
般若菩薩  2  Prajna Bodhisattva

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仏教における<a href=””>菩薩</a>の一尊。「般若波羅蜜菩薩(はんにゃはらみつぼさつ)」ないし「般若波羅蜜多菩薩(はんにゃはらみたぼさつ)」の略であり、般若は「プラジュナー(prajñā)=”智恵”の意」、波羅蜜多は「パーラミター(pāramitā)=”達成”の意」を音写したもの。「般若仏母(はんにゃぶつも)」、「慧波羅蜜多菩薩(えはらみたぼさつ)」、「阿利也波羅只穰波羅蜜多(ありやはらきじょうはらみた)」などの名前でも呼ばれる。般若波羅蜜多経を神格化した菩薩であり、智慧を司るとされ、<a href=””>般若菩薩</a>の真言を唱えれば人空無分別、法空無分別、倶空無分別といった三種の智慧を会得し、般若波羅蜜、つまり智到彼岸(智が達成された状態)に至るという。胎蔵界曼荼羅では持明院の主尊として中央に配されるほか、虚空蔵院にも六波羅蜜の一尊として南方(右側)上段一位(中央<a href=””>虚空蔵菩薩</a>の右隣り)に配する。

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<h3><a href=””>般若菩薩</a>(持明院)</h3>
国訳秘密儀軌編纂局 編
「新纂仏像図鑑 地之巻」より
Copyright: public domain


<figure><a href=””><img class=”i-amphtml-fill-content i-amphtml-replaced-content” src=”” alt=”般若菩薩の画像[2]” /></a><figcaption>
<h3><a href=””>般若菩薩</a>(覺禪抄)</h3>
国訳秘密儀軌編纂局 編
「新纂仏像図鑑 地之巻」より
Copyright: public domain

<figure><a href=””><img class=”i-amphtml-fill-content i-amphtml-replaced-content” src=”” alt=”般若菩薩の画像[3]” /></a><figcaption>
<h3><a href=””>般若菩薩</a>(虚空蔵院)</h3>
国訳秘密儀軌編纂局 編
「新纂仏像図鑑 地之巻」より
Copyright: public domain



A bodhisattva in Buddhism. It is an abbreviation for “Prajñā Bodhisattva” or “Prajñā Bodhisattva”, and Prajñā = “wisdom”. , Hara Mita is a transcription of “Pāramitā” = “achievement”. Names such as “Hannyabutsumo”, “Eharamitabosatsu”, and “Ariyaharakijoharamita” But it is called. It is a bodhisattva who deified the Prajna Bodhisattva, and is said to control wisdom. In other words, it is said that it will reach the wisdom equinoctial week (the state where wisdom has been achieved). In the womb world mandala, it is placed in the center as the main honor of Mochimeiin, and in the Kokuzoin, it is also placed in the south (right side) and upper row (to the right of the central Kokuzo Bodhisattva) as one of the six honeys.

The secret number is “Chie Kongo” or “Daie Kongo”, and the type letters are “धिः (dhiḥ)”, “धी (dhī)”, “धीः (dhīḥ)”, “ज् ) ”,“ प्र (pra) ”, Mudra is the seal (with the right hand up in front of the chest and one finger on the palm of the other) or the main seal of Prajna (the back of the hand with the ring finger and middle finger raised) (Put both hands together and hold the little finger and index finger with a bent thumb), the true word is “Onchishiri Shurotabijaeisowaka”, and the Sanmai Yagata is a treasure sword.

Image list
Prajna Bodhisattva (Jimyoin)

National translation secret ritual compilation bureau edition
From “New Buddha Picture Book Jinomaki”
Collection of the National Diet Library
Copyright: public domain

Iconography at the Fetal World Mandala Mochimeiin. Wearing a solid armor with a full-faced, three-armed, six-armed phase, he has a suitcase on his left hand, a navel ring, a guard on his right hand, and the remaining hands make a fundamental contract.

Prajna Bodhisattva (Bodhisattva)

National translation secret ritual compilation bureau edition
From “New Buddha Picture Book Jinomaki”
Collection of the National Diet Library
Copyright: public domain

Prajna Bodhisattva (Kokuzoin)

National translation secret ritual compilation bureau edition
From “New Buddha Picture Book Jinomaki”
Collection of the National Diet Library
Copyright: public domain

Iconography at the Mandala of the Two Worlds Kokuzoin. He wears a white-yellow garment and holds a sword in his right hand, with his left hand standing in front of his chest with his ring finger and little finger, and then bending and sitting in a red lotus flower.

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