
収穫加速の法則  Accelerating change law

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収穫加速の法則(しゅうかくかそくのほうそく、The Law of Accelerating Returns)とは、アメリカの発明家レイ・カーツワイルが提唱した、一つの重要な発明は他の発明と結び付き、次の重要な発明の登場までの期間を短縮し、イノベーションの速度を加速することにより、科学技術は直線グラフ的ではなく指数関数的に進歩するという経験則である。また、彼がこの法則について言及したエッセイの表題でもある。伝統的な収穫逓減あるいは限定的な収穫逓増と対比する概念として提唱している。



秩序が指数関数的に成長すると、時間は指数関数的に速くなる — つまり、新たに大きな出来事が起きるまでの時間間隔は、時間の経過とともに短くなる。





図1: 指数関数の進む方向






わたしのモデルを見れば、パラダイム・シフトが起こる率が10年ごとに2倍になっていることがわかる。(中略) 20世紀の100年に達成されたことは、西暦2000年の進歩率に換算すると20年で達成されたことに相当する。この先、この西暦2000年の進歩率による20年分の進歩をたったの14年でなしとげ(2014年までに)、その次の20年分の進歩をほんの7年でやってのけることになる。別の言い方をすれば、21世紀では、100年分のテクノロジーの進歩を経験するのではなく、およそ2万年分の進歩をとげるのだ(これも今日の進歩率で計算する)。もしくは、20世紀で達成された分の1000倍の発展をとげるとも言える。*1






図2: 1920年代の日本の風景


まずは、人々の生活水準の観点から20世紀の100年間と、21世紀最初の16年間を比較してみます (近年の進歩をやや保守的に捉えます)。


近代的な上下水道、電気、電話などは19世紀末ごろに商用化が始まり、20世紀後半の高度成長期にようやく日本全国へと普及しました。移動手段としての馬匹は、実は戦後まで利用されており、自家用車の世帯普及率は1960年代でも10%を下回っていました。1900年代の日本人は9割以上が農業に従事しており、平均寿命は40歳程度でした。その後、1999年の平均寿命は81歳と、40年以上増加しています *2


























コーエンによれば、「人口当たりのイノベーション件数は1873年を境に減少に転じている。これは、電気と自動車の時代への移行が始まった時期とほぼ一致する *3」とされています。イノベーションが最も活発だった時代は、実は情報テクノロジーの発展前であったと言うのです。

また、アメリカの歴史家ジョセフ・テインターによる『複雑な社会の崩壊 (The Collapse of Complex Societies)』(邦訳未刊)では、研究ヘの資金投入に対する特許申請数、および合衆国の保健システムの生産性が、定常的に低下していることが示されています*4


図3: 研究への資金投入に対する特許申請数



図:4 米国の保健システムの生産性 (生産性指標 = (寿命)/(GNPに占める保健支出)により産出)*5









クローン羊の誕生(2000年)、ヒトゲノム計画の完了(2003年)、iPS細胞の発見(2006年)、ヒッグス粒子の発見(2008年)、ディープラーニング(2006年〜) などが挙げられるでしょうが、科学的な原理における大発見は少ないように見えます。







たとえば、量子コンピュータの原理が発明されたのは1980〜90年代であり、またブレインマシンインターフェイス (BMI) についても、基礎となる非侵襲的な脳モニタリングは、1990年代には既に実用化されています。ヒトゲノム計画、動物クローン技術も、計画自体は前世紀から開始されていました。ヒッグス粒子の理論的予測は1960年代に遡ります。そして、ディープラーニングに至っては、原理であるニューラルネット自体は1950年代に既に開発されています。

おそらく、真に21世紀に発生した科学的な「パラダイム・シフト」と間違いなく呼べるものは、「幹細胞の発見と再生医学」だけなのではないかと思います。この分野は、近年のSTAP細胞に関する騒動を見ても分かる通り、まだトーマス・クーンのパラダイム論における「変則事例 (アノマリー)」の発見と「異常科学」の状態が続いています。








図5: S字曲線


The Law of Accelerating Returns (English: The Law of Accelerating Returns) was advocated by American inventor Ray Kurzweil, and one important invention was linked to another, and the next important invention. It is an empirical rule that science and technology advance exponentially rather than linearly by shortening the time to the emergence of a new invention and accelerating the speed of innovation. It is also the title of an essay he mentioned about this law. It is advocated as a concept to contrast with traditional diminishing returns or limited increasing returns.
Ander Korotayev, Artemy Malkov, Daria Khaltourina “Microdynamics of Society: Growth of World Systems and Compact Macromodels”, Journal of Information Sociology, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2007.

Accelerating change law and the arrival of the technological singularity Edit
Kurzweil’s law of acceleration of harvest does not only cover the law of speed of technological innovation, but is a subordinate law of the general law of the relationship between order, chaos and time, which is defined as useful information in a broad sense. It is positioned as. This takes into account the law of increasing entropy, and takes into account the law of increasing order in the universe. According to Kurzweil’s definition, the law of accelerated harvest is

An important event that became a paradigm shift in human history with 15 independent lists, shown in a log-log graph. Listed include Carl Sagan, Paul D. Boyer, Encyclopaedia Britannica, American Museum of Natural History, University of Arizona and others. Edited by Ray Kurzweil.
“As order grows exponentially, time becomes exponentially faster — that is, the time interval between new major events becomes shorter over time.”

That is.

The law of accelerated harvest is also applied to the process of life evolution, and it seems that Moore’s law centrally grasps the formation of DNA, the invention of reproduction, the birth of human beings as the invention that makes the invention, etc. He argued that technological innovations that would increase the order would continue beyond the boundaries of transistor manufacturing technology.

The problem that the paradigm is not defined in the “accelerating change” mentioned in the previous section cannot be ignored, but in reality, the frequency of occurrence of historical events shows an exponential distribution. Being is, in a sense, true. Therefore, if the history and technology of space, life, and humankind are posted together on one logarithmic graph, the direction in which the growth curve will advance will be completely obscured as an error.

So what should be noted is where the growth curve is heading in the last past.

Figure 1: Direction of exponential function

And the reason why I became skeptical about the “accelerating change” and its consequent singularity is that the accelerating changes expected from the “accelerating change” have been around for the past 20 years. There is something I can’t really feel in my life.

Rather, if you take up various phenomena in a vain manner, you can observe slowdowns and stagnations everywhere, rather than exponential growth.

Kurzweil said that on the basis of the “accelerating change”, the equivalent of the “paradigm shift” that occurred throughout the 100 years of the 20th century will occur in the 14 years from 2000 to 2014, 2005. I was expecting it. As of 2017, the period until the “paradigm shift equivalent to the entire 20th century” should occur is shorter.

If you look at my model, you can see that the rate of paradigm shifts doubles every 10 years. (Omitted) What was achieved in 100 years of the 20th century is equivalent to what was achieved in 20 years when converted to the progress rate of 2000 AD. In the future, 20 years of progress based on the progress rate of 2000 AD will be achieved in only 14 years (by 2014), and the next 20 years of progress will be achieved in just 7 years. In other words, in the 21st century, instead of experiencing 100 years of technological progress, we will make about 20,000 years of progress (again, calculated at today’s rate of progress). Or it can be said that it will achieve 1000 times the development achieved in the 20th century. * 1

This time interval is not something I set arbitrarily, but Kurzweil’s own claim.

Again, Kurzweil does not define what the “total amount of progress achieved” represents, and quantitative discussion is impossible. But in the whole 1st century of the 20th century and in the 14 years since 2000, whether I think of my own feelings of life and social changes, scientific discoveries, technological innovations, or in any other sense. , I think that the progress in the former is great.

Comparison of living standards

Figure 2: Landscape of Japan in the 1920s

First, let’s compare the 100 years of the 20th century with the first 16 years of the 21st century from the perspective of people’s living standards (a somewhat conservative view of recent progress).

The Japanese in 1900 lived below what we now consider to be a “healthy and culturally minimal life.”

Modern water and sewage systems, electricity, telephones, etc. began to be commercialized around the end of the 19th century, and finally spread throughout Japan during the high-growth period of the latter half of the 20th century. Horses as a means of transportation were actually used until after the war, and the household penetration rate of private cars was less than 10% even in the 1960s. More than 90% of the Japanese in the 1900s were engaged in agriculture, and their average life expectancy was around 40 years. Since then, life expectancy in 1999 was 81 years, an increase of more than 40 years * 2.

Almost all of the things that define our lives today, such as water, electricity, telephones, and automobiles, began in the 19th century and became widespread in the latter half of the 20th century.

In addition, the commercial Internet started in Japan in the 1990s, and it was the release of Windows 95 in 1995 that triggered the spread to general households, so the invention and practical application of the Internet can be included in the events of the 20th century. Let’s do it.

Considering the difference in life between 1900 and 2000, I feel that the difference between 2000 and 2016 is not so big in terms of materiality.

Of course, in 2000, smartphones did not exist, and the penetration rate of mobile phones finally exceeded 50%. Well-known IT companies such as Facebook and Twitter didn’t exist yet.

However, when compared to the differences between 1900 and 2000, 2000 and 2016 are about the same kind of society. So imagine two time travelers.

Two time travelers

One was a young man who was born in 1880 and turned 20 in 1900, and was suddenly brought to 2000 by a time machine.

There is no doubt that he will experience great difficulties in every aspect of life and labor. Telephones and televisions are magic, scared of fast-moving iron carriages without horses, and even if you continue to farm your family, you don’t know how to use fertilizers or tractors, and even learn how to use banks instead of making money That can be difficult.

In the first place, common Japanese became popular all over Japan after the spread of television after the war, and if he was from Kyushu or Tohoku, it may not even be possible to speak in modern times.

The other is a young man who was born in 1980, got a job with a high school diploma, and was an adult in 2000. He is also a time traveler brought from 2000 to the present 2017.

He can use most appliances such as TVs, refrigerators, washing machines and rice cookers, and he may not have his own PC or cell phone, but he knows what it is, and probably offices on his PC. I think you’ll soon learn to work and post selfies on social media using your smartphone. Your driver’s license will have expired, but the structure of the car hasn’t changed, so your driving skills themselves shouldn’t be a problem.

There may be some confusion that comes from not knowing the world in recent years, but it’s not too difficult to find a job and a place to live, buy what you need, find friends and lovers, and then live. I think it will be.

A few years later, no one may notice that he is a time traveler since 2000, unless he declares himself.

Considering the life that these two fictitious time travelers will follow, in the 100 years of the entire 20th century and the 16 years from 2000, the progress of the former is definitely better in terms of both quality and quantity. I can assure you that it is big.

Exponential growth of living standards occurred in Japan in the 20th century. And the exponential growth of living standards has already stagnated during the high-growth period.

Of course, as a future forecast, there is a possibility that some kind of breakthrough will occur in the future, and the practical application of nuclear fusion and high-efficiency solar power generation will supply inexhaustible energy and suddenly extend the life span by hundreds of years. ..

However, if you read Kurzweil’s “Accelerating Change” straightforwardly, new inventions will be combined with other inventions, and the frequency of inventions will increase and continue continuously, resulting in a continuous “paradigm shift.” It should continue to accelerate more and more densely, and overall no discontinuous and dramatic jumps across the stagnation are expected. (Note that what I am verifying in this section is to apply the “accelerating change law” to the events that actually occurred in the past, and not to the future predictions obtained from the law. please.)

When it comes to living standards, the “accelerating change” fails to explain the past.

Comparison of science and technology

Next, let’s take a closer look at scientific discoveries and inventions of engineering technology. Scientific discoveries and inventions throughout the world are not uniformly exponentially accelerating and advancing, and in fact there are studies claiming that they are slowing or stagnant.

Great stagnation

Authors: Tyler Cowen, Masazumi Wakatabe, Chiaki Ikemura
Publisher / Manufacturer: NTT Publishing
Release date: 2011/09/22
Media: Book
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For example, American economist Tyler Cowen wrote in his book The Great Stagnation that the decline in innovation productivity in areas other than information technology from around 1955 caused the slowdown in economic growth in developed countries. Indicates the possibility of

According to Cohen, “The number of innovations per capita has been declining since 1873. This is almost the same as the time when the transition to the era of electricity and automobiles began * 3.” It is said that the time when innovation was most active was actually before the development of information technology.

Also, in The Collapse of Complex Societies by American historian Joseph Teinter, the number of patent applications for funding research and the productivity of the US health system are discussed. It has been shown to be steadily decreasing * 4.

Figure 3: Number of patent applications for research funding

Figure: 4 Productivity of the US health system (productivity index = (lifetime) / (produced by health expenditure in GNP)) * 5

During this period, Moore’s Law was fully functional and information technology was growing exponentially. However, it can be said that the development of information technology is not linked to the development of technology in other fields.

In addition, we will examine the content of the research results in detail. In the 20th century, there were many innovative new discoveries and inventions in basic science, applied science, and technology that could truly be called a “paradigm shift.”

Since 1897, when Thomson discovered the electron


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