

仏教の最高難度法に挑む:思念の相承と水晶龍神瞑想法 Challenging the most difficult method of Buddhism: Mutual transmission of thoughts and crystal dragon god meditation method




– 釈尊の成仏法の中心は四神足法であり、「輪廻転生瞑想法」の根幹となる法である。
– 四神足法は最高難度であり、先行する訓練をこなしても容易ではない。
– 霊界では完成者タターガタが「思念による王者の相承」を説き、これは霊的バイブレーションによる伝達である。
– 王者の相承を受けるためには、条件として「tapas」が必要である。
– 仏陀や仏陀の境地に至るためには、「思念による王者の相承」が必要であり、その受ける条件として「tapas」が不可欠である。
– tapasを成就することで、霊的バイブレーションを受けられ、「思念による王者の相承」を得ることが可能となる。
– 四神足法が「tapas」であり、これを成就することで、「思念による王者の相承」を受けやすくなる。
– 修行者が水晶龍神瞑想法を通じて四神足法を進めることで、「思念の相承」を最初の段階から受け、チャクラの開発訓練を進めることができる。
– 水晶龍神瞑想法は釈尊の成仏法の真髄であり、最大の特長は「瞑想法自体が思念の相承である」。
– 修行者はこの法を通じて神通力を得られるが、この法は極秘伝である。

– The center of Shakyamuni Buddha’s method of attaining Buddhahood is the Four Gods’ foot method, which is the basis of the “reincarnation meditation method.”
– The Shigami Ashiho is the most difficult, and even if you do the previous training, it is not easy.
– In the spirit world, Tatagata, the Perfectionist, preaches “succession of the king through thought,” which is transmission through spiritual vibrations.
– “Tapas” is required as a condition to receive the succession of the champion.
– In order to reach Buddhahood or the state of Buddhahood, it is necessary to have “succession of the king through thought,” and “tapas” is essential as a condition for receiving this.
– By achieving tapas, you will receive spiritual vibrations and will be able to obtain the “succession of the king through thought.”
– The foot law of the four gods is “tapas”, and by fulfilling this, it becomes easier to receive “the inheritance of the king through thought”.
– By advancing the Four God Foot Method through the Crystal Dragon God Meditation Method, practitioners can receive “transferring thoughts” from the first stage and proceed with chakra development training.
– The Crystal Dragon God meditation method is the essence of Shakyamuni Buddha’s method of attaining Buddhahood, and its greatest feature is that “the meditation method itself is the transmission of thoughts.”
– Practitioners can obtain divine powers through this method, but this method is a top secret.
























だが、そういうと、一 (「思念による王者の相承」)は最高理想のものなのであるから、他のなにものも必要ないのではないかといわれるかもしれない。そうではないのである。その最高理想のものを受けるために、tapasは必要なのである。
































「四神足法そのもの」 なのである。












Kechimyaku and Iddhipada


Finally, we will begin to explain the Iddhipada method, which is the central law of Shaka Nyorai’s Buddhahood method. This is

It is the basis of the “reincarnation meditation method”.


It is the most difficult law in Shakyamuni’s Buddhahood law.


If you are a practitioner who has done the training so far, I think that you will somehow get a tooth, but it is not easy at all. Even though the training so far is difficult, many people may be worried that more training will be possible.


In the world of law in the spirit world, the perfector of law, Tatagata (Nyorai), constantly preaches the law.

“Kechimyaku of the King by Thought” means that this Dharmakaya Tatagata directly conveys one’s heart to the other person’s heart without the mediation of words or symbols.


In this case, the mind should be thought of as power, not just a mind of thought. As a result, the opponent is immediately completed as a Buddha.


This is the best and ideal, of course. That is why it is “the king”.


It was said that. In other words, in order to become a Buddha and become a Buddha, it is ideal to receive this “consensus of the king by thought”.


However, there are conditions for this.


What are the conditions?


I wrote as follows.

However, in that case, it may be said that one (“the consensus of the king by thought”) is the highest ideal, so nothing else is needed. That is not the case. Tapas is necessary to receive the highest ideal.


Also, in the same chapter, the intense spiritual vibration in Saheto-Maheto, India is described as follows.


The wise reader would have already noticed. I- that this is what Tibetan Buddhism calls “the consensus of the king by thought.” The thoughtful consensus of the king was, in fact, a transmission by spiritual vibration.


I realized that I had reached the third of the four steps leading up to liberation, but this would definitely be the case if I had not fulfilled the diencephalon development practice tapas. It was not obtained. Only when the system of acceptance is established will the consensus of the king from the outside be issued.


In other words, in order to become a Buddha or approach the boundary of the Buddha, “the consensus of the king by thought” is necessary, but in order to receive the consensus of the king, the diencephalon development practice tapas is achieved. It is essential that you do.


With the consent of this king, I reached the border of Ana, and at this time I strongly realized that I would become a Buddha by the time I died, but after fulfilling tapas, I was in Sahe, India. It was because I went to Tohmahet and Miracle Pond that I was able to receive the silver vibration.


Therefore, in order to receive the “consensus of the king by thought”, it is an absolute requirement that tapas be fulfilled.


Then, what is the training tapas?


This is the Iddhipada method.


In other words, if you do not fulfill the Iddhipada method, you will not be able to receive the “consideration of the king by thought” necessary to become a Buddha. However, the Iddhipada method is the most difficult method among the Buddhahood methods of Shason. It is not something that anyone can easily practice.

If you do not practice Shaka Nyorai’s difficult Buddhahood method, you will never be able to accept your thoughts, your diencephalon will not open, and spiritual manifestation will not be possible.

Who can do spiritual manifestation?


Only a very limited number of elites will be able to reach it.

As a matter of course, the reincarnation meditation method, which is a development of Shaka Nyorai’s Buddhahood method, cannot be achieved.


However, that is not the case.

I have solved this problem through many years of training, and it is relatively easy for anyone to do it.

This is because we were able to complete a law that would allow us to practice the Buddhahood law.


It is a method called “Crystal Dragon God Meditation Method”.

This meditation method is not just a meditation method.

In fact, this crystal dragon god meditation method is the essence of Shason’s Buddhahood method.

It is “Iddhipada itself”.

And the biggest feature of this crystal dragon god meditation method is

“The meditation method itself is a consensus of thought.”

That is to say.

The practitioner should be able to proceed with the training in accordance with this law.

For example, if you do not fulfill the tapas Iddhipada method, you will receive the consensus of thoughts that you will never receive from the first stage of training, and proceed with the development training of the chakra necessary for the Iddhipada method. Can be done.

In particular, Kundalini Yoga can safely and gently proceed with the development of the most dangerous chakras in the brain.


By practicing this crystal dragon god meditation method (Iddhipada method), you have the power of magic.

Will be able to be obtained.

However, since this law belongs to the most secret, it is not possible to write everything.

Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis

Buddha 2Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis   sサイト

大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 “Kongokai” expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai


胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai



思念による王者の相承 Thoughtful consent of the king


これが、チベット密教のいう 「思念による王者の相承」であることを。思念による王者の相承とは、じつに、霊的バイブレーションによる伝達だったのである。












一、Srota aPanna 須陀証

二、sakrd agamin  斯陀含

三、anagmin               阿那含

四、arhat          阿羅漢





斯陀含 ーー 高められた聖者














あるのである。間脳はこれまでくり返し説いてきたように、霊性の場であり、霊 感の座なのである。ここが開発されることにより、ほんとうのインスピレーションが発生するのである。











(2021/1/14 19:37時点)













四念住法身念住法 受念住法 心念住法 法念住法







四正断法-断断法 修断法 随護断法 律儀断法

四神足法白欲神足法 勤神足法 心神足法 観神足法

五根法-信根法 精進根法 念根法 定根法 慧根法

五力法-信力法 精進力法 念力法 定力法 慧力法

七覚支法択法覚文法 精進覚支法 喜覚支法

      定覚支法 念覚文法 軽安覚文法 捨覚文法

八正道法-正見法 正思惟法 正語法 正業法 正命法 正精進法

      正念法 正定法




























That this is what Tibetan Buddhism calls “the consensus of the king by thought.” The thoughtful consensus of the king was, in fact, a transmission by spiritual vibration.

By doing this, I realized that I had reached the third level of the four steps leading up to the commentary, but this would never be possible without fulfilling the diencephalon development training tapas. It is a thing. Only when the inner acceptance system is established will the king’s consent from the outside be issued.


Four steps leading to liberation


, “Four steps leading to liberation”.

Anyone must go through these four stages in order to reach liberation. And anyone can reach liberation by walking along these four steps according to a good priest. Of course, you are right.


Therefore, let’s take a look at these four steps.


What are the four stairs?


I, Srota a Panna Suda certificate

2. Sakrd agamin including

3, anagmin, including Ana

4, arhat Arhat



To explain,

Suda 逼 — A cleansed saint

Including the saint

A saint who made a leap (in dimension)

Arhat (transcendental dimension), also known as the completed saint, “Buddha”.


So how do practitioners walk through these four steps?


Training to kill the limbic system and neocortical brain


It is a practice to kill the limbic thread and neocortical brain in a bite.

If the limbic thread and neocortical brain are not killed, the diencephalon will not work and the third eye will not open.

It is.

However, don’t get me wrong. Killing the limbic system / neocortical brain means

Ultimately, it is to make use of the limbic thread, especially the neocortical brain. new

The cortical brain is said to be the “seat of creation.” However, the true position of creation is in the diencephalon.

There is. The diencephalon is a place of spirituality and a seat of spirituality, as I have repeatedly explained. The development of this is a real inspiration.


However, in order to develop the diencephalon, the limbic system and neocortical brain must be closed for some time. When the diencephalon is developed, the neocortical brain is revived. The newly revived neocortical brain is the brain with superhuman inspiration and creativity based on spirituality.


Then what kind of training is it?


Method and system of spiritual completion

That is the practice of spiritual completion left by Shaka Nyorai. This is what I call the “Buddhahood Law.” The Buddhahood means the completion of spirituality, and the person who fulfills it is called the “Buddha”. That is why I call that method the “Buddhahood method.”

As mentioned in “Reincarnation Meditation”, it is a method and system for the Buddhahood consisting of seven systems and thirty-seven curriculums. In Agama, this is called “Seven departments and thirty-seven dojos” or “37 Bodhipakkhi”. These two names were not given by me. It is an ancient Buddhist term.


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I am all sutras other than Agama sutras, including the Lotus Sutra and Amida sutras.

In the sutras other than Agama, which scriptures are criticized with a rather intense expression

However, this is because there is no Buddhahood law. Shaka Nyorai was only preached by Agama

In addition to the historical fact that there is, is there any other “Buddhahood method” other than Agama?

That’s what I am. I am true, such as scriptures without “Buddhahood Law”

It cannot be recognized as a Buddhist scripture. Of course, the significance of existence

It may have some value, but it is not the mainstream. It should be called a sidestream. To this

Regarding this, please read my other books.


The seven departments and thirty-seven items are as follows.


Satipatthana method, Satipatthana method, Satipatthana method, Satipatthana method, Satipatthana method

That is all.

These seven subjects, thirty-seven kinds of curriculum,

1. Meditation

Second, practice

Three, tapas (training)


Four Right Exertions-Cut Law, Repair Law, Defensive Law, Law Law

Iddhipada white greed foot method, work god foot method, heart god foot method, Kanjin foot method

Indriya method-Shinne method, Seishin root method, Nene method, Samadhi method, Keine method

Five power method-credibility method, devotion method, mind power method, constant power method, moral power method

Seven Factors of Awakening-Choice of Awakening Grammar

Jokaku grammar, grammar, light grammar, grammar

Noble Eightfold Path-Fa Zheng Method, Fa Zheng Method, Fa Zheng Method, Fa Zheng Method, Fa Zheng Method, Fa Zheng Method

Mindfulness method Orthodox method


Can be classified into.

The Satipatthana method and the Indriya method are meditations.

The Four Right Exertions, the Five Strengths, the Seven Factors of Awakening, and the Noble Eightfold Path are practice and meditation.

The four gods foot method is a special training tapas.

Kotari is a magical power (supernatural power), and this four-god foot method gains supernatural magical power.

There are four types of training methods for this purpose. The previously mentioned sticky training tapas belongs to this genus.

Of these seven subjects, meditation and practice subjects were incorporated, centering on training tapas.

To practice. How to take which subjects and how to train

The Holy Master decides. Each practitioner has different qualities and ties, so when he sees it, he screams.

In this training, the guru plays a big role. A little about Guru


Spiritual baptism


First of all, even if you definitely find a guru that reveals spirituality and accept it

It is to get. If you can do that, you can say that this training was successful as much as eight minutes.

About. It’s that important and it’s difficult.

Without Guru, it would be impossible to practice Buddhism in the correct spiritual manifestation. Ordinary Buddhist faith

It is different from the mind. Teaching how to believe, how to believe, lectures and interpretations of scriptures

Anyway, the Buddhist training of spiritual manifestation is a powerful spiritual ability.

It can hardly be done without the help of a guru.

For example, modern Indian saint Ramana Maharishi “stares” at his beginners.

The brilliance and power of his eyes when performing the acceptance ritual in the “method of”

It is said that he broke through the flow of thoughts. Sometimes

It is said that the other party felt as if an electric current had flowed into his body.

クンダリーニ ヨガー  気道   Kundalini yoga  Airway






行 息 。気息を行らす行らす、というからには、行らす”道”がなければならない。その道が気道である。


道教の基本的修行に、「内気の法」というのがある。また、「行気の法」がある。これらは、阿含経に説かれている仏陀の「行息の法」にほかならない。 道教が、釈尊の成仏法を受けついでいると断定するひとつの証として、つぎのようなことがあげられる。








It is a combination of all techniques such as “chakra”, “prana”, “kundalini energy”, “airway”, “mudler”, “meditation”, and “mantra Eikawa”, which will be explained later. belongs to. These four breathing methods (again, not just breathing methods) complete Shason’s Buddhahood method.

I will explain this breathing method later.

Buddha’s Airway Law


Shakuson also used the airway in the Iddhipada method.
Breath. In order to take a breath, there must be a “way” to take. That way is the airway.
However, the airways of Shason are quite different from those of Kundalini Yoga. It can be said to supplement the deficiency of the Kundalini yoga airway-the inadequate part rather than the defect.
Why can we say that?

It is believed that the Buddha’s breathing method later moved to China and became a Taoist Sendo. In other words, the origin of Taoist training lies in the Buddhahood law of Shason.

One of the basic practices of Taoism is the “law of shyness.” In addition, there is a “law of devotion”. These are none other than the Buddha’s “law of breath”, which is explained in Agama. The following is one proof that Taoism is accepting the Buddhahood law of Shason.
There is a part called Mudmaru in the airway of the Taoist shyness law. At the top of the head, in Kundalini Yoga, it is the part of the Sahasra Kei Fu Chakra, which is the highest part of enlightenment in Taoism.

Did the name Mudmaru come from second cousin?

This is a transcription of Nirvana, the “Nirvana” that Shason preaches. When this part is awakened, it is named after φ, which reaches Nirvana.

This is nothing less than a link between Shason’s practice, Kundalini yoga, and Taoism, which is very interesting. In addition to this, there are some similar examples. Of course, not all Taoist airway laws are the same as Buddha’s airway laws.

It is said that he accepted the Buddha’s airway law and developed it into something unique to Taoism. The prototype is in Shakuson, and it can be traced back to Shakuson.
Is. And it also involves Kundalini Yoga at the same time.

It is extremely difficult to know the practice of Shakuson’s Buddhahood method. It is very, only slightly scattered in Agama, and it can be said that it is almost impossible.

However, if you practice Kundalini yoga and Taoist training in contrast to Shakuson’s training in Agama, you will naturally come up with a beard. Then, as you gain more experience, refine, and practice, there are things that suddenly show shape with inspiration.

チャクラの場所は、すべて、内分泌腺と一致 All chakra locations coincide with endocrine glands



















1 ムーラーダーラーチャクラ







 2 闘いのホルモン、英雄ホルモンを湧出させる副腎の部位である。

































































Why do chakras generate special powers that can be called superhuman?
For a long time, it was a mysterious mystery, but with the advent of modern physiology, that mystery has become.
The location of the chakras all coincide with the endocrine glands.
A kundalini yoga expert stabs the place with the power gained through special training
It is fierce and produces power that ordinary humans do not have. The endocrine gland is the source.
If this is compared with the endocrine glands by modern medicine, it will be as shown in Table 1 (page 73).
However, it was classified by me, and there is a big difference from the contrast classification of Western yoga leaders (and people of that lineage). I believe this is more correct because of my training experience, or, as Mr. Leadbeater says, differences in physique and constitution by race and ethnicity.
It may be due to. In his book, there are some differences in chakra size, color, position, shape, etc., depending on the color, white, oriental, western race, and race, and even the same race and race. It is said that individual differences can be seen. I think it’s true.

Chagra function
The chakra is located in the same place as the endocrine glands that secrete hormones, and it is a place where the amazing power of hormones is expressed.
Then, what kind of power does each chakra exert?

Here’s what I’ll tell you as the secret of Kundalini Yoga.
1 Mueller Darler Chakra

The gonad of the endocrine gland, the site of the kidney.
When you awaken this chakra, your physical strength will increase abnormally and you will have three to five times as much energy as a normal person. I feel fine all night on the 3rd and 4th. It does not accept any illness and becomes a Kenza work itself. Those who are sick will recover from their bad points. When the energy is activated by concentrating the control bow j∃Q on this chakra, even a dying sick person will kick the floor and stand up. Both men and women are ten years younger than their actual age.
Instead, it will have strong libido and fertility, so it also uses a method of converting that innocence into the energy of intelligence called Ojas.

2 It is the part of the adrenal gland where the fighting hormone and hero hormone are released.
When this chakra was awakened and Yufurugi was activated, he became more energetic and brave.
As a result, they will be able to take positive and bold actions. Don’t be afraid of anything, don’t be confused by anything, be fearless, have an immovable belief, and don’t be afraid of any difficulties. Demonstrate superhuman skill that transcends life and death.

3. Manipula chakra (nerby chakra)

The mystery of yoga, “Yoga Sutra,” says:
By applying a control to the umbilicus, it is possible to know the tissues in the body.
About this chapter, Dr. Tsuruji Sahoda
The navel ring is not the actual navel hole, but the mysterious wheel-shaped part that is supposed to be around it, and it is said that it has 16 caps. According to one theory, it is the third manipula chakra from the bottom of the six chakras explained in later Hatter Yoga. In any case, the part that is visible to the naked eye
It is said that it belongs to the ghost body. The umbilical ring is in the center of the gas (life energy or siliguri rest), so if you control it, you can see the tissues inside the body.
It is explained that this is a little different.

The doctor is said to be “a mysterious place that can be imagined around that”, but this part is by no means a fantasy place. It has great power, which seems to be mysterious, but it is clearly medically confirmed.

It is medically the “solar plexus” named Solar Plexus. Also called the celiac plexus or visceral artery plexus, it is a large plexus of sympathetic nerves at the origin of the superior mesenteric artery that emerges from the celiac artery. The name comes from the fact that it is located on the back of the stomach and sends nerves to each organ like the rays of the sun.
That is, the nerves that come out of this area are distributed in the esophagus, stomach, abdominal blood vessels, liver, bile ducts, eggs, adrenal glands, intestines, etc. In addition, this nerve plexus is a collection of large and small visceral nerves, vagus nerves, twelfth thoracic ganglion, first lumbar ganglion, etc., and is the most important plexus as a visceral nerve.

Until now, chakras have only been considered as fantasy and mysterious places. These parts are by no means such things, and as I mentioned earlier, they are deeply related to endocrine glands, nerve groups, enzymes, etc., and in fact, they are very important places from a medical point of view. It is a place where you can play an important role.

“By applying a system, you can know the tissues in your body,” but this system is a special concentration that has undergone special training. Knowing this organization means not only knowing it, but also being able to control it freely. If you really concentrate on this umbilical ring, this “solar plexus”
Internal organs belonging to-it can control everything from the esophagus to the stomach, liver, spleen, spleen, adrenal glands, and intestines as you wish. These internal organs
However, it immediately knows what kind of condition it is in, and if there is any abnormality, it immediately returns to normal. Training of such power is training of this umbilical ring.
Also, because it has the power to freely control not only one’s own body but also the body of another person, it can immediately heal a person’s illness.

4, Anahata chakra

It is the part of the thymus, heart, and lungs.
By embodying this chakra, a remarkable amplification of sensory organs can be seen.
With ultimate power, you can see invisible light (infrared rays, ultraviolet rays) and listen to ultrasonic waves.
Can be As a result, it becomes possible to predict natural disasters.

It is due to the combination of extrasensory perception and high intelligence. They are their own
It comes from the ability to control the body at will. It is a combination with the Manipoo chakra.

5, Vishudda Chiyatara

It is the part of the thyroid gland and salivary glands.
Amplification of sensory organs is done toward a higher dimension.

You will be able to interact with the Holy Spirit and hear the voice of the Holy Spirit.

In addition, it is excellent that you can see things that are incomprehensible or incomprehensible to you.
You can hear from it assimilated into the soul and wisdom. In other words, even if a person’s body is unraveled, the intelligence of the person’s mind remains in this space, so if it becomes the same as the vibration of that mind in this chakra, that mind will have it. Everything that was there, consciousness and intelligence, assimilated with me and became my own
That is.

In other words, it means opening the way for transportation to the spirit world (four-dimensional world).
It is.

6. Ajunya chakra

It is the part of the subbrain body. Has extremely developed intelligence.
Touch your eyes once. What I have heard is a memory that I will never forget.
No matter how complex the structure or organization, instantly analyze, reason, understand, and book
The power of induction and the bond of performance that grasps the quality.

Super dramatic creativity emanating from pure thinking that does not go through indirect thinking called Kotoba.
Ultimately, the four virtues of “Joraku Gajo” in Buddhism will be completed and the sensibility of the Buddha will be reached.

7. Hustler Ra Chakra

It is the part of the pineal gland, pineal gland, and hypothalamus.
When this is embodied, the awakening of the Buddha is reached. That is, the completion of spirituality.
This chakra is called “the light in the head” (called the moment when this chakra awakens, because the light appears in this part and shines brightly.

自己破壊の傾向を持つ精神形態 深層心理の謎:特殊な祖先の影響とは? Mental form with a tendency to self-destruct



– 霊障についての説明では、良きものと悪しきものが祖先から受け継がれ、霊障のホトケが悪しきものの代表であるとされている。
– 霊障は幽霊のようなものではなく、無意識の中にひそみ、人の心を動かし、運命に深刻なダメージを与えるとされている。
– 深層意識には先祖の記憶があり、良き祖先の力を受けることで奇蹟が起こる可能性があると述べられている。
– 逆に、悪しき先祖の記憶が現れ、自己破壊の傾向を持つ精神形態が生じることが議論されている。
– 運命神経症と呼ばれる中途挫折の因縁は、深層意識に潜む自己破壊の心によるもので、祖先の記憶が影響を与えているとされている。
– 心理学者リポットーソンディは「家族的無意識」という新しい領域を提唱し、祖先の特殊な欲求が子孫の運命を決定すると主張している。
– 運命分析心理学において、特殊な祖先の欲求が職業、友情、愛情、結婚、病気、死亡などに影響を与え、個人の意志が無視されている可能性があると指摘されている。

The explanation for spiritual disorders is that good and bad things are inherited from ancestors, and that the spiritual disorder Hotoke is the representative of the bad ones.
– Psychic disorders are not like ghosts, but are said to lurk in the unconscious, affect people’s hearts, and cause serious damage to their destiny.
– It is said that the deep consciousness contains memories of ancestors, and that miracles can occur by receiving the power of good ancestors.
– On the contrary, it has been argued that memories of bad ancestors appear, giving rise to mental forms with a tendency to self-destruction.
– The cause of mid-career failure, known as fate neurosis, is due to a self-destructive spirit hidden deep in the consciousness, and is said to be influenced by the memories of ancestors.
– Psychologist Ripot Sondi proposes a new realm called the “familial unconscious” and argues that the special desires of ancestors determine the fate of their descendants.
– In fate analysis psychology, it has been pointed out that the desires of special ancestors may influence occupation, friendship, love, marriage, illness, death, etc., and the will of the individual may be ignored.







 その 中には、良きものと悪しきものがある。良きものの代表が、前にのべた冥徳のホトケ、守護霊のホトケである。














第一章 先祖の助けをいただく冥徳供養






 そういう記憶が、もしも突然あらわれて、われわれを動かすようなこと があったら、いったいどんなことになるか? 考えただけでも慄然たる思いに襲われるのではなかろうか?














それは、この人の心の奥トト意識しない意識の中に、ものごとをこわして 失敗してしまう方向に持っていこうとする自己破壊の心がはたらいて、そ うさせてしまうというのが、フロイトの説なのである。










。恋愛・(結婚)・友情・職業・疾病・および死亡の型式”における無 意識的選択行動となって、その運命を決定する。


 だが、なんと! このソンディの理論によると、中途挫折の因縁どころか、職業、友人、恋人や結婚相手の選択、病気、死にかた(!)まで決定されてしまうのである。

だれに? 。特殊な祖先”に、である。










Principle of spiritual disorder

“Mental form with a tendency to self-destruct”

Let’s talk about spiritual disorders.

We have received various things from our ancestors.

Some of them are good and some are bad.

The representatives of the good things are the ghosts of the souls mentioned earlier and the ghosts of the guardian spirit.

The representative of bad things is the spiritual disorder Hotoke.

Then, what kind of hotoke is a spiritual disorder hotoke?

For ordinary people in the world, when they say “spiritual disorder”, something like a ghost comes out,

It seems that he thinks it is a haunting. Also, a person who called himself a psychic

There are many people who preach that.

It’s different. What I mean by “spiritual disorder” is not that simple.

No. Also, if it’s something like that, spiritual disorders are a little scary.

Not. It feels a little creepy.

The horrifying spiritual disorder is hidden in the person’s heart, unconsciously

In addition, move the person, deviate the trajectory of the person’s fate, and cause intense damage 42

Because it gives.

It is hidden in the unconscious, subconscious and deep consciousness of human beings.

It’s not a ghost.

I mentioned this in the previous chapter.

“In short, human beings have a deep consciousness of the memory of living things for billions of years.

It means that it is.

It is a memory through an ancestor over a billion years. With this myriad

I wish I could freely take out and use the memories of my ancestors.

Will that be the case?

It is said that there are billions of ancestors even in their thirties.

Chapter 1 A memorial service with the help of ancestors

Among these innumerable ancestors, a great person who is also a god

There may have been. There may have been some great saints comparable to Buddha.

Any miracle if you can receive the power of such a wonderful ancestor

I can wake you up. ”

Let’s consider the opposite case.

Among the myriad ancestors, there would have been great saints and great men, but they were also evil.

Uncertain congenital criminals and dying after a miserable end

Some people may have such thoughts. No, in terms of probability

Isn’t there an overwhelming number of such people?

The memories (experiences) of such people are also our depth.

It is in the layer consciousness.

That kind of memory suddenly appeared and moved us 44

What would happen if there was? Just thinking about it was a terrifying thought

Isn’t it attacked?

“Such a stupid thing!”

Are you there?

However, it is by no means a “stupid story”. Realistically

The evil ancestors (memories) hidden in our deep consciousness move us

I’m doing it.

For example, there is a “fate of halfway setback” that is seen in so many people.

To. No matter what I do, I get frustrated, fail, and get things done

It is a cause that cannot be done.

In the case of men, it appears mainly on occupation, and in the case of women, it appears on love / marriage.

Although there are differences in degree, most people have it, so psychologists also

He is deeply interested and considers various things from the perspective of psychology.

The person who constantly repeats frustration was named “fate neurosis” by Flo.

It is.

This fateful neurosis is force majeure in the unconscious consciousness of the person.

There is a certain power, so that things always fail in the middle

It is supposed to be made to.

Freud called this power hidden in the unconscious [arrest of his younger brother].

When looking at the life of such a person from a young age, it was always a thing

However, it has failed in a little while.

It breaks things in the unconscious consciousness of this person’s heart.

The self-destructive mind that tries to take it in the direction of failure is working, that 46

Freud’s theory is that it makes him sick.

This is not just Freud. Other psychologists are also aware of it

For example, Meninger calls this a “mental form with a tendency to self-destruct.”

Where does this kind of self-destructive mind come from?

Most of this is the person’s ancestors or people around the ancestors

Is the cause.

Sigmund Freud, a world-class psychologist following Karlou Jung, Li

Potto Sondy has a keen interest in this phenomenon and pursues it in a targeted manner.

I studied. And these phenomena are fateful impulses in the unconscious conscious layer.

In the field of deep psychology, “fate psychology” and “impulsivity psychology” are considered to be due to movement.

I opened a new department.

He named the deep consciousness that appears here “family unconscious”.

The deep psychology up to that point was divided into two parts, Freud’s “personal nothingness”.

Two layers, “consciousness” and Jung’s “collective unconscious” (crowd psychology), are targeted.

Was there.

However, Sondy’s fate analysis psychology lies between these two layers.

It opened up the third area of ​​the unconscious, the “family unconscious.”

In other words, I found a “family” between the “individual” and the “crowd.” This was a truly unique and reasonable discovery.

In conclusion, Sondy says as follows.

The desire of a special ancestor who is immediately pressured by the “family” is the descendant’s desire.

.. It becomes an unconscious selection behavior in “love, (marriage), friendship, occupation, illness, and type of death” and determines its fate.

Earlier, I said that the memories of our ancestors hidden in the unconscious layer move us. Sondy describes it as the desire of his ancestors. After all, I say the same thing, but from Sondy’s point of view as a psychologist, this expression is more appropriate.

But what! According to this Sondy’s theory, the cause of the halfway setback

Or profession, friend, choice of lover or marriage partner, illness, death (!)

It will be done.

To whom? .. To a special ancestor.

Only this one. If you have been decided as a “special ancestor”, your own

Isn’t it as good as having no will?

We have all the key points of our lives

I think it is determined by aspiration and intellect.

However, that was not the case. In my unconscious layer

Hide. The special desires of our ancestors move us without our knowledge

Then, it was decided.

we,. It is swayed by the special desires of its ancestors.

How is it being swayed?

In fact, Dr. Lipotto Sondy, the founder of this “Fate Analysis Psychology”,

I myself have the experience of being swayed by this “special ancestral desire”

It is.


死後も生きつづける幽体(アストラル体)  An astral body that remains alive after death






慢〈まん〉(我執〈がしゅう〉)断(だん)ぜざるがゆえに、この蘊〈うん〉を捨て已(おわ〉りて(死んで) 異蘊〈いうん〉相続して生ず。


成仏法を成就した聖者( 有余依涅槃(うよえねはん)の聖者)の霊的テレパシー(霊力)によって、聖者の悟りをそのまま受け止めて、迷い執念などを離れて、冥界(死者のほんとうの世界=安らぎの場)へ向かうということです。




Buddha’s Buddhist Law and Spirit

An astral body that remains alive after death

Professor Robert Almeder of the Department of Philosophy, Georgia State University, in his book “Life after Death” (TBS Britannica), wrote in the “Foreword” and “Text”:
“We now have a body of evidence-based evidence that strongly supports the idea that there is some life after death.”
(From the preface)
“Thinking above, every human being has a “ghost” (ie, a second body consisting of a dilute element that resembles a substance that is invisible to the naked eye except in certain circumstances). The assertions often made by abilities have a certain degree of realism.
This second body is a body and a gourd in shape, and is said to continue to exist even after the body’s death.”
(From the text)
Then, what do you think in Buddhism?

In Buddhism, human beings have five elements: color (material), receiving (ju) (sense), thought (so) (representation), line (gyo) (will), and knowledge (consciousness). I think it is made of. These five elements are called “Go”, and these five elements temporarily gather to form a human being (ego, soul).
But what if a human dies?
Most Buddhists in Japan believe that Buddha has denied the existence of a “spirit.” In other words, I think that when I die, everything disappears, but this is wrong.
Buddhism is not the idea that everything will disappear when you die. He has such a false view because he has not learned and practiced the scripture of the Buddha’s Buddhist theory, “Agukkei.”
Buddha never denied the existence of souls. I am rather affirmative. However, instead of the name “soul”, the expression “unidentified” is used.

Even if the ordinary husband dies and the “five” disappears, the energy of tanha creates a “different” (different components) and continues to exist.

The Buddha is explained as follows in the “Sen’an Sutra” in the Zoua Sutra.
Because of the pride, I abandoned this (yes) because I had no choice but to die (dead).
In other words, the alien substance means a component (蘊=aggregation) that is different from a living human component (five colors=color, reception, thought, behavior, knowledge). It means that it is a “existence”.
In addition, the word “Ishoshin” is also used to describe the existence after death in the Zhao Sutra Sutra. Involuntary body refers to a body made up only of consciousness (mind).
In this way, Buddha is said to have “something (anomaly, will)” as long as humans die, but as long as the anguish remains (tanha). This being after death is the soul.
And the soul with the remaining tanha regenerates after the death, and if it does not meet the edge of the Buddhist law in this world, it will continue to reincarnate indefinitely.
In addition, when this patience is very strong, it becomes a ghost of imperfect Buddha spirits and spiritual disorders, and the vibration of that remorse strongly affects the hearts of descendants.

Buddha statue in Sarnath
Shakyamuni denies the idea of ​​”an ego (artman) (soul)” that Brahmin of ancient India preached, but that will never change or die.
The “post-mortem” of the “law of auspices” that is caused by the edge and destroyed by the edge is recognized.
In other words, there is no such thing as an “eternally immutable ego (artman),” but there is an “ego (artman) that is established in a state of invariance (change) or auspicious occasions.”
There is an “ego (soul)” that improves through training and enters Nirvana.
In order to “change” not by “immutability” but by the edge, if you meet the edge that becomes dead (the soul or spiritual body) becomes strange, you become a stranger and reincarnate, and if you meet the edge of the Buddhist Law, It is released and it occurs in the French world.
It is contrary to the Buddha’s preaching law of auspiciousness that the death of a dead person means that it disappears completely.

As a result of the training, the spiritual body (living person) will be purified and enhanced, and will gradually be freed from the cause of evil and the bad work.
Through the stages of saints such as “Shudaon”, “Sidagon” and “Anagon”, the ultimate saint “Arahan” (Buddha) is reached.
If you cannot reach the Buddha in this world, you will continue to practice the Buddhist law in the next world, and you will eventually become a Buddha.
If you are a dead person, you will not be able to practice by yourself, so you will have to sacrifice the holy person who has fulfilled the law.
Stiff grudges and obsessions cause a spiritual disorder in the Buddhist spirit of the Buddhist Buddha, and he is astounded and receives liberation from the enlightenment of the saints and breaks into Buddha.
However, in this case, Seibutsu does not mean that we have completely eliminated the cause and labor trouble.
By the spiritual telepathy (spiritual power) of the saints who have fulfilled the Buddhist law (Saints of Uyoenehan), they take the enlightenment of the saints as they are, leave the lost obsession and leave the underworld (the true meaning of the dead It means that we are heading for the world of peace.
This is the Buddhist law taught by Buddha Shakyamuni.


The grudges of the dead drive deep consciousness for all

The reason why this world is in danger of destruction now is that the violence of the vengeance and wickedness of the dead, which is full of this world, moves the deep consciousness of all people.
As a result, mankind has become increasingly impulsive, fighting, and immoral, and is eventually trying to slaughter himself.
First, the home is beginning to collapse.
Unless we give the souls of these suffering souls full peace, no living peace will come to living humans.
The Buddhist Buddha’s Buddhist law has the power to provide peace and relief to those who survive after death with these sufferings (souls).

霊的身体について  About the spiritual body

























『シルバーバーチの霊訓(8)』(潮文社)  p.95


『古代霊シルバーバーチ 最後の啓示』(ハート出版)  p.51~52




とは言うものの、シルバーバーチ自身が、人間には多くの身体があって、死後それを脱ぎ捨てていくというような言い方をしている箇所があります――「あなたには沢山の身体が備わっています」『シルバーバーチの霊訓(8)』(潮文社)  p.104)


私達は、シルバーバーチの次のような別の言葉に注目しなければなりません――「あなたは常に、その時点での霊格にふさわしい身体で自我を表現しているわけです。死後の身体はそういう過程をたどります。それが無限に続くのです『シルバーバーチの霊訓(8)』(潮文社)  p.104)「一連の身体があり、それをアストラルだのエーテルだのと呼んでおられますが、それも一個の霊が顕現したものなのです。用語に惑わされてはいけません」『シルバーバーチの霊訓(8)』(潮文社)  p.106)



シルバーバーチは――「そしてさらに進化すると、昆虫が脱皮するようにそれを脱ぎ捨てます」『シルバーバーチの霊訓(8)』(潮文社)  p.104)と言っています。この言葉をそのまま受け入れるならば、霊界では、霊的進化につれて古くなった霊体を脱ぎ捨て、新しい霊体をまとって次の界層に行くということになります。



『シルバーバーチの霊訓(4)』(潮文社)  p.128下線は筆者記)

ハート出版『不滅の真理』の218頁には――「人間には幾つもの霊的身体が備わっているわけです」とあります。この原文は、“You have bodies.”であり、文脈から判断すれば霊体と肉体の2つの身体と考えなければなりません。それを幾つもの霊体としたのは、明らかな誤訳です。






【図1】 霊体と肉体の分離





【図2】 同一体(霊体)の変化







【図3】 地上人の身体構造



【図4】 地上人の睡眠中の身体状態

【図5】 死後の霊体と幽質接合体の分離









【図6】 高級霊の仮の霊的身体の着脱





















『古代霊シルバーバーチ 最後の啓示』(ハート出版)  p.55





とは言っても、『シルバーバーチの霊訓』の中には、チャクラを連想させるような記述が全くないというわけではありません。例えば――「いにしえの賢人が指摘している“第3の目”とか“太陽神経叢”などを使用することもあります。そこが霊と精神と肉体の三者が合一(link up)する場なのです」『シルバーバーチの霊訓(6)』(潮文社)  p.39)とか、「そこから(ヒーラーのエネルギーが)患者の松果体ないしは太陽神経叢を通って体内に流れ込みます」『シルバーバーチの霊訓(6)』(潮文社)  p.40)といったようなことが述べられています。








Misconceptions about spiritual bodies and chakras

1. Misconceptions about the spiritual body
The four soul theory of old Shinto and the physical view of Shinchi studies

One of the most often misunderstood problems in spiritualism today is the view of the human spiritual body. In “Old Shinto,” the human body composition is explained by the “four-soul theory”, but there are people who think that this four-soul theory is consistent with the body view of spiritualism. The rough soul (Aramita), the Japanese soul (Nigimitama), the soul of luck (Sakimitama), and the odd soul (Kushimitama) of the four soul theory are the body, ghost, spiritual body, and body It is said that it corresponds to. In the four soul theory, there are three spiritual bodies in addition to the physical body, but it is well known that Kasaburo Asano claimed this four soul theory. The influence of Kasaburo Asano has been inherited in the current spiritualism of Japan.

Also, some spiritualists still believe in the physical view of “theosophy”. In the theosophy, it is assumed that there are multiple spiritual bodies other than the physical body, such as the ether body, the astral body, the mental body, and the causal body, which overlap with the physical body. It is said that different “aura” are emitted from the “multidimensional body”.

* Furthermore, R. Steiner came out of Theosophy and created another view of the body. Like Steinology, Steiner also preaches a multidimensional view of the body. In addition to the physical body, Steiner insists on the existence of spiritual bodies such as the ether body and the astral body, but they use the same name as the theosophy, but are different in content.

In addition to this, various religions preach a unique view of the body.

At first glance, “Theological view of the theosophy” and “Body view of spiritualism” are similar…

It is the theosophical view of the body that affects the most of these spiritualists, causing misunderstanding and confusion. In the books related to spiritualism, the theosophical “multi-body view” is sometimes taken up and explained. The theosophical view of the body is unconditionally introduced as correct. As a result, many spiritualists have come to the illusion that the spiritualistic view of the body and the theosophical view of the body are the same.

The important conclusion is that the theological views of theology and ancient Shintoism and the spiritualism (*especially Silver Birch’s view of body) seem to be similar at first glance. Is that there is. Clarifying this difference leads to a deeper understanding of spiritualism.

In the following, I will use the explanation of Silver Birch as a clue to see the correct physical view of spiritualism.

Relationship between “spiritual world” and “spiritual body”

The body is one of the forms of expression for the human “spirit” that is the spirit of God. The body is a unique form of expression for the intangible spirit called spirit, and if the spirit is a seed, it is thought to be the fruit that wraps it. There are two types of bodies for terrestrials, and as we already know, the spiritual body and the physical body correspond to that. It is common knowledge in spiritualism that the body used in the post-mortem world is a spirit body. It must be wondering what more needs to be said about the spiritual body, but this view of the “spiritual body” is causing misunderstanding and confusion among many present-day spiritualists.

Everyone who has learned spiritualism knows that the world after death (the spiritual world) is made up of various world layers. The spirit world is made up of many world layers with different vibrations. And in each layer, the spirits who have achieved the spiritual growth suitable for the world live. In other words, the spirits that have evolved spiritually live in the higher world, and the spirits that have a lower degree of spiritual evolution live in the lower layers of the spirit world, so that there is a clear segregation. The spiritual body of the higher spirits has a subtle vibration that matches the higher world, and the spiritual body of the lower spirits has a rougher vibration that matches the lower world.

Now, in the post-mortem world of the spirit world, some say that the spirit world is largely made up of three world layers and another is made up of seven world layers. Others say that it is made up of nine layers. The most believed of these is the view that it is made up of seven layers. Myers and imperators say that the world consists of seven layers, including the physical world, and theology also comprises seven layers.

* Strictly speaking, the imperator says that the world is divided into three, and each world consists of seven layers. And the earth is the world at the top of the seven world layers at the bottom. In other words, assuming that there are two worlds, including seven more, above the world where the earth is located, we assume a total of 21 world layers.

Conan Doyle also describes the existence of ten post-death world layers, saying that there are three world layers, a ghost world, a spirit world, a god world, and a transcendental world.

The spiritual body used in the spirit world is considered to be a body made of a material compatible with each layer of the world. So if you have 4 layers of the world you need 4 different spiritual bodies, if you have 7 layers of the world you need 7 different spiritual bodies. These views feel like a very theoretical and coherent explanation. In fact, most spiritualists think so. But there is a big contradiction in this view.

The spirit world is a world with gradational changes

The question here is whether each boundary layer in different states is clearly separated or has a clear boundary. The seven layers of layers usually tend to give the image of seven separate layers, stacked one on top of the other. Imagine a state in which the layers are geographically layered, such as the larger Baumkuchen. Many people unconsciously think that there are divisions in these seven layers.

On the other hand, many spiritual communications related to spiritualism say that the boundaries between layers are not clear. Even if there are seven worlds, it is said that the upper and lower layers of the world are mixed and continuous like a rainbow. “There is no clear boundary between the upper and lower boundary layers, but overall there are divisions such that the rainbow consists of seven colors,” he says.

Spiritualism uses the word “boundary layer”, but it is used for convenience only forever. The reality is that-“the spirit world is one world, and that is a gradationally changing state.” Silver Birch clarified:

“Some people say that the spirit world is divided into seven worlds, but it’s not like that, but they are all fused together.”

“Silver Birch Spiritual Lecture (8)” (Toshibunsha) p.95

“I don’t know that “seven worlds”. I don’t know the numbered worlds from 1 to 7. I know that there is only one world. And that means it’s an infinite hierarchy.”

“Ancient Spirit Silver Birch Last Revelation” (Heart Publishing) p.51-52

A spirit body is a body that undergoes gradational changes

If we call the fields of different states in the spirit world the world layers, it means that the spirit world with gradational changes consists of innumerable world layers. It is not like three, seven or nine, but that there are innumerable layers of boundaries. In the myriad layers of the world, spirits of a spiritual level commensurate with it live. So far, you should be aware of the contradiction of the idea that humans have three spirit bodies and seven spirit bodies.

If the spirit world is a world with a myriad of gradational changes, the human spiritual bodies that live there must also undergo a myriad of gradational changes. The human spiritual body can adapt to infinite changes in the spirit world only after infinite changes. This is the number one principle and most important point when thinking about the spiritual body. The point is that there are not multiple human spirit bodies such as three or seven—it is one body that changes in gradation.

That said, there is a point where Silver Birch himself says that humans have many bodies, and that after death they take off them-“You have many bodies. (“Silver Birch Spiritual Training (8)” (Toshibunsha) p.104)

If we take this literally, the view of silver birch’s body will be the same as that of the theosophy or the ancient Shintoism. However, “Silver Birch’s spiritual lesson” is a big misunderstanding when only a few words are swallowed, as was the case when understanding the view of God. You must make a total judgment, including other explanations. This is exactly the case again.

We have to pay attention to another word from Silver Birch: “You are always expressing your ego with a body that fits your spirituality at the time. The body follows such a process. It continues indefinitely.” (“Silver Birch’s Spiritual Lessons (8)” (Shiobunsha) p.104) “There is a series of bodies, which are astral ethers. It’s called the No., but it’s also a manifestation of one spirit. Don’t be confused by the terminology” (“Silver Birch Spiritual Lessons (8)” (Shioubunsha) p.106. )

Silver birch does not affirm the existence of multiple independent bodies such as three or seven.

What is the true meaning of the word “strike off the old spiritual body”?

Silver Birch says: “And if it evolves further, it will be stripped off like an insect,” (Silver Birch’s Spirit (8) (Shiobunsha) p.104). If you accept this word as it is, in the spirit world, you will take away the old spirit body as you spiritually evolve and wear the new spirit body and go to the next world layer.

If you do not understand the basic principle that the spiritual body will change in various ways, it will be confused by Silver Birch’s expression of “getting off the spiritual body”, and here again a big misunderstanding Will end up doing In order to understand the true meaning of Silver Birch’s word “throw away the old spiritual body”, it is necessary to know the following explanations correctly.

“It grows naturally and evolves naturally. It gives up its place to elements with a low degree of highness. It dies and is born again and again. It is not lost in the same process as the death of the. It is purified and becomes subtle as the low-grade ones disappear. It is the death of the ghost. Death is change and resurrection in the first place. , From low to high.”

“Silver Birch Spirit (4)” (Shiobunsha) p.128 (* Underlined by the author)

* On page 218 of Heart Publishing, “The Immortal Truth,” it says: “Humans have many spiritual bodies.” This original text is “You have bodies.” and should be considered as two bodies, a spiritual body and a physical body, from the context. It is a clear mistranslation to make it a number of spirit bodies.

The exact same original text is on page 195, line 2 of Shiobunsha’s “Silver Birch’s Spiritual Training (3)”-“It has several bodies.” Here is the correct translation.

The difference between “body death” and “ghost death”

Here, “Silver Birch Spiritual Lessons (4)” p.128, explains “Death of the Ghost”. Silver Birch clearly states that “dead death” is different from “dead body.”

First of all, it is “the death of the body”. Needless to say, this is because the spiritual body is “the physical body (cloth)

宇宙の奥深く: 5次元時空の秘められた世界   Deep in the Universe: The Hidden World of 5D Space-Time




未知の次元: 宇宙の新たな秘密に迫る

– リサ・ランドールによる「ワープする宇宙―5次元時空の謎を解く」
– ひも理論は異なり、理論上の疑問と着想に基づくもので、まだ数学的に完全に定式化されていない。
– 一つの次元が存在することに気づく。これにより、物理法則と一般的な常識は「次元は三つだ」と人に信じさせ、それ以上の次元があるとは考えさせないようになった。
– 時空は予想以上に異なる可能性がある。既知の物理法則では、空間に三つの次元しかないとは確定できない。
– 別の次元である「余剰次元」が存在する可能性を検討せずに切り捨てることは性急かもしれない。
– 上下が左右や前後とは異なる方向であるように、新しい別の次元が宇宙に存在してもおかしくはない。これは目で見たり、指先で感じたりすることはできない。ひも理論は違う。これは純粋に理論上の疑問と着想にもとづいていて、まだ数学的に完全に定式化されてもいないから、その予言についても、確たることは何も言えない。一つの次元があることに気づく。このときから、物理法則は── もちろん常識も── 人に「次元は三つだ」と信じこませ、それ以上の次元があるとは夢にも思わせなくする。 だが、時空はそうして思い描いてきた姿とは驚くほど違っている可能性がある。これまでにわかっている物理法則のなかで、空間に三つしか次元がないと断定できるものはない。別の次元── 余剰次元── が存在している可能性を検討もしないうちに切り捨ててしまうのは、性急にすぎると言えるかもしれない。「上下」が「左右」や「前後」とは別の方向であるように、まったく新しい別の次元が私たちの宇宙に存在していたとしてもおかしくはない。実際に目で見たり、指先で感じたりはできない。

死者の霊魂と共に学ぶ: 仏陀の教えがもたらす平安と成仏の道    Learning with the spirits of the dead: The path to peace and Buddhahood brought about by the teachings of Buddha

– 仏教の開祖釈迦は「覚(さと)れる者」となり、悟りを得て煩悩を断ち輪廻の苦から解放されることを解脱とし、成仏と呼ばれる。
– 釈迦の弟子は釈迦の指導を受け、教えを学び、戒・定・慧の修行に努め、阿羅漢と呼ばれる境地に到達した。
– シャカの成仏法には「七科三十七道品」があり、ニルヴァーナの智慧を獲得する修行法として知られる。
– 七科三十七道品には四念住法、四正断法、四神足法、五根法、五力法、七覚支法、八正道法が含まれる。
– 仏陀の成仏法により霊体は悪因縁から解放され、涅槃に入り、これを成仏と呼ぶ。
– 成仏法を修行することで生者は清められ、段階的に悪因・悪業から解脱していき、最終的に仏陀に到達する。
– 死者は自ら修行できないため、成仏法を修行した聖者に供養され、霊的テレパシーによって解脱し安らぎの場に向かう。
– 世界の危機は死者の怨念や悪念が人々の深層意識を動かしているためであり、仏陀の成仏法がその苦しみを救済する力を持つとされる。

– Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, became the “enlightened one,” and attaining enlightenment, cutting off earthly desires, and being liberated from the suffering of reincarnation is called liberation, which is called Buddhahood.
– Shakyamuni Buddha’s disciples received Shakyamuni’s guidance, studied his teachings, and practiced the precepts, determination, and wisdom, and reached the state of being called Arhat.
– Shaka’s method of attaining Buddhahood includes the “Seven Sciences and Thirty-Seven Paths,” and is known as a training method for acquiring the wisdom of Nirvana.
– The Thirty-Seven Ways and Principles of the Seven Schools include the Four Minds and Living Laws, the Four Right Dharma Laws, the Four Divine Foot Laws, the Five Root Laws, the Five Power Laws, the Seven Awakenings Laws, and the Eightfold Dao Laws.
– Through the Buddha’s method of attaining Buddhahood, the spiritual body is freed from evil causes and enters Nirvana, which is called Buddhahood.
– By practicing Buddhahood, living beings are purified, gradually freed from evil causes and evil karma, and ultimately reach Buddhahood.
– Since the dead cannot practice on their own, they are offered offerings to saints who have practiced Buddhahood, and through spiritual telepathy they are liberated and go to a place of peace.
– The world’s crisis is said to be due to the grudges and evil thoughts of the dead moving people’s deep consciousness, and the Buddha’s Buddhahood Dharma has the power to relieve such suffering.







パーリ文「中阿含」第百三の kinti sutta につぎのように述べられています。








四神足法は、特殊な tapas( 練行)です。神足とは、神通力(超人的能力)のことで、この四神足法は、超自然的な神通力を得るための四種の修行法です。



成仏法を成就した聖者( 有余依涅槃(うよえねはん)の聖者)の霊的テレパシー(霊力)によって、聖者の悟りをそのまま受け止めて、迷い執念などを離れて、冥界(死者のほんとうの世界=安らぎの場)へ向かうということです。




Shaka’s method for attaining Buddhahood: “Seven Departments and Thirty-Seven Ways”

Training method to acquire the wisdom of Nirvana
“Seven Courses and Thirty-Seven Ways” or “Thirty-seven Bodhisattvas”

Seven types of systems and 37 types of curriculum for acquiring divine wisdom
Among the Agon sutras that the Buddha preached, we can find sutras and Buddhist scriptures that seem to express Nirvana.
In fact, you can even discover the training methods to acquire the wisdom of Nirvana.
This training method is called the “Seven Sciences, Thirty-Seven Ways,” or the “Thirty-Seven Bodhisattvas.” This consists of seven subjects and 37 types of subjects, which Abbot Kiriyama calls “seven systems and 37 types of curriculum for acquiring divine wisdom.” People in the world only know about Mahayana Buddhism, so they hardly know that Buddhism has such sutras.
The kinti sutta in the 103rd chapter of the Pali text “Naka Agon” states as follows.
Here, O bhikkhus, the Dharma has been understood and preached to you by Me. In other words, the fourfold meditation, the four right decisions, the four divine feet, the five roots, the five powers, the seven enlightenments, and the eightfold path. Therefore, all bhikkhus should learn this in harmony and without conflict.
The training and practice methods for acquiring wisdom as taught by the Buddha are clearly described here.
The method of training in these seven subjects taught in the Agon Sutra was named by Abhidharma theorist the “Seven Sciences and Thirty-Seven Ways” or the “Thirty-Seven Bodhisattvas.” It means 37 training methods that lead to satori.

Four thoughts and thoughts (Shinenjuho)
In the old translation, it is called Shinenjo. It is also called the four thoughts. Four types of introspection and meditation methods for achieving enlightenment. There are four types: shin-nen-ju (self-reflection), sen-en-ju (sensation), mind-remension (shin-nen-ju), and honen-ju (honen-ju).

In the old translation, it is called shijokin. There are four types of training: Dandan, Ritsugidan, Zuigodan, and Shudan.

It is also translated as shiruyi-sho.
The basis for obtaining the four free powers. A training method for four types of “Yokujinsoku”, “Gonjinsoku”, “Shinjinsoku”, and “Kanjinsoku” to obtain supernatural power.

There are five roots: Shinkon, Shojinkon, Nenkokon, Jokon, and Ekon. Root refers to the ability to work freely. A Buddhist monk’s faith in the Three Treasures, as well as diligence, thought, jhana (meditation), and wisdom, are practices that demonstrate high ability toward Nirvana.

Faith (Shinriki), Devotion (Shojinriki), Psychokinesis (Nenriki), Fixed power (Joriki), Wisdom (Eriki) (or Wisdom). Training to gain advanced power that will lead to Nirvana.

Chakuhokakushi, Shojinkakushi, Kikakushi, Kyoankushi, Shakakushi, Jokakushi ) and the seven Nenkakushi. Seven trainings that lead to Nirvana.

The Eightfold Path (also written as the Eightfold Path)
Eight paths to reach the ideal state: “Shoken”, “Shoshiyui”, “Shogo”, “Shogo”, “Shogo”, “Shomyo”, and “Shojin””. )・Shonen・Shojo”

The above is the “Seven Departments, Thirty-Seven Ways,”.
The four-spirited meditation method and the five-root method are meditation.
The Fourfold Dharma, the Five Powers, the Seven Awakenings, and the Eightfold Dao are practices and meditations.
Shigami Ashiho is a special type of tapas (training). Kamiashi refers to divine power (superhuman ability), and these four Kamiashi methods are four types of training methods to obtain supernatural power.


Through the Buddha’s method of attaining Buddhahood, the spiritual body is liberated from bad causes, bad karma, and bad thoughts.
A completely liberated spiritual body enters Nirvana.
This is called attaining Buddhahood.
However, even when it comes to attaining Buddhahood, it differs between the living and the dead.
In the case of a living person, you can practice the Shichika Sanju Shichi Dobon (the Shichika Sanju Shichi Dobon) on your own.
Through training, the spiritual body (living person) is purified, elevated, and gradually freed from evil causes and evil karma.
After passing through the sage stages of “Shudaon”, “Sidagon”, and “Anagon”, one reaches the ultimate great sage “Arahant” (Buddha).
If you are unable to attain Buddhahood in this life, you will continue to practice the Dharma to attain Buddhahood in the next life, and ultimately you will definitely become a Buddha.
In the case of a dead person, since it is not possible to practice on one’s own, a sage who has accomplished the Dharma for attaining Buddhahood should make a memorial service using the Dharma for attaining Buddhahood.
Due to strong grudges and tenacity, hotokes become spirits of unattainable Buddhas, causing spiritual disorders, and are lost when they receive the vibrations of enlightenment emanating from the saints, and are liberated and attain Buddhahood.
However, attaining Buddhahood in this case does not mean that one has been completely liberated from fate, karma, and defilements.
Through the spiritual telepathy (spiritual power) of a sage who has achieved Buddhahood (a sage of Uyoenehan), one can accept the sage’s enlightenment as it is, leave one’s delusions and obsessions, and go to the underworld (the true state of the dead). It means heading to the world of peace (a place of peace).
This is the “Buddhist Dharma” taught by Buddha Shakyamuni.


The grudge of the dead moves everyone’s deep consciousness.

The reason this world is currently on the brink of destruction is because the vibrations of the grudges and evil thoughts of the dead that fill this world are moving the deep consciousness of everyone.
As a result, humanity is becoming increasingly impulsive, combative, immoral and, as a result, on the verge of genocide of itself.
First, families are starting to fall apart.
Unless we give complete peace to the suffering souls of the dead, there will be no peace for the living.
Buddha Shakyamuni’s method of attaining Buddhahood has the power to bring peace and relief to beings (souls) who survive after death with these sufferings.

Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis

Buddha 2Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis   sサイト

大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 “Kongokai” expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai


胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai



瞑想法の驚異的効果  The amazing effect of meditation






The amazing effect of meditation

効果 The effect of this meditation method can be said to be truly “magical”.
So where does that effect come from? In short, it is as follows.
It is derived from the stimulation of the solar plexus, the center of the autonomic nervous system, by the diaphragm and the hormonal expulsion by the stimulation of the manipula chakrahe.
Let’s get that effect.
1. Promote the body’s metabolism.
The function of the lungs is enhanced, and oxygen is blown into the blood many times more than before,
Send all over.

2. Encourage muscle development.
When metabolism becomes active, it is natural that the tissues throughout the body are strengthened and muscles develop. In particular, the muscles of the internal organs are strengthened.

3. The function of the nerve is stabilized.
This is because the autonomic nerve is stabilized.
Autonomic nervous system (vegetable nervous system) refers to all internal organs, glands, blood vessels, etc.
The involuntary nerves that govern the organs that respond to relationships, and the various functions of these organs
Is automatically adjusted. That is why it is called the autonomic nervous system.
The autonomic nervous system has two features. that is,
First, work automatically without will.
Second, there are always two types of nerves, the sympathetic nerve and the parasympathetic nerve.
Under the control of