
超能力開発のシステム ESP development system

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I ムラダーラーチャクラ




2 スヴァジスターナーチャクラ



3 マニピューラーチャクラ




4 アナハターチャクラ



5 ヴィシュダー・チャクラ







6 アジナー・チャクラ




山身体を極限まで小さくして、岩などを自由に通り抜ける力 即からだを大空にいっぱいになるほど大きくする力 即蓮の糸や綿くずよりも軽くなる力 ㈲望みのままに、月にでも指をふれることができる力 即自分の意志するままに、どんなことがらでも実現できる力 世界を創造し、支配する力 閉万物を自分の意のままに従わせる力 大地のように身を重くすることのできる力、あるいは、自分の意欲の対象を必ず手に入れることのできる力、の八種でる。


7 サハスララーチャクラ


頭のなかの光明Murdhajyotioといわれるチヤクラである。Brahma randhra梵の座、梵の裂け目という頭蓋骨の接合するところの真下に位置する。梵の座、梵の裂け目とは、梵すなわち聖なるもの、と一体になる場所という意味である。










ESP development system







I looked at the chakra from the aspect of modern medicine and physiology called the endocrine gland. Now let’s look at how esoteric Buddhism itself thinks and explains the chakra from the standpoint of esoteric Buddhism.


I Muradara Chakra

Physical strength is greatly improved, three of ordinary people? You will have five times as much energy. About the third and fourth all night

I’m fine. It does not accept any illness and becomes a healthy body itself. Those who are sick will heal all their bad points. Even a dying sick person will kick the floor and stand up when concentrating on this chakra. Both men and women are 10 years or older younger than their actual age. Instead, he will have strong libido and fertility, so he will also teach you how to change that dryness into an intelligent dryness called Ojas.


2 Svaj Starner Chakra

If you concentrate your energy on this chakra, you will be full of energy, brave, and will be able to exert your aggressive and bold action. Don’t be afraid of anything, don’t be confused by anything, and with an unwavering belief, don’t be afraid of any difficulties. Demonstrate superhuman skill that transcends life and death.


3 Manipuler chakra

It is this chakra that Yoger Sutra “can know the tissues in the body by applying a sutra to the umbilicus”. Being able to know the tissues in the body means not only knowing but also being able to freely control the tissues of the body. It also has the power to freely control not only one’s own body but also the body of another person, so that one’s illness can be healed immediately.

Since this chakra belongs to the “Samana ki” of the five kis, it controls this chakra as it says, “If you overcome the Samana ki, you can emit a flame from your body.” By doing so, you will be able to generate the energy of fire. The fire of psychokinesis is ignited using this chakra and Vishda chakra. The mystery of the Kundalini Esoteric Buddhism says, “When I enter and close my eyes, I see a yellowish incandescent flame rising like steam from this chakra, and when I go down the road, it is the same. You can see the colored flames wrapping around the waist and abdomen. Sometimes it looks like light smoke or fog. ” This chakra transforms the reproductive drought ruggedness enhanced by the Muradara chakra into another substance. (I’ll explain why it can be done later.) As you can see, the toxins and toxins that have entered the body are decomposed by this chakra and converted into other substances. Therefore, even poisonous substances such as PCBs and DDT can be made harmless by the power of this chakra.

When it becomes possible to produce a clear flame, it begins to have the power to change the substance element and change it into a different substance.


4 Anahata chakra

The power of other minds will appear, and at the same time, the power to move the minds of others will come out.

Next, you will be able to interact with the high heart of the invisible (expressed as the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, and the Leading Spirit). You can hear things that are incomprehensible to you, such as things that you cannot understand, assimilated into the heavenly and earthly, excellent heart, and the dryness of wisdom. In other words, even if a person’s body is unraveled, the energy of the person’s mind remains in this space, so if the vibration of this chakra becomes the same as the vibration of that mind, that mind would have. It means that all things, consciousness, and intelligence are assimilated with oneself and become one’s own. In that sense, if you become fully proficient in this chakra, you will be able to open the way to interact with the world of the spirit world (four-dimensional).

5 Vishda chakra

It has superhuman hearing. In fact, when this chakra becomes available, you will be able to hear certain sounds that you had never heard before. This is my own experience,

That is, human hearing is 40,000? You can only hear vibration waves of 500,000 kilocycles, but if you master this chakura, your hearing will be more than doubled. It means that you can hear the heartbeat of a person at a distance of 100 meters. By the way, the hearing of dogs is 80,000? It is said to be 90,000 kilocycles.

Also, listen to various voices. You will hear the voice of the leading spirit clearly.

You will be equipped with the ability of Yoga Sutra to “understand the meaning of the screams of all creatures.” It is a Buddhist heavenly ear connoisseur.

In addition, this chakra is closely related to the muscle movements of the head, upper limbs (both arms) and chest.


6 Ajina chakra

You will have abnormal clairvoyance. The ability of the Yoga Sutra to “by shining light on the manifestation of the mind, we can know even the smallest things, hidden in the dark, and far away.” Is.

Telepathic ability arises. It is this chakra that enables the “large skin” of the Yoga Sutra.

This chakra is also called a command chakra, a desire fulfillment chakra, and a free power chakra, and when you become proficient, you will naturally command and move it freely, and you will be able to control it freely. That is, it will have eight kinds of free power. As mentioned earlier, the eight types of free power are

The power to make the mountain body as small as possible and pass through rocks freely. The power to make the body bigger enough to fill the sky. The power to touch, the power to instantly realize anything as you wish, the power to create and control the world, the power to obey the closed things at your will, to make yourself heavy like the earth There are eight types of power: the power to be able to do it, or the power to always obtain the object of one’s motivation.


7 Sahasrara chakra

It is a chakura called Murdhajiyotio in my head. Brahma landhra is located just below the joint of the skull, which is the seat of the 梵, the rift of the 梵. The seat of the sword, the rift of the sword, means the place where one is united with the sword, that is, the sacred thing.

When you awaken this chakura, a light appears in this part and it shines brightly. The light in my head.

This chakra integrates all chakras and controls it freely. He gradually transforms when he is free to control all the chakras. As insects gradually melt the hard epidermis that covers the whole body, naturally wear supple but strong wings, and transform into flying butterflies,

He transforms from a human to a strange creature. He transforms from the three-dimensional creature Homo sapiens to the four-dimensional creature super-human, Homo Excellence. In yoga, this was described as being one with the sacred.

It is said that this chakra is where the Holy Spirit dwells and interacts with the Holy Spirit. The practitioners who complete this chakra are called superhumans, masters, and rescuers. Superhumans transcend the physical world and are not restricted by time and space. As in the Yoga Sutra, he is free to lose his body and in an instant Himalayan

He flew to Tokyo from the hinterland of Japan and left for Europe in a moment. He has mastered the secrets of time and space in the four-dimensional world. For the creatures in the two-dimensional (planar) world, the behavior of the creatures in the three-dimensional (three-dimensional) world seems to be nothing but the movement of superhumans living in the four-dimensional world for us as three-dimensional creatures.

I can’t understand at all. In India, the Buddha is a superhuman and shows in form that he is the perfector of this chakra. You’re probably seeing it, but you’re probably unaware of it.

Leadbeater, the author of “Zacha Class”, explains this with a diagram.

, A Buddha statue in a temple in Java. Above is the Buddha statue at Todaiji Hosodo. The heads of these two statues show the two types of Sahasrara chakra. The image below shows the skull developed by the chakras. This rise in the top of the head is not a mage, as many people think. This is one of the “32 phases” of the Buddha, and the skull is developed and heaped up in this way. The reason why it developed is due to the training of this chakra, and the excitement shows that this training has been completed. Therefore, the skull of the Buddha who is training does not show such a rise, and has the same skull as a normal person. When he completed his training and transformed into a Buddha, his skull changed in this way.

According to Leadbeater, the head of the statue “first has a large ridge like the petals of 960, then at the top, there are twelve smaller ridges rising from it.” .. This chakra has a central width of twelve and a ring around it of 960. Mr. Says that this shape is one of the two types of this chakra symbolized by the Buddha.

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