ケストラーが、『驚くばかりの人類の技術的偉業。 そしてそれに劣らぬ社会運営の無能ぶり』といい、「人間は狂っている、狂いつづけてきた」と いうのは当然なのです。しかし、このアンバランスな生物がつくり出したこのアンバランスな世 界が、いつまでもつづくはずはないのです」


「そういうと、いったいどこがアンバランスなんだ。と反問されるかも知れませんね。この世 界は、新皮質世界(現象世界)と間脳世界 (霊的世界)が共存しているのです。わたくしはさき にこの世界は人間の脳がそのままかたちをあらわしたものだと申しましたが、その逆もまた真 であって、この世界はそのまま人間の脳に縮図されているのです。 この世界の構造を知りたかったら、人間の脳を見ればよい。 人間の脳の構造が、そのままこの世界の構造です。だから、人間 の脳の視床下部に霊性の場があり、そこに霊的世界を見る第三の目があったということは、霊的 世界が実在していることの証明でもあるのです。

霊的世界があるからこそ、霊的世界を見るための脳があるわけで、霊的世界がなかったら、そ れを認識するための器官など、最初からあるはずはないわけです。人間の脳はそのように設計されていたのです。決してケストラーのいうように、設計ミスではなかったのだ。ところが、それ一方の脳が閉じてしまった。それは、ケストラーの『ホラーキー』理論で説明することができ


かれのいう『ホロン』は、つねに二面性をもって対応しています。 その通り、人間の脳もま新皮質ホロンと間脳ホロンの二面があって、この二つのホロンはバランスを保っていなけれ ばならないのです。この二つのホロンがバランスを保っているかぎり、人間の脳は正常であり、 健全であるのです。 ところが、新皮質ホロンが自己主張をはじめ、異常増殖を起こした。 そして 一方の間脳ホロンは押しこめられ、閉じられてしまった。 人体にたとえると、ケストラーのいう ガン細胞の異常増殖のような、 病める状態になってしまったのです。

われわれが住むこの世界もまた、この人間の脳そのままであって、この世界は新皮質による知 ホロンと、 間脳による霊性ホロンと、この二つの階層から成る『ホラーキー』 です。 その理論 からいうと、知性ホロンが自己主張をはじめて異常増殖し、霊性ホロンを圧殺してしまった。つ まり、霊的世界は知的世界に圧殺されてしまったのです。

ホロニック・サイエンスの理論によると、対応したホロンのバランスが崩れると、その世界 (ホラーキー)は崩壊するのが原則となっています。 現代社会の崩壊の危機は、そこに原因して いるのです。そしてまた、これは非常に重要なことですが、この原則は『社会』という集団だけ に適応される法則ではないということです。『家庭』という集団にもあてはまる原則なのです。 わたくしは、社会が崩壊壊滅する前に、ほとんどの家庭』が崩壊滅してしまうであろう ことを恐れています。 いや、さらにその前に、『家庭』を構成する「個人」が崩壊壊滅してしまうであろうことを予想しております」


「ケストラーは、世界の壊滅を、核爆弾にしぼって論じていますね。かれはこう言っています。 「わたしは生化学戦争の恐怖について、何もふれなかった。人口爆発、公害についてもふれ なかった。それらはたしかに脅威ではある。 しかしそうした問題ゆえに、社会の意識はひと 一つの重大な事実から不当にそらされてきたといってよい。その事実とは? 一九四五年以 降、人類は自らを絶滅させる悪魔の力を身につけてきた。そして過去の事実から判断するか ぎり、そう遠くない将来、ある危機のなかでその力を行使する可能性は大きい。そうなれ 宇宙船地球号は死に絶えた乗組員を乗せて星間を漂流する幽霊船と化すにちがいない」


After this, the neocortex develops rapidly. The neocortex gave birth to philosophy in Greece, and this led to science. Finally, he took the energy of the sun and sent humans to the moon.

However, the neocortex, which developed rapidly and explosively, closed the third eye and blocked the hypothalamus, the place of spirituality. By closing the eyes of spirituality and blocking the field of spirituality, mankind has satisfied his material desire for science. In order to do so, the spiritual field was blocked and he had to go.

However, this imbalance in the brain has made mankind an unbalanced existence. On the one hand, he was called a wise man, and on the other, he was called a super stupid. And this imbalance in the brain has made this world unbalanced as it is. This world is a direct representation of the human brain. This world is the product of the human brain. Koestler said, “An amazing technological feat of mankind. And the incompetence of social management is no less than that.” It is natural for him to say, “Humans are crazy, they have been going crazy.” However, this unbalanced world created by these unbalanced creatures cannot last forever.”

Coexistence of the neocortical world and the diencephalic world

“Speaking of which, you might ask me, what exactly is the imbalance? In this world, the neocortical world (phenomenal world) and the diencephalic world (spiritual world) coexist. Earlier, I said that this world is a direct manifestation of the human brain, but the reverse is also true: this world is directly reduced to the human brain. If you want to know the structure, look at the human brain.The structure of the human brain is the structure of this world.Therefore, there is a spiritual field in the hypothalamus of the human brain, and there is a spiritual world. Having a third eye to see is proof that the spiritual world is real.

Precisely because there is a spiritual world, there is a brain that can see the spiritual world. The human brain was designed that way. It was not, as Koestler puts it, a design error. However, one brain has closed. It can be explained by Koestler’s “horrkey” theory.


The “holon” he speaks of always responds with duality. That’s right, the human brain also has two sides, the neocortical holon and the diencephalic holon, and these two holons must be balanced. As long as these two holons are in balance, the human brain is normal and healthy. However, neocortical horons began to assert themselves and caused abnormal proliferation. And one diencephalic holon was pushed in and closed. If I compare it to the human body, it has become a diseased state like the abnormal proliferation of his cancer cells that Koestler called.

This world in which we live is also the same as this human brain, and this world is a “horrkey” consisting of two layers: the intellectual holon by the neocortex and the spiritual holon by the diencephalon. According to that theory, the intellectual holons began to assert themselves and proliferated abnormally, crushing the spiritual holons. In other words, the spiritual world has been crushed by the intellectual world.

According to the theory of holonic science, the principle is that when the corresponding holons are out of balance, the world (horaky) collapses. He is the reason why modern society is in danger of collapsing. And also, and this is very important, this principle is not a law that applies only to the collective “society”. It is a principle that also applies to the collective “family”. I fear for him that most families’ will collapse before society collapses. No, even before that, I expect that the ‘individuals’ that make up the ‘family’ will collapse and be destroyed.”

horror key

“Koestler narrows down the destruction of the world to the nuclear bomb. They are indeed a threat, but they have unduly distracted public consciousness from one crucial fact: What is it? It has acquired the demonic power to annihilate itself, and judging by the facts of its past, it is very likely that it will wield it in some crisis in the not too distant future. It must turn into a ghost ship drifting between the stars with its dead crew on board.”

In short, we are discussing the crisis of the world by narrowing it down to the nuclear bomb.

ホモ・エクセレンスの資格 Homo Excellence Qualification






二 感覚器官の増幅彼は、不可視光線(赤外澳、紫外線)を見ることができ、超音波を聞くことができる。



















彼は、まだ低い段階のホモ・サピエンスたちを教育するための「教え」を說くと同時に、これからやがて次第にあらわれてくる 同族たちを教育するためのカリキュラムもつくった。

















Homo Excellence Qualification


Here is one technology.

When trained by that technique, every human has some great power.

What I’ve heard once is how to generate electricity that I will never forget. Instantly analyze, reason, and understand no matter how complex your structure or organization
The power of deduction and induction that organizes resources. No memory. Instantly analyze, reason, and understand no matter how complex your structure or organization
The power of deduction and induction to grasp the essence. Super dramatic creativity emanating from pure thinking that does not go through indirect thinking called Kotoba.
It probably reaches 2.5 to 3.5 if the average human intelligence is 1.0.

The best brains in this group easily understand the 4th dimension.

Amplification of the two sensory organs He can see invisible light (infrared light, ultraviolet light) and can hear ultrasonic waves.

Predictive power that comes from the combination of that abnormal sensation and high intelligence. They come from the ability to control one’s body at will.

3. Control and creation of the environment-Change yourself as you wish, move others, and create groups and environments according to your own philosophy.

The power to freely control substances beyond the four substances.

Five infinitely developed moral consciousness.

Generally, it is the above ability.

Let’s compare this with the ability of Professor Olivier’s future, Homo Excellence, mentioned in the previous section.

Isn’t it better to say it exactly as it is, rather than to be surprisingly similar?

If so, you may say. I wondered if the author brought the Olivier 說 in its entirety.

I don’t touch it now. Rather, it’s something I want to do better. At first, I knew the existence of a transferee from the Olivier machine, and I wondered if the acquisition of that technique was a qualification for future people. Of course, that’s not the case, and Professor Olivier must have academically predicted the part of the coming, but how do you think of this implicit consensus?

It is not unthinkable that Professor Odis actually knew the existence of this special technology and climbed on it to write the magical power of Lansis in this way. Qi, this reinforcement equipment is more serious outside in Amek Meetaba than in this country.

And actually. After the field line that meets at such a time, Kannon will be colored with the number as it is.




Homo excellence is already appearing on this earth. Although it is still a very small number.

The future man, Homo Excellence, will not appear as a result of evolution over a long period of time, nor will it appear as a mutant like the Blankenstein monster.

This is the transformation of Homo sapiens itself by one special human development technique. English is not born naturally, but is created.

However, the first homo-excellence that appeared may have been, or a kind of mudant. Or it may have been the predecessor of Super Seto, which appeared as a result of environmental adaptation to the future society. Just the first Cro-Magnon to appear in a Neanderthal herd
Like a person. According to Le Garrick’s law, the formation of new products within existing genera began in 300.
It will take 600,000 years. The number five XX years ago is a reasonable time, as the predecessors of Homo excellence have emerged and are gradually forming new genus of the same family within Homo sapiens.

The first Homo Excellence would have been very lonely. Because of his excellent abilities, he was naturally forced to become a prophet, a leader, and an educator. He also gains insight into the future thousands of years ago and homo-excellence of his position in human history through his extraordinary abilities.
Must have taken.

He looked at the “teachings” to educate the younger Homo sapiens, and at the same time created a curriculum to educate the upcoming relatives.

He had some worshipers around him. He trained in this curriculum, selecting those with excellent qualities. Or perhaps some of his disciples would have been the same Homo excellence predecessors as him. In this way, this technique was handed down later. But too advanced
Its development technology was too esoteric to be widely accepted and required time for people’s progress and maturity. For a long time, this technology was often misunderstood, slandered, or in danger of division. However, every time the technology was about to be destroyed, excellent homo-excellence appeared and succeeded it. In this way, this technology quietly waited for the time to be widely accepted. Many have waited for the time when they needed this technology and began to strive to accept it.


It seems that time has come.
Homo sapiens has reached its limit as a living thing. Confusion, embarrassment and hatred that cover this world now
Above all, it is a thing. What comes next is nothing but despair. Right now, there is no human being living off the coast of Hino without feeling the danger of life even for a moment. You yourself have always overcome the crisis in mechanical and technical science. But now, the machines and technology are at the forefront of hitting humans.

“I can see you.”

The civilization created by the intelligence of Homo sapiens has reached its limit. If this world wants to survive, a new civilization must be born. Everything Homo sapiens has produced has reached its limits in science, technology, religion, and even art. Ethics and morality have collapsed. Old humanity is a must
Although clinging to an old civilization to death, these are all from the past world. The way for creatures that have reached their limits to choose is “mass suicide.” Now, the mass suicide is spreading on the ground. Environmental pollution, pollution and war-all created by Homo sapiens himself.


Eventually, Homo sapiens will be extinct by mass suicide in a mass struggle. Look. Even religions have joined the struggle. The law begins with the fact that Homo sapiens has finally begun to follow the last path followed by all the most struggling creatures of the country’s religious groups, which they claim to be the most progressive. What should be destroyed should be destroyed. Therefore, humans and genus do not cease. Here is a new polar fetal movement. With new and old civilizations, Homo sapiens and ho, excellence will coexist for some time. It lasts from three to seven generations. The coexistence of Neandercourt and Cro-Magnon continued from the 1st to 150th generations. It took that much for the Neanderthals to disappear. Our coexistence is promoted and completed in a very short time


NS. From 3 to 150 years-in this amount of time, what should be destroyed will be destroyed.

After that, Homo Excellence creates new science, new technology, new religion, new songs. It is a dimension that seems to have been created by a high degree of intelligence and intellect that is incomparable to Homo sapiens.

I’m asking you here, are you Neanderthal or Cro-Magnon?

| Homo Excellence Curriculum

What is the Poin Excellence Curriculum?


テクノロジーと霊性 technology and spirituality





As technology continues to advance, it brings many benefits to humanity. However, at the same time, technological progress can have a significant impact on our society, values, and way of life. Therefore, what humanity needs alongside technological progress is spiritual growth.

Spirituality refers to the spiritual aspect of human beings that we inherently possess. By developing this spiritual aspect, we can deepen our self-understanding and cultivate empathy and compassion towards others. We can also develop a deeper awareness of ourselves, others, and the natural world and the universe.

Technological advancements provide us with increasingly advanced abilities, but they also present us with problems and challenges such as social inequality, loneliness, and environmental destruction. To address these issues, spiritual growth is necessary. Spiritual growth enables us to lead more meaningful lives and contribute to society and the environment.

In other words, technological progress and spiritual growth are complementary. Technological progress allows us to live more enriched lives, but we can create a better society and environment by focusing on spiritual growth as well.

社会における解体と変身  Dismantling and Transformation in Society

社会における解体と変身  2









































 だが、現代と、そしてすぐ間近にせまっている未来社会は、人類に、どんな種類の変革を要求しているというのであろうか? それについて、市川氏はっぎのように論ずる。

















・(Positive l゛eedbackをして系を前向きに変える役割)






  図8 人類の社会システム史にあらわれた等価変換展

































 解体しっぱなしで、ドロドロの液体状態の混乱のなかで、ホモーサピエンスは絶滅してゆくのか? 市川亀久弥先生はどのような予測をなされるか?



                   おお、これぞ、ティヤールードーシャルダン神父がぜったい信じて疑わなかった超・ヒト、ジョルジューオリヴィエ教授が予測するホモーエクセレンスが現実に生きる超人類社会CSociety of state homo saPience)の実現である。なんとすばらしいことではないか。みにくいサナギも蝶になる。にんげんばんざい、ホモーサピエンスぽんぽんざあい!




























 文中の、″このホルモン制御のメカニズム″は、そのまま、密教のヒト改造の超技術に ″あてはまる″のである。















 つまり、以上を大川的に巾しますと、に比虫進化史の過程にあらわれた仙体発生史における創造的展開は、はじめの段階において、小出しの変革過程をくり返しているうちに、ある特定の種の祖先のなかに、最後の小変革段階である聊ヤの段階を、徹底した大変革のパターン(完全変態)に移行せしめていったものらしいのであります。(中略)           ゜



























か? 市川亀久弥先生はどのような予測をなされるか?

むかいたかとか、いかぶへ巡人類史的段階V公の移行の可能性が訪ねていか であります』
ョルジュ・オリヴィエ教授が予測するホモ・エクセレンスが現実に生きる超人類社会 (Society of
super state homo-sapience)の実現である。なんとすばらしいことではないか。みにくいサナギも

にあらわれてくる、社会的なエントロピー(熱力学上の抽象的な量の単位)の増大化 (無秩序化)に

339 社会における解体と変身

するために分秘されていたホルモン (幼弱ホルモンと命名されているホルモン)が急速に減少してい
く段階が訪れてくるのであります。(中略)、ところで、この前サナギ段階を含めました サナギ段
であります。すなわち、前述の幼弱ホルモン (JH)の分泌レベルが落ちて前胸腺ホルモン (PG
そうして、「それまでの生理個体の過去の蓄積を土台として、これを未来に向かって質的に レ
祖先のなかに、最後の小変革段階である羽化の段階を、徹底した大変革のパターン (完全変態)
をかりれば、八回の小変革的段階を経て、九回目に徹底した大変革のパターン (完全変態)を完




Dismantling and transformation in society 2

Mr. Kikuya Ichikawa

In other words, if it was a poor barrack building, it would be possible to demolish the old building and build a new one at the same time, but if it was a high-class building, that would not be possible. First of all, you can’t get your hands on it until it’s broken to a considerable extent.

“Let’s take up the typical example (typical example) in the natural history of the development pattern, including the qualitative leap.” This is the development pattern of the ontogenetic history that appears in the process of complete metamorphosis of the insect shown in Figure 4 (omitted).”

Deconstruction and Metamorphosis in Insects

“Now, let’s assume that there is an insect that has reached the final instar stage, that is, an insect that has already undergone several molts (depending on the type of insect) and is just before becoming a pupa, that is, the final instar larva. In the body of this larva, the hormone that had been secreted to maintain the larva’s unique morphology, that is, the caterpillar-like morphology (hormone named juvenile hormone) is rapidly decreasing. There are several stages that will come. Once this happens, the larvae stop feeding. From the outside, it appears to be in a dormant state, but inside the worm body, the level of secretion of hormones, that is, the prothoracic gland, had been lowered until then. The △prothoracic hormone▽ that is secreted reaches the maximum activity level. When this happens, the worm’s body gradually shrinks, passing through the 〈pre-pupa stage▽, and finally enters the △pupa stage▽ of its unique shape.

By the way, the chrysalis stage, which includes the chrysalis stage, is a time when an unprecedented major change is taking place inside the insect body.

In other words, when the secretion level of juvenile hormone (JH) decreases and the secretion of prothoracic hormone (PGH) increases, the peculiar larval morphology up to that point is rapidly dismantled down to the cellular level. This is because we are starting to change. (It is said that the cells of certain larval organs break down to the level of amino acids and reach a liquid state.)』

As a matter of fact, this description is true, and I remember my childhood while reading this sentence. It’s a very cruel story, but when I first started going to elementary school, I picked up a pupa from a branch of a tree by the roadside and wondered what kind of insects were inside it. I peeled off the skin of the chrysalis as soon as I got my hands on it. From within, an eerie-colored liquid burst out and stained my hands. I wondered what kind of larva that was, and I remember seeing many small black particles floating in the thick liquid.


“On the other hand, following the start of the dismantling of this larval organ, the parts that had remained dormant in the form of clusters of small clusters of cells in various parts of the larval body until then, the nawa. The activity of cell grains (imaginal discs), which should eventually become imaginal organs by repeating cell division, is

It will start strongly by ingesting Eiso. However, even in the midst of such deep and rapid dismantling and reconstruction activities, there are still parts that must not be completely dismantled, or parts that cannot be dismantled. No, if all the existing premises are dismantled, it will not be a historical succession and development.

In other words, based on the past accumulation of physiological individuals up to that point, qualitatively improving this toward the future is climbing the steps of evolution. Of course, it goes without saying that among the physiological organs that the larval organs possessed, those that should form the basis of the worm body should be inherited even after the revolution.

What are the organs that are brought to the next stage without being dismantled? These are the well-known 1) spiracle system (respiratory system in higher organisms), 2) circulatory system, and 3) nervous system. where it is said

, is a group of organs that correspond to the basic structure of an individual organism. Of course, these three elements are organically combined and brought into the environment where the living conditions of proper temperature, humidity, and oxygen are secured.

The above is the metamorphosis process of insects that undergo △complete metamorphosis▽, as a typical example of a historical process that includes a qualitative leap. , which I advocated in 1955, the theory of creation, that is, the development pattern of the logic of history. I understand

However, I would like to recommend this as a point of contention by comparing it to the transformation of the social structure.

“By the way, the major changes with dramatic forms that we have discussed above are the simple and clear patterns of change or creative development, that is, typical examples. However, the creative development of real history does not always take dramatic forms, as seen in the complete metamorphosis patterns of insects. In its essence, it is better to take an equivalent transformation pattern as a change pattern, but to break it down into pieces over a longer period of time and realize a qualitative development. If you look at it as a general form in the development process, I think there are far more.”

In other words, instead of making big changes all at once, change little by little. This is the stage of change called △molting▽ of insects.

As is well known, all adult insects go through this step-by-step △skin-stripping work▽ called molting several times before entering the final stage, which is called emergence. We are about to enter a major transformation. This is the same process regardless of whether the insects are incompletely metamorphosed (typically dragonflies and cicadas) or completely metamorphosed (typically flies and butterflies).

“By the way, if you look a little more closely at the mechanism of development in the molting process, what is the content? If we summarize the descriptions in modern embryology, its outline is roughly as shown in Figure 6.

In other words, as we have already touched on, in the body of insects, the maintenance of larval characteristics and the initiation of pupal formation are determined by the activity levels of two types of endocrine hormones, namely JH and PGH, and the levels of juvenile hormones. Zomoshi (JH.) Prothoracic E, Lemon (PGH)

Fig. 6 Schematic diagram of the influence of hormones in the molting process and equivalent conversion development

It was controlled by that temporal exchange. This word Sum can also be applied to the emergence process of molting as a small change process, and it is a mechanism of Lemon control.

In other words, looking at the molting point on the left end shown in the upper part of Fig. 6 as a starting point, JH suddenly rises again and again, reaches the maximum level of activity, and then gradually Take the curve of descent and level down. In contrast, the amount of PGH secreted, that is, the degree of cell activity, begins to rise and reaches a maximum just before the next moulting point. Shortly thereafter, PGH secretion also plummets. In other words, both JH and PGH reach their lowest level, but so-called molting occurs during this period.

First of all, you can see that we have achieved scale-up of the worm body. But if we look more carefully,

Some of the morphologies and functions peculiar to the pre-stage larva disappear, and new morphologies and functions that had not been expressed before can be recognized in the post-molting stage.

What does this mean? During the growth process of molting, most of the morphology and functions of the insect body do not change, but only a small part is completely replaced.

Based on the above observations, I believe that you have roughly understood the mechanism of molting as a pattern of minor changes. Within the worm body, it takes place immediately after each transformational process, Goddrona, or PGH secretion reaches its maximum. This means that molting

This led to the speculation that the main cause of creation was not JH, but PGH.

△ molting hormone ▽.

Now, when the larva enters the final instar stage, JH stops and finally recovers.

you won’t. This suggests that the main regulatory action of JH is to maintain larval morphology.

Therefore, the name JH, or juvenile hormone, has come to be understood.

That’s why.

However, from the point of view of thinking about the logic of change or the logic of creation, this

JH mainly has the effect of continuing the current state of the system, and PGH mainly

Therefore, it is thought that it has the effect of activating the growth of new tissue.

In any case, the small change called molting in this case, that is, the creative development with a low degree of innovation, first of all works to maintain the integrity of the system and productively oversteps the constraints of this maintained system. It can be seen that it is something that has appeared under the replacement work that is balanced in terms of time with the work that continues.”

In other words, the “shedding” is the “barrack architecture” I mentioned earlier, and the demolition and new construction proceed in parallel while maintaining a balance.

Thus, until now, the reform of the social system in order to respond to the increase in production output has been a reform of this “shedding”, and it has managed to succeed.

But what kind of change does the present age and the imminent future society require of mankind? Mr. Ichikawa argues about it like Haggi.

Dismantling and Transformation in Society Again

“Well, I will put aside the consideration of the transformation patterns that have appeared in the history of insect development for a while, and next I will discuss the development patterns of transformation seen in the history of human social systems and the problems of their transformation factors. I will think about it.』

In a section titled “The final age stage in the history of human social systems”, he takes up past changes in human history.

“First, in ancient times, the agricultural production economy was invented as a new social system, and it reached the point where the social production output produced a “social surplus”, and it became possible to build large-scale temples. become

Then they build ramparts to avoid being plundered by other neighboring clan societies, or enter an economic stage where they can feed their fighting population as full-time specialists. In other words, we have reached the stage of having an army.

Of course, this kind of increase in production output did not appear suddenly, like groundwater welling up, but spontaneously appeared in some of the rudimentary social systems of the clan community. Since then, the central part of the control pattern of the social system up to that point was centralized at the level of clerics, somewhat like shamans in shamanism (one of the primitive religions). It is imagined that In other words, besides presiding over prayers and ceremonies, he did not do much more than sowing seeds, instructing when to harvest, or managing the property of offerings. It is thought that it was centered on priests at the primitive stage.

However, as mentioned earlier, the increase in production output – 1 social margin









超ヒト脳発達度係数三・九 Superhuman brain development coefficient 3.9















いとうは普通の現代人、ホモ・サピエンス Homo-sapiens である。これがふるい人類。
もうひとつは、特殊な能力を身につけた未来人、ホモ、エクセレンス Homo excellens でいかなる。つまりあたらしい人類だ。

「(こういうきわめてすぐれた生物の能力を、 それよりはるかに劣ったわれわれが、あれこれいうことはできないが)とにかく、この超・ヒトの知的能力は、辛うじて想像するこができる。


2 視雄た体をとっさに把握する能力。
4 無限に発展した道徳意識の保有。





かわった。しかし、まもなく、ネアンデルタール人 (旧人)がやってきて、そのあとを継ぎ、彼らの時代はおよそ一〇万年ちかくつづく。
けれども、今から四、五万年ほど前、かなり進んだ 知能を持つクロマニョン人 (新人)が出現すると、彼らは急速に姿を消して絶滅してしまった。しかしそのクロマニョン人も、今から一万年ほどまえに、オーストラロイド(ジャワ)、モンゴロイド(中国)、ネグロイド (アフリカ)、コーカソイド(ヨーロッパ)というあたらしい現世人類の種のなかにあわただしく消滅してしまった。これは、歴史のごく表面にあらわれているだけの事実で、このほかにも、いくつかの知られざるヒト・属、あるいはその分枝が、無数にあらわれ、歴史をつくる間もなく消滅していったと考える


める著名な科学者は、ひとつの種の寿命は一〇〇万年だと語り、ホモ・サピエンスは出現以来、間もなくこの年令に達するはずだという。そうして、オリヴィエ教授もまた「いま、われれ ,われの後継者であるっぎの人類のことを考えるのは、まったく筋みちの立ったことである。といっているのだ。









Superhuman brain development coefficient 3.9

Super-human brain development coefficient of 3.9 In the coming future society, human beings will be able to take two roots.
It is neither two races nor two classes. There are two species.
Then the two species will coexist for some time, but soon one of them, of course, will rapidly disappear from the world.
By the way, it is not only in the future society that human beings show two conflicts. Some may give some examples, as if it weren’t. Certainly, it can be counted as colored people and white races, free and communist societies, rich and poor, and those who are supposed to support.
A division that is completely different from such a classification is about to appear in our world in the very near future. Such a move is already happening now. It is a Homo genus. New people and sifting humanity. Ito is an ordinary modern man, Homo-sapiens. This is a sieve human being. The other is the future person, Homo, Excellence Homo excellens who has acquired special abilities. In other words, it is a new human race. Homo sapiens is none other than ourselves, but what kind of person is Homo excellence? Homo excellence is an “excellent person” who has acquired special abilities that Homo sapiens does not have. It means that. Some have named this future man Homo intelligence. So what special abilities does this talented future man, Homo Excellence, have? Let me give you some of the features he has. “The genus of de, super-human, probably has a brain development coefficient of 3.9,” said world-renowned anthropologist Professor Georges Olivier of the University of Paris. In “evolution, past, present and future,” he begins to speak.
“Anyway, (though we, who are far inferior to these very good creatures, can’t do this or that), this super-human intellectual ability can barely be imagined, for example.
Understanding the 4th dimension
.. 2 Ability to quickly grasp the male body. Always selected 4 Possession of infinitely developed moral consciousness. Especially the spiritual qualities that are incomprehensible to our enlightenment. And so on.

I will leave it to those with a lot of imagination to decide what the body shape of a creature with a brain development coefficient of 3.9, its wonderful intelligence, and what behaviors we can hardly understand. While we are Mekura, our successors are probably the owners of clairvoyance “(translated by Kumi Ashizawa, published by Misuzu Shobo).
According to the publisher’s introductory text, Professor Olivier is a professor of anthropology at the University of Paris, and has several books in addition to his many articles on anthropology and anatomy. Received the French Academy Prize. Not only has he made many achievements in his field of research, but he is also enthusiastic about training young researchers and is an excellent leader in French anthropology. ”
It must be said that he is truly a leading scientist of his time. The scientist has thus foretold the emergence of the future Homo Excellence. The author has no basis and is not just taking a brush that frightens the demons unnecessarily. It always comes. Well, where does that homo-excellence come from?
When will the future come, Homo Excellence, is inevitable in history? Let’s trace the history of mankind in Olivier. What appeared was Australopithecus (monkey man), which evolved from Oreopithecus and Ramavitex. But after a while, Pitecantropus erectus (original) replaced it. However, shortly afterwards, Neanderthals (old men) arrived and succeeded, and their era lasted for about 100,000 years. However, about 40,000 years ago, when the highly intelligent Cro-Magnon Man (newcomer) appeared, they quickly disappeared and became extinct. However, about 10,000 years ago, the Cro-Magnon Man disappeared in a hurry among the new species of modern humans such as Australo-Melane (Java), Mongoloid (China), Negroid (Africa), and Caucasian (Europe). .. This is a fact that only appears on the very surface of history, and in addition to this, a myriad of unknown humans, genus, or their branches appeared and disappeared shortly after history was created. think

There are many scholars. A prominent scientist says that one species has a lifespan of 100,000 years, and that Homo sapiens should reach this age shortly after its appearance. Professor Olivier also said, “Now, it makes sense to think of us, our successor, the human race.”

When does the new thing appear? 10,000 years ago? About 20,000 years, the next human beings of Sapiens, just like that sun will burn someday, fantasy If not, you might say that it must be a far-future return of astronomical mathematics, and we are not human enough to worry about it.
No way!
If you say that, you’ll be stupid. Professor Olivier prophesies based on the laws of evolution of biology.
He said, “Future humans will soon come abruptly.” You will be surprised so quickly. But you have to be even more surprised here.
This new or redhead / excellence comes suddenly without a moment.


The flag of Israel


The flag of Israel features a white star and blue stripes on a blue background. The blue color represents the traditional blue color of the Sh’khinah (God’s presence) as well as the Zionist movement, which was founded by Theodor Herzl. The white star represents the symbol of the name of God, which was used on the shields of ancient Jewish warriors. The blue stripes are a reflection of the colors of the Zionist flag, known as the “T’khiyah” (hope).

ジグモンドーフロイト、カールーユングにつづく世界的な心理学者、ソンディーソンディ  Sigmund Freud, a global psychologist following Karoo Jung Potto Sondy
















それは、この人の心の奥トト意識しない意識の中に、ものごとをこわして 失敗してしまう方向に持っていこうとする自己破壊の心がはたらいて、そ うさせてしまうというのが、フロイトの説なのである。


























 だが、なんと! このソンディの理論によると、中途挫折の因縁どころか、職業、友人、恋人や結婚相手の選択、病気、死にかた(!)まで決定されてしまうのである。だれに? 。特殊な祖先”に、である。












If such a memory suddenly appears, we. Realistically

The evil ancestors (memories) hidden in our deep consciousness move us

I’m doing it.

For example, there is a “fate of halfway setback” that is seen in so many people.

To. No matter what I do, I get frustrated, fail, and get things done

It is a cause that cannot be done.

In the case of men, this mainly appears on the occupation, and in the case of women, love

Appears on love and marriage.

Although there are differences in degree, most people have it, so psychologists also

He is deeply interested and considers various things from the perspective of psychology.

It was Freud who named the person who constantly repeats frustration as “fate neurosis”.

This fateful neurosis is force majeure in the unconscious consciousness of the person.

There is a certain power, so that things always fail in the middle

It is supposed to be made to.

Freud called this unconscious power hidden in “repetitive compulsion”.

When looking at the life of such a person from a young age, it was always a thing

However, it has failed in a little while.

It breaks things in the unconscious consciousness of this person’s heart.

The self-destructive mind that tries to take it in the direction of failure is working, that 46

Freud’s theory is that it makes him sick.

This is not just Freud. Other psychologists are also aware of it

Speaking of which, Meninger calls this a “mental form with a tendency to self-destruct.”

Where does this kind of self-destructive mind come from?

Most of this is the person’s ancestors or people around the ancestors

It is caused by us.

Sigmund Freud, a global psychologist following Karlou Jung, Li

Potto Sondy has a keen interest in this phenomenon and pursues it

Assuming that it was due to movement, he opened new departments in the field of deep psychology, “fate psychology” and “impulsivity psychology”.

He named the deep consciousness that appears here “family unconscious”.

The deep psychology up to that point was divided into two parts, Freud’s “personal absence.

However, Sondy’s fate analysis psychology lies between these two layers.

It opened up the third area of ​​the unconscious, the “family unconscious.”

In other words, I found a “family” between the “individual” and the “crowd.” this is

It was a truly unique and reasonable discovery.

In conclusion, Sondy says as follows. The desire of a special ancestor, which is suppressed in the unconscious layer of the individual, is the desire of the descendants

.. Nothing in “types of love, (marriage), friendship, occupation, illness, and death”

It becomes a conscious choice action and determines its fate.

Earlier, I said that the memories of our ancestors hidden in the unconscious layer move us.

It was. Sondy describes it as the desire of his ancestors. After all, the same thing

That being said, from Sondy’s point of view as a psychologist, this expression would be more appropriate.

But what! According to Sondy’s theory, not only the cause of the frustration, but also the occupation, friends, choice of lover or marriage partner, illness, and death (!) Are decided. To whom? .. To a special ancestor.

Only this one. If it was decided to be a “special ancestor”, it would be almost as if there was no intention of oneself.

We have all the key points of our lives

I think it is determined by aspiration and intellect.

However, that was not the case. Hide in your unconscious layer. “The special desires of our ancestors” moved us and decided it without our knowledge.

we,. It is being swayed by the special desires of its ancestors. How is it being swayed?

In fact, Dr. Lipotto Sondi, the founder of this “Fate Analysis Psychology”,

I myself have the experience of being swayed by this “special ancestral desire”.

「サピエンス全史」の著者、イスラエルの歴史家、ユバル・ノア・ハラリ氏(Yuval Noah Harari) Yuval Noah Harari, Israeli historian, author of “Sapiens”

世界的ベストセラー「サピエンス全史」の著者、イスラエルの歴史家、ユバル・ノア・ハラリ氏(Yuval Noah Harari)が独週刊誌シュピーゲル(3月18日号)のインタビューに応じている。



人類は長い歴史を経ながらさまざまな進化を重ねてきた。ネアンデルタール人、ホモ・エレクトス 、ホモ・デ二ソワ人を経て、ホモ・サピエンスが生まれ、今日まで生き残ってきた。











Israeli historian Yuval Noah Harari, author of the world-famous best-selling book “A Complete History of Sapiens,” is interviewed by the German weekly Der Spiegel (March 18 issue).


▲ Yuval Noah Harari (from Wikipedia)

Human beings have evolved in many ways over the course of their long history. Through Neanderthals, Homo erectus, and Homo Denisovans, Homo sapiens was born and has survived to this day.
Mr. Harari is attracting attention by claiming that “human evolution continues. Through the development of science and technology, human beings will evolve into god-like beings.” This idea reminds me of Nietzsche’s “superman”.

“The time has come for mankind to move toward a new goal, because so far mankind has overcome the three enemies of mankind: hunger, war, and disease.There are still conflicts and hunger, For the first time in human history, more people die from obesity than from hunger, a situation never before seen in human history.In 2010, 3 million people worldwide died of various diseases caused by obesity. “The number of people who have died has far outnumbered those who died from hunger, war, conflict and terrorism. For Westerners, Coca-Cola is more of a threat than Al-Qaeda.”

“Until the 20th century, workers played a central role in society, but today the concept of workers has disappeared. New concepts emerge from Silicon Valley. For example, artificial intelligence (AI), big data, virtual Reality (VR), Algorithms, etc. We don’t hear the word “worker” anymore.The only thing workers still have is the right to vote.And even that right to vote doesn’t mean much.The world is too big. It’s changing so fast that humans have lost direction.The biggest change in the last 20 years is the internet.Nobody said the internet should be bigger.All change is politics. It has been decided regardless.It is only the beginning of a great change.We will face changes that will change the way we live, work, relationships and even the human body.In the process, politics and democracy will play a major role. I won’t do it.”

Regarding the Homo Deus epoch, when mankind will evolve into god-like beings, he said, “It will come in decades, not centuries. Its evolution has already begun. Humans are also entering that realm. (1) bioengineering, (2) cyborks, and (3) inorganic life forms.If we can achieve results in these fields, we will become like gods.For example, humans 200,000 years ago could make stone axes. No. Humans today build spaceships and computers, and we understand our genes.”

“While some humans will have super memories, intelligence, and resistance like gods, the majority of humans will remain unable to evolve to that stage. In the 19th century, industrialization brought workers A class has emerged, but in the 21st century, digitalization advances and a new class is born: the ‘useless class’.”

“Many workers will lose their jobs due to the automation of manufacturing processes. The same is true for the military. Warfare is cyber warfare, and drones will be mobilized. With the advent of 3D printing, textile workers will no longer be needed. Algorithms. Robots and robots will take jobs from humans not only in the industrial sector, but also in the service industry.The same goes for taxis and truck drivers, because safe and cheap self-pilot cars will come out.”

What is interesting is his view of religion.
“In the past, humans prayed to the gods for healing of illness and harvests from agriculture, but in the 21st century, the development of science and technology has solved these problems. Religion has shifted its focus to things in the afterlife, the world where you can’t.Religion has provided humanity with the value of life in the past, but it’s akin to a computer game.If you follow the teachings of Jesus, you’ll get points and sin. If you commit a crime, you will be deducted points, and at the end of your life you will pay it off, and if it is positive, you will be placed in a certain high level.”

“Mankind’s future is still in our hands,” Harari said at the end of the interview. There are many unknowns about his vision for the future. For example, the definition of “god” when we say “god-like being”. Does it simply mean someone with super intelligence, or does it involve another concept as well? In any case, the young Israeli historian poses a big question for us.